II .'3 it' TT -1 NOfcTtfCOLINA SENTINEL, AND NEWBERN COMMERCIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND LITERARY INTELLIGENCER EUerars ami fWrnllaneous no less complete ; I have captivated the loveliest wag, just contradict my death next week, will of her sex. She writes romances, and I have you?" "O certainly, Sir, just to please you t . i i j i t i a, Uhniirrh nnnn mv woru. i can i nein tninKinp- e.a to reaa none dui iiers. x am w mi- u8?'. -r--- - - --r -e f j vc nt uu'murt iTCUi riUKiiif nuuxiic. I IirOmiS A. hero is nothing in these days, if not hand- nish her with perpetual ideas for her corsairs some jtfui l must admit, at once, m plain tan- and bandits ; she win never want a aeraon wnuc guage, without shame or equivocation, that I I live. am what the world call and particularly the My hopes of happiness on this point had female part of it confoundedly ugly. There is not yet received a confirmation. I was in h ur not a feature of my face where it ought to be. ly expectation of a decision, and flattereu 1 look as if I had just walked out of ' Der Frcy- myself except when I happened to be stand rsfcuhtz.' You would fancy that I had been not ing near a mirror that it would be fav orable, created, but guessed at, or that I had been made In five days an answer was to be returned, by mistake. I have been accused of picking up My heart beat responses to the clock, and my countenance at a masquerade; and it has ticked as if had been warranted. 1 watched 4oo,l W Mr. Farlev invited me for a oo Ti,r W came, as a debtor does a dun, UCCll oion"-- .-" J viw? . y . II f,w " Url wn thankful when it was gone. It would f r People are surprised that they do not see a be on the fourteenth ; memorable date ! Wow f italics in mv forehead. 4 drawn and etch- thpn for mv letter, 'Letitia,' said I, (these girls e(j by George Cruikshank.' Liston has fre- get such fine names) 4 you may bring up my cof- nnrntlvexoressea msaamirationoimv ugliness, tee ana imnti, x .c . xx .v -. : " , ii - i r .t : NEW GOODS. i i. :i. - c ma Vova it thp. moment it. r.nmp.s ' antl regarus Hie yilil a .iuu ui cnviuus cmuusi- iray ici u,v" asm. I was once obliged to fight a duel with a airl stared at first, and I believe almost ti obliged to fight The tittered J - v -a it, mi fdend, only for looking at his little girl, whose There has been one already, sir. -men imagination had 'been excited by reading the never mind the coffee now, put it down and bring history: of an ogre ; and was a short time after me the letter.' 'O, I refused it, sir.' said she, nst me for stop- with an air ot discretion. ' Ketused it : luries : the rast in : an action brousrht asrai that, hamicned at same moment to take fright. I am a particular iWoritc with the author of Frankenstein, who fc3llr mo nhilosoDhicallv frightiul, I sat to her forthc Monster. I have seen people stare when? - why?' It come by 8 o'clock post, sir A I thought it was a Valentine, and that of course you would not take it in.' She indulged me with another stare, and treated herself to ano ther titter. vou died at tne ime specined, . and that you have merely come back to pay this bill on ac count of your friendship for me. Nadir Shah, when encouraging the Persians to attack the Turks, said- You need not have any fears or anxiety respecting this nation, tor fjrod has given them but two hands, one ol which is absolutely necessary to keep on their caps, and the other to hold up their trousers ; and if thev had a third, it would be employed to holdjtheir pipes; they have, therefore, none to spare for a sword or shield." . ORTHODOXY. The Bishop of Landafs opinion on Ortho- doxy.