NOffitTH (D AIiOILlN A BM TH TILTS-MI- GROUNDLESS COMPLAINTS, i Tlve opposition to the present administration predicted, when it went into power, that dread ful evils wduld result to the country from the event; and they have either pursuaded themselves,-in opposition to the most stubborn facts to the contrary, that their predictions have been realized; or from, an apprehension that they will notibe hereafter regarded as true pro phets, if they admit that they have been disap pointed, they contend, notwithstanding their complete conviction to the contrary, that all their professed fears have actually come to pass Their predictions were very much in the .style of the language put into the mouth of Mark Anthony in his soliloquy over the dead body of Caesar: . A curse shall light upon the line of men j i .Ooniestic fury affd fierce civil strife', I ' shall cumber all the parts ol Italy : filood and destruction shall be so in use. And dreadful objects so familiar, i That others shall but smile when they behold Their infants quartered by the hands of rarj All pity choakell with custom of fell deeds : .And Cajshr's spirit ranging for revenge, j Wuh Ate by his side, come hot irom Shall in these confines, with a monarch's voice, . Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. - So dreadful were their pretended apprehen L sions of the consequences to result therefrom, : .hat in the language of Henry Clay, war, Wilenre and famine, with all their 'evils, :c:c to be preferred to it. We have,, how ever, necn the administration exercising the powers conferred upon it by the constitution ; and the voice of the people, but we have seen l jh curse lighting upon the line of men; no children quartered and mothers smiling at it, ,nd no one ranging for revenge except Henry Clay, whoin the Senate has seemed, by his con duct towards Gen. Smith and Mr. Gallatin, disposed to let slip the dogs of war. We have -ecu. no evils to be at all ''compared with war, pestilence or famine, -much less the whole com- , But on the contrary we have seen thing going on smoothly, tranquilly and triumphantly, except when those who uttered those predictions have stepped in to stir up the water-? of strife and dillicuhy. Nearly all our difficulties with foreign government's, of which there were then many, have been h RAILWAYS. had thrown us together from distant regions of 1 the globe, and a similarity of taste led us to BOOI8. daily mannesung tnemseives to tne peupic m atitioIU whcther mingling in the Dageantrv of Tijiticu'ar. i ' i rniirts or meditating nn the truer frlories r v,.. 7 rvT. oo i coo ' 1 - rAn-w tnirothpr amnntr trip rnm n rir mniin- I m -rr s-m a o TIT 4 T'C AT 1 7 ..7 Advantages arising fromtheestabhshmentof . f Adi Should these pages meet , ., -,.. ,,., the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, are . f. wherever thrown bv the LLS of hl8 assortment of Books among vh,ch are the i i - j - i r- it - F Murray's Introduction, Reader, Key, Sequel, Exercises, Spellingbook- and Grammar. Grimshaw's United States, 4 Adams', Willard's, Woodbridge's, Cum ming's, Woodbridge .and Willard's, Dwight's, Morse's, Willett's and Parley's Geography. Walsh's, Pike's, Colburn7s, femiley's, Ben- mitcd. eve rv adjusted ; thc'Indian question, which brought nve lis apparently to the brink ot a civil now in a fc.ix. way. to be so us ho further trouble ; cur -commerce is pros perous, our revenue greatly increased, our manufactories thriving our farmers furnished j with ready and good markets, our mechanics busy and happy, the public debt upon the evei ".f' extinguishment, - and the people of other countries, in the view of the stale of oil? affairs, ! ixlcfling our. iv.