N OETIC -'AM Oil N iP S &&0$NM$&. WE HAIL THE CHIEF. BY MRS. GOODRICH, OF BOSTON. i, . Let servile Europe pour her lay To grac o some Monarch's natal day ; Let flatterers bend before the throne Columbia bows to worth alone ! She sings no despot's furious deeds, Where freedom falls and justice bleeds Where wild ambition leads the van, And rivets slavery's chains on man ! 4 We iiail the Chief who bravely stood At Freedom's altar bathed in blood: : Upheld her rights, enforced her laws, And fought and conquered in her cause! - New Orleans, rise, the trump awake, Pour its loud notes o'er land and lake; ' Tilllist'ning nations catch the tone, And echo ring from zone to zone. Who saved thy maidens' matchless charm?, - ' From Britain's brutal soldiers' awns ? Who saved thjj city's boasted wealth From public plunder, private stealth ? The western rifle played its part, t And silenced many a gallant heart ; By JACKSON led, the gallant band ' fiepelled invasion from the land. Shame on the trembling coward, shame, Who dare, detract from JACKSON'S famei . Our country's pride, our foeman's grief, A free born nation's chosen Chief The civic wreath for battles won, A nation vowed her noblest son ; Her gratitude has paid that vow, And twined the oak for JACKSON'S brow. The New Bedford Gazette gives the follow inff; account of ia scene at Newport during the late enforcement of quarantine laws at that ulace A1 stage with passengers bound to Newport to take passage in tne steamooai, was siu. add the usual oath administered to. matte true and iust answers to all the questions which I .infant be put to them. They alrmade oath ', but one, who exclaimed, "answer all the ques tions vou may ask no, I'll see you " " But i mean resnectinsr the cholera. 'UIi yes, it that's all ; let's hear them." " Well you have not been in the city of New York within len ! davs?'' ";No, nor ten months but I'm going ' as-quick as I can get on board the steamboat." '! "We don't care where youg-o to," was the re- j ply, and the others giving satisfactory answers ! the stage was allowed to proceed. ' . P . - ii.. A short time since a pedlar's wagon was overhauled, in which was to be iound a large and e-enuine assortment of -Hingharn-ware such as nails, tubs, cannakins, churns, kegs, and. as we say in the advertisements other ar tides too numerous to particularize. The horse stopped at the word of the sentinel, and the following dialogue ensued between him and the driver; tSeht. You solemnly swear you will make true and just answers to all questions put to you: Driver. I guess tlarned inquisitive. I will, if you arn't too Sent.-r-Well: have you been in the city of New York within ten days: J)ri,j-. guess not if I have 'twas when I was asleep or drunk. Sent. To the best of your knowledge and tieltcl hate any or your oio, ui mer chandise been in the said city of New ork within ten days ? market. ... Sent. Do you believe Newport is free from the cholera? Dry. -If ye ax'd me on oath I should say not ; " but I spose ye've such a tender regard lor me that ye would'nt let me in if I should say so. Sent. You may go. Wagon proceeds. But stop a bit; may be ye've been in where Home of the New4 Yorkers are riding out their quarantine, so you may as well smell of this bottle of camphor. Brings ablackbottle from the sentry-box. Dry.- Placing it to his nostrils, and then withdrawing it and pulling it to his mnuthj- "Why man, this is first rate real Cognac. Sent. Beg pardon, sir; beg pardon ihc wrong bottle. The present King of England completed his 07 th year on the 21st of last month. His Queen, Adelaide, completed her 40th year on the Tuesday preceding. L Our town has been in considerable agitation f.r the last four or five days, inconsequence ot Sa reported defalcation in the Farmers' Bank oi Vircrinia. in this place. The fact we believe is, that there is a default of .some fifteen thou sand dollars but what precise sum, we hav e ;,nt lionril. Mr. I. W. Chew, the agent, has been in such a situation ever since the discov ery of the default as to be unable to give any satisfactory information upon the subject. Further investigation into the afiairs of the a- gency, will no doubt be made, when we shall be able to speak more definitely.