---r 1 .l-i " -. . - vl; if 1 - ! - ' LIBERTY. ...THE CONSTITUTION.. ..UNION. ; ." ; ; , ' VOL.. XV. - IU 'HUSHED BY THOMAS WATSON. ' ! TERMS, -T'irVil!li P-r n'lTJm pxya')l2 in advance. V) ji';rw' il be diontinae.l '(but at the dis cretion of the Li 1: tor) until all arrearage have been PJ'"Remittances by ma;l will be -guarantied by hft Kditor. J ..... . NEWBEM, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1832. When her chains shall be.exchanged for gar- of the Saracen arms brought it to the Levant, NOTICE. lands, and her misery be turned into joy. Eng- whence it was disseminated to Spain, Sicily, TTTM7T T Ar WAT r APF hntr a ' landwithallherporandsp.endor W&V. ttopefci ::zztrX ! pint oty i pose to se" out their present srk of Goods' arisen in their rniaht to declare their will, and j the plague, diffusing itself insiduously every j AT AUCTION, has blazed, and the blood has flowed J where, ine humble and industrious inmates I the fire already; the castle of the noble, the palace of of the cot of the hind and tlo princely and the Bishon have been levelled to their foun- indolent inhabitants of the palace of Kings, (BY AUyHORITIM li.VW.S Or THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE FlflST SESSION 'OF?' THE ' TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. dations, and the wide distinctions of society, , were equally and impartially assailed by the de- rendered venerable by time, abolished in tne opinion of thousands. What they have been accustomed to ask as a boon, they now demand as a right; the humble petition to Parliament is exchanged for a bold appeal to their country- men; tne institutions mat nave pictoucu.iui ages, are on the point of being abrogated lor ever, and the people gain new privileges and new rights. Tim nolitirian has now abundant themes Tor forming ravages of this loathsome disease. In fifty years alone now fewer than eleven illustri ous individuals of the Imperial House of Austria fell victims to this visitation. The yellow fever in the West India islands; the Bulam fever and the endemic of Malaga all contribute to the destruction of the human race. At Batavia, air of a nature so pestiferous blows from the coast, which, meeting with a horribly offensive malaria, which rushes from the eniDlovment of his sagacity ; nav, images Uhe southeast upon the Guinea coast, gene multiply too fast for his comprehension. The j rates a compound which causes a mortality fate of one'Empire is scarcely decided, ere the j so fearfully great, that Dr. Lind tells us the difficulties of another challenge his attention. living were unable to bury theudead. Let him turn from the views of European po-j In the negro towns in 17o4-, the gates oi Castle were lelt unguarded, lhesenti- were smitten to the ground, as if by the regard the United States, and her people. What : hand of an invisible agent: At Cadiz, a pesti a contrast! All that the people of other coun-4 lence of the nature of plague appeared in 1870; tries have been or are striving for, has been ac-! the air from its stagnant state became so vitiated, eomplished long ago, by the people here; they j that its noxious qualities affected even animals! were the 'creators of their laws, their inntitu- . Canary birds died, blood issuing from their tions, and their rights, they are the preservers ! bills, and in the neighboring towns which were of them, and the happy participators of all the j afterwards infected, not a sparrow was to be AN ACT to authorize, the State. of Illinois to sell twenty thousand acres, of the Saline lands in' said State. . J litical scenery, and stretch his gaze across the : Cape Be. it enacUdbj he Senate and. House ofi AUantic tQ take a view of America ;-let him ' nels iltpr(iTtaii ccsoj inc i; mica muics uj America n Congress assembled, That the State of Illin ois be, and is, . authorized and empowered to Holland dispose of, twenty thousand acres in addition to ttfeAhirty thousand acres heretofore authorized to be sold of the lands granted to .