s-.r NORTH CAROLINA SKNTINEL AND NEWBERN COMMERCIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND LITERARY INTELLIGENCER r THE SENTINEL slightest intimation that they are required, arras, mo- It will be perceived that the news from Poland is nev, men, will be poured forth in profusion for the de- morf fevorable, and that the investigation into the fence of our southern hrethern. Let them not doubt Zr-r ThZ ? '.JIZ this. Would to God the infatuated beings wno nave among them, and will enable them to resist with re- thus broken out in mad revolt, that must issue in newea energy the assaults of their enemies. such bloody retribution upon themsel made equally sensible, that in such a cause. whole white population of the Union is hanaeadgam&i uiei preparea a proclamation to stimulate and en- u' courage tne nation. It NEWBERN: ivEb'SESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1831 The arrival oi me oaicm pvivci oui u.-!.!., r th hostile attitude of Holland and Belgium, and to the' belief' that a general European war would j,c the result. The accounts by the Salem were to ! he oh and 10th ultimo ; but intelligence to the 16th is been received, which is" of a more pacific charac. ir. The spirit that actuated France previous to ;S14 is not extinct. Almost as soon as the advance , f the Dutch troops on Belgium was announced at aris, i French army of 50,000 jwas on its way to he scene of action. The fleets of Britain were not ire dilatory, and thepoor King of Holland was glad (0 withdraw his invading force, and to console him self with the bloodless victory which he gained over lis boasting opponents, who fled without firing a shot. T:Xhd prevailing opinion, that Holland was abetted by ,ome 0f the great continental powers, seems to have 1 L,n,Woneou. The King has declared to the-Eng lish and French governments that he considered the vvar between him Und Belgium as strictly connnen to themselves, and entirely disconnected with the gene ral political compact of Europe. The Belgian papers represent the conduct oi . the Dutcn troops as 'feemely barbarous and unjustifiable. Their progress! liis marked by murder and desolation. If euijh be ithe facts, we regret that their prudence led them so 1- - m r . 1 1 . A I. . V- ,Wklv beyond the reach ot tne punisnmeiu wmwt Ji. Crinoh wp.m rp.adv to inflict. The cowardice of lilt I l.vii " - v J Jhe -Belgian "troops is without a parallel in history Irhe Dutch attacked them within a few, miles of Irussels, at 4 o'clock on the morning of the 12th of August ; at six, the field was cleared, and the whole Jountry at the -mercy of its invaders ! Unmerited iood fortune brought the French to their aid at two Wvlock. P. M. saved the capital, already within the crasp of the enemy, and restored tranquillity. I his campaign of two hours may be a useful. lesson to the .apouring Belgians, and may prevent them in lu- are from disturbing the peacevof Europe. jw Vm'vp no irriTKirtint news from Poland. Prus- r f i v v - - : ho 7th inst. have .reached us llttU CiVrU.A . v " . l ., .u,r Vni nnl v nf nrenaration for the crisis UUL IIIVY ojj.." ...j I I Which must have passed before now. 1 he Poles had received the first official, communication from the French government. It promises its influence to re store peace to this devoted country, and advises the Polish Commander-in-Chief not to risk a general en gagement. Tbe latest accounts from Warsaw state tlTat the greatest harmony prevails in the city, and that every necessary step has been taken for a vigor- ous defence. No less than zlu pieces oi; cannon were placed cn the fortifications. Additional particulars will be found in our extracts from phe foreign journals. appear that the utmost har- r p, mony and union prevail in Warsaw that the most A similar feeling pervades our brethren oi rnua- judicious military plans have been taken, which ar fdelphia. A letter from that city, dated the 20th inst kept in profound secret and that the most patriotic to a frentleraan of this place, contains the following maae oy every oie to me Russian I - ' ; j""1"' tear iiau uisa.ppea.reu. ine roiisn passage: ' Commander-in-chief, Skrzynecki, occupied the day " The hews from your place alarmed us very much of the 28th in examining the new batteries of War- J . , ,, A I saw. the cannon nf whir.h tract manufactured in trip and caused great excitement. Mao tne accounts - i t I -y-'j ' , - Tle Warsaw Courier states that the corps of Gen. V 6 aoaauiiB ui ineir enemies. such bloody retribution upon themselves, could' be I ?:!Iareawed the 29th July, state , , . i -. , - o,p tViP . , M1C "um mo voinynians have received aia to prosecute war affainsrt Rue; tk,. ni; CD w A. UU A UliOil 3pared a procl courage been corroborated the next day, 1 understana our . I ' vm ui ivii umAbu mt mounted troons would have proceeded forthwith to Rudiger had evacuated Lublin. 