f f f r0 J THE SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY, 'containing equal to FIFTY VOLUMES, fo FIVE DOLLARS! PROSPECTUS. f; In presenting VVr.. i,a hnn8 to accomplish. ENTITLED lU : nr up in the United Statesa npiit. Jfutinn. with literarv tastes, who numerous - . " .;,1 aver a large space and who, dis ' Jntfrom the localities whcncjbooks-and lite information emanate, feel themselves at j a r Wat loss for that mental food which education has fitted them tf enjoy. Books are cheap in nrihcinal cities, but in the interior they cannot be procured as soon as published, nor : without considerable expense. 1 o suppi.y " V:desideratum is the design of the present under taking, the chief object of which emphatically is, to make good reading cheaper, and to put it ; in a form that will bring it to e very man s door. Books: cannot be sent by mail, while; ine Select circulating Library- ma y be received at ; the most distant post office in the Union in i from fifteen to twenty-five days after it is PoM" , at the trifling expense of two and ahalf cents , or in other words, before a book could be bound TK:iooir,h,a ' our subscribers in Ohio or Vermont may be perusing it in their parlours. To elucidate the advantages of "The Select rnlRtino- Library" such as we propose, it is ; v o - .1 i.nfl.oarv to comnare it to some other publications. Take the Waverly novels for ex nmnle: the Chronicles of the Cannongate.occu nv iwn volumes, which are sold at $1,25 to i Sft: The whole would be readily contained ii three numbers of this periodical, at an ex rnsf of thirtv-seven cents, postage included! lYinm thftn tlirp.p. times the auantkv of " literary matter can be supplied for the same money by adopting the newspaper lorm. uu we conceive transmission by mail, and the ear Iy receipt of a new book, as a most distinguish . iniv fnntiiTft of the nublication. Distant sub V Ws will he nlaced on a footing with those nearer at hand, and will be supplied at their own homes with equal to about Fifty Volumes - ofthe common London novel size ior r iv u -ui-larsJ This may pot take fifty-two weeks to ' accomplish; for, though not longer than one week will elapse between the issuing of each number, yet, when there is a press of very in--. teresting matter, or when two or more numbers aro required to contain a whole work, the pro - prietor will feel himself at liberty to publish at shorter intervals fifty-two numbers being the equivalent for five dollars. A.,.on.TP.mpnts have been made to receive T.nnrlnn an earlv coov of every new book printed either in that mart of talent, or in Edin i: tnffPthe.r with the periodical literature ; .'r'A . n.wa;n T?rrm iVip. former we shall rttrt the best Novels, Memoirs, lales, Ira vp.Is Sketches; Biography, &c. and publish A, pm with as much rapi ity and accuracy as an extensive printing office wilUdmit. From the latter, such literarv intelligence will occa- -. sionally be culled, as will prove interesting and entertaining to the lover of knowledge, and science, literature,' and novelty. Good stan dard novels, and other works, now out of pqnt, may also occasionally be re-produced -in our columns. to' their 'domestic circle, as the gentleman who Iras undertaken the editorial duties, to literary taites and habits, adds a due sense of the res ponsibility he assumes in catering for an ex teiied and moral community, and of the con sequence detrimental or otherwise, that will fallow the dissemination of noxious or whole- ; some mental aliment. His t situation and en- J . gagements afford-hun peculiar advantages anu facilities for the selection of books. These, v with the additional channels created by agen-, at London. Liverpool, and Edinburgh, war rant the proprietor in guaranteeing a faithful execution of the literay department. It would be supererogatory to dilate on the "tneral advantages and conveniences -which nch a nublication presents to people of litera ry pursuits wherever located, but more parti fUlarlv to those who reside in retired situations they are SO oovious inai me uiai. gmiiucj cannot fail to flash conviction of it3; eligibility, i Terms. :".The Select Circulating Sibrary' will be printed weekly on a double mediurn sheet of fine paper in octavo form, fTfh three col