NORTH "CAROLINA SENTINEL AND NfiWBERN COMMERCIAL, AGRICULTURAL ANj) LITOR A R Y INTELLIGENCER -?f Ti LIRE RT Y , THE CONSTITUTION UVIQV THE SENTINEL. NEWBERjV: wednesday, nove3ibek 30, 1831. ful and masterly manner, and nearly completed, un der the provisions ofthe act of the last session. By this casualty the State has been deprived ofthe con venient halls provided lor the accommodation ofthe Legislative Ixxly, together with the adjoining offices and the public Library. The. fine marble statue of Washington, by Canova, has also been much mu tilated, and a considerable portion of the ornaments and furniture ofthe building has been destroyed. The injury to the Statue is to be regretted as it was the work of an artist of great celebrity, now no more: But the memory of Washington, the "father of his country, will live in the hearts and recollections of all who love liberty, in every part ofthe globe, and needs no artificial monument to revive or to perpetuate the glory of his achievements. ; With respect to the loss of the building itself, it is my Jninion. fortified bv that of better i adores, that, under II r.irr.iimRtanrpR. it is not to be considered as a pub- , , ' I CI 1 a. ,J . . 4 y. . ,m thn AAnntfiin i-c calamity, oucn were uie ueieuus m wiuui,- "ion of the old walls, erected in 1791, that it is very tprobable that a part ofthe building would have fallen in a few years, and perhaps caused the death of many of the assembled Representatives. j I Immediately i after the destruction of the State 1 tt j i ; CiU tk.,4-.: r., k i 1 1 1 1 1.-". iif: imii urifLT.-i mjij iji i in i i tjsu v in iuii i iiui uii Oircomnaring the votes with the record kept by in ".this city, with a" public spirit which reflects great .wr-wi-K "there was one vole ' more than the names i credit upon their liberality, tendered the use of their '' : , mi i. .mt. cm. i,t:m.nii KoPieetiner house for the accommodation of the House of r. Tittered, i ne i icnus ui ;iu . one uai u uu.c . m m- - , . . . 0 ji iioloiw , j ; C.rtmmnns. nnH thpir KP-sinn rimm tor the r"ci vow to be a tie, but the Sheriff, who ii is well under wood is the friend of Mr. S. gave Mr. Gaston a certi ficate, stating the facts,' by virtue of which, we un derstand, it is his intention to take a seat in '. laturc. , An election to supply the vacancy in the represen tation of this town, in th&State Legislature, occasion- i uu ri .thof CliarlesG. Spaight, Esq. was held on Moil Jay. T he candidates were onancs neparri nn-1 William Gaston. On counting the votes, there (in For Charles Shepard, 145 i? For William Gaston, 146 the A . i i . i i . i.: , CjfRLKS f5HtPAKl); uc,g5 leave. io iciurn jus thanks. to his townsmen for the very flattering ..uoport which he received from them on Mon day last. He is proud to know that a majority ot the free white men of the town hac given 1dm their. support, and although their votes have been overruled, the result is highly grati fying State. These lands are believed by many intelligent uccessors ? Then let us not rashly aid in the attempt n untried hands. tv .jv, wx iimuciiac yixiuciuuu tutu iiuinut- i uuuiu l lliH nrriRnomtu J c sr- . rnent to be an obiect second onl v in imnordmce to the endeavouring to r,i uuli,on ?l ur anairs DY mm 1 ' - - f ' I - w LIIflTl vr4iu tiiipiuvcineiu oi lioanoKe lniei. xi is r 1 unnecessary, I am certain, to dwell upon the advanta- ges wiucn wouja result irom the former. They are apparent to all. Toconverta drearv waste of waters ana marsnes inio a naoitabie and fertile region, tain- bui c me means ui susienance ana comfort lor an im mensely increased population, and to give health to a sectionroi country wiiicn needs no other blessin fiavfi th Hrri-M- .i lu gentlemen. ,Y our obedient servant, EzecUce OTc? STKES November 22d, 1831. 5 assnming upon thpm!re the powers cf a perpetual coY po ration ! I nor this grrat presumption 7 If the charter of this Bank be made perpetual or rrftn renewed for twenty years (which amounts to the same thing) and has power to make erery State, dty and cor poraiion.BS well at thonsnnd and tefiRof tliouKftnd ofnri vate citizens, its; debtorp, will it not be sironrr than th Government, and as absolute twater of the people of Arntrv icaasthe Autocrat of Russia is ofthe Cossacks? Globe. 