JVeic and Cheap Goods.. StVU NEW STORE. OLIYEB. S. DEWEY TTTTAS iust returned from MewYort, and is mi now oneninor at fii Stnrp. F.ast side of ORIN TKUFANT .TTNFORM iheir friends and customers that t- II thev have received bv sundry late arrivals :--flpm N.York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, their lne Old County Wharf, two doors below the iaii ana winter supplies, consisting corner, A large assortment of Foreign anauomc A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF do. I ft t (iRCKERYT GLASS and STONEWARE, iTardware ir Citttlenj, Hatsf Caps, Shoes, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, &c. d-c. Ajl 6f which were purchased upon the most advantageous terms and selected with great care, and are offered for sale at a very small profit Also, the following articles, viz : 20 dozen common Windsor Chairs 6 Fancy Cane and Rush bottom'd do SZ Fancy do. Rocking and Sewiug Chairs for Ladies. 2 Childrens' Chairs J2f reams Foolscap writing Paper 40 Letter do. 5 bales Cassia 2 bags black pepper, 1 doz. Cayenne 2 Pimento box 6 doz. fresh London Mustard 4 cases preserved Ginger and Pine Apple 2 boxes Soda Lemon Syrup soft shell'd Almonds, Filberts, Currants, Prunes, tresh buncn ivaisins, in wnoie and half boxes. Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, Cloves, Race and ground Ginger. small boxe? Chocolate T box prepared Cocoa. bags Manilla Coflec I 10 St. Domingo do. ; Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, and Black Teas in quarter and half chests, (y hhds. prime retailing St.Croix Sugar 5 bbls. very superior do. do. I Loaf and Lump Sugar 5 hhds, rjrime retailing Molasses " ! . 2 baskets fresh Sallad Oil 1 100 Bettys do. do. i 30'barrels and 10 half bbls. Beaches red brand Family Flour, 5 half barrels Buckwheat Meal, ! '20 firkins; Goshen Butter fm. choice dairies I 10 casks Goshen Cheese, 10 bbls. Pilot and 0 half bbls. Navy Bread 10 New Ark Cider I 2& Apples, New Town Pippins ()hal bbls. family mess Beef 20'Q lb Smoked do. 12 boxes Scotch Herrings ,'12 casks sweet Malaga Wine 4 Muscatel 4 V Canary 4 baskets Champaigne in qt 2 half Pipes very supr Seignett's Brandy pipe superior 'Holland Gin 40 hhds. N. E. Rum 5 do. 120 bbls. Rye Whiskey "10 bbls. New Orleans Whiskey 2 hhds. do. do. Rum o bbls. Old Monongahela Whiskey -10 t do. Curtis's Rye Gin 40 Bbls, Cider Brandy "5'--: " 'J Vinegar 0 Dos Amigos Spanish Segars i 20 qr. boxes half Spanish do (0Q small " American do i 12 boxes Poland Starch - S5i whole and 50 half boxes yellow Soap ' 'W bpx'es patent mould Candles 20 boxes and Kegs of Tobacco 4QTj bottles Lorillards best Snuff 10Q bladders High Toast and com. Snuff 3D doz'n Lee & Thompson's Blacking 12 cans Virdigris 250 kegs white and black Lead &. bbls. Linseed Oil 5 winter. Sperm do. 40 Porpoise or Train do GO ps. 43 in. heavy Dundee Hemp bagging 00 -42 Common d 40 42 Heavy Tow do 22l coils Bale Rope 3 bale 501b Bagging Twine 100 lb coarse Shoe thread 50 fine do do 6 balea Cotton Yarn ass'd No's. 6 doz. Spades and Shovels 100 setts Wagon and Cart boxes 10 doz. long Bitt adz 4, setts Blacksmith's tools complete 6 patent Fanning Mills (or clearing Gain iJ ton Grindstones ass'd. sizes 3 Iron do 35$ kegs cut Nails andlBrads ass'd. sizes ' from 4d to 20d. . 200 lb. Putty ' 6 boxes 10. 12. 50 feet window Glass X0 8. 