' i" i LIBERTY. ...THE CONSTITUTION. ...UNION. VOL. XVI 5EWBEM, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1833. NO. 827i PUBLISHED BY TII03IAS WATSON TER1S, dollar.-, per annum payable in advance'. Three TCn moer - . v cretion ofthe Editor) until all arrearages have been. paid up. ffLL & WXNTEP GOODS. B.L..HOSKINS. &CO. MAVEreceived, per late arrivals from New York, an extensive assortment of iViioilleft Cotton, and Silk Goods, Among which are a few pieces of Carpeting, and a variety of Hearth Rugs. THEY HAVE ON HAND, 1 case Ladies- and Misses Bonnets; Fresh Teas and Loaf Sugar, Cross cut and-Mill Saws, And a few copies of the Methodist Discipline and Hymns. Newborn, Oct. 19, 1832. u I. iiarnnininpn i n ir ai inp ,iia JOHN PITTMAN TTJTAS just received from New York a gen JjU eral assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSISTING IN PART OF Rum, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Imperial and Hyson Teas, best Goshen Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Bale Rope and Dundee Bagging, A "ood assortment of Hats and Shoes. LSO Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Smoked B ef, Herrings in boxes, . Raisins, Cider and Apples, 1 Jihd. prime Sugar, Coffee & Molasses, Cabbage, Onions, &c. &c. Which lie will sell at the very lowest prices. Newbern, Dec. 10, 1832. JOHN A7 CRISPIN MVS just returned from New York with a a nral assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY n GLASSWARE, &c. ti,p fnlhmntr articles comprise apavt of las mock: in. jv Wines. Teas. Onainpaiguc, in qt pi. buttles, Old .Madeira, -'Pico, do. Naples, lU'ritie, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Limiotts. a nd Gunpowder, Imperial, , Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Cogniac Brandy (supe-j rior quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong; Whiskey, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Pepper, Spice. N. E. Ruin. frin if. Porterinqt.& pt.bottleslCitron, Currants, PRESERVED GINGER, Do. PIN APPLES, Do. LIMES. Buckwheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish fc American Segars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, fcc. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at his Store on Pollok-street. December 3d, 1832. To Journeymen Tailors. UA.VTED, TWO JOURNEYMAN TAILO RS. rmilE hiffhet prices and constant employ 11 tneni bv the year .or. job, will be given to two Coat makers. ' None need aprly but first rate workmen of steady habits. Also, three or four first rate Searritresses, to make Pantaloons and Vests. To such, and none other need apply, the highest prices in the State will be given by the year or job. For further particulars apply to HENRY ERAMBERT. Payetteville, N. C. Nov. 4, 183;:. 'iO'JBEWAR ft' YNAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 2Sth Mav last, my boy CRAWFORD, about years of ase, 6 feet 3 or 4 inches high, swarthy complexion nearly white, broad face an l down look, no beard, straight hair not ve ry black, very full breasttook with him a suit of new white cotton clothes and black fur hat. This boy can read and will probably attempt to pass as a free man. A reward of Jen Dol lars will be ffiven, if taken within this i county to a iy person who will deliver said boy to the subscriber, residing eight and a half miles from Tarborouyh. ontfie Raleiffh road, near Cokey brdge; or, if taken out of the county, Twenty Vollars will be given for his delivery to me, Of if Kpniirfwl i nnr ioil crv iVat I rrpt fiim aorain. Ai Dersons arp hprebv forbid harborincr. em- ploying, or carrvinef off said bov, under penal- !' of the law. SAMUEL P. JENKINS. Dec. 17th, '832. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, as-Guardian of Maria G. Wade, are in aed that unless their Notes, now in his J1 s,re paid by the 10tn of January next, "ley will on that day be ptiitin suit. - - - - - XT AMOS WADE-. Newbern, December 24, 1832. bushels SALT, 400 do. Irish POTATOES, Just received and for sale by Dec. 24, AMOS WADE. New and Cheap Goods. JOS. jI fill AT AD i 9 &CO. TTNFORM their friends and customers that JJ they have received by sundry late arrivals from N. York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, their fall and winter supplies, consisting of A large assortment of Foreign and Domestic GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND WINES, Hardware Cuttlery, Crockery, Glass, and Stoneware Hats, Caps, Shoes, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Sec. dec. ah rKVi wrp Tmrrhaspd uDon the most ad vaniatreous terms and selected with great care and are offered for sale at a very small profit Als), the pillowing articles, viz : 20 dozen common Windsor Chairs 6 2 o 20 40 Fancy Cane and Rush bottom d do Fancy do. Rocking and Sewing Chairs for Ladies. Children' Chairs reams Foolscap writing Paper Letter (Jo. 5 bales Cassia 2 bags black pepper, 1 doz. Cayenne do. 2 Pimento 1 box 6 doz. fresh London Mustard 4 cases preserved Ginger and Pine Apple 2 boxes Soda Lemon Syrup soft shelFd Almonds, Filberts, Currants, Prunes, fresh bunch Raisins, in whole and half boxes. Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, Cloves, Race and ground Ginger, small boxes Chocolate box prepared Cocoa, bags Manilla Coffee St. Domingo do. Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, and Black Teas in quarter and half chests, hhds. prime retailing St. Croix Sugar bbls. very superior do. do. Loaf and Lump Sugar hhds, prime retailing Molasses baskets fresh Sallad Oil 6 1 o 10 5 5 2 100 bettvs do. do. 30 barrel and 10 half bbls. Beaches red brand Family Flour, 5 half barrels Buckwheat Meal, 20 firkins Goshen Butter fm. choice dairies 10 casks Goshen Cheese, 10 bbls. Pilot and 40 half bbls. Navy Bread 10 New Ark Cider 20 Apples, New Town Pippins 0 half bbls. family mess Beef 200 lb Smoked do. 12 boxes Scotch Herrings 12 casks sweet Malaga Wine 4S Muscatel do. 4 Canary do. 4 baskets Champaigne in qt. and pt. Bottles 2 half Pipes very supr. Seignett's Brandy 1 pipe superior Holland Gin 10 hhds. N. E. Rum 5 do. 120 bbls. Rye Whiskey 10 bbls. New Orleans Whiskey Z hhds. do. do. Rum 5 bbls. Old Monongahela Whiskey 10 do. Curtis't, Rve Gin 10 Bbls, Cider Brandy 5 " " Vinegar 6 Dos Amigos Spanish Segars 20 qr. boxes half Spanish do 100 small " American do 12 boxes Poland Starch 25 whole and 50 half boxes yellow Soap 10 boxes patent mould Candles 20 boxes and Kegs of Tobacco 400 bottles Lorillards best Snuff 100 bladders High Toast and com. Snuff 30 doz'n Lee & Thompson's Blacking Z cans Virdigris 2-50 kegs white and black Lead 2 bbls. Linseed Oil 5 winter Sperm do. 40 Porpoise or Train do 30 ps. 43 in. heavy Dundee Hemp bagging 00 42 Common do 10 42 Heavy Tow do 24 coils Bale Rope 3 bale 501b Bagging Twine 100 lb coarse Shoe thread 50 fine do do 6 bales Cotton Yarn ass'd No's. IS doz. Spades and Shovels 100 setts Wagon and Cart boxes 10 doz. long Bitt adz 4 setts Blacksmith's tools complete 6 patent Fanning Mills for clearing Grain 2 ton Grindstones ass'd. sizes 3 Iron do 250 kegs cut Nails and Brads ass'd. sizes rfr m ki to 20d. 200 lb. Putty 6 boxes 10. I 50 feet window Glass 10 8. 10. do s 25 Demijohns 2 kegs refined Salt Petre 25 sacks Liverpool Blown sa.lt 400 bushels Ground Allum do 2500 bushels coarse Turks Island do 1000 bushels Irish Potatoes. , Newbern, Dec. 10, 1832. " if. S A N APPRENTICE, (whne or coloured,) to the LUCAS B. HERRITAGE. December 24, 1832. NOTICE. TT WILL attend at my Office on Middle Street, JJ. until the tirst dayot January next, for the purpose of receiving Taxes listed in 1831 af ter whieh time I shall proceed to collect from delinquents, as the law directs, i THOMAS J. PASTEUR, Shjf. Newbern, Dec. 17th, 1832. F. WOODS MAS just received from New York, in ad dition to his former sunnlv. Studs for Gentlemen's shirt bosoms, Fashionable steel Watch Chains and Kevs Silk do. , y Silver table, tea, salt, and mustard Spoons, Sil ver Spectacles, to suit from 20 years up to 80. Plated and steel do. Sil ver Pencil Cases a few of them very beautiful, Shields, &C.