1 ... . r- .1 I TU T) : I ti u. i Un4- : the gcene of action. Should there De any runner i uc i uiHwii.umciai uazenc bwics uiai uic uui- e i w ,-mrr,oiapixr rection has again broken out in Volhynia. cause of alarm, let us hear immediately. Warsaw. 2Qth Tlv -Onr innmetnde is at an Since writing the above we have been informed, j end. The most perfect and cordial union presides and we rejoice at the information, that every subscriber over our future destinies. I he treason ol General to the Evangelist in this place has ordered it to be Jankowsfa, the unfavorable turn i of affairs m Lrthu- lOUlKijvaiii,ci,3i I ania. and the raaanm nf thp Visrfnta hv thfi RllS- stopped. We are not yet prepared to have our throats sian army commanded by Field Marshal Paske cut. witsch, appeared to put the fate of Our country in danger. The nation was desirious to know the plans A friend from Onslow informs us, that three slaves, and determination of the Generalissimo Skryznecki, . w I I . 1 T , I' J who had been clearly convicted before a court ot in xne aangerous conjuncture in wnicu. we luuuu . 4 r , . , , ,oric,oc, ourselves, recourse was ha-1 to a grand Council oi Magistrates of having been concerned in measures wcoiniMted the members of the Natiohal Gov promotive of the concerted insurrection, were con- ernment, the most experienced Generals, of eight lemned, and executed on Friday last. In Wil-. members of the Diet representing each palatinate of mington 'on the 19th, a similar investigation before a. the present: kingdoms, and of some other patriots, re- been considered, are comparatively unimportant, and will occupy little time, Perhaps another fortoight the we?lS r arrying biU quite through c, . Philadelphia, Sept. 22. On Saturday afternoon, at an adjourned meeting of the friends of Poland, "a number of young gen tlemen came forward and inscribed themselves as vo lunteers in the cause," and it was resolved "that Mr. F- G. Smith be requested to meet the committee on Wednesday, to lay before them his views on the practicability of passing through Europe to the seat ofwar.'' nrpoonfinfT thp PrVlieh Pmuincoa rf T? iisam court of magistrates, resulted in the execution of tour The Gneralissim0j who his rank to tlte de of the conspirators. A letter from that place, says velopment of his ideas on the campaign, had the op- " The plot was more general thajn we at first suspec- portunity ol exposing liis views and ot initiating in ted, and we now see that we were in the utmost dan- his secrets the members of his Grand Council, that 3, - is ujsay, uie iejjreseii tan vets ui iiic wiivjlc nauun. Ser I the memhers. afteihavin or sworn tD observe secrecy. . , . . full e tJ Our Correspondent F. is referred to our advc- on which the hopes of Poland depend, separated fu! , c ' , u- : X of hope. The army well disciplined, and the peopl sing columns xur a reHxy tuuu, uujuuv. - orderg given by the Wp. ha vp. rpasons to believe, that in some of the Generalissimo. Never was the moment more fa vora- slave holding States, the disposition to rebel is produ- Wcfor the jrepresentatives of the French mUion -to , tffo ' 1 . ' T pronounce in favour of our National Independence.' .among uiu mac uy uic ciuucut uwpwjnu. France has still time to acknowledge us, but let-her some' of our great orators, who make emancipation hasten, our successes for eight months past are suffi- speechesunder the pretence of recommending coloni- cient guarantees to her of our future conduct. zation . schemes, creating hopes merely to result in Brdssels. Aug. 14 10 o'clock at .