V 3 BETT. T CONBTITUTION--UNOV. the sisyTiyiBL. ' vi uoject federal iieiauous, . rj, were copied at lemrth in h,Tirt, n.i f.hnL hn1m nrrnrr..! .t , . ... . . 1 . ana loascenain irornhirathe proper .nanaerof submit-1 cle, with remark h., li" T . I " , .T g ine Preccaing ec ; u to me, and J sot down and tingro tne competent authorities of South Carolina howin- ra t- '"""uuaiory. lie - juonireai, ana mat some suspicious symptoms reT " ' V . I hf Rfarvli.t;nJr.K i a li.. J owl"g IrOm the CotllW :" . ...... i .1 . V - Alld when I tfOl thmnrh . . , . .urr:" vcumi Awemmyt i-. ThA Had just maae weir appearance in QmnhM .-n . r TVr fL7 i88 1 "ineraij rn me reuuesi inerein mnt-j ni thut th i irfiinan.ee i -uwaireoi me frpRirin ,r .1 tt.,:.i o.. - - ""u NEWBERN: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY V1M3. ITMEVTBV -flilfl HKKSIIJENT, Byaut with the w'vice and content of the Ssenate. Silvester Brown, of Newbern, to be Col lector of the Customs and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Occacoke, in the State of North Carolina, in the place of Joshua Tayloe, whose commission expired 01 the 10th of January last. The place of the late incumbent could not have been better supplied, and it affords us pleasure to add that such is the opinion of our citizens generally. Extract of a letter from the Hon. J. Speight to the Editor of: the Sentinel, dated Washinjot N, Feb. K, 1833. I am happy to Inform you, and through you my friends in Newbern and Beaufdr, that the p,)..i Master General has this day given direc tions lor the establishment of a two horse stage to run three titnesa week between those place.' ally the request therein contained, that the Ordinance r J"" f!16888 the President of the United States oi me laie Invention of the State entitled " An Or- 7"" "ongress, is a Our readers are referred to the preceding page for an account of the late extraordinary movement in the United. States Senate on the Tarilf question. It will bt seen that Mr. t 'lay, the Author of the Ajnerican System, and Mr. dinanceto nullifv certain Artnfth ConorttSB of the United States, purporting to be laws laying duties and imports on the importation of foreign commodi ties," shall be rescinded, or at least its operations sus pender!, until the close of the first session of the next Congress- In consequence of the information derived from Governor Hayne at the interview, I yesterday addressed to him the letter of which a copy is here with enclosed (No. I,) and was this morning honored with an answer from the Governor, enclosing a let ter to him from the- President of the Convention of the people of South Carolina, of which-copies are al so enclosed (Nos. 2 and 3.) You will, I doubt not, think it proper to lay these papers immediately be fore the two Houses of Assembly. The Convention of South Carolina, ivill in a very few days be railed by the President to re-assemble, in order that the res olutions and request ofthe General Assembly of Vir ginia may be submitted to its consideration, and that that body may determine whether, and to what, ex tent, the request ol the General Assembly shall be complied with. But considerations of convenience will necessarily postpone the meeting ofthe Conven tion, until about the 2 1 Monday in March. I pray you to ascertain from the General Assembly, in the manner you may think best, whether it will he its pleasure that I shall remain here, and attend the Session ofthe Convention ; as to which, I hope it will give me. its instructions according'to its own sense of public ultilkv, without regard to its personal conveni ence. I shall certainly pmiong'my 6tay in this State, I until I receive an answer Irom you, employed in pro-, moting by dl proper means in my power, the purposes for which I was sent hither. It is proper I should say, that the determination to re-assemM the Convention of this State, is to be at trihuted entirely to the sense entertained by the Gov ernor, anl by the President ofthis Convention ol' what is due to the Irion ly intercession of Virginia. VOU WOail WIUK OI Ulis Prr .' wu T L1" um. r The editor is apprehensive that the disa was a vounffsterJtome of us Downing!