J '1 K HO THtTH CABOtilH A ..SJENTINiaiL. s5 "5 5. a,;. i hi ; - I, - . . . . mii M. The dinner party seemed to enjoy on ngsieum engine as nymg line a oaioon mrougu - . U;nBiu3 ui umijfimicsjjci -j. ... rat which intrinsic worth and agreeable par-jthe air, shall ever become anything more than hour! Let us seeat this rate we reach Man-4sick list, and during the . passage from theregTTJT Urination' could vield. When the feast was!Ja caricature may be doubted; but such have Chester in n hour, Birmingham in three hourshere the number has never been less than ihir-f JjjJ over the rat retired, and the child returned withljbeen the achievements of science and art within London," Edinburgh, or Glasgow, in six hoursjty-hve. We buried several men at Bataviajahe Old . .;.r.;An m the house. The only the last three nuarters of a centurv. that it & and you raay glide alone with this bird-likeland sad to tell four or five on our passage there-lfcorner; II 1 . l ..i - . ... r. mi j ., . I ii ; ' ill reallv difficult to fix anv limits to their future jspeed with as little discomfort as if you werefrom To lustifv us in pronouncing anyTsi'IV""5 " ur arm-cnair, reaamg a volume oiiicoiupmnit without ceremony.the one witWpoonand; -'Jf . V?.' J?? ' - . W ' f?l flB W 5 W f T& Tft he other with a nose each at his own division x x itwuo ur ouiCivni aisu mC omncgi iuu miw, auuunven oy iue ujb.. yj a Mffood ' 11 Whether the caricatures which represent a most desperate coachman over the smoothest This is also a very sickly climate. Whileg ' 'wm---. ' ii ii i i m i - v-a imiih in r.iiiri'jnii i mir o a -v . a- i z,m v i w rr i a ii ii w m riiif air ei vt v min iiii urn vac'hHte v i v m j m w i .1 "AS just returned from IieW York . now opening at his Store. V.B 'Jndu County Wharf, two doonbelo? A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BBY (GOODS GBOCilBlBS. J HARDWARE, VROVKEAY Slioes, Hats, Saddles, and Briii lino,,,, PI 1 J WT "11UleS. Rope, Sxvedes, English, and Amerifin e Iron, Wagon Boxes, Blacksmiths' Tool, Nails, 6cc. 6cc. "uia, ALSO NOW LANDING, FROM SCHR. JAMES MoN'Rqf A few bbls. first quality family Flonr ' Boxes and half boxes Raisins, Sacks of Salt, Goshen Butter, Newark Cider, &c. &c. pVll of which will be sold low for Cash or P uuce. ,v" November 13th, 1832. 1 - vi .;nh marred the harmony of the occasion was an attempt of the visiter to take a 'ihrP.l from the portion which the other had reserved for itself; but this aggression was me on the part of the chil4 tpth gentle tap tef thej pobn over the part used m taking snuff, and the moderate reprimand keep on your own side, rat" V . 'Fcmvcrance ship. The Dalmatia, of Bos tun, (America,) is now lying in the harbour, ofl GreenocK. 1 ne captain statea to some genue men, who waited upon him to make some in quiries respecting the spread of temperance - rtrlncinlea amons the seamen of America, that IJ M. O . lor the last three years no spirituous liquors "Rarl "been used on- board: and that, from his own exuerience. he was fully pursuaded they weie quite unnecessary either for himself oil Ijis men. He had never since tne time ue was ''in rflmmand of a vessel, a period of twelve .vicars, had a e.rc.xv better behaved, or better able. f ro discharge the duties incumbent upon them. In stormy weather it was mscusium iu ucaiuuj . , liot cotfee to the men, in place of ardent spirits ;jj arid he had foimd it to answer all the purposes oil ue laia'i ucujiugt) j v rc. As a farther proof of the progress 01 - ;ilcb principles, lie mentioned that, in building1 tie Dalmatia, 60 persons had been employed, j. and he was not aware of one glass of spirits having been consumed on the occasion. The mate, a relative of the owners, stated that the iiame company had 25 vessels sailing on tern perance principles, and that no difficulty was ever found in obtaining men to enffaere on the conquests thincr impossible in machines, it ought to be irt bpposition to some law of nature, and not mere L 1 v 1 . ly requiring an immense extent or aimcuit ap- nl catinn nt nower. And so marvenous nave been