i AND - " . : WEWMEHW COMMERCIAL, ACrKICiqMlCJKAIi AND LITEMAE5 IITELLKKEKCEM. LIBERTY... .THE CONSTITUTION. . ..UNION PtJHIJSHCD " jjy T HO 31 AS WATSON. " ' TERMS, r . . -'ThrcG dollars per annum payable ir advance. No paper will be discontinued (but at the dis cretion of the Editor) until all arrearages have been IIRemittances by mail yill be guarantied by the Editor. ' ; . Xtp' Whoever will secure the payment ot live papers: shall have tne sixm gr&tis. - TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 1 'October 12, 1S31. 7TpHE House of Representatives, by a reso 1 Ji lution of the 4th of May 1630,ilirected the Secrctarv of the Treasury to collect and commu nicate to the House, suclnnformation, and report his views on the same, as, in his , opinion, may be .nsVfulandiinportant to Congress, in enacting re-r-ulations for the navigation of steam-boats or tcam vessels, with a vievio guard against the dangers arising from the bursting of their boilers. Such measures were accordingly taken, as wore thought best calculated to obtain the re quisite information. But, allhoughsomchighly interesting and valuable communications have been : received the Department has not suc j f eded in collectihgacts sufficient to enable it Ao fulfil .the.directions ot the House. 1 In consideration, therefore, of the difficulty of obtaining the requisite information, by any i wans within the power of the Department; and of the I deep interest which the community, and more especially those. engaged in steam na ligation have in the subject, it is. thought best to .make this public application to all who may be able, and are disposed to promote the benevo dent obiect of the Resolution. ' Accidents like those, which it is the desire of the- Ilouse to prevent, have, unfortunately, been so numerous, that many persons will have it in their power to state the causes and cir cumstances of such casualties ; and these, col looted from various parts of the Union, cannot Vail to be highly useful. Yitli a view to assist in giving that informa tion a precise andlexplicit character, the folio w ing5queries were prepared :f" ; 1 ' It is not intended, however, to confine it to the points i)rosent(kl in them, or the form of communication which they may seem to indi cate. On the contrary, the Department will be happy lo; receive' any information within the : .-cope' ot the resolution, ami comnuuucau m :.urh manner ak the writer may be pleased to employ. It isdesirable that communications on this nbiect should be transmitted toy trie nrsi oi December, or early as may be thereafter. Li) VIS McLiAIN fci, Secretary of the Treasury, INTERROGATORIES IN RELATION TO THE BURSTING Or S1KAM JjOHjEIvW. 1 i Are vou acquainted with the nature and use of Steam Engines ? 5 In what employment have you been engaged ? Were you present, and in what capacity,, at the bursting of any steam boiler, or collapsing of a flue ; or have you been ! made acquainted, by other means, wiih the factsin any sufch case? If so, in what case? 2. In that case, was the water in the boiler - T.i- -.il.-r . 1 . 7 K nnt riplnrVit compared with the lower gauge cock ? " 1 3. If the hoiler contained a flue, vhatl was the dillerence hetween the height of (its upper side and .that of the lower gauge cock ? ' A. What was the weight per square inch on the safety valve ? : - 5. Had the saffty valve ever been found rus ted or sticking in the aperture, or was it so at '. the time ? : I ever been heated to a red heat, or approaching thereto ? 7. Was tli orp. anv incrustation or. sediment 'found at the bottom of the boiler ? If so, what yvas its thickness and composition ? - 8. In what part vvas the boiler rent, and what vrcc theappearance and extent of the rent? 9. If the bursting happened to the bolter of z Steamboat, was the boat underway, or at rest ? Vas the valve open ? . If so, how long before the accident ? Was it opened by the Engineer, or by pressure ?" . 1.0. Was the piston going at its usual speed, rr faster or slower ? , 11. Had the firemen found any unusual diffi culty in keeping up the motion of the engine - previously to the bursting of the boiler; and if vo. how long before? 