umns on a page, and mailed with great care so as to carry safely to the most distant post olficc, - It Will be printed and finished with the same care and accuracy as book work. The whole fiftv-iwo numbers avIIL form a volume, well worth rreservation, of $3Z pages, equal in quantity to 120a pages, or three volumes, of ItceVs Cyclopaedia. Each volume will be ac companied with a Title page and Index. Tho price li Fivc Dollars for fifty two-numbers of sixteen pages each, a price at which it nt hft afforded unless extensiyely patron- uod ir Payment at all times in advance. Agents who procure five subscribers shall have a receipt in full Dy renuuuig er20 and'a propotionate compensation for ' larger number. This arrangement is made to increase the circulation to an extent which will make it an object to pay agents liberally. Clubs of individuals may thus procure in their remit- ine work jor $ oy uniting Jances Subscribers living" near agents, may ypa their subscription to them; those other wisesit-r uated may.;' emit the amount to the subscri be at his expence. Our arrangements are all .made for the fulfilment of our part of the con . tract. . Subscribers' names should be immediately forwarded, in order that the publisher may know how many to print of the future num 1 hers. ADAM WALDIE V- . Philadelphia, October i 1828. Subscriptions received at the Office of the Seniirirl. The publisher confidentlv assures the heads j l itie rage, anu a copious muex are mrin&neu. of families, that they neea have no dread of in-1 The terms are $4 per annum payable in all irnrlnrino- the "Select Circulating Library" in- cases in advance. New lorkJune, 1832. i- ... . , - : i r. : i j npROS?ECTUS of a New Volume of the Jr New York Mirror- areDositorv of Polite Literatureand the Fine Arts; embellished with splendid Engravings on steel, copper -and. wood and with popular Music, arranged for the, Pianaforte, Harp, Guitar, &e. &c.-bPo. Aiorris-, ineo. . ray, iiamamw i . Editors. . The first number " of a new year (volume . 1 1 ! T t tenth) will be issued on the 7tn aay oi juiv From tie commencement of this paper, our humble endeavors have been unceasingly exer tprf to eUvate the character of American peri AJi-rdJ literature, and we trust that we have not been altogether unsuccessful. Our columns have been, and will continue to be, principally filled with original matter. Besides the writings: of the Editors, we are honored with" occasional contributions from a list of nearly two hundred native authors, which fembraces many of the most distinguished and higly gifted literary men of the land. ;( In addition to our foreign correspondence, important sources are open to us for selections, The flattering and general testimonials of wri- er.s, and contemporary journals on Dotn sides of the Atlantic, warrant us in the assertion that there is no work which gives such valuable equivalents for the amount of subscriptions, or which possesses more strong and undeniable claims to the efficient support of the. Ameri can people. - Its steadyand marked improvement lurnisnes a satisfactory pledge that its progress, in every department, will Keep pace wiin me in ptpssp nf its alreadv extensive circulation. We have received the certain and gratifying evi dences that it is read and approved by the mos intelligent classes throughout the U. States. The" embellishments for the tenth volume will be of the most costly and beautiful -dtind, consisting of full sized super-royal quarto plates, executed expressly for the work, by the best artists. Besides the Vignette, there will be four superb engravings issued during the year, which if published separately, would alone equal the amount of subscription for the Mir ror. As a guarrantee for the excellence of this department, it has been placed under the direction of Mr. R. W. Weir. In addition to the above, there will be pub lished a number of finely executed Engravings- on wood, also drawn and engraved for the work, and illustrative of curious and interes ting subjects. Each number of the ensuing volume will con tain a popular piece ot Music, arranged with accompaniments for the pianaforte, harp, guitar, &lc. At the expiration of the year, these form a valuable collection of the most choice and rare