1 - "-I 'A LIBERTY.. ..THE CONSTITUTION.. ..UNION. vol.. XV, NEWBBM, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1832. ?80. PUBi-ISSIED I5Y TII03IAS WATSON. II ir- ! TERMS, ner annaai payable in advance Vi nior w'll be ' discontinued (hut at the .'is-' ,.,;tion of the Editor) until all arrearage have been paid up. ; rr- Remittances by mail will be guarantied by T;;i Editor. . . j, Ac Boston Ccnhncl, December dl. MASONIC DECLARATION. Wc this day present our readers with a De .inraiinn nf thp. sentiments ot the members AUsonic Societies of this city and of vicinitv, on the OUR COTTON MARKET. Considering the immense business ofdur Au gusta Cotton market, it has frequently been a matter of great surprise to us, that so little of re gularity or system exists in the transaction of it that the most important means of affording cjrrcct information, are almost entirely neglect ed that so many of the minor dealers so little, understand the principles of the business they nr transacting and, indeed, that so much is left nnnecessarily to mere chance. It would seem to us, that a continual strict comparison of Liverpool prices, with those of our own mar ket, and examination of the expenses of ship ping, wharfage, drayagej loss of weight, rate of exchange, ecc. fcc. between the two markets , was a matter of the most vital importance; and yet wc know from frequent conversations, that these matters are very much neglected. And breat losses have been, LIVEROOL. Ordinary, 4 d. Middling, 54 d. Fair, 5d. Good fair 5d. 4. 6J. Good fine, 6- a6d. character of their institution, it win De ncrccivca mai it is hiunc-u uy mi - and resnectable individuals taken indwcrirai-1 : consCnuence thereof, ere lately from all. political parties from the dif- j arc ant wm De suffered; which deeply affect, fcrentprevailinrcligious denominations, and : not onjy the firAt losers, who thus pay for their rum all classes "of the community in which we ! vasimess and imprudence, but necessarily, live. For a verification, pf this, readers can re- j tjiro them, every class of communiy, and the ,-r to the signature annexed to the Declaration, ; eneral interest - and prosperity of the whole It was originally intended to be a limited sub-j goutn if the Cotton dealer losses, as hemost rription to the city ot boston, 'but-on tne sup- , generally owes many others-, the Banks. Mer ..-at bein" proposed to members of societies in chants, "Planters, &,c. 6cc. when he is. disabler neighboring towns, they were anxious 10 nun jl,,, rli'oir vith. . i i . . . i . i signatures, ana it was rcaauy couipnc-u ( The character and credibility oi eacn oi ie sijrucrlf is 'therefore at stake, pledged to the truth of the declaration. The number of Liters could easily have been augmented to the number of all respectable Masons through out the State, but it .was not deemed necessary n 'delay the publication long enough to collect their namcs.. Wc invite the cafuad attention ofall classes of men, whether Masons or-Anti-Masons, to the Declaration. TO THE PUBLIC. While the public mind remained in the high s ate of excitement,-to which it had been car- . V1 by the partial and inflammatory represen tations of certain offences, committed by a few " misguided members of the Masonic Institution, in agister State; it seemed to the undersigned (residents of Boston and its vicinity) to be ex pedient to refrain from a public declaration of their principles or engagements, as Masons. Hut, believing the' time now to be fully come, v.;he.n their fellow-citizens, will receive -with candor, if not with satis.fdction, a solemn and unequivocal denial of the allegations, which du rmr the last live year's, in consequence of their ronnexion with the Masonic Fraternity, have been reiterated against ihcm, they respectfully ak permission to invite attention to the sub v ined DECLARATION. such losses from paying his debts, they must lose also ; and his losses thus run at once as it were, thro, the whole southern community. It is calculated by dealers, in whose general knowledge of the data we have the highest con fidence, that our market suffered a clear loss by the transactions of last year, of above three hun dred thousand dollars. This guggests various important and melancholy reflections. Who are the sufferers ? the dealers alone? No ; the gene ral interests of the whole country. In addition to the losses above described, the market suffers by the substraction of so much from its general capital, the competionofother markets, and the substitution