the inventions and discoveries in every branch of science, and in all the arts, since the beginning of .the last reign, that, if they had oeen preuictcu j mucir men would have thought the prophecy deserved to rank with the Arabian story of the erection ofl Aladdin's palace in a single night, r When the pack horse with his bell was the only means of conveying mercandise through the land, and when the carrier conducted his string of horses along tracks always made to pass over the summit of the very highest hills, the vision of a modern mail-coach glancing through our valleys, on roads nearly as smooth j i i i f i . ana level as aDOwnng: green, and conveying! goods and passengers at the rate of 11 or 12 miles an hour, would have been regarded "as the work ol some supernatural beings, not clogged .1.1 S .1 A . ' witn tne encumbrance ot mortal clay. A man who should then have imagined that a distance of four hundred miles could have been perform-! ed in forty hours without difficulty or danger, would have been thought worthy of a place; amongst the philosophers of Laputa A spinner at his wheel, twisting and twining! the livelong day to make some paltry hartks ot yarn, would have gazed at the interior of aMno-i dern spinning mill where thousands ot spin dles are whirled with incredible velocity, mo ved by no power visible to the spectator, with n snnerstitious conviction that the whole was To tell him is express understanding of their being no spiri fcious liquors provided on board, indeed, so jCcneral is the practice of sailing vessels on this&he. work of unblessed powers. priuciple,and so manifest the advantages, astolfthat the force which moved the mighty appara ?cavc .no, doubt on his mind that, ere Jong, itjjtus of the factory was earthly, yet that it was w.milcr become universal. Correspondent olineither the force of men or horses, neither the ' ihn Scnttikh Guardian:--- iLtrentrth of a torrent nor the Dininsr winds of - ww . mm n m. w Centrifugal Force. A few weeks since we, mentioned an instance of the bursting of a ,rr;tJcnnn iBPrl in ihp Jl. S. Armory in this town, by which one of the workmen was se ! riouslv mtured, and that a death was occasion ell at Danforth's works in Suffield, by a smilarl accident. Another accident of the same char ' acter recently occurred at Pomeroy's gun fac tbrv m Pitlsficld, by the bursting of a large grindstone, weighing 2100 pounds, which was: Varied' fmm this town a few weeks since. When the stone was hung for use, it was,' as I . was supposed thoroughly tested, by being made r revolve with great rapidity before the work-' - i.iPfi Anmmciipwl ffrindinr upon it, and it was supposed, from the experiment made,-to be ' safe. But while one of the workmen was 'en gaged in grinding a bayonet upon it week be fore last, the stone flew in two parts, one oi - which .weighing about 1000 pounds, ? went up through the floor overhead, fell upon the man .. work, and crushed him instantly. His namelS ' we have pot learned. These cases of the im irjeiise power of the centrifulgal force show that .nrpjit. caution is necessary in using such large .-- i -stones, which acquire a most trclnendous mo - in.eatnoi wiiile rapidly revolving. ' . Springfield Gaz. Turkish cure for Founder in Horses. Let heaven, but nothing more or less than the steam f boiling water, would only have excited his indignation at the boldness of the imposture ivhich it was attempted to palm upon him. To show to one of those disorderly persons The dysentery has been the principal At half past y the eve of the first the Diamond Poets, without being disturbed byllof May, Mr. N. K. G. Oliver, the Commodore's, o;n.i. , . , . , i tr- t id riiori rt tnp rnnsnmniinn . hp trac Occi c fcai , " 1 " buried the next day, a few minutes past eleven in the forenoon, with the honors of war. A subscription was then raised for Mr. Oliver's children; he has left eight behind him. The sum of two thousand and eighty-two dollars was raised for them by the crew, Mr. Urier, the! Phanlain succeeds Mr. Oliver. Com. Downes nrave one hundred dollars. The climate is extremely enervating, and in disposes one for effort. The sick list is gradu ally diminishing, and we are getting into a more wholesome climate. Mav 18. 