5' AH. XVI, I " , - published j IJV THOMAS WATSON. TERMS, J Three dollar per annum payable in advance No paper will be discontinued (but at the f is cti;on of the Ptiitor) until all arrearages have been piul up. ' New and Cheap Goods. jS. -J. GRAXAB : , &CO. .TS"r()KM their friends and customers that Jj they have received by sundry late arrivals iruin N. York, Philadelphia an I Baltimore, their fall and winter supplies, consisting of 1 large assortment of. Foreign and Domestic 'GHOCKRIES, LIQUORS AND WINES, Jlardirar,; Cuttlery, Crockery (jJlass, and Stoneware, Hats, Caps; Shoes, Leghorn and Straw - ! Bonnets, tyc. eye. of which were purchased upon the rnost advantageous terms and selected with greatcare, ami are offered for sale at a very small profit--, ' Als : lliefdlmrhiir articles, viz "" ;trd dozen common Windsor Chairs ' . , f ft- :' Fancy Cane and Rush bottom'd-do-M . Fancy ' do.. .Rocking and ' '. Sewhi Chairs' for Ladies. 3 - Chilli en Chairs ,i. . reams Foolscap writting Pa'per, 40. fetter , ' "do. . T hales Cassia Ui' bags' blackf pepper1 doz. Cayenne do. i Pimento . " 1 box 0 doz. , fresh London Mustard ; j rases preserved Ginger and. Pine Apple ! U boxes Soda Lemon Syrup soft shell'd Almpnds, Filberts, Currants, Primes, "fresh bunch Raisins, in whole and half boxes. Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, Cloves, Race . 1 and ground (linger. ; 0 small boxe? Chocolate 1 -box prepared Cocoa. " hags Manilla Coffee JO St. Domingo do. Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, and Black Teas in quarter and half chests, 0 hhds. prime retailing St. Croix Sugar 5 bbls. very superior do. do. ! Loaf and Lump Sugar jo. hhds, j)rime retailing Molasses x baskets fresh Sallad Oil 100 beltys do. . do. 30 ha rich and 10 half bbls. Beaches red brand Family Flour, half barrels Buckwheat Meal, tit) firkins Goshen Butter fm. choice dairies 10 iisks Goshen Cheese, 10 fibls. Pitotand 0 half bbls. Nary Bread 10 New Ark Cider 20? pplos, New Town Pippins Ohall hols, family mess Beef ilOO- lb j Smoked do. l boxes Scotch Herrings 12 casks sweet Malaga Wino 4 Muscatel do. 4' ; Canary do. 1 baskets Champaigne in qt. and pt. Bottles ti half Pipes very supr Seignett's Brandy 1 pipe superior Holland Gin 10 hhds. N. E. Rum 5 do. I 0 bbls. Rye Whiskey 10 bbls. New Orleans Whiskey 2 hhds. do. do. " Rum T bbls. Old Monongahela Whiskey 10 do. Curtis' Rye Gin 10 Bbls, Cider Brandy ; 5 . " " Vinegar 6 Dos Amigos Spanish Segars 30 qr. boxes half Spanish do 100 small . " American do 12 boxes Poland Starch o whole and 50 half boxes yellow Soap 10 boxes patent mould Candles . 20 boxes and Kegs of Tobacco 400 bottles Lorillards best Snuff 100 bladders High Toast and com. Snuff 30 doz'n Lee fc Thompson's Blacking 1, cans Virdigris ! w0 kegs white and black LeadL, M bbls. Linseed Oil 2 winter Sperm do.V . Porpoise or Train do 40 ns 43 in. heavy Dundee Hemp bagging to) 42 Common do do 30 4 Heavy Tow HK) coyls Bale Rope 2 bale 501b Bagging Twine 00 lb coarse Shoe thread 150 fine do do fi bales Coiton Tarn assM No's. 0 doz. Spades and Shovels 100 setts Wagon and Cart boxes 10 doz. Jong Bitt adz 1 setts BlacksVnith's tools complete i . -ma-. it n i r o patent fanning Mills tor clearing vrrain i ton vmndstones ass d. sizes 3 Iron do 250 kegs cut Nails and Brads ass'd. sizes from Id. to 20d. 200 lb. Putty tf boxes 10. IU. 50 feet window Glass 10 8. 10. do 25 Demijohns '2 kegs refined Salt Petre 2"-. sacks Liverpool Blown salt 400 bushels Ground Allum do 250-1 bushels coarse Turks Island do 1000 bushels Irish Potatoes. Xcwbcrn, Dec. 10, 1832. LAST NOTICE. TJ" WILLattendatmyOffire on Middle Street, -U. until the first day'of January next, for the purpose of receiving Taxes lifted in 1K31 af ter which time I shall proceed to collect from delinquents, as the law directs. THOMAS J. PASTEUR, Shff. t Newbern, Dec. 17th, 1832. BANK OF NEWBERN, ) December 1st, 183-c. ) PTJIHE Stockholders of the Bank of Newbern JJ are hereby reminded that their annual meeting will take place at the Banking house in Newbern, on the first Monday of January next, it being the seventh day of the month ; at which time an election will be held for the. choice of eleven Directors for the ensuing year. JOHN W. GUION, Cashier. FALL &, VT1TTE3. GOOES. B. L. HOPKINS, & CO. TTTT AVE received, per late arrivals from New IJ1J York, an extensive assortment of Woollen, Cotton, and Silk Goods, Among which are a few pieces of Carpeting, and a variety of Hearth Rugs. THEY HAVE ON HAND, I case Ladies' and Misses Bonnets, Fresh Teas and Loaf Sugar, Cross cut and Mill Saws, And a few copies of theMethodist Discipline and Hymns. ; Newborn, ari91, 1832. p ; rjpjm PITTMAN tRTAS just received from New York a gen ;JJ eral . assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSISTING IN PART OP Rum, Gin, Brandy, Whislcey. Wine, Imperial and Hyson Teas, best Goshen Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Bale Rope and Dundee Bagging, A good assortment of Hats and Shoes. ALSO Fl our in bbls. and half bbls. Smoked Beef, Herrings in boxes, Raisins, Cider and Apples, I bhd. prime Sugar, Coffee & Molasses, Cabbage, Onions, &c. &c. I Which he will sell at the very lowest prices. Newbern, Dec. 10, JOMT A. CRIPIHr AS just returned from New Y'ork witli a general assortment of GR OV.ERIBS, HARDWARE, jCUTLERYT, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. The fulloicing articles comprise apart of his Stock'. Wines. Teas. Champaigne, in qtJ and Gunpowder, pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Imperial, Hvson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf &l Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Liquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. j Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland (fin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, f Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Pepper, Spice. Fruits. Portei inqt.& pt. bottles Citron, Currants, PRESERVED GINGER, Do. PINE APPLES, Do. LIMES. Buckwheat. Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, etc. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at his Store on FoHok-street. December 3d, 1832. To Journeymen Tailors. WASTED, TWO JOURNEYMAN TAILORS. THE higher prices and constant employ ment by the year or job, will be given to two Coat makers. I None need aDDl v but first: rate workmen of steady habits. Also, three or four first rate Seamtresses, to make Pantaloons and Vests. To such, and none other needipply, the highest prices in the otate will be given by the year or job. For further particulars apply to i HENRY ERAMBERT. Favetteville, N. C. Nov. 24, 1832. $2 JREWAIfc TJT) ANAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 28th May last, my boy CRAWFORD, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, : swarthy complexion nearly white, broad fnco and down look, no beard, straight hair not ve- ry black, very full breast took with him a suit of new white rotton clothes and black fur hat. This bnv ran rpnrl nnrl will nrnbuMir atomri to pass as a free man. A reward of Ten Dol- Damu ' occasionally tney can om .... lars will be given, if taken within this county, s,ve b-v leaping the baruer. 1 he knight, in to any person who will deliver said boy to the e meantime, rses, escapes, and mounts ano- ther steed. . ..... i t "'"-'"I" nuiii" citiii auu a nail iniits irum m . . . e Tarborough, on the Raleiffh road, near Cokev bridge; or, if taken out of the county, Twenty Dollars will be given for his delivery to me, or if secured in any jail so that I get him again. ingoffsaid.bov, under penal ty of the law. SAMUEL P. JENKINS. Dec. 17th, '83 PRINTING. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS CIRCULVRS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, CARDS, &c. NEATLY AND KXPEDITIOFSLY EXF.CFTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE SENTINEL. LIBERTY.. ..THE CONSTITUTION ...UNION. NEWBERN,JSODAY, i)EC -MO ill SI CONTARINI FLEMING. novel bv the author nf ViviL r- . . w novei uy me autnor ot Vivian Grev. with tho i "u'Ff uac ubi re-DUDllshrl fhA above title. It is pmhraporl ;n . " i , i . : . i w i . . - . - . ... vu nanasome imie volumes oi less tftan two hundred paaes each. All the works of this author are wild, irregular, original and frequently interesting and powerful. The present is marked bv all these characteristics. It may be read with in terest, and will rather please the young and poetical, than those of sober and "cool know ledge " We have only space this morning lor the brief extracts which we find ready to our hand in the New York American the first, a successful politician's counsels to his son; the second, a good description of a Spanish bull fight. "But to enter society with pleasure, Conta- nni, you must be qualified for it. . I think it quite lime for you to make yourself master of some,aceomplishments. Decidedly you should make yourself a good dancer. Without dan cing, you can never attain a perfectly graceful carriage, which is of the highest importance in life, and should be every man's ambition. You are yet too young fully to comprehend how much in life depends upon manner. When- j ever you sec a man who is successful in socie ty, try to discover what makes him pleasing, and, if possible, adopt his system. You should learn to lence. For lano-uao-ps. at nrpspuL o o 1 t ' French will be sufficient. You speak it fairlv; try to speak it elegantly. Read French authors. Read liocheloucault. The French writers are the finest in the world for they clear our heads of all ridiculous ideas, Study precision. "Do not talk too much at present, do not tru to talk. But whenever you speak, speak with self possession. Speak in a subdued tbne, and always look at the person whom you arc a !- dressing, nelore one can engage in general conversation with any effect, ihere is a certain acquaintance with trilling, but amusing subjects, which must be first attained. You will soon pick up sufficient by listening and observing. Never argue. In society, nothing must be dis cussed; give only results. If any person differ wiih you bow and turn the conversation. In society, never think always be on the watch, or you will miss many opportunities, and say many disagreeable things. - "Talk to women, talk to women as much as you can. This is the best school. This is the way to gain Uuency because you nee ! not care what you say and had better not be sensible. They too will rally you on many points; and, as they are women you will not be offended. Nothing is of so much importance, and of so much use, to a yonng man entering life, as to be well criticised by women. It is impossible to get rid of those thousand bad habits which we pick up in boyhood without this supervision. Unfortunately, you have no sisters. But never be offended if a woman rally you. Encourage her. Otherwise you will never be free from your awkwardness, or any little oddities, and certainly never learn to dress. "You ride pretty well, but you had better go through the manege. Every gentleman should be a perfect cavalier. Y"ou shall have your own groom and horses, and I wish you to" ride regularly every day. "As you are to be at home for so short a time, and for other reasons, I think it better that you should not have a tutor in the house. Parcel out your morning, then, for your sepa rate masters. Rise early and regularly, and read for three hours. Read the memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz the Life of Richelieu eve ry thing about Napoleon read works of that kind. Strelamb will prepare you a list. Read no history; nothing but biography, for that is life without theory. Then fence. Talk an hour with your French master, but do not throw the burden of the conversation upon him. Give, him in account of something. Describe to him the events of yesterday, or give to him a detailed account of the constitution. You will have then sufficiently rested yourself for your dancing. And after that ride and amuse your self as much as you can. Amusement to an ob serving mind is study.'.' "Another trumpet ! a second, and a third blast. The governor throws the signal. The den opens and the bull bounds in. That first spring is very fine. The animal stands for a moment j still, staring, stupified. Gradually his hoof j moves ; he paws the ground; he dashes about the sand. The Knights face him with their ex- . . . . . ml 1 tended lances at due distance. I he taunoors are all still. One flies across him, and waves his scarf. The enraged bull makes at the near est horseman. He is frustrated in his attack. Again he plants himself, lashes his tail, and rolls about his eye. He makesanother charge, and this time the glance ofthe spear does not drive him back. He gores the