-aid iate for, the use and support of the salt works, known by the name of the "Ohio Sa line," in the county of Gallatin, in said State ; the said twenty thousand acres of land to be se icctedand sold, and the proceeds thereof applied in. such manner as the General Assembly of Il linois have directed, or hereafter may direct. Approved, 19th January, lb32. AX ACT supplementary to an Act to grant pre ; cmption riglits to-settlerrfonJt'ablic Landa. Be it enacted by' the Senate and House of Representatives of the United-States of America n. Congress assembled. That from and after the passage of this act, all persons who have purchased under an act, entitled " An act to rrant Jpre-f;inption rights to settlers on thepub Jic lands," approved the twenty-ninth of May, ( ne thousand eight hundred and thirty, may as in and transfer their certificates of purchase, or final receipts, and patents may issue in the name of such assignee, any thing in the act uforcsaid' to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, 23d January, 1832. blessings that spring from them In after times, when the pen ofchistory records the past, this sentiment may haply be found upon the page. At a time when the old govern ments of the earth were shaken to their centre j by civil discord, when kings were dethroned I or created as the common occurrences of the day, when the people began to feel their power and exert it for their deliverance from oppres seen : . . We now proceed to cholera, the last dread ful pestilence in our catalogue of great nation al calamities. As to the early history of this disease, there is also much uncertainty and con tradiction. Bontius supposes that it was known to the Greeks. Sonnerat describes a disease exactly like the cholera, '.which wTas prevalent in 1774. The Medical Hindoo wri- sion, a Republic that had not reached its sixtieth j trs are said to have described it, and particu year of existence, was in the full enjoyment of! larly the renowned Dhanwastera, the Hindoo civil and religious liberty, in the possession of i riisoupalius. every privilege patriotism could claim free, prosperous, and happy, from wise enactments, calling out its own resources, and capable of teaching to the world at large, how a people can govern and pro vide for themselves. NATIONAL CALAMITIES. The foil owing has been its progress: in 1769, at Ambore Valley; and at Arcot it appeared in 1781. At Mauritius, in 1788. It reached the presidency of Madras in 1782. Vellorein 1787, and in 18 years thereafter, itspread to Trinco malee. It appeared in India in 1807, in shape so unquestionable that it was regarded as a On the 14th of February next, or the first day of Green County Court. Merchants and others are invited to attend, as the stock embraces a large and excellent as sortment of Bry Goods, . HARD WARE & CUTLER Yy CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, Carpenter's & Blacksmith's Tools and various other articles. Six months credit will be given for all sums over twenty dollars, the purchasers giving notes with approved security. Purchases of twenty dollars and under, cash. BELL fc WALLACE. Snow 'Hill, January 15fA, 1832. NEW GOOD. JOHN A. CRISPIN MAS just returned from New York with general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise a part-of his Stock Trorn the .Neiv York American Advocate. For some years subsequent to the fall of Na poleon, and the establishment of general peace, the mind of the Politician lacked novelty where with . to entertain itself. Each nation oppres sp1 with the burthens imposed by the necessi ties of a lengthened warfare, eagerly sought the enjoy ment of repose ; and for a time, it ap-peared-a& though the sword had been changed into tliiickle, and the soldier transformed in fo the husbandman. . France was the first to awaken from a peace ful slumber ; Italy was thenextaroused; Poland burst the bands of sleep; Belgium started from repose; and even England has experienced tome unquiet dreams, to indicate that she is Also stirring. . j - Bywhat magic power have so many nations arisen to mingle in the strife ofblooo; of what did the spell consist that it could bring so many 'combatants into the field of arms? No uiighty question was agitated between the monarchs of the earth, by which those fell enchanters, pride and jealousy, could charm their votaries to their bidding : the great national councils of Europe were undisturbed by the attempted settlement of any important arrangement, and the crowned head s were leagued together, apparently in good faith, to preserve, the integrity of their territo ries both individually and collectively. A