12- Do the iron boilers used in the Weptern waters generally accumulate a calcereous injerus Jation at the bottom? If so, have any or what", means been used, with success, toj pre vent it? - i h 13. Is 'it observed that when there is a sedi ment or incrustation on the bottom of the boiler, it requires more fire than usual to raise the -steam; and how often is the sediment removed, f;nd by what means ? 14. Arc any means used for preventing in crustation on the. bottom of boilers ; and, if so, hat effect fias been observed ? j 15. Have any means been employed to prove eam boilers before they are used or afterwards ;'riji what pressure has usually been applied to r iroof a given thickness ?. Are the proofs made hen the iron is cold or hot? J 6. Is there ariv instrument employed to as certain the temperature of the b:oilcr above the Hter, rof the steam in the upper part of the ler? If so. what is it? - 17. What means are used to prevent the fire ftm the fire place and flue from extending to J the boat? 1 18. Have you ever seen steam boilers heated to a red heat on theiupper side ? If so, is such ' a temperature regarded as a cause of exploding Doner t . 19- Have anv means been used in the con ructiorr of boilers "or fire places to prevent the "Mung ot kthc upper part of the boiji ;r ? If so, 'hat are they? 20. How manvnersons were scalded by steam and at what distance was each from the boiler? At what distance from the boiler .was the steam . , , . i. . m f Woo 4k supposed to he not enougn io au. . V current of steam from Uie rent in uie um.tr m- stantaneous, or did it continue for some time, and how long ? What number of persons were wounded bv the parts ot the boiler or maeni nery which were driven off by the explosion, and what position did each of these persons oc- cupy in the boat ? -. 21. Have vou ever oDseryea tne piston to move irregularly, for a few minutes, or for a few strokes, alternately faster or slower than its usual speed, without perceiving any change m the resistance to the paddles, or any other ob vious cause for such irregularity ; and, if so, how was it: accounted for ? 22. To what immediate cause have you at tributed the bursting of the steam boilers, which have come within your knowledge ? 23. Are there anv other facts within your knowledge in relation to this subject, which ap pear to be important in the present enquiry,? If so, please to state thern VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. PTTHE Subscriber having determined to re move to the State of New l ork, the ensu ing spring,tpfTers for sale the lot No. 72, corner of Ann and Craven-streets, in the town of Beaufort. On this lot is a good two story dwel ling house, kitchen, and an office Suitable for a Physician also, seven vacant lots in the .same square Lot No. 2(5, on Front-street, with a good two story dwelling house, kitchen smokejhouse, &c. This situation is very pleasant and healthy, and would suit a planter in Craven or Jones counties, who wished to obtain a desirable and healthy residence-for his family during the sickly months. j A small Warehouse 1G feet by 26,jone and a half stories high, situated on Jeconias Pigott's lot, corner of Front and Craven-streets. 4 19000 square feet of Salt Vats, situated on Gallane's Point, near Beaufort, with; 280 acres of ffood land. The Salt Works will make on an average, 1000 bushels of salt per annum. This situation is as healthy as any on the sea board. 300 acres of land, situated on the Clubfoot and Harlow s Lreek Canal. ZQ acres ot this is rich alluvial soil, and will bring I about ten barrels of corn to the acre. About Z) acres ot this is cleared and under good fence 20 acres more have been partially cleared, and could be Dut in corn the ensuing spring. Uhere are two houses on this land suitable fori labourers. 