horse, rips up its body, the steed staggers and falls. The bull rushes at the rider, and his armour will not now preserve him, but, just as his awful horn is a boutto revenge his future fate, a skilful tauri dor skims before him, and flaps his nostril with his scarf. He tlies after his new assailant, and immediately finds another. Now you are de lighted, by all the evolutions ot this consumate I ; . "... .i . ...l.. .u: ; , ... . . . . i TM. 1 li l r-K ot annlhpr norsP- x uuii now inaKt's a i un - man. The horse dexterously turns aside. The bull rushes on, but the knight wounds him se verely in the flank with his lance. The tauri- th darts. They rush 7Jr,r;Z nic uuw miiiriaie. miiniai, - o o weapons in different parts ol nis oouy, and scudd away. To some of these darts are affix ed fire works, which ignite by the pressure of the stab. The animal is then as bewildered as infuriate. The amphitheatre echoes to his roar ing, and witnesses the greatest efforts of his rage. He flies at all, staggering and streaming with blood ; at length, breathless and exhausted, he stands at bay, his black swollen tongue hanging out, and his mouth covered with foam. . i i 24, 1832. 'Tis horrible. Throughout a stranger's ieeiinP'S arft tor thp hn alfh r ' fc- . , ' V , U1C ' fairest Snamard cannot comnrpbpnd A ; i Spaniard cannot comprehend. As it is ! now evident that the noble victim cannot only ! ",,,u" im-ui uy ms ueain, mere is a universal cry for the matador; and the matador, gaily 1 r P c r 1 1 1 1 l ml --v.u, appears aiuiu a iouo cneer. me ma ta !or is omt 18 a ireat artist Stron nerves must ienr J1 wItnreat quickness, and gre-t expe- "te, to loTm an accomplished matador. It ISar-irrr.k . ii exisnrtorT- ' hhl-v1p1e,L Their fame thZ ! ? u, hGlr deal.h' an,i different cities pride witmiseives on nnwl.n : ' most eminent. b nVlt Tatador Plants "'niself before the bull, and shakes a red cloak suspended over a drawn fcpr; VllS TUU ecites the lingering crgy of the dying hero, fae makes a violent charge, the mantle falls over his face, and the sword enters his spine, and ho fall, amid thun dering shouts. The death is instantaneous, without a struggle and without a rroan A car, decorated with flowers and ribands, and drawn by, oxen, now appears, and draws off the Douy in triumph." Propensity of Gkrmiv .o.i-r,i T., Germany all classes travel, from the sovereign nrinrfl ,fnw t.. ,hn IV.l LV loconiotive existence narrows, in a wonderful degree, the circle of. national prejudice. For enlightened and impartial opinions on the man ners and superstitions of foreign countries, commend me to the German. The approach ofthe cureit as they emphatically style the bathing season produces much the same effect as the 12th of August with us: every body flocks to the country. At this period, all that is dis inguished for rank and fashion in the land may be found assembled at some of their numerous watering places ; when the traveller at a glance, may contemplate all the lights and shadows of German life: the sovereign prince and his Morganic consort ; the mediatised prince and his mistress ; the foreign diploma tist, am! the native statesman, tired of confer ences and protocols; the rich Jew banker, from Frankfort orLeipzic; crowds of foreign ers Irom every clime; hosts of counts and ba rons, soldiers and students, merchants and mechanics, blacklegs and dames de moyennc virtu all congregated in some beautiful ro mantic spot, ardent in the pursuit of health, or its anthithesis dissipation. The class of ar- I tistes, who form the base of this Corinthian pillar, outnumbered' the votaries of pleasure, in the same ratio as the camp followers of an Indian army exceeded the combatants. Actors from Berlin and ViejKa ; prima-domas from Venice "and Milan; opera-dancers, coturicres gaming house-keepers, and coohs from Paris ; watchmakers from Geneva; pipemakers from Frankfurt; Tyrolean glove-makers; fiddlers and jugglers; in short the professor of every art that can administer to luxury and dissipa tion are found assembled, actively employed in rcaping,from the exercise of their vocations, a rich and plentiful harvest. This singular melange, and activity and bustle they occasion, would alone present a wide field for observa tion and