pieces, which altho' occupying little more than one sixteenth part of the work, could not be purchased in any other way, except at a cost tar greater than that ot tne entire journal In short, the Mirror will contain everything which can enhance the value of the .paper, and rerider it agreeable, instructive and interesting. The Mirror is published every Saturday, at the corner of Nassau and Ann streets. It is elegantly printed, an 1 is embellished, once eve ry three months with a Splendid super royal quarto Engraving, and every week with a popu lar piece of Music- Fifty two numbers com plete a volume of fourhundred and sixteen large pages, for which a beautiful engraved Vignette fl13 Subscriptions to the Mirror received by THOMAS WATSON Fifty Dollars Reward. TT) AN AWAY from the subscriber, living JjV in Perry County, Alabama, on the 9th Gf September, two Negro Men, named JIM and bill. ji was formerly owned by Captain Solo mon Dixon, of Portsmouth. He is of dark Complexion ; about six feet high, stout made, 34 or 35 years of age, and rather inclined to be knockneed. He was raised to the water, and will probably endeavor to pass for a sailor BILL, the brother of Jim, is a Cooper by trade, and was purchased of John B. Dawson, of Craven county. Said nesrro is about five j feet five or six inhes high 28 years of age, and plays on the fiddle. They will doubtless endeavor to return to Craven, where they are well known and have connexions. The above reward will be paid to any per son who will confine these runaways in Jail un til I can obtain them, or twenty-five dollars will be given for the safe custody of either of )hem. i Masters of vessels and others are cautioned from carrvinsr awav or harbouriner the above described negroes. BENJAMIN CHANEY. Perry County, Alabama, Sept. 20, 1832. Public House. REMOVAL.' JAMES CARNEY returns his sin cere acknowledgments to the public i for the verv liberal encouragement ne nas neretotore received, and resDectfullv 11 l J o... informs them that he has taken that large and commodious brick building, the property of! John Devereux, Esq. next door to the buildinff ! lormeriy occupied by the Bank of Newbern, on South- ront Street; where he is accommodate Boarders by the month or dav His table shall at all times be furnished with thp best the Market affords, and he pledges himself mat every weruuu suan De used to merit the approbation of those who may think proper to patronize him. In the event of a Steamboat Jjine Deiui cswuiwuvu fc - uu place anri Norfolk, which is contemplated, this building, trom lis size auu suuauuu, uc luuna to be the most eligible for a Hotel, of any in town. There is an excellent wharf convenient to the nremises. and the rooms are large, comfortable, 1 . . m 11 l .1 and well finished, l raveners are assureu-inat their horses will be well fed and carefully at tended to. .Newbern,. August 31, 1832., iisil STORAGE. f riHE subscriber haying : purchased the Li WUarf and Warehouse formerly owned by Mr. Moses Jarvis, is prepared to receive Produce or Goods on Storage. He will also attend to the shipping of Produce, if required. CHARLES SLOVER. Newbern, Oct. 5th 1832. H received per Stkooner Trent, from New York a Zirge assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES VIZ: Ladies' Gaiter Boots, India Rubber Shoes, . undressed Morroco Slippers, Ien's and youths Boots and Shoes, &lc. :.TM Boots and Shoes of every description, the shortest notice ana in lliuuu W - ths neatest manner. Newbern, Oct. 26, 1832 . JYeipbern Academy. THE tint term of the academical year ol this institution has just closed. The Trustees with pleasure announce to the public" that the proficiency of the students assures them, they hjve not been deceived in their es timate of the qualifications of the Instructors. From what fiey have witnessed, during the examination pf the young gentlemen in their various studies, the Trustees have no hesitancy in saying- that tie Newbern Academy furnishes every facility fir a thorough acquaintance with the Latin and Greek languages , and such a knowledge of the English, as prepares the learner for the'luties of the more laborious de partments of We. The Trustees were highly gratified in observing, that the young gentle men were not