s LIBERTY... .THE CONSTITUTION. .. .UNION JVEWBEM, Fiill AY, JOE 22, 1832. JTO. 783. jjy THOMAS WATSON. , reSnTthVE'"tor) U.U.I a!. arr.an,Se have been p:VWttanccS by tail wfU U guarantied by the E.litoT iTy'1Xu thority. 8 0F the I N1TED STATES PA9SE0 AT THE FIRST -iESSION OF THE TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. N AC'Ty making appropriations for Indian an nuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand -eight hundred and thirty- lie it enacted by the Senate antf House of Representatives of the United States of Amcri r, in Congress asseviblrd. That the sum of three hundredand thirty-sixthousand four hun dred and five dollars be", and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in tin Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the annuities due to the various Indians and Indian tribes hereinafter mentioned, including the sum of twenty-four thousand five hundred dollars, stipulated for education of Indian vouths; twenty-five thousand four hundredand seventy dollars, stipulated for the expenses of blacksmiths, run smiths, millers, millwrights, agriculturists, and laborers enployed on Indian service, and for furnishing salt, tobacco, iron, and steel et cetera: and four thousand three hundred and sixty dollars for expenses of trans portation and distribution of certain annuities and agricultural' implements, not otherwise provided for, for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, that is toTsav:' ' , . To the Wyandot tribe,, five thousand nine hundred dollars. To the Wyandot, Mimsec, and Delaware tribes, one thousand dollars. To the Shawanee tribe, three thousand dollars and sixty dollars for furnishing salt. To the Shawanee and Seneca tribW, ofLcwis tou ii, one thousand dollars. To the Delaware tribe, six thousand fivehun drcd dollars, and one hundred dollars for fur- :.i:diinn salt. ; ' To the Wen tribe, three thousand dollars. To the Piankcshaw tribe, eight hundred dol lars. 1 o the Kaskaskia tribe, one thousand dol- the Ottawa tribe, five thousand three hun I O dred, dollars. To the Ottowa and Missouri tiibes, two thousand five hundred dollars,iind fifteen hun dred dollars for the cxpenscsuof blacksmiths' tools an'd agricultural implements. To the Chippewa tribe, three thousand eight hundred dollars: also, oncjthousand dollars for the purposes of education, and two thousand dollars for the purchase of farming utensils and ..1 1 . 1 1 . rtf nii.cnns to 1 W I cattle, ana me einpiu mum ui.-jdiouim them in agriculture. i To theChippewa, Ottawa, and Pottawamie tribes, sixteen thousand dollars, and one hun dred and twenty-five dollars for furnishing salt. To the Potta'wattamic tribe, sixteen thousand three hundred dollars, and one hundred dollars 'to Topenibe, principal chief; also, three thou sand dollars for the purposes of education, and two thousand five hundred, and twenty dollars, lor expenses of blacksmiths, milers and agri culturists, and for furnishing salt, tobacco, iron, und steel. To the Pottawatamie tribt of Huron, four hundred dollars. To the Choctaw tribe, fifty thousand nine hundred and . twenty-five dollars ; to Musfiula fubbc, a chief, one hundred and fifty dollars, and to Robert Cole, a chief, one hundred and fifty dollars; also, twelve thousand fivehundred dollars for purposes of education, and 1 two thousand nine hundred and fifty-five dollars for expenses of blacksmiths and millwrights, and for furnishing iron and steel. To toe Kel river tribe, one thousand one hun dred dollars. To the six Nations, New York, four thou sand fivehundred dollars, and two hundred dol lars to the Young King, a chief of the Seneca nation. To the Seneca tribe, New York, six thou sand dollars. To the Creek tribe, thirty-four thousand five hundred dollars. i ' To the Cherokee tribe, ten thousand dollars; also two thousand dollars for purposes of educa tion.. To the Chickasaw tribe, twentv-thrce thou sand dollars. ; ! To the Sac tribe, three: thousand dollars. To the-Sac and Pox tribes, two thousand dollars. t i To the , Sac, Fox, and loway tribes three thousand Ulollars, for expenses of blacksmiths and agriculturists, and furnishing farming uten sils and cattle. To the Pox tribe, three thousand dollars. To the loway tribe, three thousand dollars ; Iso nine hundred dollars for expenes of black smiths, and furnishing agricultural tools. T o the Osage tribe, eight thousand five hun dred dollars. To the Seneca tribe, ofLcwistown, one thou sand dollars. To the Quapaw tribe, two thousand dol lars. To the Kickapoo tribe of Illinois, two thou sand dollars. To the Florida Indians, five thousand dollars : ilso iso one thoufand dollars tor purposes of educa tion, and one thousand dollars for the expenses f a gun.and blacksmith,! To the; Miami tribe.; twentv-five thousand dollars: also two thousand dollars for the