- Danville ; Keporfer, Sept. 29. j Extract of a letter from Lisbon, dated Aug 17, to a honse in New York, received via Eng land : " Our political question goes on very slowly, and there is now little prospect of suc cess to Don Tedro's cause. His troops fight like lions, but as they are not joined by the people, they are only masters of the ground .ih'ey stand on, which they will not be able to maintain for any tune, unless France or Eng land comes forward to their assistance. i A shock of an earthquake was felt in Chesh ire and the Island of, Jersey, England, on Sun day morning, the 29th July, throwing all the country people in the latter into great conster nation,' but doing no material injury. Dry. -I should' nt think they had, lor yeiween you and I and the rope, I have been driving lhem all over New England this six weeks for a . i i n l a To Journeymen Boot Shoemakers. Constant employment, the high est wages, and prompt pay will be given to tliree or four steady and capable JOURNEYMEN BOpT An SHORMAKkRS Thftv are. wanteu immediately. Workmen in the country who are desirous of securing a permanent ana prou- table situation, will do well to make eany dp- ins assortment being very extensive, Coun nUfniJrt try iSa idlers can be sunnlied with almost every r cnr-TY RAYMtiwu AOix. Newbern. SeDtember 15, 1832. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES WILLbegivenforlikelyyoungNegroesof bothsexes,fromoneto2fyears of age. junn mr.ivoii r,. NEW GOODS. JOHN A. CRISPIN 4 4J ' . - 4 .nliinml C",-vw- '... "V , . 1 . M. I usi iciuiucu iium ncv x ui li. Willi a I general assortment of ifS. H (. if! Tffil TO TP TO ' K&ki V 11AUU vv iiritt, yv 1 lu&K 1 , UKUUhEKY GLASSWARE, &c. Tlifollnwincr articles comprise apart of his Slock Wines Fruits. Champaigne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Citron, Currants, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Teneriffe, Dry .Malaga, Sherry, Country. Loaf &l Lump, White Havana, Liquors. Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Co-iiiac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Almonds. Superior Holland Gin, Spices: Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Old Monong. Whiskey. X. E. Rum, Porter inqt.& pt. bottles Pepper, Spice. Preservei! merer j I, id; wheat, Goshen Butler, Cheese, Spanish & American Scgars ; su perior Chewing Tobacco, e. v incline otters low lorcasii or country produce at the StoreonPollok-streetformerly occupied sv the. hi hite George A. Hall, Esq. CATCH THE SW1X DLER ! ,N Wednesday, the 22d insr. I hired my horse and single gig to a man by the name 'f Joseph Fanning, of Tvrrel county, but late of Edentoh, a shoemaker by trade, to go to Plymouth. He stated that he would be back early on Thursday morning, but has not yet returned, lie has not been at rlvrnouth ; 1 lnu'p lizard of his hnvincrhpp.n Waghin ton n( afteVWards, on that to Tarbo- rough. He is a clumsy built man, light hair, blue eyes, and is supposed to be about 20 or4l years of age, with little or no beard. Had on when he went away, a white chip hat, brown Holland jacket, and blue pantaloons and vest The horse is a small bay, stout built; has a white star on the forehead, and his hind fet locks are scarred by w earing fetters. The gig is painted black, lias limber shafts and but one step: tne body is set upon iion goose neck springs; the spatterboard is covered with coarse canvass and has country handles. i I will give a reward of ten dollars to any any person who will give me such'information -jli.it I may-get the horse and gig again. Address STARK W. SMITHWICK, Gardner's Bridge, Martin county, N. Q. August 25th, J 832. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. M71LL be sold at the Court-House in W Newbern, on Thursday the 18th of October next, the following Property, viz : Part of Lots No. 91 and 9 ; it being 2141 feet on Hancock-street, and 90 feet on Pollok street, containing the Custom House, an Office, ;tti ! Stables. "Half of Lot No. on Hancock street, the former residence of F. Hawks. 