&C. Very fine Beads for Ladies' fancy woik, &lc. Newbern, 24th December, 1832. FOR SALK, A neat second hand Carry-all and harness, with seats tor four. It may be used with one or two horses. Dec. 24. Enquire of T. WATSON. ANNUALS FOR 1833. Forget Me Not Comic Offering Amulet, Religious Souvenir, Pearl &, Token, for 1833, For sale by T. WATSON. GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. WILL commence her first course of in structions for 1833, in this institution. on Monday, the 7th January. All persons; who are desirous of giving their daughters as liberal an education as can be obtained in any' lemaJe institution in the State, would do well to send them in at the commencement of the first session. As a testimony of her qualifica tions, Mrs. Dockery has the pleasure of re ferring the public to the trustees of the follow ing institutions: Cheraw Female Academy and Society Hill Academy, in both of which she has taught as principal. She would also refer to the following gentlemen in this county, where she has taught five sessions : Richard Hi Lewis, . Richard Evans, Attrn Gen. William Clark, Arch'd Parker, Clerks of Superior Reading S. Blount. and County Courts The following are the branches taught in this institution Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arith metic, English Grammar,' Ancient and Modern History, Ancient and Modem Geography, with the use of charts and maps ; Chemistry, Phi losophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Drawing, and Paint ing, do. on velvet and Ornamental Needle work Music Lessons on the Piano, will be given at d I per quarter. 3" Board (complete) can be had in private families, at five dollars per month. December 4, 1832. i 1 ' 1 1 EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PL.AIX AND PRINTING, SUCH AS Books) Pamphlets, Cards, Notices, Labels BaukCheckS) Blanks, Circulars ' &Cm fcc Executed with neatness and despatch, on the most reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE SENTINEL., Just received from ew York, And for sale at T. Watson's Book Store. MORRISON'S PILLS, T7te Hxjgeian Universal Medicine of the British College of Health, ,,, Which, by removing all obstructions in the In testines; thoroughly cleansing the Bowels; giving more purity to the Blood, and thereby promoting its free circulation ; strikes at the root of all Diseases, and is good in all cases ; giving rest, appetite and strength. Price one dollar a Packet. Newbern, Dec. 24,-183. BOOKS. Book of Common Prayer, Methodist Hymn Books, Family Bibles, Frugal Housewife, Virginia Housewife, Christian Lyre, Pearl Testaments, Parley's Geography, Coloured Toys, Jones' Church History new edition, Universal Gazetteer, do. do. United States Almanack, Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key, Life of Felix Neff, Family Cabinet Atlas, ALSO, Visiting Cards, Sealing Wax, Lead and Hair Pencils, Indelible Ink, &c. Just received and for sale by THOMAS WATSON. TO LET, Andpossession given 1st of January, THE HOUSE AND LOT No. 377, I vu -- v - "- ;8Iil 1 W7ii calculated for a familv. and thp ink nn i-'rti inck-sircci. I lie uwp inrric lot contains the necessary" out buildings toge ther with a convenient Shop for business. Enquire at the Office of the Sentinel. Bee, 24, 1832. UNION RESOLUTIONS. i j. lie uiauu Juiy ui juucs vuuu ly m session, til IS Uth day of December 1832. deem it their duty to ex press their regret at the course pursued by the Conven tion in South Carolina in relation to the Tariff Acts of Congress. They believe the doctrine of Nullifica tion revolutionary, and dangerous to the Institutions Ol the COuntrv. and mnpniipntlu nrp nnnnsp.t In It. They are as well as the citizens of Tones County devotedlv tth-A rr: , .: j wiui ui.urc umuu, uuii win use on i lurdiis to preserve it unimpaired. But while they ex press their attachment to the Constitution ofthe coun try, and the Union of the States, and their opposi- 'mn TV. .11? ... l u iu unification, th-y cannot forbear expressing their regret that their Northern hhn rw leoeracy should have so Ion g disregarded the just complaints of the South against the thn Tir'fT At uie lann; and also stating that the perseverance oppressions o' .hi wiuui uie American system, as it is improperly styled, has been persisted in, has manifested on their part, a disregard to the