NO'BT M A M OX. IN A S EN f I'NlBiL 4 J7T? j . . -l-.'.-f (r ,-3i! NP Tm. m. -J- TV -"e-Zi aaaj. -. THE SENTIJVEli NEWBERN: THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1832. charge of two or more Citizens ; letthem every ' By this simple means many oi the poor who have day see that the houses and yards and before no one at hand to eend for a physician could overcome the doors, are clean, and adopt such.other regti- me destroyer whue stepping over their humble thresh lations as may be deemed necessary. ol.d "hc Pper mode of preparing the camphor is ANTI-CHOLERA. aQ mnce 01 tbe gum in half a pint of al- cohol-" From the Norwalk Gazette, ,,-," 7TI r7 . Burgundy fitch. A day or two afro vvp rmh The experience of Norwalk is worth some- Iiahcd a Ietter, stating that the Prussian and Austrian thing in relation to quarantine regulations. Governments had issued proclamations recommend Ever since the breaking out of the disease in ing the use of Burgundy Pitch Plasters, as a preven- UB hppn nn nninterruDted tive of Cholera. The Washington Teleorah nn . , . intercourse between that city and this place by me. auiuuruyui a correspcnaeni, maices trie tallowing To-morrow having been recommended by his Ex- means of steam boats, packets, public and pri- rey1ral Cyentlv!i"'-4 a io-morru a .....-- . . A u 'itnnnf Burgundy pitch plasters produce moderate inflam- ,n n.vihf!itoverflor,asauay 01 iasuuK,uumuiduon vaie carnages, anu noiiess mau i nnA i r i . 5 -nirf rlniiKt thp 1 rat Orinoco roltK I PitiTPns havp msspd through ttllStOWn. WltniU I u ..,:.-i U : J . J U L AliU piciyCr, O ,... ..-.w . v,.v,v... 1 J D - Ullg lUC CUHIIC cXCf UUC-LCI a UU , U.IIII IJCUtCj W 11C11 Hp- . 1 1 . .1 . U "-lU III liCU IUUBUOIHC rhich our feUour citizens will observe it as such. tnat time, flying from the pestilence. plied to the abdomen, they give tone and healthy mng them very few who have ever beeri regarded as jiriahf?sure-ttt a wel1 conducted conversation lfl, manifestation of Akiffhtv uower which For weeks in succession from 300 to 500 condition to iits viscera, by accioning a deprivation Jackson men. Many of the names are on the list in arr. ' . . , , r rn x i . l passengrers a day were lanaea upon our wuarvcsioi me morDia action. .i;?r parrvitiff hundreds ofour iriiow mnrtnlfstn tk 1 1 " ,r, . , , n j . is uujv v..j - . from cteam b crave, is well calculated to teach us our perfect de- . fil , t e ..nHpnr.R on the God of mercv. and to nroduce such 1 1 i 4nmn Llinraas are acceptable to him. Let u9 vith one ,hfi,. hs or has had some of the refugees for ? thousand ofthecibzensof Washmgton have stores, several of whom, in wme LJl humble ourselves before the Throne of Grace, i ts inmates, and vet not a sinrie case" of the !JJS"!S m one in ell theli with all the earnestness of derjendent suddUcc- Cholera has occurred among these 15,000, Ttm. innru.nt . -nA if th Hn nn a-nnr. thsn cannot msiance we vry much doubt the fact of the oersons -y I . . . , , , . .1 . . I 9 -j - ' i- ? r ? : i i .... t&n, iinplore exemption from this fearful pestilence. either on board tne ooat or in tnis town, nor possibly do any harm. The facts stated in the letter w uames are attacned to the call, having ever anv wnere eise mat we nave nearu oi ; nor nas 101 a srentieman irom Liasox)W. are certainiv woruiv seen uie paper, xne wnole ia rviHf.ntW a ... . . I . . . r - I - eiwc uc- i . i i , i i a n r, . m r ,rro moi.