450 acres of land on Petivieve's Qreek, with an excellent Mill-seat. A good riceplantation could be made on this land with very little expense On the'aforementioncd real estate, a credit of one, two, three and four years will be given, ;f0ctrl ihn nrpl,ncprfi rrivino- Hnnd with 1 T . i P. 64 i annroved. security, bearing interest i lrom the date. 1 1 L. " I - tolerably good Carpenter. The slaves will be sold for cash. One good yoke of Oxen; one OxICart ; one Horse Cart; one good saddle Horse ; several Ploughs and other farming ntensils.l v The above mentioned property, if not pre viously disposed of at private sale, will be sold at Public Auction, to the highestj. bidder, on the first day of December County Court, being the third Monday, at the Court House in the r mf ' Town of Beaufort. JAMES MANNEY. Beaufort, Oct. 17, 1831. id. i FOR SALE, r.i AiwmT -v -i n o n 1 n a r m -c rm mm -r 11 T -Yft A TT m Y n A V ailVi ""uy."'V V""' Enquire at Mr. Hindes' Stables. Neicbern Oct. 19. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Duplin County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. ! August Term, 1831. JAMES KORNEGAY vs. .. Attachment; GEORGE O. KORNEGAY. "1 onnnnrinrr t rt 4 li o aft i i c Ai n t i rir rtf t Vi o (.mvrt 1 that George O. Kornegay, the Defendant - liu-v 6 . . o J ' . . in this case, is not an inhabitant ol this State, it is ordered, that publication be made in the North Care- hna entmei, until me iounn ivionaay oi iovemDer - i ,-i .i -o.it i r iv t , next, lor the said Ueorge u. ivornegay to appear at our next County Court, to be held for tbe County of Dublin, on the tourth Monday ol JNovember next, then and there to plead to issue, or final-judgment will be entered up against him, or the property in the hands of James Shines, the Garnishee, be made subiect to Plaintiff's demand. Attest. JAivinio i hiis.lLjLj, iierh. - i a mrc nri A t o at t m ...7. rwii m'J rcL j. iivMgivv I 1 W IJjIj UU gIVCIl IU1 imci v y wung cgi uca ui vv both sexes, from one to 26 years of age. JOHN GILDEKSLEEVE. Newbern, September 7, 1831. ; : TAILORING. OWING to the pressure ol the times, tne suoscri- dSSd to seduce hisVrices to the following rates, viv : For making fine Cloth Coats, . " Common do. $4 50 3 50 Homespun do. Fine Pantaloons, Common do. Fine Vests, Common do. 2 1 0 I 50 00 75 00 0 75 For Cutting Coats, " Pantaloons, Vests, 0 40 0 20 0 20 And m proportion for other work not specified. He respectfully solicits the patronage ot his friends and the public, and assures those who may employ him that their work will be done faithfully, in the latest fashions, and with all practicable dispatch: His shop is jon Craven-Street, a few doors South of the Bank of Newbern. i SPENCE P. WILLIS. Newbern, Sept. 28, 1831, 'oSffsT MM. I ' ' " ; : . FOR SALE ! My Farm, containiiiir on IliiiliL acres, situated on the north side, of Trent 'J ' River and the east side of Jinninff's Creek- and dstm from the Townof Newbernabout3 miles, tt : landed on the south bvthe river, on the west hv the creek, tin the north by Trent road, and on the east by the land ot the late Wm. .Dudley. 1 here are clear- ed, and enclosed within a good fence, about 400 acres. k The soil is jight, is of easy cultivation, and is never j flooded by rain. The cleared land will average two barrels of corn to the thousand hills, and produce good i crops of pease. The last crop of cotton averaged 550 pounds to the acre. 1 he situation is healthy. V essels load at the river bank. There are. on the premises a dwelling house, two kitchens, two barns, pantryj dairy, I Gin-house and a Horse Mill, Negro houses, &c.:'An Orchard of apple and peach trees : A Vineyard of 4 acres, the vines ol which are mostly scanolded and in a state of bearing fruit, and will soon be capable of making 1000 gallons of wine : A bricked well of good water. This is a desirable situation to a farmer who may wish to live in, or near to Newbern. Lots Nos. 19 &, 20, with the Lhvelhng-house and other improvements thereon, in Drysborough, adjoin ing the lpwn ol iewbern. lh,e Irammg and weatherboarding of the dwelling are of cypress, and shew no decay. 