-."Yhat is this thing called Orthodoxy, which mars the fortunes of honest men, misy leads the judgment of Princes, and occasional ly endangers the stability of thrones? In the true meaning of the term, it is a sacred thing to which every denomination of christians lays an arrogarit and exclusive claim, but to which no man, no assembly dmen, since the apostor lie age, can prove a title. It is frequently amongst individuals of the same sect nothing Most Extraordinary Continuation I OF GREAT AND i UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS BY THE SYLVESTERS! ONLY asbort time ago, i was announced Office of Sylvester, 130, Broad wal Wl Pri70 wna sold anA , aJ TTOSEPH M. GRANADE, & Co. respect qU fully inform their friends and the public that they have just received (by sundry late ar rivals from New York, Philadelphia and Bal timm-P and are now opening, atthewell known that at the C3. r.mD ,rAi.iiTiiPrt hv Mr. vvuiiam liunu, tne zu.uuu iTize was sold, and n.t v-r oiwrc lujuiciij j - - i -r uetnrn comer OI rOIIOK iiiuuie-sirccts, uiai, oia uitp iu,vFw in oia Buccessive Lotterip it laanniwvvT nir (immediately aiterwards ovlvester'f nm-. . AN EXTENSIVE ur.az. 4u,lin:. t Ul m a mm wi: w m m.. in s t- t i n i w t lotc. otc. aua again uiu oyivesier, at hi WINES AIS U mi &i fin raterson, sen tne noie ot the 8MnnA TTardware, Cutlery, Croeltery and Prize in the iUnioif Canal Lottery, drawn Glassware. r , sale at a moderate bUas uCTcruw; me above defies cuiiipaiiatn una vuici Venice 111 ifle Unit A if mr as if the v wondered how I escaped from I felt an earthquake within me but stood firm, better than self sufficiency of opinion, andpha- Saint George, or wished to know when l was I summoned inct 9t Wantlev. Frequently have I been puz- hn mv mind: - - j 11 C 11 1 I ... . . - , . .-11 zled to kn&w how Warcissus coma iaii in love obliged to take in every letter .mat came un with himself: the thing scem to me impossible, the right one arrived. AVhen I havasuryeyea my lace in a glass l nave The post now came. lieu mini, wnat an in- been rather alarmed lest, instead of passing a RJndation of despatches; I forget how many nnrkct. 1 snouia pui uiy iiauu iuiu iu - omeat two pence, some ai mree pence, nunc 1 ; V f 1 a; 1 - t ; 11 I .. ' .ii 1 1 1 " How sorry x nave souibuiucs oeen wiieri can- paid : Some were loiaeci mysienonsiy anu iui- mf upon a friend, 1 have seen all the little chil- tured into geometrical forms, the seals were my wits and held, a select vestry riSaical pride, by which each man esteems hirn The result was inevitable. I was s more righteous than his neighbors. It may perhaps be useful in cementing what is called the alliance between Church and State.- But if such an alliance obstructs candid discus sions, if it invades the right of private judg ment, if it generates bigotry in Churchmen, or There inconsistent with the sreneral principles of Protestantism, but it impedes the progress 6 the Kingdom of .Christ, which we all know is not of this world." I iwtrait for the sign. He httle suspected the impossibility of painting it; it would be easier tp personify a. chaos, Fuseli could not have made me more friglEful, nor could Lawrence have extracted a grade from me, even when the alchymy of his pencil found gold in all things. ' Xo painter, therefore, has yet had the courage fd sketch me. Yet, as I stood the other day looking at a Hercules and laughing at myself, I 'turned and caught a pale thin young man pen rrillimr mv contour in -his-pocket book; and a few days afterwards, while I was talking with Pome ladies in a cariage, what vas my surpise at recognizing my own features, in all the subli- t lriity of ugliness, painted upon the pannel! I yas in the character of a griffin! What was worsebe ladies, who happened i.o be horribly handsome, observed the likeness, which they seemed to regard as a coincidence highly flattering to me. I fancied every mo ment that they would compliment me on the resemblance, and expect me to present them ; with their crest set in diamonds for minaturc. -AVhile leaning over, they glanced, first "at the 1 gj ecn pannel and then at me ; comparing the rrrinoftheffriffin with the smile of unconscious- j ness that I assumed, and which must have Iook- ! eje very like a