10. do yt Demijohns Qr kegs refined Salt Petrc ; 2o sacks Liverpool Blown salt 400 bushels Ground Allum do 2500 bushels coarse Turks Island do H)00 bushels Irish Potatoes. Newbern, Deci 10, 1832, 'GEORGE. WV OlXOi MERCHANT TAILOR, y 7TO ESPECTFULLY informs his customers Ejtil, and 'the public in general, that he has just received from New York, per sen r fearah, choice atttiberBspintliUissottOTent ot SEASONABLE GOODS, elected by an experienced merchant in New York, from the latest importations. Having now in employ a number of the very best workmen, (some of whom have iust am ti nd Tiriflles. rive( rom New Y'ork,) and his assortment be Shoes, Hats, Saddle and Bxaies, co , he tlatt Mmseif that he will J . iA : Rope, Swedes, Knglisn, ana American Iron, Wagon Boxes, Blacksmiths' Tools, Nails, &c. ccc. ALSO HIT UOOTP GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKEAY, NOW LANDING, FROM SCHR. JAMES MONROF, A few bbls. first iquality family Flour Boxes and half boxes Raisins, Sacks of Salt, Goshen Butter, Newark Cider, dec. &c. . All of which will be sold low for Cash or Pro duce. November 13th, 1832. F. WOODS TJT AS just received from New York, in ad J. JUL lition to his former supply, Studs for Gentlemen's shirt bosoms, Fashionable steel Watch Chains and Keys, Silk do. Silver table, tea, salt, and mustard Spoons, Silver Spectacles, to suit from 20 years up to 80. Plated arid steel do. silver l'enciJ Cases a few ol them very- beautiful, Shields, &,c 6cc. Very fine Beads for Ladies' fancv work, jScc Newbern, 24th December, 1832. be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may think proper to patronise him. Among the articles are tne following: Superfine olive, green, mulberry, and Ade laide cloths, Reform and rifle green, do. Blue, black, Russel Brown, and mixM do. 1 piece elegant black Cassimere, superior to anv heretofore imported. 2 pieces buff super silken Kerseys, a splen did article for gentlemen's dress panta loons and vests, Superfine.black, drab, lavender and Adelaide rnix'd Cassimeres, A choice selection of super silk velvet Vest ings, various colours, figured & plain, Super black silk Florentine vesting, Fancy coloured do. Valencia and Toilanet- do. A handsome assortment of Stocks, best qua lity, Gum elastic Suspenders, Gentlemen's superior Horseskin Gloves, Together with a varietv of other articles. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING iwili be 'made up in the neatest and mostfash onable manner, and at the shortest notice. td complete suit of clothes Can be made, in the best manner, at 12 hours notice. All orders from the country will be thank full v received and punctually attended to. Newbern, 19th October; 1832. IE f VS just returned from New York, and is opening at ins fetorje on the Old County W.iarf, a oeneral assortment of Dry Goods. do. do. and pt. Bottles Hardware & Crockery, A GOOD AsMiRl'MENT Of SADDLES & BE.IDLES, G UjS tf, Gentlemen's Fashionable Hats, Blacksmith's and Cooper's Tools, IRON AJSD S1EEL ALSO, 25 pieces Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, 1 5 kegs Goshen Butter, 1 5 casks Cheese, 30 kegs Nails, fcc. 5cc. Newbern, 9th Nov. 1832. NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS. FnHE subscriber has just arrived from New - U York with a new and well selected as sortment of STORAGE. f nHE subscriber having purchased the jLL Wliarf and Warehouse formerly awned by Mr. Moses Jarvis, is prepared to receive Produce or Goods on Storage. He "will also Attend to the shipping of Produce, ti required. CHARLES SLOVER. Newbern, Oct. ?th 1832. For Sale, A FIRST RATE BAROUCHE, ... ...u SIQe, and double Harness, fof one or iwo uorses. Apply to January 7A, 1833. JOHN TEMPLETON. 