-Tidiiion, -.and envy ing us our happiness. And yd the opponents of the ad ministrtKion allege that wc are Tinned.;, and en dcavouring'to persuade the people that a change Lancashire, and to those towns in For, not only have thev facilitated accesses to the various towns to which the various orau-1 chings of this railway now communicate, but they have carried heavy gcmls ana Drougm i additional supplies at so cheap a rate, that it is considered a most valuable boon of science to the necessities of man. Coals are now brought into Liverpool and sold from this way at lrom os 10 ios per ion: the latter of a better quality than the Wigan coal, and several pits are being dpened near to the liue. The supply may be considered al- mostinexhaustible, fur, from arecent geographi cal survey made for the purpose ef publication, jby a friend of your correspondent, it appears ithat there are no less than 39 beds of coal, stratum, super stratum, laying in the usual way Jof the coal measures, situate between Worsley jnd Ribchester. f The .steam enjiines performing on this way are 27 in number, and are increasing as fast as they can make them. The engines produced by btevenson (who is about to leave this con cern) are the most beautiful and efficient, bu the boiler part, to which they are so much in debted for the rapid production of steam is the invention ol Mr. Booth, and is considered valuable; the heat is at once circulated through the water bv. means, of a series of small tubes which give out through their extended surfaces a great quantity and quick succession of caio ric. Gurney's boiler consists, I believe, of a series of tubes containing water, which are ex posed to the heat. Brathwaithe's wonder ex ; citing London 4 Novelty' is withdrawn as ineffi cient and inapplicable, his fanner production of vacuo being unsuccessful. The trains of carriages with passengers real ly look sometimes splendid , tliere ai'e no less than 26 coaches going 3 times each day, and the. mail goes thereby also. There an at pres ent 313 baggage -wagons and 30 for coals, carv ing 3 tons each, and in case of need a jium- . f ' " . i : riti. ; . per oi extras are iaii on. i uv t-wur i m i-nc-ral, a busy one and the lower priced blue boxes andlengthened trains of miscellaneous matters, proceeding over the ground, under the ground, courts or meditating on the truer glories of nature, may thev recal the scenes of our ad' venturous companionship, and with them the remembrance of one, in whom neither time nor distance will obliterate the recollection of his gentleness and worth. And here, before setting forth, let me in dulge in a? few prev ious remarks on Spanish nett's and Daboll's Arithmetic Key to Pike. - i .... it scenery and Spanish travelling. Many are Webster's, Cumming's, Pickett s, ana Ju- apt to picture Spam to their imaginations as a venile Spelling-Book. all ihn TIT"- 1 1 ' Irhne rvr Walker's, Johnson's, and Webster's Die- soft southern luxuriant charms ot voluptuous iiaiy. un uie nnnarv various sizes. contrary, though there are exceptions in some Blake's Natural Philosophy, 1 rcby s As - I . m l of the maritime provinces, yet, tor the greater tronomy, Blair s Lectures, Cowper s i ask, part, it is a stern, melancholy country, wnn Thompson's Season's, Jaud's expositor. rugged mountains and long, naked, sweeping Tytler's History, Conversations on nemis plains, destitute of trees, and invariably silent trv and lonesome, partaking ol the savage and so- Whelpley's Compend, Duncan s liOgic. htarv character ot Alrica. vv nai aias 10 mis Columbian Orator, American iteaaer. silence and loneliness, is the absence of sing- Goldsmith's England, do. Rome, do. Greece, ing birds, a natural consequence of the want Gummere's Surveying, Simpson's Euclid, of groves and hedges. The vulture and the Jacob's Laiin Reader, Gould's Adams' Latin eagle are seen wheeling about the mountain Grammar, Virgil Delphini. cliffs and soaring over the plains, and groups Horace Delphini, Ovid Delphini, Cicero of shv bustards stalk about the heaths, but the Delphini, Works of Sallust.' myriads of smaller birds, which animate the Entick's Latin Dictionary, French Grammar. New and Cheap Goods. JOS. M GR A:ADE & Co. "If N FORM ihir friends and the public, that they ha received by ltte arrivals from New York, PhUad phia and Baltimore, a handsome assortment of PRiVf ai.d SUMMER DRY GOODS. HARDWARE CUTi i r RY. GROCERIES, &c. AinoneWm be euunif rated the fuilowing articles of DRY GOODS. Geo'iemen'sfaory Silk Bar uanno and flsg'd, H(lkf " A larpe ns?m'i. of rich fan col. and plain Colt Hdkr ' suitable for servant.; ' Crape Cainblet,, new elegant article for Gentle, men s Summer wear fc.ngluh Bombazine s fc. Bom baxetts, L L.. t .. Merino Cloths and Citca hisb Linens and Lawrw Linen nd CoMon Diapers