Holy Alliance existed ! Surrounded by ithe attributes of Imperial and . Kingly power, fortified even by the prejudices of mankind, with armies at their back, and na vicsjat their will; llattered by all the pomp and ircumstances of majesty, it might be supposed fhat the'occupant of a throne was beyond the reach of an enemy, and that the note of defiance could not vibrate 'within the atmosphere of a court. But, firm as a throne may be fixed, and absolute as the authority of" tlie sitter thereon' raay be, there is yet a power on earth, more strongly based than that throne, and more migh ty than the sceptered hand the People! Behold the regular line of the Capitan Kings ! they are wanderers, and their palace of the Puilcries occupied by one who is the choice of -the People: See the roll of the ancient aristo cracy of France ; it is even now folding up, and he claims of birth arc forever silenced': the nereditary4peerage will shortly become the matter of History, as that which has past; whilst a new order of aristocrats are to take the place oi the old noblesse, dependent for their crea tiojfupon whom? The King yes, appa i rcntl, but in reality, upon the Chamber of De puties the: People. Regard Belgium ; how W isely did the members of the Holy Alliance provide for her government, and in the pleni tude of their power, after their great foe wras humbled, how easily did they transfer millions of men, and a large portion: of territory from one sovereign to another; and yet how rapidly has a change been effected by the People; how quickly have they elected their own monarch. Witnessjhe struggle in Poland! tis true they have been unsuccessful, but Jiow. gallantly did ffic people struggle for liberty against an over whelming host? their day has not yet arrived; tor a tew years the Polish neck must bow be neath the yoke of despotism ; but the time will conic when'fArt nr.nnlp of that countrv likewise shall be no longer slaves, when they shall as semble under their own banner, choose their n government, and live as freemen should 'pontile soil which God has given unto them. Jtaly after all her struggles, is still manacled, ui tne same bright hopes that Poland can en -r oin may be cherished by the Italian people, Of the numerous and varied pestilences I new disease. At Jessore, (100 mile3 N. E. of which have assailed mankind in every quarter ! Calcutta,) it raged most furiously, visiting and of the known world, from the earliest accounts, j ravaging in its course the population of Benares, traditionary or recorded, none have been more Allahabad, Cownpore, Delhi, &,c. travelling as overwhelmingly destructive to the human race if by a chain of posts. It now reached the than the plague. Of the primary source of grand army, and devastated the Decan. Spread this malady nothing satisfactory is known, i ing to Poonah, and crossing to Salsettec, it ar That it is a disease of the remotest antiquity ived at Bombay in September, 1818, exactly 1C cannot be doubted inasmuch as it is noticed ; months after its appearance at Calcutta. It successively by the Romans and Arabians, and reached the Persian Gulf in 1812, and in 1823, through all the subsequent records of nations j it prevailed at Ashachan, which proves that Wines. Champaigne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. " Naples, Lisbon, TenerifTe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Liquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Porter in qt.&. pt. bottles down to the present day. The earliest Jewish history in the Pentateuch indisputably proves its existence, where allu Europe was then closely threatened. Mr. Cor nish, in a communication from Persia, in 1822, ! : made the following prediction: 44 1 much fear it 11 nvtnnrl tn F. Hebrew vord Deber. Egypt would appear ! and great population will make itmore severely to be the place whence the Jews imagined the j felt than in the scattered cities and scanty popu pestilence to have emanated. Thucidydes de- i lation of Persia." scribes the prevalence of the plague at Athens, I It has passed over 90 degrees longitude, and which was reiterated in the much admired ac count given by Lucretius. About the middle of the second century of the Christian era, 60 degrees latitude ; crossing the equator to the boundary line of Southern tropics, and from the