v LIBERTY... .THE CONSTITUTION. ...UNION. VOL. XVI. wbi; UN. PRI8V, FE8!1U11Y 1, IS33. St. A I'tJIJ -JSIIIM) BV T 03IAS 1VATSON. Thre dollars per, annum payable in advance i So p;iptM- will discontinued (but at the dis cretion of the Editor): until all arrearages have been . paid up. ia'ws of tiik united states, passed at the Second Session of the Twenty-second Congress. AN AC I' making appropriation?, in part, for the i;)t"! t "! Liur G )veni.ne:it lor the year one thou sa'ti 1 I'iht hull Ire . and thirty-three, and for cer tain x,;e:i lituresof the year one thousand eight tn'jn.ir.'d an ; thirty-two. . . He it enacted try the Senate and House of Ilc 'TeWiiti1'6 oj the United States of America in 'rljU,r .-ess assembled, That the following sums be. and are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the Trea sury, t iz : Fur pay and mileage ofUhc m embers of Con-rea-5 and delegates, ' three hundred and seveh thousand nine hundred and sikty-eight dol- hr. . ' For pay of the officers and clerks of both Houses, thirty-four thousand three hundred collars. For stationary, fuel, printing, and all oilier incidental ami contingent expenses of the Se r.aie, tvcnty-f:vc thousand six hundred doi hrn. For .stationary, fuel, printing, and ai other . incidental and contingent expenses of the House of Uepre-entotives, one hundred thousand dol lars. The said two sums last named to be applied 'to the pay nent of the ordinary expenditures of the Senate and House of Representatives, -.severally and to no other 'purpose, And no part of this appropriation shall be applied to a rn printing other than of such documents or papers as are connected with the ordinary pro ceedings of cither of the said Houses, ordered diirina its Session, and executed by the public printer, agreably to his contracts, excepting I guch as may have been ordered by the Joint Committee for preparing a digest laws for the District of Columbia, or such printing as have heretofore been ordered by the House. For defraving the expenses of the several courts of the United States ; also, for jurors an bvitnesses, and for defraying the expenses nf sniu 11 which the United States are cen- ci'tneii, i fti !)ros-?cuiion lor onences com- milted against the United States, and for the twfc keeping of prisoners during the year one ih mviti d eight hundred and thirty-two, in ad dition to the sum heretofore appropriated for tJuwp oiirnoses, t tie further sum further sum of fifty-one thousand six hundred and fifty -five dollars. A. STEVENSON, y"ncaker of th House of Representatives. HU : L. WHITE, President of the Senate protcmpore. Approved January 14, 1813. ANl 111 W JA( KkOK. A?T ACT making appropriations for- the Revolu tionary and other pensioners of the United States, far tie: year one thousand eight hundred and thirty throe. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of f.aq United States oj Ameri ca in Congress assembled. That the following 'urns be appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropri atedfor the pensioners of the United States, for the veaf one thousand eight hundred and ihirty-thrce: For the revolutionary pensioners, under the several acts prior to that of the seventh June, one thousand eight hundred and thirtv-two, six hundred and twenty-touri-liousana six nunurea oiffluv-fivc-rdollars, in addition to an unexpend mfhidnMPo nf tbrpp. hundred and six thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For the invalid pensions, in addition to the sum of two hundred and one thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars in the Treasury ninetv-eitfht thousand seven hundred and thir- tv-two dollars. For pensions to widows and orphans, live thousand five hundred dollars. Approved, January 14, 1833. AN ACT makinrr appropriations for carrying on the Fortifications of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re VTcseniatires of the United States of America "i'i Congress assembled, That the following sums be appropriated to several objects here inafter named specifically, to be paid out of any money iu the Treasury not otherwise appro priated For the preservation of Castle Island, awU