superficial in their acquirements but that they had made themselves thoroughly acauainted wth all the ground over which tHey had gone. Ihe classes under tne direction oi i . i .i . .. r Mr. Jones, rfaa jjaiin anu urecjiwim lamiy and ju-igmcnj; they parsed and scanned with correctness iiJ promptness. The classes un der the direction of Mr. Wadsworth, displayed uncommon readiness in im;ir icpu.es iu an mc questionsprojiosed : their knowledge offigures did them muih credit. The Trustees are happy in stating that the reputation oflMr. Jones, "of the Classical De partment, an) of Mr. Wadsworth, of the Eng lish Departirmyhas been well sustained by the very evident advancement of their respec tive students (n their different studies. The next tsrm will commence on the first of October. V Newbern August 30, 1832. N'MW GOOD; VS just returned from New York with general assortment of GKOCKK1KKH, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKER GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise anart of his Sij Wines. I Fruit. LChampaigne, in qt. and Citron, Currants. pt. bottles, Old Madeirt, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Dry Malaga. Sherry, Country. Liquors. Cogniac Brindy (supe rior qualify) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Mononr. Whiskey, Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qua ' Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmen -Pepper, Spice. N. E. Rum, Porter in atJfc. pt.bottles preserveu vHxuftci. BuckwhcU, Goshen Butter, Chees Spanith & American Segars.su nertyr Chewing Tobacco, &c. Which he aTers low for cash or country prod t at the Store on'Pollpk-street formerly occup. . X Z M bv the lateOcorge A. Hall, r.sq. i 1 ' '1 r T i r 1 1 CHEAP uuuift. FTT HE subscriber intending to quit Newb, r: U has the honor to inform its respectob; inhabitants, that he- will sell the articles con; c;rr Stock in lraue, at prices so-h Jl,ot he hones that those persons who will h 5S our him with their presence, at his Store adjoi injr Mr. Bell's Hotel, near tne iiarKet, win able to make choice to their satisfaction. M. BONHOMME, for A. BONHOMME. Newbern, 7th Augnst, 1832. VALUABLE SOUND LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale, that veil known Plantation formerly be longing to Col. Richard Nixon, lying on Topsail Sound, in front ot the Inlet, aboe twenly miles from Wilmington, containing but tween 8fl0 and 1000 acres, 300 of which are cleared and under good fence, and about two hundred well worth clearing; the remainder well timbered and an excellent range for cattle and hogs. The quality oi ine uanu is equal to that of any other tract on the Sound, and the . ... r. il T l i ;c bpalthv ana pleasant, ine lm- BIVUOHUU SJ J - ... - nrovements consist of a good Dwelling and all e,pi.rv out houses. Persons wishing to purchase, are requested to call and view the LmUpc which will be shown by Mr. Oliver, ri, r5dAs on the place. For Terms, which will be accommodating, apply to the subscri4 ber in Newhern, , DANIEL Y SHINE. Newbern, May 2, 1833. , PRINTING. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, CARDS, &c. NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT "THE OFFICE. Of THE SENTINEL. EDWARD C. O. TINFR - TAILOR WD DltAP' 1 j! 1 .1 - Tm ETURNS his sincer-tnanV jor ine very I H i;koi onnnmtfient w hich he has here- tofore received, respectfully formsthe publick. that has just, returned from New frork witfe an extensive and very general assort ment of WALL & WINTER G-OODS, Selected with rent care f ro rcvcUl .. MONG THEM ARE THE FOLLOWING! satin, suK,iudrbu, ;rrrr:.,.i!B j . i - A. i i r mj m- m n v m n m mm Lyons SilK VdVex oi An elegant assortment of Va n"a VS,ingS' not surpassed by any m this Pag;da d Shirt bosoms, of the latest style, ruffled and Pam r. Corded and plain Collars, of the best quality and latest fashion, olirkr,1r An elegant assortment of SlOUtt, oi me latest and mst approved patterns, covered with bombazine, velvet, satin, &c. Gentlemen's superior Hosskin Gloves, Silk web and silk net Suspenders, Gum elastic do. lease oi the best elastic, wuier Fi wv,., Silk Hats, . , . Together, with a variety of other articles m his line of business ; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. tt