- i" F- read by the frienda'nf fW, Jt "1.1. WIir cr?m,1v in fo to m down to Sebafro Pond everv Snrin. JJj : "I, i u i niore interest ana 1 uicaB m iuue. " . ... . t & u iiux - Batisraction than were ever derived by honest minds I i out a month - or two Tafbng logs across the Pond- From our Correspondent. j B'H Johnson, and two or three more of u&had each Washington, D. C. Feb. 11. 1833. iPP'f.W8-?. It.ws Dear Sir f ramer a windy day and the waves Kept tne logs bobr '-i t ever it f rrTYi nil tho upnim , me nonnern ana southern states. We .to not " hend any such event, unless Gai t.,-i ' ifrTT be superseded in bu0m-h.aM abolish the Tariff. " Tuy r. . . AI cre VTT w"mine ff reed to brin'em alongside and, air, Dut tnev alw..vs cnhside into calmness and -tran-1 tnmthA. P. .l: .... j j vgviuci ( There are whirlwinds and tempests in the ,7 aKnd do,wn plty kYf - r greed'tO hnnrr alnntr atAa and Cld AM IK 'Am From the Morriinsr Herald. and drive some thowlpina in theoutermp6t log OllllllV, I nros mollrini tfustiiHton ru it Vi a ioitltiiil .anil Pt)W om .lj lir. .Unj. .i'p.. ' ortfff,a!lWf!,rtafin, do8adahook, enjoying the weather, whirh i88oim-:milM Pretty well. But byvhdbyBill Jofa- srMtrssri.is: 'vtiJLM wb.!Ar specting the enforcement ofthe Tariff. Our readers PP1 for a short time, under a bright sun and a else had an easier timth h. JUa hor k m are already aware that South Carolina and Georgia c,ea; sky, upon a rustic bridge which crosses one of, a y always used to say the.other bovs had more but- PresidemMe me triby streams of the Potomac. The waters rresiuents Message alludes to the subject of course, were nuhin! . . , . j and in a calm tone of reasoning, evinces, what all his rutng .etween narrow banks, and were dialed acts had evinced before, a disposition to conciliate and anry f,orn their collision with masses of rock to compromise between the principles of protection wmch impede the channel. Eddies and whirlixmls and ine intercourse, lu other resoects the language were formed, and K.kki, - .L r. j - I J vuiiuicfi lUKt- I1IHU1 III KIIVI2ir.? 1 1 II 1 TheN-'w Vor- A -nericau su pli an official com- I munication from Charleston, which, with its introduc tory r marks, w annex: South Carolina has, it is known, adopted, in the "u I f88? !s nr,u M Pa"- " re nes upon as quickly burst and v.,. .... iuc viuur oi the law, but addresses itseli rather to tne rniij t . . ,. tt,lu J"11 understanding than the lears of the people. Upon liea' notw'thstunding the temporary turmoil, as the whole, though the language ofthe newspapers is surely towards the river and the ocean as if it had sufficie ntly v.olent, there appears to be a fair pros- been unobstructed jn its course. The thought occur- prctol accommodation in the tone of the Federal red to me so flmvsthnm r Government, and even in that of the local govern- ! , ! the current of opm.on, ever d,rec ments which are opposed to its dictation in this parti- u lowart,s a proper object and always certain of ul- cular instance. We should not be surprised, in the timately reaching it and of surmounting all opposing event ofthe Southern States persisting jo refuse com- obstacles. I do firmly believe that sooner or later a pliance, to hear the question of their right to do so peaceable adjustment will be made of this unhanovi argued with all the calmness which its magnitude T.ffn.. t maae oi una unnappy . reauires. and determined hv th fnrr of reason alone. 1 drtt questlo, without nullification, without eeces- At all events, the whole question is now before the sion, without any thing tending to disunion or its pre- L'gisiature ; and the Ex cutive Govern ment, Irom cursor, civil war. The patriots of '76 must have bled all that has yet appeared, would seem to be fully cemi anJ suffered fruitlessly indeetl, and their valor and their wisdom have been vainly, alas, exerted, if the free institutions of cir common country do not possess sufficient buoyancy to float down the stream ot time. The Tariff question, I repeat my opinion, humble as it is, will be finally adjusted, but let it not be ex- Tf r rn their hrA m u i -t. . . . . umu ne