repair of Fort Independence, Massachusetts, itiiuhliti ui to the sum heretofore appropriated, Seventeen thousand dollars. For Fort Adams, Newport harbor, one hun dred thousand dollars. . For repairing Fort Columbus and1 Castle Williams, New York, fifty thousand dollars. For Fort Monn-e, Virginia, forty-six thous and dollars. For Fort' Calhoun, Virginia, seventy-five thousand dollars. For completing the works of Oak Island, On rnlinn twpntv-tWO trlOUSiinU 111116 hundred dollars. For iKp fAi-i'ififniinrm in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, seventy-five thou sand dollars. For the forjt t Cockspur Island, Georgia, ?vpntv-';ve thousand dollars. For the completion of thefortifications at "nsacola, Florida, one hundred and thirty two wousand dollars. , for completinjr tbe fort at Mobile Point, Alabama, fifty thousand dollars. For contingencies of fortifications, ten thou "hh1 dollars. . Approved, January 14,1833. y J. M. GRANADE , &Co. JJTTA VE just received by the Packet Schoo ner Trent, from New York, the follow ing articles: which they offer low for: cash or country Produce, viz. lb No. 1:4 blue Cotton Yarn 10 bris. and 10 half bis. Beach red brand family Flour 12 drums Figs 40 firkins best quality Goshen Butter 10 half bis. No. I family Mackerel 2 doz. Champaigne Wine in qt. bottles 1 qr. cask L. P. Teneriffe Wine 10 bids New Ark cider 4 brls Albany Ale ' 10 boxes smoked Herrings 1 brl. smoked Tongues 10 brls. Cider Brandy M brls Linseed Oil 1 tierce Winter Strain Sperm Oil 30 bags Shot assorted sizes 3 hds N. O. Sugar 5 " retailing Molasses 40 casks Stone Lime. ALSO, Bv brig Driver from Bermuda, m r 7 5 -Puncheons, 3d and ,4th proof Granada Knin, of very line flavour. Newbern, Jan. vlj, 1833. c c A t crii'Ci' respectfully informs his 5 i no ids, . i and customers, that in conso le termination to spend a few quence ol uis mo-iths lo New York and Philadelphia, with th virw of acquiring a more perfect knowledge of the Tailoring business, it will not, for some, time, be in his power to attend to their orders. He will, however, very shortly locate himself permanently in his native town, and resume his profession, which he will conduct on an exten sive scale, and, as he hopes, to the entire satis faction of all who may favor him with their patronage. RICHARD B. BERRY. Newbern, January 4, 1??33. CAUTION. fglIIE subscriber was j lately warranted by Ei John Slye, ol Bay River. Craven County, on two accounts presented bv saidolye: who, contrary to law and usage, obtained judgments without the knowledge of the subscriber, who lad no notice whatever given him -to attend trial. As soon, however, as he learned that judg ments had been obta.ned, he applied to (he Magistrate who gave them, and requested a 1 .1.1 I new trial, mat ne miffin maive u appear )V testimony, -hat the claims set forth by Slye . . Ml 1 A were not inst, out inegai. i new iriaj was tccordingly granted, and notice given to Slye, and tne uonstaoit? nomine uie luup-mcuib iu mend at the Magistrate's on Saturday last. They did not, however attend; and it is doubt- ess Slye's intention to endeavor to collect lie amount of the illegal judgments, or to pass them away. Under these circumstances, the subscriber considers it his duty to caution all persons from trading for said judgments, as he is prepared to contest their recovery in a court of justice. ELIJAH LINCOLN. January 17, 1833. THREK ABLK AN1) POPULAR ENGLISH PERIODICALS, At seven Dollars. jPWHF, subscribers propose to republish Blackwood's Magazine, 1 he Metropoli tan, and The Foreign Quarterly Review, com mencing with the January numbers of 1833, as soon as they are received in this country, and continuing them in weekly numbers, (as far as the receipt will admit of regularity,) so as to furnish the entire matter of the three works within the year. The works proposed to be republished are of established character for the ability and in terest with which they are conducted: Blackwood is well known as the ablest and most interesting . of the Foreign Periodicals. Its present cost to subscribers in this country is 11. The Metropolitan is a new Periodical, edited