67 feet of Lot No. 9o" on Pollok-Ireet, with a good du elling and out houses. Lot No. 85 on 13road-street, with a large commodious dwel ling, Kitchen, Smokehouse and Stable, oppo site Joseph Bell's Hotel. Part of Lot No 64, near the Court-House, on Middle-street, and part of Lot No. 51 on Craven-steel. THREE HUNDRED and Twenty Acres f Land on the North side of Trent road, about seven miles from Newbern. TWO HUN DRED and Fifty Acres on the South side of Neuse road about six miles from Newbern : Both of these Tracts are valuable for Turpen linv. Tar, and range for Cattle. EIGHT and1 ONE-THIRD acres of land, Marsh) near Swimming Point NINE acres adjoining Dryborough, with a comfortable dwelling and "out houses. The Plantation on Bachelor Creek containing five hundred and sixty acres, of which about two hundred and fifty acres are cleared. This plan tation is truly deisrable not only on account of the fertility of the soil, but its proximity to oa, vigable water and possessing a Mill-seat equal perhaps to any in Craven County. ALSO, EIGHTEEN LIKELY NEGROES, And somb Household FURNITRE of eood quality. b Terms of sale for the real estate : Approved Notes negotiable at the Bank of Newbern, ajid renewable by paying one-eighht of the original slim every ninety davs until th debt is reduced to one hundred dollars Or Newbern Stock, if offered within a few davs after the sale, will be received at S 65 the share. For the Negroes, Approved Notes negotiable ai the Bank of Newbern, and payable in three equal payments every ninety days. JNO. W. GUION, ) E , j JNO. COART. XT3' Newbern loth, Sept. 132. Saddlery fTTHE Subscriber has just returned from LI Philadelphia with a large addition to his former stock of goods. . Having selected the articles himself and purchased them on the best terms, they who wish to buy, will find it advantageous to give mm a can. aruciein tne line, at a moderate auvance on the cost. , . , The following, articles comprise part of his Carriage and Gig Harness, GiS and Cart Collars, SH(Up m RrHps. Saddle ha f?s. I Cart Saddles, and Saddle Trees Plated and Common Harness Mounting, Stare Harness, Cotton and Worsted Webbing, Gir Trimmings, Whips, Spurs, f FT 111' T 1, ,, n n , I Ti n ,r- ns?ni(a1 1 ra veillll ir A ruiiiva, unci uogo omuusu, Black. Red, and Green Morocco, Hog skins, Dressed Uoat sKins, T.0.tW r-if and Sealskins, Black Varnish, Walking Canes, Swords, Pistol's, Epaulets, DrumsL&c. &c. He has on hand a few neat and light made Dearborns, and several Copper fetills and Worms. JOHN TEMPLETON. August 31, 1832. William Mary College. FHHE Lectures in this institution will commence as usual, on the last Monday in October. The Faculty are not authorized to permit a Student to board out ofCollege, except on the written request of the parent or guardian a condi tion that will not be dispensed with in any case. No more is to be paid for bdard, including lodging, washing, fuel, can dles, attendance, &c. than $120, of which one half is to be paid when the Student enters Col lege, and the other half at the expiration of half the term. Lxpenses ajs follows: For board $120 matriculation fee S5 fees to the Professors in the Junior Course 870 in the Senior Course 860 These fees are to be paid in advance. The Law Lectures will be continued to the end of the term, and the necessary expenses of the Student, including board, fee tolthe Pro fessor, and Matriculation fee, will be $145. The Grammar School opens on the 1st of October Board for 10 months S100, and tui tion fee 820. Sept tf, 1832. JY Mcbern lcademij. pWlIIE first tem of the academical year oi this institution has iust closed. I he Trustees with pleasure announce to the public that the proficiency of the students assures them, they have not been deceived in their es timate of the qualifications of the instructors. From what they .have witnessed, during the examination of the young gentlemen in their various studies, the Trustees have no hesitancy m saying, that the JNewbern Academy furnishes every facility for a thorough acquaintance with the Latin and Creek languages , and such a knowledge of the English, as prepares the learner lor the duties oi the more laborious de partments of life. The Trustees were highly gratified in observing, that the young gentle men were not superficial in their acquirements but that they had made themselves thoroughly acquainted with all the ground over which they had gone. The classes under the direction of Mr. Jones, read Latin and Greek with facility and judgment ; they parsed and scanned with correctness and promptness. The classes un der the direction of Mr. Wadsworth, displayed uncommon readiness in their replies to all the questions proposed : their knowledge offio-ures did them much credit. , The Trustees are happv in stating that the reputation of Mr. Jones, of