White lriii Linen DriHin Br French do do Indigo blue Nankeens Yellow do. in long n3 Plaid Saiteens, ,lP .J?, Jeens, Cotton CasMnierj Grecian and other stripes' s-.iitable for hov's rlmi,.!' war, is j through Jt, and on it have a most picturesque ap pearance, especialily when v.unzzing past each i .r.eccs-sarv : -in crucr uku uie pow er ui ine jiovcrnmciit may be again placitd in the hands, f thoro v.lio grossly misapplieu it,. and pre dicted so many evils as the result of the former hanv.' lfou blind and stupid must they be, n "supposed the people to be, if they can ima ifie'that any attention v. ill be paid to their complaints, or any aid given to them in their eHorts. Bait. Rep. Vc ohserve in the London Athenaeum, a spirited journal, devoted less to politics than to literature ana tne eleeant arts, a notice on Vmcrican Patents, im which it isjecorded that jib less than six thousand inventions haye, been secured by patent since the establishment of jit is performed thus: other at speed, in opposite directions. On adding up the number- of thes' vechicles, and multiplying them bv thequantitv of wheels to each, you will at once see what an immense consumption of oil there must be for the requi site daily anti-attrition for them and the engine "work ; but after manv ineffectual attempts foun ded on experience to economise that consump tion, the company have it length succeeded in the application of a simple compound (if that term may be allowed) winch saves them annual- j Iv an almost incredible sum. In the formation of ihe new Tunnels for pas senger: to the centre of this town; the discove ry of the Rv. Mr. Scorbesby, will it is expected, be found useful as it also may in that of other tunnels, mining works, &c. act all events it may prevent accidents happening of a similar na ture to those which occurred here on the ma king of the present tunnel, in consequence of tthe men not knowing how near they were com municating with each other, at different parts of the workv, The discovery is, of a method to ascertain the thickness of any wall of rock, &c. which i ,i t may intervene oetween tne working parties the l atent . ujnee miw. , -"The plough hns bjeen made to undergo one hundred "and twenty improvements. One hun dred and nineteen threshing machines have been invented. Thai great problem, the extraction oi butter from cream without fatigue to the operator, has been solved in eighty ways by the, invention by 80 churns; and the; landress has ' been allowed her choice put of brie hun dred and twenty live-washing machine's. One hundred and twentv-thrce machines have-been invented for making nails ; the number of new spinning machines exceeds a hundred;' the 'number of steam engines exceeds a hundred; iho 'number of improvements in the loom is --event y -three, and in the manufacture of hats ibrtv-three." The number of steam engines ex ceeds a hundred,' that of stoves is nearly the S.HXTC. There have been forty-two new ways contrived for manufacturing .combi Four new machines for paring apples have been in- entcd, and three gridirons. Pencil caes, ram rods, razors, and suspenders, have each been Mibjceted to various improvements. Aninven iion has been patented tinder the name of "dog powder," another termed an "elevator of pots ;ind kettles," and a third destined for a useful domestic purpose under the sonorus Greek name of "llacmagalactophorous." We piece will suopCsc, to -render it clear, that a of rock in a mine or tunnel between and separating party ami party is t leet in tnieliness ; to ascertain that thickness; set against this rock a tolerably powerful magnet; on the other side of the rock, immediately oppo site the magnet place a compass; now the effect will be, that the magnet will draw the needle towards itself, away from the direction oi me ronn poie, men notice exacuv now ma- whole face of other countries, are met with in but few provinces of Spain, and in them chiefly among the orchards and gardens which sur round the habitations of man. In the exterior provinces, the traveller oc casionally traverses great tracts cultivated with grain as far, as the eye can reach, waving at times with verdure, at other times naked and sun-burnt: but he looks round in vain for the hand that