by Thomas Campbell, (recently editor of the New Monthly,) and Thomas Moore, as sisted by Harrison, (author of a Diary of a Phy sician,) Mrs. Hemans, Mrs. Norton, and other writers of high reputation. The cost of the Metropolitan is $15. The Foreign Quarterly Review is de vdted principally to Continental Literature, and is conducted with great talent. It treats ofthe literature and institutions of this country with impartiality, and often in terms of high and de served commendation. It enjoys at present a higher reputation than either of the English or Scottish Reviews. The subscription price is .q The exnensiveness of the original publica tions prevents anv extensive circulation of them in this coun;ry the separate cost ofthe cheap est beincr 30 per cent, above that ot tne wnoie in the proposed republication; and the cost of i tne tnree not less man soo, uvc nmcr. of the re-print. No intermixture ofthe works will oe permu ted to occur, butall the articles of each No. will be printed consecutively as in the original, and in such manner that at the close ot tne year each work can be separated by the binder, and bound bv itself. The work will be handsomely printed with new type, on fine paper, in Imperial Uctavo, (Quarto Form,) in weekly Nos. of 16 pages each. I he irregular receipt of the renodicals may crccasion some, but, it is hoped, not any serious irregularity in the nublication. Seve- I raj WOrks being published in weekly numbers, the long intervals in which none ae received, followed by an over supply, all in a heap,"' will be avoided, and a more reasonable and regular allowance of reading ensured. Terms Seven Dollars-'per annum, payable on delivery of the first No. PECK & NEWTOS. Jiew JJ?en, January 1st, 1&33. Fm,h? Jm. n,A. u.v rwutui ui me United States mmffiiinirnlpd tn Vw.tK M following -"'ingress the MESSAGE. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: In my Annual Message, at the commencement of your present session, I adverted to the opposition to the revenue laws in a particular quarter of the Uni ted States, which thn atened, not merely to thwart their execution, but to endanger the integrity of the Union. And, although I then exnresrcd mv rpliann. i that it might be overcome by the prudenee of the offi cers ol the United Suites, and the natriotism ofthp people, I stated that should the emergency arrise, ru" derintr the execution of the laws inmracticable, from any causo whatever, prompt notice should be given iu vAHitriess..vitn tne suggestion of such views and measures as might bo necessary to meet it. Events which have occurred in the quarter then alluded lo, or vhich have come to my knowledge sub sequently, present tiiis emergency. Although unkno nto me at th'e date of the Annu al Messnffp, the Convention which areembletl at Cri Iumbia; in the State of South Carolina, parsed on the 24th ol November last, an Ordinance declaring cer tain acts of Congress therein mentioned within the li mits of that State to be absolute null and void, and making it the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as would be necessary to "carry the same into ebVct, from and after the 1st of February next. A copy of that Ordinance has been officially transmitted to me by the Governor of South Carolina, and is now communicated to Congress. The consequences to which this extraordinary de fiance of the just authority of the Government might too surv.Jy lead were clearly foreseen, and it as im possible tor me to hesitate as to mv own duty in such an emergency. The Ordinance had been passed, however, without any certain knowledge of the re commendation, which, from a view of the interests of the nation at large, the Executive had determined to submit to Congress, and a hope was indulged.that bv frankly explaining his sentiments and the nattfre 'of those duties which the crisis would devolve upon him, the authorities of South Carolina miht be induced to retrace iheir steps. In this hope I determined to issue myProciaM ation of the 10th of December last;" a copy of which I now lay before Congress. $ I regret to inform you that these reasonab! expec-f tatiens have not