sud- port of the poor and infirm, and education of; lated "or in the tenth article of the said treaty, proval of this act," shall be pai to the person youth ; and two thousand and twenty dollars for j twelve hundred and fifty-four dollars. " entitled to the same as soon as may be, in the pxpenscs of blacksmith, and for furnishing salt, Fr expenses attending the sale of Indian ! manner and under the provisions "above men ron and steel and tobacco. property, according to the sixth article, three j tioncd : and the pav which shall accrue thereaf- To the Winnebago tribe, eighteen thousand hundred dollars. ter shaU be Jaid semi-annually, in the manner "-chars; also three thousand seven hundred and r or carrying into effeft the treaty with the : above directed; and in case ofthe death or ninety dollars for expenses of blacksmiths and agriculturists, and for furnishingsaltand tobac- CO. To the Kanza. tribe, three thousand fivy hun dred dollars. To the Christian Indians, four hundred dol lars. To the Sioux tribe, of Mississippi, two thou sand dollars: also, one thousand scvenhundred dollars for expenses of blacksmith, and furnish- ' I inor nfrriniltural tools. Tolhe Yancton and Santie bands, three thou sand dollars; also, one thousand four hundred dollars for expenses of blacksmith and furnish ing agricultural toote. To the Omuba tribe, two thousand five hun dred dollars; also, one thousand live hundred dollars for expenses of blacksmith, and furnish ing agricultural tools. To the Sac tribe of Missouri river, five hun dred dollavs; also, nine hundrcd.dollars forex penses of blacksmith, and furnishing agricultu ral tools. For purposes of education of Sacs, Foxes, and others, as stipulated for by the treaty of fifteenth July, one thousand eight hundredand thirty, three' thousand dollars; and To Little Billy of the Sene,ca tribe, of New York, for the term of his natural life, an annui ty of fifty dollars. To Anderson, three hundred and sixty dol lars, and to Lapahnilhc, one hundred and forty dollars, chiefs of the Delaware nrtion, agreea bly to an understanding of the commissioners who negotiated the treaty of one thousand ciht hundred and eighteen. - For expenses of transportation and distribu tion of annuities to the Winnebagocs, Chip pewds, Otto was, and Pottawatamies, Sacs, Fox es, and others, and of salt, tobacco, agricultu ral implements, and tools, not otherwise pro vided for, the sum of four thousand three hun dred and sixty dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of any act as provides for the payment of any of the annuities and stipulations herein men tioned, shall be, and thejsame is hereby, re pealed, A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. . J. C. CALHOUN Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, Approved, June 4, 1832. ANDREW JACKSON. AN ACT making appropriations in conformity with he stipulations of certain treaties with the Creeks, Shawnees, Ottowa ys, Senecas, Wyandots, Che rokees, and Choctaws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of th c Un ited St a tes of A m e ri ca in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby severally ap- propnated to the several objects hereinatter Representatives of the Lnitcd States of Amcri specifically enumerated, according to the sti- Ca ire Congress assembled, That each of the pulations of certain Indian Treaties, to be paid surviving officers, non-commissioned officers, out of any money in the Treasury not other- . musicians, soldiers and Indian spies, w ho shall wise appropriated, namely: , -have served in the continental line, or State For the payment of debts due by the Creeks, j troops, volunteers oi militia, at one or more and their relief, according to the ninth article j terms, a period of two years, during the war of the treaty concluded with the Creek Indians, j of the revolution, and who arc not entitled to any twenty-fourth March, one thousand eight hun- benefit under the act for the relief of certain , drcd and thirty-two, one hundred thousand surviving officers and soldiers ofthe revolution, dollars.' I passed the fifteenth day of may, eighteen hun-! For compensation to the Delegation to the.!dred and twenty-eight, be authorized to re city of Washington, the payment of the expen- i ceivc, out of any money in the Treasury not ses. and of elaims against them, according to j otherwise appropriated, the amount of his full the tenth article of the same treaty, sixteen ; pay in the said line, according to his rank, but thousand dollars. not exceeding in any case, the pay of a captain, i For the payment of certain claims for ferries, n the said line; such pay to commence from j bridges, and causeways, for judgments against, the fourth day of March, one thousand, eight ; chief's, for losses, for improvements, for annui- hundred and thirty-one, and