nad.. ell. ISM was row ing on the leeward side, and he begun to fret and said his side went the hardest, and he wouldn't give us any peace till one of us changed sides with him: i Well, Bill hadn't rowed but a little ways on tha windward side before he began to fret again, and de clared that side went harder than t'other, and be wouldn't touch to row on that side any lddger. Wo told him he had his choice, and he shouldn't keep changi ng so. But he only frcttfed the more, and began to get mud. At, last he declared if we . didn't change with him in five minutes, he'd cut the lashing and paddle off alone. And before we had hardly time to turnaround, he declared the five minutes were out, and up hatchet and cut the lashings, add away went Bill on his own log, bobbing and rtdTing abbutnoahcing like a monkey to try to keep oft the upper ei'de.. Th rest ot us scrabbled to as well as we, could, andtasteneo. petent to the task of dealing with such difficulties. p t e s coalesced in efforts to adjust the tariff on principles directly opposed to the doctrines which for years tney nave urgeu wun so mucn-j-te-tne wants ol the revenue, and thereupon the Gov ,.!,.", ,.i AftPr disiranintr and ernor caus s the following letter to be written in re Mi'. I Ml LI It (IU v m 9 ..w.'.... I haras a a tying public excitement, and holds out the LONDON MARKETS. Cotton The purchases reported are quite incon siderable; the market is heavy. Turpf'n. in" Turpentine remains steady ; the last -wv w 'c i v jo. cvr ui a, c i uiiu a i i . i r- t-i i i rr old immrfation nmp nnrk s dncp. and all rei tnis oossion. it nas assumed a mnereni aspect plenitude ol i -c pwer, a certain nullifying ordinance, I jn importer's hands sold at lls9d: the demand for in the course of the last three weeks. Formerly it Spirits oi Turpentine is heavy. was supiosed,as I huve previously mentio ied to yum LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Jan. 4. Lhatthe bill would pass by a majority of from five to The import this week is 6,382 bags, and the sales ten in a full house ; but I learn that at present an are 20,350 b igs, at an advance of id to per ll pn opinion almost concurrent prevails that it will be re- th- common t. fair quality of Boweds, Orleans and jected b fa number. yet it is a matter A laba mas, ndfd per lb on Egyptians, viz : 380 Sea J f r.u Islands Kat- llH- to 1530 stained ditto a 7f to 8J- ' difficult conjecture, much less of prediction. 1 he 8,710 Bowedstif to 7? 3,280 New Orleans 6L to& am ndment submitted by Mr. Huntington, of Con- Ciilhoun, the (ha npion of N ullihcation, having j an i the Legislature ofthe Stat iave passed laws to . . . .1 ,liWln,h th,v latlv onni.itilkeeHect htm 1st in-tant, for enforcing that or li IMII'iiMIL'U UIC ji wUll .o .... .. ...-j . j " i i I in relation to tnese subjects, nave nance. All this has been lone by this "chivalrous" Stat', standing on her reserved rights. But behold, some body in this city sends to the Governor of this new nation the copy ofa memorial intended to he pre sented to O ngress from here, for reducing the duties . , ..... ; piv, assuring in aioresani memorausi mat ine orai ; nnua.ims, u iu uiu rnu.u necticut. striking out the clauses imoosincr a duty on sing the country, ana creating jealousies nance and laws of the sovereign State of South ' 890 Bahras 7 to 81,000 Maranhams 7 to 9 ' . -.a'a a nd disco-'itent among the people,' Mr. Clay all ! Carolina, have been sitspeml&l by a town meeting 100 Paras 7-J-i - 1,090 Egyptians &f to 9 and 1,590 . .' ' ' ' , , . ; thp character of Mr intnr in! of certain citizens of Charleston ! Truly these new j Surats 4 to 6 jjer lb. c.s.ve ot the late of the bill. It reouces the estimated alia olive branch to Mr. Calhoun, which that gentle man in -his anxiety to escapethe evils of Nulli ration seizes with an avidity such as the drown in nnan exhibits when catching at straws Here is the executive missive: Charleston, Jan. 30, 1833 Str Your letter of the I3th instant, covering a sketch ofa proposed Memorial to Congress by the merchants of New York, has been duly received, and i i -.ii -ii. . t . yeg , l am inn cieu nv tine governor