1 M- S - . V '"- i W .1 ! j 1 It ,1' V. I t u ": ' i V.1 i ! -' NOTICE. 1 ' ..... - 1 - - THE FREED BIRD. by sirs, hemaxs. 4 Return, return my bird ! j I have dressed thy cage with flowers, 'Tig lovely as a violet bank "In the heart of the forest bowers. rt I am free, I am free, I return no more! The weary time qf the cage is o'er! Through the rolling clouds I can soar on high, The sky is around me the blue bright sky ! a The hills lieieneath me, spread far and clear, With their glowing heath-flowers Abounding deer, I see the waves flash on me sunny snore I am free, I am free, I return no morel" Alas, alas, my bird ! Why sek'stthou to be free! Wert thou not blestin thy little bower, When thy soffgbreathed nought but glee ? ' Did my song of summer breath nought but glee? Did the voice of the captive seem sweet to thee ( Oh! had'st thou known its deep meaning well, It had tales of a burning heart to tell. ".From a dream of the forest that music sprang, Through its notes the peal of a torrent rang ; And its dying fall, when it soothed thee best, S ighed' lor wild flowers and a leafy nest." . as it with thee thus, my bird ? l ' Yet thine eye flash'd clear and bright ! ' X have seen the glance of the- sudden joy In it3 quick and dewy light. ' " It flash'd with the fire of a tameless race, With the soul of the wild wood my native place ! With the spirit that panted thro' heaven to soar Wob me not back I return no more ! "My home is high, amidst rocking trees, My kindired things are the star and breeze, And the fount unchecked in its lonely play, And the odours that wander alar away Farewell, farewell, thou bird ! . I have called on spirits gone, And it may be they joy 1 ike thee to part. Like thee that' wcrt all my own. If they were captives, and : pined 1 ike me, Though love might calm them, they joyed to be free ; They sprung irom the earth with a Durst oi power, To the strength of their wings, to their triumph's liour ! Call them not back when the chain is riven, When the wav.of the pinion is all thro' heaven. Farewell '.With my song thro' t he clouds I soar, 1'icrcc the blue skies--l am earth's no more under heaven. I must describe it like a jew eller to you, or I can never convey my impressions. First of all. a Quarter of a mile awav to wind ward your eye is caught by an uncommonly high wave rushing right upon your tracK, uiu heaping up slowly and constantly as it comes, as if sojne huge animal were piougmng h i" steadily and powerfully beneatn ine sunaic. Tto Mtrwinnfl" n nainter would say, is ot a deep indigo, clear -and smooth as enamel, its fmnt .nrvpd inward like a shell, and turned over sorimeni oi at the summit with a crest of flashing and chang ing perpetually in the sunshine, like the : sud den out-burst of a million of "unsunn'd dia monds," and right through its bosom, as the sea falls off, or the angle of refraction changes, there runs a shifting band of the most vivid green, that you would take to have been the cestus of Venus as she rose from the sea, it is so supernaturally franslucent and beautiful. As it nears vou, it looks in shape like the prow of Cleopatra's barge, asthev paint it in the old pictures; but its colors, and the grace and ma jesty of its march, and its murmur (like the low tones of an organ, deep and full, and, to my ear ten times as articulate and solemn) almost star tle you into the belief that it is a sentient being, risen glorious and breathing from the ocean. As it reaches the ship she rises gradually, for there is apparently an under wave driven before it, which prepares her for its power; and as it touches the-quarter, the whole magni- firpnt. wall hrfks down heneath VOU With a "ELL & WALLACE, being, desirous to 2 close their business in Snow Hill, pro pose to sell out their present Stock of Goods, AT AUCTION, Edward 'C. O. Tinker, MERCHANT