23. Because he is ungovernable in his tem-i piofit from their operations protected by the ucr, and vindictive iahU feelings, j States, Vet their power of taxation jppn6nedto 53. RfraiR. TfmntW full t late mem- the real estate to which, it is located,- or trie r.MM nr....i. trc "h : efnrk owned bv its own citizens, lnus - o ' . . . . - 1 1 spends his days at the gaming table;: and his nrgnia in a oroinei. ' 1 j JUDGE BALDWIN. The" following extract from the speech of Judge Baldwin, delivered on the Missouri Ques tion? in 1820, when he was a member of the Ifouse jof Representatives of the United States, is worthy of the most attentive perusal. It is . taken fro,m Niies' Register, of August 5, 1820 -nSfoi. 6i paes 410,411. Til discussing' the question before the House, judge Baldwin had occasion to speak of the Charter of the Bank of the U. States, which had then been recently granted ; and it will be seen by the extract we publish, that he pronoun ced thfrCharter to be unconstitutional, and re- the creature of our creature, a branch ot corpora tion, is invested with the same privileges as tne corporation itself; the one deriving its exist ence from their mere volition, the other sanc tioned by the three branches of the national le gislature, acting on their high responsibility, yet all alike are judged the legitimate children rofW.ttinn all eoually favored and nroteeted. Where, Sir, is this principle of construction and implication! end, it the mere machine of a corporation is thus to be made a part of the machinery of government; if char ter and subcharters may be made ad infinitum, what security is there 1 that the commerce of the country will not oe in me nanus oi cnarter ed monopolists? The termination is easily seen; you already hear, not from papers and mere idle talk, but from members ot this house the expression of usurpation of States applied, lied on many of the objections which have since l.nn (nlrnn ! P.asiilant in flic Vftfi Mes- Knee. Such an opinion, deliberately expressed to the incorporation of banks ; strange effect of 'iv thin eminent Jurist, who now fills the high the rapid strides of implied powers; that the o-ffice of Judge of the Supreme Court, is a su - ucaua uy ugrCSS w a power . r., f ::,., mri. NO Slinrpmfi in them n tt Hclrrw -mil turn mtrt fteient answer to tne cavils oi opposing" r . .. ters ana speech-makers, got up at this day or an act of usurpation a right claimed and exer- cjectioneering purposes', we asK uicj.h- .uu-.t lar attention of the reader to those passages in have not only never surrendered, but T.rr.. anpaks of the constructive pow-ueiegaieu to youi congress nave h thev never etc Cheap JDrtj Good II t . 1 uas jus i am tea trnm someidealof the cmate ?which the editor! "ffd the Cincinnati .Republican, i thereolplac.es yrJTLW intelligence of his pat- j cjLATOff EN, ANTI-MASONS, AND BftNK- V"-- . m. m. jjui i - niiij I i;u ; ii -,-r . ... United States1 Bank Physic It is said that Well maV von hide vour diminished heads : JJ- 1 orK Wlln a new aid well sel AnrintT thf? hottest nfVirr1 nf llio V.c,r I ,i 1. T,nL-orl Kir (ha Rnl- 1 ' SOrtment OI " " to t - vuutuot A1U1UUEU i"u..v. uuuft rtllSlUUlrttV I TKk TT 1HV M im ' v tweenMetcalf and Barry, the Adams and. Jack- and wealth of the city : Although all the Judges , . & Hfj4y son candidates for Cravemor in Kentucky, the were Clay men, and one of them a candidate! among which win, be found circulation of United States' bills was rapidly nnon the opposition ticket for the Legislature : i-Blue, blackand mix'd Cloths, iiictca&cu.iu several paris oi mat istate. fro- Althouffh vou receiveu nunureus oi illegal votes va&siujere unu oaumeis, "uV iiiav. nave ueen uiii a Jlllie OI Uie I for VOlir own siue, auu icjcicu as many goou "" ih, xi yi iiy aiy iui jicu tu zveuiuciiy Dy ceriaincoaimon i votes onerea lor me jatnsuu jd as many good Red, white, green, and yellow Flannel, ticket: Although CoPd, black, .and blue black Gro de Nap ckson laborers on Figur'd, changeable and watered, do i pedlars high in office. Dr. Biddle did not no- Yvnn havft discharered many Jacks m fViic Kv'init'K nf ikr. :n I . r .1 !ti A ItKiiturVi Uann I xllark- Sarsnpta T.fi'ii riling Aj-. ftotii.