J ..l- .: ';-J LIBERTY... .THE CONSTITUTION. . ..UNI ON". j ! f kEWBERW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1832. VOL. XYI WO. 811. 1HJ11L.ISUED ;BY THOMAS WATSON. 'V TERMS, Three dollars' per annum payable in advance. No paper will be discontinued (but at the dis cretion of the Editor) until all arrearages have been jDCI?PRemittances by mail will be guarantied by the Editor. From the Albany Argus. In order to meet the speculations and mis statements of certain opposition journals, rel Alive 'to Mr. Van Buren, and the Vice Presi dency, we have obtained for publication a copy of' the subjoined correspondence, ia anticipa tion of it's appearance by the direction of the committee of the Baltimore Convention, The letter of the committee and the reply of Mr. Van Burcn will speak for themselves. They are pertinent, and worthy of the parties. It .will be perceived that Mr. V. 13. frankly. and explicitly accepts the nomination. CORRESPONDENCE. Baltimore, May 22, 1S32. Martin Van Burcn, Esq. 4. T ll t Mr: At a rtepuoncan convention, assem bled in this place by previous appointment vou have been nominated as a candidate for the Vice Presidency, and presented to the people as a suitable person to iiJl that high and res ponsible office. That convention has consti tuted us the organ of communication to you, of this distinguished mark of their confidence. It -gives us pleasure to inform you that, though There were other worthy and favorite individ uals of the democratic party sharifig largely in their regard, and dividing with ylou their con fidence; yet, when the clear and ascertained will of the respective delegations indicated you as the preferred object of their wishes, . every voice in the convention united in the 'choice. If the great Republican party throughout the . Union shall continue faithful to the principles they have so long maintained, and be animated bv the same zeal and unanimity which charac . tcrized their representatives in the convention, -and in a peculiar manner marked the result of their proceedings, we have every reason to congratulate you and our illustrious President, that there is in reserve for your wounded feel ings a just and certain reparation and an am ple retribution for the injury meditated against the well meant, measures 'at a i'atriot, whose expected. It is to be hoped, however, that no-. ning will occur to impair the Mrmony and al- fection which have hitherto bound together, in one political brotherhood, the Republicans 0f the North and the South, th East and the West ; and which, bv cementing their union and securing: their concerted action, have here tofore contributed so lartrelv td the welfare ofj " - the nation. The differences to which yo u have alluded, grow out of circumstances not easily controlled; yet I cannot but concur with you in the belief that they may be overcome, if our pffnrtM are. conceived in a generous spirit of conciliation; and accompanied by a sincere de termination not to suffer its operations to be counteracted by personal prejudices or local in- terests. That such etiorts will ne made, in eve ry quarter of the Union, is not to be doubted, and we have therefore no occasion to despair ofthesafetj or permanence of our free mstitu tions. It is also most lortunate lor tne coun try, that our public affairs are under the direc tion of an individual, peculiarly qualified by his early and inflexible devotion to Republican Drincinfts. and bv that moral courage which distinguishes him from all others, to carry the nation triumphantly through the difficulties by which it is encompassed. Thoroughly con vinced that the stability and value of our con- 1 federated system, depend, under Providence, Oil it iuiwuui ctuuti cuce iu uiusu nippies, jl shall ever esteem it a sacred duty, to give them on all occasions my zealous support; and I would humbly hope that this motive, rather than any other, has led me to accept the nom ination you have tendered. Accept, gentlemen, for yourselves, my thanks for the kind manner in which you have com municated to me, the proceedings of the digni fied assembly over which you presided, and believe me, witn tne liveliest regard, your friend and obedient servant. M. VAN BUREN. To Robert Lucas, Esq. President, and P. V. Daniel, James Fenner, John M. Barclay, and A. S. Clayton, Esqrs. Vice Presidents. AN ACT concerning the issuing of patents to i? r ii j; . . aliens ior useiui uiscoveries ana inventions. Be it enactedby the Senate and HoiiScofRcn- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the privilege gran ted to the aliens "described in the first section of the act, to extend the privilege of obtaining patents for useful discoveries and inventions to certains person