-oH K ha ioc4 mn Frrtm n sinop p rasp nr.cnrrpn in tne Tnwn. p.xceDi inose oi aueuiiou." rpntmn ? and tho m;k v, u lt .. i 1 " ' . itn uic iu wioiu ui mc ion: L- ILUICI IX. HVJAllO llsblTWU UJT UMI. Wlllll I1V111 I w.wgj. , j-- I I J w .v. I ,H 11C19 UCCU Lll rOW II t nit- . . . ! - e grand snow which has been ffot- Geneva College. Th nnni 1 ' ten up in Philadelphia, of changes which have taken of Geneva College was held on the firr a"! place among the Irishmen inconseauenccoffhPVP- Umstat the Presbyterian Church In the villa to, turns out to be, as we expected, a nerfert rhm 9eeva.and as a"1 by a large concourse of presented to our view, as signers to the call bf a itable to themselves and to the institution of which meetinor for Monday next, and we recoemiie amrmr 1 theY are members, while no doubt was lelt upon the " - . i . l x -l A i i A, rn ; - 1 them those of persons residing in Delaware, men who " prescui uia, uie ouck presemeu m . . . . i t- . , . i icoycti cuudi auvouiuifcs muiajiv uiuer in nave long been opposed to uie resiaeni, ana who the State.' Ah impressive adHress ivas delivered to care as little about the Bank as do the people of Rus-1 the graduates by President Mason. An address was eia. There are manv who have "always been as 1 delivered to the. two societies of the College by much self. some acquaintance in -Philadelphia, we discover a- interesting and instructive, being hi itself illustrative instances, were taken alumnus, and Uie honorary degree of t u icoge tf.Ltfitcn, a graduate ot Union A. M. upon Colletrp. nnfl of Dartmouth College. Cayuga Patriot seen the paper. The whole is evidently a frross de- Kentucky. We have laid before our readers, all K the returns we have been able to obtain of the late "'P1"") ciiiu mic veil WU1UU UitS Deen tnmwn nver -rr ... i, -r. , , r.wTTt p rennrtpfl on the banks of the river which di- , . TT7. a k; ,ir n eiecuon Lm rventucKy. it can oy no meaus oe ceif . tne lnieeiw iuVi wi u; viiiuii, cue a Www...g ,r n p . c ,. Smoking. Uur lnends on r all rtiver seem " " kxm 1LO uwwmuv.-Dow. tept. mined lrom the data belb 'I't.i. rannrrt ur nh trvl lrTxrc will chnnrn nlpac. I lvio iiui num ""' fore us, what will prove to be l ii r.i . . m m r a Tor no hon t j i I tne resuii oi tne contest. v e nave never oeen verv " "-J iviiuh IHX,C113, tC UlllClli lei nature, l ne recora wmcii iouows win snow a uieab- determined to prevent the Cholera appearing ing decrease in the number of cases as well as in the The city of 'Boston has established a Colony for among them if human exertions can avail. The , ju ,,-o a ' j 'i Rujne of carrying the state election ; nor do ve JlumberordeathsinNeWyorkandPhiladelPhia.,and Drunkards ;and perhaps some hint may be taken order now is togatel passengers althoughtheauihoritiesorNorfolkhavelatelythought froro the proceedings for the regulating of the tipsy rroviucnce, noiwunsianaing mey may hmkc iLJJZZ.Z nroir to withold areolar report, we infer from the race elsewhere. We take the following from the uiyfCUUUb- "V Vlurua 7?weT. . lJU,uu" l"J tne electoral ticket in favor of Andrew Jackson, sue number of interments that the disease has passed its Boston Advocate. . m X comPou"a ot ana otner villainous. qvcr our antipathies, iorego our private griefs, ceecied by a majority of about 8000. So far, the re i crisis there also. During the 24 hours ending at 10 Street inoTPrlients. tn thp crreatHfTpnce nf thpir nostrils.' Drunkards. The Board of Aldermen I i0j nVlnck on the 17th. thfere had occurred no new case have appointed John M'Narrar and Hezekiah Earl, . -A A . t,t p t mth nillirthrin thnt neribd of for the Middle District, John Chester for the Northern ". """JJ" ;VU x,a.l"u 7. n i m Portsmouth, and only three died in that period of D; Th Hunting and John Rnpp for the aforementioned fumigation, which entirely ab ttiose who aau ueu inpviuuwy iiucuwu. uur ui nvC Soi)thern District, to appreL pprehend street vagrants found stracted the color irom abeautitul new pink and regardless of mere names, look to results." Such is the language of the National Repub" lican Convention of New-York t Language al most identical with the resolutions passed at new cases and one death took place on the day follow- in the city. dress New Bedford Gaz. 7.7; 7"u6 ucw " 7; yu;.6 , , , 1 j .u 3 - J , of July! Language fntended to mstify, ex- iR. Alter the alarm .ch lately prevailed, Utese 7Vam.porto,V.n of flnAy.,.