-. t . v- ..vt uiuuwi v4 mc 1llLUiatlUll III Itiai I aCCOUni -l Hid Juum-a i.vg. v u uait w, ....... ..w w unu ijYjjjj ( frtr oa I i f 1 1 . .1 .-nnnvr n-mA to VAta irrin i IIinlTP llprinn. V. I nihol mnn OI . ' jjvoi I DriDeu ailu uum many iti wi iv vr x' j uu. i , "- - , -..-- uui ollau-1 Some of the Adams u srood society" folks Althmuyh vou counterfeited our ticket cheat rrinted Merino, Gauze, & . B. Hhfef.- i . . . v. ... - . i o ... -i i ii x ht i: n ri . nave turned Uoflin' Handbill pedlars. Kiev ed and defrauded us in every possime manner, AUS" vapes ot, iieinizettes carrv about, in the crown of their hats a snare unit. T sav? Althouffh vou were so aaies cravats 1 lppets, - y 7 1 I """" " V 7 - - a j, I . . -. v .. . f . .i a , . . r. . i. .i. j.i.. ik.t nnn not i .a ac iiteaTim jiv t.'1 ? nan uozen, iromme Arcaue, 10 scauer among certain ot carrying your eanuiaaies mat vuu uci "-"-v-c, -.otiuu x uoungg, the peopleup town. large sums of money and endeavored to brag imeduwiwg, r,ugmgs ac insertings, 'III II: I. 1 A : . ,J . L I I - A I I I - I a- . m KUn.mK T-ki f nnL- n I Ilrf IV. Lea. Tl I Ml II Hn ntr4 x lie iriiiK. iias uui visneu me jriciure vruuery Jus out OI ine eiecuou : Aiiuuugu jwu wuiv m . " T " j in the Arcade. He savs he worn sro till thev narlv 1.000 more votes than belongs to the ci- finen camDnc, ana cambric Hhkfs. ffet a supply of Campaiffne. tv von are beaten, horse, foot and dragoons, lush Linen.Lans &, Diapers, o . - v. . i -j j ... i ii i : i i t . Mr. Clav: The Fremier has reached the v h Plfirted al of our candidatesare sure renco merino uioths j 7 - - i i - r r- . m -n. White Sulphur Springs in Virginia. It is said Qf our Governor, and will give the proud vote pernio circasians, tfombazeltes, he will pass through Lynchburg. His last of Ohio to Andrew Jackson. Cm. Rep. still bom from the express ers claimed for the General Government of power to reglate commerce , what objections 7 f iiA r.hnrter of the monopoly of could be made to selling to a corporation the the Bank of the attempt to restrict the power! exclusive privilege, tor twenty years of com of succeeding Legislatures and of the viola- mercc with " foreign nations, between the linn nftho riehts of the States. It will be several States, and the Indian tribes?" We found that, on all of these points, the doctrines have heard of the Archimedes of logic ; it was Contained-in the Veto Message are fully sup- a saying of this mathematician, "give me a nnrini hv the omtiion ol Judffe Baldwin, and place wnere to stand and 1 will move the arc clearly and strongly put forward in his very world." Make but a beginning, give but a ful able argument in the House of Representatives, crum on which implied powers can operate, you shake and destroy the Constitution.. Against . vYoU begin by implying a power from the this principle, in all its effects. I ever have constitution, by a :doubtful far-fetched construe- and will contend ; whether it emanates from lion, that beconies as supreme and less limited the Hartford Convention, aiming at political , ihan anexpress one, from that you imply power, or under the more imposing a id sedu anotberj equally supreme with the first