therein mentioned, and to en large and define the penalities for violating tne ngnts of patentees, ;approveu April seven teenthy eighteen hundred; be extended in like manner, to every alien, who, at the time of peti tioning for a patent, shall be resident in the United states, and shall have declared ins in tention, according to law. to become a citizen thereof: Provided, That every patent granted by virtue of this act and the privileges thereto appertaining, shall cease and determine and be come absolutely void without resort to any le gal process to annul or cancel the same in case of a failure on the part of any patentee, for-the space of one year from the issuing thereof, to intiodue intopublic use in the United States, the invention or improvement for which the patent shall be issued; or in case the same lor any peri- of six months after such introduction shall not continue to bo publicly used and applied in the United States, or in case of failure to become citizen of the United States, agreeably to notice jnven at the earliest period within which he shall be entitled to become a citizen of the United States. Approved, July 13, 1832. wards the construction of the said; bridge and works hereby authorized and directed, the sum of sixty thousand dollars be and ! the same is hereby, appropriated, payable out of any moneys in tne li-easury not otnerwise apprupnaiuu. Sec. 4. And'bc it further enacted, That the sajd company shall apply and distribute the said sum of twenty thousand dollars in the fol- directed to pay to the legatees,. of Alexander McKnight the sum of two thousand .one hun dred and twenty dollars, with interest, at the rate of six per centum, from the month of Jiirrf m the year seventeen hundred and, ninety four, until the time of payment. -, oec. 4. And be ; sums be paid out of any money in the Trqasury lowing manner that is to say; first to re-imburse . not otherwise appronriatpd the exnenses mourn rl hv the said ; COmDanV ) APPROVED- Jnlv IS 1 con i wv. -r j 1 J 1 - 'J JLOOrfS. BY AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THK UNITED 8TATKS PASSED AT THE FIRST SLSSION OF THE TWENTY-SECOND C0NGREH3. AN ACT to increase and improve the Law Depart ment of the Library of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of Amer ica AN ACT to carry into effect the actto provide for a survey of the coast of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmeri ca in Congress assembled, That for carrying into effect the act entitled "An act to provide for surveying the coasts of the United States," approved on the tenth day of February, one thousand eirht hundred and seven, there shall be, and hereby is, appropriated, a sum not ceeding twenty thousand dollars, to be paid out of anv money in the Treasury not otherwise ap propriated; and the said act is hereby revived, and shall be deemed to provide for the survey of the coasts of Florida, in the same manner as if the same had been named therein. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he is Since the last ndtonrnmeiit nf Conors, to the stockholders advancing the same and the bal ance among other stockholders, pro rata, on the cost of each share, to the present holders there of, to be ascertained by the company if neces sary, by the oath or affirmation of the present holder. , ; Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That me provisions ot tins act shall have no effect. unless three valuers, to be appointed bv the President of the United States haying no inter est in the said bridge or in anv pro per tv in the. - A . A m District of Columbia, and not being inhabitants of the said District, or a majority of them, shall, on oath, decide that the property; of the said bridge company, so to be conveyed to the Uni ted States, exclusive of any supposed value of the privileges by them held under their char ter as a company, is of the value of twenty thou sand dollan : or unless in case the said valuers, or a ma jority of them shall value the said prop erty at a sum less than twenty thousand dollars, the said bridge company will agree to accept the amount of such valuation. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof Approved, July 14, 1832. AN ACT entitled eijrht, and to refund the toimage duties on the to extend the provisions of the act, "An act regulating commercial in tercourse with the islands of Martinique and Gaudaloupe," approved the ninth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty French ship Victorine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmeri ca in Congress assembled, That the privileges, which are extended by the act entitled Anact regulating, commercial intercourse with the Is- Gaudaloupe; ap- one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, to French vessels laden and coming direct from i those islands, lands of Martinique and proved tne nintn ot 3iay hereby, authorized, in and about the execution I shall be extended to vessels coming in the of the said act, to use all maps, charts, books, instruments, and apparatus, which uov, or , in. "..