Northern tropic to the Temperate Rome was visited by a severe plague, which in jone. Of its remote cause we really know no- all probability was introduced to the capitalhy the army of Lucius Varius on his return from Parthia. Galen notices the plague in his wri tings. On the authority of Euscbius, we name A. D. 302 as the period of the Syrian plague, wrhich was so mortal during its prevalence. In the year 540, during the reign of Justiana, a se vere and extensive pestilence ranged over the greater part of Europe &. Asia for halfa century. The earliest authentic visitation in Britain of this disease is that described in the year 430. The last time it raged as an epidemic was in the ever-memorable vears 1664-5. It fortunate ly has not existed in Europe since 1679; and in Edinburgh not subsequent to 1645; from which thing ; it seems to give the lie to all our known laws of contagion spreading in India in the teeth of the most powerful monsoons. And now Mr. Cornish's prediction is verified; it has visited Europe. At Moscow, out of a popula tion of 300,000, in forty-two days there were 4310 cases; out of that number only 674 cases recovered, and 2340 died. At St. Petersburgh, out of a population of 350,000, 7737 were at tacked in the first thirty-two days, and 3927 died ; only 2282 recovered. It raged for some time in Vienna, then again appeared at St. Pe tersburg, and at length reached Hamburg; thus leaving the German Ocean as the only bar- ! rier to the spread of the contagion in Grea period it commenced a sweeping tour of havoc 1 Britian. The results of its progress hitherto throughout the continentof Europe. It reached, Alleppo in 1660, remaining for three years: at London it appeared in 1666. Golwald mentions it having hrevailed at Dantzic in 1700. It reached Provenfe in 1720, and in 1771 Moscow was infected from communication with the Trkish army. Smyrna was nearly devastated in 1784, and Grand Cairo in 1798. The plague broke out in .the Indian army during the Egyp tian expedition in 1801. 1 he British camp was attacked with plague while in Egypt. Of those seized of the French army under Napoleon at the battle of the Pyramids, only one in five recov ered, whereas 301 only died of the English army during the two years a fact which shows -the superiority of British practice. The plague now reached, 1815, the "little rock of Malta," Nova in 1815, and.Smyrna in 1784. The mortality was dreadful. At Moscow 1200 are reported to have fallen victions in twelve hours. In Athens and London the dead were too numerous for interment. Evelyn, in his Kalendarium, under date of September 7, says "Near 10,000 now die weekly ; however I wrent all along the city and suburbs from Kent street to St. James's, a dis mal -passage and dangerous to see so many coffins exposed in the streets thin of people, shops shut up, andfall in mournful silence, as not knowing whose turn it might be next." At Grand Cairo the annual mortality averaged 7000. It would seem an established fact, that this malady cannot engender an active mias ma, should the temperature of the surrounding at mosphere be above 80 degrees of Farenheit, nor under 60. The next national visitation is that of small pox. We cannot tell when it appeared in the world, neither can we affirm that it was known to the Greeks or Romans. Certain we arc that it was observed in Asia and China for an in calculable period before its appearance in Britain. We can trace its course from China to India thence to Arabia Felix, and the triumph too fully attest the utter insufficiency of sanato ry cordons in checking this dreadful pestilence English paper. Matter of Fact. I am what the old women call an odd stick. I do nothing without a motive; I attempt nothing unless I think there is a probability of my succeeding; I ask no fa vors where I do not think theymaybe granted I grant no favors where I think they are no deserved; and finally, I do not wait upon the girls, when I think my attention would be disa greeable. I am . a matter of fact man. I do things seriously. I once offered to attend a lady to her home. I did it seriously; that is I meant to wait upon her home if she wanted me. She accepted my offer. I went home with her, and it has ever since been an enigma to me. whether she wanted me or not. She took my arm and said not a word. I