-n- ' " v J . vention concluded yesterday, is carried into execution disappointments. These speeches, made in the pre- toay The Dutch troops retirel on two roads, sence of a multitude of slaves, are printed and circu- Ferlemont and Diest. Six days are necessary for lated amon o- our northern brethren fof political effect, them to regain their frontiers. A part of the French , . . x, , , u. cioc, army will follow therii as a.matter of rorm. and get up a feeling m the non-slaveholding States, dQ jugtice tQ The prinre f f which induces the publication of incendiary papers Orange has conducted with wisdom and prudence level to the capacity of the reading and preaching this campaign, which he might have terminated in blacks, which are snread abroad amonff them where fifteen days by the complete occupation of Belgium. ' r , . A i ia And now there is a certain nobleness in his retreat this species of population is densest, and the result wU French arm whi. it observea has shewn in the horrors oi bouthampton, and the eonspi- not been in consequence of the inferiority of his forces, racy of Wilmington. ' (the Dutch army being able .to meet the fifty thou- The great patron of the Colonization System, be- sand men commanded by General Gerard,) but only . T , , , , from a spirit of moderation which does honor to the fore we left Kentucky, made a speech at the capital Prince of1 Grane arid father. What I now say, of Kentucky, in one part of which he deplored the js wb;lt is hy Generai Belliard, who has an op- nolicy of colonizing the Indians which inhabit Geor- portunity of observing every thing closely, and oy Major Eaton, late Secretary of War, and his wife, left the city for his residence in Tenessee, on yester day. We believe that they carry with them the best wishes of a large portion of the citizens of the District -many of those opposed to the administration, we have reason to think, never entertained any other than the kindest feelings towards Major Eaton ; and have evinced great displeasure at the heartless per secution to which he has been subjected from a par ticular quarter. Globe. m i j ' . Baltimore, Sept. 19. .This day the venerable Carroll, theonly surviving TerQl Declaratlon of Independence, enters up-: on Ins yotn year. , " t Maumee Ba77(Ohio,) Sept. 3. Mr. James B. Gardiner has concluded a very im portant treaty at Maumee Bay, in Michigan for a cession oi all tne lanis owned by the Uttowa Indians in Ohio, about 50,000 acres. It was attended with more labour, and greater difficulties than any treaty ever made in this State. It was the last foothold which that savage, warlike, and hostile tribe held in this, their ancient dominion. The conditions of this treaty are very similar to those of the treaties of Lewistown and Wapaghkonet ta, with this exception, that the surplus avails of their lands, after deducting seventy cents per acre to in demnify the government, are to be appropriated for paying the debts of their nation, amounting to about twenty thousand dollars. The balance, if any, ac crues to the tribe. Seventy thousand acres of land are granted to them, west of the mississippi. The Ottowas are the most depredating, drunken, and ferocious Indians in Ohio. The reservations ce ded by them, are very valuable, and those on the Mi ami of the Lake embrace some of the best mill privi- State. ponT op xnrcroimxT. " 1 ARRIVEBp- Brig Chance, Lamotte, Turks Island. Scbr. Mary, Chadwick, Ner York. Schr. Henrietta, Hoxie, New York Schr. Francis Withers, New Ybrfcr CLEARED, Schr. James Monroe, liafckill, New York, mr A TTENTION! THE NEWBERN MILITIA will .appear cri parade in front of St John's Lodge this after noon at 4 o'clock precisely armed and equipped ac- wrumg io law. Delinquents will certainly be nne By Order of the Captain, 7 W. H. MORNING. XT ' , Orderly Sergeant: Newbem, Sept. 28th. 1831. leges in the gia, while in another part of the same speech, he ad- wraru nm"' nT -u fj f 7 . . , j ,..:-:'fi,a ki,,wF had to measure his strength with the Hollanders. yqcaieu me imerauou auu ouiunatiw p A iA.The Session of the Chamber of THE NEW YORK EVANGELIST. A more inopportune, unchristian aijd dangerous publication than appeared in the New York Evan gelist of the 17th instant, on the subject of the late insurrection, has seldom fallen ip. our way. We were early taught to believe that the spirit of Chris tianity is directly opposed to that spirit which fosters Ut'iie. and animosity amongst mankind; but if this paper be, as it . professes, devoted, to religious pur poses, then are the principles of our early education and the approval of those principles