has tilled the soil; at length he per ceives some village perched on a steep hill, or rugeed crag, with mouldering battlements and ruined watch-tower; a stiong-hold, in old times, against civil war or Moorish inroad; for the custom among the peasantry of congrega ting together for mutual protection, is still kept up in most parts of Spain, in consequence of the maraudings of roving freebooters. But though a great part of Spain is deficient in the garniture of groves and forests, and the softer charms of ornamental cultivation, yet its scenery has something of a high and lofty character to compensate the want. It par takes something of the attributes of its people, and I think that I better understand the proud, hardy, frugal and abstemious Spaniard, his manly dehance of hardships and contempt of effeminate indulgence, since I have seen the country he inhabits. There is something, too, in the sternly sim ple features of the Spanish landscape, that im presses on the soul a feeling of sublimity. The immense plains of the Castiles and La Man- cha, extending a far as the eye can reach, de rive an interest from their very nakedness and immensity, and have something of the solemn grandeur of the ocean. In ranging over these boundless wastes, the eye catches sight, here and there, of a straggling herd of cattle at tended by a lonely herdsman, motionless as a statue, with his long slender pike tapering up like a lance into the air; or beholds a long train of mules slowly moving along the waste like a train of camels in the desert, ar a singbn man, armed with blunderbuss and stiletto, and prowling over the plain. Thus, the country, the habits, the very looks of the people, have something of the Arabian character. The ge neral insecurity of the country is evinced in the universal use of weapons, The herdsman in the field, the shepherd in the plain, has his musket and his knife. The wealthy villager rarelv ventures to the market-town without his trabueho; and, perhaps, a servant 'on foot with a blunderbuss on his shoulder ; and the most petty journey is undertaken with the prepara tions of a warlike enterprise. 100 ps. Lonpon Prints, of vatio'is qualities and pri ces, mostly of new and hand ao me patterns. Rich fancy printed Muslins. 20 ps. new style Ginghams. Plain Cambrick; Jaccnett. Sv:$s, Book, and Mull Muslins, Figured Book and Swiss do Ptai'l and corded Muslins, Supftnne colnmon black brick. Bonnet Muslins and Boards, India b'k. Satin Levantine, and 5- nche.v Sitkg, Italian black. Lustring, and Levantine do. Plain blk Gros de Naples do. Changeable & wa'ter'd do. do Lead col.. red do. do. Ladies' fancy Gauze, Da mask Crape, Bttete and Grasde iNapleg Hdkfs. Linen Cambrick &l Law n do. Itniiation do. do. Be'.t and Tafeta Ribands, Gimp Edgeiners, Ladies' blk. & white Cotton Hose, Gentlemen' wht. Cott. do Ladies6iGentleinei:'s Gloves 2 cases Leghorn Bolivar', (very cheap,) 10 bs tnixt Pins, in 4 z. paper- Greca Maiora,Greca Minora, Greek Delectus Valpley's Greek Grammar, Greek Testament. Schrevelli's Lexicon. Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key, Simpson's Algebra. Family Bibles, School do. elegant Pocket do. Super Pearl Pocket Testaments, common do. HYMN BOOKS. Watts and Rippon's, 20 pucks assorted Lond-.ndo. Methodist, General Assembly's, Village, OI- DOMESTICS. ney, Dover Selection, Alexander s, Biddle s, Brown anj bUach'd Shirt Rippon's, Watts', Zion's Songs. ingand Sheeting, Pollock's Course of Time, Ilenrv on Prayer. Bediickings, a good assort rhrielinn T.vr Rrnurn's ( "VinriirilanCfi. inent. 1 i -i i Mndigo hlne Checks, stripes b lave! on IVeeping the Heart. 