9 o'clock. A. M. "Land ahead h.as been reported from the mast head. It what is termed the Asses1 Ears, tt is not ye visible from the Quarter deck. We are sailing along at the rate of 5 knots the hour. May 19. I am now on the borders of the 'Celestial Empire.' Yesterday afternoon we were boarded by some Chinese; thev were pi lots; so that by the good management of one we were able to drop our anchor abreast of Ma :ao city, this morning about 2 o'clock abou o, tne commodore seni a ooaiasnore ior news it returned about three hours afterwards. I appears that our American ships are all at Lin tin. The Commodore got under way according iy and will come to an anchor shortly, off Lin tin; he thinks this by far, a safer anchorage than Macao, in case we should have a Typheon. Fhere is a ship coming down from Whampoa,! bound to Philadelphia ; 1 shall consequently send' tins by her. We are truly in a new world, and are surrounded by hundreds of Chinese Junks nd fishing boats. Theappearance of the coun try has however, as yet, been very barren. We shall not, probably, stay here longer than i week. a single jolt; nay, I believe it would not be diffi cult to write; If the length of the journey made it worth wfcile, 1 should expect to see rail road coaches httjd up with libraries and escrutoiries; out u win soon be nearly useless to take up a book for soshort a lournev as one or two hun dred miles. But if a speed of thirty miles an hour has a!-l , . . , . . i i ready been attained, what good reason is tnerei that we should not in process of time accom plish sixty jiiles per hour? Nay, why should we stop thee? I am not bold enough to anti cipate the time when coaches will supersede the telegrapb, but 1 may reasonably expect toi see them leaving the carrier pigeon behind. On a weJl-constructed. railway, like that be tween Liverpool and Manchester, there is less langer in moving at the rate of JO miles per hour than there is in travelling at the : rate of ten :niles perhur on a turnpike road. On the rail vay there is not a single turn, and scarcely a single inequality ; in these respects the engineer has boldly apd wisely aimed at perfection, there is thereby ncurred what many regard an extra vagant expense. The chief sources ot danger in travelling rapidly on turnpike roads are, first hills; second, turnings on the road: third, un ruly horses: fourth, meeting other horses. Not me of these dingers exist on the railway, and therefore it is difficult to limit the speed at which we may travc' with safety. Cincinnati, October 20. Completion of the Ohio Canal. This magni ficent work is now completed. From M. T. Williams, Esq. Canal Commissioner, we have derived the information that the Canal Boat, UChilicothe, Capt. Knapp, arrived at Portsmoutl on Monday, the 15th inst. with her clearance from Cleaveland. A celebration of the event, at' Portsmouth, was contemplated, but the pre vailing alarm of the Cholera prevented it. Th flbe a proud epoch in the history of Ohio. Ju who return from taverns after the hour of cur-f3even vears have been occuDied in its construe few and who of old were wont to grope throughjtion Qn the 4th of July, 1625, the distinguish the Egyptian darkness of our streets to theirget- and lamented Dewitt Clinton, struck th own houses, the splendidly illuminated streetsHurst spate into the soil, on the located route o of London or Liverpool, he would be blindedHfhe Canal, at the Licking Summit, in the 0 with light and fancy himself in. the hall of Pan demonium, lit up 'by subtle magic,' with bla zing cressets of naphta and asphaltos. If .he could understand that these brilliant stars 01 light proceeded from an invisible vapor, which circulated for miles under the streets, he would be only the more perfectly convinced that he had gone prematurely into the lower world. Since the Invention of printing, the power ol man to disseminate knowledge, has