by our maturer iadgment, notliing more than a. fallacious system of ignorance,! sanctioned by folly and error. Ill-consti tuted indeed muet that man's mind be, who cannot peejiriorefto commisserate than to condemn in the . condition of those whom unavoidable circumstances have rendered' slave, owners ; and grossly ignorant must he be who thinks that the white population of the slave holding States would not rejoice at the ter mination of the system, if it could be brought about otherwise than by the impoverishment of those States Natidrtal proceedings entailed this curse upon our 1 vounjryand "all reasonable men know that nothing les tluin'a national effort can abolish it.. It must ! Ireibre be the. extreme of malevolence to cast the ' whole odium on those who now possess this disagree bejeause they were a dangerous enemy in (the bosom Deputies, ot yesterday, presented an afflicting spec- oT the Southern States. The practicable scheme ot taele to the world. It appeared to be transformed cdonizinc the Indians he repressed, and animated mto an arena where each party would iorce its ad- r r versanes, by violent means to submit to its opinions, them to maintain their ground and their inimical ln this debate, the President of the Council, evinced posture to Georgia. This was out ot his great air tne tenacity ot his character ancl his desire to force sympathy for the Indians. His sympathies for the ai.T'n " l" , negroes has had the effect to stir up discontents a gha1 be in tomorrow fts retrograde move- amoiig this hitherto peaceful laboring class in the ment. The Prince of Orange will send an officer to South, and has probably been somewhat instrvf Cen. Gerard to make known to him the route which t1 ,n n,in,thpatA Wr.rP of thfi whites, his anny wiU take, and to fix upon therttations each THE CONSCRIPTION. The Clay party in Richmond, seem to have deter mined to recruit their force in Napoleon's arbitrary way. They enrolled in their Committees of Vigi lance those whom it was supposed would not enlist voluntarily, but might submit when once fairly mus tered into the ranks and registered in print upon the roll. The annexed letters are additional proof that this mode of recruiting a force will not take in this country. To the Editors of the Whig: Seeing my name in the newspapers as one of the Committee of Correspondence and Vigilance, appoin ted by the Anti-Jackson Central Committee, I wish it known, that L have neither time nor disposition to meddle in matters I am unacquainted with; therefore, I have to ask the favor of having my .name with drawn. EDM'D WALLS. September 12, 1831. To the Editors of the Whig. Gentlemen You are solicted to erase my name from the Anti-Jackson Committee of Correspondence and Vigilance, as I do not consider myself one of that party. Yours, with due respect, THOMAS STEVERSON. September 12th, 1831. . L. S. X BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE COMMON , WEALTH OF VIRGINIA. CTrHEREAS, the Slave NAT V V NAT TURNER, the contrived Zt . of the late insurrection in Southampton, is still goiht at large: therefore, I John Floyd, Governor of the commonweaun oi Virginia, nave thought proper and do hereby offer a reward of Five Hundred Dol lars, to any person or persons, who, will apprehend and convey to the jail of Southampton County, the said Have, NAT : and do moreover require all officers, civil and military, and exhort the good people of the Commonwealth, to use their best endeavors, to cause the said fugitive to be apprehended, that he may fee dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand as Governor, and " under the lesser seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 17th day of Sept. 1831. ; at Am JOHN rLOiu NAT is between 30 and 35 years old, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, weighs between 150 and 160 lbs. rather . bright complexion, but not a: mulatto,, broad shoul- ders, large flat nose, large eyes, broad flat feet, ra ther knock-need walks brisk and active, hair on the top of the head very thin, no beard, except on the'Bpr er hp, and the top- of the chin a seas on one of hiPr temples, also one on the back of the neck, a large'knot on one of the bones of his right arm, near the wrisL produced by a blow. COTTON BAGGING, BALE ROPE, &e. PiCh Pieces 42 inch Dundee Heron Baffeinff. t5xV 20 coils Bale Rope, , . 