impli- cmggarb of humanity, both having a common caton, equally necessary and proper; that be- object. Restraints and conditions on new g;ets another thus you go on, indefinitely, ad- States are subjects where the Constitution con,- - ding implication o implication, construction to fers no authority. Against constructive pow- construction; each new implied power the cen- ers i wij always protest ; Pennsylvania always tie oi a new system, tne germ oi new ones, nas protested ; she gave instructions against like wire-grass, taking root at every joint, eacn chartering this bank, and from the decision of root prolific of scions, each pointing to the on- the supreme court she has appealed to her sister ginal stalk, forming a part of.the original sys- States; to arrest the progress of a 'principle de tern. Your constitution will soon remind us structivc of the sovereignty of all." of the genealogical tables in Blackstone's Com- j msntaries; like the common ancestor, John Sales, propositus, placed--so high in-the table, When the Veto message fisrt appeared, the MnnM 6P Mmhis descendants, their Clay party talked loudly of the effect it would children's children evn to the twentieth gene- produceupoii the people by circulating it among ration, branching out till they would cover luVul- A ae peopie reau ii. Ana wnat was tne these walls: their features or affinity could be effect? Universal and enthusiastic approba rmrpTfl or rcroirnized. not bv their resemblance," liutonlvbvtheirrefercncetothecommonstock. Whatstobc done ow? By the way of This is no fanciful comparison the case cited counteracting the efiects of the message, thou W ,,rnllnmiP shews it to he founded in fact: sands oi copies of Webster's speech upon the Ire-relic's on the precedent of the bank as au- subject are now distributing from the National ,1 ' ui if t -,, h vo, Gazette office gratuitously. (Q.u. Who Davs?1 .V thie Jntrinjt nf rnnefrurtir r.mn- And what Will be the result of distributing speech has lallen suit, bom irom tne press. The people are tired of his table oratory, his egotism, and his attacks on the Old farmer. Beginning. The expose of the United States, Bank is paraded in all the papers throughout the Union, over which the Mam- w moth has influence. sidered the first breaking ground towards a re newal. It will soon be time to discuss the Bank question. From the Albany Argus. The "Boston Press," an anti-masonic Jour- i i . i i "i fit - 1 ; .,, nai unoer tne neau oi -iciuiva udu, says Color'd Cambrics, Camblet Plaid "Jacksonis?n always comes in at the death. It DiftnADj fi k..,.., ck:..: ' Cambric, Jaconet 6l Mull Muslin, Plain and figur'd Swiss and Book do. French Calico & Merino Ginghams, Calicoes, Ginghams, Vestings, &.c Ftlnnrhed nnrl hrntvn Sh5rii .'o rrt ij-fct st-nri thtn it hfltd tT.f'ril thin LT " I n , . . . & ' That renort mav be con- " - - 1 - Checks, iSedticking, l nai report may oe con T . SPrrt of all this is. that the Jackson , . . P m. --7 i an o rofionr r i nt rtrms n-M.MA. . 1 1 v "uu an 01 which will be sold at the lowest cash prices at k Store nearly opposite the Bank of Newbern men seldom if ever halloo before they are out of the woods the coalition always. When the allies carry an election distrsct, they raise the L A. . si n m-m 4 4 1 4 V ttTW 1 M 1 V rm Tho nrPnt attitmlonftU nUvr Phnrll. S"Ul 91 vicwiv, dim jui iuuu .uugiug i 4 i ! i i i . . . ,i i nanus lui u e sijuuh. jj u i uav aa tiicit iiiiaui ii.,.,,;,,., r t-.,f,i-,;. Hnj,. .-. ...:,i. n nations are flattering them that "there is a tide - I... oi tt.i - nm 7 (hair finrl lhamsolros in the prolessionsshc has heretofore made. Let 11 fcUO a" ; .1 J. VAN SICKLE. Newbern, Oct. 10. 1831. 