been realized, and that the several acts ot the Legislature of South Carolina, which I r.ow lay before you, and which have all and each of them finally passed after a knowledge of the desire of the ad ministration to moii( the laws complained of, ii it..... ' " are. too wen i-actuated, both m their positive menu and in the spirit of opposition which tl iev ohvi- nact- ously encourage, wholly to obstruct the collection of the revenue within tlie limits of that State. , Up to this period, neither the recommendation of the Executive, in regard to our financial policy and impost system, nor the disposition manifested by Con gress promptly to act upon that subject; nor the uiv quivocal expression ofthe public will in all parts of the Union appears to have produced any relaxation in the measures of opposition adopted by the State of South Carolina, nor is there any reason to hope thatf the Ordinance and laws will be ah in dom-d. I have no Knowledge that an attempt has b.-en made, or tiint it is in contemplation tore-assemble either the Con vention or the Legislature; and it will he perceived that the in.erval before the 1st of February is too snort to admit oi tlie prehnina ry steps necessary or that purpose. It appears, moreover,, that the State authorities are actively organizing their military re-, sources, and providing the means, and civiii the most solemn assurances of protection and support toj an wno snan enust in opposition to the revenue laws. A recent Proclamation of the present Governor of South Carolina has openly defied the authority of the executive of the Union, and general orders from, the head-quarters of the State have announced his' determination to accept (he services of volunteers,' and his belief, f hat should their country need theirser vices,-they will be loun.; at the post of honor tind du ty, ready to lay down their lives in her defence. Un der these orders, the forces referred to are directed, to :hold themselves in readiness to take the field rft a moment's warning," and in the City of Charleston within a collection district, and a port of entry, a ren-i dezvous has been opened for the purpose of enlisting men for the -magazine and municipal guard. Thus South Carolina presents herself in the attitude of hos tile preparation, and ready even lor military violence i if need be, to enforce her laws for preventing the col- l' lection ofthe duties witt-in her limits. Proceedings thus announced and matured must be distinguished from menaces of unlawful resistance by irregular bodies of people, who, acting under tern-, jporary delusion, may be restrained by reflection and the influence of public opinion from the commission of actual outrage. In the present instance aggression may be regarded as committed when it is officially: authorized, and the means of enforcing it fully pro-' vided. i Under these circumstances, there can be no doubt that it is the determination ofthe authorities of South Carolina fully to carry into effect their Ordinance and Laws, after the first of February, it mereiore becomes my duly to brin'g the subject to the serious consideration cf Congress, in order that such racie1 sures as they, in their wisdom may deem fit, shall be seasonably provieed, and that it may be thereby un derstood, that while the Government is disposed to re move all iust cause of complaint, as far as may be rd to the :. ; ;c nairorf hfloafi Ullt.lCblS Ol U1U tUlllIItUIIIiy ai iuij;c,iiid nt....-.v.. determined that the supremacy of the laws shall be ! nviintninPfl 1 In making this communication, it appears w me t6 be proper, not only that I should lay before you the acts and proceedings of South Carolina, but that I should also fully acquaint you with those steps which I have already caused to be taken for the due coHec- tion ofthe revenue and with my views of the suhjecth?)l at Columhia; and, on their meeting, the Cover irenerallv that the sno-o-estions which the Constitution'or laid beforetheio theOrdinance ol the Convention requires me' to make in regard to your miure legisla tion, may be better understood. ' J , . I I This subject having early attracted the anxious! attention