of foreign agencies instead of native dealers am! the planter, bv the frequent loss a m a of competition in the market. It is plainly to the interest of the great body politic, that its various branches should all be equally benefitted, and as little subject as possi ble to the fluctuations of chance that the mer chant and planter, particularly, on whom the others are closely dependant, should each have a fair and equal profit for his labors ; for though amid those fluctuations, the one may be for a moment benefitted at the expense of the other, the general interest must necessarily be sufferer and even the gainer himself, also, so far as his individual interest is affected by the general one; as the amount of it is of course to be sub stracted from his individual gains. It is there fore desirable that Cotton should always com mand in market, just as much as it is worth, and for those who lack consideration for themselves. We therefore propose to introduce the subject occasionally to the public,as a mean of pa vino- the way to "a consummation devoutly to be wish ed and for the present, with the aid of an ex tensive and highly intelligent dealer in the arti cle, we give the prices in both markets, accord ing to the Liverpool classification as follows : AUGUSTA. Ordinary, 6J- cents. Middling,. 7 Fair, 74 Good fair 6 a 8- cts, Good fine, a8f " With the present rate of Freights from this place to Savannah and Charleston, and from? thence to Liverpool, together with commissions, wharfage, drayage, and the new duty of f of a penny per pound, the expenses on Cotton ship ded hence to that port, and there sold, after de ducting the sum made by bill of Exchange will exceed four cents per lb. or ahoni fourteen dol lars per bale, and in addition to this, the loss in weight will exceed 10 lbs. per bale. Jet these charges be added to the Augusta prices above, and compared wtth those of Liverpool, and it will be seen that the loss on each bale shipped, will be from one dollar, to one dollar and fifty cents. It is not natural that we should wish to see our mercantile friends, on whom the prosperity of our city and State are in a great degree de pendant, entirely ruined; and we therefore lake the liberty of advising them to go into a fair calculation, and ascertain what prices they can afford to pay, and compare them with those they, do pay ; for we fear that too many, who are pursuing this fascinating business, arc working in the dark. We are not advocates for low prices. On the contrary, we would always have prices as high as they could be maintained,to afford all parties a fair profit. But as the prices in the Liverpool ' i market should regulate those in a great degree in all others, the home markets should be so low to insure to the Merchant here a lair com Whereas, it has been frequently asserted and no m0re sufficient to afford both the merchant wublwhed to the world, .that in the several de- j an(i the Planter a fair profit each, and not give the whole profits either to the one or the other. And if the article will not afford both a fair ,rrc(s oi r recmasonry, rs 1:117 aiu lumuiiu n the United States, the candidate, on his initia tion and siibscqucntad;anccmcnt, binds himself, by oath, to sustain his Masonic brethren in acts, which are at variance with the fundamental principles of morality, and incompatible with hit duty -as a good and faithful citizen; in jus- profit it ought obviously to be abandoned. As matters now stand, amid the general uncertain ty of thg transactions, it is next to impossible for all parties to determine what is really a fair 1 profit and thus a few i of the more intelligent MEW GOOB. Bfl JOHN A. CRISPIN AS just returned from New York with . general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise apart of his Stock Wines. Champaigne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Liiquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Fruits. Citron, Currants, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperyn Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, ! JOSEPH M. GRAN ADR fcCo. CORNER OF FOELOK AND MIDDLE-STREETS MAVE just received by the pchoonerRe becca from New York, and other late ar rivals from New York, Philadelphia and Balti more, a general assortment of Foreign arid Domestic DRY GOODS, HARDWARE S'J CUTLERY, (SrCtftrrr), and Stone C2tert, Groceries, Wines, &c . &c. All of which they offer for sale, at a very moderate advance for Cash or Country Produce. xuc iuu.u3 unices may De enumerated as paTt of ! their srock viz : ; CO bbls Pilot and Navy Bread j 10 do N Y Weiterti Canal Flour Beach's red&fanil j 2 lialf bbls ditto ditto d casks Goshen Cheese, 1 box Pine Apple ditto VZ kegs Family Butter 60 pieces Smoked Beef . ' ' 25 Smoked Tongues, 12 boxes Smoked Hfrtin 6 boxes fresh bunch Raisins 300 bushels Irish Potatoes 6 barrels Loaf and Lump Sugars White Havana and Good New Orleans 6b Imperial, Gunpowder, and Hyson TE AS Mexican and St. Domingo Coffee Chocolate, 2 boxes fresh 4 i Porter in qt.