Union, and that an abandon ment of that system, so as to equalize the burdehs of the government, isconfidently expected at their hands Resolved That this ex they believe concurs with the sentiments ofthe peo-1 -yf-r.x - Peo- pie ui uiu, county, De puDhshed m the Newbern pa pers. Resolved, That we have every c nfidence in the integrity and ability of the General Government, and whilst we believe the laws already insistence, sufficient to enforce all just rights, we will cordially unite in upholding and supporting all further Con stitutional measures for the preservation of the Union. Resolved, That we have seen with unfeigned de light the recommendation of the President of the U nited States, upon the reduction of the Tariff, and an almost total abandonment of that oppressive system ; that we cordially approve of the same, and hope that this expression of returning justice, may be followed by thatenlightend policy on the part of the Congress of these United States, which is based upon an equali ty of rights. WILLIAM M. GILES, Foreman. Signers ofthe Declaration of Independence. The following is a list ofthe signers, with the pe riods of their deaths annexed respectively. Thomas Lynch, jr. of South Carolina Button Gwinnett, Georgia, May 273 1777. John Morton, Pennsylvania December, 1777. Philip Livingston, New York, June 12. 177' ( George Ross, Pennsylvania, July, 1779, josepn tiewes, Aorth Carolina, Nov. 10, 1779. John Hart, New Jersey, 1780. Georire Taylor, Pennsylvania, Feb. 23. 1781. Richard Stockton, New Jersey, Feb. 28, 1781. Caesar Rodney, Delaware, 1783. Stephen Hopkins, Rhode Islan ', Julv 13, 1785. William Whipple, N. H., Nov. 28, 1785. Arthur Middleton, S. C.Jan. 1, 1787, Thomas Stone, Md. Oct. 5, 1787. John Penn, N. C. September, 1788. Thomas Nelson, jr. Virginia, Jan. 4, 1789. Benj. Franklin, Penn. April 17, 1798. Wm. Hooper, N, C. Oct. 1790. Beni. Harrison, Virginia. AdhI. 1791. Francis Hopkinson, New Jereev, May 8, 1791. Lyman Hall, Georgia, 1781. Roger Sherman, Connecticut, July 23, 1793. John Hancock, Mass. Oct. 8, 1792. Richard Henry Lee, Virginia, June 19, 1794. John Witherspoon, New Jersey, Nov. 1794. Abraham Clark, New Jersey, 1794. Josiah B-irtlett, N. H. Mav 19, 1795. Samuel Huntingdon, Con. Jan. 5, 1796. Carter Braxton, Virginia, Oct. 10, 1797. Francis Li gh foot Lee, Virginia, 1797. Oliver Wolcott, Con. Dec. 1, 1797. Liwis Morris, New York, Jan. 1798. Jajrnes Wilson, Penn. August 28, 1798. George Read, Delaware, 1798. William Paca, Maryland, 1799. Edward Rutledge, S. C. Jan. 23, 1800. Matt. Thornton, N. H. June 24, 1803. ' Samuel Adams Mass. Oct., 2, 1803. Francis Lewis, N. Y. Dec. 30, 1803. George Walton, Georgia, Feb. 2, 1804. Robert Morris, Penn. May 6, 1806. George Wythe, Virginia, June 6, 1806. James Smith, Penn. 1 806. Thomas Hayward, S. C. March 1809. Samuel Chase, Maryland, June 19, 1811. Wm. Williams, Con. August 2, 1811. George Clymer, Penn. Jan. 23, 1813. Benj. Rush, Penn. April 19, 1813. Robert Treat Paine, Mass. May 11, 1814. Elbridge Gerry, Mass. Nov. 23, 1814. Thomas M'Kean, Delaware, June 24th, 1817. Wm. Ellery, Rhode Island, Feb. 15, 1820. Wm. Floyd, New York, August 4, 1821. John Adams, Mass. July 4, 1826. Thomas Jefferson, Virginia, July 4, 1826. Charles Carroll, Maryland, Nov. 14. 1832. t Mr; Lynch and his lady embarked shortly after the Declaration, on board a vessel bound to St. Eu statia, and nothing more is known of their f; e. It is supposed that the vessel was lost, and' that all on board perished. v Th German Prince Muskan observes in his travels " We are greatly indebted to the dis tinguished American, Washington Irving, for his Life of Columbus. It is a beautiful tribute to the great navigator, brought from the land, which he gave to the civilized world, and whirh appears destined to be the last station traver sed by the cycle of human perfectibility." The Life of Columbus alone, in fact, would place its author at the head of all the Ameri can writers of his time. It is a last and supe rior performance. The abridgment of if, too, made by himself, is excellent, and if it has not been, should be adopted as a manual in all