JtfOJHtTTBU (OAlSOXiINA SIENTPINJS-L . CORRESPONDENCE. NEW-YORK, February 1st, 1832. ISir The ..undersigned, a committee ap pointed at a numerous meeting of your fellow citizens, have the honor of transmitting to you a! conv of their nroceediiiffs and resolutions unanimously entered into, and growing out of the reiection bv the Senate of the United States of your nomination as Minister Plenipo- .. . a. tt:j i VirrAnm nf Great. Rri- lenuary iu uie uimcu .iuguw - tain and Ireland. "While they rejoice that an opportunity is presented to .them to reiterate em expression ..- - . i . . - i r i . rrrt vt nnn 1 1 1 inpir nnnnnivn. 1 . A ?. in vnnr nntrintisfri and nrnViitv. i a wimusuvv j v i T- - j and a renewed assurance of the estimation in whichj they hold your capability -to the proper discharge of the most important trust, they rc- jgrei the circumstance calling for this communi cation, and deplore the departure from that dignified course Which should have influenced, i land, which, in the instance of your rejection, was disregarded by the Senate ol the Ujj. tea States. - i t. However,, Sir, they feel assured that this I general and voluntary expression of the apin ; icns of citizens who best know your worth, 'i will be properly apprceiatedby you, and when thousands throughout!- this vasi country shall maCnronf i'iKfi(p. reiterate those opinions li J U UlCUSUl s V I v..- w J - ! the occurrence will leave no otner impres sion than that the arrow has fallen far from Ti'4 mark, and that the object at which it was ;imed, stands unscathed and unhurt. With our i best wishes for your health and happiness, and ur earnest prayer for your safe and speedy re in rn to the land of your fathers, 1 Permitfus respectfully to subscribe ourslves, our friends and fellow citizens, Walter Bowne, John Targee, Benjamin Baile), Gideon Lee, Mnnuipl A. Tnlnnt't. William I TTllfiif , . , i . t 1 I. " ' . 1 oranam uioougoou, u. 15. laimage, Saul 4e John Lovett, Pfeservcd Fish, Elisha Tibbitf., .lames Campbell, El dad Holmes,; Asa Mann, Wm. M. Price, t nomas i . Yvooaruu, iuonigomery ivanKin, T'rastus Barnes, Alexander M. Muir, F. Bf.j Cutting, Henry Hone, (hnrles Henrv.Hall. C6r. W. Lawrence. character than any man living;" and whose administration will be looked to, in future times, as a golden era in our history. To have served under such a Chief, at such a time, and to have Of its advantages, it has, in the first place,. Practical Religion. Practical religion eon a 6afe and capacious harbor, more easy of ac- j fers upon its possessor a glorious triumph cess and better susceptible of defence, than amidst the sorrows of life. Suppose poverty any other in the Southern States. Four miles comes with its train ol calamities: or suppose detraction points lis oaroea arrows against a blameless character; or suppose bereavement won his confidence and esteem, is a sufficient through a safe and deep channel would carry glory ; and of that, thank God ! my enemies can- a shipirom tfte wharves out through the Inlet to not deprive me. r sea, rcau v nunc suur iesi nouce w vase auvaniauc Of the particular act of hostility to which I ol any wind mat blows. It is one ot the most am hanmlv indebted for the nresent expression beautiful and healthy situations in the South r 7 1 I a. 1 . i i . i i t of feelings on the part of my republican lenow- now me resort ounvanas in tnesicKiy seasons, citizens, it is not, perhaps, proper, anayi wouiu anu us men ol business wouia not oe nyuig, fain think, not necessary, that l snouia su unsettled mctors, making money to enjoy eise- miirh The ronrtesv due to the highest ol our where, as m JNew-Orleans, but permanent resi- WUlativP hndips obliges us to presume that dents. It would be the fixed abode oi men ot & . mi 1' : i. I : . 