8' 4 bales Spun Cotton 9501 bs. assorted from No. 5 to 16. 1 bale low priced 3-4 Brown Sheetings. 1 pipe very superior old Holland Gin, 1 hhd. first quality N (S. Sgar, 6 bbls. and tierces W. I. ditio 8 casks good Cheese, 1 hhd. first quality W. I. Rum, 4 bags Green Coffee, .. , 2 boxes Soapj J . 29 bars English and Swedes Iron, assorted from Tt 1 to 6 inches wide. . ' Received per schooner Francis Withers, from New ; York, and for sale by , JOS. M GRANADE JtCo., Newbern, Sept. 28. Dunn's Corner. To the Editors of Whig: September 16, 1831. Gentlemen You will be pleased to withdraw my name lrom a late Anti-Jackson Committee. The appointment was made without my knowledge or approbation. GARLAND THOMPSON. The first recusant was a venerable Judo-ft who nut irmv Ti'rP.nr.h nrwl Tntr h will nconmu nt n i rrh f na I In q intnc-t k-r i" u: o : .i and tne executions oi tne wacKs now going on in tne the French array ill -accompany the Dutch - to the first four of a panel have foresworn the cause of the south. Short! v alter the last grand ettortol tne coLoni- frontiers. 1 ne f nnce at tne request ot Gen. iiel- Committee, and now we have three othprs W zation orator at Frankfort, ayoung preacher, inspired Hard has promised that no troops; should enter Lou- expect certainly, that in due time, when the rest , , . , rA ccir. v,wO vain, provisions and forage will be furnished for the that have been summoned for Mr. Clav, bv the by his eloquence, took up his: cause and passing thro Dut:hFarmy lvho wiU bivouac near Louvain without Whig, are properly polled, that they also wilf give the State, with the zeal of Peter the Hermit, preached entering there. , their verdicts for the President. that the slaves would, in due time, unfurl the ban- Paris, 15th Aug. We begin to think that the af- We apprehend that it will require a great deal of nersof freedom on the banksof the Savannah.-, Globe. lairs Poland may nave a better issue than was ex- vigilance on the part ot thevvnig, to keep together the ucuieu. i lie it uiitsii ciivuy vviiu uic licit:, icci uiuie xvioiiiiiuiiu vuniuiiitcu. vv uai KJiciii we llllIlK OI tne confidence. They hope much from the vote of the party, when the select corps are every day abiurino" r i : .i '.- ' u .rL. - jj i.-..: lu 1 i "-ir- " J iitiiiiuers on uiena.rairra.nii oi iiic auuress reiaiuiir uie Btji vict". irtoof to Poland, and above all, from the amendment which will be offered, the purport of which will be, that the independence of Poland shall be acknowledged. POLAND. The Prussian State Gazette, down to the 7th inst. states that an action took nlace on the 23d last, in A In Maine, the Jackson ticket for Governor, mem bers of the Legislature &c. has prevailed by splendid majorities. Norfolk, September 24. A letter from Antigua dated 27th August, remarks "-The dreadful hurricarts which laid Barbadeos in ruins hasalso been exceediigly severe in St. Vincents. It is amusing to see with what malicious pertinaci ty certain editors persist in asserting that the present Secretaries of War and of the Navy were selected from the Federal party. Like bancho Panza, these Editors may soon believe SUGAR, COFFEE, AND LIME (f (Thtfh LBS. St. Martin's Sugar, HJ? tPHFHJf 4,500 lbs. St. Domingo Coffee. 25 Casks Stone Lime, for sale by JOS. M. GRANADE Co. .Sept. 15th, 1831... . Dunrfs Comet., FOUND, i BREASTPIN. The owner can have it bv an- plying at this office, describincr it, and Davihir for this advertisement. Sept. 28. TAILORING. OWING to the pressure of the times, the subscr her has determined to reduce his prices to trie following rates, viv: For making fine Cloth Coats, " Common do. " Homespun do. Fine Pantaloons, Common do. '; Fine Vests', 1 11 Common do. For Cutting Coats, " Pantaloons, Vests, And m proportion for other work not specified; He respecuuiiy solicits the patronage oi his Inends and the public, and assures those who may employ hitiy nai meir worii win be done laithlully, in the latest asnions, ana with all practicable disDatch. His ahoo is on Craven-Street, a few doors South of the Bant? ofNewbern. SPENCE P. WILLIS: Newbern, Sept. 28, 1831, HP 1 : n,nn nt Cif Vnnantr, rr-,ll f T I which ci Hncamn trima rvn ite mnrch trrm PnltllKlf tn . : 4. . . T xiicy cliv in vv.xiii.cii, kji. t uiiw vi winuiieui x-.uin- " 5 ..w. ...... - n Uom. nff ewK mntrar rteH. On that ni.mim anA