TAILOR, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Npwhftrn and its viciaitv that he has to toK- returned from New York, with a hand- 1 CA tV. T v - no im, R. HALSEY, Y informs his patrons and the public generally, that fc d" has resumed business in Newbem i 4k. .e Oil the 1 4th of February next, or some assortment of GOODS in his line of known stand lately occupied by Mr. Char o the first day of Green County Court. Merchants and others are invited to attend, as the stock embraces a large and excellent as- HARDWARE & CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, Carpenter 's & Blacksmith1 s Tools, and various other articles. Six months credit will be given for all sums over twenty dollars, the purchasers giving notes with approved security, Purchases ot twenty dollars and under, cash. BELL &- WALLACE. Snow Hill, January Ibth, 1832. .hih rr I M " Tll 1. CJ . . hncinPSS. iuvu I nTRWJTRT. Oil rUllHCK-nirPPt. urhn.. 1 , kj 7 - o i " ""wunp Super Blue, Black, lireen ana unve uioins nave on nana a gooa assortment of Black Silk Florentine, will 9 WILLIAM SA1TDEHS deafening surge, and a volume . of foam issues from its bosom, ereen and blue and white, as if had been a mighty casket in which the "whole wealth of the sea, crysoprase, and emerald, and brilliant spars had been heaped and lavished at a throw, This is the "tenth wave," anu, for four or five minutes, . the sea will be smooth about you, and the sparkling and dying foam falls into the wake and may be seen like a white path, stretching away over tho swells behind, till you are tired ol gazing at it. 1 hen comes another from the same direction, and with the same shape, and motion, and so on till JTASjust received from Wethersfield, Conn, LI a supply oi fresh Uarden, needs, war ranted good, among which are the following : Early Cluster Cucumber, Short do. Long do. Ri d onion wliite do. Long- Blood Beet, Early Blood Turnip, do. Amber or Sugar, do. Scarlet Radish, Long Salmon do. Early Turnip do. Oiai.ge Carrot, Paisnip, Cf.ntelope, . SUCH AS Superfine Blue, Black, Olive, Brown, and I visible trrecn Cloths ; Blue, Drab and Fan eymixt Cassimeres, fine Goafs Hair Camlet, Fancy Sp pTan Vestings 2TrjeUir bmiijFancg -ftrtfcUs of Brcss AMONG WHICH ARE Fasliionble Stocks, Cravats, Sus. penaers, trioves, umvat Stiffherg fine linen Collars, &c. &c. All orders will be thankfully received and Itecuted on the most reasonable terms and the shortest notice. U3 Ten per cent, will invariably be dptW tea tor iasn, on an orders lor Ulothino-. TVT7Tif nnODS Newbem 9th Nov. 1831. V V T VJ Vr jl TTOSEPH M. GRANADE, 6l Uo. respect- " vuniiuHiion Ql) fully inform their friends and the public, that thpv have mst received I by sundry laie ar- ... - j j ' . , . - 1 TT I " rivals) fron New ork, Fhiladelphia ana oai- R Y m u u SY1 VPSTV-Dci timore, andarenow opening, atthe well known 1 11 MLVLM RS! Store formerly occupied by Mr. W illiam Lunn, corner of Pollok fe Middle-streets, Black figured do. do do- Velvet, do. do. Valencia, , 1 case of Fashionable HATS, Horse skin Gloves, Mixed Merino half Hose, Random do. do. Striped " do. do. Merino do. do. Panrv Cravats and Stocks, Cravat Stiffeners, of the latest style, &c. kc. All of which will be sold at reduced prices He will at-all times be furnished with the latest L&cuted fashions, and will execute all orders ai shortest notice, and in the neatest style. Nov. 9, 1831. the Yellow do. Silver Skin do. Yellow Scotch Turnip. Earlj Dutch do. Spinach, the sun sets, or your eyes are blinded and yojir London Battersea do In ounce and half ounce papers, at 10 els. per otince, Green globe Savoy Cabbage, Early white Brocoli, Karly York do. iolid l-ellery, Imperial do. Double Parsley. Low Dutch d. White cabbage Lettuce, brain giddy with splendor. I am sure this language will seem exaggera ted to you, but upon the faith of a lonely man, (the captain has turned in, and it is near mid night and a dead calm) it is a mere skeleton, a 'Tl.A rAllnnrlny n rt i m o f ti fl it n rl frt n r 5 fill i CUC. n n" I 1 A .m J i V i n iron r n r nf tVlO rPftlitT T lVmCT nonoftheSea, written by Mr. N. P. Willis, who is now abroad, is taken from the New-York Mirror, where it appears under the title of " First Impressions of Europe 7X0. 