1 rr the certain rewards ota successful attempt atimprove-J elected Stephen F. Miller, Esq. (formerly of Jones L. raeiu. xo your wisuoni u lssuDmiuec iwhpt hPr on.!, l r- x. it h m 1 1 irxnr. z advantaces, which if attained, donotehd with tlml 7 " y ' -v . uutuern ; ,.';",'uu1CIors "f. cher?. whose services are pi selves, but fend to the enlargement of a fund which Judicial strict lor the term of three years, i may justfy he regarded as the orphan's Ieacv, will not jU3tny, ana aocs not demand, a ma and early ex periment to est the practicability of the measure. To provide for the; improvement ofthe State, and for the convenience and prosperity of its citizens, by the construction of roads and canals and the opening are The Legislature of Georgia, on the 12th instant. ELECTION IN NEW YORK. The Opposition arei compelled to acknowledge their efeat. Never was victory more decisive. Even the New York Commercial, a decided Anti-Jackson paper, Sunday Schools t has been ascertained' tliaf there are in the Kingdom 10.000 Sundav fehoolg. containiir? rt under the superintendence of 100 - nUUltOUSly. All this h Ipph nrntnlLh! ..n thir 'stabhshment fifty years a go. English paptr. ' It to hi feelings. Both branched ofthe Legislature of this State con vened and were organized on Monday the 21st inst. la the Senate, D:vvilr F. Caldwell was re-elected 'speaker $ Samuel :F. Patterson, Principal Clerk, Wm. J. Ccivan Assistant Clerk, and Thomas-E. Wheeler Dw-kceper. On rriotlon of Ir. Spaight rrvas ordered that the RuW of Older and Decorum ofthe last Session, be adopted for the government of the Senate during thd present session. Mr. Mosely moved that the Senate .proceed to the -appointment of tlie Standing Committer, the question was taken thereon, and it was decided in the affirmative ; and the following committees were accord ingly appointed: . , . Of Claims Messrs. 'Mart in of Rockingham. Coop-f-rof Martin, Askew Campbell. Howell, Allen Elliott. More of Pitt. : I T 1 i 'j- Judiciary Messrsl" Dick, -Williams, Skinner, Mil ler, Toomer, Gwinn, Seavveil, Spaight. "Privileges and- Ulectidm Messrs. Caldwell, Hay- ' -, rool, Hall) Tyson, Ray, Kerr, M'Dauiel. 1 .'Ppypo-siticms unci Grievances Messas. Melchor, 3?i'vlilio.Monfgo:ncry of Hertford, Simmons, Ma rt huil i.fAiirid'n, Hoke, Montgomery 01 Orange, Move of Green l ; ; 'Finance. On the part of tile Senate, Messrs. Kca i-all, Hawkins, Brownrigg, Gilmore, M'Farland, .Mart'iri-of Wilkcs,-Sneed, Thompson. The Speaker laid beiore tlie Senate sunury docu r,ivnt, contesting tihe election of Jesse Cooper, the sit Commons, and their session room for the Senate.- Without determining positively in this case, but leaving the members to aecide hereafter for themselves, I have considered it my duty, under existing circum st nces to make a temporary preparation, and to ten der the Government House to the Legislature, which, being the property of the State, may probably be so altered as to answer the purpose of holding their ses sidn, until an appropriation shall be made, and a suit able building erected. In tMis arrangement, my on ly object has" been to provide for your comfort during the session. 1 have totally disregarded my own con venience, in order that, by tendering the Government House, I might be enabled to accommodate the Le gislature in the best possible manner the nature of the case will admit. In relation to our internal concerns, I have to ob serve, that it would be impossible to conceal from the world, and needless to disguise from ourselves, the fact, that a certain class of the population ofthe State have become more discontented: and ungovernable than heretofore. Fanatics of their own complexion. J T n.V be e'r"y known that the Marqni'fe nel inti.t '!thP of,h pwnt Marquis, wm a rolo- , nei in tne French rm .i . . Uoy, 10 which fiaht the f5.r,o -i:,k . . sera nmnnl j . vnin.ii auu-iiiieiisu nvr.i;. of rivers, bf all practical means, is so obviously the makes a virtue of necessityand thus plainly comes out child was the present Mrquii. pe posthoraaus duty of the representatives ofthe people, and has been upon the occasion :- s so ouen noticea oy my predecessors in omce, vuax 1 (mIr n . f t "a" lc'uuncan Rpoeared on c;..inr.iav : deem it unnlcessar to make any further and special unS lS see that individual enterprize is taking thatdirection, t7"1 ;WU17 county nas elected one mi- ""V J J " tm rlZ , d,recUy home 10 which I have no doubt will be nronerly encoura-red ?i KePbllcan and one Anti-Mason In all the filings. The increased patronage to the press is . .v.., tMv t rwV ) other counties heard from, viz nntrW Orsn the means Dy wnicti its improvements are to be e ffprf All - it is an indication at all times, of mor nr. usefulness in the ionrnal. or nr It is to rhe a source of much gratification to have Ulster, Columbia, Greene, Delaware Albanv Rens- observed.