wen home with her and she said not a word bade her good night and she said not a word, met her the next day and I said not a word met her again and she gave me a two hours talk. She feared I was .offended, but could no conceive why. She begged me to explain bu gave no chance. She hoped I d not be ottenaed asked me to call; and it has ever since been a mystery to me, whether 6he -wanted me to cal or not. I once saw a lady ather window. tho't I would call. I did. I inquired for the lady and was informed she was not at home. went away doubting. I met that lady afterwards. She asked me to call. I thanked hex, but did not call. I met her again; she was offended; calledme unneighborly; reproached me for my negligence; thought me unkintl, and I have ever since, wondered whether she was sorry or not. Thus have things appeared to me doubtful, won derful, mysterious. What then is it that caused doubt and mystery to attend the ways of men? It is the want of fact This is a matter of fact world, and in order to act well in it, we must deal onlv in matters of fact. Northern Star. Fruits. Citron, Currants, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, -Cinuamon, Nutmegs, Pepper, Spice. , MRS. KAY respectfully informs fire public that she has removed to that convenient Hottse on Craveh-Streek formerly occupied by Col. Tisdale, whciil site is prepared to accommodate transiefti and ei manent Boarders with the best tha market If fords. Parents and duardians residing in the country and who may wish to procure Board for" their children or wards in Town, are asuriad that, if placed under her care, every exertion will be used to promote their comfort and cQnr venience; . Neicbern Jan. 25. - " JOSEPH M. GR ANADE i Co. CORNER OF POLLOK AND MIDDLE-STREETS m AVE just received by the schooner Re becca from New York, and other late ar rivals from New York, Philadelphia ahd Balti more, a general assortment of Foreign an A Domestic DftY GOODS, HABIWARE and CUTLERY, QLtOtttSTS, 5rlOB3 and Stone Wuvt . Groceries, Wines, &c 6cc. All of which they offer for sale, at a very moderate advance for Cash or Country Produce. The following articles may be enumerated ds part of their srock viz: CO UUs Pilot and Navy Bread 10 do NY WVitern Canal Flour Deacb's rrt hTaiM 20halfbUls ditto ditto 6 casks Goshen Cheese, 1 box Pine Applr ditto 12 kegs Family Butter 60 pieces Smoked Beef 25 Smoked Tongues, 12 boxes Sfli&kf d llrr ln$ 6 boxes fresh bunch Raisins 300 bushels Irish Potatoes 6 barrels Loaf and Lump Sugars White Havana and Good New Orleans 6 Imperial, Gunpowder, and Hyson TE AS Mexican and St. Domingo Cofljre Chocolate, 2 boxes fresh Madeira Naples Sherry Port Dry Lisbon TenerifTe T 4( Preserved Ginger. Buckicheat, Goshen Butter, Cieese, Spanish '& American begars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, &c Which he offers low for cash or country produce at the Store on Pollok-street formerly occupied by the late George A. Hall, Esq. Ncwbcrn, November 15, . 1831. ; i Linnaean Botanic Garden & Nurseries FLUSHING, NEAR NEW YORK. WILLIAM PRINCE & SONS, Proprie tors, announce that the great extensions made in their Establishment, which now covers near 50 acres, completely filled with the choicest TREES, SHRUBS and PLANTS, enables them to offer the various kinds at the reduced prices stated in their new catalogues, which will be sent to any person who may aply for them. The size and excellence of the Trees exceeds all former periods, and the most scru pulous attention has been. devoted to their accuracy, which is invariably an object of their personal attention. To Nurserieb they will allow a liberal discount and convenient credit. All letters desiring information, will be replied to by the first mail. As many persons are agents for different Nurseries, it is requested that orders intended for us be particularly spe cified. Every Invoice sent has a printed head ing' and our signature, and such proof or origin must be insisted on, as we take upon ourselves no responsibility unless such an invoice can be roduced. Their Treatise on the Vine describes 280 kinds of Grapes and their culture. Their Treatise on HORTICULTURE contains des criptions for cultivating them; and their POMOLOGICAL MANUAL, just published, contains full descriptions of above 600 Varieties of Pears t