1 r . i t 1.1 1, the reasons assigned ny me majumy iur uitir capiiai, oi taste ana luxury, n wouiu suuu uc -W 1 f I i . mm t 1 rWision were sincere-' ii so, l console. myseli much more to ISorth-Carolma thn Charleston with the persuasion that public sentiment, oi is to S. Carolina. With greater facilities lor vAich I have an earnest belore me, is likely to trade, its greater healthiness would ere long determine the futility of those reasons, and the place its superiority beyond comparison. Every injustice of that decision. hundred acres of piney woods land on the great Allow me, gentlemen, in conclusion, to thank channel of trade and communication with such you heartily for the expression of individual a place (a communication almost annihilating feelings with whicn you nave accompanied the time and space) would oe an enviaDie posses resolutions of your constituents. Eniovinc a sion. CLiIiN 1 UI. personal acquaintance with everv one of you, and knowing how much of private worth and public respectability you represent, I feel flat tered and "gratified to receive such svmpathv at such hands; and, situated as I am, I cannot but look forward with heart cheering anticipa tion to the welcome with which you promise to greet my return to mv native land. A few weeks residence here will be required to place the affairs of the legation in a proper tram, as well asto settle my own private con cerns ; after which the only opport) ; tin " a n, r .kh never had the pleasure 01 an acquaniauce wua nii; uuiuia w 1 111c L-uiiiuitiii. n.uci uiai, i nuan i - . - , , - , m " A 1. Kiit n r- inlrmcil thor thair LUPTfJ n iii.i.i. i . 1 ti 1 1 iir-111. lu.l a in iiiiuiui.u uiui mv. t. v. maKe me Dest 01 mv way nome, wnere 1 nope - . ' . . . . , . , ' , From the Vermont Chronicle. Awful Catastrophe. Messrs. Richards and Tracy I have just returned from a funeral which presented such a scene as I never wit nessed before, and hope I shall never witness again. I have just come from the funeral of three young ladies, whose remains were all collected in one cofiin and deposited in one grave. They all were daughters of James ivent casts a withering shade jupoh the best earthly hopes and joys; or suppose disease, which mocks the highest efforts both of friendship and of skill, impresses itself upon the counte nance and make its lodgment in the very seat of life; or suppose, if you please, that this whole tribe of evils come marching in fear ful array to assail an individual at once, I am sure that I do not too much for practical religion, when I declare to ycu that it will en able its possessor to meet them all in serenity and triumph. To do this must require a high effort of faith, I acknowledge; but only such an eflort as has been exemplified in the experi ence of thousands: Oh! when I have stood amidst such scenes, and witnessed the sweet aspirations of hope, and seen the bright beams of ioy irradiate the countenance over which sorrow had thrown her deepest shades, just as the bow casts its brilliant hues upon the dark cloud in the going down of the sun, I have looked upon religion as a bright angel come down from heaven to exercise a sovereign 111 fluence over human calamity ; and if I have formed a wish or offered a prayer in respect to you at such a moment,-is has been that this good angel may be your constant attendant through .this vale of tears. prag ue. CHEAP DRY GOODS. THE subscriber has just opened a new and han.sohic:asgortment of fresh imported Which he offers to the Ladies of Newbern, and the public in general, at very reduced prices at the Store formerly occupied by Willaim j' Handeoc''.. on Pollock-street. otii iTnor v., .1 , - , miviu me corner 01 Craven-street. J. VAN SICKLE. Newhern,. 27th March, 1832. I propose to avail myself of 4; ' "1 " A" unity that will probably ever oevia' YUy i u y ' , 1 ,.:;; r.iJ ;;.,, years of are, and the youngest about lb.