-and tnia vpir in mvnnwer to state, that the Ulnr Wnclimrrtnn Womn ' J' I times, or of more , . - j ,.vv., . , uuuintiuij, 11 uucu.oiiniinffn xcnonot'iiv 1 . .... --- a ...r i a- 1 ,.: c i n r . 1 ' o-l vuviimut , 1 ilfu ... )lc mni(rpmiiiif t o hnn ii r . i , cALuuniiiiii wnicn scorns 10 puivauc a snaci owic, luonigomery. ana uneida, the Ree-encv lmvp nrripri -v. . r . v,.,,,w uponthesubjectof the Tariff, has effected littlechange the whole sweep, just in a way lol AemS' combined 10 this instance.-Crgtcn. e in the opinions of the citizens of North Carolina. All told, we believe the National Repr hlican Dartv in 1 : With regard to the policy, of that measure, there is the next Legislature, will number, 5 possiblv it mav 11 is to be laroented' howgh we do not arraign their, so far as rriy information extends, a perfect union .of be increased to six no more. The Anti-Masons will m0,'",s, that some of our contemporaries in tiis city seniiment. All deprecate it, as unequal in its opera- have about a score and a half. The residue will be Si? 1 7 r, 1 v ll. ?."'k tXo!,ttAi tion, and destructive ofthe interests of the Southern thorough-going unflinching Regency-me"dby SC planter. The period, however, has not yet arrived, to go the whole quadruped, and the tail of another, ihcir miard. and to nivp infnrmntmn to th ..ihor:i; which, in the judgment of this community, authorises one. We hope our snug little Clay party of five, will We consent not to this doctrine ; there are persons in this the adoption of doctrines subversive, in their nature, be united, and move in a solid phalanx, upon all im- city and state who know not only too we!l how to read, of all order, and manifesily tending to weaken, if not p"rtant national questions. We hope, too, that our but to Profit ly and propagate such communications, destroy, our whole system of government. This friends ofthe National Intelligencer, and National ,,,ouSh ner intended to meet their eye or reach their State is justly proud of haying given the .first legisla- Journal, the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, and the Bos- tlve sanctiom to tne spirit ot tne iievoiution. ine ton 1 apers, will perceive a sign m this result, from 1 same love of rational hoerty which prompted this high, which t hey will learn that there is no use in rowing example, induced our revolutionary statesmen xo con- witlr broken oars, against wind and tide. 13rmr me 1 si der attentively and anxiously the form of go vernment some music, proposed for their adoption. Satisfied, after full inves- Ye? inde and look you that it be sad." ear; we nave taken our own road upon this subject, as we believe there are imperious circumstances under which true policy command silence, and under which it may be considered as of the second order of rirtues. Louisiana A dr. tigatidn by were delegated but such as were essential to the exis and other incendiaries, have fomented these discon tents, and have incited them, in many instances, to enter into, conspiracies dangerous to the peace and safety ofthe country. To guard against these evils, which in all probability will continue, the utmost cau tion and prudence are necessary. Restrictive laws have been enacted without producing the desired ef- lect ; and the crimes committed in a late insurrection in an adjoining State, would seem to require further and early attention to this subject Instead of mul tiplying severe and sanguinary laws to operate upon those who know little, and care less, about them. would it not be advisable to establish a more efficient and accountable police, and to arm and equip one or more companies of volunteers or detached militia, in each county, to be called .out when required, and to be paid while in actual -service ? It is believed that such a force, in aid ofthe civil authority, would etfec tually secure the peace ofthe country; and fhe pub lic arms 'belonging to the State could not be placed 111 safer hands. These State troops might be enrol led for one or. more years, be -.held responsible for the arms and amunition furnished, and not be suffered to abandon the service during die term of their engage ment. J . Amonr the subjects renuirinir your notice and at tention I Im ndeed, these are such signs as every one j Buccessive Conventions, hat no powers who readT1e detaiIs ths great v"5ctory oH lint snih na woi-o occfinfin tntlP PY1S- J . . . . . . T? . J PORT OP UBWBEHIT. DIED, On flip lltb l'nct 111 IVoc-V. n r tt-tt t t 4 a r tence and preservation of the Union, it is no matter ot The hUoxvin(r tablfts fimhracl thft trinmnhnnt rnlt r 01 ranvn e, Massachusetts, in the 25th surprise that they and their children should support f . ,r yearoi msage. jivir. yianc nas lelt a large circle of nnH r p nri flip rnmnart nr., np thfrppk nor desire a 1 ilc iCHuu ui me iaie eiecuuu ui una otaie snows menus 10 mourn meir iOSS. rpmp.nv- tipvnn.i it. A new i;cno-rPSS is acout ,vuu5uul' ,uu,cwu" auu-uiuauuiv , iui J . J . . ... 