v rv iv-ev ir x. mm LIBERTY, ...THE CONSTITUTION.. ..UNION. iVBWBBRN, FRIDAY, OCTOBJEI1 5, 1833. VOL. XVI. PUBLISHED BY THOMAS WATSON. Three dollars per annu-payable in advance. ' No oaoe r will be discontinued (but at the m tretai ofth Editor) until all arrearages have been Pupf,emittanCes by mail will be guarantied by the Editor, BY AUTHORITY tub TTNITED STATES PASSED AT THE FIRST LAva j ' SESSION OF THE TWENTY-SECOND C05GRESS. N ACT to amend the several acts for the es- fahlishment of a Territorial Government in Florida. fie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the court of ap- in the Territory of Florida, established jn virtue of the fouith section -of the act of the twenty-sixth of May, one thousand eight hun dred "and twenty-four, to which this act is an amendment, shall be composed of the judges of the superior courts in said Territory res pectively, a majority of whom shall be neces sary to be present to constitute a quorum to hear and decide causes; but any two of the said judges shall be sufficient to make an interloc utory order, or grant to any writ authorized by janyofthe acts to which this isan amendment. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, the provision and regulations contained in the twenty-fifth section of the act of the twenty fourth of September, one thousand seven hun lrd and eighty-nine, entitled "An act to-establish the judicial courtsofthe United States," in regard to writs of error and appeals to the Su preme Court of the United States, from a final judgment or decree in any suit in the highest court, of law or equity of a State, shall be ap plicable to writs of error and appeals to the Su preme Court of the United State from the highest court of law or equity in said Territory, having jurisdiction of the subject matter, in the same manner, as writs of error and appeals are authorized now to be taken and prqsecuted under the aforesaid twenty-fifth section of the act of thetwenty-fourth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, from any court in any State ; and writs of error and appeals, in virtue of the said twenty-fifth, section, arehere by authorized to be taken and prosecuted, from the highest court of law or equity having jurisdiction of the subject matter in the said , Territory. Sec. 3'. And be it. further enattcd, That the regulations prescribed by the second section of i . .1 t ,f ' ' . ' . . J J!! . the act eniiuea "an aci in auuiuon io m iti entitled 'an act to amend the judicial system of the United States," approved the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and three, as far as said regulations . shall he practicable, shall be observed in res pect to all writs of error and appeals from the said court of appeals inMhe said Territory to the Supreme Court of the United States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted; That ap peals and writs of error may be taken and pros ecuted, in all cases from the decisions and judgments of the'highest court of said Terri tory to the Supreme Court of the United States, where the amount in controversy exceeds one thousand dollars. . A. STEVENSON, : Speaker of the House of Representatives J. C. CALHOUN Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, Approved, July 14,' 1832. ANDREW JACKSON. AN ACT to authorize the sale of certain public lands in the State of Ohio. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oj the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the lands heretofore reserved for certain Indian tribes in the State of Ohio, and which were ceded to the United States by treaties ratified on the twenty fourth day of March, in the year, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and the sixth day ot April, one thousand eight hundred and thir tv-two, be, and the same are hereby attached to, and made to form part of the land districts in which thev are respectively situate, and lia blc to be sold as other public lands in the State ot Uhio. . Approved, July 14, 1832. AN ACT to authorize the disposition of the fund arising from the sale of a quarter sec tion of land, reserved for the use of schools, in r loriua. 1 Be it enacted by, the Senate and House of Re prescntatives of the United States of America n Congress assembled. That the Commission ers elected by the qualified voters in township five, range eleven, noth and west, in the coun ty of Jackson, in the Territory of Florida, in Obedience to an not nf Hnnrrrps? ontitl . A act to authorize the establishment of a town on land reserved for the use of schools, &c." ap . proved the second of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, be and thev are here by authorized to vest the money arising from the sale in said act authorized, in some productive fund under the authority of the Governor and Legislative Council of the territory, the pro ceeds of which shall forever be applied to com mon schools in said township, Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners be, and they are hereby, authoTize-1 to make sale of the remainder