1." E rlv Imperial bead Ice Large green glared do. Drumhead do Jnpjaptrs, at 5 cts per paper EariyMohaw.k Beans, bunch. Large Lima do. do. do. do. . - . v . t rr t IkT T fW AN EXTENSIVE ANJJ UiSIVliKAi. A9sunnat.i GROCEKIES, WINES AND SPIRITS, Haiilware, CutltiT CrocKei-y ana Glassware. All of which they offer for sale at a moderate advance for cash or country produce. Newberji, Nov. 14, 1831. White Cluster do. Yellow do. Dun Color ' do. arly China do.' Rob Rov do. 1 i,i , r ,i aro icarmi mat nrsi lesson 01 a man vi uiu v, ui iu, . J . . -IT. 1 1-.. it 1 nu" "to be astonisnea at noming, uui ine sea ;ius Red Cranberry do overreached my philosophy quite. 1 am 1000 to 1, or Refugee do. chansred to a mere child, in my wonder. Be as sured no vciw 01 the ocean trom land can give vou a shadow of an idea of it. Within even the J . . nUhlifa. Thft rrma ns ol the ions? storm, be- omermosi iapes, uiu bwtn is uiunuii, emu uic fore which we have been driven for a week, lie color of the water in soundings is essentially in white, turrcted masses around ' the horizen, different more dull and earthy. Go to the VW ,r vr V.nnd is snotlcsslv blue, the sun is mineral cabinets of Cambridge or New-Haven, rr-or-m'ihn wiml is stcadv and fresh,. but soft as and look at fiuor spars and the turquoses and a child's breath, and the sea I must sketch it the clearer specimens of crysoprase and quartz to you more elaborately. Ve arc in the tiull and diamond, and imagine mem an ponsneuanu Stream, f The water here, us you know, even clear, and flung at your feet by millions in a noon to the coid banks of Newfoundland, is always day sun, and it may help your conceptions of blood-warm, and the temperature of the air the sea after a storm. You may "swim on mild at all seasons, and lust now like a south bladders" at Nahant and Rockaway till youare wind on land in June Hundreds of sea-birds !.rr r.nilinn- hrmind us: the sminrv sea weeds ui w t;M.i..ii.. ' I C ' Cne Knife do. pole. Red VariegtM Cranberry do. Larfre June In half, pint, pintt and quart bugs, at 25 els January 6th. 1833 'Tuif Pall Sugar Pea. Double blossom do.. Gldt n Hoispnr do. Eai ly June Peas, irlyi Washington do. Early Charlton d Dwarf Marrowfat do. Tall do. do. do per quart M. STEVENSON, Senr. MEGS leave to correct an erroneous impression which hasbeen unfairly made on the public mind. He takes this method of statine that his Hearse is kept for the accommodation of every decent family who shall be so unfortunate as to require its use. His per sonal attendance at Funerals is likewise offered to all persons of the same description, and no pains shall be spared, on his part, to have the solemnities coauucieu with sobriety, decency and good order. It is hoped that the following reasonable charg& ill 9 will oe satisiaciory. Neatest Mahogany Coffin, for a grown per- cTin . ivitli lininov nni trimminrrs; nncdlirlinfr 1 an enorraved Silver Plate;) together with his VJ5 personal attendance, and the use of his horse and Bier, Neatest stained Poplar or Pine Coffin, with Continues to conduct her Seminary on the pop ilar and improved Iestalozzian Plan, now so generally- acknowledged 1o he superior to all others in iti 1 --iar-tation to the younger clashes of children. a'! vantages connected with this method ot mstniction, ' anfj attendance consist chiefly in the rapid improvement which it im - j plain, stained Poplar Coffin, lined with 0 ONLY a short time ago, it was announced thatat the Olhce of Sylvester, 130, BroacttUv the $20,000 Prize was sold, and just before that, bix ot & lir,UUU m feix successive Lotteries immediately afterwards Sylvester's Office in Pittsburgh sold the 10.000 in a Whole Tickc also Half of $5,000 4 of 8 1,000 Whole Ticket &c. &c. and again did Sylvester, at his Oihce in Paterson, sell the Whole of the 8 10.