6 bale, 12W lbs. Cotton Rook nf Common Praver. Closet Exercises. Yarn, assorted nnmbers Alexander's Bible Dictionary, Malcolm's do. miJey's Scripture Geography." History of the Reformation, Law's Call. Pilgrim's ProgresSf Saint's Rest. History of the Bible. Miller's Evidences of the Christian Religion. Letters on Church Government. London Cloths a tew ces super bhr.nlk. brown anu onve, Blue, black and Na keen Sewing ilk. 10 ! doB. Mitchell's thread, atsd 8 to 100, 50 lbs. patent S pit- spool os. fronj. New Disease. A disease of a frightful na ture has made its appearance near the Falls of ny points it so deviates: this done, remove the Niagara, at cnippcwa ana rmnuv s iane. , magnet, brinff it round to the compass or use lctter stalcs that th,e Lieut. Governor has been one of exactly similar powered hold it, the applied to, to .end from ork niedical men crnt fnV nffil:o enmnnwns thJt n-lll' who may join in furlner investigating It. iv?n .i,en(1P,ii1nW,1KBirt,1tt1c, i 'Whatever name it may go by in future, is of of points from the North pole, but in the op-! consequence to the public ; but us yio posite direction, as was before remarked, j lence in its ravages at Chippewa and Lundy s You will then find the distance from the i Lane ''in for 'ears be remembered. It is magnet to the point of the needle to be pre-' epidemic ; and some opinions, and those enti cisely 6 feet, the thickness of the rock as re-1 tled t0 respect, say it is contagious. Chryslor's In quired; and thus you may tell with almost unerring certainty the thickness of any sub stance not otherwise measurable. But supposing the wall of rock crossing your gallery or mine to be exactly east and west then your compass will already point in the direction of the magnet due north, conse quently there will be no deviation made by ine magnet to judge or compare by, on bnng- Who, after this report, can deny to Ameri-!ln your magnet round. raus the credit of invention? It matters little whether each discovery has been attended with complete success, for the cost of a patent is (rilling, while a spiritis encouraged, which daily livings some useful or ingenious production be forelhe public. The number of patents in Eng-la-nd, is comparatively small from the great ex penses in securing them; if (KMX) patents have been granted in the same space of time in that country, the cost amounted to upwards of three millions of dollars, while all that has been deman ded from our citizens forthe same number, has not exceeded at the utmost 23Q,000 dollars. yo on, we wchild say to our dear and enter pnsmg countrymen, invent as fast and as much as possible; if 0nlv one out of ten discoveries promote the advantage of societvfyou are no ble donors to its welfare ;V. V. Amerkan Advocate. ; To obviate this then, olace close bv the side of your compass a small magnet, so as to form an artificial - pole, one that will draw it a few points from the 'due north' not in this case wanted. The - HIV VUlll 17UJ ? A m 11 A.J little .t- Dissections A rml 15o -11 t v l'uoiic meetino; Kochester on tlm ot ... & held at 1.1. - . o irin inct in . : ., r disinterment of so. V",, i . , "viuius irom tne vn- lage burying ground, and their dissection ih the village. Committees were appointe-.i to ferret out the transactions, and thearty to whose possession the body of a respectable woman was traced, was bound oven A conscience-stricken smuggler has sent a letter to the Collector of Portland enclosing 18,. the principal and interest of dues to the Treasrtry. " magnet within thp of the powerful magnet situate on the other side of- the rock, then on bringing the latter round, and with it drawing the needle just so much in the . opposite direction, the distance between the large magnet and the point of your needle, will be found to be exactlv the thick ness of the rock. Note, that if a small slit be made in vour rock, a wedge then inserted therein ; the blow of a hammer thereon ma be heard distinctly a long way so may a code of signals be formed by repeated knocking as required. The use of the pilot engine is discommon,! in this way but they have signal lights, which are red whilst they are running, and thev change them to green when an engine stops : so that an engine " coming on may guard tavern, at Lundy s L.ane, is snut up tne two taverns at Chippewa are also closed, and the young people who can get away are doing so. In fact, dismay is depicted in almost every countenance. The following are its symptoms : The disease comes on with a cold chill, in- 1 variably, which continues in some patients an hour, in others several hours, and in some with great prostration of strength. After which, a reaction takes place, with great heat of the body and strong determination of blood to the head ; intense headache ; in some cases slight vomit ing of billious matter, and in the generality