1 1 .1 A 1 . .. S-V , I ner aoiuc ine consequences, uur nanus unsoileu by having contributed to it. 'Jacksonism beats every thing," and comes in M wni-piAryrtnen its enects. vv no can rise cmiml rvi iic?f Kn 4U. A i .t' T ouuuu inuafc uc me ruusouing oi tne jmessage when the 'champion' of the opposition, the mammoth Counsellor. of the. mammoth Bank. its great advocate both in Congress and out of it, cannot tind a 4iiaw' in it, and commits such puerue ana silly attempts at a refutation." But to do him justice, he has said all that could h said in favor of so bad a cause, he has done all that could be done for his client, he has earned his fees, and it is by reason of the weakness of the cause, not ofthe advocate, that the people ui give a xeraici against him. in WHAT FALSE ORACLES!! In one column of an opposition paper Boston, it is said, editorially: " New York and Ohio, are decidedly aains Jackson." T 1 0 II i U A mm n1 H i ll n oiiuuiui cuiuuiu 01 me same paper, it gives its tacts about Ohio, and they are as fol lows: r r , r ..aouiiiion ijiooe 01 1 uesaay last, professes to give returns from L VV I'm 7.T II rrn r-nnnlm,. i.. I .w wUU X11 uiuo, according to hmuianitiu &JxiJdltztiinn: when it this pretended reply to the message? To con- -a. .. - v .- 1 .1 -. 1IT1 fzai 0 power; the right to create corporations, " h grant charters, could not be found in the con- slit ut ion, out n was necessary ana proper; ichpnthc charter expired it was neither necessa ry, proper, or constitutional to renew it. In treating the present, it was necessary and pro pxrr that the charter should be sold i ,500,000 'dollars were paid in consideration ofthe exclu sive privilege : there is a new implication ; a chaytcT is granted, not because Accessary for tti& operations of government, but because we iltere paid for it we received our price and elided axtx bargain. This is a specimen of legislation by condition, bargaining, trajjick $lS huckstering. I had. never before thought . thai f)i powers ofthe general government de pended on the price to be paid on their exercise; 'tyit a third implication was necessary and pro ffcr. Future Congresses might not,, like this 'bargain but wish to make their own they, JO o, might be disposed to sell chartors; to pre vent this, in violation of the first principles of legislation, which lorbids one legislature from doing an act derogatory to the powers of suc ceeding ones, the charter contains a clause in tended to give itlifeand continuance, but which. in my opinion, contains the principle ofjits des truction. Jfuture Congresses are bound up for twenty years to grant no other charter to any oJher bank:; thus not only creating and selling a bank charter, but a monopoly for twentv years. Monopolies are odious in free countries; tfic sale of them is certainly a new feature, if nVt in the constitution, , at least in the practise of our government, even if called for by the public exigencies; and if this fails in effecting lie objects of its creation,-and for this exclusive Monopoly the faith of the nation is pledged, will the friends of this bank say whether this char- icr is. rcpcalablc. They are authorized to make ' ry-laws- -is that authority'-revokable? If not will they tell mo by what authority you now claim to make laws for Missouri, after giving iier a charter to make them for herself? or, are the high powers of legislation nd self-government, revokableat your pleasure? the faith of a nation only pledged to protect pecuniary rights? Are the free people of a territory to become your slaves monied monopolists th favored, the exclusive objects of your protection? rights to be secured in an inverse ratio to .their 'value? With this pledge, legislative