& pt. bottleslPepper, Spice. Preserved Ginger. Buckwheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, &c. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at the Store on Pollok-street formerly occu pie by the late George A. Hall, Esq. Ncwbcrn, November 15, 1831. Madeira Naples Sherry Port Dry Lisbon Teneriffe Colmanflr Muscatel Sweet Malaga Champaigne and Claret net' therefore ttflrejnsclves, and with a view to j & observant, may well-speculate on the care- ( jfjtoiisn irvzn ana cposu impu.tuiuu, uj ricrsigncd, many of us the recipients; of every degree of Freemasonry, known and acknow ledged in this country, do most solemnly deny the existence oftomyeuch obligations in the Ma sonic Institution, eo far as our knowledgeres pcefively' extends. And we as solemnly; aver that, no person is admitted to the Institution; v.Vtimnt first, hnincr made acauaintcd with the ....w. " o 7 I nature of the obligations, which he will be re tired jto-incur and assume. Freemasonry secures its members in the free dom of thought and of speech, and permits each and every one to act according to the dictates oi his own conscience in matters of religion, and of his personal preferences in matters of politirs. It neither knows, nor does it assume to inflict, uport! its erring members, however vide may be their aberrations from duty, any penalties' or punishments, other than those of admonition, suspension, and expulsion: TV obligations of the Institution require of its members a strict obedience to the laws of God and of Man. So far from being bound by any engagements inconsistent with the happi ness and prosperity of the Nation, every citizen, v.-hn becomes a Mason, is doubly bound to be true tolusGoD, to his Country, and to his fellow men. In the laiiguagpof the "Ancient Consti tutions of the! Order, which are printed, and spon for public inspection, and which are used j 'is text books in all tlie Lodges, he is "required to keep and obey the Moral Law ; to be a quiet and. peaceful citizen ; true to his government and just to his country.' Masonry disdains the making of proselytes. She opens the portals of her asylum to those nnly, who seek admission, with the recommen dation of aKharacter unspotted by immorality and vice, fehc simply requires of the candidate, Ins assent to one great fundamental religious truth the existence and providence of God ; and a practical acknowledgment of those infal hb'.e doctrines foujhe government of life, which are written by the finger of God, on the heart ot man. ." I Entertaining such sentiments as Masons as . Citizens, as Christians, and as Moral Men, and deeply impressed with the conviction that the Masonic Institution has4een, and may continue J be, productive of great good to their fellow inen, and having " received the laws of the so ciety, and its accumulated funds, in sacred trust f charitable uses," the undersigned can nei ter renounce or abandon it. We 'most cor dially unite with our brethren of Salem and vi cinity, in the declaration, and hope that, should .-the people of this country become so infatuated as to deprive Masons of their civil rights, in violation of their written constitutions, and the wholesome spirit of just laws arid free govern ments, a vast majority in the Fraternity will till remain firm, confiding in God and the rec ,.of tneir intentions, for consolation, under 0 tr:a.s to which tliey may be exposed." less ignorance of others; which is the casein every business where much is left to chance fortunes being made by the few at the expense of the many, and fho many still press on, till they are ruined, in the vain hope that they may each ultimately become one of the favored few. In all fascinating speculations, where great fortunes may suddenly be 'made, whether in cotton dealing, lotteries, or gaming, some must be the losers, to afford the gains of the winners; and, since the benefits of the gainers will never counterbalance to society the suffe ring and misery of the losers, it is evidently desirable that in all