r ennorinr workmen, tl' is nreoared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured in tne neaiesi fihionable stvle, ami at the shortest notice and he" assures the public that no exertions shall be spared to merit a continuance of their favours. Newbern, 1st Nov. 1832. . - j . WE W PALL & VTNTEB. G-OODS. B. L,. IICMKINS. & CO. "AVE received, per late arrivals from New L York, an extensive assortment of Woollen, Cotton, asul Silk Cioods, Among which are a few pieces of Carpeting, and a variety of Hearth Rugs. THEY HAVE ON HAND, ' case Ladies' and Misses Bonnets, Fresh Teas and Loaf Sugar, Cross cut and Mill Saws, And a few copies of the Methodist Discipline ,and Hymns. Newbern, Oct. 19, 1832. MERCHANT TAILOR, ESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the public in general, that he has ;nst received from New York, persch'r Sarah, ' , t: T chores antiberssplentiassovtmeutof SEASONABLE GOODS, 1 hv an experienced merchant in New York, from the latest importations. 'ig now in employ a number of the very rk )en. (some of whom have just arri ved from New York,) and his assortment be :anplete, he .hitters himself that he will cabled to give entire satisfaction to those may think proper to patronise him. Among the articles are the following: loerfine olive, green, mulberry, and Ade laide cloths, t -;f iriri and rifle green, do. Slue, black, Russel Brown, and mix'd do. i piece elegant black Cassimere, superior to anv heretofore imported. nieces buff super silken Kerseys, a splen did article for gentlemen's dress panta loons and vests, :.(nfrfinp blark. drab, lavender and Adelaide mix'd Cassimeres, V choice selection of super silk velvet Vest inss, various colours, figured 6c plain, Super black silk Florentine vesting, Fancy coloured do. iencia and Toilanet do. handsome assortment of Stocks, best qua lity, Jum eiastic Suspenders, ! rontlemen's superior Horseskin Gloves, Together with a variety of other articles. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING v i 11 be made up in the neatest and most fash Enable mannpA. and at the shortest notice. . ''f A complete suit of clothes can be made, i tho best manner, at 12 hours notice. All orders from the country will be thank- till v received and punctually attended o Newbern, 19th October; 1832. "NEW GOODS. JOHN PITT31AN, , Has just returned from "New-York with a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Which he offers low for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store on Pollock Street, one door west of Mr. John Templeton's. Newbern. Oct. 2rA,'1833. POLICE OFFICE, Newbern, November 1st, 1832. Superfineblack, blue, & Russel brown ClotllS ' P Ride, bottle, and invisible green do. Lace & Mu.hn gpes & Chetmzettes, Olive and olive green and steel-mixed do. Caches Lj-avats 1 ippets, Fancv Cas" illiereS, of superior quality, Bobiriet Laces, InserUngs & Footings, fancy V . " r-JrM Thread Laces, Edemtrs & Insertina A IvKWAlvl ol riity -Dollars is hereby JfS. offered for information sufficient to con vict the person or persons who stole the Han dles Irom the fumps on Follock and Craven Streets, on Wednesday night, the 31st Octo ber, 1832. Persons who may possess such information, eeived this day per schooner Susan T J1JJg' . and who mav communicate the same to Intendant of Police, are assured that it will regarded as strictly confidential, and that names will not be given without their con sent. By order of the Board, JAMES HAYWARD, Clerk. 1VEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS FrjUHE subscriber has just arrived from New U , York with a new and well selected as. ortnient of ; : AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND Blue, black, and mix'd Cloths, 5 Cassimere and Sattinets, . , Red, white, green, and yellow Flannels, Col'd, black, and blue black Gro de Naps, Figur'd, changeable and watered, do. ,L Black Sarsnets, Levantine fc Satlin Levantine Cashmere, Merino, &. Thibet wool ShavrU ' 4-4. 5-4. 