been in creased almostbeyond calculation. Even with-! in the last thirty years a prodigious augmenta- tion has taken place in this power. Before the improvement of Earl Stanhope, from J to 1.1 .! ..1 41H) sheets might be printed per hour at tnef O M , press; the steam press which now works the Times newspaper, prints four thousand sheets. Derhour. or more than a sheet per second. It: may be easily proved, that to write by hand the number of newspapers circulated by the Times, tcr from Commodore Porter American Charge! daily, would require a million and a half scribes; fes Affaires at Constantinople, to the Lditor otllyet lhev are printed with ease by about tw . - a.. : i . ii ' j ' iHa Srwrfintr Magazine On the curious treat bnent of Founder in Horses, by Turkish Veter liAary Surgeoos. Vncient Cielerdon, Kadi Kinny, Ap. 21. 1 832. i)ear SirThers axe fow sailors who are S jedo-cs of horse flesh and J make no preten-I . bipns to that sort of knowledge. 1 am going! However, to relate what I have seen; If it is wctrth knowing, it is well; if not, it is the easi i;t thins iu the world to throw this in the lire. Sometime ago I bought a very good horse in tjie bazaar, for which 1 paid ouu piastres, or r0 dollars. .Sorae thought he was dear at that price, as you may ior o or u piasiret-s, uuy here sUch ahorse as no gentleman need be asham 'd to mount ; however, I was much pleased with my i bargain On my removal from. Buyer- dine Hp this place, tho horse was rode very liardl and on his arrival at Top 1 liana, a dis lancclpf 14 or 15 miles, was permitted to stand iu the- cold wind and rain two hours, without beinfT rubbed down or walked about; conse .qu.cntly he became foundered iu the right leg, that he could scarcely walk. I, sent for a Turkish farrier, the one who at- jjeuds the Sultan's horses. He immediately pvoiiotmced the horse toundered, and said he must be bled in tne insiae oi-uie uiseased leg . He nllta nipper on:his nose to keep him stea y, then took up the left leg, and crossing it over the ngntj gave ii iu uu. mwimam ; ne ihpn struck his laucet into me vein a mue a- hove the fetlock joint and took from it thre irid a half pounds ot blood me vent Dieu very Tin now said he had taken enough; he the verv opposite side ot the leg and striking his lancet into a vein above 'p, mint, a single drop ol blood exuueu, am itbtnatandthe first opened vein instantly ' ..'oased bleeding. There may be no.novelty in this, but it realv astonished me to find that open i)vr 4wo veins. in the same nmDwouiu siop uui irom bleedings such, however, is the fact, for - witnessed it. He desired that the horse should rest the nex lay, that he should then be rode with great vio lence until he was in a profuse perspiration, xhe diseased limb then to be rubbed with wet salt, to which I added a pint of hot brandy,) men ruDDeq dry and walked about until coOI, nd covered withT blankets ; and the same .pro cess to be repeated next dav. wWh was done. and all lameness disappeared the horse, the tmra uayoimerubbing, was perfectly well. .A Family. -in the papers of Great BritaiiJ .t is customary to pubhsh births. In one ofl these records we tu.athe follovin o t ;eu.t:-0uthe lth inst.Mr. Samuel Matthew-0 lozen men. Such is the effect of a skilful di vision of labor, that a debate of eight or ten L 7 bours duration in the House of Commons, may be fully and ably reported, printed, and pub- ished so as to be read in London, within three Ior four hours after its termination, and . sixty mile distance from the metropolis, before the peakers of the previous night have risen from their beds. In navigation, as in printing, invention slum bered lor centuries, and then suddenly awoke in the wondrous steam vessel, bteam navipa- tion is probably yet in its infancy, vet it has al- reauy enecieu an usuuiiisiiui extension ot 111-1 tercourse between' all parts of the British IslesJ the widely separated towns and territoires of the! I T . 