s a manual m an American, schools. Undeniably, Washington Irving has done more than any other Araeri " can, for the literary reputation of his country abroad. He is now all our own ; let him be honored and cherished, accordingly Nat.Gaz. David Hume observed, that all the devout persons he had ever met with wen inelancho- ly. On this liisnop nurue reiuarKeu, 11113 might verv probably be ; for, in the first place, it is most likely, that he saw very few, his friends and acquaintance being of another sort ; I devoat man look melancholy at any time.. SOUTH CAROLINA. THE REPORT Ofthe Committee of the Union and State Rights Convention la tely assembled at Columbia, to tenant was referred the Oivlinance of Nullification and certain Resolutions ofthe Union Party, in rela tion thereto. The documents which have heen referred to vour f0!"., disclose the character of Nullification and tne spint and sentiment of the Union Party: an4 yniir KnmmiltPP h-. u ,ui the progress of nullification has amply justified tc friends of the Union in denouncing it as revolutionary aim destructive 01 LjiDcny. The Ordinance of the State Convention has pre sented the doctrine to the world in all its deformity, stripped of the thin veil of sophistry which was for merly thrown over its revolting features. The pro visions of this Ordinance as respects the relations br Uveell tne State antl the United States are too revo- i ween me cjtaie anu tne uuueu o.iuies are too revo- lutionary to he mistaken. The laws ofthe Union ard no longer to be enforced in South Carolina the cog nizance of cases in which the United States are a. party, is withdrawn from the federal and given t the state tribunals in those tribunals every judge and ju.or is to be sworn to decide against the Um'ted States the 25th section ofthe Judiciary act is-"nulli fied; and having thus in effect precluded thefedetter fZu? froin fhe tribunals, the Ordinance ilurther ueclares, that it Congress or the Federal-Ex- I ecutive proceed in anv other way than through those ujuunais the state will ser.eHft from the Union. The first blow is struck with a declaration that any reta liatory measure shall be followed by a formal seces sion. No hardihood of assertion will be found equal to the task of reconciling this Ordinance with the pro fessions of those who have taught the people that, nullification is a peaceful, constitutional measure. ..It is not only revolutionary, but essentially belligerent. The natural consequences are DISUNION ANK s CIVIL WAR, and the mere possibility that is left, of averting this catastrophe, in no degree alters the character of the measure. For so the occupation ot territory, or the issuing of letters of marque and repri sal might end in submission to the demands of the assailant, and terror supply the place of arms; but it is idle to deny that these are hostile enterprises. How they will be received and met by the General Ge vernment we will not anticipate. But we cannot re gard the threatened destruction of a mild and ration al system of liberty without apprehensions ofthe keen est anxiety. If, as regards the General Government, i unification is revolutionary and hostile, in relation, to the Union Partv, it betravs all the features of au odious tyranny, and eviuces that its progress will be ae icttai to liberty as it is to tne t ederal constitution. cut another step ofthe dominant party is wanting to put the friends ofthe Union, so far as ihe state autnor ities are. concerned, entirely out of the protection of the law. It was only necessary for the Convention to declare that the Test Oath should be taken by eve ry in ividual, and that a refusal to do so,sriould cTcfti ! stitute a forfeiture of life or goods; as. they have de clared that it should be taken by every officer, under . pain of the forfeiture of office without trial, and up wards of 17,000 vott rs would have been at once cx posed to a sweeping outlawry. Nor would there be the smallest difference in principle between the two cases as there is no more colour of justice or of right, in depriving any one of an office against the terms on which it was granted and