shall continue du ties, for the expenses of Creaks who have emi- ring his natural life; and that any such officer, grated without expense to the United States, ' non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, at fifteen dollars for each, and for compensa- I as aforesaid, who shall have served in the con- lion to those who suffered in consequence of I tinental line, State troops, volunteers or mili- being prevented from emigrating, as severally tia, a term or terms in the whole less than the! provided for and stipulated in the eleventh ar- above period, but not less than six months, tide ofthe same treaty, twenty-five thousand shall be authorized to receive out of any unap and eighty dollars. pYoprialed money in the Treasury, during his For the cost of rifles, ammunition, and blan- natural life, each according to his term of ser- kets, according to the thirteenth article of the same treaty, tmrteen nunorea ana twenty aoi-; annuity granted to the same ranK lor tne ser lars. ? j vice of two years, as his therm of service did For the expenses of taking the census, and to the therm aforesaid; to commence from the making the selection of reservations according fourth day of March, one thousand eight hun to the second article of the same treaty, three . drcd and thirtv-one. thousand five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. And be it f urther enacted, That no For the service of a person to belsclectcdjo person, receiving any anuity or pension under certify the contracts for the sale of lands, ac-; any law of the United States providing for cording to the third article ofthe same treaty, revolutionary officers and soldiers, shall be en one thousand dollars. - titled to the benefits of this act, unless he shall For the expense ofjremoving and keeping first relinquish his further claim to such oft' intruders from the Creek lands, according pension; and in all payments under this act, to the filth article of the same treaty, iwo the amount which may have been received un thousand dollars. der . any other act as aforesaid, since the date For one years' allowance for the purposes at which the payments under this act shall of education, according to the thirteenth article commence, shall "first be deducted from such of the same treaty, three thousand dollars. ; payment. For carrying into effect the treaty with he Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Shawnee Indians, of Ohio, according to the pay allowed by this act shall, under the direc treaty concluded with them eighth August, one tion of the Secretary ofthe Treasury, be paid thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, the fol- to the! officer, non-commissioned officer, musi lowing sums, namely: I cian or private, entitled thereto, or his or their For enabling them to erect houses and open authorized attorney, at such places and times farms at their intended residence, according to as the Secretary ofthe Treasury may direct, the fifth article ofthe said treaty, thirteen and that no foreign officer shall be entitled to thousand dollars. I said pay, nor shall any officer, non-commis- For the payment for sundry articles as pre- i sioned officer, music'an or private, receive the sents, enumerated in the ninth, twelfth, and j same until he furnish the said Secretary salis fourteenth articles of the same treaty, two thou-: factory evidence that he is entitled to the same, sand four hundred and four dollars. , in conformity to the provisions of this act; and For expenses of selling the property of In-' the pay hereby allowed shall not be in any way dians, according to the sixth article of the said transferable or liable to attachment, levy, or treaty, three hundred dollars. j seizure, by any lesfal process whatever, but ror carrying into effect the treaty with the I Oltoways, of Ohio, concluded the thirtieth, Au g$i, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one tne following sums, namelv: ' For the payment of certain artirlrs as stinu- i mixed bands of the Senecas and Shawnees, of Lewiston, Ohio, concluded the twentieth Tuk- one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, the ! ioiiowing sums, namely.; ; For an advance to said Indians, in lieu of compensation for improvements, according to the fifth article of the said treaty, six thousand dollars. For the payment of sundry articles stipulated for as presents in the tenth article of said treaty 1. !' . 