to say to yun inai, ruuiu ' ! the Tariff he reduced to the revenue standar'. as pro strange as it may seem, Mr. Calhoun who but j pose1 by the memoralists, all existing difficulties the ther iav denounced the principle of pro- j would be remove i. The Governor h ghly appreciating 1 . . ! the verv liberal an 1 uatnotic sontirnents you have in- Ifcti mi, is now in favor of continuing, with . iiivj .iua'y ex;resse :' has directed me to assure you diht m tdificaiioiis. the present tariff for a pe- that the susp nsion of all further action on the part of oouin Carolina on tnis sunject, until auer tnea ijwuru ment ofthe present Congress, has already been secu red by the unanimous adoption, by a 'large meeting America - - -Brazil -Egyptian Demerara and We6t India East India rpool 1831 Bags 558,000 167..XX) 26.000 3.000 35,000 yeai 1832 Bags 582,(300 113,000 33,(K)0 7,000 44,000 riod often years, when the amount of protec ionis to be fixed at per cent. The truth is, these gentlemen have discovered that their Systems have been odious to the people and ruinous to themselves, and they have resolved to abandon them. We trust, however, that their present experiment will prove unsuccess ful, and that the next Congress will accomplish in one or two years, the relief which Mr. Clay's bill proposes to afford in ten years. A protec- of citizens here, ofa resolution not to i iiseanv quee tion on this subject until, that period, 'and our lellow citizens of New-York may be assun d that South Carolina will continue to act with the utmost forbear ance, consistent with a determination to defend her self, should violence be resorted to against her. I am, with great respect, yourohedi nt servant, J. LAD80N ' iBEOORIE, Acting Secretary. adopted in the House, will necessarily bring the re ceipts below the most economical scale of expenditure. But I can scarcely think it will be adopted. In the Committee ofthe Whole on the State of the Union, no ayes and noes can b taken ; and as every amend ment agreed to there has to undergo revision when a bill is reported to the House I mean revison so far as t he question of agreeing or disagreeing, there is a comparatively minor degree of interest attached to the vole in committee. Not that the members ofthe committee do not discuss a question with the same attention to their duty and to the interests of their The counting of tne ballotings Ihr President an I consti:oents, but simply that it is an implied opinion Vice President of the United States, took place in founded on the rules and orders of the House, that no the House ot Representatives last l hursday. Mr. eetUed decision is made. Mr. Huntington's amend Grundy of the Senate, and Messrs. Dravton and ., . . n Hubbard, of the House of Representat ive, acted as ent passed by a very small majority-some 69 to tellers. The ballots were opened by the President of 04, if I recollect ngh . Now this is little more than the Senate, by States, commencing with the State 130 members present. On Friday and Saturday the ol Maine, and handed to the tellers who examined members nresent averaged 180 or 190. The bill is Stock in Liverpool, Dec. 31. America - - 136.000 Brazil ... 58.000 Egyptian - - - 5,000 Demerara and West India - 2,000 East India - - 11.000 129,170 35,990 6,6)0 2,640 23,560 oui logs together again though we had aTough match of it, the wind Mew so hard. Bill hadn't gone but a little ways before his log began to roll more and mote, and by and by in he went splash, head and ears. He came up rolling and blowing, and got hold ofthe loff and tried to climb up onto it, but the more he tried tho more the log rolled ; and finding it would be a gone; goose with him pretty soon if he staid there, he begaii to sing out like a loon for us to come and take-him We asked what side he would row If we would take his log into the raft again. O, says Bill, I'll row on either side or both sides it you want me, if you will only come and help me before 1 sink. But, said the President, I hope you did n't help the foolish rascal out till he got a pretty good soaking. He got soaking enough before we got to him, says L for he was jest ready to sink for the last time, and our logs come pesky near getting scattered, and ir they had we should all gone to the bottom together. And now Gineral this is jest what I think; if you let Souih Carolina cut the fashings, you'il see such a log rolling in this country as you never see yeU The old Gineral siiirte'd up and marched across the flooi like a bov. Savs he. Maior Downing, she shant cut the lashings while ray name is Andrew Jackson. Tell bargeant Joel to have his company sleep on tneir arms ever-night. I told him they should be ready c a moment's warning. 