of said . Jsto be applied to the objects aforesaid; and - t; Proyisions of the act aforesaid, inconsistent with this act, be, and the same are hereby re pealed: Provided, That the Governor and Le gislative Council of said Territory authorize such sale, with the assent of the majority of the inhabitants of said township. Approved, July 14 , 1632. AN ACTirivinnr theasspntnftKv. TTr,;tr! fii,ue to an act of the General Assembly of Mary ana Ped at their DprpmW v mi. v illicit utuiv thousand ei-ht hundred and thirtv-one, en titled "An act further to amend the act incor porating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the assent of the United States be, and the same i3 hereby, giv Y ui ' V at ' en to an act of the General ssr" a land, entitled "An act further to amend the act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company," which passed the General Assem bly of Maryland at December session, one thou sand eight'hundred and thirty-one: Provided, That nothing, therein contained shall be con strued to impair any right possessed by the said company anterior to the passage of said act, nor to authorize any individual to obstruct the free access of all persons to the said canal along the berm bank, or other lands condemned for the construction and use thereof, nor toprevent the engineers, superintendents, or officers of the said company, from passing up and down the said canal without obstruction along the grounds condemned therefore, in order to inspect the condition of the said canal, or to make, at any time, suitable repairs thereof. Approved July 14, 1832. AN ACT making an appropriatfon towards the expense of laying out and opening a military road, from fort Howard, at GreenJ3ay, to fort Crawford, on the Mississippi. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, ap propriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, towards the expense of laying out and opening a military road from fort Howard, at Green Bay, in the Territory of Michigan, to fort Crawford, on the Mississippi, by the way of fort Winnebago. 1 Approved July 14,1832. . AN ACT granting certain city lots to the cor poration of the Columbian College, for the purposes therein mentioned. Be it enactedby the Scnateand Houseof Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be, and hereby are granted to the Columbian College, in the District of Columbia, lots in tlie city of Washington, to the amount in value of twenty five thousand dollars, "which said lots shall be selected and valued by the Commissioners of the Public Buildings, when requested by the trustees of the said college; and when the said lots shall be selected and valued, the same shall be! vested in Ihe said corporation, in fee simple; tobe by themheJld and disposed of in the man ner following, thatis to say ; the said corporation by proper and lawful act or acts, under their corporate seal, shall sell and dispose of the said lots, as soon as reasonably practicable, for the best price or prices they can obtain ; and shall vest the proceeds of the same in some public stock or stocks of some incorporated bank. Sec. 2. And be it further enactcdf That, when the lots aforesaid shall be selected and valued as aforesaid, the said commission er shall make return of the numbers and de scription thereof to the clerk of the circuit court of Washington; to be by him recorded among the- records of land titles in the said county. Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That, the proceeds of the sales aforesaid, so to be vested, i shall not be otherwise used by the said trustees than as capital, tobe bv them forever hereatr lav kept vested. as aforesaid; and the dividends or interest therefrom accruing, shall, by them, be used and applied in aid-of the other revenues of the said college, to the establishment and en dowment of such professorships therein as now are, or hereafter shall be,established by the said trustees; and to and for no other purpose whatever. Approved, July 14, 1832. r AN ACT for the benefit of Saint Vincent's Fe male orphan Asylum of the city of Washington-, under the direction of the "Sisters of charily," and of the Washington City Orphan Asylum and for other purposes. Be t enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in JCongress assembled, That the commis sioner of the Public Buildings be, and he is here by, authorized and required to select and value such of the building fots and parts of lots, owned by the United States, in the city of Washington, as he shall think may be brought to market and sold to the greatest advantage, , to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, which he shall divide and separate into two parcels often thousand dollars worth each, one of which at his election, he shall convey to the "Washington City Orphan Asylum," and the other to the "Saint Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum of Washington, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity," and to the successors of each forever. Sec. 2. And beit further enacted, That the said lojts and parts of lots so to be selected and valued shall be freo from taxes for five years, unless sooner disposed of by the said Corpor ations, or either of them ; and that so soon as the said Corporationsor either of them, shall dispose of any part of the property hereby gran ted, the part so disposed of shall be subject to taxation. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted That each of the said Corporations shall be authorized to sell and dispose of all or any part of the proper ty hereby granted toit, for a term of years, or in fee simple, at such times and on such terms as it shall deem most advisable : provided, That he interest of the money arising from the sale, lease or rent of the aforesaid lot of ground or any part thereof, shall not be applied to anv other object than to the purposes for which he be forementioned Institution was estahlUb And be U furher enacted, That the V Mil U vations, marked number eight, on the plan of the city. Approved, July 14, 1832. AN ACT to release from duty, iron prepared for,and actually laid on railways or inclined planes. ' Be it enacted by the Senate end House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri- ca in Congress assembled. That when it shall be satisfactorily proved to the Secretary of the Treasury, that anv rail iron, imported for the purpose of being applied in the construction of any railroad or inclined plane by any State or incorporated company has been actually and permanently laid on any such railroad or incli ned plane, that then, and in that case he may allow a drawback of the duty on such rail iron so laid, or if the duty shall have been actually paid, he may refund the same; any thing in any act to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that no iron shall be considered as railroad iron but such as is prepared to belaid upon railroads, or inclined planes without further manufac ture. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That when ever any railroad iron may have been or shall (hereafter be imported by any State or incor porated company for the purpose of being laid down on any rail road, and the bonds giv en for the duties on the same, shall become due before the said iron can be so laid down, the Secreta ry of the Treasury be, and he is hereby author ized to extend the time for the payment of so much of said bonds as shall be equal to the a mount ol the drawbacks, to which said State or company may be entitled: Provided, the time shall not be extended beyond three years from the date of the importation; and where any such State or company may have already paid the whole amount of any such bond, the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to cause the a mount of the drawback on the same to be re funded on taking bond with sufficient sureties that the same shall be repaid, should the iron for which said bond may be given, not be actu ally laid down within three years from the time of importation. Approved, July 14, 1832. AN ACT to authorize the pale of lands reserved from sale at Fort Jackson, in the State of Alabama. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is authorized to offer for sale, the lands heretofore reserved from sale at fort Jaaekson, in the State of Ala bama. Sec. 2. And be it further cnacled,Tho.t every settler on eaid lands, who, pr one thousand eight hundred and ted anv part thereof, and is lor to tne year thirty, cultiva- how in posses- sion of the same, shall be allow ed io enter at the proper land office, one quarter section, according to theprovisins of the first section of an act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on public lands, approved May twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty. Approved July 14, 1832. Public House. REMOVAL. JAMES CARNEY returns his sin cere acknowledgments to the public for the very liberal encouragement he has heretofore received, and respectfully informs them that he has 'taken that large and mmmndious brick building, the property of rj A X mf John Devereux, Esq. next door to the building formerly occupied by the Bank of Newbern, on South-Front Street ; where he is prepared to accommodate Boarders bv the month or day His table shall at all times be furnished with the best the Market affords, and he pledges himself that every exertion shall be used to merit the approbation of those who may think proper to patronize him. In the event of a Steamboat Line being established between this place and ! Norfolk, which is contemplated, this building, I from its size and situation, will be found to be the most eligible for a Hotel, of any in town. There is an excellent wharf convenient to the premises, and the rooms are large, comfortable, and well finished. Travellers are assured that their horses will be well fed and carefully at tended to. Newbern, August 31, 1832 MEW GOOD. nn AS just returned from New York with a JJ.JLL general assortment oi HARDWARE; CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &x. v The following ar tides comprise apart of his Stock AVines. Champaigne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Fruits. Citron, Currants, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Naples, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Liquors. Coghiac Brandy (supe rior quality) t'each do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf 6u Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinuamon, Nutmegs, Porter in qt.