(X)0 Prize in the Union Canal Lottery, drawn laet Saturday, the 24th inst. Such a combination of success was never known; the above defies comparison with any other Office in the United States. It is also worthy of remark that all the above Prizes were Paid immediately on the receipt , of the drawing. Sylvester takes this opportunity of informing his distant friends that all orders for Tickets in any of Yates M'Intyre's Lotteries, must be addressed as un der, and will meet same attention as on perso nal application. In all cases the original Tick ets are sent, and Sylvester is regularly Licen sed by the State. Letters need only be addressed S. J. SYLVESTER, New-York, Pittsburgh, Pa. or Paterson, N. J. Reference, Yates tSfSVIntyrc. AT Novem Court of NOTICE ber Term, A. D. 1831, of the Pleas and Quarter Sessions ol i fS i c:i ri.." 1 ; k K I I vumi The J rnrnvtnerpther with hoT. Hearse I Onslow County, the subscriber qualified tion,:anfi attendance J Executor of partF to the infant mind, as well as in the systematic washed from the West Indian rocks, a thousand miles away in the southern latitu&Xfipat by in larcrc masses the sailors, bare-mftdbd bare- Tinnrlnd. nm scattered over the riireinff, doinjr and fascinating organization ot its operations. In our Northern Cities, where it has acquired a high reputa tion, the benefits-resulting from this system are stri- Cambric, but without the Silver Plate, gray, and be never the wiser. The "middle watch'' is called, and the se cond mate, a fine rouyH old sailor, promoted from ? c any is walking quarter .lock, plead' in' bar of .eir' recovery: tnnninor ms whist, p. naw ana then witn a srruii. ' w.. i - m- - tvt,k0 ?ll 1831 .rj.. - --7 . o ' o nihra Parpnts rmH 4narriinHfl who nrpnnnr.-1 w, Plain, Btcdned Coffin, with a neat pinked &o Cambric border, but without lining, $ Common Parish Coffins, 4 the late Benjamin Farnell. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it, are required to present them, duly authenticated, wilhin ti'C time prescribed by law, or this notice will b all others, f arents and (jruardians who are unac-: quainted with this mo le of instruction, und who may des;re to witness its operation?, are respectluily lnlorm- s. Alexander's Seminary is open e very- ion ot visitors. "how do you ahead?" or " keep her up you u fair-weather work" and just on th edge of Mubbcr, " to the man at the helm: the "silver the horizen, hidden by every swell, stand two shell" of a waniner moon, is iust visible through pa 'tw-iifn vessels with all sail spread, making, with the I the dead lights over my shoulder, (it has been Monday forenoon for the recept iirstfair wind they tiavp had in many aays, ioi Up two hours, to me, and by the diherence oi Children ofboth sexes, from 3 to 12 years of age America. our present meridians, is just rising now over are received upon the following terms. This is the first day that I have been able to a certain hill, and peeping softly in at an eas- For Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, be lonf enough on deck to study the sea.