3 i j. In nsxrmhVi "hp mmfi sn rit of rnmnrornise. which LCimiK 1Lii ojjceuy eAimci.iuii us u muucai party dui adopted the Constitution, must preserve it. or the qucs- tlie increasing strength and enduring popularity of t nn wfipfhHr man worth v nnH rnnn h e ot p t-crnv- uai xauuuai aim, oiaie .mi mimsi rations, iintl-ma- ernment, regains yet to be solved. The patriotism of sonrr m tne next House ol Assembly, will not number z i i 1 11 t . f - j 1 tin riii a th rniintrv noks ir t.h rnn . pnr.e to thfi councils ot V ueru ot t luemoers, 01 tne 1 ne vote the nation Sfor a wise, and liberal system of policy, $r- Andrew Jackson, in 1832, will be overwhelming, and will hot hastily arrive at the conclusion that the 1 allowing table presents the results, as far as re perils of the (Revolution were fruitless and vain. cei ved, ol the elections to the Legislature : A resolution of the last General Assembly tfircc- THE SENATE. 1 First District Republican majority about 4500 Second Rep. majority over 3000. Third Rep. majority nearly 7000. Fourth Rep. majority at least 8000. t ilth Kep. majority about 3000. Sixth The result not known a close vote. Seventh Rep. majority 1300. Eighth No opposition to the anti-mascnic candi date."' IS - ing member from the county of Martin. ordered that the said do- On motion of Mr. Wi cumcau be laid on the In the House of Comms, Charles Fisher of Salis bury, was elected Speaker, Chalres Manly Principal Clerk, lid naivd ' B.: Freeman Assistant clerk, and UicUard Roberts Doorkeeper. Mr! Leak eaidthere was a report in circulation taat the llouse is , without the proper limits: if that wero the fact, tlie sooner it underwent investiga tion tlie better. Fpr, if they were without the corpo rate limits, everv thmg now. transacted wouia be. use- movements, and the situation of those funds. The act of 1811, lelative to that"' subject, is still 111 force, and it directs that ''the fund for Internal Improve-1 n id rltaim. ments snail oe suoject to tne order 01 tne lTesiaent i portance to tedthe Governor to "cause to be published in pamph let form a Report relative to the Declaration of Inde- pen 'ence by a Committee of Mecklenburg county. with the aocumcnts accompanying the same; and ai so the Journal of the Provincial Assembly of 1776 ; together with the Proceedings ofthe Cumberland As sociation." This publication has been made in a man ner that, I trust, will meet with the approbation ofthe Legislature ; an i the copies have been distributed in the manner ;lircted. j The agency for adjusting and settling the claim of North Carolina upon the General Government, for expenditures made during the late war in defence of the country, was discontinued by a resolution cf the last General Assembly,-and our Senators in Con- jrresa instructed to urre the speeuv navment 01 the It . I m - ' . AT - . . i - j As this is-a matter ot considerable im the State, I addressed a letter to the Se- and Directors ofthe Board, and shall be paid out by 1 cretarv of War, requestine: information on the suhiect. the Treasurer of tha State to the order ol the Boaru, J rtnd fiave received Ids assurance that the business ile liiade tl eso remarks to the House m order that it might take the subject into tiaiely consideration. ?dr. L. here read' the recommendation ofthe Legisla ture ol1787, which advised the people of North Caro lina to send delegates to the Convention, which was ; aboauhat. jcnod to bQ.holden in ilillsboro', for the purpose of deliberating on the Federal (Jontitution ' und for the further purpose of fixing unalterably the scHLot' Government and its. limits. He then expres sed a wish to know whether the Legislature was sit- , tin withul the limits prescribed by law; lor fie had his doubts on the maucr. The sooner the error (if there was'one) should be detected the better. Mr. Mebane moved Uiat the subject alluded to by Mr. Leak should be referred to a select joint commit tfjo fir the purpose of making proper research, and re porting to the House. ' Th e SpcdKer thought it was out of order, the House "it