of cases constirpation. Delirium, in many cases, ensues ; others remain in a comatose state death terminates the sufferings in 48 hours. Some, however, linger 7 or 8 days in some cases occasional spasms are met win, ana in others are entirely absent. against the danger of collision. SPANISH StliSERY. Extract from Washington Irving' new Sketch Book. In the spring of 1829, the author of this work, whom -curiosity had brough into Spain, made a rambling expedition from Seville to Granada in company with a friend, a member f the Russian embassv at Madrid. Accident Henry's Religious Life, Help j,o the Gospels Confession of Faith, Methodist Discipline. Dewces on Females, ditto on Diseases of Children, ditto on Midwifery. Juvenile Spectator, Evenings at Home. Franklin's Works, Scientific Dialogues, Byron's Works, Moore's Life of Byron. Pocket Gazetteer, Lexicon of- Useful Knowledge, Conversa tions on Common Things. Peter Parley's Books for Youth. Complete Letter Writer, Western Songster Life of Washington, Life of Marion, Life of Bonaparte, Life of iNeison. Virginia Housewife, Housekeeper's Manual. American Chesterfield, T. ooke's Pantheon. Family Dyer and Scourer. Life of Alexander the Great, Life of Moham med. Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words Laennec on the Chest, Begin'.? Therapeutics, Horner's Special Anatomy, Johnson on the Liver. Blount's Coast Pilot, Bowditch's Navigator. Marsh's Bookkeeping, Jackson's ditto. Buck's Theological Dictionary. History of Paris, Humorous Songster. Evening Entertainments, Scenes in Europe. Mason's Improved Farrier, Hinde s ditto. Irving's Mythology, Violin Preceptor. A variety of Entertaining Juvenile Books 6c Coloured 1 oys. New York Primer, Reader and Table Books. ALSO, Paper, Quills, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Lead Pencils, Office Tape & Wafers, Ink Powder, Tissue Paper, Slates, Pocket Books, Pocket Maps of the Southern and Western States, Blank Day Books, Memorandum Books, &c. Apply at his Book Store, opposite to the Episcopal Church. April, 25. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, Class, No. 7, for 1832. For the Benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co. 6G Number Lottery 10 Drawn Ballots, To be drawn at Richmond May 11, 1832. SCHEME. 1 - - of - - $20,000 - - is - 1 - - - - 10,000 - - 1 - - - - - 5,000 - - - 1 - - - - - 3,000 ' - - from 6 ti 15. Umbrellas anii Parasols. 20 liz-. alm leaf Hals, (iiitle,nien's sup. oik. and w!n!e Beaver do. Do. Sf al and com. Fur do 1 case Men's and Boy'g wool Hats, thread, sssortpd ISos." Rusia She. iip8 a,)fl j)c U?iburgi:s. 1 gs-Mt groc Bun-, linen La- l Playing Cards, T:rtoisp Shell Tuck 'it Sido Comb, V Mock do. do. Ladies' Prunelle Pumpj, with and wiili;ut Leeis, Fancy B;i ketg, a great ?a- riHv, Saddles a:id Bi idlos, Cottton and Wool Cards, of . the best quality, A great variety 'if Looking Glasses, 12 reams FouJcnp and LrN ter Paper. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. good NO TICE. TN pursuance of a Decree of the Court of J Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven Coun ty, February Term, 1832, I shall offer for sale, At the Court House in Newbern, On Monday the 14th May next, at 12 o'clock, several contiguous Tracts of Land, lving on the North Side of Neuse River, and head of Daw son's Creek, containing 800 acres (more or less) upon which is A Mill Scat, &c. Also a tract of Land, containing 800 acres lying on the Sand Hills, between Beards Creek, and Famptico Pocosin. the property of Thos. Ful shire, dee'd. for a further description of said Lands, see advertisements of the 1st mst. at the Court House, and other places. THOMAS J. PASTEUR. Shff. April 1st. 1832. Knives and Forks, assortment. Pen arrd Pocket Knives do C. S Draw inp Knives, German C r sinele ' ul 'Will, Pitt." Cross Ci Handsaws, and Smiift Files, German C. S. Plate Hand tock and Pad Locks, Sad Irons, Paint, white, wash, 4i scrub bing Brashes, GROCERIES, 1M2 Pipe choice old Ma deira, 1 do .Naples, 2 qr caks Pall Sherry. 1 Br do. " 1 Colmanar do. 2 Sweet Malaga, Rasb-rry and Cherry Bran dy. 6 casks London Br. Stout, Porter in qt. and pt. bottles. 