Ur. oln ITlnnr Thomrta r.T-o nnotl till To,Qr 10111 (Jn PajskPWltRP.h Was lntPrr.Pntftlf nilfl dfitfiated ; ' : : : . uvwm.,, W.U. evil v,j n vui-ij 5 r., c I art tr nrpupnt lmnnaitinn unnn thot nni4mn V.. ber Every vessel but onewept ashore; eightofthem by the Polish Genial Muhlberg community which may not have had an opportunity E'mfeC7Til the left bank of the Vistula ; that the ?JT?JS tJSSJSSi iui liic ua.iua.wa.ua. I i. V"u" v,. ... mPTlta nt thPeP h'.rtilnra Liist of vessets thrown tn snore at St. Vincent's m peopiejo extraprainary exertions ny ineir exumpie, thp hurricanes of 11th AurusL 1831 onlv onp lpft at the Diet were to assemble on the ramparts to work ! anchor other damage esiimated at 200.000 sterlinar. n pon the fortifications. 1 f 1 J 1 CI,' C? T)ir.J nln . Cili TU f M I . A npniints horn Knnn iwanraH f mm VVaroTar XT" h 1 h i . n :. . . i . i -i-i i. kTinii kjetiu.ii aiu( uiuuuuuu kjiiic. jwini uiav. uu uwu i.u i . . nerai views ot -the subject, we would ask tne eauors , m . .y . .sloo E n(1 Trianty, ' state that the Polish Government have received for of ihc Evangelist what good purpose they intend to an( tw0 small schooners totally lost the first time, an official communication from the cnect bv disseminating amoncrst us such Daraffraohs . Bri?s St. Vincent, Arenora, and Diamond, of An- rench Ijovernment, in which they advise and re- as the one! to which we allude? Will the condition tigua; Uove, and menid, oi x armouth, (w. s.)and na 10 me rousn ommander-m-niei .010 ne ot Bermuda; senr. sector ; and Sloops Lady "sk a general oauie wim me uussians, aim uie tmte Df Michigan. These are the testimonial whlrh isles; Lauy Auveiuuit, ziuciaiu . uieiis, oi rrena- ocAii v1'" wic viouwi uuvcinuicm ma, Drove Gfovernor Cass a KedeaIist, 1 da ; , Ariel, Fanny, ana susanan-iikeiy to be got off enueavour to meuiaie mr ine seuiemeni m vmjum. As t0 Gqwiiov Woodbury, we are told in the New Governor Cass was elected a democratic member of the Ohio Legislature during the first 'term of Mr. Jefferson's administration : and wrote the address of that body in favor of the re-election of Mr. Jefferson. He was appointed by Mr, Jefferson, Marshal of the State ot Ohio. We voluntered in rthe befrinniner. and served throughout the late war He was afler- of the slave be made better by setting before him the evils 6f his station in life, and by creating within him a spirit of discontent and misery? Or, is; it at at great expense. of Poland. The above account states that 270 pie- HamDshire Gazette this'eummer. that he first anr. all probable that masters will be more lenient and We have been favored with the following extract ces 01 p.n"? are Piace? on wrtmcauons 01 n ur- ed in pubUc life, a delegate to a Convention in New 1 . t . j i 1 yiyt vv vv 11 if 11 t ill 1 w n n f fiai a imrOT 1 mnrirn 1 111 f.. t 1 . . 1 ft indulgent because a few designing men, under the ol a letter lor publication, aateo. r Hampshire, at tne commencement 01 the late war, at . garb of piety, endeavour to excite their slaves to dis- w ? , T' DJIKTf' 'in " From the Liverpool Times of 16th we extract the aDOUC m 01 weiuy-iwo. ana araited tneir resolu- obedience and to mnrrlpr? Will thp'tJpnnrv indnl- ' , " ! -A. s 'ui V "wuf following notice ot what has been, .and yet remains to ""V Z Y.u I , w"""uea "yt-uiciiLt- d.na IO muraer f VV 111 me menarv maul- t?H T nnJ n mith riim FmnrnnH SShinrrl 00 nnril. , 0 ... . . 7 J I oirJonf in ennnnrt nf that war Time. a.,.A .!, - ruuv J-iauuiixi', mm iMi wumtiwi, aim h0 rinno TTitn thp Kptnrm Kill u.iu.wii. vuv...., huo iicvwru DCblKLiirv genca which the Editors, virtually offer under the two from Philadelphia, with assorted cargoes, but I am r ofnrm r;ii ha to;k nTaM. to their Senate and appointed Judsre of their Stroerior high sanction of that religion which they profess and sorry to say there is ittle or no demand for any ar- pidity 0f iate Whether it is that the Opposition are Court Dy he nrBt democratic administration after the abuse, soften the hearts of those whom these centle- ticIe- tour last accounts from Barbadoes, every orn out by 'their own exertions, or that they are war; and has never since, as Judge, Senator or Go- , tuc iicuiisui.ujubc wiiuui uicc j,T;lmc oMlManf: l.roa.1 rfnfll was ahnndant Hant Thaao , , .l.- j...' i . . vprtinr. to our know Plcrp. hpn h mo Kn n,r nV.n. mnn . : . 