1, 1 1 .1 11 J. .11 imrieen nuuureu anu imeeii uouar. For the expense of selling- the jproperty of said Indians, according to the sixth article of the said treaty, three hundred dollars For carrying into effect the treaty with the Wyandots," of Ohio, concluded ltyth January, one thousand eight hundred and: thirty-two, the following sums, namely: For payment for the reservation of sixteen thousand acres, as stipulated for in the second article of the treaty, twenty thousand dollars. For payment for improvements on the ceded reservations, and expense of appraising the same, according to the third article of said treaty, four thousand dollars. j For transportation and contingencies under the provisions of the several treaties above mentioned, two thousand five hundredcdollars. For the payment of improvements within the limits of Georgia and Arkansas, abandoned by Cherokee emigrants undei the treaty of sixth May, one thousand eight hundred jand twenty eight, as valued by appraisers, severity thousand dollars. For gratuities of fifty dollars for every five emigrants from within the chartered limits of Georgia, ten thousand dollars. For carrying into offect the treaty with the Choctaws, of fifteenth September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, the following sums, namely: For the blankets, rifles, axes, ploughs, hoes, wheels, cards, looms, iron and stell, stipulated for in the twentieth article of the said treaty, thirty-five thousand six hundred; and twenty dollars. For fulfilling the stipulation of the sixteenth article in relation to cattle, in addition to for mer appropriations, ten thousand; dollars. For the payment of Choctow ' Indians who have relinquished lands, according to the pro visions of the nineteenth article of said treaty, the sum of thirty thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. For expenses of transportation, and other i incidental expenses, in relation to the treaties above named, three thousand five hundred dol lars. : Approved, June 4, 1632. AN ACT Supplcmcntary to the "Act for the ie!ief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution." Be it enacted bu the Senate and House of vice, an amount bearing such proportion to the shall insure wholly to the personal benefit of the officer, non-commissioned officer rasician or soldier entitled to the same. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That so mnch nf flip said nav as accrued before the nn- any person embraced by the provisions of this' act, or of the act to which it is supplementary-! during the period intervening between the semi annual payments directed to be made by said acts, the proportionate amount of pay which ac crue between the last preceding semi-annual payment, and the death of such person, shall be paid to his widow, or if he leave no widow, to his children. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the officers, nen-commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, mariners, or marines, who served for a like term in the naval service, du ring the revolutionary war, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act, in the same manner as is provided for the officers and soldiers of the ar my of the revolution. Approved, June 7, 1832. From the Raleigh Constitutionalist. TO THE JACKSON CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Gentlemen, You have already learnt the re sult ofthe proceedings ofthe Baltimore Con vention. As it may however, be a matter of some interest to you, as well as to our friends in other parts ofthe State, to have a more par ticular detail of the transactions, and principles upon which the Convention acted, and the del egation from each State being left to make such explanation as they might deem advisable I avail myself of the first leisure moment, since my return home, to make this' communication. In doingso, I am not to be understood as speak ing the sentiments of others, tho I shall eif deavor to speak of things as they are, in the language of truth and sincerity, under the hope of being able to satisfy you of the correctness of my views, and of preventing as far as prac ticable a division among the friends ofthe ad ministration in this State. There were in attendance about 3G0 delegates; each State being represented, with the excep tion of Missouri; and the sentiments of that State communicated from a source entitled to the highest respect. The Convention being organized, it was ascertained that some of the States were much more fully represented than others some having a larger, and some smal ler number, than their electoral vote. It was necessary therefore to devise some plan, which might retlect correctly the relative weight of each State. A vote percapita or by number and a majority to govern, though the true de mocratic principle, was not considered as like ly toadvance the wishes, or to express the will of the whole of the States, agreeably to their vote in the electoral college, which had been the great object in convoking the Convention. Hence it was decided, that each State without regard to the number of their delegates, should give its electoral vote leaving it with the respec tive delegations to determine upon the general or district