-Ahout 60 men .prerCTrfw..Half a table epoonlhl of powdered cuse, and encourage a Grand Coalition of are reany peDK niua, -uo on, '13 w. charcoal mixed in water, and morning. Federalists, Anti-masons, Bank-dependents, & fine healthy situation, where they are usefully em- TWPiHi, ponnuif,n of q,iv every1a&men of opposition to the existing nloved in fitting un the Barracks for a House of Cor- The Baltimore Republican, of Saturday, naliorfal administration! It is language which rection. The men are set to work as soon as they mentions the following remarkable instance of betrays an utter destitution of principle and of can stagger under a load of bricks, and have plentv Tlnnbm ' hope : It is alike wicked and desperate. The , of good food and water. Every drunkard who loses rj ' . ... oeode cannot misunderstand a movement thus his senses in reeling from a grogshop, will find him- Labour of hove. We. understand that four- rhir-wtprisfd snri mi1ct nrenare tn mpet it a? it i sen, when he wakes up, carrying a brick hod at bort teen ot the Sisters of Charity, lrom fet. Joseph's mpr:1: vv arren. to call forth our gratitude to Him who has thus arres ted the pestilence in its course. Philadelphia. 142 new cases, 126 110 130 111 73 94 Neic- York. 73 ncv caj;es, 1)7 70 G7 ior 42 10th 11 12 13 14 15 1G Aug. 9 39 deatlis, 33 31 49 37 23 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 79 28 deaths 26 33 23 23 15 26 26 Nunncrv, at Emmitsburg, passed through this i i.ri.:i The esrane of Boston thus fail from the cholera. c7 yesieraay morning, on meir way iu x una- i 7 j i i ii" .1 w r . i may probably, under Providence, be in a great de- deipna, wnitner they nave gone lor tne pur gree ascribed to many persons adhering rigidly to a pose of attending the sick in the present sea discreet diet abstaining from whatever has a great son of affliction and distress in that citv, pro and immediate tendency to increase thebile, or cause duced bv the Cholera. Such a display of sym What security can the Democracy of the country have against this new "union of hon est men" this fresh holy alliance, this confede racy of aristocracy, proscription and discon tent, but in firm, unflinching, manly, and vigo- ZllL alel J?JiZ l:t.uZ V"by for the afflicted, and of a d.spos.l.on to pes? The contest assumin2 J char. l. ,-:. ' " i iu ... -euueavur iu relieve me uisiresscu, is uwiujf aptpr ra rn atfM tn arnnsfi PVP Although its severity is thus mitigated in its strong holds, it is spreading considerably over the country. by expose their own health and that of the coramu nity. There are nevertheless admonitory punish ment?, which may prevent greater evils. Sentinel. indeed, and is worth more than whole burnt Boston offerings, or rivers of oil presented in sacrifice A French suit of the contest for governor is not far different ium me esumatesot our friends in that state; and c may aucceea ; Dut whether we do or not, we think : " .w,l mucn reason, expect that at the elects ral election, the vote will be found to be in favor f Andrew Jackson. If the Clay candidate for r0vef nor, shall succeed, it will prolong, for a short time, Mr. Clay s .agonies ; but sooner or later, he must evideni -ly sink beyond the reach of the most desperate hope ; aim it u iiuumieriai wnemer tne evidence ot it aL pear in August or November. lb. Our right, trusty and well beloved cousin, his bach elorship of the Boston Transcript, thus reritatcs uon woman: " Men may scoff and be as licentious and sarcastic as they please, when woman is the theme, but we der fy airy one of them to do as much good in a fortnight as a woman will do in a day, when the demands on her benevolence require active exertion." If there is a truth which sickness, pain, disappoint ment and misery can render plain, as firm as inspira tion, it is that above quoted; but how did, A? find it. out? U. S. Gazette. fTPnflnman it TVw-Vnrk. writes m V'AWl V X &X KM. X A -X V . 