1. ,1 , . aiuuc ui , uiwu i asnaiuea 01 ineir iacuous cuauueu we Know not. nut y. j on vuivu nu muci "ui mini out as nmnp.r ; oniecta 01 ine siavps' tp- . !iu inn ku, r.i?i m, r- r- . -j -- weni up wiuitwuus. wi u, uuuciniauu certain it is that the bill is proceeding with tolerable 1 v.. tj , m i8 recem appomi- engef lhev cannot believe that these, or anv Lnnlri nrt cpII No ttores or maces have vet been j : t, u a ..n : r..i ment as Secretary ot the Na VV. If thlQ matrpa him . . 1 j 1 - . 1 i Kiif-'t-'ii nil i.i 1.1 1 iii iiii.i it-.i vvrjciv ui 1 vvti v 111 ist-t: l riv i . j uiu viu mere were more sucn other irood pffpr.ta v fnllnw thp imc.hnetinn onnr prpctp.d to secure aticles from the weather. The hAri nA oil a nnrii ftho PnmmiHoa r Tot. a Federalist, then we which they advise the slaves to Mow, Their inten- neighbouring Island have contributed very liberally not a; :Qt or ttie of its principle has been sacrificed Federalists. Jo. At. Granvillp SiiTo5ri. 0., VU 1 persevere to the end, and carry it through the Lower "1 ."UI ""u iaB t on a PvMpnt. nnH !n nniv, w "1C "l ... ana jyunisters naving inumpnea so oiten wui no goudi ? w.UrBUj ittvttc uicaiKuuuu wp mTm Tvith p.tftrv article ot American nroduce. I hK ua i I -' uuC iu, v the slave States to the spirit of the misnamed Lumber and Shins-hs are the chief articles wanted at tLM nini,mA u w hp nfntprpct.nn. tJ Robert Potter, the Rep Evangelist. We teel assured that its circulation will Barbadoes and int. Vincents. 1 ne latter Island has mpritiVin what has hopn pflfpr.tprl anH what still rp- congress lrom that District, was tried before It i no suffered considerably from the effects of the late mains to be done. In the fii-st place, then, all the Judge. Norwood, for of resentative elect to hereafter be extremely limited amongst us. and .indecent iwrf ttinMirrh S.Vior1iilpo A nnn K hv Ttrhir.h thp I K Wir r iu n : i i a . J It is rather UhonW Ifan. rln,P hn,dd tk nlace. in -thin 21"J r.""" .?L LZ ZZ. a vuuugjinau pi respeciaoie svanu .uw. ; t uug,v " i i niTTPTi noniiiLrim It If. KXI. IllflUSllCU. LUC OCL1C on aic inn n.1 w I : ii J I an a,.;., n ua :u: i " i t im irn fKO OQ, i rr r r. i ' - . v t "6 suunmiea ins case "gi.ivaLiuii, ua luibcmevuus ien- ui iuubo .iiuuw , ; s J .vr I schedules u, u, , ana ur, oy wiucn me large sentenced bv thi Pnnrt tn Ko ;mnr Qency becomes more extended by every re-publication. "esi miormauon.Trf lour, in aDuuumic reiaiuug cil tovns of England are enf ranchised, and the repre- mnnti,, . 1 r a , 5j iollowin rational and apposite remarkofthP , P" tr n- , 5 e sentati ves of the counUes are increased. This is a jv , i " vC A 84 3 o . 1 0 1 0 50 50 50 00 75 00 75 0 40 0 20 0 20 CABINETMAKER BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has rpmnvpH hia' Shnr tn the htiAVnsT on Pollok-Street, lately occupied by Mr. John W Nelson. ; He is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business, and will make and repair Furniture on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. MAHOGANY and common COFFINS will M furnished on the most reasonable terms, and his per sonal attendance given on Funeral occasions. Newbern, 28th Sept. 1821. trrnss I T A. T kairo nro Ho hut Q triflmn ... ' r. i i 11 . I L ... ! , menuation that the article to which we particularlv " , T.V A " Ii SJf i u u ' :ti I disfranchising and entrancnising scneauies nave mayoem committea upon the person of Louis aJude is an extract from another naner. It is rathpr ui ir taU InP in thiQ Deen tnrougn. ocneauie&n au i v 1 11 1 1 v . 1 aiiaw 1 1 ii 1 ii 1 . m x iiuvu biuo i iitiii n ma nrtiTi rvn c?nu r?u um a mm . v i.r.-jroiier suomiuea nis case ana was sentenced by the Court tq be imprisoned six costsj ana X ms M-,1 I I fV . I W 1-3 III I M I . lAfllllULAl W. A V VMWW & 111IJ . . Meal 44- a 4?-1 Cfm 80 a 00 cf. : Peas 24- ner bacr : u:r r k Kn Hnp ml Kr I to- stand committed kintil naid. On the same -17 " , ' l ri ' uriCl SiLcllCUlCllt VI 1 VfUOli uw uu u hsi CLO I , . . J . Jl Navy Bread 3 : Pilot 4 ; Crackers 6, Kegs in pro- it i it will be found tox include almost every thim? of da7 t the outrage above alluded to, was i i i imrtArrn nro 111 rnn mil. v iirLi. 