1 wish you would jest give cousin Ephraim wp to Augusta, a jog to know why he dont write to me aud let me know how the Legislature is getting along. I remain your loving friend, MAJOR JACK DOWNING. NEW YORK MARKET Feb. 15. Cotton, 10 1-2 all cents ; Tar, 8 1 87 1-2 a $ 2 ; Turpentine, Wilmington, 2 87 1-2, JV. Counties, 2 50. FOR THE SENTINEL, THE OUTCAST'S GRAVE. There is a spot which often I have sought, To pass a silent, meditative hour ; To loose myself in sad, and mournful thought, And breathe the fragrance of the eweet wild flowV The London dates are to the 5th of January The advice Our latest European intelligence is derived from . . . I . : 1 .... 1VT AT I ,.U C f-nitcs tiuu i I ) per cent mast be. amply suthcieai 10 papers received ai nnv i or oy me amy u. r.icue. mii . U I o ,nr inn n ilia rt lirprs lO DrOSeCUie elll all" 1 ' ,.....r-v-. l.i.Lin.;a anrl w ran see no ffood I uarv : .u y,;.,k .,ti inclusive, and Liverpool to the 6th reason lor continuing t ----- Amwt.rp ftre tQ the Ul u,tima Un the 31st beyond the period suggested by the I resident orDecember tne Be,gi:m troops took possession of the in his late annua! message. It is not probable Citadei . tne French sobers marched out at 2 o'clock; that any tariff bill will be passed by the lnt jr jn killed and wounded is said to be only present Congress ; and as several months goo. The King of Holland refused to accede to the will intervene before the meeting of the next, terras accepted conditionally by General Chasee, anu time will be afforded to enable the representa- the Dutch troops were therefore treated as prisoners fives of the people to ascertain the popular of War; the London Times of the 4th however gives feehn, in relation to the final settlement of the as its opinion that they will be suffered to return to . , . . o,0n K :n. Holland, without jeing required to give their parole subject. In the mean time, we shall not be in- . c o , J . .f. not to serve against France or Belgium, attentive to the movements of the two pacin- FRANCE cators, hitherto antipodes, but no longer so. Dukeg de Nemours an , Orleans, had returned We shall note their future course and speak ffom the war The Diplomatic body and the deservedly of their acts. Chambers of Peers and Deputies presented addresses The Baltimore Republican, in reference to 0f congratulation on New Year's Day, to the King; the new posture of Messrs, Clay and Calhoun, on the 6th, the King was to set out tor Valenciennes remarks that " The debate upon the subject to meet his returning armies, and it was expected that presents to our view quite a new aspect of by the 7th, there would not be lett a b rench soldier irs, and one that is calculated to excite no in Belgium The Russian Ambassador Count Poz little astonishment. Mr. Calhoun is in favour zo di Borgolet Paris or London on the 30th ofDe- , cember. and his departure excited much speculation, of the principle o( a bill presented by Mr. Tte prem inWBttot WgpraenCe wag re Clay oppnthesubj'ectof the Tariff ;and although quiredj toiake part in in the deliberations and nego he has been endeavouring to prevent the col- jong ofthe British Cabinet in relation to the affairs taction of any duties in South Carolina, in or- 0r Turkey. The Russian Ambassador had made a der to put own art-once the protective pririci- fo:mal complaint, in consequence ofthe French Flag pie altogether, henow declares that 44 he would being hoisted on the walls of the captured Citadel; never acm-P to the oassaire of any bill which the excuse offered was, that the act was the impulse would destroy the capital and skill which had of momentary enthusiasm. It was reported that the grown up under it in the Northern States." Counsof Madrid and Vienna , m, T . . . to procure the release ofthe Duchess of Bern; nothing On the other hand, Mr. Webster ts opposed to wheQ the principle and the details of Mr. Clay s plan- measurea wiU be adopted awards her. Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Clav have come together; PORTUGAJU. nd Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster are at variance We find notmns Gf moment concerning the affairs upon the subject of the Tariff. What a strange Df this kingdom in any of our papers. A veseel had jumble! What a singular amalgamation! arrived at Dartmouth, which sailed from Oporto on What a wonderful severance of former friends the 25th, December-; it was reported that the troops nd allies' It will probably be some time be- of Don P.dro mad'e a successful sortie on the 17th, I i i ... ... vr'ii t nnu.. forp .K.ll L now where to find some of the anu ffneu possession ol part ol v ma iwva. v ii gtmn nv - - . are said to be well vupphed with provisions, a French vessel, attempting to pass the bar, was fired r.. . I uixm bv Don Mimiel's batteries, and reduced to a vnjvci lui ft w ' 1 . , , . . ,i r L,i -r.v ft,.,, thollowim? extracu rom a I complete wreck. A due representation of the facta S '"1-U C V lllUh w-f . . . . . and read aloud the certificates of the result of the vote in the several electoral colleges. The following was found to be the official state of the vote. For President. STATES. Maine, New Hampshire Massachusetts -Rhode Island, -Connecticut, -Vermont, - - New York, New Jersey, - Pennsylvania, - DeM ware, - -Maryland, Virginia, -. -North Carolina, Soutfi Carolina, Georgia, -Kentucky, Tennesse, -Ohio, - -Louisianna, Indianna, -Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, -Missouri, - o . a o 7 O 10 7 14 4 8 42 8 ' 30 3 3 5 23 15 11 11 15 15 21 5 9 4 5 II I I 219 49 U For V. President. s 5 55 so 5 S 5 10 7 14 4 8 42 8 3! 231 1R i 11 15 21 5 9 4 5 il 189 3 5 15 30 11 novv in the House, and it is within the com pass of pro-1 . . . i i i i v I babibty that tne ameniiment win De aisagreea to. i wiU advise you promptly. Washington, Feb. 16. " The election for Printer to the House of Represen tatives, took place yesterday, when on the fou teenth ballot, Gales & Seaton proved to be the successful candidates. They received a vote of 99, being the exact Tiunber necessarv to constitute a majority. Mr. Blair's vote was 93 or 94 : but the decision can scarce ly be considered as a criterion ol the strength of par ties by those who know that, at the very least, there were seven members ofthe House, and members too, triendly to the administration, who were confined at home by sickness. Some persons there are who will jump at conclusions; but those who reflect, will on the other hand, await the course of events, and lorm their judgments accordingly. In saying this, let it not be supposed that I mean those who in the words of Cromwell, were "waiters on Providence" for the good things which Providence might award to them ; but those who estimate the motives that actuate and the principles that guide, and who have as the only object in view the good of our common country. I know not whether you ,have been a resident in this city, (temporary or for a time as the Philosopher eays in the play) but if so, you md be well aware that AQ Of li 7 U16 uruauc uiauucicui wit x uiuLiciikviivi wvucx . .rDrxrAnantQiiitM nf thp 9.1 C.nn fTrftsw. must hatf .. . annminfPd "1 ncmcu... . ' : UCKAXTi Marti incUned the balance -eppan avoirdepois in Van Rnrpn. having received a maiority ot the votes; their favor. ' were duly elected, the former President-and the later But j naye done Excuse the" nonsensical part of Vice President the u.i.l-1--.- Ater all, this would be a: dull world in. rXKtorAinr to their deed if nonsense did not occasionally predominate. i-UM IUUOJ) fc - I . . . 