- tc'rn window that I have watched many a time ,2 50 per quarter. Even weri irnof, however, there has been a when its panes have been silveml by the same Geography and Grammar, in addition to the above constant and chilly rain which would have pre- chaste alchymy) and so, after a walk on the deck brancrTep,$ 3 00. rented me from enjoying its grandeur, so that for an hour to look at the stars and watch the Dwbern, 10th January, 1832. ' T ..AAnAnn.1 mtr tiniictmllir sAVpm hip.U- nh n nh nrnns in the wn.lt find think of . I'll am J5VUUWH.U w if i i - - . - ' VADriiu fViDmrv T mxme nV Hprk thi mnrrtintr and looked ftet to mv own uneven oulow and sleep too. JA yix i ii v.tvjvvji V J-J " I Q y - X A. NOTICE. DANIEL AMBROSE. Executor. Onslow County, December 30, .1831. nes.?. AT the November Term, A. D. 1831, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven County, the subscriber obtained letters of Administration on the estate of John Justice, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate AJ . J-i. . I j are ruquesicu iu muh.e uiuiiuuiaie payment, ana jeg9C Barrow w.UBC -Y6.13 ' "? TRTT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thrt. forward, proper y authenticated, within the time H the Defendant is not an inhabitant ofthw State; prescribed by law, or they will be barred of It .is ordered, That" publication be made for six vecta recovery by the operation of the acts of Assem- in the North Carolina Sentinel, that eaid defendant STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I . Onslow County. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November Term A. D. 1831. Benjamin Scott vs Original Attachment. around: and for an hour or two I could scarce Duplin County. realize that it was not a dream. Much as I London. -The following lWely description pfTHIS day came before me, Alexander O. uaa waicucu uu uU1 ,.iu,mu- oiijonaon is irom ine pen oi a correspondent Qradv, one of the Justices ot the Peace! ry at Nahant, and well as l thought I knew its Qf the Southern Religious Telegraph. for the county aforesaid, Lewis Brock, of the j character in storms and calms, the scene which tU. t ,k r 3 ... aUt Bt c,ri, ! was before me, surprized and bewildered me Jt..-. . i. . r . tu rv, icqi rirfii At 4i, '!., TOn i,Kt in raui s, an eievauon oi iit ieei, i nave en- inai ne um, ui nuvciuui xm., ui ufteriv. At tne hrst piunce. we were iust in . . . i 1 ti. ti- VlorWnlhcsca. and looking over the lee- deavored to esUma.e Us -extent. Imagine unpiin county . bly in such case made and provided. ANN M. JUSTICE, Newbem. Nov. loth, 1631. Administratrix NOTICE. HE Copartnership of Joseph M. Granade, appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sewions of Onslow County, at t he Court Houe in Onslow, on the first Monday of February next, and replevy cr plead to issue, or Judgment "final will be rendered against him. Attest, DAVID W. SANDERS, ClcrV. I . . ,1 J 11 . A 11 Avard quarter, I saw,;-stretching up from the yourseit on tne pinnacle oi your mgnesi ecu- 1 n L ' t c' u keel, what! can onlv describe as a hill of daz- fice; Survey an area of ten miles square, and, . ifci n'rn Aio,; . . . c -. . . , i... i .-. . . , i i dollars, due in August, lodl , ope on Alexan- zling blue, thirty or forty teet in real altitude, exceptm'r, the river that passes through it, , tirfV.iv dnllnr. Hp nt AT.:. but s oped, so faraway that the white crest crosSed by numerous bridges, and covered T-ih29, ofDuo'lin County Court, with two wi;h Vessels -of every description, let your city small credits tliereon ; one on Isaac Baker, for overspread the whole ; that is London. Sup- eight dollars and sixty cents, due in March, nose next that vou have the nonulation of ,1831 ; one on James Rhodes, on which there white fcemcd to mc a cloud, and the space between a skv of the .most wondertul beauty and bright ness. A moment more, and the crest burst over with a splcndcd volume of foam ; tr.eun struck ihrouodi the tliinncr part of the swell in a line of vivid emerald, and the .whole mass swept un- CTarolinas and Georgia, assembled, and resi dcr us, the brig rising ahd riding on the summi with the buoyancy and grace oi a bird. M. & Co. consisting of