1 here is a pump ot good water at the premises. This property is subject to notown tax, and is free from the danger of fire from other buildings. Nine hundred acres ol land in Bnce s Cceek poco- son. A Mr. 1 olson has a tew acres ot the adjoining pocoson cleared and ditched, which has yielded up wards ot 10 barrels of corn to the acre. Six hundred and foi-ty acres of land adjoining Bay river bridge, containing a valuable juniper swamp. Four hundred acres at the head ol Little Swili Creek Thirty-five feet front of lot No. on Middle-street occupied by M. H. Lente. Five Lots in Washington, N. C. i Indian Island, containing 150 acres, in Pamlico river. Xj- i t v 4 V rtnfio . 1 - rno i-i'f !- I r i v--i nnalifi tie 1 91 Bcaulbrt county A Pianno, which has been but little used. A Share; in the Newbern Library Company. The above property, or any part thereof, will be sold very low, for either cash or negroes, or if requi- rea, a credit win oe given on a part oi tne amount oi purchase of any portion of it. I GEORGE WILSON. September 7, 1831. M. STEVENSON, Senr.. 5EGS leave to correct an erroneous impression which hasbeen unfairly madeon the public mind. He takes this method pf stating, that his Hearse is kept for the accommodation of erery decent family who shall be so untortunate as to require its use. Jriis per Rnrinl nttprirlnnr.f nt TTiinprals is lilfPWiRP nfTerprl to nil persons of the same description, and no pains shall be spared, on his part, to have the solemnities conducted wTith sobriety, decency and good order, It is hoped that the following reasonable charges i will be satisfactory Neatest Mahogany Coffin, for a grown per- son, with linings ami tnmminsrs; ( mclunincr I an engravjsd Silver Plate;) together with his $35 personal attennanct, and the use of his horse and Bier, I Neatest ;stained-Poplar or Pine Comn, with"'! engraved Silver Plate, and a case in the bot- ! 5 tmn nf 1 Vip rrrfVP" tnrrptlipr witVi hnrsp P-Tprrcp and attendance, J Plain, stained Poplar Comn, lined with f $10 Cambric, but without the bilver Piatp, Plain, stained Coffin, with a neat pinked &e L i -',1.. ' o VillllUl lC UUX UC1, UUl W IlliOUl lillllliT, r-mmrtr Poricli flnftlnc ftl tvt,w a qi iqi ' F 4- Newbern, Aug. 31, 1831. JOHN W. NELSON, CABINET MAKER, M ESPECTFULLY informs the Publick that he continues to manufacture everv article in his line of business. He is at all times provided with the best materials: and in return ior the liberal and m creasing patronage which he receives, he promises punctuality and fidelity. He continues to make COFMINS, and to superin tend FUNERALS ; and that he may be enabled to conduct the solemnities of interment more becomingly and satisfactorily, he has constructed a superior 1 J Pi A f,7t pj. If IT T.I IH llKKfll W HI III fill H.IK 1 11.11 tlrLl 131 Id, 1 I I TTT? a dop l ii l j i : 1 u. i - i r r i will he. made. Newbern. June 1st. 1831. DOMESTIC LOTTERY. EiNTLEMEN who had Tickets in this Lottery UjJ" for sale, will please make returns prior to the 17th October, as the drawing will take place a few, daysafterward. , .ITi3 The subscriber has on hand a few neat Phi- ladelphia built DEARBORNS. 1 i T .... , , .1 iii- A SULK.Y, with leather top, also muadeipnia made, Two COPPER STILLS, and an elegant frntselfha TT7iVsi ThocA tnnrlhor itrih almost Pi'Prv nrtir.ie . 'oAnnTPDv i tj a t? ait? q q i;na r rc t auu , iers verv low. ior cttsii. " 1 JOHN TEMPLETON. 14th Sept. 1831. DR. RUSH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, OR SOUR STOMACH Have istood the test of experience, and are found tolbe an mlallible Cure found to I be an infallible Cure for Indigestion. xhese pills have been highly approved of by i tnOSe W14O liave UStSU UlCIIi 1U1 auu v xz uioccidc; They act as a powerful tonic, neautralizing the acid upon tHe stomach give strength to the debilitated organs of digestion restore the ap petite and remove nausea ana sickness ai me stomachl habitual costiveness, head-ache, des- "vv"""v-"' , , r fA ' . pendency of the mind, paleness ;of the courj- nance, palpitation of the heart vertego or giddi ness, belching up of water which is sometimes tasteless but most commonly sour, and many other nervous affections. They do not contain mercury in any form, nor do they sicken the stomach as most purgative medicines do, but perform the office of a safe and mild cathartic. There is no restriction in diet cr drink, or ex posure to wet or cold, while using them. They