- 1 Sir : Deputed by thp General Committee, appointed under direction of the great meeting, at Tammany Hall, to prepare and transmit to vou the enclosed expression of the sentiments of your fellow-citizens to (he decision of the Senate on your nomination tfe Minister Pleni potentiary to Great Britain, we beg leave, in addition to the discharge bf this grateful duty, ,10 express a concurrent wish for your health, happiness and prosperity. ' Kespectfullv, vcur fe.llow-citizcns, GIDEON LEE. , MYER MOSES. AjM. P. HALLETT. To His Excellency Martin Van Euren, Miuister Plenipotentiary, Scc. ccc. Yfio York, Vcb. 1,183. . to arrive early in the summer, I shall then be able, more adequately to express, in person, n;y deep, my affectionate sense of the vigilance and protecting kindness of mv fellow citizens, and ofthe honest zeal with which they have stepped forward to vindicate me from assaults 'during my absence. In the mean , lime, with a proud and grateful feeling of sincerity, I leave my character in tneir keeping I remain, Gentlemen, with the highest respect, your servant and friend, . M. VAN JBUREN. To Messrs Walter Bowne, Benj'n Bailv, Sani'I. A. Talcott, Ab'm. Bloodgood, Saul Alley, Preserved Fish, James Campbell, Asa Mann, John Te;;ree, Gideon Lee, Wm. P. Hallet, D. B. Tallmadge, John Lovett, Elisha Tibbitts,' Eldad Holmes, William M. Price, Thomas T. Woodruff, Montgomery Rankin Erastus Barnes, Alexander M. Muir. F. B. Cutting, Henry Hone, ChaV Henry Hall, Corn's W. Lawrence-, Committee on the part of the citizens of New York, &c. ted where they were known, lhc circum stances attending their decease were such, as .i 1.1 may cause me ears 01 every one who nears them to tingle. The family at home consisted of the father, the mother, a brother of her's and ihree daughters. On the evening of the 21st, you might have seen them in peace and safety, grouped around the fireside ; hippy in th'e company of each other and of a" few friends who had come to visit them. At the accustomed hours they retired to their pillows, the parents in a lower room, and the daughters in a chamber, and there sunk into a state .of repose, from which they were aroused at about three o'clock in the morning, by suffo cating smoke and fierce flames of fire. The back and upper part of the house, which was most remote from the sleeping room of the parents, was at this moment the principal seat of the conflagration. The father sprang from his bed and hastened to secure his daughters. STEADY, BOYS! A packet loaded with passenger, from differ ent parts of the U. Staes, was crossing a large lake in the west. It was so ordered by Provi dence, that one of their number was an expe rienced, sea captain. While under sail they were ovcrtakenbyatremrndous tempest. The master of the packet and the sailors were frigh tened, thrown into confusion, and lost the control of the ship. This excited great consternation among the passengers ; "and it seemed as though they must all per ish. At this critical moment, without much ceremony, the sea captain introduced himself to the master of the packed and said "I beg of you to let me take the command." The master instantly yielded to his request, and di rected his hands to obey this stranger. The Captain took his stand, made a few pertinent remarks tocalnp the minds rthe sailors, and then gavethe words of command in technical terms, peculiar to his profession. They got the vessel under control, and were soon making their way ahead. The captain continued to watch the motion of the ship, ex pressed his solicitude by occasionally repeat i-. . i i .,; ar.u Cri;c, :..., ;.. m with a nnn, moderate tone of yoire, steady But there was only one flight of stairs going in-. ' , . . v to the chamber and these from the bark part oys-steady; md m a short time, they of the house, where the smoke and heat had i f ""J? at thcir mlenc.d haven. I he cs. and - REPLY. i Iiv-ti r .n. T r r rl nr va fli var!i: tn tliil i . I., i 1. ki .".! 'sunk. leiier wnicii you nuu uiu goouiifsb. to cuiiuhu-j nicatc to me, and beg you to accept for your selves the assurance of rny sincere regard, and Jiiy cordial lhahks for the very kind and flat tering manner in which 3-011 have been pleased to discharge your trust. I am, verv respectfully, -your obedient ser vnnt. MARTIN VAN BUREN. London, February 24, 1832. Messrs. Gideon Lee, Myer Moses; W.P.Hallett. LONDON, February 24th, 1832. GfcXTBESiEXI ftave-' been honored with your kind lctforbf the 1st instant, communica ting to me the sentiments of a public meeting of my fellow citizens on the subject of the re jection by the Se na to of my nomination as Minister to this