Joseph M, Granade STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) ga and Stephen Kincey, was dissolved by mutual Onslow County. S "m consenton the 15th September, 1831. All per- County Court of Pleas and Quarter Scssjm Original Attachment. Virginia and North Carolina, or of the two M due about twelve dollars, and one on John Crarnlinas nnrl Hpnr npmhlerl nnd resi- Brock, on which there is due about four dollars. sons indebted to. or havino- rlaims ao-aJnt ihni November Term, A. D. 1831. said firm, are requested to come forward for Gideon Hawkins settlement to Joseph M. Granade, who is duly L r?v niitrinricr.fl fnr fhat i.o Jesse 15arTOW JOSEPH M. GRANADE, STEPHEN KINCEY. Newbem, N.C. 9th Nov. 1831. The. single view of the ocean which I got at IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: It s ordered, That publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Sentinel that said defendant !rrfnifnr iKf 0.mir nCTJlr-. rrtsl rinor4or Scions Y VI J iC H 1 I II nri 1 1 nnnimonod I r r 1 r .1 . i t . rJnrr . r -n IITI i-N -i-k-r y-v rir 11.31 I ' J m-J w V 111 j U11U11 V.V M I UI U11SIUW V yl Jl 1 1 1 1 V HI. inP I ,mirr HnilCi1 111 1 ding in that one city. That is the population (bigned) wnutv. JjfXL School for young Ladies, on Monday on the first Monday of February, next, and replevy or of all London. It is a consrreeated world Sworn and subscribed to before mc, at Duplin, the 2d of January. The nlans of teaching pbad to issue, or Judgment final will be rendered Men of all nations, of all laneruaees, of all 1 J sJ society, . v ihat mojncnt, will be impressed upon my mind trades and pursuits, in everv class of forever. Nothing tnat i cior saw on lanu at an and of all descriptions of character, are compares with it ior splendor. No sunset, no occomuioirj r j t u., onijuiwMiM i , assembled. Every department ot bu toT-A-cnnr nf hill and water, no tall not even . J . I". . anu pi Pleasure is occunied. livery .Marara, no ,irin ui .ihwuuiuiu golF - . nnolifMl it. The v.aves had had no time to 1 - i . 1.l7 tvrt.7r finwn." the sailors pnrase it, ana it, v was a storm at sea without the httricane and good or ill, is here exemplified. We have rain. I looked oft to the horizon, and the long seen the kins, and we have seen the besrear : majestic swells were heaving into the sky up- the man of stars and robes in the house of on its distant limit, and nctwceji ic,ana my eve iords, and the creature of crusts and rags in lay a raaius 01 twelve mnes an uuuicust t flashing with green and 1)1 ue and white,3 and chanrriucr place and color so rapidly as to be almost Dainful to the si?ht. II stood holding December 31 st, 1631. ALEX : O. GRADY, J. P. neie hereby forewarn all persons whatever, smess from' trading for any of the above described ' concei- notes ; also, the 77? alters tnereoi irom paving acquiring or spendiutr proper- meir respecme omuuuw w ; wmc .u3UU ot redeeming nr hi wiitinn- timp. of dointr ... T o - O v pursued in the rhost approved Schools at the against him. lMorth, will be adopted. Tuition, 8 6 00 & Attest, quarter. Newbem, December 26, 1831. DAVID W. SANDERS, Clerl;. than mvself. JLE WIS BUUCK. Dvplin County, Dec. Zst, 1831. J. F. De Valenser, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Onslow.Cocnty. County Court qf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. 1831. Louis T Oliver Original Attachment. vs. Jesse Barrow the street ; and at each extreme, perhaps, and certainly among the intermediate grades, we might una an that is exctllent and all that is I .L . 