1 pipe real Dutch Gin, 1-2 do. Setgnette'i Brandy, 1 hhd. old Jamaica Mum. 5th proof, and warranted pure, 2 hhds. Antigua do. 4 di. merican do. 2 do. Rve Whiskey 10 bbrs. N. O. do! iO do. Monongahela do. 2 do. very superior old do. fj. 'Carolina Apple Brandy. Common Apple do. 10 b-bls. Curtis's New York Rve Gin, ,10 bbls. best Cider Vinegar, 12 bags best ?reen Coffee, warranted free of rock, 2 hhds. very superior St Croix Sugar, 10 bbls. good N. O. do. 1 box white Havana da. 5 bbls Loaf and Lump do 6 ches's fresh Hyson, Gun powder & Imperial Te;s, Spanish Segars. of the best qunldy. Ameneatl do. do Nrwbern, April 21st, 1S82. Weeding lloes and Trace Chtiins, N. Beer's long bitted Axe?, Curry Coms and Horse . Bruhes, Hide Whips & Mullen Bi!!; Wigon and Cart lioxcs, Shades and Shovels, 5 casks (Jut iNails.nssort!v?, 3 bnS Wrought do. Jo. 20 Freeborn's and Jlitri,. cek's Patent Cast hon Ploughs. 160 extra Shares. 100 . . i;ooo 1(5 56 56 112 - - - -112 - - - -224 - - - -1960 15400 - - - - 50 100 80 50 40 30 20 10 $20,000 10,000 - 5,000 - 3,000 100,000 - 8,00 - 5,600 - 4,480 - 5,600 - 4,480 - 6,720 - 39,200 154,000 18040 prizes Amounting to $366,080 Tickets $10. Srr'The most brilliant success that ever at tended any Vender. C3 Comb. 25 30 38, $30, 000 prize, sold I last Wednesday, in shares, in the New-York Lottery, was presented last Sa turday at my counter, and paid on demand. TM i 1 CC mi x nc utKCi uc seen a i ui y umce. 1 niS IS as it should be,and as it always is, at the ever and. all lucky SYLVESTER'S, 130 Broadway. NOTICE TTry ILL BE SOLD, on Saturday the-8th V V instant, at the Store of the late Cherrv 1TTL I 1 J TW I 11 .1 -r, J v imeneau, ui ewoern, ail me liKOCEKIES, TTOI TSIP'TIO T H ATVm ITITr-Tir-M mTTi,n WINES, &c. &c- 1 qr. cask real old Port. 1 do. Dry Lisbon, 1 do Tentrifie, 1 d. Muca'e!, 1 do. Red, Champaie.e in art. anj pint botth-g, 30 bli. IV.ichester familv Flour, Beaches red Bisnd. 10 Baltimore Howard St. do 20 half do io 20 Boxes brown soap, 2 bl, Lorriliardt bst snuff in bottles, 1 bl Snuff i.; Bladders, blk. Pepper and Allspice Mace and Cloves, Nutmegs and Cinnamon, Pearlash and Ginger, 2 Ton Iron assorted, 2 boodles German S?ec! e superior qualifr. - American do tin. Fig blue and best Folflnd starch, Glauber, Epsom and Ri chflle Salts, Lees Pills, and Batemu.i Drops, Opium and Castor Oil, Indigo and Copperas, Sail Peireand Al!um,y Sied'itz powders and Mag nesia, Chalk and Virrlipris Red ochre and Lamp blacjt, Spt-rm and Porpoi e 0:1. Linseed Oi! aud White U, 1 REWARD.-. P ANAWAY from the subscriber on tne AX 23d inst. a Negro woman named FOL LY, belonging to the heirs of col. J. b. wu'( dec. The said negro is a tall shm woman, u yellow complexion. It is supposed she is i Newbern, or lurking about Slocumb's Creek, & her husband, Ezekeil Chance, a free manure sides thereon. I forewarn all persons iron harboring or employing said negro uler,.be penalty of the law. The above reward w?H paid on the delivery of said woman to EMANUEL CERTAIN- Newbern, April 24th," 1832. Great and Brilliant Success AT SCHUYLER'S PALACES OF FORTUNE. NEW YORK. p- THE following are the drawn numbers 01:. tvo, f Atfonr ria Nn 0. drawn n 30 38 25 27 14 54 37 f The usual pood fortune attended Schuyler s trons in this Lottery No. 25, 30, 38, the mp.. Capital Prize of $30,000, was actually iscnuyier, in a package to iwo eiiu eented the Ticket on the day after the draw '.nc, received the Cash. , y j. ere- Brilliant Lotteries are drawing in New ' to ry Wednesday the Capitals vary from Ss ia 40,000-Tickete from S5 to S 10. Those ho Tickets and do not specify the Lotier), oCe Tickets sent in the first pood Scheme vw. or more Tickets is ordered, the Pihavltft be mid. Those who order Tickets oi .ch TURE, a CENTRE-BOARD Schoon. nd various other articles belonging to the estate of sam acceasea. a credit of six months will be given, and the terms made known at the sale, wmui "cence at I o'clock A. M. j prompt attention, if addressed to ? mJS??SP PHYSIOC, Special Admr. ANTHONY H. SCHLYpK' April 17, 1832. ? New tort-. are entitled to the " Lottery Herald,' rrtlTftterie rrmtninc thA nffir.ial drawinf?. Schemes OI . soon to be drawn, a price current,, and a of reading matter. Orders from the Country will, as usual, w elect varie.)

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