Plums, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, Almonds, &c. besides other Fruits so that all persons can make their selections, with a knowledge of the qualities. Apply to THOMAS WATSON, Aerent,Newbern. r NORTH CAROLINA, Duplin County. FTTIHIS day came before me, Alexander 6. LL Grady, one of the Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid, Lewis Brock, of the atd county, who being duly sworn, sayeth thafc he did, at rHovember Term, 1831, of Duplin County Court, lose his Pocket Book containing the .following notes, all payable to himself, viz: One on Jones Smith, for thirty aoiiars, aue in August, lwai ; one on Alexan der Carter, for thirty-six dollars, due at May I erm, lb2U, of Duplin County Court, with two small "credits thereon ; one on Isaac Baker, for eight dollars and sixty cents, due in March, 1831 ; one on James Rhodes, on which there is due about twelve dollars, and one on John Brock, on which there is due about four dollars. (Signed) LEWIS BROCK. Sworn and subscribed to before me, at Duplin, December 31sf, 1S31. j ALEX : O. GRADY, J. P. j I hereby forewarn all persons whatever, from trading for any of the above described notes; also, the makers thereof from paying their respective amounts to any other person San myJelC Q, , LEWI? BROCK. Duplin County, Dec. 3lf, 1831 . Colmannr ; Muscatel Sweet Malaga Chamjiaigne and Claret 30 doz, quart and pint bottle Porter 2 do best refined Cider 10 barrels best Kew-ark family Cider, by S&r'e or on draft Raspberry and CI.erry Brandy Cognac Brandy Nash County Apptf and Peach dHtt Old Monongahclu !ye Whiskey Irish ditto Common Rja ditto Best Holland and Rye Gin Old Jamaica St Croix andN F. Rum 15 hhda retailing Molasses Black Pepper hnd Allspice Rae and ground Ginger, London MusJarJ Nutmegs Cinnamon, Cloves and Mace Stoughton's Biiters ' 1 basket best Salfad Oil' 6 boxes Sperm. Candles, 12 do Tallow ditto 5 ditto Yellow Soap. 2 bladders Tulty 1.2 ditto 10 by 12 Window Glass 12 ditto S by 10 do do 12 kegs and 25 half keg best White If at H barrels best Winter Sperm Oil 2 barrels Linseed lo , 2 ditto Train do I So?5 bottles Lorillard's best Snuff ( Chewing Tobacco, of various qunlities 5 pieces 42 inch Dundee hemp Baggin u coils bale nope r 6 cases Gentlemen's fine Uats, 3 do Wool dittcf 2 ditto Men's and Boy's Hair Seal Caps 3 ditto Whitcmore's Cotton Cards, &sstrff,d 2 ditto Wool do do 4 doz Fancy flag bottom'd Chairs 12 do Windsor ditto Ladies rocking and sewiu ditto Children's Chairs of various kinds l;bale 7-8 Cotton Oznabargs SO casks Stone Lime v 60 ditto Cut Nailsf'assorted sisres 1 ditto 15 doz Carolina hoes, assorted Siz.es 100 pair Trace Chains G doz N Beers" long bright bitted Axes 8 do English Spades and Shovels 2 tons English and Swedes Iron, ass-arTed frxim. 1 1-2 to 8 inches wide Haifa ton 6quare bar Iron from 3-4 to 1 12 inches 24 Freeborn's patent Cast Iron Ploughs 12 Ploaghs, manufactured by an experienced Farmer in this neighborhood. Newbern, 6th December, 1831. Neicbern Academy nT appearing to the Board of Trustees that a considerable amount of tuition money is unpaid, notwithstanding the rule requiring from every pupil payment in advance, Resolved, That the Teachers b$ directed to cause theso arrears to be collected without delay, Resolved further, That an adherence to the rule is deemed essential to thd interests of the Institution, and that the Teachers are hereby required, in every instance hereafter when a pupil does not produce a ccrtificato from the Treasurer, of the tuitron mone' being paid within one week after the com mencement of his quarter, without distinc tion of person, to inform the pupil that ho can no longer be received until such certificate is produced. ' Resolved further, That these Resolutions be published in the newspapers of this town. M. E. MANLY. Secretary. November 23d, 1631. Notice. rrrHE Drawing of the subscriber's Lotterv Li took place on Friday past the prizes in which will be paid to the fortunate adventurers on thclpresentation of their tickets, J. TEMPLETON. January 4, 1832. est CaskJPrices W'lLLbe given for likely young Negroes of both sxes, from one Vo 20 years of age. TheHxgh years or age- JOHN GJLDERSLEEVB. FOUND, L . T TTN Stmday last, iri front of the Episcopal Vll Church, a clogetKEIT, which fhedw' can have on application atthis Qfiier- em ' t