1 . f . Chamber when the House aoiourucu. m rrovmen, iiiyvui uu,w., iwcio auu, umu 1 . i . , , . . . . ; matter not whether tney laugn at the wisdom or the The U. S. sloop of war Vincenncs, a x f u f your correspondent. So that they laugh, Far from the haunts, and cares of busy men, There silence reigns unbroken through the day; Save when the dove, or solitary wren, ' Sends to the list'ning ear, some lovely lay, A group of ancient plum-trees flourish there, And none can tell the time they date their birth ; Their blossoms waste their fragrance in the airj And drop unnoticed on the lap of earth. Beneath those trees, a little hillock shows It's mildest head, scarce raised above the ground; And o'er it's top, luxuriant wild-grass grows, And from the heedless eye, conceals the motincf. Here lies an outcast, in Uis lowly bed, No more by labours, or by grief opprest; He sleeps the quiet slumber of the dead, Nor heeds the damp clod resting on his breast. No gentle hand has placed the rose-tree near, To spread it's bloom, and shadow o'er his head ; No one has sighed, or shed a friendly tear, To nurse the wild-grass, growing on his bed No voice laments his melancholy lot, Save when the zephyr, breaking from it's goal, In fitful gusts, comes sweeping o'er the spot, And gives a sigh for his departed soul. Then when the plum-trees, and the wild grass-wave, And irom the earth, the light begins to fade; The whip-poor-will, stands near the lonely grave, And sings a requiem, to the outcasts shade. Long may the plum treeso'er UUn shed their bloom, And may the zephyr, often sweeping paV . Sigh, (as it sports upon his lowly tomb,) . . "Sweet be the slumbers oi tne p - prominent actors on the public stage." 1 tteir addressed to him by B. W. Leicb, Esq. the sp rial mt bsenger deputed to bear the resolutions of Vir ginia to the Governor of South CarUina : u Ca ApLEaTON, Feb. 9th, 1833. . Sir. 1 arrived hre on tlie evening of Sunday, t e lin8t.ana the next morning Waited on the Gover orof South Carolina, to communicate to him the rcaoluuons oftf Genera) Agsanbjy Virginia ofthe was made to the French government. ENGLAND. . The editorial columns ot the latest papers areoccu pied principally with comments upon the affairs ofthe United States, and we find but little interest concern ing those ot Great Britain, The President's Mes sage, and the Report ofthe Secretary ofthe Treasu- r i i ARRIVED, - . fn xtrA. adavstroml. i otk, are u ietlcr is given m one o. Brvan, and A. m v , ordered to be put in readiness for sea ; pro- Swift's Epistles to Pope. Heays to the effect that .Sr r: E. FoVbe. bable destination the coast of Brazil. other had ever stopped their pens to consult their j wBirMlmT (kJ ITI TTh PI IntbpdteintheHouseofRepresenUtives headg Qj JJU'JCi JCiiCill. on Mr. Adams's Resolutions ou From the Portland Courier. I nt nf FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, which v- , Newbem, Feb.22. H. LO0MIS. - L . 'J ,ooo Kenon took! occasion to pronounce juugiu Washington City, Jan. 1 ' 1CT he wiu sell at reduced prices. , e .President s laie po- iouie euiror oi me ronmuu vunci, i - , upon the merits of the bx-rresiuem F 05 r.h,,r, r;u; rtnnr. eastern end em, " Dermot McMorrough." He said that it dowQ m the St 0f ine. i i uAn untnpnniv iui ilt.. j 11 rr ni :- iuc"" he were now, or ever nan ' ' . U,": .;" "'itis work h-re. ff(.nilPman from Massachusetts, n vczAj. Mr McDuf- would have been, Oh. that he might write a frilT; t. ... . .u., Kt miffhl be a poem ; aod that a terrible tempest ins.de of lum e in m Ute EDWARD LANE, formerly Master dook -,hiii""- o . I r i mw own oart uuun . . : xi.; ,;i:nv r Tolonds. arts be called Dermot Mcmorrough. ' Here K""'. X. t iCbt. 'I was sitting ZV?S& LT.XSZZ&. - JL 'nwnnnC TV vtice. poem the Speaker called Mr. K. to order. The Cholera. The Quebec Gazette 4th just, states that several cases 4f fl 1TT III LT H.KJUL Ull I . . . . a m-mtV IHM U.l.1 " n - sidentmtnee . - p idem he, Mai, tare bv aDDlving to HENRY I ikinn ann unOlDer, ou ' . s . . " I - . of the have vou read my Message w ingress u-1 Ksq. 0t Nassau, N-J. throug 01 the Dowtunghavejou 'Weli eays he, f should 1 ... O. W. of malignant,; m nave yoa read it, d give iae 7001 opiniaa r Wi&inftlon, C. GREESIJ17, DAVIS, i-

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