5561 s, which he w determined to dis pose of "according to law." if callej iul utuiw.u.mij, tiiey may be found liis possession. ; WANTED, xA capable and steady Journeyman Saddl alir xiarness-uiaicr. iu u worKman of in er this description, good wages and constant employ AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND Blue, black, and mix'd Cloths, Cassimere and Sattinets, Red, white, green, and yellow Flannels, Col'd, black, and blue black Gro de Naps, Figur'd, changeable and watered, doi do. Black Sarsnets, Levantine &. Sattin Levantine, Cashmere, Merino, & Thibet wool Shawls, Printed Merino, Gauze, & W. B. Hhkfs Lace &l Muslin Capes & Chemizettes, Ladies' Cravats &- Tippets, Bobinet Laces, Insertings &, Footinn-s, Thread Laces, Edgings & Inserting, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 & 12-4 plain Bobinets, Linen Cambric, and Cambric Hhkfs. Iiish Linen, Lawns & Diapers, English & French Merino Cloths, Merino Circasians, Bombazettes, Very superior black Italian Silks, Cambric, Jaconet 6l Mull Muslin, Plain an'd figur'd Swiss and Book do. French Calico & Merino Ginghams, Calicoes, Ginghams, Vestings, (fee. Color'd Cambrics, Camblet Plaid, Bleached and brown Shirtings, Checks, Bedticking, And a variety of other artic es all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at his Store nearly opposite the Bank of Newbern . VAN SICKLE. Newbern, Oct. 10, 1832. 1 IMPORTANT VICTORY.' Sylvester 'against the World!!! The ever fortunate Sylvester has again cause to ?u -T!Ce 10 hi3 Patrotls the pre-eminent success rnr8iatlended effrt3 f 000 f his distant corresponilents. .P?-'wiS8.of ,he VirKinia State Lottery. in 'i;";T,i;t.?ih?!.o.'i . 1332. o-t on 4.fi AH Kl A A 1 lias received per. Schooner Trent, from New York a large assurnuwii vj BOOTS AND SHOKS VIZ: 1 o.ti.' fiaiter Boots, India Rubber Shoes, TOJX TIMBER. rHi: highest Cash prices will hP rir 500.000 feet of Ton Timbti or good quality, of the following enffti - e 6 -"Ki"s : sav Also. one tliousand cords of ionrw p, from 18 to 50 feet lonir. WOOD. undressed Morroco Slippers, Men's and youths Boots and Shoes. &c. rr3- Boots and Shoes of every description, made to order, at the stiortest notice nu m ths neatest manner. rrr. Oct. '2tV S - Nr A i i v I' LL persons indebted to the subscriber, of Maria G. Wade, are in- ti J . m m C.rmrrl that unless their Notes, now in his. hanls, are paid by the 10th of, January next,;' thev will on tnat aay oe put u. AMOS WADE. Newborn, December 24, 183 . bushels SALT, 400 do. Irish POTATOES, .Siisi received and for sale by Dec. 21. AMOS WA DE. JOHX A. AS just returned from New York with a general assortment of GROCECIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &x. . The folio wirier articles co uprise apart of his block: Wines. EDWA US) C, O. TINKE SJ, TAILOR AND DRAPER, ETURNShis sincere thank for the very liberal encouragement u hich he has here toiore received, and respectfully informs tht publick, that he lias just returned from New York with an extensive and very general assort ment of FALL & WI1TTEE. GOODS Selected with ; rtatcari- froHi rcciut importations A IONG THEM ARE THE FOLLOvVING: Superfine black, blue,& Russel brown Cloths Ri'le, bottle, and invisible green do. Olive and olive green and steel-mixed do. Fancy Cassimeres, of superior quality, Satin, silk, Marseilles estiil 8- Lyons Silk Velvet of very best quality, An elegant assortment of Valencia Vestings, not surpassed by any in this market, Shirt bosoms, of the latest style, ruffled and plain, Corded and plain Collars, of the best quality and latest fashion, An elegant assortment of STOCKS, of the latest and most approved patterns, covered with bombazine, velvet, satin, &c. Gentlemen's superior Hosskin Gloves, Silk web and silk net Suspenders, Gum elastic do. 1 case of the best elastic, waterproof, patent Silk Hats, Together with a variety of other articles in his line of business ; all of which will be sol i at the lowest prices. Having a number of superior workmen, he is prepared to execute all orders- with which he may be favoured in the neatest and most fashionable stvle. and at the shortest notice and he assures the public that no exertions ! shall be spared to merit a continuance of their j favours. J Newbern, 1st Nov. 1832 Champaigne, in qt. and pt. bottles, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, reneriffe, Dry Majaga, Sherry, Country. iiiquors. Cogniac Brandy (supe rior quality) Peach do. Old .Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland-Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Portei in qt.& pt. bottle; PRESERVED Do. Do. Goshen Teas. Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. Loaf fc Lump, .White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Pepper, Spice. Citron, Currants, GINGER, PIN APPLES, LIMRS. Butler, Cheese, Buckichcaf, SMiiisfi & American Segaj's,sic nerior Chewing Tobacco, etc. Which lie offers low for cash or country product at liiy Store on Pollok-street. Dece inner J c !, 1833. thomas b. Wallace & c0 Newbern, January 14, 183. N. B. The longer and larger the Timber higher the price. ' 0 LETTERS ' Remaining in the Neither 11 Pest Office, Jan. 1 I833 Lemuel Andrews, John Alfonsy, Capt.' jT F. Anthony, Mrs. Ann Anthony. ' 0e' B. Lambert P. Beardsley, John Rector Simon Burr, JohnM. Bryan, Douglas Bm,r'' Donum Banks, William P. Blair, R. iw,i iam H. Bowne, Capt. James Best F,;-' . oseph Breece, Cant. Chanel!, i. i gess, -i, Valentine Beasly, John Baker Mi j Sidney Bragg, Miss Ann W. Borden,- e " I Babbitt. 0rRe C Mrs. F. Cary, Mr. Connelly, Church Chapman, John Cureton, Nelson Cartwriuit Longfield Cox, George Cooper, Win. Charles' D. A. Delisle, Sally Dregus, George D' rule, Dr. G. Dudley. w 0 tU' E. Richard El dredge, Stephen Ellis. F. Mrs. Mary Frank, Jeremiah Fii'fcil'c Capt. Rodney French, 3, Fre derick Foscue ' G. Capt. Richard Grimes, William Griifin John Green, Capt. William Gillam. II. Robert Hindes, Col. A. Hartley Harris, Capt. N. Harding, Robert Hancock William Herritage, 4, Wiley Harwood. I. John Ives. J. - Henry Jones, William II. Jones, John T. Janeau, Henry Jacobson. L. Thomas C. Lindsay, Rev. Spicer Lane M. H. Miller, Alexander Miller. Dr. Jos. Mears, Rev. Thomas S. W Mo'u, Willian, (i McCoy, John Mayo, Mrs. Mary Ann McKniaht" William S. Morris, 3, E. Moran. V 15 ' N. Miss Elizabeth Neale, Col. W. N. Nel son, Dr. Barney Nixon, Mrs. B. Y. NeUon. O. Mrs. Mary Ann Oliver, Joseph Oliver 2 Mrs. Susan Ormsbee. P. Lieut. J. H. Prentiss, Daniel Prichard Levi Porter, Hannah Petiford. R. Jesse Roe, Wm. H. Russell,-, Richard Roper, Susan Richardson. S. John Slye, Sheritt" of Craven County. Edward Searls, John N. Styron, Allen JStnitli, James Satin, L, Smith, Gideon Sparrow, W il liam Smith. T. Mrs. Jane Turner. W. Miss Mary White, Daniel Williamson, Hancey Weaver. Rigdon Wilson, Nea! Wat son, Miss Ellen Wingate,-J. G. Wnsliinrton. T. WATSON. P.M. WA AT TED, A" nrrubA iilc. i wii'ie or coloured, i tn thn- Sailinukinr hiisines-. " LUCAS B. HEfvRITAGE. Docomher 24. 1832. HUlf THE WtS ' C O U N T I N G -1 1 0 1 J S K A L 3 1 A N A C K , FOR 1833. 1 V MONTHS. -a c o JANUARY, VWu....i.u.uii t oootne grand nrize of 1 1 rfn v n 11 prize oi if you value Was: sont 1-tt o i ii v izi io i n, i. in a Nashville, Tenn. Adventures look to the above, and wealth send your Orders to the ' PRIZE SELLING SYLVESTER AGAIN. IN THE NEW YORK LOTTERY Drawn Dec. 26th, 1832. SYLVESTER sold, the eond Capital PR15,r of ?4,UUU JOHN PITTMAN t WAS just received from New York a gen jj eral assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSISTING IN PART OP Ram, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Imperial and Hyson Teas, best Goshen Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Bale Rope and Dundee Bagging, A good assortment of Hats and Shoes, ALSO Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Smoked B ef, Herrings in boxes, Raisins, Cider and Apples, 1 hhd. prime Sugar, Coflee & Molasses, Cabbage, Onion., &c. &c. Which he will sell at the very lowest prices. Newbern, Dec 10, 