of the executive, as soon as it was probable ; that the authorities of South Carolina seriously medi tated resistan. e to the faithful execution ot the reve nue laws, it wnsrWmed advisable, that tbe Secreta ry ofthe Treasury should, particularly instruct the officers ofthe United State in tnat pan 01 uie w m, as to the nature ofthe duties prescribed by the exis ting laws. , ' Instructions were accordingly issued on the btn ot November to the Collectors in that State, pointing out their respective duties, and enjoining upon each a firm and vigilant, but discreet performance ot mem in the emergency then apprehended. I herewith tra ns mit copies of these instructions and ofthe Utter ad dressed to the District Attorney requesting his co-ope ration. , . S These instructions were dictateo in the hope that as the omosition to the laws by the anomalous pro- ceedingot nullification was represented to be of a pa-1 -The measure of legislation," ne says, svu.cu vou ;- uie cti.zens can nojongcr recti nQt cific nature to be pursued substantially according to ' have to employ at this cns.s ,s the precise amount of tion from the Government of the Union JL -ciiH-uaiuxe, iy j fe , . a mav be necessary to render it only abrogate the nf.tst of Conarress comnw.. the brms ofthe C'onsmmioii, uu.i wnnout resorting, 'tnyenmh to force or violence, the measures of ifel ot tne tionsuiuituu, au.i wiuiuui resoning, in advocates we.-ald be taken n conformity with that feseionc; and, on such supposition, the mean? affoK .tjr uir iaisiju iis nuuiu nave oeen adequate meet any emergency likely to arise. It was, however, not jxvssible ultogether to suppress apprehension ofUie excesses to which the excitement prevailing in that quarter might lead, but. it certain ly was not foreseen that the meditated obstruction to the laws would so soon openly assume its present cha racter. , . . .i ,unV'totne date of those instructions how nons now- v il e lin iii'.n,.n r.r K -r .' v--uii rmioii was passeu, vvliich if coiudHp ! witi Kit i ' , ""vr ui iuf convention was ' l"i 1 I . . I t . mn t o.Ti 11 mc: pwpir ui uiai oiatP, acts imps-nir aeration n th c,-..i of May 1RS -m i i 1 "P' rnveu on the 19th ter and amend the several art to imports,'' approved on the 14th July lr5 thorized by the Const.ution of tlU ' tT.nM nlV111'5 ninLMh-reof, 55 1 ... " ''e''llir (!Un,.S 0n III- ind are nun, am I void, au.l no iu- nnr ln.!:.i ... . of Sou.h Camliua, 7 ' a, DronilSttS. contract? :in,l r.lil;. : . . ' ,UJ : ' - " 'ii'tuuiis made or entered iniu, ui u oe ma ;e or entered into, with purpose to secuie uie ounes imposed bv the sni dicial proceedings, which shall be ho nets, an! all ju- Pi-i I... 1. r,iu ( 11,1.1 m f l affirmance th;reol, are ui i shall U, ll ;a Tf i..: . .. . V , ii-i v cm i c l L !. 1 1 ui' UTTrlxr m . . . I . Slil, ofSnuth Cr..lin,i. ln?Lh..t. enforce the nav.r.ent it .'nt nu m.uw..i u.. .i. . acts vvitninmeiimifscf th Stale; h,,t th t -t shall he the -luty of the Legislature to adopt sucli measures and passsnch acts a:--may he nerrssarv to crive full effecrtTo this Ordinance, and to prevent the enforce ment and arrest the operation of the said act- an ! parisoi a as oi tne Uongress of the U. Stat theTrmitsof lhe State, from an alter'the l' os .yifh h of Feb ruarv next : .rH t i d -t ! I d Sl 111 He tne dll' V nf : II rt! .. c(,nsdtuted authontn s, an ! oi all persons residintr or being wdhii) the firmts of the State, and they are to this Ordinance, and such acts .-.nd measures ofthe wv i .i y , . uunru ami r m n . ri nrinv u n n mn- p el Leg!sl-iture as may b pase.: or a lonteo m n!i Jon.-.. thereto. it turtner ordams, that in n c flav or equity, decided n the C a -softheS e wa-rein shall be, dra wn iii question tlie author tv ofta;s Or dinance; or the validity .f su h act or acts of the Le gislature as m iy he passed lor th- purpose of g ving effect Uk -eto, or the validity ofth- a'foresaiil su-.ts oi' Congress, imposimr duties, shall an v'ap eal he take n or allowed' to the Suprem Coui t of the Unite.! States nor shall any copy ofthe n cord he permitted or allow ed for that purpose; and the person r i; rsr.ns at .1 . , -r . -. . I tempting to take such. appeal, may be dealt with HS loi a r-i'utc u i oi v oun." IT ikrvie n, i ms. 