principle of voting, as they might be divided or united in opinion. This rule being so manifestly fair and just, one so likely to ac commodate the wishes of all, met with no op position. I lie question of what States shoufu be allowed to vote, in making a nomination, threatened a more serious disturbance to the harmony of our proceedings. To have said to the delegates from those States who had not voted for general Jackson at the last election, and who, in all probability might not do so at the next, though warmed and animated with the same wishes and sentiments, and feeling a community of hopes and fears with ourselves equally desirous of success to the same great object, that their voice could not be heard in the selection of a Jackson candidate for the Vice Presidency, would have been as unjust as impolitic. It was well known that at the last election, the electoral vote of Maine, and New Hampshire too, with the whole; of the N. Eng land states, with the exception of a single vote, had been given against general Jackson. It was now admitted, that these five states were decidedly for him, and in the others there were strong minorities from whom reasonable hopes of success were entertained. To obviate this difficulty, and to guard against the objection of suffering those non-effective States to divide the question, it was resolvedj that no person should receive the nomination; without having in his favor at least, two thirds of the whole electoral vote. Thus requiring a greater excess, beyond a majority, to concur in the nomination, than the votes of the five anti-Jackson States. Having thus settled in a way perfectly fair and satisfactory, the rule of voting and the number necessary to a choice the convention proceeded to a ballot. The result was 208 for Martin Van Ruren 49 for P. P. Barbour 2 for II. M. Johnson giving Mr. Van Buren more than two thirds on the first ballot, and of course the nomination as Vice President. The delegation from Virginia, consisting of upwards of 00 members, of high character, from every part of the State (who had voted for Mr. Barbour) then oilered a resolution approving of the nomination and pledging themselves to its support. The same course was pursued by the Kentucky delegates (who voted for Col. John son) and who said their friend would unite with them in favor ofthe nomination. I have since learnt that Col. Johnson approves ofthe course taken by his friends and will himself sustain the nomination. I was perfectly disposed in convention, as I had been before, to unite with our southern brethren upon some, candidate agreeing with us in all our opinions on measures of national policy. I thought then, as I think now, that the friends of the administration in the Soutn, should have submitted their claims and prefer ances fairly to the umpirage ofthe great body of their party, and abide the result. I was well satisfied, that a southern candidate uniting only the six plantation states (as they are termed) could not possibly succeed. I was as well satis fied that a candidate from the INorth East or North West, without a union of interest, would prove equally unsuccessful. J I honestly m deavored to inform myself, by a free inter- change of opinion win. " different sections, who was most likely to eflect this union go all important to our success. I be came convinced that in the north western States Mr. Van Buren wa? the second, if not their first choice, and that after CoL Johnson, he would most certainly be taken up, and was gi ven distinctly to understand, that the nomina tion of any man as rigid as Mr. Barbour was known to be, in his views of national politics woufd jeopardize the chance of General Jack son. lTn..the. slates of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. I Was still disposed however not to yield, without an effort in favor of a southern man. F or although it has been charged upori the convention, that it was gotten up and car ried on with a view to the nomination of Mr. Van Buren, I well know as regards the delegates selected from this State, the charge was with out foundation, and I am equally well satisfied that it is, as regards others. The feeling in favor of Mr. Van Buren originated in a strong sense of public indignation, at his rejection a minister by the U. States Senate. Thus satis fied under existing circumstances that Mr. V; B. would in the end command the nomina tion, I was disposed, as a southern man. strongly imbued with southern feelings as I trust others will do, cautiously to examine tv. ., political aspect of things to consider well tho grounds we should occupy, before suffering our feelings and the management of our poli tical opponents, to lead us into mazed from which we might find it difficult hereafter to extricate ourselves. I enquired of mvself if we of the south