human transactions, as little as possiblo should be left to chance. Why, then, in Cotton transactions, is not the same classification of Cotton adopted here as in Liverpool; which market must, or rather should always govern the prices of ours; that all might be enabled to judge at once, bv the quotations in 1 Liverpool, what can fairly and securely be paid in Augusia. vr eivnow me prices 01 orainary, middling, fair, good fair, and good fine, in Liver pool ; but this knowledge aids us nothing in our dealing here, unless we can tell exactly the dif ferences between thosequalities and the inferior, fair, good, prime, and choice, of our own mar ket ; and this, together with the charges between this place and Liverpool, we know by frequent conversations on the subject, are very imperfect ly known, or considered, by a large portion, if not nearly all, of the cotton buyers in our market many of whom are guided by current rates without having any inlluence in establishing them or knowing whether they are safe or not, and blindly give what others are giving, believ ing they can afford to give as much as any. one else ; and when Cotton rises in Liverpool they think it should also rise here, and act according ly; although it might already be higher in pro nortion. than the increased foreign rate. While each buyer is thus disposed to give as much as any other, a wild, hair brained, ormiscalculating speculator, may, often govern the whole market, and set every" one else wrong, instead of them setting him right, as of course they should do; and the losses & embarrassments to follow may be immense. To remedy these difficulties, the Liverpool classification, and that alone, should be adopted in our market, and a continual refer ence made to the rate of exchange and the vari ous eosts and charges, and loss of weight, be tween this market and Liverpool. And by this issue not only every cotton dealer, but every Planter, also, might at all times judge correctly what ought to be the curent prices what the one ought to give for Cotton, and the other to take for it. The strong propriety of adopting this mode, every one to whom we have suggested it, has readily admitted ; but, " what is every body's business, is nobody's," and so it may go on ad infinitum, unless we editors, on whom it mostly devolves to attend to "nobody's business," as pensation for his labor say a commission of about 2-j- per cent. Augusta Chronicle. 1 ' -" " ' 1 - ----- - To the Editors of the N. York Commercial Advertiser. The hardihood and cnterprize of the citizens Of the United States are, I believe, without pa rallel. Last month, two smacks left New Lon don; and in the course of this, two others are to follow from Stonington, for the Pacific Ocean. They are from 32 to 38 tons, no more, Mr. Ed itOr; and for what purpose think you? To Catch Cod and other Fish at Juan Fernandez to carry them in their wells alive and sell them at Valparaiso, and all along shore where-ever a market may be found ! To go from Connecti cut round Cape Horn, (which by the byeough to be spelled Hooren, after Van Hooren, j Dutch Navigator) or even through the Strait of Magellan, with cock-boats, to catch Cod Fish in the South Seas, and afterwards to find places to sell them, is indeed a novel undertaking; and with Yankee industry, clear sightedness, and economy, will undoubtedly succeed. ; If fish won't bite, if being caught the Dons won't buy, why, they (the three men and a boy of each smack) will catch seals along the shores of the Falkland Islands, or go farther south. I should not be astonished to hear that they had penetrated through Ice Islands to a Southern continent at any rate, by their wit and perse verance, by hodk or by crook, they will return richer than they went. A ship, belonging to New London, last season brought home a man, who, with another had been wrecked on a small rocky island, near the Falkland Isles. He had remained on the miserable rock for two years ; made abut to sleep in with sedge, there being no weed or brush; snared wild geese, ate their eggs ; killedPenguins ; made clothing, andcatch ed Seals, the skins of which wben he got home to New London, sold for $512. You know the history of the Albany sloop of 70 tons, built and commanded by Stewart Dean, of that city, which went from thence to Canton arid bark, with teas, silks. &c. to the wonderment of all who saw her there or here. I, forget the name of the brave fellow who bought a small viessnl at Canton beat UD atramst the North East Monsoon, through