'kl 1 ... 4 lilt .k h t rro t v . . I - w. iii nw i iiv uui im i in i 1 , i f iuon:,'..n E5.of Hm.'.es -mport on ,hr res-in viulationof the lawk of the 1T,?I .-L' operation and eHect w'h:n i V- V M Pir ;aic ,Iir Juernaxive, wnicn must hannpn mi .; ,h ' 01 w-,lh.-n the Un.ted States, .ma hss the United Smtrashnll nnPsivplv ..I?" 1 . ' ommo itips nn, . r..r. -. ...i . , w,.. v.-i ! inv ,111 net in i. . ... .uiiviiiicriDHir i m ii ii i i .1 : w ui rw i , -v all k rsons hoi a-ngany office ot honor, profit or trust, may seize th personal . state ofthe offender to don civil or mihtary , under tlie Stat , shall, within such hie. the amount of the goods; and if any attemptshall time, and in such manner as the Legislature shall be 'made to retake or seize them, it is the duty cT-the' prescnoe take an oath well and truly to one execute Siieriff to recapture them ; and that any person who and enforce this Ordinance, and such act or a-ts of shall disobey the process, or remove the goods,. and. the L gislafur- as may he passed in pursuance there- anyone who shall attempt to retake onreize the gool's ol, according to th- tru- int nt an meaning ofthe un4!er the pretence ofsccuringthc duties, or underany same ; an ' on the negl ct or omission ofanv such 5er- process or i.'ecree contrary to the interest ofthe Ordi son or persons so to do, his or their oifiee or office shall nance, hall i.e fined and imprisoned, besides bein'lU be forthwith vacated, and shall he filled up as if such able for any other offence involved in tle act. ' .. person or person were dead or hail resigned ; and no It also provides that any person arrested or impri person here, titer elected to any offi'-e of honor, profit soiied, on any-judgment or decree obtained in tlie or trust, civil or military, shall, unt il th- Legislature . Federal Court for duties, shall be entitled to the ben shall otherwise provide and direct, enter on the exe- efit secured by the habeas corpus act of the State in cut ion of his office, or b- in any res ect competent to case of unlawful arrest, and may maintain an ac discharge the duties thereof, until he shallj in like : tion of damages ; and that if any estate shall be sob' manner, have taken a similar oath; and no juror shall under such judgment or decree, the sale shall tjc be empannellcd in any of tfi. Courts :,f the State, in held, illegal. any cause which shall be in question tins Ordinance, It also provides that any jailor who receives a pbv or any act of tlie Legislature passed in pursuance son committed on any process or other judicial )?(?- thereof, unless fie shall first, in addition to the usual ceedings to enforce the payment of duties, and atfj oath, have taken an oath that he will well and truly e who hires his house as a jail to receive such per- obey, execute and enforce this Ordinance, and such son, shall be fined and imprisoned : And, finally, hv act or acts of the Legislature a? may he passed to provi es that persons paying duties may recover them carry the sair.e into operation and effect, according to back with interest. the true intent and meaning thereof." Th Ordj- The next is called vn act to provide, for the scu nance concludes, "And we, 'he prople of South. Ca- rity ana protecrion ofthe people ol the State of jSoUtU. rolina, to the end that it may be fully understood by Carolina." the Government ofthe United States an I the people This act provides that if the Goverament of U)e ofthe co-States, that we are determined to maintain United Staes or any officer thereof, shall, by the etjl- thisor linance and declaration at every hazard, do fur- ploy me nt of naval or military force, attempt to coerce tiier declare that vve vvill not submit to the applicat ion , the State of South Carolina into submission to the of force on the part of the Federal Government to re- acts of Congress declared by the Ordinance null ami duce this State to obedience ; but that we will consi- vo'!' or to resist the enforcement of the Ordinance, en; der the passage, by Congress, of any