1 t-:n inura 111 1 r. 1 11 wih ic 1 iiiiLnii 11 1 11 in vimniT' ii 111 x iiuuxa w The York American speak the sentiments of the and are introduced here that the juxtaposition portion; Lard 14a 16; Butter 16; Soap 5 people ay "show the difference between phUanthropy and hypocrisy, between patriotism and the guilty pro- ceedings of wolves in sheep's clothing. ' We detest slavery -we have striven, and ever fc'iall jstrive, against its extention inhlxese United States : but. Whpr it Tictc jr1'TOithrmt nnv fanlt of who are cursed with it, we would go to the ut- ilength to sustain the rights and safetv of those whoia circumstances have placed in the relation of F' ruch tookvwe are sure, the feeling of all Hams plenty anddall at 12J-: Prime Pork, N. York J ;nnv ftaTniwn. The rio-hf of voting at mnntv rwrrV0l K. i.m JnrJJvidiial upon the it ; Beef 7 a 8 : Shingles 44-a 5 ; Tobacco 5 a 5 ; pW.tions is still to be extended to lease and convhnt I Ttov T 'V. .MrlV crentleman of . - . a . r I I A . 1. w . a . . a n . - - f those most 1 . . 1 . 1- xuiasses scarce ma in great aeraana, jo cis. : lium prta uuu ; ougars 53 exchange ou, iiaj per iuu 1 r in oternng, Hnnht lad to a verv severe strugsle, though th. 4 T . : no doubt of the result ; the clauses abolishnig out-vo- Aalest from Europe. 5 vers prei3ervingexistingprivileges--fixing the limits New York, Sept. 20. I of boroughs and ciUes restricting the duration of By the arrival f the tJuo' Alabama Hant Roekpt. elections-and prescribing the manner in which Ihe Paris papers oAthe 16th, and Havre of the 17th ult. votes shall be taken, also remain for, consideration. are received by the editors of the Courier & Enquirer, These are all matters of great importance, especially from whose eatra wej take the following. " the 10 franchise, but they will not afford the same ! The Dutcl were retiring from Belgium ; and the opportunities for creating delay as the' schedules. cause of the Poles is again looking up. The other details of thej measure, which have not yet : the clause resting the suffrage in the hands of hiu ; Mnntr. For this ofr ilSjVl m felce lVIr. Potter was1 not triea,:in consequence of the feeble state of Mr. Taylor's neaitn, which rnWfirl his ultimate recoTery doubtful. We have however since heard that the prospect of his recbrerv ra flattenng-Tot. itegmen. On Sunday mornmgl last, in the 50th-vear of his , Mr. JAMES TEMPLETjON; a catiyc of age. Ireland DE LA MONTERAT S COLUMBIAN VEGETABLE SPECIFIC. For the Cure ofCimunplfoB. Art". SpUtlng of Blqo4, art! Pulmonary AffecUom of eTryiod. Tb jj j"1. " er yet diccuvered for the curtfof CowVl f of tb breast nd lung, kmdiBff to fT' f tfifk'il with those iroublesorol? .factions, JhSSiKff'S celebrated Ific iMlJwnXr S! of its Dosseufnff qaaliries taprior to any other medical preparation v!-t rfd hb netle ia obtained by extraction frwu herb., t, oinM 4 in combi f f08 t vIaable herbs li, S?ol& of-Slor Talue.to the huM, family It the iViured rtf. ow tbe compose ibe d Jtorbed nerreJw wbilTlt ctea-K. d hf 1 " also gire meugth to the ?endl! Iun!in.prove. digestion, repaira the appetite mod bnprores the JSritSr Tbii specific is l-'ays la safetylrU mild fend B&2t $ taseTand y be safely pirei to wofpeirln what. eWewtdf'ioVf' the most delicate circanistaan-s not eicepted. A nhy well authenticated certificate cauU be obtained t fhe proprietor is oppd 10 alh,nf lik prefer to risk t on its own merits atone. The pqbllc will please to be cautions in a spurious irutK - nuiicwnugiii tut signature ot me proprietor alone, which will accompany each; bm of direction. jrric Forsa! by WILLIAM SANDEUS. DR. RUSH'S AXTI DYSPEPTIC, OR SOUR STOMACH Hare stood theleaf oerni-liu'. rmwi lAfccan iniu. ble Cure for Indigestion. Thnc f by those wfco have used thexa for the above disease Ther act strenrth to the debilitated organs of digest ion restore the appetite ndreinof e nausea and stcknes at tbetomacbf habitual costive Wh bd-cl3e, despondency nf the miad, paleness ww? ewFl!r nance, palpitation of the heart eTtega or giddiness, belehwr P ol water which is sometimes tasteless bat most commonly sear, ana sway other nerrottaafQtrtion- THydo not cwtaan nerw in fernunor dohey sicken the omac siiost FK""" do, 1t perform the office of a safe a "" 'ZnJuZ restrictio. toilet or drink, or expo'T' iw JT?JlSm!w theoL -They ateferor alcUriy Jf SffflSu: tionert otmedicioe in u unwwf r rrT." -t-- t Sta- vlraMiim f;rr Ynminr Miri TVILLIA3I S A2SDERS. i

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