the rocks and shoals of Japan, made his trade from the North West Coast of America, returned to Canton and sold the furs which he had collected for 860,000. The Russian commander reported this fine fellow as an Englishman but no En glishman has hitherto been up to this. He was ah American. In one of the late numbers of the North American Review you will find all about it, and which I think would make a pret ty paragraph in your paper. Linnsean Botanic Garden & Nurseries, FLUSHING, NEAR NEW YORK. lOfriLLIAM PRINCE & SONS, Proprie- V V tors, announce that the great extensions made in their Establishment, which now covers near 50 acres, completely filled with the choicest TREES, SHRUBS and PLANTS, enables them to offer the various kinds at the reduced prices stated in their new catalogues, which will be sent to any person who may aply for them. The size and excellence of the Trees exceeds all former periods, and the most scru pulous attention has been devoted to their accuracy, which is invariably an object of their personal atteron. To Nurseries they will allow a libers.-discount and convenient credit. All letters desiring information, will be replied to by the first mail. As many persons are agents for different Nurseries, it is requested that orders intended for us be particularly spe cified. Every Invoice sent has a printed head ins: and our signature, and such proof or origin must be insisted on, as we take upon ourselves no responsibility unless such an invoice can be produced. f Their Treatise on the V Ilie describes 280 kinds of Grapes and their culture. Their Treatise on HORTICULTURE contains des criptions for cultivating them; and their POMOLOGICAL MANUAL, just published, contains fulWescriptions of above, 600 Varieties of Pears, Plums, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, Almonds, &c. besides other Fruits so that all persons can make their selections, th a knowledge of the qualities. Apply to THOMAS WATS ON, Agent, Newbern. JOHN W. NELSON, CABINET MAKER, MESPECTFULLY informs the Publick that he continues to manufacture every article in his fine of business. He is at all times provided with the best materials : and in return for the liberal and in creasing patronage which he receives, he promises punctuality and fidelity. He continues to make COFFINS, and to superin tend FUNERALS ; and that he may be enabled to conduct the solemnities of interment more becomingly and satisfactorily, he has constructed a superior HEARSE, for the use of which no additional charge will be made. Newbern, June 1st, 1831. Notice. PTTHE Drawing of the subscriber's Lottery U took place on Friday last, the prizes in which will be paid to the fortunate adventurers on the presentation of their tickets. J. TEMPLETON. January 4, 1832. 3 Jog 30 doz quart aud pint bottles Porter 2 do best refined Cider 10 barrels best New-ark family Cidf r, by ftfb barr or on draft Raspberry and Cherry Brandy Cognac Brandy Nash County Apple and Peach diflo Old Monongahela Rye Whiskey Irish ditto Common Rye ditto Best Holland and Rye Gin Old Jamaica St Croix andNERutn t 15 bhds retailing Molasses Black Pepper and Allspice ; Race and ground Ginger, London Slirstard Nutmegs Cinnamon, Cloves and Mace . Stoughton's Bitters 1 basket best Sailad Oil4 6 boxes Sperm. Candles, 12 do Tallow dft'o 25 ditto Yellow Soap. 2 bladders Putty 12 ditto 10 by 12 Window Glass 12 ditto 8 by 10 do do J2 kegs and 25 half kts best White l:fad 2 barrels best Winter Sperm Oil 2 barrels Linseed do 2 ditto Train do S50 bottles Lorillard's best Snuff Chewing Tobacco, of various qualities to pieces 42 inch Dundee hemp Baggirfg 20 coils bale Rope 6 cases Gentlemen's fine Hats, 2 do Wool dUtc 2 ditto Men's and Boy's Hair Seal Caps 3 ditto Whitemore's Cotton Cards, assurer! 2 ditto Wool do rfo 4 doz Fancy flag bcttom'd Chairs . 12 do Windsor dilfb ! Ladies' rocking and sewiug ditto Children's Chairs of various kin& 1 bale 7-8 Cotton Oznabargs 60 casks Stone Lime r 60 ditto Cut IVails, assorted sixes 1 ditto 15 doz Carolina hoes, assorfed sizes 1 100 pair Trace Chains 6 doz N Beers' long bright bitted Axes 8 do English Spades and Shovels 2 tons Knglish and Swedes Iron, assorted, ftem 1 1-2 to inches wide Haifa ton square bar Iron from 3-4 to 1 1.2 inctres 24 Freeborn's patent Cast Iron Ploughs 12 Ploughs, manufactured by an experienced Fa rater in this neighborhood. Newbern,-8th December, 1831. An Author's Card. There is consolation and philosophy in the following unique card which we copy from the Literary