being organized. ' - Wednesday, Xov. 23. - Mr. Mebane moved ; hat a message be sent to the eiate proposing that an inquiry should be made as to whetht-r the House stood within the limits, of th? city oi' Raleigh; and it' it did not, wliether they were iegai 0" located. . Resolution adopted. ; 1 The following -Message was rccejved from His Kxcclb'noy the .Governor: To the lionorablc the General Assembly of the r State oj Aorta Carolina. cntLf.Hien, . . ' Among the distinguished feiessings deri ' edfromtae establiahraentoftne indepejnderice oi our .antry, may justly be enumerated ttiei 11 ee election nd constitutional meeting of the Representatives of iople. Selected from every section ofthe State, Accurately acquainted with the occurrences which "have taken place in their respective- districts, lami l:ar. with the condition of their constitaents and com '3;;"tothe seat of government clothed with ample powers to remedy the grievances under which tne people labor, they present one ofthe most cheering and teresting characters of our peculiar form of govern ment. Assembling under such circumstances, when Ye are assured that crops of all kind have been ahun (;'int, and tnat the means of subsistence, and comfort rc thereby secured to every citizen ofthe State, and hen ihc ordinary share of healtli crowns our enjoy ments, we have abundant reason to be thankful to -e Almighty Ruler ofthe Universe for these inesti mable blessings, and to pray that they may be con tinued to us, and perpetuated to our children. The satisfaction which 1 should have felt n-meet- 'tlg With thff Lp.rriclatnro e lUi timo iio c-Amoirh-i . ted-by the accident that caused the destruction of tTtte House, which had been repaired in a faith- certified and subscribed by the Secretary and coun tersigned by the President' The last General As sembly having 1 ailed to elect a Board lor Internal Im provements, there ia no authority for drawing out t any-part ol tlie fund, i he payment of the subscrip tion on behalf of the State to the Cape Fear Naviga tion Company, the Catawba Navigation Company, and some others, has been demanded. The instal ments on., these subscriptions have heretofore been paid from this fund, but as there was no authorityT for disbursing the money, 1 have refused to grant; war rants for the sums so due. These subscription, how ever, are debts voluntarily contracted by the Stater and their payment should be provided lor. Another subject demanding your attention is the situation of the fund6 of the iState, invested in the Banks. The time is near at hand when the :char- Lters ofthe several Banks in this State will expire. I he stock held by the State Jm the State Bank of North Carolina, has for some time past only yielded an interest of four per cent, per annum; the stock held by the State in the Bank ot Cape Fear h:is, for the last two years, yielded an interest of only three per. cent, per annum ; whilst the stock held by the IState in the Newbern Bank has not, for nearly three years, yielded any interest. The period will shortly arrive when all these Banks are authorised by law to make a division of part of their capital stock. Thefunds vested by the State in these Banks amount to seven hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred dollars, ($712,700.) This amount of stock, at the common interest of six per cent., ought to produce forty two thousand six hundred and seventy-two. dollars ($ 42. 672) annually; whereas, in fact, it produces only eighteen thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars, ($ 18,262,) not equal to threeper cent. The Treasurer's Report, which will be laid before you, will show that, owiag to the large amount of Treasury notes redeemed this year, the taxes collect ed will fall short of meeting the current expenses of the Government. Under these circumstances, would it not be advisa ble to provide for the establishment of a new Bank, in which the funds of the State may be invested, under-such regulations as to your wisdom and expe rience shall be deemed safe and proper? Or shall the State rely,'for the accommodation of its-citizens and for a circulating currency, upon that portion of the capital ofthe United States' Bank which has al ready, or may hereafter be allotted to their office of discount in North Carolina? I would willingly bring to your notice the impor tant object of opening a navigable communication be tween the waters of the Albemarle Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, north of Cape Halt eras, and would recommend the