paroxysm of horror. It erew more and more ghastly as I affected to look pleasant. In endeavoring to twist my mouth into something less disagreeable, I only jescrabled a fury playing on a fiddle. At last, 44 ting upon philosophy and tne post-omce, on illdirected love, and misdirected letters. I re solved to terminate my wretchedness at once, and wondering how Chabert could be so fool ish as to refuse prussic acid, I rushed out in search of it. But I was notso lucky as, Romeo : our apothecaries are two well-off; all refused. At last I found a shop with a boy whistling behind the counter. I made a desperate effort to be agreeable, and pleaded some experiment in natural philosophy, but he denied me like the rest. I bejfsred lor a little laudnum for the tooth-ache: but he recommended tincture jaf myrrh. He wrapped up my change in paper, and I was again left in the world without a hope. I tnrnpd mv head and saw that L was passing a j A (J cutler's shop. j I went in and selected a, new set of razors; thev were not polished and I could not have thpm that niorht: thev were to be sent in the , o ' . morning, certainly not later than nine. I con sented to live till that hour. I retired to bed, but to broken slumbers. beheld nothing but scarlet coats and leather bao-s--a legion of post men. 1 was wandering in a hall lined with looking-glasses; I was com mitted for trial for placing my portrait in the Royal Academy ; when I awoke it was very near nine; only a few minutes remained for me. My ees fell upon the glass, and I gave the last shudder of disgust at the unhappy features that involved me in ruin. The delay of the cutler yniQtW stole affiance at me on mv entrance , no W multiform, and were traced with-every intolerance m statesmen, n not oniy Decomes ui tAi w--w t n i w . . 7 . r- 'nreTeh eoinff to bed to the proffered privilege impression, from a six pence to a key. There "i -'" l.l ' A 1 I 1 - .L i of a came at torieits. nasespeare musi nave was, however, surprising unanimuy in cuiueuisv seen me m a vision wnen ne arew uauoan. they all strucK at me wiin some suiy same vSpencer also has very nearjys described me in But it was all in vain : nature had done so much several places, une aay or omer i snan ue ia- i0r me, that my enemies couia noi, uy any pu& ken up for a Triton that has strayed Jrom its sibility, caricature me. pedestal in a gentleman Vpond. I should make Many bore the insignia of a button, and more a Capital study' for a knocker.; '. : of a thimble: every one I came to4ncreased my .Mr. Nash wishes to take a cast of my face for disappointment ; I looked for South Audly that purpose. It is not long ag6s since mine -Street at the lop, and iyours sincerely' at the host of the Saracen's Head' offered me a share bottom, in vain. My mortification rose 20 per iit thctcoricern, on condition that 1 jut up my cent. 1 paced up and down the room rumma All of which thev offer for i dvance for cash or country produce. Newberjiy Nov. 14, 1831. a fttfltoa T f is Alan ii7rWhv nf iamA .1 the above Prizes were Paid immediately on th receipt of the drawing. Sylvester takes thit opportunity -of mtorming his distant friend- ' that all orders for Tickets in any of Yates Ar un- a NEW GOOB. JOSIS A. CRISPIN TiVS just returned from New York with J g-eneral assortment ot HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c. ' The following" articles comprise apart of his Stock : Edward C. O. Tinker, MPBOHANT TAILOR, if) ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of M'Intyre's Lotteries, must be addressed as Hi v.r?. ..j i t;t it h has der, and will meet same attention as on 11. RW 1 illlU 113 - I : ,. ;.. x 11 .--.. - I v'ou kteK- returned from New York with a hand- app.icauon in an cases tne ong.nal Tick idieiy icwmcu x A . 1 . 1- f ets are sent, and Sylvester is reomlarUr t:. a 1 n niw 1 1 iik till j -s a 1 i 1 1 p n some assuruneniui w "IAA K,r tKn fSSfofo T.otiorcnocil nnf.