Subaltern. S. S. Southworth, Author of the National Drama, entitled the Capture of Prescott, or the Heroism of Barton,' returns his sincere thanks to the tiffb ladies and fifty gentlemen who honored the Theatre, on the evening of Wednesday with their presence, and thus gave him a bumper and a benefit., It was the inten tion of thft author to hand the proceeds of the niffht to the 4 poor of the church,' but being j after date, signed by Noah W. Gilford as prin apprehensive that the avails of the occasion j cipal, and John Bryan security. might not meet the hungry expectations of that ! One of the Bank notes was for S 100, No. 3, respectable body,, they are withheld and will j payable at Natchez; there were two 820 be invested in anthracite coal. This being the j notes and the remainder in Ten Dollar Notes. first benfit the author ever received, Excepting j All persons are cautioned against trading for always the "'Benefit of the Act,' he considers ! any of the above notes or receiving the money - J J: 1 it j rni j c 1 ,:ti i likorollv rewar- himself hio-hlv tortunate ana oiesseu, me uescriDea. ineuuuer wm -- 0- author, in re ing. is consoled but for a severe pust of wind, accompanied LOST, TJSN Friday evening, the 16th inst. between VU Newbern and the fork of Neuse and Do ver Roads, a Black Morocco Pocket Book, tied with a dressed deer-skin string, containing about 8 275, in United States' Bank Notes ; A note of hand against Benj. Jarrel, for six dollars and a few cents ; and a note of hand drawn by James Blount, with Hilen Godley security, for 844, and some cents, payable to Jordan Knox. And another note, payable to Edward Nelson, for forty dollars; dated 18th day of November, 1830, and payable 12 months .1 .1 nf (ho aran. ri nA U,r tko TrWlft Ttook. With ltS ded with the happy reflection, that ! contents, to Mr. James Hay ward, jjj ?vere mst of wind, accompanied SAMUEL J. KOACxi. with snow, hundreds would nave been m at tendance, which belief answers all the purpo ses of a full house. The thanks of the author are also due, to a brace of colored ladies and gentlemen in the gallery, who recorded their testimonials of applause in favor of Guy Watson shouldthinkpropertotakeitup,inconsiderationas enacted by Blr. McGuire. December 17th, 1831. The Highest Jjash Prices w .'I TVT r iLLbe given for HJteiy young n ugroes 01 hoth sexes, iroiu ru' JOHN GILDERSLEEVE. W Neicbern Academy I"T appearing to the Board of Trustees lLafc . a considerable amount of tuition money is unpaid, notwithstanding the rule requiring from ever pupil payment in advance, - Resolved, That the Teachers be directed tb cause these arrears to be collected without delay, Resolved further, That an adherence to the rule is deemed essential to the interests of the Institution, and that the Teachers arc hereby required, in every instance hereafter, when a pupil does not produce a certificato from the Treasurer, of the tuition moaey being paid within one week after the com mencement of his quarter, without distinc tion of person, to inform the pupil that Ire can no longer be received until such certificate is produced. Resolved further, That these Resolution? . be published in the newspapers of this town Attest, -n M! E. MANLY, Secretary: -November 23d, 1S31. PROSPECTUS OF THE North Carolina Misccllurif. The Subscribers propose to issue at Ldcnfoji a weekly paper, bearing the above title and designed to succeed the " Edenton Gazette" about to be discontinued. . The primary object of this publication is, to contribute to the amusement, convenience, and improvement of the community, to which it is offered. Accordingly, in addition to advertise ments, and the varioos news of the daj-, it shall be appropriated to the exclusive interests of no party, either political or religious; but shall be made a medium of general informatiow and free discussion, respecting any question, which may probably claim the attention of the( public. The Miscellany, shall be printed with good type, on a fair sheet and be furnished to sub scribers- at $2 50, if paid in advance or in three months from the time of subscribing, and $3 if payment be made at the end of the year. The first number shall appear as early in January next as the acquisition of the necessary' materials will admit. THOS. MEREDITH, WM. E. PELL. Edenton, N. C. Dec. 20th 1831. FOR HIRE, OR FOK SAWbT A YOUNG NEGRO WOMAN, accustom- ed to house wore APPv of the Sentineh Jen. 1$, at 4ha Office - ' ! t J t " I' 4 . 1

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