- 4 0 1 THOMAS WATSON HAS tfOR SALE, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT BOOKS. AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING I . Murray's Introduction, Reader, Key, Sequel,, Exercises, Spellingbook and Grammar. Grimshaw's United States, : Adams', Willard's, Woodbridge's, Cum ming's, Wbodbridge and Willard's, Dwight's, Morse's, Willett's and Parley's Geography. Walsh's, Pike's, Colburn's, Smiley's, Ben nett's and Daboll's Arithmetic Key to Pike. .Webster's, Cumming's, Pickett's, and Ju venile Spelling-Book. Walker's, Johnson's, and Webster's Dic tionary various sizes. Blake's Natural Philosophy, Treby's As tronomy, Blair's Lectures, Cowper's Task, Thompson's Season's, Jaud's Expositor. Tytler's History, Conversations on Chemis fry. Whelpley's Compend, Duncan's Logic. Columbian Orator, American Header. Goldsmith's England, do. Rome, do. Greece. Gummere's Surveying, Simpson s iuciiu, IJ's Adams' Latin Jacob's Latin Reader, Gould's Adams' Latin Grammar, Virgil Delphini. Horace Delphini, Ovid Delphini, Cicero Delphini, Works of Salhist. Entick's Latin Dictionary, French Grammar. Greca Majora, Greca Minora, Greek Delectus Valpley's Greek Grammar, Greek Testament. Schrevelli's Lexicon. Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key, Simpson's Algebra. Family Bibles, School do. elegant Pocket do. Super Pearl Pocket Testaments, common do. HYMN BOOKS Watts and Nip pon's, Methodist, General Assembly's, Village, Olney, Dover Selection, AlexanderJs,Biddle's, Tlippon s, Watts , Zion s Songs. Pollock's Course of Time, Henry on Prayer. Christian .Lyre, Brown s Concordance. Jay's Closet Exercises, Jay's Discourses. Flavel on Keeping the Heart. Book of Common Prayer, Closet Exercises. Alexander's Bible Dictionary, Malcolm's do Smiley's Scripture Geography. History of the Reformation, Law's Call. Pilgrim's Progress, Saint's Rest. History of the Bible. A Cergyman'sLetters to a Young Christian . iVIiller's Evidences of the Christian Religion. Letters on Church Government. Henry's Religious Life, Help to the Gospels. Confession of faith, Methodist Discipline. Dewees on Females, ditto on Diseases of " Children, ditto on Midwifery Juvenile Spectator, Evenings at Home. T?itlrlin'e Works. SriPntitir. IlialncrilPS. I y uLbof ttoTotfr Lexicon of Useful Knowledge, Conversa- lions on Common Things. Peter Parley's Books for Youth. Complete Letter Writer, Western Songster. I,ife of Washington, Life of Marion, Life of "BtmaDarte Life of Nelson. Virginia Housewife, Housekeeper's Manual. American Chesterfield, Tooke's Pantheon. FamilvDyer and Scourer. Life of Alexander the Great, Life of Moham mad. Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words. Laennec on the Chest, Begin's Therapeutics, Horaer's Special Anatomy, Johnson on the Liver. Blount's Coast Pilot, Bowditch's Navigator. Marsh's Bookkeeping, Jackson's ditto Buck's Theological Dictionary. History of Paris, Humorous Songster. Eyening Entertainments, Scenes in Europe lIason's Improved Farrier, fainde's ditto, irving's Mythology, Violin Preceptor. ' A variety of Entertaining Juvenile Books &. Coloured Toys. New York Primer, Reader and Table Books. SVOVEL S The following popu lar Novels will be sold at40 cents per volume . Pelham, or Adventures of a Gentleman, The Oxonians, ; t Private Life, Beatrice, a Talc, Rybrent De Crnce, iFlirtation, i 'Romances of Real Life, j Adventures of a King's Page, Walter Colyton, Gaston De Blondeville, lleuben Apsley, ' .. . Devereux, by the Author of Pelham aaul Clifford, Waldegrave, The Country Curate, The Prairie, a Tak, by Cooper, Goslington Shadow, English at Home; a lionel Lincoln, 'The Refugee, Xhe Last of the Mohicans, Body and Soul, Redgauntlet, 'Hie Lost Heir, Yes and No, Husband Hunting . The Barony, JHungarian Tales, 'llea of the O'Hara Farnil), Woodstock, Palkland, Fair Maid of Perth, The Book of the Boudoir. Paper, Quills. Wafers, Sealing WaxLead, Pencils, Office Taoe fe Wafers, Ink Powder, Tissue Paper, Slates, Pocket Books, Pocket .Maps of the Southern and Western States, Ulank Day Books, Memorandum Books, and A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF oucu as omppme fanera. Rillc f T.,'nir Vessels' Bills of Sale Mamfests,-the different lands of Blanks used: by the Clerks of the Superior and County Courts. stables, 4&c. fcc -orders for any of 'which THE lHUni v,n rtuiJKS WILLbegivenforhkelyyoungNegroesot bothsexes,frompneto26yearsofage JOHN GIIfBERSLEEVE NEW