4. W A W svrnvw From Poulson's Daily Advertiser. to his friend in Baltimore: 'It is estimated Bn Steady. This is a safe motto always, and a that UDWards of 20,000 French inhabit this ci- By the arrival of the ship William Byrnes, at New very reasonable one now. I have had great confi- L d that but mo of that number have died from ucu e .rum u,e ur mai me m,z ns o. our goy. u,y . h h Ch , fc ge w d bdh "'i. iKn l'-ltli inct fvnm T .i vprnnnl nanfTH ' ,T. , V., , , 10 i w u would be less excited by the breaking out of disease London and Liverpool of the 1st and 2nd ultimo have , . , - ' . , , . . been received, but they contain little news of impor- out. Every body understands now that the cholera tance. has no more terrors for the prudent and careful than A rumour prevails in London, that the harmony th influenza or dysentary, and in every case an ob- 1 . ' , . vious and sufficient cause 13 to be assigned. which lately existed between tne ooun ana lvunistcrs It ig cf creat importance that every man shonld very intemperate Cholera among Hogs. The Baltimore Ga zette gives an account of a number of hogs which died in consequence ol eating water melons. The owner of them not knowing the lias suffered an interruption; but neither the cause be steady. Steady in his habits, in his feelings, in his cause of their death, gave some of the same absurditv that we did not imagine that it could nor any contirniatioil ot tne report appears, and we acter calculated to arouse every spark of genu ine democratic feeling into-action. This cun ningly contrived league of reckless politicians will be frittered into its original fragments when it finds the people steadily and sternly preparing for the onset. . I The Albany Argus lashes I the Opposition prints for bruiting the absurd invention of a Virginia Clay Editior, " that Mr. Van Buren would be withdrawn from the canvass for the Vice Presidency, and would be recalled by President Jackson to the Department of State. We did not conceive (says the Argus,) the report entitled to contradiction. Such was its think it safe to discredit it. The Duke of Wellington had given a splendid entertainment to their Majesties, in honour of their accession. About 6even hundred of the first persons in the kingdom were present. The Scotch Reform Bill has passed the Commons, and it was believed that both it and the Irish Bill i t n -.i t t I j. i. . .i . i. Dusiness, ana especially in nis conauci anaconversa- iood to some nogs in anotner pen, at a distance deceive a single individual, much less that it uuu, ii uiu mfeeatsc &nuuiu uume iiilu ma uwciuiig ui lrorn ine one m WHICH tne Otners Dad Deen COn- rnillH kp erinnqlv nrP!!Pil intn thp sprvirp of his immediate neighborhood. Nothing could be more finpd al ftfwhich died also soon after eatino-it : u .srious,3r Vssea into the service ot kindly ordered in the progress of such a scourge than hne, all ot which died al.o soon alter eating it. the C0ahtl0n, unscrupulous as they are as to the tokens it o-ives of its anm-oach : and thoncrh its means. But we find that nothing is too absurd nower is felt bv every rank and class of society, its Extract of a letter from Paris, of June 16 nor anv invention too palpable, for their uses, 'having effected, she went off to bed arrain. force is spent on those who invite and almost defy its "My fears of this terrible malady, (the cholera,) are It is only necessary to say, that the reply of next mormng she repeated this extraordinary feat. .1,I1I11 l.Tl I - - ' 1 I j W " attack. increased instead oi oeing aimimsnea, Dy wnat l nave Mr. Van Buren to the letter of the committee i wnen ier mistress awoke ner, snowing wtio it was It is a fact worth noticing, that every man who carries a watch on a sunny day, has a ready, and emeiem means ior oDtainingjire, when the sun is near nis meridian altitude. It the crystal of the watch be opened and filled with water, it forms a plano-convex lens, by which the solar rays are reduced to a focus, which being thrown on any dark coloured combusti ble body, will cause it to take fire.