are therefore particularly calculated for family use. The proprietor of these pUls was one of the most eminent practitioners bf medicine in the United States, and used them successfully ' in his practice for many years For sale by WILLIAM SANDERS. FOR SALE, A Nw York made SIDE BdARD, nearly new. Enquire at the Sentinel Office. Nov. 9 3t. NOTICE. PTJ1HE Copartnership of Joseph M. Granade, JLL Sc Co. consisting of Joseph M, Granade and Stephen Kincey, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 15th September, 1831: All per sons indebted to, or having claims against the oaiu nrm, are requested to come iorwara ior settlement to Joseph M. Granade, who is duly settlement to Joseph M. Gr authorised for that purpose. JOSEPH M. GRANADE, f STEPHEN KINCEY; Aewbern, N. C. 9th Nov. 1831. miTRS. CLETHERALL'S 7, L,AD1Es, will commence on Tuesday the first of iwvc-iuuci, ,ai uie nuuse lately occupied by John Harris, Esq. adjoining the residence of Mr. Bdr gwyn, on East Front-Street. TERMS: PerQ.arter. Board, including Washing, 30 , Tuition in Reading,vSpellingj Grammar, J . Antnmetic, tjeograpny ana sewing, The above, with Rhetoric, Composition, i History, General Science, Epistolary 6 Writing, and Fancy Work, &c. S French, Drawing, Dancing, and Music, will be separate eharges, the latter to commence first Quar ter of next year. The first Quarter to be paid in advance. ' Boarders are required to bring their bedding, towels, &c. No Pupils received for less than one Quarter. Oct. 26, 1831. dt. MISS ELIZABETH WIL.KIXS espectfully informs the inhabitants of Newbern and. its vicinity, that she has opened a Seminary for Young Ladies, IN THE BUILDING LATELY OCCUPIED BY MISS LYMAN. TERMS: j fer quarter. . Spelling, Reading1, Writing, Arithmetic, i Geography, with the use of the Globes, $ 4 00 Map Drawing, and English Grammar, 3 History, Composition, Philosophy, Astrono- g- qq my, Rhetoric, and Needle work, y Parents and Guardians who may think proper to patronise this Seminary, are assured that the strictest attention will be paid, as well to the manners and habits of the pupils, as to the cultivation cf their minds. JNewbern, November 1st, 1831. LIZA H. VIPON informs her friends and the public that she has opened a SCHOOL in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Vipon. TERMS : For Spelling, Reading and Writing, per quarter, $2 50. For Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, GeO- graphy, and plain Sewing, $3 00. t or the above branches, together with Knghsh j Grammar, History, and Ornamental Needle Work, I $ 4 00 per quarter. j Four or five children from the count ry, will be taken as boarders! -Newbein, 1st November , 1831. , FOR SALE, A NEW VAULT in the burying Ground, in which there have been no in terments. It i in complete order and may be had on very reasonable terms. Enquire at the Office of the Sentinel. Oct. 12. 13 OM S: STIC LOTTERY. AS a considerable number of Tickets remains unsold, the drawing of the above Lottery must necessarily be deferred fora few weeks. ISth "Og. NEWBERN AND RALEIGH STAGER. THE Subscriber is in daily .expectation of receiving instructions from the Post Office Department for running Four Horse Stages on k l; XT l j T 1 l T r i Hie ;i - - nowever, instructions' to that etiect should not ! be received by the 14th $f November, he will, ltor the better accommodation ot passengers,) l on that day commence running Four Horse Post Coaches on this line, three times a week, to be continued during the Winter, or until a semi-weekly mail be established. , ! xi iXTt 1 1 ho ncAn T r ron rl rvr rhic linn itmo kir hn " " " v fcIllc, i patronage. First rate Horses, and commodious ooacnes caicuiateu tor six or eight passengers, ! are already provided, and will commence, run ning, as above stated, on the 14th of November. MERITT DILLIARD. Oct. 26, 1831. NEWBERN AND RALEIGH STAGES. Stage Office at tk Washington Hotel. NEWBERN. Having appointed Mr. Francis Alexander my Agent, Passen gers from Newbern will please call on him for ! the purpose of entering their names and paying their stage fare. Extra baggage must be left at tne mage Umce and paid for