application ol all tne means in your power towards its accomplishment; but believing that, without the aid of ,H he General Govern ment, thf resources cf the State arc inadequate to the undertaking at thi3 time, and the latt General Assembly having urged upon our members of Con gress the propriety of ,cjaiming that aid, we must console ourselves with the hope that this great nation al work will receive the sanction and support of the ftatkmal Legislature. Having bestowed such im mense sums towards the construction of roads and canals in other States, it is. believed that this desirable object, sj essential to; the interests of North Carolina and otlihe Union, will not long be overlooked or ne glected. The Literary F'jnd will claim and receive your fevorable attention. The Report of the Public Treasurer will afford you precise information with regard to the amount of cash in his hands, and the situation of-that portion ofthe fund which is not available. It is probably known to all of you that the 14-ustees of the University did not accept the loan offered them by the last Legislature from this source so that the whole remains subject to future legislative disposition. The most imrjortant itm nf.nprtv transferred by the LeMslatnm tn th-M; shall be duly attended to. I have received from the State of New York an Since received. " In the sixth Senatorial District, where the anti-masons had last year an overwhelming majority, Judge McDowell, the Jackson candidate, is elected by a majority of about 1200, with a gain to our party ol about z4tJU. House of Assembly State of Parties. Republican, Anti-Mason, - - ' . Clay Coalition, -Doubtful, - - Thus, it appears that oot of thp 8 Senators elected, one Anti-Masonic only is elected and that 7 are 95 2o 1 ' ! r.l 1 !- 1 I J ' eiegaiu map u n.uu, oua , uu.npa.neu uy auenaia j friemle of-the administration. And in the House of anas, uesenpuve 01 eacu eoumv. ovenu 01 my Xm.. predecessors in office having recommen ied a suitable return for similar friendly donations, I have only to add, that a map of North Carolina being nearly com pleted, an opportunity will be afforded for this State to cancel these obligations in the manner they deserve. Since the! adjournment ofthe last Assembly, I have received communications from the Governors of seve ral Stales, with a request that they should le sub mitted for your consideration. Those from "Maine relate to the North Eastern boundary of the United States to the Tariff of 1828; and the power of the General Government to make appropriations for in ternal -improvements. Those from Vermont relate loan amendment of the Constitution ol the United States, proposed by other States. Those from New Hampshire relate to the organization of the militia. Those from! Massachusetts relate to the organization ofthe militia, and to the proceedings of the govern ment of Georgia.. Those from Connecticut relate to an amendment of the Constitution of the United States, proposed by other States; to the power ofthe General Goverment to make appropriations in aiu of the Colonization Society ; and to the judicial power ofthe United States. Those from Ohio relate to the power Ofthe General Government to make appropria tions in aid ofthe Colonization Society. Those from Delaware relate to. the public lands of the United States ; to the surviving officers and soldiers of the Revolution; to the Tariff and internal improvements; and to the nomination of a President of the United tates. These several communications will be found, with their appropriate endorsements, in. a file now laid before yrou, marked A. The resignation of Justices of the Peace and Mili tia Officers, received during the recess of the Legisla ture, are also laid before you, and will be found in the file marked B. The file marked C, contains two incendiary public ations, received through the medium of the post offce. Believing that this Assembly will har ; much to do in providing for the security ofthe peove ; in pro viding for its own future accomodation and for the establishment of a new Bank, or so directing the ap plication of banking capital, as to secure a sound cir culating currency ; and in preventing the injury to individuals, which must otherwise follow, when the charters of the present banks shall expire these be ing primary objects for the consideration ol; theLegis lature, I have declined making recommendations, which I had contemplated, relative to the situation of the University and the establishment of common schools, and to the condition of that