1 Cj.i .1 1 Li .t . . -I uimeu oiaicts, auu several oi me countries Oil Europe. It was not uncommon a dozen years ago, to wait in this port for even days arid weeks before a vessel could sail to Ireland ; and often have vessels been detained in the Channel days and even weeks by calms or adverse winds. By the steam packets we pass daily and with cer tainty in a single night from Liverpool to Dub lin; and they operate as bridges connecting th' sister island with England. Calms do not re tard their flight over the waves; adverse tides! Sand winds, though they somewhat impede, can- --i - .-I w . . . -, not arresi ineir progress, lnsnnci witn pow er, 4 they walk the waters like a thing of life." By their aid the voyage to India will proba-i bly be made, ere many years have elapsed.! scarcely a more formidable thing than a journey rom London to Scotland was a century ago. Such are a few of the more striking inven tions and lmnrnvpmpnts nf mnrlprn timp Yi invention is not exhausted. "These seem to be but the commencement of an endless series and the late experiments of locomotive carria -TPS On nnr r-.il.T .... .nay, gives us quite a new l ea ol what science and art my vet do to quicken the transport of travelW l , A ,! me iana. inough the idea of movitirr a rr nage by a mechanical' nowpr i absolutely new, yet it has u s . ,J . us never been surrpss-i ,uny reuueeu jo practice till our day; animate! tober following active operations commenced which, under the direction of an able and patri otic Board of Cjommissioncrs, have been pro secuted to complete success. l ne wnoie Jengtii oi tne unio ianai is jus tnree hundred and ten miles. In the greate part oi its course, it passes through the mos fertile and populous districts of the State. Ot M. M that portion of it which was first completed. marked and, apparently, permanent prosperity io exhibited. Villagce, teaming with liihabi tants, alive with enterprize, and uieseiuln rtc! scenes of bustle and business, now decorate i! banks, whose sites, four and five 'years sine were not rescued from the gloom of the wilder ness. An uninterrupted water communicatio now exists from this city, in common with a: the western towns, situated on the Ohio Rive; to New York. In anticipation of this, a lar luahtity of merchandize, we understand, de ined for Cincinnati and Louisville, has bee: shipped at New York, and is now afloat on the Ohio Canal. Ohio Republican. r power, applied either externally or internally, has always been used for the purposes of loco motion, iu piauc a sieam engine on rKl., and to make it move both itself and an addi' a-. l :u K1A . . Z 1 A . . ' iiiaifi essays weie tiuuj auu unpromising, and even ,n iVta nrpcpn t tl m P Jl miir,n v. ul j,,,. . . j miuviuiic nas npvpr been seen in operation which was calculated for the rapid, conveyance either of passengers or commodities. The nerformance of the Rocket and Novpltv i rr i , i'aivuc v -M Mr . . J in: sen. Ot 1 Oberagnew, UDwanlc r o,,lrlon ennr tn our drowsv imao-inntinnc -" "r ' . -. . " J ' IU VP.ar!lKHC a auuuv," .j,. -j mi- vyr - - win theji"emseives. inese engines nun an meir-ap-We have been now thirty-seven days from Ba iiiyiuci, iy iictrains, eiuuiuvci iuc cm u oi w v c uiau wuuuici.avia, and u o eager Anecdote of Benjamin' Franklin. "Not mg after Benjamin Franklin had commenced Editor of a newspaper, he noticed- with consid arable freedom the public conduct of one or Uvo influential persons in Philadelphia. This circumstance was regarded by some of hispa- .roi.s with disapprobation, and induced one ol :iem to convey to Franklin the opinion of his i ieuds with regard to it. The Doctor listened with patience to the reproof, and begged the favour of his friend s company at supper, on jaa evening which he named ; at the same timt equesting that the other gentlemen who wer.