STORE. -LIYEB. S. DEWBT ist returned from New York, atv y opening at his Store, East side o -fountv Wharf, twn doors below th of e -j ... - A GENERAL ASSORTMESI . r DM GOOJLP GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKEAY, Shoes, HatsSaddles, and Bridles, Heavy Dundee and Tow Bagging, Bale Rope, Swedes, English, and American Iron, Wagon Boxes, Blacksmiths Tools, Nails, fcc. &c. ALSO NOW LANDING, FROM SCHR. JAMES MONROF, A few bbls. first quality family Flour, Boxes and half boxes Raisi7i(s Sacks of Salt, Goshen Batter, Newark Cider, fyc. c. All 0f which will be sold low for Cash or Pro- duce. 1fmromUiw, iqqo iNEW GOODS. CHARLES SLOVER MAS just returned from New York, and is opening at his Store on the Old County W hiirf. a general assortment oi DRY GOODS, Hardware &l Crockery, A GOOD AShORI'MLM OT SADDLES & BRIDLES,- GUNS, Gentlemen's Fashionable Hats, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools, IRON AND SI EEL, ALSO, 25 pieces Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, 1 5 kegs Goshen Butter, 1 5 casks Cheese, 30 kegs Nails. (Sec. &c. Newbern, 9th Nov. EW AND CHEAP DRY GuUliS fnHE subscriber has just arrived from New U York with a new and well selected as- sortment of rm, rf fio, TW fiPh -Tv TF AMONG WHICH WILL BE 10 IT N D Blue, black,1 and mix'd Cloths, Cassimere and Sattinets, Red, white, green, and yellow Flannels, Col'd, black, and blue black Gro de Naps, Fiour'd, changeable and watered, do. do Black Sarsnets, Levantine& Sattin Levantine, Cashmere, Merino, & Thibet wool Shawls, Printed Merino, Gauze, & W . H. Hnkis Lace & Muslin Capes &l Chemizettes, Ladies' Cravats & Tippets, BobinetLac.es, Insertings & Footings, , t Thread Laces, Edgings & Insertings, r 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 & 12-4 plain Bobinets, Linen Cambric, and Cambric Hhkfs. Irish Linen, Lawns & Diapers, English & French Merino Cloths, Merino Circasians, Bombazettes, Veiy superior black Italian Silks, Cambric, Jaconet & Mull Muslin, Plain and figur'd Swiss and Book do. French Calico & Merino Ginghams, Calicoes, Ginghams, Vestings, &c. Color'd Cambrics, Camblet Plaid, Bleached and brown Shirtings, Checks, Bedtickinff, And a variety of other artic es all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at his Store nearly opposite the Bank of Newbern J. VAIN Newbern, Oct. 10, 183 . ORIN TRUFANT Has received per Schooner Trent, from New York a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOKS VIZ: Ladies' Gaiter Boots, India Rubber Shoes, undressed Morroco Slippers, Men's and youths Boots and Shoes, &c. iif Boots and Shoes of every description, made to order, at the shortest notice and in ths neatest manner. Newbern, Oct 26, 1832. FALL & WINTER GOODS. B. L. HOSKINS, & CO. 7TTT AVE received, per late arrivals from New U U York, an extensive assortment oi Woollen, Cotton, arid Silk Goods, Among which are a few pieces of Carpeting' and a variety of Hearth Rugs. THEY HAVE ON HAND, - 1 case Ladies' and Misses Bonnets, Fresh Teas and Loaf Sugar, Cross cut and Mill Saws, And a few copies of the Methodist Discipline and Hymns. Newbern, Oct. 19, 1832. 7 NOTICE. A LL Dersons inaeoieu io uie suDscriber, 1 1 4 A A. 1 . A Guardian of Maria G. Wade, are in- that unless tneir oie&, uuw in nis han ls, are paid by the lUtn oi January next. lUUiivu - thev will on that day oe pui iu utl. Newbern, December 24, 183. irTKOv K5K1S SALT, T UUvll 400 do Irish POTATOES, W reived and for sale by Dec. 24. AMOS WADE. GEORGE W. DIXON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Tfp ESP ECT FULLY informs his customers JJaX and the public in general, that he has just received from New York, per sch'r Sarah, SEASONABLE GOODS, elected by an experienced merchant in New xorfc, Irom the latest importations. Waving now in employ a number of the very best workmen, (some of vhom hare just arri- rived irom New York,) and his assortment be mg complete, he flatters himself that he will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may think proper to patronise him. Among the articles are the following: Superfine olive, green, mulberry, and Ade laide cloths, Reform and rifle green, do. Blue, black, Russel Brown, and mix'd do. 1 piece elegant black Cassimere, superior to any heretofore imported, 2 pieces bufFsuper silken Kerseys, a splen did article for gentlemen's dress panta loons and vests, Superfine black, drab, lavender and Adelaide mix'd Cassimeres, A choice selection of super silk velvet Vest ings, various colours, figured fc plain, Super black silk Florentine vesting, Fancy coloured do. Valencia and Toilanet do. A handsome assortment of Stocks, best qua lity, Gum elastic Suspenders, Gentlemen's superior Horseskin Gloves, Together with a variety of other articles. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING will be made up in he neatest and mostfash ionable manner, an I at the shortest notice. Ud3 A complete suit of clothes can be made, in the best manner, at 12 hours notice. All orders from the country will be thank fully received and punctually attended to. Newb rn, 19tlTOctober; 1832. EDWARD CO. T1NKE ii, TAILiOR AND DRAPER, 1J ETURNS his sincere thanks for the very liberal encouragement w hich he has here tofore received, and respectfully informs tin publick, that he has just: returned from New York with an extensive and very general assort ment of FALL &, WXiTTEH GOODS Selected with j. reat cart- from recent importations AMONG THEM ARE THE FOLLOWING : Superfine black, blue,& Russel brown Clotlls Ri.ie, bottle, and invisible green do. Olive and olive green and steel-mixed do. Fancy Cassimeres, of superior quality, Satin, silk, Marseilles Vestlilgs, Lyons Siliz Velvet of very best quality, An elegant assortment of Valencia Vestings, not surpassed by any in this market, Shirt bosoms, of the latest style, ruffled and plain, Corded and plain Collars, of the best quality and latest fashion, An elegant assortmoxit of STOCKS, of the latest and most approved patterns, covered with bombazine, velvet, satin, fcc. Gentlemen's superior Hosskin Gloves, Silk web and silk net Suspenders, Gum elastic do. 1 case of the best elastic, waterproof, patent Silk Hats, Together with a variety of other articles in his line of business; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Having a number of superior workmen, he is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured in the neatesian, most fashionable style, and at the shortelwrotice and he assures the public that no exertions shall be spared to merit a continuance of their favours Newbern, 1st Nov. 1S32 ' FOR SALE, THE House and Lot at Onslow Court House, now occupied by Mr, Solomon E. Grant. The great and increasing importance of this situation as a place of business, renders the present a favorable opportunity for investing a moderate capital in a manner that must be highly advantageous. 1 o a person desirous of conducting mercantile business, in connection with the management ot a House of Entertain ment for members of the bar and other gentle men, this place holds out strong inducements. I Tli oro arp nn the nrpmisps a mll Knt fortable Dwelling House, with a Store Room annexed, and the necessary Out Houses ; but in orfler to render the situation more profitable and better adapted to business, the purchaser may find it necessary to enlarge the Dwelling and Store-houses, which may be done at a tri fling expense. The subscriber will dispose of this property on very liberal and accommodating terms, which will be made known on application by letter or otherwise. OSCAR G. PARSLEY. Onslow C. H. Nov. 24, 1832. JOHN PITTMAN MAS just received irom New York a gen eral assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSISTING IN PART OF Rum, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Imperial and Hyson l eas, best Uoshen Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Bale Rope and Dundee Bagging, A good assortment of Hats and Shoes. ALSO Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Smoked B ef, Herrings in boxes, Raisins, Cider and Apples, 1 hhd. prime Sugar, Coffee &l Molasses, Cabbage, Onions, &c. 6lc Which he will sell at the very lowest prices. Newbern, Dec 10, 1832. S3 JPp8Ba-;-'AaaK8j'j GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, XA3.S. DPSZBRY " W ILL commence her first course of in structions for 183 S, in .his institution. on Monday, the 7th January. All persons who are desirous oi giving ineir daughters as liberal an education as can be obtained in any female institution in the State, would do well to send them in at the commencement of the first session. As a testimony of her qualifica tions, Mrs. Dockery has the pleasure of re ferring the public to the trustees of the follow- ing lnSlllUlIOUS . VyUCia 1 Ci"'' iu v,m y and Society Hill Academy, in both of which she has taugnt as principal, one wuum &io refer to the following gentlemen in this county, where she has taught five sessions : Richard H. Lewis, ) Richard Kvans, Attornies at law. Gen. William Clark, Arch'd Parker, ) Clerks of Superior Reading S. Blount. ) and County Courts The following are the branches taught in this nstitution Spelling, Reading, Writing, Aritn- metic, English Grammar, Ancient and Modern History, Ancient and Modern Geography, with the use of charts and maps; Chemistry, Phi losophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Drawing, and Paint- nsr, do. on velvet and Ornamental Needle work Music Lessons on the Piano, will be given at $ 1-, per quarter. H3 Board (complete) can be had in private families, at five dollars per month. December v.4, 1832. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAI V AND PRINTING, SUCH AS 11 Books, Pamphlets Cards, Notices Labels, Banlt-Clieckg) Blanks, Circulars Executed with neatness and despatch, on the most reasonable terms, , AT THE OFFICE OF THE SENTINEL, JHx 28 iAWAY t'runi tiie Subscriber, on the 28th May last, my boy CRAWFORD, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, swarthy complexion nearly white, broad face and dowA look, no beard, straight hair not ve ry black, yery full breast took with him a suit of new white cotton clothes and black fur hat. This boy can rpad and will probably attempt to pass as a free man. A reward of Ten Dol lars will be given, if taken within this county, to any person who will deliver said boy to the Subscriber, residing eight and a half miles from Tarborough, n the Raleigh road, near Cokey bridge; or, if taken out of the county, Twenty Dollars will be given for his delivery to me, or if secured in any jail so that I get him again All persons are hereby forbid harboring, em" ploying, or carrying off said boy, under penal ty of the law. SAMUEL P. JENKINS. Dec. 17th, 832. JOHS A. CRISPIN MAS just returned. from New York with a general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise apart of his Stock: Wines. Teas. Champaigne, in qt. and Gunpowder, pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Piro, do. Naples, Lisbon, Feneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Liquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Imperial, Hyson, Souchong, rouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves Superior Holland Gin, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Old Monong. Whiskey. TV P repper, Spice. X,. 1 J. 1VUU1, i Fruits, Porter in qt &, pt.bottlesCitron, Currants, PRESERVED GINGER, Do. . PINE APPLES, Do. LIMES. Buckwheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars,su- perior U hewing Tobacco, &c. Which he offers low for cash or country nrod uce t oiure on ioiioR-street. December 3d, 1832. if BOOKS. Book of Common Prayer, Methodist Hymn Book's, Family Bibles, Frugal Housewife, Virginia Housewife, Christian Lyre, Pearl Testaments, Parley's Geography, Coloured Toys, Jones' Church History new edition, Universal Gazetteer, " do. do. United States Almanack, Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key, Life of Felix Neff, Family Cabinet Atlas, ALSO, ' Visiting Cards, Sealing Wax, Lead and Hair Pencils, Indelible Ink, &c. Just received and for sale by THOMAS WATSQN. M", Cheap, Popular P eriodica ENTITLED THE SELECT CIRCULATING LlBRARy Containing- equal to 'FIFTA VOLVMF r ' FIVE DOLLARS! ; PROSPECTUS." In presenting to the public a periodical e tirely new in its character, it will be expect!! that the publisher should describe his plan a the'objects he hopes to accomplish. ' There is growing up in the Lnited States numerous population, with literary tastes uff are scattered over a large space, and whj H - tub iuiauuc9 wuriicc UUOK 8 and lite. rar informatinn pmanti. fppl tlmm.-i. " , "-iiJBrjye at great loss for that mental food which fdurat has fitted thera to enjov. Books are ch(a ourprincipal cities, but in the interim- ,Pl la cannot be procured as soon as pubJisW wilVi..! onoM Ul ' rr, 'rU DOf without considerable expense. To supnl' desideratum is the design of the present.! taking, the chief 'object qf which en.phan is, to make good reading cheaper, and , ' l in a form that will bring it to every n an Boobs cannot br sent by mail, whilt1" Select circulating Library" may be receiv A the most distant post ottiee in the Union in f fifteen to twenty-five days after it is publUW at the tritiing expense of two and a ha! cL or in other words, before a book could be buuad in Philadelphia, our subscribers in Ohio Vermont may be perusing it in their ' or To