act authorizing f the laws passed in pursuance thereof, or in caso of the employment of a military cr naval force against any armed forcible resistance thereto, the Governor is the fctate of fcouth Carolina, her constituted authori- tiesor citizens; or any act:jabolishing or closing the ports of this State, or any of them, or otherwise ob- structing the free ingress or egress of vessels, to and from the said ports; or any other act on the part of the Federal Government to coerce the State, shut up ner ports, destroy or force the acts otherwise thi I try, as inconsistent with the" longer continuance of South Carolina in the Union; and that the people of this State will thenceforth hold themselves absolved from all further obligation to maintain or preserve their political connection with the people of the other States, and will forthwith proceed to organize a sepa- rate Government, and do all other acts and things which sovereign and independent States may'of right do." This solemn denunciation of the laws and author- lty ol tne united states has been followed up by a genes o acts on the Diirt of the authorities nf tbat , - State which manifest a determination to ren ier ine- vitable a resort to those measures' self defence which - - . - - - " -" ' v I' 111 V' 11 the paramount duty ofthe Federal Government re quires, out upon the adoption of which that State will proceed to execute the purpose ithas avowed inthisor- diqance ol withdrawing from the Union. On the7th of November, the Legislature assem in ms message on mar occasion, he a quaints them that this Ordinance has thus b come a part of the fundamental law of S uth Carolina:" that -'the die haw been at last cast, and South C.troMna has at length ppeale.t to her ulterior sovereignty as a mem ber of this confederacy, and has planted heselfon her reserved rights. The rightful exercise of this power is not a que-tion which we shall any longer argue. It is sufficient that she has willad it. and that the act is done ; nor is its strict compatibility with our consti luiionai onngation to all. Government, within the to be iirawn inouestion. whpn this interposition erted in a case in which the compact has been palpa- My, deliberately, an dangerously violated. That it brings up a conjuncture of deep and momentous in- teres? isne.ther tobecncealedordenied. This crisis presents a class of duties" which is reteraoie io your rnliroi. A.. 1... harass her commerce, or to en- oi any circumstances indicating Uiat armeoS force-rs : hereby declared to he null and void, about to be employed at?ainst the St ate or in resi?t- m through the civil tribunals of the coun- ance to its laws, the Governor is authorized to aC- laws nassed bv the jenei;n - --. vfe., aulhoriS i irrants of poW-r, ture, as also ol his Proclamation, and general Ordr aumorizeu graiHs"' i r.i,n nnupnmr rnl rn,mr,a rC:r .t Krtn mmmanaeo uv ujt - win Vthe liniitsof this State the.r wa. .u.. -y. sucn cimcuiK' -j , . . . , such enactment , " utterly impossible to collect wiihia onr torts the do- nucc. 1UU IlitVt UClii -.-.Jj ' . in their highest sovereignty, to take care that within sidered as incompetent to its own defence, the supjg SO. 830. ties imposed on the protecting tarifls tlius nullified:' He proceeds "That you should arm every citizen with a civil process, by which he may claim, if he pleases, a restitution of his goods, seized under the existing imposts, on his giving security to abide the iue of a suit at law, nd at the same time define and by a L "'"u eaail rnndifnfn . : .v l of pasns and penalties, compel obedience! llSObedieilCP (n vnur nn'ti 1ft c? a a tvnn an ipaa'b tOO O VIC tOrpnnirpa,..li. rl you must, , rvey the whole rounSZv m M uhj him usciuii. in one worn, to and nrov rip tor ilt - . If. Qe l0T ai Issible rontinmnr pa. Tnvnrir own hmits your own Prmrc t Y- . ' tuitiiontv and the Lxecutive i!ifrc?ardinrr !;, reirain from exeruting the laws of the Union, he recommends a thorough revision of the militia system, and tluit tiv- Governor "be authorised to c , cepr. for the def n of Charlesoton and its depjn" den i s the svrv.ee ol tw tlmusand yanjfeeFs ei the hy co-npaniesr fil- s," and that they be forme! into ;i liegion iry bSgade, (insisting of infantrr, rifie men, cavalry, hVhfein ; heavy artilery ; and thatthey i e "armed and efuinred from the nnbh'r. nrppnnl; completely for the. lie 1 1 and that aopropria.Vons be luarie lor sunnlvmrr nil a , II. . "till IVWV lit UU1 tilUlItllUJlf w . Ol W.'ir " In o.l.I., .m. .1 l . J I t. . i . . . . - . " ii. nun tlie Governor hp nnthorisn "tn m- 'f f.'""