-v 1 1 acuuj ui.. 1 o jiuy uc anuresed S. J. SYLVEeTER, New-York, Pittsburgh, Pa. or Paterson, N. J. ; Reference, Yates $f MTntyre. TO MY DISTANT FRIENDS. We would particularly call the attention r t' A . . A ' 1 A ml 1 "111 - v our distant inenas to tne triihant schemes t1 be.arawntne itn uecemoer andviith of Jan New- York Consolidated Lottery, Class 12, for 1831, to be drawn WEDNESDAY, the 14ih day of Dec. 1831. 66 No. Lottery, 10 drawn ballots. SCHEME. Prize of 840,000 20,000 10,000 - 5,080 Vl,000 3,000 Wines. Champaiffne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon,' Teneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, . Country. Liquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Ola Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Porter in qt.& pt. bottles Fruits. Citron, Currants, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Hvson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf fc Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Iuts, j Almonds. j Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs Pepper, Spice. - ! finding that the-griffin had decidedly the best of rendered me impatient, I wondered what the i'tv I left the ladies to their scent-bottles. 1 be- papers would say the next morning, and wheth liive one of them fainted.! As I retreated, they er they would have wood cuts. Unconscious seemed a little surprised at my walking away y took up the wet sheet before me to read in the usual manner like other people. They mv fina debate. Underneath it lay mysteri- looked down and consulted, together, they had olls providence!, a letter. It realized my fon counted my legs. destdream-at the same time Letty entered thi I shall not attempt to convey to tne reaaer room 'Your razors are come.' Very well Preserved Ginger. Buckwheat. Goshen Butter. Cheese, Spanish & American Segars. su perior Chewing Tobacco. fcc. Which he offers low for cash or country produce, at the Store on Pollok-streetformerly occupied by the late George A. Hall, Esq. i R. HALSEY, 7 eTp ESPECTFULLY informs his former ' j-LX patrons and the public generally, that he business, among which are Rlack. Green and Olive Cloths, "i " ' j Mulberry and Plum d0 Chesnut-brown, SteelmixtSLblk. Cassimercs, Black Silk Florentine, Black figured do. do. do. Velvet, do. do. Valencia, 1 case of Fashionable HATS, Horse skin Gloves, Mixed Merino half Hose, Random do. do. Striped do. do. Merino do. do. Fancy Cravats and Stocks, Cravat Stiffeners, of the latest style, &c. fcc. All of which will be sold at reduced prices. He will at all times be furnished with the latest fashions, and will execute all orders at the shortest notice, and in the neatest style. Nov. 9, 1831. William J. Hancock HJTAVING determined to close his business in this JliL nlace. Will sell off c.t the New York Cost, for Cash, AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF Fall and Winter Dry Goods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, fcc. Also, one cask Teneriffe WINE. Just received per sch'r Mary, from Philadelphia, 200 lbs. Cotton Yarn, assorted No. 5 to 15. " Newbern, 9th Nov. 1831. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD, WILL be given for the apprehension and delivery in Newbern Jail of my Negro Men HUGH and JIM. They ran away from my house in Beaufort, about ten days ago. Hugh was raised on Mr. Gaston's Plantation on Brices Creek, and I expert both of them are dodging about in the bushes at that place.; Hugh is about 28 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches; high, is not a very darl negro, is, trim builtj with very thick lips. He wears a long, blue cloth coat occasionally. He has a pass written by my daughter, dated about two weeks ago,; to go to Neuse and return, which he will pro bably show if interrogated. Jim isablack ne gro, about 25 years old, about 5 feet 6 inches high, and thick set. He was raised by Mrs. Thompson, in Beaufort, and has a wife at James T. Jones' plantation, on Clubfoot's Creek!. Jim has a pass written by me, about two weekfe ago, with leave to go to Clubfoot's Creek ancl return immediately. They have taken a longer tour man i expected, and it they return to me immediately, without cost, I will endeavor to 1 1 1 1 2 o o 20 20 25 45 56 56 56 56 112 112 112 1960 15400 is 2,000 1,000 500 400 200 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 840,000 . 