country. Having always observed, on the part of the Republicans of the city of New York, a frank nnd fearless independence of opinion, and a disinterested regard to truth and justice in their stimatc and support of public men, I have .looked to their approbation with solicitude as a t literion of conduct, anel have received the tes timonials of respect with, which they have oc casionally honored mo, with correspondent sa- i refaction, but never with such deep felt sensi I bility, as in the present instance. Sevcrod for ; ibe-first time from mycountry and friends, and ; placed in a conspicuous situation among stran- ere, in aforeign landadvaritage has been taken uf uy position, to level at me a shaft intended io wound me to the quick, and to humiliate me in the eyes of tho Government and Nation, with I whom I was to treat, and to Vvhom I was, as! v et, but littlo known. Thanks to the generous and warm hearted promptness of my fellow I'.itizens of New York, the same moment that brought me the poisincd shaft of my enemies, brought also the missive of my friends, "with healing on its wings." Vhei you inform your constituents of this circumstance, they will at once perceivc how well timed and effectual has been their assurance of sympathy, esteem and confidence, and how deeply it must have sunk into my heart. In testifying to my public conduct, they arc pleased to speak with eulogism of me, ?s con tributing while in thejCabinet," to the success of the present Administration. That signal success, I feel called upon to declare, is pre- vmmently ttue to the pplitical sagacity, unwea rying. industr-, and .upright straight-forward policy pf our present venerated Chief. All the humble merit I can claim, is that of having ex . !rted myself to the utmost to execute his pat riotic and single hearted views, and of having sacrificed allersonal Considerations to ensure tneir succcs?, when threatened with cxlransous embarrassments. I ThaVmy exertions were arduous, painful and incessant, I mayrAvithout Tanity, assert whether my sacxificcs re not beeii vjth unmerited detraction and reproach I leave! X $ my countrymen to determine. Still', I shall ' Yrcr regard ray situation in that Cabinet, as one f the most fortunate events of my life, placing jr.c as it did in close ami familiar relations with one who has well been described by IIr. Jcffer--n ?r? 4pos?T5sing jnorr ofine Roman in his ladder one of the daughters, who had probably get to tho foot of the stairs, cry rather! lather!! From the Raleigh Register. anj onc ov two picking screams came down CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, NO. HI. i from a remote chamber, into which the other !. , in 1 1.. . r l & 1, The cost of the Rail Road is not money o nau neu as a immiemarj lemge iron, uie in the road, to be returned only in tolls :J,urMm,B . ' " : the promts of transportation, the mere few minutes with his ladder, and by ths help constructing would create such a demand fori 01 turner. 10 uie winuow 01 ti e room unere produce, materia sand abor.irivc such a free! 1S "g-rs imu r' ' p r..i: . . 1 , . ... i : become lntolprnble. lie ran to the him for a 1 1 1 i i 1 Wl - he was cone the mother heard ! ' Via" UX,U. ' J l A1 Il urn W- - t A riiri wr. T--lVirt-tlrk -i- s. w- ittaurii n ujuv ucii r v ai ua wjc iuu ut;uuu from this occurrence. In all our concerns in life, get the vessel well under sail to wards the right port, with a good captain io command her, and let steady, boys! be the watchword. Fssex Gazette. NEWBERN PRICES CURRENT .1 7 . I L . 1 - . I 'j. ... - and ample currency to money, and such activi-: inem ouir.e aeara no i-uc; mm u wa un- fv in hiu nPSR. nc won r almr.st, rpimhnrsft thr posbioiu lOi oiui iw cutci. x ui. ucusc r.x.oivc - v. ' " - , , 1 ,1 . , stockholders living within striking distance of; llrca on u approacning uaiin., wa pourea O O . i; f 1 - ,1J ,, . n ..