- ' ""." Slat., olOTS!,ized and at r . . , , . ... 1 ine ouicers o oe , Ie ted hv the ( 'nmm.m tr.;n r-,;r .i u: w.io.e force be called theState (toart'." A r.-quvt hash. en regula.ly maMe ofthe Secreta ry oi fctateol South Carolina, for th authentic copie ol the acts which have been passed tbr the purpose to enf using the Ordinance, but up to ifhc date of the Ta test a i vices that request had not been complied with: and on the -present occasion, therefore, ret'emirr f -ui nn t; ho Miiilo m 'tmn Ui:UJ j - - . th. newspapers of the State. The act? to which it js de emed proper to invite . the particular attention.. Congress are: - 1. An act to carry into effect in part an Ordinance to nullify certain acts of Congress, of the United States purporting to he laws laying duties on theim portat on,o! :i reign commodities, passed in Conven tion of this State, at Columbia on the 24 th of Novell berl832." c - This act provides that any goods seized or detain ed under th pretence of securing the duties or lor tljet nonpayment of duties, or under any process, order, or decree, or other pretext contrary to the intent. antf meaning of the Ordinance may be recovered by the wner or. consignee by an act' of replevin; that ' in case of refusing to deliver them or re moving them, s PO ilr.il thi ;-n!;-v'm ennnnt ho oTu.ntn.1 SKfirifi' authorized to resist the same, and to into sarvice the weole or so much of the military force ofthe State ts as he may deem necessary; and that in case of an' overt act of coercion or intention to commit thesamt. manifested by an unusual assemblage of naval and ' military forces in or nctir the State, or the occurrence - cept the services of such volunteers, and call into ser vice such portions of the militia as may be required to meet the emergency. ; The act also provides for accepting the service ot the volunteers, and organizing the militia, embracing all free white males bet veen Che ages of 16 and CO ; and tbr 'the purrhaeof'arms, ordnance, and amtHiition It also declares that the power conferred on ;he Gov- ernor shall be applicable to all cases of insurrection ot invasion or imminent danger thereof) and to ceee"? where the Jaws of the State shall be oppoeeu, aim m. execution thereof foroh v resisted bv conaai nations ioi - nA in powerful to be suppressed by the power vested m tu Sheriffs and other civil officers ; and declares it to Ue ' - w . u the duty of the Governor in every su"h case to call forth such portions of militfa and volunteers as may be necessary promptly to suppress succ coaioinations: and cause the laws ofthe State to be executes. 3d Is "an act concerning the oath required b. the Ordinance, passed in Convention at Columbia, the 25th of .November,. 1832." v This act prescribes the form of the oath, -which is to obey and execute the Ordinance and all acts pas s h! by the Legislature in pursuance thereof and directs the time and place of taking it by the ofikers of the State, civil, judicia-y and military. It is believed that oth"r acts have been passed em bracing provision- for enforcing the Ordinance, but T have not yet been able to procure them. I transmit, however a copy of Gov. Hamilton's Message t - the Legislature of South Carolina-ot win uecemner giving public notice that the service of volunteers will be accepted, under the act already riterreuto. 1 these measures cannot be defeated and overcome - gj"; wc,ft u,u,e " oy me Constitution oil mj - , v,v., V4vtiiiuitin, me votisutution must cw o y- - t clu enu, aim u tfc. , . . "."i-T , g Knt thtv ptycin" Z. kt 7 Sue? led the rant act of 1328 and U&, l f-wf riior HaVIl '.S Inaurrural Aftllea tr the T.irictn. is ex- v.jiijiiju.iiuci-111-vviiiei, uaiea uie ? i f 4 A fa