the Classical De partment, and of Mr. Wadsworth, of the Eng lish Department, has been well sustained by the very evident advancement of their respec tive students in their different studies. The next term will commence on the first of October. Newbern, August 30, 1832. SYLVESTERS, 130 Broadway, N. Y. MORE GJL OR 10 US THANE VERl ANOTHER $30,000, SOLD BY SYLVESTER ! ! ! N the New York Lottery, drawn the 29th of August, Corhbination 23, 28, 63, the capital prize of $30,000, was sold in a whole ticket, by the " all lucky Sylvester " this is as it should be : and Sylvester begs to assure his Country Friends and Patrons that he waits but their orders, to sell the Capitals in many of the brilliant schemes which are drawn week lv in the City of New York, and he would par- "m 1 11.1. . - - ticuiarly can tneir attention to the brilliant af fair, to be drawn on the 17th of October next. Capitals, 850,000, $25,000, $10,000, $8,000, &LC. Tickets only $10. This is beyond com parison, the greatest scheme ever issued bv the Managers. And in addition to the great variety of tickets, which Sylvester has for sale, either by the package, single ticket, or share, he, the " all lucky Sylvester," has formed a club of 1000 whole tickets, in order that all his friends may have an opportunity of participating in the extraordinary good for tune which attends his office. Persons remitting $60, can have a certifi cate fully guaranteed by the Managers, and thus obtain a very excellent share of everv Capital in the Wheel! All who are in the practice of purchasing, will at once appreciate the great superiority of this mode of ventur ing. All orders must be addressed to S. J. SYLVESTER, 130 Broadway, And are then sure to meet with prompt at tention. New York, Sept. 14, ia32. tOl7 PRINTING. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, CARDS, fcc. NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY . EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE SENTINEL. PROPOSALS For carrying the Mails of the United States for two years, from, the first day of January, 1833, to the 31st day of December, 1834, on the iollowing post routes, will be received at this office until the second day of Novem ber next, inclusive to be decided on the 9th day of November. IN NORTH CAROLINA, No. 2187. From. Columbia to Springfield, in Tyrrel county, and back once a week. Leave Columbia every Monday at 6 a m ar rive at springfield same day by 6 p ra. Leave Springfield every Saturday at 6 a m arrive at Columbia same day by (3 p m 2189. From Kinston to Trenton, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Kinston every Wednesday at 12 noon, arrive at Trenton sam day by 6 p m. Leave Trenton every Thursday at 6 aw, ar rive at Kinston same day by 12 noon. 2189. From Greenville to Stantonburg, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Greenville every Wednesday at 9 a wt, arrive at Stantonburg same day by 7 p wi. Leave Stantonburgh every Thursday at 5 am, arrive at Greenville same day by 2p m. 2190. From Gravelly Hill by Lisburn an Taylor's Bridge to Clinton and back, once a week. Leave Gravelly Hill every Thursday at C a m, arrive at Clinton same day by 3 p m. Leave -Clinton every Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Gravelly Hill same day by 3pm, 2191. From Belford by Shoco Springs to Warrenton, 28 miles and back, once a week. Leave Belford every Thursday at 7 a m, ar rive at Warrenton same day by 3 pm. Leave Warrenton every Tuesday at 8 a m arrive at Belford same day by 4 p m. 2192. From Hillsboro by Pickett's Oil Mill, Thos. Benchairs, Hester's Store, Ric'd. Bul lock's and Potter's Bridge to Oxford, 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Hillsboro every Tuesday at 6 a m, arrive at oxford same dayT by 6p m. Leave Oxford every Wednesday at 6 a m, arrive at Hillsboro same day by 0 p m. 2193. From Blakely by Stokesburg to Ger manton and back, once a week. Leave Blakely every Monday at 1 p m, ar rive at Germanton same day by 5 p m. Leave Germanton every Monday at 6 a m, arrive at Blakely same day by 10 a m. 2194. From Roxboro by Hugh Woods to Black Walnut, Va., 22 miles and back, once a week. Leave Roxboro every Thursday at 7 a m, arrive at Black Walnut same day by 1 p in. Leave Black Walnut every Thursday at 3( p m, arrive at Roxboro same day by 9 p m. 2195. From Leasburgh by Hightowers to Caswell c. h., 