20,000 10,000 5,080 8,000 6,000 4,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 5,600 4,480 3,920 3,360 5,000 4,480 3,300 39,200 154,000 Tickets 810, Halves 85, Quarters 82 50. New-York Consolidated Lottery, Class 13 for 1831, to be drawn WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of January, 183 48 No. Lottery Seven drawn ballots. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000 1 1 5 5 oo 41 41 41 82 656 5740 10,000 4,058 1,000 500 200 100 60 50 40 20 10 10,000 4,05S 5,000 2,500 4,400 4,100 2,460 2,050 3,280 13,120 57,400 Tickets, 10, Halves 8 5, Quarters 8 2 50. ' We thus early give notice that our kind pa trons all over the United States, Canadas, WcfI Indies, &c. 6cc. can have time to write. Wc are provided with. Packages of Wholes, Halves, and Quarters, and in all cases the Tickets sold our ailiiction and your balm happy and less ugly. anv definite notion of my features; as well might sa I ' then give me some hot water, for I must has resumed business in Newbern, at the well I endeavor to paint me soima oi me bagpipes dress directly.') jWe were to be married the or to turn a vinegar barrel into vrerse., first 0f April. Reader, whoever vou are, let - My nose let li pass unuebcriueu, a snape vi mis De at once v Shadow, a riddle , to all agesr I bequeath its that you are less nmnrv to mankind; and in after times let it be " qaid that there was at least one jiose of which An Honorable Preferment. An Irish Knight the human mind could turm no conception; l w. -w-ni merely observe, that if it should acquire, connection i either from time or, the table, any other lorm proud. iJoastingot this union once to a friend or hue, it must inevitanly he handsomer than it ne ohserved that his lordship had paid hin the Mv feefvery'much resemble those that we highest compliment in his power. 'He had known stand lately occupied by Mr. Charles Stewart, on Pollock-Street, where he will have on hand a good assortment of SUCH AS . " j Black, Olive, Brown, and In- sell them to the man they want to live with, from OUr offices RTP. t.h nrV srin nl. 1X71 TT "L 1 a. . i . , - O ! ""en nugu reaas mis, ne nad better reflect on his error, and come home without delay. JAMES MANNEY. Beaufort, Nov. 6th, 1831, as married to the daughter of a Noble Lord, a Superfine Blue, mnection of which the Knight was somewhat visible Green Cloths ; Blue, Drab and Fan cy mixt Cassimeres, fine Goafs Hair : jneet 'with in modern poetry, being sadly defi- seven daughters said he ' and he gave me the rient in quantity when compared with each ouldest, and he told me, too that had he an IV -T 1 111 1 -mm-. nther. . ouiuer, i snouio nave tier .' Mirror. vAi 1 nm one of the most popular men of the , . i,r hnrHlv ronsidp.red romnlptP When the Jlon. t. N. was governor of V,:... 1 T tiU nrPppdnnpA nf thn vnnthfnl Veylon, lie was addressing a native prince ill ahvMvs find me. in th ..ongli the medium of an interpreter, in a high PVP rntpd on ciai - , . , r uuu,u"u) i" cotn BEiuciitc u the shortest w men me prince answered 7 tlnrinh. ' Thic wnc 1vl?p;t. the liveliesi, auu ine icasi uupetnci circle in tne room. I attracrabout me the gay, wi ihn rnmantic ; the sentimental and the im- passioned. Mind I am not hired like a genius or a iuMer, who is expected to amuse In pro portion io the honors that are paid him; and yet ' I km hunted as a curiosity, and carried about like a new poet, or a new snawi. repeated so lrequently as to induce an inquiry uuousmcamng. 