--Salem Register. Extraordinary Instance ofSdmndmbutism.--A short time since, a lady in Liverpool had a servant, who upon coming down stairs every morning, 'found the fire lit, the kettle boiling, andall other things in a state of readiness. For some time, she did not com municate this singular fact to any one, but at length she told her mistress; who immediately set to work to enquire into the matter. One morning she rose early, and took her station in the parlor. Aier waiting a short time,- she saw her servant come into the room, fast aefeep, but dressed, afid immediately proceea to periorm ner various occupations, which The We may hope that many of our citizens are bome seen. You think physicians would learn to cure it 0f tie Baltimore Convention which we presume that Performed her work for her. Manchester pa- trosoei ot our ljord and av- as tnev do tne small pox anuotner tuseases: insieaa iii i.i- uj -n ,. vcr. n i r can furnish ! and others arc of that, all I have talked with agree that no isitation with that composure been learnt about the cure of it either in let and nhilnsnnhiral vi'p.w nf Enrrland. All that is learnt, is that it is ' Sir Walter Scott, in whose fate every good man feels itg character and effects. srious. and it is coniectured to be " telluric" or com- would! have passed both houses by the middle of July, up bv a hope which the gospel of our Lord and Sav- as they do the small pox and other diseases: instead ;11 1 'Mj.UaJ ,ni -r oi. in rp,liVt Pcr' I " - - . . I - . a I KIXX IJ 1 I J II 1 1 J t ' II- W alia ft S -..XIX. XXX X. V X S X VX X reat reioicino-s were troinon in consenuence of the Jiour Jesus Christ alone can furnish ! and others arc of that, all 1 have talked with agree tnat nothuig hasi ,. . . J. r pnnKlpt tn TttmrA th vJsimfmn with that rnmnosnrp hppn Wrnt ahnnt. the rarft-of it either m France or I'"" "uo "mk"-' U1' G yaccess ol Reform. Warrior's opinion of War. The followino- II - . r singular language to be used by a brother of Nano- an interest, was in the same hopeless condition that ' ! 1 1 1 A our previous advices nad leit mm. A tew more days and his spirit will have taken its flight from a world which it has improved and delighted, to enjoy the reward of a virtuous and well spent life. T 1-1 17 1M A T'TrXT A I '1 ! P A TVIT ! T . . .' .1-1 x r Ieon- lt 18 from an answer of Louis Buonaparte to ... ' . . . n a f. . I I I II . M l I II K . M 1 Ml M 1 1 t I fi 1 1 1 I P IM rirPKI 1 i tr Ll' i . i There are only three things which I do this season ing out oi the earth, instead ot being watted mrougti - - - oir vv auer ocott : which I have not always done, or not to the same de- the air. It is still in Pans, about 60 cases and 20 eign stockholder m tne united Slates Vank, is the have been enthusiastic and joyful as any one al -gree. deaths per day only, "so we are quite easy. Miss coadjutor of Lord Wellington in maintaining against ter a victory; but I also confess, that the staht Sf -t 1. I am very careful what I eat. Lafayette, the General a i grand-daughter - has it now, aU reformB the corruptions of the Britisn govern- battle field has not only struck me with horror, but 2. I regard and attend to every symptom of dis- and I fear will not get through it." Bolt. Uaz. ment j About EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND turned megick and now that I am advanced in life, i , .. ... -r.i. .!,. i . , . . 