1.5 miles and back, once a week. Leave Leasburgh everv Wednesday at 6 a in, arrive at Caswell c. h., same day by 10 a m. ieave iaswen c. . every weanesuay ai n a 7?i, arrive at Leasburgh same day by 3. p m. 2198. From Rockford bv Juddsville to Bower's Store and back, once a week. Leave Rockford every Thursday at 3 p in. arrive at Bower'sStore next day by 6 p m Leave Bowers' Store every Wednesday at 9 a m, arrive at Rockford next day by 12 noon. 2197. From Concord by Mill Grove and Hickory Grove to Beatty's Ford and back, once a week. Leave Concord every. Wednesday at 6 a 10 t t , , . ... , f. , :., x r? i a i Wo bid shall be withdrawn after he m,i arrive at Beatty s r ord same day bv r m r , i i i T0.,Tro noMTr'o 17.,1 rni Ar t;time lor receiving it has expired; aw .shorn .Leave JJeatty s rord every Ihursday at! r ? . 1 V i- i.. n o;., r, a i i r any person refuse to lake a contract at his bid, u a in, arrive at Concord same day by 6 p m. J ,1 n r r n ,i - , Qioii T7r t .iinninit;n w i u "e shall forfeit all other Contracts tiat he may 4193. rrom Lawrenceville to Wadesbo- i .lL lL n , , ; .;A -inc, nn i i i i have with the Department and be held rcspon- rougn, .ib miles and Duck; once a week. 1 1 r n j J . , ,A , 1 .. t no irn t o,..rnrniir:n t'i ;'sible lor all damage thatimay result from his .Leave Lawrenceville every rndav at 6 a, ,-f . , e 3 m, arrive at Wadesborough same day by Sp m. lallure 10 -0U1P,y- . Leave Wadesborough evry Thursdav af l? 13 No contract nor bid can be tralerred 7 a vi, arrive at Lawrenceville same day by' without the special and written approbatfonof 4 p m. ' the Postmaster General ; and an assignmenN! FOR SALE, THAT pleasant and healthy residence, :. situated in the town of Newbern, on Broad-street, (Lot No. 2(ii), formerly the property of Frederick Jones, and now owned by the subscriber. CHARLES SHEPARD. August 17, 1832. CHEAP GOODS. PTJHE subscriber intending to quit Newbefrn JJL' has the honor to inform its respectable lnnaoitants, mat fie will sell the articles com posing his -Stock in Trade, at prices so low that he hopes that those persons who will hon our him with their presence, at his Store adjoin- ing Mr. ueli's Hotel, near the Market, will be able to make choice to their satisfaction. M. BONHOMME, for A. BONHOMME. Newbern, 17th August, 1832. FLOUR AND MESS PORK. rz BBLS. and 10 Half Bbls. New York Western Canal FLOUR, fresh around from new Whnt 15 Bbls. Mess Pork, New York city inspection, re- iiveu uiib aay per ecnooner Susan Mary, and for I 1 T -v r -mm- -n. - S saie oy JUS. M. UKAlaUE, & Co, Newbern, Sept. 4th 1832. NOTICE. f FjlHE copartnership hertofore existing in 1 trio 4 iiTrn r 4 WTn irnftli.n-h . J . 1 mt kj v u jm. ii iirouut UUgIly IIIKItir IflC title of KHODES fc JERNIGAN, was dissolved on the 2d day of July last, by mutual consent, and the business transferred to James Rhodes one of said partners, with full power and autho rity to settle up ana close the business of said urm. YVaynesborougn, I ith August, 1832. VOTICE. his Lot and Houses in the town of utoiiuusn SPiiinn- nmsDorougn, n. C. known ac k Union Hotel. The establishment consists of iwo biory nouses, ana one of one story the whole containing 22 rooms. Thpr aw, Lki sufficient to hold 40horses, a laro 8mnU a 2 story kitchen, with all other conveniences required about- a tavern. There is but one other establishment of the kind i a. 1 - j . . " Hit- k U TV 11 , whichr endersatall times tbA,c,m:ui The terms will be easy and accommodating to the purchaser. & tj i , k SAMUEL CHILD Hi lsborough, Aug. 14, 1832. mm f iitP) i8itn. NOTES. 1. The Postmaster General rpr right to expedite the mails, and to ah J T times of their arrival and departure m nine uuriDg me continuance of the eontr by giving an adequate compensation, nevV' exceeamg a pro rata allowance, for anv PY, cajjcusc vitxwi ouvij uiicianuu may reoni j6. even minutes snan be allowed for or, ing and closing the mails at each office, wh no particular time shall be specified, but Postmaster General reserves to hin;self h right of extending the time. e 3. For every ten minutes delay in arriv" at any point after the time presciibtd in ti contract. thf rnntrtivtnr cKnll fr:. r e , . w 1 1 r u nve (!