- - -- tw tn press asacmotca, uiai i simu ue uie : ' 1 ' T . i wle. administration has been, exclusively dP ofthe Librarian to prepare an appartment hereafter may belong to the United States, and reefed to the advancement ot. tne puonc good; We are 'not. unaware that our adversaries af fect to derive encouragement from the diversi ty of sentiments and interests, which exists a lhonjfiis : but.we confidently, believe that there is disinterestedness, of purpose and strength of pntriotism sufficient lO meet and owreome not only the difficulties arising from this source but also the ; powerful and combined opposition ar rayed against' us. The differences among us, which our opponents have regarded as serious divisions, and to which they look with such fond expectations will yield wc doubt not to the dictates of prudence and a sense of politi cal safety, and our free institutions long be pre served. The decided expression of the wishes of the republican party, evinced through their repre sentatives in the convention, induces us to cal culate with confidence on your acceptance of the nomination which we are appointed to make known to yen. With sentiments of personal respect, we are your fellow citizens. ROBERT LUCAS, President. P. V. DANIEL, 1 JAMriS FENNER,. I y p , JOHN M. BARCLAY, f v rrebt s A.S.CLAYTON, j i .it i j .i i - . i nmnwur nil npr&fiiiv i ri inp iiwi hiiii 11:1 v h i I - noovfr ntiH nnnnnntnrt hv. nilflasv Cnmmnillfla. '"l""J .ww ... ... " ;.;k K,t ; .vhirh tl LibmvnfContrrP vice ofthe United States, and such astronomers i wt-pnt. for tbn nnmose of a Law Librarv : and other persons as he shall deem proper : - " y i - r j ' to remove into such a Law. Librarv. in the same manner as he is now required to do of the Library of Congress. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the same manner, in ballast, subiect, nevertheless, to the proviso contained in said act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary ofthe Treasury is hereby author ised to refund, out anv money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amountofton- PtwmVw Tbat nnthincr in tbi nrt. or t ip act naffe duty as mav have been Collected, bv the the law books, now in tne L.iorary, v , . v & , . , , , i. .1 i ..l. bnrpbv rpvivpd. shall b mnsfrnpr to authorize Collector of the port of New York, upon the partments; ana to iah.e cnargc oi me " ' 7 r A ? u i v j i i. r i ine cousirucuon or maintenance oi a permaivni ricacu amp Ticionue, unu wiiicu is reiurfeu astronomical observatory. Approved, July 10, 1832. Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States shall have fiee access to the said Law Library; and they are, hereby, authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations for the use ofthe same, by themselys and the attorneys and counsellers, during the sitting of the said coin t, as they shall deem proper; Provided, such rules and regulations 6hall not restrict the President of the United States, the Vice President, or any member of the Senate or House of Representatives, from having ac cess to the said librarv, or using, the books 0 therein, in the same manner that he now has, or may have, to use the books of the Library of Congress. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Law Library shall be a part of the Library of Congress, subject to the same regulations, ex cept such alterations as are herein provided for, as now are, or hereafter shall be established for the Library of Congress; and the incidental ex Rinderhook, August 3d, 1832. Gentlemen- I have had the honor to receive your communication, advising me of my nom- penses of thr Law Library shall be paid out of w ngton Bridge Company shall at the appropriations for the Library of Con- meeting of the stockholders thereof, gress Sec. 4. And be it fur tlicr enacted, That there inatiou by the Convention recently assembled shnll be, and hereby is appropriated, for the at Baltimore, as a candidate for the office of present year, a sum not exceeding five thou- Vice Presidnnt of the United States. sand dollars, and a further annual sum of one Previously to my departure from this coun- thousand dollars, for the period of five years; try, my name had been, frequently mentioned to be expended in the purchase of law books: in connection with that office. This however and that the Librarian shall make the purchases was not done with my approbation; on the