- iissatisfied with him should attend. The Do tor received his guests cordially, -his editorial conduct was canvassed, and some advice given. Supper was at last announced, and the guesir invited to an adjoining room. The table wa:- only supplied with two puddings, and a ston nitcher of water. All were helped, nom uld eat but the Doctor. lie partook freeh ; the pudding, and urged his friends to do ii a.ie; but it was out of the question the tasted and tried in vain. When their host sav. the difficulty was unconquerable, he rose tin i rested them, " My friends, any one wb un subsist upon saw dust pudding and water, as I can, needs no man' patronage." Wc -"7iV Annals of Philadelphia'. Extracts of a letter to the Editors of the Dai v Advertiser dated on board the United State ship Potomac. "May 17, 1832. We are now very near th Celestial Empire," and shall shortly be at Can m- 1 1 ton. It would give me pleasure to enter into some details, respecting Batavia, but I can only make a few remarks on this head at present. became acquainted with the Rev. W. H. Med hurst, an English Missionary stationed at tha place, and went with him one day to witness th celebration of a heathen and superstitious rite that of the Chinese passing through a fire o living coals with their bare feet. 1 was so muc excited on the occasion, mat i nave hardly re covered from it yet. There were upwards two thousand people present, and all spectators ot the ceremony; some on trees others in booths and temporary .stagings. must give you a description oi it at some iuture Jay. These fooJs when sick, olten make vows that if they recover they will pass through th fire. . Thi ceremony occurs only once a year It was for Ihe purpose ol penorming those vow that the scene 1 witnessed took place. Th fire was about twelve feet in diameter and would roast a laige ox. On another occasion I wen with Rev. Mr. M. to witness what is called th Feast of tie Tombs. This occurs only once .a year. Every child who survives his parents! visits their graves, and presents various kinds! f if i . 1 1 . .1 . m n onerings io uieir ueparieu spirits. 1 hey aiso nave lariat; uuumcs ui guueu paper in front of the tombs. 1 his is lor the purpose of defraying the expenses ol the departed spir its. tney nrmiy oeneve, wiai mis gut pape melts, and is converted into money in the othe world. There was every kind of theatricals iroin j. on upon the occasion. It seemed like a grand fair, unlike, however, any thing 1 ever sa,v be fore. Every thing would remind one of prim tive times. If you have ever read the "Arabian Nights? . .1 M- . 1 f vou will have some idea oi tne scene; lor t this day it seems more like a dream than a re I mm m 1 i -mr alitv. I can hardly believe mat 1 witflesse such a scene. The whole of it was to me pue rile in the extreme; most of all, the music. The Hottentots would excel them. They had gongs, kettle drums, dulcimers, and trumpets. Bull there was no regular time played. It wa3 all ridiculous, barbarous largon We left Batavia on the tenth ult. and have; had thus far a tedious and unpleasant passage. J l he Vincpnnes was only fifty-five days m go Mr. 1. Iiorton James, a highly respectable nerchant, who has recently returned from a voyage round the world, has addressed A Letter to a NciMe Lord on the importance settling the Sandwich and Bonin Island, in tht North Pacific Ocean, on the plan of a Proprie ory trovernment; together with Hints on the Probability, in that case, of introducing British .uanmaciures into tne great empire ot Japan, Which there is much curious and entirely novel information relating to these islands. In relation to thk King and Queen of the Sam wich Islands, resident a few years ago in En- land, and recognized by the authorities of this country, he observes, " The persons at present kalled King and Queen, Madame Boki, and the whole of the black tribe, being very little remo-' ved above the natives oi New Holland and Van Dieman's Land. And there never was finch ridiculous and laughable piece of humbug as was practised upon the English people, when these drunken blackguards under the name ol I I f - .1 d m m rving ana vtueen, were introduced here into polished society in England, and waited upon by the junior branches of the British nobility ! Madame Boki. may be seen in a state ofnudity, every day in her straw hovel in Woahoo, beastly drunk; a quart or botlie of strong raw Irum, in the