portiop of the Che rokee nation of Indians, that remain within the limits of North Carolina. I am unwilling, however, to doer this communication without adverting to the administration of the General Government of the United States, "and congratulating you upon the pros perous condition of our national concerns. Our for eign negoeiations have been fortunate and successful beyond all former example our differences witli other powers have been settled our commerce is un interrupted our flag respected our commercial in tercourse with the West Indies restored new sources are opened for mercantile enterprize ; and large sums of money secured, or received from foreign nations as indemnification to our merchants for property un lawfully seized. Many ofthe, Indian tribesj are peace ably removing to places, whence they cannot annoy, us, and will not themselves be injured or interrupted. We are at peace with the world, and our national debt nearly paid off. 'Secure in such inestimable ad vantages, I would ask, for what purpose are we urged to change an administration, that has been so bene firiallv emDloved for our common welfare Of what consequence is it to the people of the United States, that some of the subordinate officers of Government " ) J ARRIVED, Schr. Rebecca Hyer Brookfield, Philadelphia. Schr. Philadelphia Casey, New York. CLEARED, Schi Lima, Jones, Baltimore. Schr. James Monroe, Freeborn, Philadelphia. Schr. F. Michelson, Smith, Wrest Indies. -The Schooner Pilot, Stackpoole, from New York, )und for New Orleans, is a few miles below Oh the 22d Inst, during a severe irale, , her carsro coi sisting of lime, caught fire, and after five days peril . .1 ! : ' a ? ' ! . 1 j- auu unremitting exertions to extinguish the nro, tup Captain and crew found it necessary to scuttle "an abandon her. j Assembly, 95 are Jacksonians, 26 Anti-Masons, 3 vlay men! and -4 doubtiul. The Administration beats all the Antis united. And as to Anti-Masonry, it nas to take reiuge in the injected Western Dis zncT, ana even in that quarter, some of its stroncr holds are shaken. Well may the Commercial call lor " some sad music." The Lexington, (Ky.) Observer ofthe 11th inst. states ' that on the 10th inst. Henry Clay wa6 elected to the I). S- Senate, by a majority of nine votes over Col. R. M. Johnson. The election was made by a joint vote of both branches ofthe Legislature, and the vote stood thus In the Senate Clay 18, Johnson 19, Pope 133 In the House C'ay 55, Johnson 45 100. Thus h ?vlr Clay once mare in public office in violation of tlie public will ; or upon this occasion he was voted 1'or by several members otthe Legislature, who were elec ted from Jackson counties, and who, since their election, have received written instructions, signed by a majority of the vpJLers of their respective counties, to vcfte for a Jackson jnatnr. This violation of the popular will is the only'thing w regret in the election of Mr. Clay to the SenatH.Ca. Republican- - Sleam boat explosion IheCincinati Commercial Ad- vt-rtht r contains tho following paragraph, under date of 11th iutant : ' On Tuesday last, two gentlemen of Louisville, with their friends, crossed over in the Steam Frry Boat to the Indiana shore, to settle a difference between them by duel. The boat was crowded with passengers, who went rvr to vvitness the scene. After the duel, in which one of ' he parties was slightly wounded iii'the head, all hands einbarke l on board the boat, to return to Louisville, when both boilers bursted, and lour persons were instantly kil led, viz : Mr. Logne of Louisville, Mr. Crew of Jefferson ville Springs, the engineer, and a. fireman ; one: person since dad, and several others wounded, one of whom is not expected to recover. From the number of hats and shoe3 found, it is feared there were more deaths than are here reported, - Baltimore. Kotemlcr 23. THE WE ATHER. Early on Monday evtning la.t, a storm set in from the North West, accompanied with tor rents of rain and severe lightning. The violence! of the gale was such as to blow down several trees in the city, and caused no l'utle damage to Iun-keepers Signs, $c. A vessel on the Point, und a hous a shor distanae in the country wera struck by the lightning without receiving anv material injry . About eleven o'clock the Aiolence of the gale in a great decree subsided. Athen a heavy fal" of snow commencing, wuico coiuinuaa without intaimisson until qbout seven o'clock yesterday morning, covering the ground several inches in depth. Fears are entertain ed that much damage has