1 t-auuuu uuucisiaim tiuv more man l o.nniri nt 3. I try to prepare myself every morning and eve- . Montreal. a letter received m n. iur, uait.ii uuLLAitb worth ot the stock oi the American Wa- fifteen years of ace, how beinrrs. who call them!. Arp,n P7nrfTh5a wpp Was hrnntrht n the rv nisht for the change appointed unto all men and AU- od, says I nave no ooudi uie cnoiera w a. Tj0NAL Bank , belongs to this British Tory! Such reasonable, and who have so much foresio-ht. can pnw .,,..-. e - UkpnTrnmrnit mvcAiran mv famJlv tn thp .'orwvsj,! great oeai worse nere, man wun you, ai nreut. , . , , , , I l, tK;, .v. . ; i ... ,7 . -.-.-v ...v. t . j.i, -Jo;!,, n7uh r,,ir purse-proud aristocrats would deiun-e tms union witn ""a CIWI' " iuvmr ana aiuinnr. xiicre cirB jiuw iru ou iu u ucnuis uauv. nun wui o li : . - .. . . n- Greenville Patriot arid the Central Reflector; two , Heavenly Father new weekly productions of the North Carolina press. Thpfftrmpriit0,iKvMr Rmmn ho lntioi-Ktr fTr I rom tne fuuadeipma iationaMxazettc. recover. Ward : and iudmiiff from the snecimens before us. Extract of a letter from a lady in New York to j r cj r i t--f n tv-itv-M t I. .ii . "i J nonnlntinn of an OfMlr and ve.rv few who are attacked lucre, to accomplish bv corruption what their armies J" V V1 ier nsience, asi t i . , j - .. .. I " It takes many of the best citizens." ime. did not himself do this xclth enffi.; could not achieve to prostrate the Old Soldier who What 1 thought at fifteen years of age, I still think TT. TT tT A f 1 UHVUUVUO blAl-Al IIUIVIUUO lllUllCVCU ItlllUVliVC CU5 I Vt l.AV pum ui ucsUJ. WIllCll fcUUiKlv OflluN they promise efficient aid inthe diffusion of knowledge, the Chairman of the Sanatory Committee: The cholera has commenced its ravages in the gallantly as he encountered their cannon at New uPn ,8e J5 are but organized barbarians, an inheh- The selections of both are good, and the editorial ad- ' " w with the deepest concern that I find that my townships of Markham, Toronto and Trafalgar; and Orleans. Rochester Republican. hVmi?SiwS. T-ii -amemcd i u t nntivp r.ipnn hr citv is visitftn hv thp.Ramp. riirfi riifseasfi thfi tnn a. whn hnvp tn Rpnn miles tor medical aiu, I ' I w,..v i lie xvciiecLur i j j i t ' " . . " , . . , dresses are neat and appropriate. are in a most terrific alarm ! Up to Sunday last, 13 i-.: i 1 i. j j f t -i that has alrpadv thinneri thR inhabitants ol ew aicl -iiopumitdnuiou, uie Bumuaru ui .. r" " " ' " 7 " . 7 .. i . T died near Fair's mi!ls,River Humber,one onthecen- nil-. . . ... Vni-t Vat i 10 Tirith lmc-noobcihiA ooticlootmn That I I ......u, . " 7 ... tPnn i liani5n I t tho nthor iro connnt crwaalr with X iv. x j- jo iwi uuouuwuuiv, ouvbiuviivii From tlie Columbus (Ohio) Monitor, Our Representative, Mr. Stanbery. has been cen-1 MARRIED. - ' ... . . I - - I w tre man. and r wirinro.' thp. mnthp.r of lour Children, in nJ 4KMo4snJ l-..,! u A:n, uj Cm I ? v ' . t . . . - u -1 a i n . j r A : . 7 1- - , ouitu, auu mitoiwn-u -iu ui uciu" caucucu iiumi ju. oiiiuruav evemntr mst. iw t hp pv iii- t m a ii j Li 1 .1 . l .l iiiiiiirm vnii iimi m k ik iiih ii iiiiiiikiii irKiiiiitr r.iiiiiri h c tj:, tkn mnn h r tna 1 . , n . v..v . uuui ,T " ll . w th me to of camoho, introduced here by hSE'" - Congress. 4 more severe cre aval, Mm at Cap, JAMES ELLIS to Mia, JANE MELVI.N ru,, u mmuuiui uui wuuujf, .uu . ' - home, if ever again he has the courage to stand be uiem our best wishes lor their success. I ,D- uuouulurS vuit" V1 "" "1Ck COMMUNICATION. and science,) has proved a specific for every stage of 1 tlin diopuop TVTsinv linnHrps nf thpir natipntR hav V. ....11 - 1 , I I V. VM..rx u .vuifeerve as a repiy been restored-numbers of them from a state of col The Special Medical Council of New York call the fore the people. Of all political renegades bf whom attention of the Board of Health