ceased itnd judicial implication began; the supreme cpitrt have not only declared the charter valid, but have decided that the bank has some exemp tions and privileges of a kind so universal as to UnoxkL 1 " a 1 ril.. 3ii uwuie ftwuversivo oi me ngnis oi ine oiaies that Che corporate stock of the bank cannot be taxe or the corporation compelled to contri bute? their share to the nrthph nf statP rn- t i Hprr.vi o nw,.i 1,01 at the death. The holy allies shouted for Ken- in organized and inverter-ale hostility to the tncky ; ,U c,e. in ,dead" against them: they Chiei Magistrate of the Union, whose policy S11"UICU " "V " and enerov ohtained for thnm ,r MT the east," decidedly against them; they shout- , , i .i i .. lu -.n a- - i i . lions OF dollars of indemnitv from foreio-n cu louu auu louS ,or uie KCV iiaie d"u ucl nations; indemnity which four of his predeces sors had in vain attempted to procure. That's gratitude for you! 2. Her rich merchants were unanimous in condemning the unwearied and successful exer tions of President Jackson to enlarge the deeply upon the issue; they lost their election and money; last, though not least, they raissd a shout for Cincinnati, over a victory extorted from the unwilling inhabitants of a city oppres sed and enslaved by the U. S. Bank but scarce hail the shout died upon the ear, when the I t .1 -wt r f . 7 wtr'r snhere of commerce, and to shield it from total roaring oi tne oung laion or me west, gave prostration: bv an appeal to the spirit of com- signs of woe that all was lost. The patriotic, the . ... i - x . .1 i ii r rii. z promise. They stuck, to a man to the Juff- V1IIUUU' uie ""purcnasaoie yeomanry oi vmo, - CD Has rccenedper Schooner Trent) from A'ec wh a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES Viz. Ladies' Gaiter Boots, India Rubber Shoes undressed Morroco Slippers. Men's and youths Boots and Shoes. &c. Boots and Shoes of every descrintioi made to order, at the shortest notice and in ths neatest manner. Newbern, Oct. 26, 1832. gernant of the American System. That's prin ciple tor you! have said to corruption, stand back. And the gol den Emperor Nicholas, can hold out but a short 3 Her Wei capitalists, who have heretofore limc in the city of Cincinnati, with the golden B. I1ERRY, TAUiOH AND HABIT MAHEE, TfT) KSPECTFLLLY infom.s tlie public that UlA, he has commenced the tailoring busiries, on Middle Street, two doors South of Dr. Boyd's so loudly called for Internal Improvements, canals, railroads,-and bridges, publicly reean ted their desires, and significantly announced to their fellow citizens of the interior that they would rather have Joseph Ritner, without in ternal improvements, than internal improve ments, without Joseph Rimer. That's consis tency for you! 4. Her meek and gentle arristocracy, mour ning over some dozen ot removals ot bad olii- ramparts, Desiegeu as ne is oy an army ot iuu, office, where he intends 'carrying it on in all it. 000 virtuous freemen. His resources are alrea- various branches. He has made armnirnmnn.. I- " - - - to receive regularly the latest fashions from into the nanus oi an abused indignant people. New York and Philadelphia, and will spare no Westward Hoi nains to render satisfaction to all who mar nlease to favor him with their custom. HpW THE GOLD. acquired the most approved mode of cutting, We have no explanation from the Bank or- and he pledges himself to execute all ordtrs gans ofthe cause which led to the transporta-Jin his line with neatness, ability and despatch, tion of $90,000 in gold, by express, from Kcn- His prices will be moderate. Orders from a cers, with sighs, and groans, and tears,' never- tucky. They do not inform us whether it is distance will be promptly and faithfully cxeci theless joined heart and hand, the sweeping intended to operate on the elections or to save ted.