6-4 & 12-4 plain Bobinet, Linen Cambric, and Cambric Hhkf . lrish Linen, Lawns & Diapers, English & French Merino Cloths, . Borabazettes; Very superior black Italian Silks, CambriCj jaconetfe Mull Muslin, Plain and figur'd Swiss and Book do. French Calico Merino Ginghams, CaUcoes Ginghtfns, Vestings, &c Color'd Cambncs, Camblet Plaid, Bleached and brown Shirtings, Checks Bedtickisig, An 1 a variety of othr artic es all f which will be sold at f e iorsi cash Prices, at his Store nearly opposite the Bank of Newbern. J. VAN SICKLE. Newbern, Oct. 10, 1S3 . RY TAILOR AUD HABIT MAKEH, V $ r E CT FULLY mforrv.s the public that he has commenced th tailoring business on Mi ! He Street, two doors South of Dr. Boyd's office, where he intends carrying it on in all its various branches. He has made arrangements to receive regularly the latest fashions from New York and Philadelphia, and will spare no pains to renaer sausiacuon to an who may please to favor him with their custom He has acquired the most approved mode of cutting and he pledges himself to execute all orders in his line with neatness, ability and despatch. His prices will be moderate. Orders from a distance will be promptly and faithfully execu- teU.- rS EWBERX, UCT. 1W.5. U3" A. first rate workman, to whom the highest wages and constant employment will be given, is wanted at the above establish ment. Oiilcji if the Commissioners u.-dvr tin: Act to carry into effect the Convention icith Prance. Washington City, 18th Sept. 1S32. ,RDERSD, That all persons having claims under the Convention between the Uni te 1 States and his Majesty the King of the French, concluded on the 4th of July, 131, do file memorials of the same with the Scrret- ary of the Board. Every memorial ko filed, b a(Ulres,ed t0 tfe commissioners: it must set forth minutely and particularly the facts and circumstances whence the right to prefer such claim is derived to the claimant, and it must be verified by his affidavit. And in order that claimants may be apprised of vh t h Board no v considers necessary to be averred in'evrv such memorial, before the same will be rec t d nd acted on, it is further .Ordered, That in every such memorial it shall be set forth, 1. For and in behalf of whom the claim preferred. 2. Whether the claimant is a citizen of the Unite 1 States of America; and if so, whether he is a native or naturalized, and where is now his domicil : if he claims in his own right, then whether he was a citizen when the claim - ha(j us origin, and where was then his doroicil; - or if he claims in theJ right of another, then whpther such other was a citizen when the L.io;m rirln aAA wVir was then, and claim had its origin, where is now, his domicil. - i 3. Whether the entire amount of the claim does now, and did at the time when the claim had its origin, belong solely and absolutely to the claimant ; and if any other person is or has been interested therein, or in any part thereof, then who is such other person, anu what is, or was, the nature and extent of his interest; and how, when, by what means, nnrl fhv what consideration the transfer ot u, v .w i rights or interest, if any such were, took place between the parties. 4. Whether the claimant, or any other vno may at any time have been entitled to the amount claimed, or any part thereof, hath erer received any, and if any, what sum ofmonev or other equivalent as indemnification for t c whole or any part of the loss or injury upn which the claim is founded; and if so, when and from whom, the same was received And that time mav be allowed to tliena ants to prepare and file the memorials abot mentioned, it is further , . the present session, it will adjourn to meet affain on the third Monday of December -nexw If llllyll miiv H T 111 l VVV . - j. have been niefl W1 ith the Secretary are in conformity V to the lorcg " j for mg orders, and proper to c V husi- . . . l vru and to transact any o'c . ness that may come before it ; ana 1 , Secretary cause public notice hereof . given in the journals authorized to puDiu laws of the United States. By order of the Board, c " ZTTTTrii FLO UK AND MESS BBLS. and 10 Half Bbls. New York -Canal FLOUR, fresh cround from new 15 Bbk Mess Pork, NewTork city 'f Pf for uivpit thia Aciir TMr chmnc-r Susan Mary, the sale b? JO a,!1 UitAi ' be , JNewbern, bept. 4tn imz. their THE HIGHEST CASH PK1P tt T i ... e i:i.1.rfniin(r; Negroes both sexes, from one to 26 years o. B JOHN GILDERSLEEVE. TlTTT J -; - H, -, VV! ... ,

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