of that place to the we ever, read, he is the most disgraced. great quantity of rain which has fallen within a few PORT OP Ui-iWliERU. days, and express their fear, that the accumulation of water in cellars and other low situations will be a fruitful cause of disease. In consequence of this sug gestion, the Board specially request of every inhale itant whose cellar may have water therein to cause it to he removed without delay. Would it not be Will you publish the Veto? We ask the Clay papers. You say it is a weak, puerile production Pray why don't you publish it We want your rea ders to see it. If you don't, we shall have to print it in a pamphlet, and send it to every cottage and ham let. Don't put us to that expense: we have no Bank I ashore, now underpin a- renairs. your Correspondent m last week's Sentinel, How wonderful, that a few drops of camphor who recommends such strictness of Quarantine ehould dissipate an evil so insidiously malignant! by land and water. Not a Physician of any emi- Yet this fact is demonstrated daily, and I am myself nence, I believe, has any faith in the efficacy of an evidence of its efficacy, and a witness of its saving such regulations. Our town is sufficiently de- power in the cases of numbers; among whom was pressed a Iready do not let us add to the diffi- thc son of Mr. P., who was attacked at imdnight well to attend tQ advice in some quarters in Ne w. cutties iature has placed around us, by anv with violent cramp ol the stomach, accompanied bv ern unnecessary restrictions. It is well that ves-1 "ce-water diarrhoea and incessant vomiting. His sels should be examined, if sick on board with I stomacn an3 bowels were immediately bathed with anv malignant disorder, ana tnat tnev shou d r"" auu i juucu i u. -v... . . - r-, u.h j n a x lfi. v 1 -. v a r-i7-tr-x 1 i.i 1 j iif xxv -.-. f ?n Trh ,.aP Kp , W rlo JA tea-spoonful of spirits of camphor stirred into a4tum- Uitherin theform ofadiarrhcea or malienant cholera give to the people so striking an evidence of the Pres- another'1 to the burthens with which the commercial . ' u CA" au "F""" ARRIVED, Schr. Rebecca Hyer, Manning, New York. saran, Ludlum. Philadelplnn. Cygnet, Lee, ' do. Michelson, Smith, West Indies. Timothy Pickering, Funruson, New York. Brig Margaret, White, from the Bar, having goiro it to draw on for these little items.- Trenton Empor, Why do the opposition editors withhold the Veto Message from their readers ? They pronounce it In a Report of the Special Medical Council to the by wholesale declamation, to be weak, and roimless! Mayor of New York it is stated that "Those who . AttBti nrarmimon. onA .... r tip nttar.W of thp. A RPasP. "WJl' ' 6.i. ouu iwlc . xi bu. wny not CLEARED, Schr. Hefrietta, Duglas?, Philadelphia, (Jasey Pee dee, Tolson, James Monroe. Freeborn, u Esses, .Locker, W. Indies. New Yoik. do. Baltimore. W. Indies. jdent's weakn ess and fatuity? They declare also class are alreadypveighed down. en every half hour. In a few hours the diarrhoea ' thai if will drive from him mamr r k: C I J 1 . , T ; , .f,l I J v Btuyuuiicies uulIUCitc ceased, and bv 7 in thp rnnrnino. the vomiting also: . another vvarning.-io buuum : v: every where diminish the nrnnW nf hi . t. is as necessary id us, as blood to the human k ' .". V .1 "V.,0. . ." ..v. J deaih ol Chiei Justice KWing, at i rdhh,.u uu ,:,, .- : 7 j 7 7777 ' 1 i uaiujr oeen iaiu in a bed and covered with aLrk ai t. ,m'orL-a. H Hipd of the so, why refuse to aid in its cirenlntinn 1 Who- not Cl'c dm O rt rl AC tftl t ho ctnnno ires 4 An r-nwc I a . ... .. . I.. 5 . . I 1 . T . . 