'He means to say, answer ed the interpreter, 'that your excellency lies.' i rooj oj ueatn.A subscriber to one of the eastern papers, a tew years a?o beinjr sadlv same, promised the Editor Camlet, Fancy 6f Plan Testings, AMONG WHICH ARE . - i Fasliionble Stocks, Cravats, Sus penders, Gloves, Cravat Stiffiiers, fine linen Collars, &c. &c. ! All orders will be thankfully received and the most reasonable terms and at notice. j ?T33' Ten per cent, will invariably be deduc ted for Cash, on all orders for Clothing. Newbern. 9th Nov. 1831. in arrears for the A NOTICE. T the November Term, A. D. 1831, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, But for what? I do not write song's, nor have that, it his life was spared to a certain day, he for Craven County, the subscriber obtained let -mm- w J I - T "V V 1 1 SI - T " S 1 . 1 . 1 1 -. I W . I made any useless discovery in science. - To be able to dance wen, says soint- uiu au thor requires a good understanding; it also re quires legs, which" the articles that assist me in walking cannot correctly be called. - There is some secret then, by which ugli ness may be made fascinating? There is it 'consists simply in this singular fact, that I ne yer in my life happened tS read any one of the Scotch novels'. This forms mv character. I i . i : a. i a f i i uuum, .wiuuui iaii, discharge his bill. The ters of Administration on the estate of Eliza (In ni ccon anH 1 hn Kill . . I .... , . r-- tll was not paid. The beth Sears, deceased. All persons indebted to natural conclusion, therefore, was that the man said estate are requested to make immediate was aeau. rroceeoing on this conclusion, the payment, and those having claims against it to v . , i'"u me name of brinff them forward, properly authenticated, ine aeiinquem unuer nis obituary head, with within the time prescribed by law, or thev will the attending circumstances of time and place be barred of recovery by the operation of the r-re uun a -.muuucement, the subject acts of assembly in such case made and provided. uiHttppu kj ua unuj, uui wiin tne Dale I am known as the gentleman who never read Waverley!' I live upon the nill admirari, I nounsu upun iiuiniiig. very body is conten WILLIAM L. SEARS, j . Administrator. Newbern, Nov. 16th, 1831. j FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. TCD AN AWAY, from the subscriber on the -U.VX 5th of June last, his Nero Man JOE. ghastly countenance usually ascribed to appari tions, put wiin a iace as rea as scarlet . Neither did it, like other apparitions, wait to be first sDoken-to, but broke silence 'What the ding who shall get me into a corner to rUrrihp Sir.1 do vou mean, by publishing my death?" io me Amy nposan or 3iac Ivor. "Why, Sir, the same that I mean by publish I am Uke the iN ew v orm all arc anxious to l?g e ?f"n 01 a" -omer Peron-to let He is about six feetthree inches high, and quite cultivate me. iuy ignorance is universally co- "e oria Kn7 3 i f a,u " weII bIack? hs a long nck, and looks, as he is, big veten , i ' . . "v,,"6 v ,j ana independent. He has ben mucn olJhis How I ameuvieti: AuiewineTHiianua, own lauit, loryou ioiu me you wouiu posmveiy time in Pitt county, and will probably attempt pression Miaj.a" imw j ...vumuvub. uiC. to pass to another state. All persons are because tbef have communicatea to me every ne nay is past, the bill is not paid, and you hereby forewarned against harbouring or car thing that they nappeneu io kuuu up lo mat must oe dead, ior i win not oeneve rymg him away. A reward of Fifty Dollars - a I till IVmi I -l vA i 4- . - I 77 . period M. STEVENSON, Senr. , , t i i . . m, m a w S. J. SYLVESTER. New-York, Pittsburgh, and Paterson. Nov. 23 tlst Jan. Linnaean Botanic Garden & Nurseries, FLUSHING, NEAR NEW YORK. ILLIAM PRINCE fe SONS, Proptic- BliLffe leave to correct an erroneous impression v v tors' announce that the great extensions which hasbeen unfairly madeon the nuhlieminn. made in their Establishment, which now covers He takes this method of stating, that his Hearse is