amusement; but add to this, romantic scenery, fetes-champetres, balls, concerts, en chanting society, beautiful women, piquant ad ventures .and in such a place may the ennujre safely write in his note-book, " Invent por tum V Whittakcr's Magazine. Notes by the way-side. "And whence has New Hampshire' its derivation?" we asked of the anliqnary. He hesitated a moment; "I will tell you, "said he. When the colony ofthe pilgrims had pushed the spoliation of culture farther into the interi or, and lopped off more of the natural luxuriant redundances of the new world; when colonies were sent out to pitch their log houses in the wilderness of woods, one among their number became very short of provisions, and it was thought the whole would die of starvation. They called loudly on the mother colony for assistance. This was not refused, but in con sequence of an unusual drought, the scarcity had been general. The venturous spirit, which is a characteristic of the genuine Yankee, in duced many to turn Speculators. In what ever direction - you cast your eye, the broad and staring capitals, NEW HAMS HERE, met its vision. And from many a soft and cherry cheeked lassie, did the then enchanting sound proceed of "new hams here,'' "new hams here." Every person who was not in absolute necessity, and could shoulder a ham, hung out his sign and turned pork merchant.! And I have now given you as far as I could col lect, the origin ofthe appellation of the New England State, New Hampshire. Boston. The Bostonians never sleep No- thinr can evade their attention. If a fire des v. C5 . ..... i4-c a tnwn and turns its inhabitants awau lirTO "J nouseie&s auu MciuMivsa, aic me nr&i lo send relief. If a famine prevails in a distant land, they are foremost in supplying their wants; while others are talking about what ought to be done, they have the work accom plished remembering " he giveth twice that doth it promptly." Conn. Mirror. THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. Jefferson county land maintains at this time high value. Not lonff since, a farm on Bull- Not Ion? since, a farm on Bui skin, with dilapidated buildings, was sold at auction for 845 per acre. The worst land in the county, (the mountain always excepted) would bring not less than .5 dollars an acre ; and if flour should continue at Us prese nt handsome price, we may even carlcul u ;, c .u i ,kD value of our choice further advance m the vame farms. This is truly the gru: - Charleston tree fress. Distressing Death. We have seldom been UlStresszn " Aaath nfnnp rf niir ri valled to announce . " ; tizens under more afflicting circumstamces thanLtofMr.Jamc5 B. Patterson, an old NO. '826.. and estimable member of society. Mr. P. tvtfs passing tnrougn Broadway, near uanai si. on b - , J t,- Mnn,lav art, t.,.Mns ridv threw a fire cracker under a cartman's horse, which took fright arid with his cart run ov- ver Mr. Patterson, the wheel passing ever bfs head, bruised him in sn shockinor a manner as to deprive him of his senses-; he lingered but a iew hours and expired. A lady was also run nvar.i th a u k.ltr iri- w. .v. aumv nine, nun auiivulii i'au it ,. j"1' is not considered to be in much dangcY. L.N. Y. Daily Adv. Xew-Yoik1Dec.&.. Dreadful Mortality. The British ship Sybelln. Capt. Thomhill, arrived at the quarantine ground, yesterday from Helvoeteluys, which place she left aboirt the lOtK September, with one hundred and i thirty-two passengers, emigrants from 'Wirtemberg, Germany. Ot this nnmber, only twenty-eight nave reached port alive, the residue having died on the passage. The mortality was so great, as to rcqdirjc almost the whole time ofthe crew in attending to them, which is the cause of the prolonged passage of the phin. The whole of the crew have been in perfect health. The captain states that tne disease among the passengers did not at all resemble the choleramost ofthe victims having died without more apparent. pain or stT"le than rffin ,to B.,ee,P: Th? pa?" n iv 1 extremely indolcnr-it wtx on to make the least exertion "in behalf of themselves. They appeared to be wholly unaffected by the fre quenr and numerous deaths of their companions alld relatives. Even mothers would see their tlead chil dren thrown overboard without