been suftained by vessels on the coast. i rust Sale, PURSUANT to the terms of a Deed of Trust. and in conformity to the directions of the parties therein concerned, I shall sell, on the premises, on Saturday the 7th of January inext. Lot: number Twenty, on South-Front-Street. in Newbern, where John R. Good resides, anti also; the water front thereof. The sum of One Thousand and Eleven Dollars and Seventy-three. Cents will be required to be paid in cash.' For the residue, accommodating terms will be allow ed, which shall be declared at tlje day of sale.. Persons disposed to buy, are invited to visit and inspect the premises, which will be shewn bv Mr. Good. GEORGE WILSOX. Newbern, Nov. 24th, 1S31. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) O.N9L0W COUNTY. " ' . County Court cj Pleas and Quarter Sessions; November Term, A. D. 1831. Louis T Oliver ) V Orij vs. iginal Attachment. Jesse Barrow i S IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered That publication be made lor six weeks in the jNorth Carolina Sentinel, that said defendant appear before the Court ofPleas and QuartefSessions of Onslow County, at the Court House in Onslow, on the first Monday of February next, and replevy or plead to issue, or Judgment final will be rendered against him. 1 - Attest, j DAVID W. SANDERS, Clerlk have been dismissed by General Jackson; CQTr the swamp lands belonging to the hc duties required are faithfully performed by their provided STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - Onslow County. y ss' County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. November Term, A. D. 1831. Gideon Hawkins 1 ts. Original Attachment. Jesse Barrow 1 j .' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai" the Defendant is nnt nn inbnKitont rC Ma Sfoto. - ' .t.MMWliUltb VI W A 1-3 KIAAV. It is ordered, That publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Sentinel that said defendant appear before the Court of Pleasand Quarter Sbse-Wis of Onslow County, at the Court House in Onslow, on the first Monday of February next, and replevy or plead to issue, or Judgment final will" be rendered against him. Attest. DAVID W. SANDERS, Clerk. ss. The House of Representatives of Tennessee have adopted the following Resolution, which has been transmitted to the Senate for their concurrence : " Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be in structed &. our reprsentative3 be requested to use their best exertiona, to procure, such a revision and reduc tion oi the existing I antidutiea ofthe United States, as will, on the payment and discharge of the national debt, reduce the same to the standard of necessary re venue, aad encouragement of such domestic; manu factures alone, as are indispensable to our national in dependence." How is this! The Louisville Advertiser of the 27th ult. contains the following paragraph: j The Bank of the United States has loaned: to the City of Cincinnati one hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum the stock redeemable at the expiration of FORI Y YKAKS. ! This is tantamount to a loan for forty years when the Managers ofthe Bank know it has bat five years to live! . Dr. nrpsnminf that Congress will nrolnnar ite iitnr 0 a 1 "ty -w- . not only once but at least twice twenty years, they are; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Onslow County. $ County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. November TenaaA. D. 1831. Benjamin Scott ) rs 1 Original Attachment. ' Jesse Barrow S STappearing to the satisfaction ofthe Courtj that, the Defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered, That publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Sentinel, that said defendant appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Onslow County, at the Court House in Onslow, on the first Monday of February next, and replevy or plead to issue, or Judgment final will bo rendered against him. Attest, DAVID TV. SANDERS, Cler;. SS:. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Graven County. V County Court of Pleas and. Quarter hession November Term, A. D. 1831. Thomas Watson i vs. Original Attachment- Alexandot J. Maurice. S i' 1 JI T appearing to tlie satisfaction cf fhe Court, that fJ ii Defendant is not an iuhabitant of thi SiHtt-, " dered, that publication be made lor six Jn North Carolina Sentinel, tbat -aid defendant plr . the Cvurt of Pleas and Q..arrr S10" "LzL County, at the Court-House i" '"ZTto Monday of February., and repJ .;P,d, ,S to judgment fi win be rff ANLTj' Cterh :