- Newbern, Oct. 1832. . , and ruthless proscription of Anti-masonry, the Branches from breaking. As the Bank is HJP A first rate Workman, to whom TOl5."fler7iaS5kteKKiyouI t,ow a candidate for President, the people the highest wages and constant employment high hand-placed themselvin vinic. feriVntn1?. iformatI"u as lu l,lc aa5e ur will be given, is wanted at the above establish- tilitv to the cnuntru nrtrfo iP rru . I r. j: , ' .y r.o,i u; oioif. xuai & uy wiivtitu auviCCS we learn, that fTPrlnin heavy trunks, securely hooped with iron, have ijexington irom the Easf. Tht ment. m discretion for youi in We regret all this, upon consfderations nl- I arrived nil. .1-1 . : . - i . . . I -O '"S"" UI8UUCl irom. me meie ele.ction in this Kentucky Uazette imforms us, that SDecie is e niiaiuaiqu. one has passing irom tne . liranch at Louisville oeen leointo jier own undoing -bv: reckless a- Branch at Lexincrion. . v . - . - . I .- O What to can create the this Office oj'tie Commissioners under lk Act to carry into effect the Contention icith France. Washington City, 18th Sent. 1832. ' M I trV T J T T-V m -a rariceanduftprincipledfacUonr She wilmourn U.m.n for speciea 3fr. 0 HSi? ,U.rl,,,,l,? in sackcloth and ashes hrr C.lKr r,A w:n .1 . v. uib onvcnuon ueiwecn ine ui- . ..wa.w UIIU 11 II ICf o: ,111 1 11 I L I 1 1 I lHMflllTII liT Tl i MnA basement. Pennsylvanian. form U3f- - Globe. 'To the Editors of the Norfolk Beacon. Gentlemen: In your paper of the 11th in Ireland. The Irish nanern aav th atnt c ' I j . . ., , J i J " VI lit. land, arising jr0m the collection of Tithed, is daily be coming more alarming. Mr. Lambert member 'of I 1 1 jm . . m a. I Riant, iindnr Hip hoarl nl " I iimuiMUft. om- i 'urunment lorua way, had permitted sivten nfha t mitteefor the County of Nanscmondl" you lambs to be seized for b,10 by have published our names together with a for. Delmage, tithe proctor to the Rv Tr w; midable list ot others. Will vou hare thn j . v va.v goodness to say by what authority you have en rolled our names under that head? for, most certainly it has been done wijthoUt our or con sent. Mungrel indeed must our political nrin- ciples hsve grown, thus to be numbered with ted states and his Majesty the King of the French, concluded on the 4th of July. 131. do file memorials of the same with the Secret ary of the Board. Every memorial so filed, must be addressed to the Commissioners; it must set forth minutely and particularly the facts and circumstances whence the right to prefer such claim is derived to the clairuas?, They were struck off on the fir W,A ri j and it must he verified hv his nfflrlavJf. , - . fcW UVlli dill II tne overplus was tendered to Mr. Lambert, who re- And in order that claimants mav be apprised f"! he intended of what the Board now considers' necessary to of c v rfcter for ovprTl! nimtor rdmation be averred in every such memorial, before the oi cnuracter, lor over dmtress in seizure of his strvL- mi l. , , i e .v . and for celling at an illeml afen With ext. ' same will bo received and acted on, it is for hn pies of resistance to the pa vrnent of tithes fmm TX . Ordered, That in every such memorial ii which the votes, as far as they are ascertained Fedrs Anti-Masons, and iVMZZier5,which U quarter before them, can it be sunDod thntho , n ii ii ti tr. i ? mi lu i.uiinLiiiiLti wimi i u nAnr a A. i i frfihi 1 1 1 i v i ii rri;i i, r i nni i . - m n I i . - ------ ; cauuu ,i ------- j " Miiucjy uuuraii to tne impo- 1 mf 1 -Vl,A .1 a At A - T 7 AA - Stand as followar fnr T.vmon K A i mc