kept near 50 acres, completely filled with the choicest for the accommodation of every decent family shall be so unfortunate asto require its use. His per- them to. offer tl,P. tarimK t ih reduced eonai attendance at b unerals is likewise offered to all j i - persons of the same description, oSSa be P.?? their , new catalogues, which spared, on his part, to have the solemnities conducted W'U be to. anV PeTon who may a ply for with sobriety, decency and good order. them. 1 he size and excellence of the Trees It is hoped that the following reasonable charms exceeas ail tormer periods, and the most scru- will be satisfactory. ' pulous attention has been devoted to their Neatest Mahooranv Coffin, for a crown nerO ; accuracy, which is invariably an object of their son, with linings and trimmings; (including j personal attention. To Nurseries they v)H an engravea onver r late;) together with his anow a iiDerai discount and convenient crcun. personal attendance, and the use of his horse j All letters desiring information, will be replied auuxjier, j i to by the first mail. As many persons urc enravS'sUver pfatn k' "C? I 1 aSentS for diffbrent Nurseries, it is requested f?5.?idinebot- IS25 that orders intended for h .articularlv spc me mavc lugeuier wunnorse, nearse xaCj t? t . : ; . j, and attendance, I clfied. Every Invoice sent has a printed heat- Flam, stained Poplar Coffin, lined with ? $1 0 s r Slgnare, and such proot ol ong Cambric, but without the Silver Plt must be insisted on. as we takp. nnnn ourselves Plain, stained Coffin, with a neat ninked i no resDonsihilitv unless mnK an im.iirp can tc Cambric border, but without lining, $ 1 produced " common ransh Uothns, 84 Their Treatise on the Viilft dpsrribes 2?0- Children's Coffins & Funerals, in the aoye proportion, kinds of Grapes and their culture. Their ncueru, Aug.i, iMi. 1 reatise on HORTICULTTTRE mniains des Trr inrvy criPtions for cultivating ithem ; and their IAILORIjSG. POMOLOGICAL MANUAL, iust published, iTKWING to the pressure of the times, the subscri- contains full descriptions of aboye 600 Varieties ber has determined to reduce his prices to the of Pears, Plums, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots. I Nectarines, Almonds, &c.besides other Fruits selections, following rates, viv: For making fineCIoth Coats, Common do. 84 3 2 1 0 1 you would forfeit your word." Thptti are some tliat take a pride to gird at nve gotrpund me, Mr. Editor, but say no more to me. ;; oui rov rriupios j is me money. And, harkee, you graven ItlVMG tw - - , Tn,atnn at Fahtaff; " I boa-, m,, I : 1 1 I j a , ... , . . A . c-vV vuui will lit: 1 1?1 1 1 1 rn anv nnA tttK nri da lira htim . i x -v " J nuu w in nvjii . v. linn WILLIAM P. BIDDLE. County, 8th Nov. 1831. Homespun do. Fine Pantaloons, 44 Common do. 4i Fine Vests, 44 Common do. For Cutting Coats, 44 Pantaloons, " Vests, And in proportion for other wort nnt maf.;c respectfully solicits the patronage ol his friend 50 50 50 00 75 00 0 75 0 40 0 20 0 30 He s and so that all persons can make their with a knowledp-r. nf th ,7,v,Ve Apply to THOMAS WATSON- A&ent. Newben- DOMESTIC LOTTERY fpi ENTLEMEN who had Tickets in this Lottery Hjli for sale, will please make returns prior to tn i tn uctober, as the drawing will take piace days afterward. p.; The subscriber has on hand a few neat 1 a.' ladelphia built DEARBORNS. , . . A SULKY, with leather top, also Philadelpn the nuhli anrThroo 'T aie ,U8 aa that their work will be done fti.hfuDv. inThV.iw ToCOPPBR STILLS, and .an jM iasnions, ana with all practicahlp aicr4.t.K tj- Tl asortmeni 01 seu-snarpenmg ruiixuiL., "u ". .p is on Craven-Street, JStSSSS tEvSSt PENS- These together with almost every art. civrTTrK, ' uuurs oouui oi the .Bank , .(, oAnnr.RRVo uadmi?!Q Unr.. be e. ; t SPENCE P. WILLIS. fer8veryl0W,f0rCash iewuern, iept. 'S. 1831, 14th Sent, 1831. JOHN TEAIPLETOX- "IftOr zk r. 0

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