1832, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, 6 13 20 27 3 10 24" 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 29 JUKE, liiiil JULY, 20 EEWAKD .V r I X WAY from the Subscriber, on the -28th Mav last, my boy CRAWFORD, letter to a Gentleman at j about 18 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, swarthy complexion neany wmu-, oroau mce and down look, no beard, straight hair not ve ry black, very full breast took with him a suit of new white cotton clothes and black fur hat. This boy can read and will probably attempt to pass as a free man. A reward of Ten Zo lars will be given, if taken within this county, to anv person who will deliver said boy to the SiihsrriKpr. rpsidincr eiffht and a half miles from It was owned by an Adventurer, who for a Ion Tarborouffh. on the Raleigh road, near Cokey time had been wooing the Fickle Goddess. .bridge or if taken out of the county, Twenty Is o. j . oilvlilk. ! Dollars will be given for his delivery to me,. Baltimore. j or if secured in any jail so that I get him again- j THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 23 AUGUST, 4 11 18 25 SEPTEMBER, 1 8 15 22 29 OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, l?yiLLbe given for likely young Negroes o V both sexes, frdtn one to 26 years of age. ty of the law. SAMUEL P. JENKINS. 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15. 22 29 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 II IS 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 i 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 23 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 rt jr rt w no to 3 - rt ; 3 3 2 -C rt H H " T 2 3 4"5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 1 2 5 6 7 S 9 12 13 14. 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 1 2 3 4 7 8 , 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 IS 21 22 23 21 25 28 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 T8 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 23 29 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20. 23 34 25 26 27 30 31 12 3 6,7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 U 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 23 29 30 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17.18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 MOON'S PHASES. rt D 3 O v 3 C Still rises. II. M. Full Moon, 6 2 27 M. Last&uarter, 12 6 9 A. New Moon, 20 4 35 A. First auartcr, 28 7 7 A. Full Moon, 4 1 14 A. Last CLuarter, 11 7 56 M. New Moon, 19 0 2 A. First CUarter, 27 7 55 M. Full Moon, 5 11 28 A. Last auartcr, 13 0 29 M. New Moon, 21 5 42 M. First Quarter, 28 5 26 A. Full Moon, 4 9 22 M. Last Quarter, 1 1 6 59 A. New Moon, 19 8 30 A. First Quarter, 27 0 15 M. Full Moon, 3 7 28 A. Last Quarter, II 1 29 A. New Moon, 19 8 21 M. First Quarter, 26 5 22 M. Full Moon, 2 6 34 M. Last Quarter, 10 7 3 M. New Moon, 17 5 52 A. First Quarter, 24 10 10 M. 15 A. 49 A. 52 M. 16 A. 44 M. Full Moonf I 7 Last Quarter, 9 10 Now Moon, 17 0 First Quarter, 23 4 Full Moon, 3 1 9 Last Quarter, 8 0 38 A. New Moon, 15 9 17 AT. First QuarW, 22 1 I r M. Full Moon, 30 ! 37 VJ. Last Quarter, 7 0 37 M. New Moon, 13- 4 59 A. First Quarter, 20 1 57 A. Full Moon, 28 6 8 A." Last Quarter, 6 10 51 M. New Moon, 13 1 49 M. First Quarter, 20 6 46 M . Full Moon, 23 10 30 M. Last Quatter, 4 7 32 A. Nw Moon, 11 0 36 A. b irnt lAiiartrr. IH 1 45 .VI .i Full Moon, ;27 2 2 M. 18 40 6' 32 6 6 31 Last Quarter, 4 3 New Moon, 1 1 1 First Quarter, 19 6 Full Moon, 26 4 12 M. 53 M. ; 12 M.' 12 A. The rising and setting of the Sun are given for the first day of every tceek, beginning tcit' Sunday the 6th of January. ' JOHN GILDERSIaEEVJS- 0ec. 17th, 1832. , - - . i . . .V. ; . .... . . '

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