course of the morning, being nothing to her. it, then, this woman, who, it must be admitted, is the hiffhest nerson hv birth, man. ners, dress, fcc. among the native chiefs of all the Islands, notwithstanding the good example NEW KOQDS CHARLES sZTo I MAS just returned from New York, and opening at his Store on the Old p Jl. Wharf, a general assortment of DR Y GOODS, Hardware and Crnrlu A GOOD ASS OR I'M KNT - r ery Gentlemen's Fashionable Hats Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tool IR ON AJSD SI EEL, ALSO, 25 pieces Cotton -Bagging, Bale Rope, 1 5 kegs Goshen Butter, 15 casks Cheese, 30 kegs Nails, &c. &c. fewbern, 9th Nov. 832. NEW (GOODS. S. &, J. BATTLE. I AVE returned from New York, and are now openingat their Store on Pollok treei, two doors West of Mr. Simpson's eci ler, an assortment of DRY GOODS, oceries, Hardware, CUTJLEHY, fec. dc. AMONG WHICH ARE Cloths, Sattinetts, Kerseys, Saggathies, Rose and Point Blankets, Plaid and Camlet Cloaks, Bombazetts, Ladies Camlet, White and Red Flannels, Calicoes, Cambric, Jaconet & Book Muslin Browr4&-bleach'd Sheetings 6l Shirting?," Plaid 'and strip'd Domestics, Spun Yarn (well assorted) Fur and Wool Hats and Caps, - Ladies' Calf and Morroco Shoes Do. Prunella and Bronzed do. Men's coarse Shoes and Brogans, A good assortment of Cotton Bagging and Bale Rope. Rum, Whiskey, and Brandy. Imperial and Hyson Teas Lump and Brown Sugars, 1 Jest Goshen Butter, Cheese, Castings, wrought and cut Nails, Swedes and English Iron, All of which they will sell low. Nov. 9, 1832. SYLVESTER'S, So. 130, 13K0AD WAY, NEW YORK, S Mammoth schemes are decided favontf? with Sylvester's Patrons the "Ter and ail luckv " takes this earlv opportunity oi announcing that on the 12th of December nf it another snlendid affair will be drawn have not reached Canton yet. With l the L'lti ,i . . iiuiiuiuvi oiflCUUlU olid which she has had of a better state of thinffs.lii-.:.i during her temporary residence in the Adelphi,y 40.000. ft lOOOO. ft .000- ft 3.160, 20 of s so bad and abandoned, what can be supposed; ennnn onennn ac r&?n0. of the others who have not had such advanta-Sr -d: rr- i a in shares ges 1 1 he demi-civihzed chiefs of the islands,g TQ orlion I have no hesitation in sayincr, are infinitelvfe m. . ?rP,ir !? u..i.r:tpr ned .1 1 . r,5Si ine "ever ana an itiCKy pyi- worse than any savages I have ever seen m allLt ,-.m;,i k; mLa. that roorepn- the Pacific Ocean ; and it- - mortifying to an&ir: " T- AV IT anv other wm 1 m m -a. Hingnshman s leeimgs, that he should not con sider himself on his own soil, when he is tread ing those islands, so dearly purchased by the blood of the greatest navigator that ever lived. London paper. JAMES W. SMITH 1 rUfT ASopened his usual fall supnlvof Dffl LUiJL GrOODS, GROCERIES. waptTJ j ,t auj,, oc. ana is now ready to furnish customers with most articles they may want at prices to please them. Hp iparucuiany me toiiowing articles, viz: Hats, Shoes, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, Iron, Butter; Clieese, and Liquors. .Ne.bern, 9th Nor. 1832. tao a h.o iiHiia than at an T venders in the United States. Within the J r .1. 1 1 i i jrov.ront Patrons. 2 prizes of 830,000,2 of 820,000, 4 of and inumerable others of leser noie. The mammoth now advertised offers a favorable opportunity for buying by the p age BUT LITTLE CAN BE LOST ' 11 may be gained and Sylvester win discount of 10 per cent, when a paring quantity is taken a more liberal than can be obtained elsewhere. All orders addressed to S. J. Sylvester, 1J Broadway, New York, are sure to mee prompt attention. The Reporter. Counterfeit Detector, & . DUblished na usual, everv Wednesday ee,n Jh !and is given or sent gratis to all who deal Sylvester. yirfc A Lottery will be drawn in flew every We4nelay:,.until th.8thrDee-'; COPAR1WEKSHIP. tHE subscribers have formed a copartner- ship under the firm of S. fc J. BATTLE for the purpose of transacting a nwrcantile business. SAML. G. RATTLE, JNO. A. M. BATTLE. Ncwbern, Oct. 1832.

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