0,.,-u- OWi-Fa6C F03CUgC. uidUKci even the hands) he fell into a proruse per- cholera at that place on Sunday naving, on oaiur- muiupiy tne seceders f Why dechne to publish a uy iana, u reany &eeins 10 me to oe. worse tnan spirauon, which was kept up that day by no other day, as we near, eaten a neany uiuuci i message ot the President of the United States upon ridiculous. Besides Norwalk, there are five means than an occasional spoonful of the camphor xS'b a national question of importance-a question w hich hundred small towns and villages occupied water and next day he was playing about as usual, fera, collapse and death." ' cIearly divides thc Aristocracy and the People by citizens from New York and Philadelphia, in Vt, health. Now, this child of 8 years, when which as clearly illustrates the power of Money in in which not a case of Cholera has occurred. h.e was attacked ai nearly four miles from a physi- The Genesee Annual Conference of the Metho- opposition to the force of principle,--as any since the Only let us reflect for an instant, what is to be ad 11 18 more than Pable that by the time dist Episcopal Church, terminated ite session on the organization of the government? There is a simple MIA (-mll Vio TTr. n .J 1 . !.- Ol irtr. n Oonn Van Thft R7. f.ISlOD XieddintT f .. . . . .... .1 .-. 4V. r 11 i . I -- ciirivea, ll Would nave DKll Iw laic I iusu av x uui . . . " rcuson ior TJriPir rplncnl tn-rmh isn IDIS uu.uiucui the conseouence of all this non-intercourse. L . ' womu nave bw" Ar . HJurse from th lur u,eir remsal to puDusn w . . . nuum iioyc utcu - I , . . " ; . j-(in,,rEn Cmm . UJC1I I CI USUI U DUOUBU tosave. Pour othw persona seized with diarrhoea g--J an ;E-S unamwerabie argument., its aound The disease, it i nrobable. will remain in the -J., :J ' r? . W1U1 1 TO Rev. Beverly Warn o this city, twenty T r- aiiULVUiUiiins Werrnat m hArfAnHthAximnhAF nlnnpl . . " , . .. 0 .rn.Mn nnJt.n.4U. .1 1 j . . - r vvk.v,u1.w. mfirftorrtainert tothflflttiC8Wi'wuiol"1": wuic nnminna ifo nnMri;m rv; rnev uac uui j .i. I j . . 1 1 were oruHiiiea 10 tne omcts j ..v, ... i. -, - uvmoi . - - is mis I administered as I havp rlAii.iti a.j r.nniir Lr r ri j mi -.u-nf nvpmhpra nritrn'n tfa r.i : .L. :i ;. TinHprs. I he v -"i-vu. auu icu iicuucuui nince Ol J!mer. x JIB liuuiuv " " ..... un. 1 utatc il wlLJIIIl uie rCciCil vx uiw . j country for some time, a year at least. state of things to remain also ? Rather Jet our next day with steaks of beef and mutton and wheat bounds of this conference ia 21,011 whites, and 56 cnnvincinir it is. and they know that the ronce have.the Town well cleansed. There oread, witn unnKot a table-spoonful of brandy to a is much wanting in that respect. Let' them tumbler of water (for the craving for romething to divide the Town into Wards and appoint a 4 UP e?ndriteblcBnoUownessof thebo- iiealth Committee ; let each Ward be under the UJ 10 "iU TOlorea ro oeaitn. . . J U.. I i 1 celoured.-The resolution pasuuy uiC laa general YeomaniVof the Country, if they read the message conference in relation to temperance, wasunanim- Ieomanrot tne lnir u u J , L . 6 11 u tVUJWvavv. "full 1 1 I ' . 3 1 . ously concurred in. The "Uenesee Wesley an Sem- will as surely vao uie An., " inary," under the presidency of the Rev. Dr. Lucky, dates, as our incorruptible President has vetoed their has been opened witn one nunarea students. IS. Y. oh Albany Argus. New Saddlery r fyc. THE Subscriber has just returned from Philadel phia with a large addition to his former stock of goods. r . Having selected the articles himself and purchas ed them on the best terms, they who wish to buy will find it advantageous to give him a call. His assortment being very extensive Saddlers can be supplied with almost every article in the line, at a moderate advance on the cost. Augusts, 1832. JOHN TEMPLETOX. FOR SALE, THAT pleasant and healthy residence! situated in the town f IVp Broad-street, (Lot No. 262), formerly the property tf Frederick Jones, and now owned by the subscriber. CHARLES SHEPARP August 17,1832....,'

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