of the books for the Law Librery, under such contrary, when consulted on the subject, I uni- directions, and pursuant to such catalogue, as lormiy declared, that 1 was altogether unwil- shall be furnished him by the Chief Justice of the ... - I AN ACT providing for the purchase by ths United States ofthe rights of the Washing ton Bridge Company, in the District of Co lumbia and for the erection of a public bridge on the site thereof. Whereas it is represented to this present Con gress that the Washington Bridge Company are willing and desirous to sell, convey and transfer to the United States, the bridge by them owned, in its present , condition, with all their rights, property and privileges, as a company, under the existing laws including their lands,piers, abutments, roads, and ways, as well as all materials by them owned at the site of the said bridge, whether worked . uu in nit; cuiiMruuuuu ui ic-uuiu uvuuii ui the same or not, for the sum of twenty thou sand dollars. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives oftbe United States of America in Uongress assembled, 1 hat provided tne saia at a lawtul meeting ot the stockholders thereol, agree to convey, and shall actually convey to the Uni ted States the said bridsre as it now is with all to in the letter ofthe trench Minister to the Secretary of State, dated the fourth ofNovem ber last. Approved July 13, 1832. AN ACT nivinjr the assent of Congress to an act of the Legislature of North Carolina enti litled "An act to incorporate a company en titled the Roanoke Inlet Company, and for other purpose?," and also, to anactamenda tory thereof, wheih passed in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe United States of A?ne rica in Consrress assembled. That the assent of Congress be, and the same is hereby given, so far as the same may be neces sary to the validity thereol, to an act ol the Legislature ofthe Stale of North Carolina, en titled "An act to incorporate a company enti tled the Roanoke Inlet Company and for other purposes;" and also, to an act! of the said Leg islature to amend the former which passed in the year one thousand eight hundred and twen- ty eight. Sec. 2. And beit further enacted, That the assent hereby given to the several acts aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken to extend to the pro the estate, right, title, and interest, either in larw jvjsions of any act which may be passed by the nug io oe considered a candidate for the sta tion. To my friends, whenever opportunity presented, the grounds of the unwillingness were fully explained, and I left them, as I sup posed, generally satisfied with my course in this respect, and resolved to recommend and unite in the support of some other individual. Since that, period my position has been es sentially changed, by the circumstance to which you have referred, and to which rather than to any superior fitness on my part, I am bound to United States. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. J. C. CALHOUN Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, Approved, July 14, 1832. ANDREW JACKSON- AN ACT to provide for completing the removal and ! erection of the Naval Monument or equity, by them owned, as a company under existing laws, in saia Dnage, wun us piers, abutments, roads and ways, together with all the materials by them now owned as a compa ny, at the said bridge and ways, either worked up or not, in the construction or re-construction ofthe said bridge and all other their rights, privileges, and immunities as such company within two calendar months from the passing of this act; which conveyance the said company is hereby authorized and empowered to make, by deed, under their corporate seal to be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury ofthe Uni- . P ted States then the said Sncretary shall be, and he hereby is, authorized and required to pay to the said company the sum of twenty thousand dollars, out of any money Hi the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, upon the execution of such conveyance by the said Legislature of the State of Nbrth Carolina, to revived, amend or carry into full effect the pur pose of the acts aforesaid, so far as the assent of Congress may be deemed essential to the validity thereof. Approved, July 13, 1832. ascribe the decision of the convention, and I Be it enacted bv the Senate and House nf Rp. warmth and unanimity of feelinor with 1 vrcsentativp.s ofthe. United States nf Artw.rir.n. it would seem to have been accompanied. in Congress assembled, That for the purpose company, the President of the United States be, T If Will this sp rnendship, lrorn the deWatpd d pmnrjtr nf I naval WOniimpnt. it nrnampnts and the Union, as