should insist on a candidate opposed to the tariff, the great point in contro versy, whether its supporters would not also insist upon one favorable to itt This being the test to decide the question, we of course being in the minority, must have failed. W hadj the President, with sentiments, if not en tirely in accordance with our own, favorable at least to a liberal adjustment ol the measure. I found it a fact too, beyond question, that whilst the ultra opponents of the tariff in the south were hostile to Mr. Van Buren, its most vio lent supporters' to the north were equally so. I thought then, as I think now, if the people of the .south were prepared to submit to no terms in the adjustment of this distracting question, short of a toTrl abandonment ofthe principle of protection, then the crisis had arrived, when we should take our stand, and in all things pre sent an unbroken front. But if they were not prepared to raise this staudard of opposition, even to the hazard of revolution and I did no! believe they were then it becomes our dut to act in a spirit of mutual forbearance and com promise, to practice this spirit in yielding to the wishes of a large majority of the great re publican family, in this spirit, and with thesv feelings, although I had voted for Judge Bar bour, 1 united without hesitation in the unani mous recommendation of Mr. Van Buren. Having taken this course, I maybe allowed, to express some additional considerations whic?i influenced me in adopting it. In the first place. I found Mr.' Van Buren the itronger candidate wiih the. Jackson States ; and more likely to unite a majority of the electoral votes, than Mi. Barbour. Giving to Mr. B. the votes of Vir-, ginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Ala bama and Mississippi, it would make but an aggregate of 71 votes. Whereas Mr. V. B. with equal certaintj- would receive the vote of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Tennes see, Indiana, Illinois, with three votes in Marv land making an aggregate of 90 votes so that between the two Mr. V. B. must havc-bcei the strongest, and in every reasonable proba bility one of the two highest, to be presented to the Senate for their choice. With tho nom ination, I ficlieved, in addition to the above he would likely receive the vote of New Jersey, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri and Georgia, in all 149 a majority ofthe whole electoral vote tr say nothing of his chance in Virginia, N. Caro lina, Alabama and Mississippi. Our persever ing therefore, for Mr. Barbour, could have led to no practical good but much mischief". There was no prospect either of his election bv ' the people, or of his receiving a vote large enough to go before the Senate as one ofthe two highest. In tile second place I was led to en quire, whether theobjections urgedagainstMr. Van Buren, were of a character to forbid the south voting for him under any circumstances These were his views upon the subject of Inter nal Improvements and his rote for the tariff of 1828 throwing out of view the partizan objec tions of particulat individuals, founded as I con sidered in personal prejudice. Upon tho Is: question, Is?; with confidence, that Lurh iroiu his speeches and votes, whilst in theSn ate, he -was always regarded as opposed to thrpoue: of Inter'l Improv't by the Gen. Gov't. That upon the bill for procuring surveys, plans, and estimates, upon the subject of roads end ca1 nals, and which has been the foundation ofth. various abuses since practised by Congress, in their appropriations upon objects natiofud only in name, Mr. Van Buren voted in tho nega tivethe vote being 25 yeas, 21 nay?. In re gard to the tariff of 1S28. I found the fact to be, he had voted for it, but that he was mTmorc responsible for its passage, than any otherpcr son who had supported it. That in regard to the charge of his having been the caue of inser ting the duty upon Wool and Lead, withou: winch it is said the bill couldnot have passed the Senate the fact turns out to be, that the duty upon wool was carried in the House of Representatives by a vote of lOOycas 0Snays the whole south vot-cd for zV -in order no doubt to render it odious) the Eastern members against it. In the penate, a motion to increasi; the advalorcm duty upon wool from 50 to 71) per cent, the vote was 16 yeas, 31 tidis the Senators from the south voting in the affirma tire. As regards the duly upon Lead, tht? amendment was ofieredby Mr.'Karnc a Senator! from Illinois (and who is now voting witlii the south for every proposed modification 6f the tarifF) without concert or understanding as l am authorised by that gentleman to say, of any kind or tor any purpose, with Mr. Van Buren, and carried by a rote of 29 yeas 17 i' .1 1 -I ..-.I- ft 'X

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