1 . l . . by the taffrail an hour, gazing on it with a child- oa virtue, and the black ish delist .nd wnndpr Th snrav had bro- est depravity. They are all here. The sta- o " --' -r- j . . . I j ... i ... ken over me, repeatedly, and as wc shipped ges and steam-boats are ever emptying into half a sea at the scuppers at every roll, I was this great receptacle the precious and the vile " standing half the timp nn n tlir tnpps in water : I nf thp whnlp kmfdom. Indeed nil L- 'irrrrl.mc- I bnt the warm wind on mv forehead, after a brj..g their glory and their abominations into week s confinement to mv birth, and the exces- .u:. m,mMnfli metrnnnlis. for d1P cW.-.u sive beautv lavished unnn 141,3 T-r ' 0","", u Upon mv sifrht vL'0vn sn rip. 15lrtllQ- thnt T Cnrrrn 11 , .. . . jttsiw., '"ku' oil, aim it wne nn v in - ana it was on compliance withjthe captain's repeated ?u lion that I changed my position. - PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, ?Tr ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants ITui, of Newbern and its vicinity, that from the flatterino- encouragement he has already' re ceived, he has determined to locate himself permanently in this place. His terms, here tofore, for instruction on the Piano, have been 8 15 per quarter ; but in consequence of the nricriiial Pun. Two Americans meeting in Eu-1 present scarcitv of money, and in accordance n I A J r FOR SALE, My Farm on White Oak River, On slow County, about twelve miles from Trent Bridge. The tract contains five hundred acres, nearly three hundred of which are cleared and under trood fence. The improvement are n. Dwellintrbniise. Kitrher. H"T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tL- r i .i mi I -- the Defendant is nnt nn tnhnhitnnt nf thii otatc: uaui auu umer nccessarv ouuiouses. ineir. , , . , ,: . . range good, and the situa.ion healthy. Per- tf 'J? AIS?2ZSm sons desirous to purchase, are invited to exam-Lnrnr KorK ne-o' a nor Session J ine the premises, and for further information of Onslow County, at the Court House in Onskw,i nJJpiy iu uie buubenuer. me first Monday ot February next, and repiev) plead to issue, or Judgment final will be renderea . n -w - I . . . n December U, ltoi. queen among the nations. GARDEN SEED. fNE Box, containing 40 doz. fresh Gartjck VU Seed, assorted, just received and for sale ' by JOSEPH M. GRAN ATI F. xn 23d December, 1831. affainst him. Attest, DAVID W. SANDERS, Clerh NOTICE. I mounted the quarter-deck, and pulling off! rpe, a proposition was made by one to visit one of die vyith the suggestions of his friends, he has re my shoes, u kc a scnooi uoy, sat over the rails splendid cathedrals in the city where tney men were, uuceu ms cnarge 10 o iv w per qucr. and with my leet anpping into the warm sPa axtkHc mnnrinff the nictnres. &c. one ol them re- Lessons will be ffiven at Ins fecbool or at 11 1 - ii I uuob ou a vj rt I J I c: V1 . j Ii X: ri0. marked that thekisses ol the devotees naa conipie.eiy i "is rupus, aa y t-cl. y at their ,ate , .. --,7-- ,-ore thc Coart Ah! JT Pianos tuned and repaired on rcasona- to meet acrain on the thir,l ?' .r" County, -t ,be - . . Ll 1.. - I .0 - .nunutt v . nit; jiAJLll fll I . rc.l STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA," Craven County. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Scssyu November Term, A. D. 1831. vs. Orisrbial Attachment Alexander J. Maurice. BANK OF NEWBERN, Jan. 6th, 1832. 1 1 "u4ui-i mc ua.UK 01 ewoern . .. !( TI T a nppurine; to the satisfaction of the Court, tnai JUL uetenuant is not an mnaoiianr 01 ims jwih : gress, and final burst of asea-wave, in a bright sun, arc the most gorgeously neauuiui icht replied the other, if that is the case, ho must be quite a 7?o-ro?vo??s st.Is?. ble terras. January 18. 183?. . 1. . 1 1 rr dered. that publication be made for rx wceks m of Pleas and Quarter Sessions " a Court-House in Newbf rn, onthec" February nxt, anl replevy or pled to ,5' xSy Order. t nr Smiirmrnt final will be rendered arainct him JNO. W. GUION, Cashier. Attest, J J. G. STANLY, If i 1

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