laying me under renewed obliira- recently removed from the Washington Navv tof suc materials, and upon such plan of con tions of gratitude to them, and of fidelity to the Xard to the Capitol Square, a sum not 'excee great interests for whose ! advancement thev ding two hundred dollars, be, and the same is were assembled. I feel, also, that I should neeby appropriated, ont of any money in the l-iuve my sen un wormy ot so much kindness, treasury not othcrwisp annronr atfid. AN ACT to provide for the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands lying in the States of Missouri and Illinois, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of resentatives ofthe United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of forty- six thousand dollars be, and the same is here by appropriated, to be applied, under the di rection ot the President, to the extinguishment oi tne title oi tne rvicKapoos, ohawnees, and Dcla wares, of Cape Girardeau, to lands lying in the State of Missouri ; and of the Pianka shaws, Weas, Peorias, and Kaskaskias, to lands lying in the State of Illinois; and for , . , rv-vl " ; . r--r .1 , r.- , m,k tr nrP.- ig n in mis ngni, i cannot but regard ol Paymg the workmen lor renewing the in IC 1S UCIBUJ' 4UUiUU4liU w tjie Durpose of dpfravino-all th wT,n-a v OntaneOUS exnrpfiirn nfVnnfiilenxi a nA I SCrintinn.. arid erivincr imfnrmtv nf rnlnr tn ho ted upon the site ofthe present bridge a good , J u5 a", lue expenses oi i. -r------- - "" 1 . & b J I i rr- .1 : x4. ircduiiK wun. removing, and snhsistincr. said statues 1 am3 sumcieni ormge across, u nw x uiumoi-H Indians for nn. VMr. f' 'ZSlZirZr of such materials, and upon such plan oi con- ' - iuuuai cuiu- structionahp ball annove and direct: vrovi- Potion to the Shkwnee Indians, for their (Zed, That the said bridge be so constructed 8 afl, e Wapauchkonitta in Ohio, as to have a draw therein suitable for the safe ?nTa,n,nuity of two thousand dollars per annam, passage of vessels ofthe largest dimensions, !"n 7?f rs ;, an1disV the sni of three capable of navigating the Potomac river above dollars to defray the expenses of pro- the said bridge, not less than thirty-six feet at curif f 'he ast8ent of the Menominee Indians to authorising the entrv of vessels and the least anb, also, on eachsideot me saw uraw, - rivin frnm nfr.n and at a suitable distance therelrom, an arcn ot " Fiowuiy rauneo uutt AN ACT supplemental to the act granting ccriahf relinquished and unappropriated landa to the State . of Alabama, for fthe purpose of irKprovin the iray- ifTuSVf & 1 enD,f Coosa' CaSa Black V amor rivers," approved the twcmylthrrd day of May. one thousand eight hundred twenty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of . Representatives of the United States of AsAerl ca in Congress ascmblcd, That it shall and may be lawful for the State of Alabama, to alter the plan for the improvement on the Tennes see river below Florence, by canalling instead of sluicing, so as to accomplish the object wnicn congress had in view in making tlie ap propriation : rrovided, That not more than one hurrdred "and fiftv thousand dollars, inclu- dingHhe sum already'expended on that part of uii, river, snail be expended below the -said town of Florence. Approved July 16, 1832. RESOLUTION directing the distribution off compilation of Congressional Docnments, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives ofthe United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary 5f the Senate and Clerk of the House Of Repre sentatives be, and they are hereby directed to distribute, by mail of otherwise the compila tion of documents directed to be' published by the act entitled "An act making provision for a subscription to a compilation of Congression al Documents ;" approved March second eigh teen hundred and thirty one; in the following manner to wit : To the President of the United States, and to each person who has been President one copy. To the Vice President gf the United States, one copy. , To the Department of State, four copies, iz : one ior the use ofthe Seretarv. on In bp de posited in the Patent Office, and the two oth ers to remain in the Library of that department. ror me lUinisters ot the United States, in foreign countries, fifty copies, to be deposited ... in, and distributed under such regulations as may be made by the Department of State. To the Treasury Department twelve cotjes namely : for the use of the Secretary; onexopyV and for the use of First and Second Comptrol lers; the First, Second, Third, Fourth andr Fifth Auditors; the Treasurer, Register, Solici tor and Commissioner of the General Land Office; one copy each. To the War Department thirteen copies, namely; for the use of