any expression of fe rret. Indeed, they all seemed wholly indifferent to their (ate. The provisions and stores on board werp ample, and the captain was provided with plenty of medicines and most ofthe passengers had money o provide for a journey to the western part of the In states. We understand the ship Beaver, which arrived last month from the same place, lost about 50 passen gers in a similar manner. Advertiser. uMiiuci uuijv. Ult V LIIC'V V'UUItl iri UlU'un w We have received a series of a Chinese (Can ton) Courier down to theSSlh May. We sub join all the matter of immediate interest, which we find in them. Nat. Gaz. , " The U. States ship Potomac, Commodore Downes, arrived from Batavia, on the 18th In another part of cur paper will be found an acconnt of the destruction of the town of Quallah Battoo, on .he West Coast of Sumatra, in retaliation for piracies committed on ah American vessel in eoruary, ioJi. inis spc- l f- a - " l i . i i i : 1 1 1 imon t t pnncTiBP m pti nn i i in nil tit" ra ni 1 1 w be sufficient to repress further attempts of the kind against ships trading to that coast. The Potomae will leave China in a few days for the Sandwich, and Marquessas Islands, and proceed to the west coast "of South America, a flag ship upon that station. ' THE MALAYS AND THE POTOMAC' A paragraph in the Singapore Chronicle contains an account of the severe and just pun nishment of an atrocious act of piracy by tlje Malays: London Times. From he Singampore Chronicle of Apdil 2(5.' " Our readers may remember our having no ticed last year (No. 18, last series) almost atro cious act of piracy and murder, committed oil the west coast of Sumatra, by the inhabitants of Qual la Batu, on an American vessel, wheu the officer in charge of the vessel and most of the crew were crissed by the natives, and the vessel plundered of specie to some amount. Late accounts from Batavia inform us that an. American frigate of 60 guns (the Potomac or Potonia, wc are uncertain which) now at that port, has lately returned from QualJa Batu; having taken signal vengeanc on the place for the savage act, the opening heavy fire of grape on the village and by people, who wejp collected on the bench for the purpose of sel ling their paper, by which upwards ofloO Malays are said to have been killed, and the whole village destroyed. This, we think, is ?i punishment which the Malays of that coast have well merited by their numerous acts of treachery, murder and rapine, which they have committed even recently, on peaceable vessels that have gone thither for purposes of corn merce. It is to be hoped the Malay states on the west coast, some of which are little re moved from barbarism, will learn a wholesome lesson from Qualla Batu." Gold Mines in ftgypt. A letter from Alex andria, in Egypt, dated August 12, states tba.f M. Linant, a French traveller, has discovered a rich mine of gold in the mountains that run along the Isthmus of Suez. He conveyed nino chests of ore to Cairo, some of which on being smelted, rendered one 5th of pure meial. 1 be most productive ofthe mines of Peru do not af ford a larger proportion. The ship Dalmatia, which sailed yesterday for Liverpool, was so crowded with passengers. tbat thp I'finta n was under v I . . r l,m at the liook; ana sent ...v.. ...v. I . llllg OUl UV ..... - She had on board ithpm hack to njc v 27, 1 160, reusing W Enri.. no. bdng.blc to find employment. iV. 1 . Com. Adv. " " ' A London paper says " Government is ta king ever possible precaution against the'TOe ditated escape of some great delinquent, whose name has not yet come before the public. The imcrican packet now lying at Portsmouth was a few days ago minute cAmueu a.i xnrpugn . ..,! : i n ,1 t by the ponce, . uuuu. oim- ilar measures of vigilance are adopted at all the other outports of the United Kingdom Total number of emigrants arrived at Quebec, from the opening of the navigation to Sept. 13th, 49,560 ; in corresponding period, last year, 56,070. increase d,4yo. A Family of Soldiers. Mr. John Bronson, of Wolcott, Conn., in his 88th year, and three ece aged about 69, 72, and 75, are all living, d'?fri& health. The father was in the French .fjr el and himself and sons were all engaged m f the revoTmidn. A '1 I .J 0