in; advance. M. DILLIARD. Oct. 26, 1831. Jl Great Bargain ! v iflt, feubsenber will sell, upon a liberal credit, his PLANTATION on Trent River, about nine miles from Newbern. The tract contains 2500. acres, of which 1000 are cleared and under good fence; the residue is well timbered, and much of it as good arable land as any on the river. It has a front on the Trent of 4 miles, and vessels of the largest class, navigating our waters, can laylalong the bank and receive cargoes. The. back lands are unequalled as ranges fjr stock, and the situation is as healthy as any in Jones county. The improvements consist of a good Dwelling House, Barn, Gin House, and the necessary outhouses. . Persons desirous of making profitable in vestments of capital, are invited to visit! the premises, and for further information apply to ALFRED STANLY. Octobers. 1831. AXD NORTH CAROLINA STATIC GAZETTE, TTftUBLISHED in the city of Raleigh, by Lcncrtnct -U. Lemay, is devoted to News, Politics, Agriculturet commerce, Literature, Science and Morality-! is prtnteA weekly , on a large imperial sheet, with Sood type, at three -dollars per annum, one half payable Hindrance, end the remainder at the end of the year ' In politics, the STAR i decidedly Republican, and the Editors, without presumption, are Jroud to believe thet they have contributed a mke to the advancemeirt of a cause so vitally connected wih the freedom and happp ness of mankind. In the steady prosecution of theirpur pose to adliere to its pure and ennobling principles ther will continue to give their firm, but temperate support to the administration of that well tried and faithful public servant, Andrew Jacksoiu For his sterling integrity his unalloyed patriotism, and his ardent devotion ...to ihe in terest of Republicanism, the busy tongue f slander has poured upon him torrents of the most vindictive abuse and unrelenting persecution ; and even now the hearties adherents of adverse partisans are waging a fierce anS malevolent war around him; but he stajids firm in lha. midst of their fury, unaffected by commotion, - " Like some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, rt wells from the vale and mid-way leaves the stprm ; Tho' round bis breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on bis head." That it is the wish of the people that he shall again be e vmetvto me Cbief Magistracy of the Union, there exists not a reasonable doubt ; and the Star will advocate his re-eiection, as a jneans of promoting the strength and stability of those sound political principles and institutions upon which are founded the liberties and independence . of the Republic, and under the solemn conrictioo that it w4ll thereby assist in securing l he perpetuity of that Unioru In the Star, every subject connected with the public interest is freely and impartially discussed ; and great pains are taken to edify and amuse its readers. Particu lar attention is bestowed on the proceedings of oar State Legislature ; and as the next session will probably be the most important that has been held for many years, the Editors have engaged a competent Stenographer, to at tend the sittings ot that body as a reporter; which will enable them to publish full, fair and impartial reports of I ii ucunits jjiutrcuuigs. as mis win incur a heavy i t 1 - j v iu uiii,cua u iiic State, the Editors with gTat confidence call unon th public to sustain them. Should their increase of patron age justify it, other important improvements will ere long be made in the publication of their journal. . The Editors of the Star take this occasion to say, that they are aware that desperate efforts have been made in different parts of the State to break down their press; and it is probable there are those who are still, laboring in this despicable vocation. If, for this contumacious treatment of the dictum of inflated demagogues, and ob stiuate refusal to become mere party tools, they are to bts sacrificed to the malice qnd revenge of a few restless as pirants, the Editors will fall with the spirit and feelings of a martyr. But they have too much confidence in. th justice and intelligence of