the Secretary, one copy ; for the use of the Commanding General of the Army of the United States, the paymaster General, the Adjutant General, the CommiSsa srary Gcneralof Purchasers, the Ordnance De partment, Commissary General of Subsistence.; Quartermaster General, Engineer Department, Topographical Bureau, one copy each ; and i6v the use of the Military Academy three copter. To the Navy Department fifty-four copies namely: for the use ofthe Secretary one copy: or the use of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, one copy; and to enable the Secret&rv- of the Navy to place one copy in every public armeu vessel ot the United States, when m commission under such regulations as the said Secretary shall prescribe, fiity-two copies. To the General 'Posf Office, three copied namely; for the use of Post Master General one copy, and for the use of ach of the Asiit' tants Postmaster General, one copy. To, the Library of Congress five copies. To the Library of the Senate ten copies. To the Library of the House of Repreenia- uvea, iweniy copies. To each member of the Senate and House Xjt Representatives and Delegates of the twenty first and twenty-second Congress, one copy. To the Justices of the Supreme Court ofth United States, each one copy. To Mr. O. Rich, agent for the Congress i brary,- in London one copy, to bns disposed of hy him in some suitable manner, in return for a donation made by authority ofthe British Gov ernment, tQ the , Library of Congress, of the volumes of the Record Commission publira tions. - To supply the several States and Territories of the United States, eighty-one copies, viz.: for the use of the Governor and each branch 6t the Legislature of every State, one copy ; for tfce use ofthe Governor .of each of the Territories one copy; and two copies to be deposited in tne archieves of each of said Territories, for the use of the Legislature thereof. To each incorporated college, and athenaeum in the United States, not exceeding sixty-nine :: - i j; j .i ... "c i uisregara mose obligations, or to shrink from any duties they legitimately imply. Whatever my personal feelings and wishes might otherwise have been, 1 cannot hesitate as to the course which it now becomes me to pursue; and therefore cheerfully consent, that me favorable opinion expressed by your con diments, be submitted to the more Approved, July 14, 1832. AN ACT Edgartown, in Massachusetts. Be it enacted bu th SifTi nisi fin A TTnmroo nf Xmfntvff TT t0 ' T6 deUberate P"1 of the V7fJSi ' KAme"CinLpe.;Plc- . . C?ff Mti, Tha, from-and after rests arc E0 diversified as our own, is to be Approved, July 14, 1832. thp samp nf an nrdinarv steamboat; which said draw and arch shall be at the Virginia channel in the said river: And provided, furlker, That there shall be a similar draw at the Maryland channel, of not less than thirty-five feet, with a similar arch; And, provided, also, That in the selection of materials and in the construction Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, the Secretary of the Treasury, be, and he there by directed, to pay to the legal representatives of John Pettigruand James Pettigru, the sum of nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dol lars with interest, at the rate of six per cen tum, from thft month of June, in the year se venteen hundred and ninety-four, until the time of the said bridge, draws' and arches all prac-! vf :-.uu h liad tn rt nrecaw,oJ ol payment ' Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the ticable attention shall be had to the preserva tion of the navigation of the said river. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That to- Secretary of the Treasury be y and he is hereby, one copy. , Sec And be it further enacted, Th(at of the copies of the Secret Journals of the old Congress, remaining for distribution, there be a further distribution as folows, namely; that one" copy of each volume be delivered to each member of both Houses of Congress, and that the residue remain for a future order ofdistrjbu-" tion. Sec. 3. And be it further enactedt Tnat the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk! of the House be, and hereby are directed todi vide the remaining documents of the two Hou ses from the fourteenth to the eighteenth Con gress inclusive and to keep them for the use of each House in their respective libraries. dec. 4. Ana be tt further enacted, Tb&t the copies of the Journal of the Conyention for forming the present Constitution, remaining or distribution, be equally divided between the two Houses of Congress, to be kept in "?ci respective libraries. Ar'nosp, July JO, 1633. si 1:1 II it SI ; 5 i; A K - ..'.' - " i

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