vun-,iacKson candidate for Governor, 21,347, Lucas, 27,261 " Yet, it gravely tells its subscribers, Ohio is ucciueujy against Jackson, rPTTT7 k r TmriT - a.jL,iiiui rKuniETS OF 1828. In the National Intelligencer 2JUh, 1828, of, October said, that this same Anti-Jackson Convention is monstrously given to misrepresentation and we have reason to suspect it has been trulv said, if we may be allowed to judge of that 1 A t . wnicn immeaiaieiv concerns ourselves. We dont belong to any such party, Messrs. t , , . ..i uavinff ciaimeu rennsv vnn P,i;n nn na AAntr.nr i i i . w - uuHuiD uii-mt c iiunesLiv enter- again and ae-ain. aa sum fnr h f ; : X . L . 7 , , . " lly Vuer" u- au i-, . "" l,uu""u"! we lain ine oenei, inai general JAUKSON has have the followinir: j j i -vvown nas & . rendered more real service to his countrv and x linnoiiiTAniA. I uone as mucn to sustain us republican institu 4141 asiicoiu ifum, me jap.ksnn nnr v hoc tmn as anv nresioent we hnra t i . uuii i j i " v v i iiaii. i m umjuuijf iur us ucKets, and it certainly Washington only excepted. We therefi does look as if that Stafo Ail1,r oal-" hot nil n r. U ...!, , . o vuauicu lt Hie I vojuvhuiij "J'v viiui. win UUUJC3 UC V 1 UlU Ta Vr II .v . . .... . t . . - luuiidrv car. nut who ever placed anv reli- Irom that " Committee. 11 . shall be set forth, 1. For and in behalf of whom the claim is preferred. 2 Wh nil, u -r: : nf the c . senator, for 1 enntssee.Aiter thirtv cess fill hn nt nr,j ' . V ' . "v"VVj "jchcu, n - - a& u tin 11 c ui naiurnz.eii, uuu hhui w- s domicil ; if he claims in his own rip. 1 a 1 , ..." 1 .UJn!r.) vote sfrwl h,. men wiiemer ne was a citizen wncn uict""" Foster 23 Grundy 22 Eaton 15. "ad its origin and where was then his domicil- There was little variation Hnpi'n m ru-lorifhe rlaima in th r; rrht nf another, thea , . Ill tUUlBC UI Hie I . ... Hi ' Ddiiotingg, and the last one was. Postm- Vr.,,4 whether snrh ntUr a -Jtirrn when the !! 1.. . . I ciaim nad its origin, and where was Uicd, auu Georgia Elrctinn TU un.: .i Where is now, his domicil. " M. lo IUI1UWII U IJ 1111 I IV . . cieu to congress. Thev are all rV aIuP r 'egatareofTenneffle has he postponed the choic of a Senator in congrars until the hi nex seton ofthe general assembly Vthat state. h; On the first ballot the vote stood th,i- tft 3. Whether the entire amount of the clairi auce, or loumied anv calculation unon that . . Am I otate f We were informed, indeed, that in the otate the Administration was gaining ground, ii III I Iln I aw A M - . c wiicveu.ii: we were loia that there Washington -only excepted. We therefore dicided fr.nAa fT.r"? .; inJ? are al does now. and did t thp time when lheclaia nullification. . rr " in claimant; and if anv other person vcrnments. -t hlgVe?ment had a right to createit, am ...w wunci hVJ nrniant .1. - ' totov lnvo iV. r--vv- me operation ii J " U "fue our ODerntinriQ anJ the execution oi our lawR i . sfe keeping of the revenul that Z . r n1 jnay,ithe exercise of their tl.Con a nank which they may think nZ.lJ1 .v.aok fnr nationalDurnnRoc . -ana. may create branches to suit theirs, lj wflcrejhey please, deriving a revenue and was a possibility of the complete re of the State, and we believed it. generation DAVID DUNFORD, JOHN HAMBLETON, JESSE WIGGINS, RICHARD RIDDICK. Nanscmond County, Oct. 14?A, 1832. w v wvuatii n. r 1 1 1 w n inpon n i i . t we believe with but oneeve,; " rli" " M!atl lts origin,. belone solely and absolute y to r.iM pacu lo tne cIaimant; and ifanv 6thr on 1S or has been intprpstot '(10in nr in anv Psr" And in the same nrooheti'e nnnpr nvtr.i Llc5srs Editors i - - r f- i i-Aiiui,kcu ' "In" Ier oracle ol the old coalition, was I must beg leave to