elucidate the advantages of "The S l Circulating Library" such as we propose Vi! only necessary to compare it to some other publications. Take the Wavtrly novels for ample; the Chronicles of the Cannons 0Cc py two volumes, which are sold af si . !,50. The whole would be readily contained in three numbers of this periodical at an ex dense of thirty-seven cent postage included So that more than three times the quantity 0f literary matter can be supplied for tj)e same money by adopting the newspaper form. But we conceive transmission by mail, and the ear. ly receipt of a new book, as'atnost distinguish ing feature of the publication. Distant" sub scribers will be placed on a footing with those nearer at hand, and will be supplied at their own homes with equal to about Fifty Volumes of the common London novel size for Five Dol lars. This may not take fifty-two wees to accomplish; for, though not "longer than one week will elapse between the issuing of each number, yet, when there is a press of very in teresting matter, or when two or tLore numbers are required to contain whole work, the pro prietor will feel himself at liberty to publish at shorter, intervals fifty-two numbers bein the equivalent for five dollars. Arrangements have been made to receive from London an early ;copy of every new boot printed either in that mart of talent, or in Edin burgh together with the " periodica!, literature of Great Britain. From the former we shall select the best Novels, Memoirs, Tales, Tra vels, Sketches, Biography, &c. and publish them with as much rapi ity and arcurarvas an extensive printing office will admit. From the latter, such literary intelligence will occa sionally be culled, as will prove interesting and entertaining to the lover of knowledge, and science, literature, and novelty. Good stan dard novels, and other works, now out of print, may also occasionally be re-produced in our columns. Thp nnKlishpr rnnGApni v neenrpe the he suit j - . of families, that they need have no dread of in troducing the 44 Select Circulating Librarj'" in to their domestic circle, as the gentleman who has undertaken the editorial duties, to literary tastes and habits, adds -a due sense of the res ponsibility he assumes in catering for an ei tended and moral community, and of the con sequences, detrimental or otherwise, that it follow the dissemination of noxious or whole some mental aliment. His situation and en gagements afford him peculiar advantages and facilities for the selection of books. These, with the additional channels created by agen cies at London, Liverpool, and Edinburgh, war- rant the proprietor in guaranteeing a taiiniui execution of the literay department. It would be supererogatory to dilate en thj general advantages and conveniences which such a publication presents to people olhrl ry pursuits wherever located, but more par11 cularlv to those who reside in retired situations they are so obvious that the first glance cannot fail to tlash conviction of its life ibs.lt- Terms. "The Select Circulating Sibrary will be printed weekly on a double medium sl1 of fine paper in oravo form, wUh three co -umns on a page, and mailed with great care so as to carry safely to the most distant pos. office. It will be printed and finished ith t,,e "" Care and accuracy as book work, i14" , fifty-two numbers will form a volume, f worth preservation, of 3'2 pages, equal mwntiir h, io7v n.II(,c nr tbrce volumes. Rees's Cvclordia. Each volume will De nmnaniml ,.rUk rr;to nnrp and Inuf v-uiiijioiin u Willi o i it" j'wa,'- --- nrffl The price is Five Dollars for fifty bers of sixteen pages each, a pr'ce cannot be aiTorded unless extensively - p ised. H3 Payment at all times Agents who procure five subscrher'!t,a have a receipt-in full by remitting the p er820 and a propotionate eonipensano a larger number. This arrangement n to increase the circulation to an elte?-beraUV. will make it an object to pay agents i -f Clubs of five individuals may tttus V the work for $4, by uniting in tances. x vp Subscribers living near agents, mV.t their subscription to them; those otf er . uated may remit the amount to the ay at his expence. Our arrangements made for the fulfilment of our part ot" tract. . -(jijtely Subscribers' names should be inin. forwarded, in order that the Pub'"e tfr know how many to print of the iuiu berS ADJVALD! AXNUALS FOK 1833. Forget Me Not Comic pfiering-Arno Religious Souvenir, Pearl & Token, For sale by . . T' , A V