& pt.bottles Pepper, Spice. Preserved Ginger. Bucktcheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars, su perior Cheicing Tobacco, c. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at the Store on Pollok-street formerly occupied, by the late George A. Hall. Esq. ' B3 ! VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. WILL be sold at the Court-House Newbern, on Thursday the 18th in of October next, the following Property, viz : Part of Lots Nu. 91 and 93 ; it being 214 feet on Hancock-street, and 90 feet on Pollok street, containing the Custom House, an Office, and Stables. Half of Lot No. 82 on Hancock street, the former residence of F. Hawks. G7 feet of Lot No. 90 on Pollok-street, with a good dwelling and out houses. Lot No. 66 on Broad-street, with a large commodious dwel ling, Kitchen, Smokehouse and Stable, oppo site Joseph BelPs Hotel. Part of Lot No. 64, near the Court-House, on Middle-street, and part of Lot No. 51 on Craven-steet. THREE HUNDRED and Twenty Acres Ui A""m uie iorlfl side of Trent road, about seven miles from Newbern. TWO HTTN "" 01,u, i Ul) Acres on tne South side of ieuse roau aoout six miles from Newbern : tfotn oi tiiese lracts are valuable for Turp tine, Tar, and range for Cattle. M urn i v-v m -r . : en- .iuii ana UlVili-THlKD. acres of land, (lYiarsnj near swimming Point NINE acres adjoining Dryborough, with a comfortable dwelling and out houses. The Plantation on Bachelor Creek containing five hundred and sixty acres, of which about two hundred and fifty acres are cleared. This plan tation is truly deisrable not only on account of the iertility of the soil, but its proximity to na vigable water and possessing a Mill-seat equal perhaps to any in Craven County. AZSO, EIGHTEEN LIKELY NEGROES, And some Household FURNITRE of good quality. Terms of sale for the real estate : Approved Notes negotiable at the Bank of Newbern, and renewable by paying one-eighth of the original sum every ninety days until the debt is reduced to one hundred dollars Or Newbern Stock, if offered within a few days after the sale, will be received at 865theshare. For the Negroes, Approved Notes negotiable at the Bank of Newbern, and payable in three equal payments, every ninety days. JNO. W. GUION, JNO. COART. Newbern 15fA, Sept. 1S32. Exyrs. Office of the Commissioners under the Act to carry into effect the Convention witJi Prance. Washington City, 18th Sept. 1832. RDERED, Thatall persons having claims under the Convention between the Uni ted States and his Majesty the King of the French, concluded on the 4th of July 1631, do file memorials of the same with the Secret ary of the Board. Every memorial so filed, must be addressed to the Commissioners ; it must set forth minutely and particularly the facts and circumstances whence the right to prefer such claim is derived to the claimant, and it must be verified by his affidavit. And in.order that claimants may be apprised of what the Board now considers necessary to be averred in every such memorial, before the same will be received and acted on, it is further Ordered, That in every such memorial it shall be set forth, 1. For and in behalf of whom the claim is preferred. 2. Whether tjie claimant is a citizen of the United States of America; -and if so, whether he is a native or naturalized, and where is now his domicil ; if he claims in his own riht. then whether he was a citizen when the claim had its origin, and where was then his domicil ; or if he claims in the right of another, then whether such other was a citizen when the claim had its origin, and. where was then, and where is now, his domicil. 3. Whether the entire amount of the claim does now, and did at the time when the claim had its origin, belong solely and absolutely to the claimant ; and if any other person is or has been interested therein, or in any part thereof, then who is such other person, and what is, or was, the nature and extent of his interest ; and how, when, by what means, and for what consideration the transfer of rights or interest, if any such were, took place between the parties. 4. Whether the clajmant, or any other who may at any time have been entitled to the amount claimed, or any part thereof, hath ever received any, and if any, what sum of money i : i f , or oilier equivaiciu as liiuemnincation lor the whole or any part of the loss or injury upon which the claim is founded ; and if so when and from whom, the same was received And that time may be allowed to the claim ants to prepare and file the memorials above mentioned, it is further Ordered, That when this Board snail close the present session, it ' will adjourn to meet again on the third Monday of December next, at which time it will proceed to decide whether the memorhls whlH fnov ViWvi-A ViAm 4Z1A rliVt j uj i in. LfCXJ I1ICU Mini j the Secretary are in conformity to the fofego jing orders, and proper to be ' received for ! examination, and to transact any other bii j ness that may come before it ; and that the j Secretary cause public notice hereof to be ; given in the journals authorized to publish the j laws of the United States, i By order of the Board, i J. E. FROST, Sec. Sept. 28 t3MD - PRINTING. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, CARDS, &c. NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED" 4 AT, THE OFFICE OF TH SENTINEL.' JSTcwhern Jlcadenuj. HIE first term of the academical yea ol this institution has just closed. The Trustees -'with pleasure annouriee to the public mat tne proficiency of the students assures them, they have not been deceived in their es timate of the qualifications of the Instructors ' From what they have witnessed, during' the examination of the young gentlemen in their various studies, . the Trustees have no hesitancy in saying, that the Newbern Academy farnisheJs every facility for a thorough acquaintance with the Latin and Greek languages , and such a' knowledge of the English, as prejparcs the r learner for the duties of the more laborious de partments of life. The Trustees were hihlv gratified in observing, that the young gentle J men were not superficial in their acquireinentiT but that they had made themselves thoroughly acquainted, with all the ground over which they , had gone. The classes under the direction of Mr. Jones, read Latin ana Greek with facility and judgment; they parsed and scanned with correctness and promptness. The classes in. der the direction ofMr. Wj&sworth, displayed uncommon readiness in their replies to all the questions proposed : their knowledge ofhgurcs did them much credit. The Trustees are happy in stating that tlje reputation of Mr. Jones, of the Classical De partment, and of Mr. Wadsworth, of the Eng lish Department, has been well sustained by the very evident advancement of their respec tive students in their different studies. The next term will commence on the fi'rejt ' of October. Newbern, August 30, 1832. - JSew Saddlery, fyc FHIIE Subscriber has just returned from sL Philadelphia with a large addition to liis former stock of goods. Having selected the articles himself, amf purchased them on the best terms, they who wish to buy, will find it advantageous to give him a call. His assortment being very extensive, Coun try Saddlers can be supplied with almost every article in the line, at a moderate advance on the cost. The following articles comprise part of hij? assortment z Carriage and Gig Harness, Gig and Cart Collars, Saddles and Bridles, Saddlebags, Cart Saddles, and Saddle Trees , Plated and Common Harness Mounting, ... Stage Harness, Cotton and Worsted Webbing Gig Trimmings, Whips, Spurs, Travelling Trunksand Bags assorted; Black, Red, and Green Morocco, Hog skins, Dressed Goat skins, Soal Leather, Calf and Seal skins, Black Varnish, Walking Canes, Swords, Pistols, Epaulets, Drums, 6z,c. fcc. , He has on hand a few neat and light mad1. Dearborns,, and several Copper Stills aim Worms. . , JOHN TEMPLETON. August 31, 1832. To Journeymen Boot & Shoemakers. Constant employment, the high est wages, and prompt fay wilt be given to tlirCfC or fOUl steady and capable JOURNEYMEN BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. They are wanted immediately. Workmen ia the country who are desirous of securing permanent and pro&V table situation, will do well to make early ap plication. RAYMOND CASTIX. Newbern, September 15, 1832. CHEAP DRY GOODS f nHE subscriber ha removed from Pollock'' U Street, tothdBriek Store lately occupied by E. Moran, & Co. on Craven Street, whet he offers for sale A general assortment of IVesH ported . FANC Y AJD STAPLE At the lowest prices. ( . J, VAN SICKLE' Newbern, 27th July, 1832. f Aj VJT rs3 Jl lLfiVl&HU r 1HE Subscribers have taken the Brick' L Store nearly opposite the iNewDernuanjvf where they have on hand a general assortment o STAPLE AND FANCY Hardware, Groceries, $c. 'Their foods are purchased by Mr. ALEX- ANDERANDERSON, who resides in New York, and who will be frequently forwarding, by which means, the assortment will be kept complete. " i Tbey will be constantly supplied with AXES' both long and short bitt, front the makers Piatt & Taylor, which they offer by the box, a 81Ii per doz. " Just received per ' schr. Rebecca, tip nay opening AMONG WHICH ARE Calicoes; French, Scotch & other Ginghams - Printed Muslina; black' Silks; -Mull, Swiss; Book, and Jaconett Muslins: Ladies' and Misses Bonnetts ; Insertingj-and a variety of Fancy articles ; Bombazines j Circassians; Erminetts; Cassinettsi S&. &c. : ' ; . Oenaburgs j Brown Shirting and Sheeting With a number of other articles. , Purchaser may find it to their advantage to call and examine.

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