withdraw my name from K au i I tne Anti-Jackson Committee for the Countu nf Another letter from AlKo,r r..n c af j i . i , v county oj .t , , j lunv .Luminus i nunscmona, as uuousiieu in your oaDer of f U the above, and snva , ! . . r., r01 "line . ' J" pairiouc name is ll ill spreaumg lar ana wide ;" and in a postscript, the writer also says: - The accounts from the Lion of the West already begin to make Van Buren and his party shiver he will be beaten bv 20,000 votes." Bait. Patriot. Ith of this month. Respectfully, 6cc JOHN BREWER. Nansemond, Oct. 17, 1832. Virginia The celebrated Kernel Wehh Jamer M. Wayne, Richard H. Wilde, Thomas F. Foster, A. S. Clayton, Roger L. Gamble, Charles E. Haynes, William Schley, James C. Watson, George R. Gilmer. five last . thereof, then who is such other person, and what is, or was, the nature and extent of m interest; and how. when, by what mean-. and for what thp. transfer ol rights or interest, if any such were, took place oetween thp nnrfie. - J - are new members. rF iho I nun nr anH Ti.nn U : . Our readers will recollect hna- u 'iPTi:: r"T " "71 avin wrogftt. i 4. Whether the claimant, or any other wj may at anv time have been entitled io " amount claimed, or anv nart thereof, hath ever m . i . , . . a. J . . -fmnnn under th Fat Georgia icceivea any, and it anv, what sum v ' al Ticket oU i r - uv Sener- wnoie or any part ot the Joss or injij -i NoUmber 4 06 the first Monday in which the claim is founded; and if so, when and from whom, the same was received the caiu- udvinff wrouorhti rTlxc r , I And that ItmA mav Ho o nu-pd to i . " . . macon ueo. .'IVloiriH. nk ,. ..,U! au 1A i ... . 1JC aupnosea the j J - 6uu siaies . ha. ants ,n nrennrA nnH filn h mpmoriais hicsc uju picuiisiiujia, uu jess positive than I nronert of eler tin r the C.lni, tiL, ' v . "JC "nicyarus Ot Mr. A Ooino- r t . r r . v- the new ones the Dresent vear r i -2 LPP nrl 7 ger' of Lexington mentioned, t is further me new ones ine present ) ear were falsified through the means of two Jnrlr IUISl"ci, nave produced the nrMM 6 J -j , m, 1U11,,1C1 , .11 rIosc j . . . - vww ... i y t r 1 . . u jm . - aj. -w . i. i n l .w iii-ii iiii m 1 1 u a .a & w.., wi TT 1 at the polls, by the hardy yeomanry of the Em pire State. that state, receives the folh in r nr m AL 1, r . - t a. . o "-vis ion, irom iir. rieasants ot the Whiff: fU- 1 he courier and Enquirer is too fast reckoning upon the vote of Virginia for Clav uv xeawu oi me spin ticket. All we can re al Intelligencer, of the 24thr of September, IS2S. sonably hope to do here, is to present a nn- BBLS. and "STecumuicHucmi m .u o"1 "mctioi, united and intelligent minority; which PLEASANT REMINISCENSES FOR THE NEW COALITION. The whole extract below is from the Nation Virginia and Madeira Gran larsre com vWUCUt lur a young ne, irom the Bland the nrpnt i ndinurn to a r This is a again on the third Monday of December n ' vineyard, at which time it will proceed to decide wljeUl ' the memorials urm)i mnu ha ve been nJeu"- FT OfTP Am n.... tho fSJto,., I : .r.; the forfS" - wwa.v .n.rJLJ lTllioo JrOKiV tlul; arc uiiuuii'iuuk; - . for 10 The following medlev. dinned out of the .W.i-U be 6ntitled to be felt aad spected, in cur- XT . . - y 4 - hinir nln ..k.u... new York Knmiirer nf thf. lQth instant, affords atwuiw. Half Bbls. New York Western examination, and to transact any other buj' Bbls. MePoHTrwV mat ma come Detorc it ; anu . wived this davnerh. o 11 l'8Pect'on, re- secretary cause public notice neretn -u ,s aay per schooner Susan Maw. nr,J . i , . M sh wc tb l4f GRANADE, & ! faws of the united States. ' sale by By order of the Board, . J. E. FROST,

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