( lars. If the delay shall continue beyond th time for the departure of any pending niaif the forleiture shall be equal to tw ice the am allowed for carrying the mail one trip! If is made to aonear that ihn . J.' 11 sioned by unavoidable accident, oi' whichh rosimasier general snail be the judoe ti forfeiture may be reduced to the amount of t.j ...j,, i uW cxiBe can mat amount be remitted. The forfeitures are otheiwis unconditional, and will in all cases be enforced 4. Persons who make proposals wiH stat' their prices by the year; payments to be maue quarterly; in the months of May, AuaUst ft0 vember and February, one month after th'e ex. piratlon of eacH quarter. 5. None but a free white person shall be em ployed to carry the mail. 6. Proposals should state whether the per son proposes to carry the mail in a 4 hor coach, a 2 horse stage, or otherwise. SC 4 i; uic.ticiauu unciuig proposals wishes the privilege of carrying newspapers out of the mail he must state it in his bid; otherwise hecmnn! enjoy that privilege. 8. Propositions for any improvements jn transporting the mail, as to the manner of car rying, increase vf expedition, ej tension of routes frequency of trips, or any other improvements are invited to be stated in the proposals, and wil be duly considered. 9. The number of the route, and its Win. ning and termination, as advertised, should6 be stated in every bid; and the proposals, must be sealed, directed to the "General Post Office Office of Mail Contracts," and Superscribed " Proposals." The following is a proper form for a propo sal: " I will convey the mail, agreeably to adver tisement, on route No. , from to for the yearly compensation of dollars" He must state the place of his residence; and ! if not a contractor, he must accompany his b;d with satisfactory recommendations. ! 10. The distances, as stated, are estimated and may not be entirely correct; but if any cr- rors nave occurreu in relation to mem, no in crease of compensation will be allowed on that account. The contractor will inform himself on that point. 11. The Postmaster General reserves the right of annulling any contract whenever re peated failures to arrive within the contract time shall occur; or whenever one failure shall happen amounting to the loss of a trip: or whenever anv direction which he may rive I : .1 .1 i shall nnt hp nrnmntlv nhfvd. a contract, or bid, without his consent, first ob tained in writing, shall forfeit it. This rule will never be departed from. 14. If a contractor or his agent shall riolatc the Post Office law, br shall transmit commer cial intelligence by express more rapidly than the mail, his contract shall be forfeited; and in all cases when a contractor shall run a stage, or other vehicle, more rapidly or more fre quently than hfj is required by contract to carry the mail, he shall give the same increased ce lerity and frequency to the mail, unless the Postmas'ter General shall otherwise direct,"and without increaseof compensation. 15. . The Posmaster General reserves the right of curtailing or of discontinuing any route, when, in his opinion, the public interest shall require it; and in such case the contract shall cease, so far as relates to the part curtailed, or to the whole, if discontinued an allowance ot one month's extra pay being made to the con tractor. 16. All contracts for routes embraced in this advertisement shall commence on the first day of January next, and continue two year?. Decisions on bids will be made known on the, 9th day of November next. WILLIAM T. BARRY, . Post Master General , General Post Office Department, ) July 24, 1831 2. S VALUABLE SOUND LAD FOR SALE. 1 i. The subscriber offers for sale, tnai ill! I well known Plantation formerly &-. on Topsail Sound, in front of the Inlet, about w ... l nnt twenty miles from Wilmington, containing Be tween 800 and 1000 acres. 300 of which are cleared and under good fenCe, and about tjo hundred well worth clearinc; the reroainu well timbered and an excellent range for catue and hogs. The quality of the Land is equal to that of any other tract on the Sound, and tne situation is healthy and pleasant. The m provements consist of a good Dwelling and all necessary out houses. Persons wishing purchase, are nonnested to call and view tne premises, which will be shown by Mr. 0,if.e who resides on the Dlace. For Terms, whicp will be accommodating, apply to the subscn ber in Newbern. DANIEL Y SHIiN Newbern, May 25, 1832.

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