- TT- 1,. ' the road, were it never to be used, or produce!11110 Illb act nt ' wu,lu "Ul iaiVv- lK any toll at all. This portion is not paradcai-j the window fall, came down to his wife, and cal or false, but Conformable to established said' " 0lir children arc gone they are (.cad axionjs of political economy founded on the'we must takc r,are of ollr vnrnVvcs experience of all public expenditures. Evenjwhat lew articles we can. I he neighbours the expence of wars, so far as the money ex-were in a few mnutcs on the spot : but came pended is concerned, political writers say, mid ; t0 lalte to anora any iwi.eiiai renei. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY. lb CiO. do. BEESWAX, BUTTER, CANDLES, COFFEE, do. CORN, b'bl. quantity, CORN MEAL, bushel, CORDAGE, cwt. -COTTON, do. ' COTTON BAGGING, Hemp, yd. Flax, do. FLAX, lb. FLOUR, Rochester, bbl. , Baltimore, do. , North Carolina, s from Beau- - tne ha(l (Pcrf,aPs embracing cacn other laiien of) files' 0f ! down from tl.-: remote chamber into which died the -ay ': tncr ia( ec rom tneir ov, n' ' vc man wnom best kind is? mentioned as residing in the family,, most T .1 .1 ! all experience shows, almost compensates by tne morning me reacs oi uiose unioriunaie its diffusion and effects; for the taxes it draws I siters wce fo"ectcd frogn the smouldering to defray it. The Rail-Road then, would half: ruins a few bones or rather cinder oT one, in enrich those near it in its construction, before jthc cellar' under e place where the foot of i. n,.W ri.bPfl t)pm W u .,,. the chamber stairs had been, and what remain- - - ?"V . . J . . L A I. - nL.-. - n. I r v-v S rt, w t v r I h lnr T "W- t t & 2. In no spot of the world, could a Rail! cu m uu ViIlVi lwu ia uai l"S""- lahi., m. Road be so cheardv constn.ptPfT : fror, ,.,. : they had (perhaps embracing each other) fallen LEATHER, Sole fort to Smithneld, or to within Raleigh. Nature has nearly leve to our hands, and timber of thp on the spot. At this moment, timber is being i narrowly escaped with his own life, - but was tiansported from North-Carolina to construct utterly unable to afford the least assistance to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Road. The iron ftcrs. The collection of people at the funeral might and would be imported, by permission, i to"aay was yei7 Srcat aml ?oulnn- At tne close Ol me service uie oercavfu iauier rose anu while bowed down under the heavy weight which had been laid upon him, blessed God for the consolation thai-he was still allowed to en-. He said he trusted that his three daugh do. A ' 1 T free of duty but I doubt the good policy of this, though I know it would be practised. It would carry so much money out of thexountrv that would be better expended at home, to foster our own industry and increase wealth joy. and capital where it would always be available j ters wbo kad been 50 suddcnl" removed from for individual or public purposes. Even though hirn' were all of them truly pious ; they had our domestic iron should cost more, it is of better quality, the profit of manufacture would be our own country's, and the stockholders of the Rail-Roads themselves would be more than reimbursed in the diffusion of the money andthe creation of business and capital at home. If expanded in Lincoln, Surry, Rockinham, or other parts of our country, it would go to pro mote our own wealth, and would return with interest into our own pockets. The wealth of one man of business is the wealth of all his neighbors. The nominal ccst therefore of the domestic iron would not be the true calculation of expense according to the principles of the nrsi Beeiion 01 mis number. Other opinions I know, are to some extent, at present, fashion able, but it is not necessary for my purpose now to combat them. $ It is objected that Beaufert (proposed to be our mart) is a small town, without business or captital, and it is asked, what would a Rnil Road do there? I would answer this question by propounding others. What did Norfolk, when th Canal and the improved navigation of Roanoke gave her the Opportunities of business and when she had not half a dozen solvent mer chants ? What did Fayetteville, when the ab sorbing of all the import trade by New-York broke hcrrich Scotch merchants? Money always came to meet the market, and money always will come. The