without trial, than in same manner of his life or his estate. The Conven tion have assumed to do this, on the ground that they are above the Constitution and the law; which is a. tyrannical exercise of a despotic power. The pow er is despotic, because it submits to no rule, and it is tyrannical because the act. which it requires of the ci tizen is contrary to his oath of allegiance to the Uni ted States. Under the Constitution of the U. States, the liberty of the citizen is doubly guarded. Not only are the. executive, legislative and judicial authorities, distii- hntprl na in all frnn irnvprn mpnta Kptwpfitl different i departments, but the civil power itself is still further retrained by being divided between two governments f .ot o n fa r A "fV! I 4j-tfn1 n vol ncinll a( that mftti arid arrogant domination which knows no limits bin.. its own will. But the inestimable securities of a evt tem thus emphatically established to maintain iusticv, I gives rise . to corresponding duties, and when power encroaches upon power the same institutions which give security to freedom, aggravate the evils which tyranny imposes on the people. No one denies the, omnipotence of Parliament, because it is an estab lished principle of the British constitution. But the omnipotence of the state of South Carolina is an nounced for the first time by the rescript ofthe Con vention in language as new as it imperious. , They have imposed a Test Oath, which none but he thai believes the Constitution to be a rope of eancTjoCan take; and the alternative of the citizen is between violating his allegjance to the United States and disj obeying the menacing commands ofthe state authch rities. - . ' Whether we are bound to the Constitution of the United States by the tie of allegiance is determined by the fact of being citizens of the United States. Those who deny such allegiance, are driven to the extremity of contending, either. that the Federal Union is no Government, or 'thafthe government ti: t1 e United States has no citizens. But to dispute the existence of the Goverrrment is to reject the truth altogether, and a Government without citizens or sub jects, is a solecism in language which renders expo sure unnecessary. And, if there be any equal tie between the citizen and the General Government, neither the state Couvention nor the Legislature can dissolve or release it; for whatever may be their au thority over the Constitution of the State, they ha Vi no authority to alter the Constitution oi ine urnteu States. ' The proceedings of this Convention, are in deed entirely anamalous. The proper function oi such a body is to organize Government, and estab lish institutions-for securing the great principles of Liberty and Justice ; but they have in fact trampled upon the Constitution ofthe State without altering it. They have not devised constitutional .rules lor the action of State Government, but violated those which have always hitherto been held sacred; and their Ordinance resembles more the proclamation of a mo narch than an act intended to settle the principles ot free Government. If the Federal Government was at an end, the provisions of the Ordinance howevei unjust and severe, might be lawful, but as long as we are citizens of the United States, an act like that passeu uy uie unveuuon, is tne assumption of no we r - . iTl, Q j . . rr r ) 3;,? ?!f n H 'vviuiuuuii in i iih unir nnti mim t determination ofthe ruling power of South Carolina. ... . , O I UfcH Vd in wnir.n ftnr nhpriioncn lo..,. 1 , . ., , . --" wwuiujrtuaeaintne language of despotism. Nor can it be said that these proceedings ard for. mally a secessidn from the Union, and justifiable an appeal to the natural right oi" resistance-. For irr lauuiu people have given their sanction to nuuw tion upon the most solemn assurances of its bein& g conservative, not a revolutionary measure. 5n man pretend to say that the sense of the goodJW, of this state has ver been taken on.theqotionol section? r And. can there TZ,Zl stossl than tn rend this conieaera . 1 - ms and set op time bloody teg ot an.rcny una ' . . . .... Oart nt nnftrcnv Trm i 1 4! - 4 w