their fellow citizens they have too solid an assurance of their increasing favors rto in dulge for a moment a single foreboding Tear. But what ever shall he the final sentence of the public on their la bors, they will have the consolation to reflect that they have at least endeavored to deserve the kindness which has hitherto been so generously extended to them. While they tender the only tribute they can return for past fa vors, their sincere thanks, all they ask for the future is l the indulgence due to the imperfections of human nature, and a little assistance from their friends in the way of procuring additional subscribers. By exertions which would perhaps afford them a pleasure, they are satisfied their subscription list might be, increased far beyond ifs present number. Subscribers in other States cannot hereafter be allow ed to remain in arrears longer than one year and per sons resident without this State, who may desire to be come subscribers, will be strictly required. to. pay the whole amount of the year's subscription in advance.--The remoteness of their residence and th experience of several years, speak to the Editors imperiously on this ubject. Original highly approved Valuable Medicines TWENTY YEARS. Lee's Elixir has for twenty years been amost successful medicine for the cure ofcolds, coughs, -spirting of blood, asthma, indigestive consumption, and other complaints of the lungs and breast, as many of our citizens have certified. j To Mr. Noah Ridgely, Baltimore. Dear Sir Lsyas attacked with a most violent cn!ds and severe cough, and pains in the breast which cootiifu ed to grow worse, during which my appetite failed, end my voice altered o much, that it was with the utmost exertion I could pronounce a single sentence louder than Dream, i bought and used one phial of your vaUialirB ! Elixir which restored me to perfect health. Yours, with respect, J. A. SMITH, Market street, Fell's Poirit. Lee s Famous Anti-bilious Pills. iee's tin paralleled Anti-bilious Pills price 25 and 60 jnts pr box famous for the cure of bilious and dest ructive feters obstinate obstructions of the stomach and bowels giddi--ness, costiveness, sickness at stomach, removing eolds.fcc B......,-.iui iUe signature otiNoahRideely Dear Sir: Having made useof the various pills in rav familj, offered to the-public for the last twentyfive vears and having found your celebrated Anti-biliou. piiu the most efficacious in cleansing tfe stomach and bowels, re moving head aches, sick stomach, and having used them for several years past, can have no hesitation in statin that 1 believe them as represented, a most valuable f mdy Medicine. JACOB SMALL j Mayor of the City of Baltimore. Lee's Ague and Fever Drops warranted to cure Sir : We are now happy to inform you that the resulty aftr a correct trial, of your Lee's Ague and Fever Drop? has been of the most flattering kind. Not only a fewcjrtes have been cured of that very disagreeabio Hnd irksonre complaint, but, sir, every case, so far as our inquiries have reached, has been perfectly cured ; and snJe indeed by a few doses only. O'NEAL, RICHMOND, fc CO. Lee's Nervous Cordial, an excellent Medicine for all nervous affections, weakness, pains in the loins, &c. Lee's Genuine Essence and Extract of Mus tard, an. infallible remedy for bruises, rheumatism sprains, numbness, chilblains, iic. ' Mr. Noah Ridgely, Sir : I have been sd greatly afflje ted with rheumatic pains, as to lose, entirely; the irseof my right leg, thigh, and hip, indeed it extended to mv shoulder. 3y the use of the bottle I purchased of vou I am perfectly cured. THOS. VVOOTEN Two milci ion the Washington Bosri. Lee's Worm Destroying Lozenges, a most powerful medcine,removes destroys all kinds of worms Lee's Sovereign Ointment for the Itch Warranted to cure by one ann!ipa; r or any pernicious iugredientT ' from mercur: Lee's Genuine Persian Lotion Ta sian Lotion operates mildlv Ia Per- on and ISIJZV W delicately - ' - ' ""6 'ic corapn r . m - PtIUH. diate give tmmc Lee's lip Salve. ' ' wmpaper admit u - C'"n' :'' Miy 0,1831. ' ' - ' i 1

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