moment you send produce to Beaufort, there will be money and .shipping to meetit. Beaufort would spring up into a great city, like a mushroom in a wet night. It is des tined bv its situation and iocui advantages to be one of the largest, wealthiest, and most desira- oif townsin the Union. do. do. often united with him in the worship of God on earth, and he hoped yet to join with them in everlasting adoration and praise before his throne in heaven. He uttered not a murmuring word ; but exhib ited the same spirit as did Eli of old, who said, 'It is the Lord, let him do as sccmcth good Blessed be God that we may hope it was so, and that those piercing cries of father, father ! when it was impossible for their earthly parent to help them, wero mercifully regarded by their father in heaven, who undoubtedly terminated their oodily sufferings, and received their li berated spirits to the bosom of eternal love and consolation. And from these ashes and fragments too, we may hope that forms shall yet arise, which shall bloom in immortal youth. Blessed again, I say, be God lor all the rich and everlasting consolations of the gospel. As a warning to others, 1 should say ihat the fire which laid this dwelling and one half of its inmates in ashes, is supposed to have been communicated from ashes put into a wooden box in a shed adjoining the house. ours, very affectionately, SILAS McKEEN. Bradford, March 22d, 1 832. Warning; A Fredonia (New York) paper says: A cause was tried before a magistrate in this vil lage last week, which it may be ppme benefit to make public. The stage in passing the saw-mill at Silver Creek, a few ddys since, struck against a saw log that lay within the bounds of the highway, which threw a passenger out and injured him severely. The passenger prosecuted the owner of the log, and recov ered fertr-vm dollar dama.'' IRON, Bar, American, lb. Russia 5o Swedes, do. lb. Dressed, Neats do. Calf SkinF, dozen, LUMBER, Flooring, 1 inch, M. Inch boards., ' - do. Scantling, - do. Square Timber, do. Shingles, Cypres, do. Staves, w. o. hhd. do. Do. red oak, do. do. Do. w. . bbl. do. Heading, hhd. Do. bbl. MOLASSES, gallon. NAILS, Cut, all sizes above 4d. lh 4.1. and 3d. - do. wrought, - - do. NAVAL STORES. Tar, bbl. 'Turpentine, do. Pitch, do. Rosin, do. Spirits Turpentine, gall. Varnish, - " do. OIL, Sperm. - - do. Whale & Porpoise, do. Linseed, - do. PAINTS, Red Lead, lb. White Lead, ground in oil, cwt, PROVISIONS, Bacon, lb. Hams, do. Beef, bbl Pork, mess, do. Do. prime, do. Do. cargo, do. SALT, T. Lland, bushel, quantity Beaufort, do. (none.) Liverpool, fine, do. SHOT, cwt. SPIRITS, Brandy, French, gall Apple Brandy, do. Peach do. do. Rum, Jamaica, do. Do. windward Isl'd do. Do. New England, do. Gin, HolL'Uid, do. Do. American, do. Whiskey, do. STEEL, German, - lb. English, blistered, do. SUGAR, Loaf, - do. - do. - do. 17 20 12 1 75 14 8 60 14 12 fi 7 00 6 50 5 5 8 25 1 50 22 00 12 8 8 17 1 25 15 8 8 18 8 28 8 9 95 75 50 18 22 18 13 2 50 16 9 25 18 15 9 7 50 5 50 . 0 9 3 130 14 0 29 0 1 20 10 10 10 Lump, Brown, TEA.Impeiial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Black, TALLOW, WINE, Madeira, Tcn?rirTc do. do. do. do. do. gall. do 50 30 25 90 35 1 00 15 7 35 29 0 1 55 1 55 50 1 20 18 8 2 10 50 40 7 50 1 75 45 70 I 20 90 40 1 25 45 38 15 12 16 14 7 4 8 0 2 1 1 50 30 80 8 60 50 RAISINS, SEGARS, fcc. tj hah boxes box Raisins, Spanish Segars cf best c.ualitv, ia half and quarter boxes, . ' Loaf Sugar of superior quality, 1 hhd. superior Old Antgua Rum, Received this day, per schooner PersevK rence, and for sale by JOSEPH M. GRANADE, &Co, Dunn's Cornier Newbern, 28th March, 1632. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Onslow-County. ( County Court of Pleas and Quarter-Session? February Term, A. D. 1832. Dexter Burns i vs. Original Attachment. Jacob J. Doty S T appearing to the satisfaction of the-Court that the Defendant is not an inhabitant oi' this State : It is ordered, That publication lc made for six weeks in the North Carolina Sen tinel, that said defendant appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Onslow County, at the Cxurt House in Onslow, on the first Monday of May next, and replevy or plead to jssue, or Judgment final will be rendered against him. AttesU DAVID W. SANDERS, Ckry: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Craven County. COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SES SIONS. February Term, A. D. 1832. George Br an, John M. Bryan, Johnson Bryan, Elizabeth Clifton, j Jesse Noble and Rachel his wife, Petition for vs. division of John Holloway, Bryan Hollowav, Slav ml f - Samuel Smith and Mary his wife &l Winnifred Holloway. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Ccu.t that the defendants reside bevond the limits of the Slate of North Carolina, It is ordered. That publication be made in tho North Caro lina Sentinel, for live weeks, successively, that the said John Holloway. Bryan Holloway. Samuel Smith and Mary his wife, and Winni fred Holloway, appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven Countv, at lite Court-house in Newbern, on the -second Monday in May next, and plead, answer or demur to said petition, otherwise, die same will be taken pro confesso, as to then!, ;i.d heard accordingly. Attest, ' J. G. STANLY, Cirri:. fe5 ; WHISKEY & APPLE BKANDY bbls. old Mononjjahela Whiskey. 1 bbl. Veiy Superior old ditto 4 bbls. Apple Brandy, (, Received this day by schooner Lima ' Baltimore, and for sale by JOS. M. GRANADE, & Co. Dunn's Corner. Nev:ber nt 2d April. LETTERS, Remaining" in the Ntisbern Post Office, Apri' 1st, 1832. K. F.lisha Arnold, Lemuel And rev i, Capt. Asa Ai. t tinny, J. Avkroyi'. B --Chrit'oplicr Brock, RcvM. R. 5. Bker (2). iol-n-son Brj an. I heopl.il Brown, Wm. C. lirmller (-), lir R. C fcjr.ni, Ttiog Birmingham, R. Brrrv, IS G. B oufit, Mr Mitrv Ann Barrow, John Ksckluuf Mn. j Poli B'Kfc-n. B. A Bui im.n, Lu'til. JS. ! Bufoid, J. i Bri.trtln . C. T (i. Carman. S. W. Coo!-.. K. CUrk, B. Ch;.a Muia Cook. Thot. Cnlbum. J. Al. Cnli.ns Mist Sut.au Aiim Cai-.away, W. D. Chadwick, J C. Cole (2), James B. Cam. v. (-hurch Chapman. I). Wm. Dongal! Mn Elix C Dixon (2). E Mm. A. Lamnnson (2), Miss W. W.Ernul,Jon Ehsi.ij. F retina 'i Jiis. TF. Be- jnmin Fianiier, John W F r . KlizibM'i Forbes, T,o. J FoMvirllr, Da'ul D Frtor.-.Vm. Frl. wnlcr, Capt. ZeimU.n Farren, Mi-s E!i7.lf ih Foscae- G Amos Cukin, Ozi Gilbert, E. Griffith, Ann Gskins, Mrs. Sarah Goidston, Mr. K GiH, Stuftn (ii-n, Farr'ifold Grem. Mi.? Harriet A. Grreif H ir J, r.ugi,. ?, Jams Howard. F '.arris, R- IaI sty (2), Josenhu Ha!. Dr. W.J. Hmiu. J Jainps Jones, Henry Jacob!.. John Ives, Kg- Jones. A. Jacob, oh K. Charles Kcllv, Gorg' Kinnev, Stephen Kincy. E- Lemuel I.awcn. M. Tame McKay, F Morris. Dr. Mares, Miss 5rift Miller, Richard Mcilwain, J. B. Mta-s. Rev. lh s. Men dith. George Merrick, Guilford Murphy. Win McCoy. N.-H .'.ewion, J. J. Nelson, W. M. Kelsan, Itev- " Norman. V: Austin Prescoit, M$ IE Pr.Jk. Mrs. L Polk, Wm. Palmar, Moses Payne, Mtcxat l Powers. Mrs .Aim tfl R J. H. R cha'rdson. Sam!. Read, John G- Roe, Mr8' Mary Rhem, George Roe, Mrs Sidney R c 5. George Sinclair, Israei Sheldon, J a,nP,,," V Aneta Sp .rrov. Samuel Stewart, Arthur pock. Clifforo F Simpson, C-pt. G. Smith, D. Shin-, P. P. kdlnion, Johu D. Smith. S cr-Irv of St Jotin's Lodge T. Jonas B. Thomas Elijah Taylor, R. N-T0"8, , V EdVard Vail, Jhn IV. Vail W Eldr Darid Wh:tford, B ctou Walkins, JordoD A. Wright A. J. Warrick, Mrs Margaret W WiiliataiOB. THOMAS WATSON, VlL- 8 50 45 50 40 18 18 15 9 1 80 1 50 1 3 509 2 BACON, PORK. LARD, ITVlfNTrVbs. new Bacon, assor oWvllWted, of primciiuahty, 50 bbls. ; rime Pork, 23 mess do. 50 kcffs(30to 40 lbs. -each) prime leaf Lard, 6 firkins good Goshen Butter, Fresh Hyson, Gunpowder and Imperial Tea?. 5 bbls. Lump and Loaf Sugars, 2hhds. good New Orleans do. 12 'prime retailing Molasses, 1 tierce superior Neuvitas Honey, 12 bags prime green St. Domingo CoTee, 12pieces43inch heavy Dundee Hemp Baggie 10 coils Bale Rope, 10 doz. . Beer's" long bright bitted Axes, For sale by , , rn JOSEPH M. GRANADE. & Co. Dvnn"9 Ccrrr. Newbern, Mareh 7, 1832.

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