NEW STORE. OLIVER: S. DEWS? TTTTAS just returned from New York, and is JJi now opening at his Store, Eastde the Old County Whart, two aoor comer, ,r - A GENERAL ASSORTMBWX c: Sboes. Hats. Saddles, and Bridles, Cashmere, Meri, & Thibet wool fehawU, it Tirtee and Tow Bagging, Bale Hope, Swedes, English, and American Iron!, Wagon Boxes, Blacksmiths' Tools, Rails, &c. &c. ALSO KOW LANDING, FROM SCHR. JAMES MONROE, A few bbls. first quality family Flour 9 Boxes and half boxes Raisins, Sacks of Salt, Goshen Butter, ; Newark Cider, tfc. SfC. Ail of which will be sold low for Cash or Pro duce. - November 13th, 1832: JOHN A.CHINFIf TTTTAS iust returned from Mew York wun a mm mlw , ... i i just returned trom new i or neral assortment of GROCERIES, till areneral assortment 01 JTATinWARE. CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. i The following articles comprise apart of his Stock: Wines. Teas. Champaigne, in qt. and Gunpowder -.4 LAltlaa Imperial, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, Tcncrifie, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Hyson, Souchong, rouchong. Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. NUts. Liquors. Filberts, Oogniac Brandy (supe- Madeira Nuts, nor quality) Almonds. Peach do. Spices. Old Jamaica Rum, Mace, Cloves, Superior Holland Gin, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Old Monong. Whiskey, Pepper, Spice. N. E.' Rum, Fruits. Porter in qt.fcpt. bottles Citron, Currants, PRESERVED GINGER, Do. , PINE APPLES, : Do. LIMES. Buckwheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, &c. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at his Store on Pollok-street. December 3d, 1832. , fTTIIE subscriber respectfully informs his J friends and customers, that in conse quence of his determination to spend a few months in New York and Philadelphia, with the view of acquiring a more perfect knowledge of the Tailoring business, it will not, for some time, be in his power to attend to their orders. He will, however, very shortly locate himself permanently in his native town, and resume his profession, which he will conduct on an exten sive scale, and, as he hopes, to the entire satis faction of all who may favor him with their patronage. 4 RICHARD B. BERRY. Newbern, January 24, 1833. CAUTiON. FTHHE subscriber was lately warranted by JJ John Slye, of Bay River, Craven County, on two accounts presented by said Slye; who, contrary to law and usage, obtained judgments without the knowledge of the subscriber, who had no notice whatever given him to attend trial. As soon, however, as he learned that judg ments had been obtained, he applied to the Magistrate who gave them, and requested a new trial, that he; might make "it appear by testimony, that the claims set forth by Slye were qui jusi, oui uiegai. a new trial was accordingly granted, and notice given to Slye, and the Constable holding the judgments' to attend at the Magistrate's on Saturday last. They did not however attend; and it is doubt less Slye's intention to endeavor to collect the amount of the illegal judgments, or to pass them away. Under these circumstances, the subscriber considers it his duty to caution all persons from trading for said judgments, as he is jf. reared to contest their recovery in a court ' r justice. ELIJAH LINCOLN. January 17, 1833. m ANA WAY from the Subscriber, on the 28th May last my boy CRAWFORD, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high. A. 1 A 1 i ' 1 I 1 1 t swarthy complexion nearly white, broad face and down look, no beard, straight hair not ve ry black, very full breast took with him a suit of new white cotton clothes and biatfk iurJiat. This, boy can read and will probably attefnn to pass as a free man. A reward of Ten Doh lars will be given, if taken within this county to any person who will deliver said boy to the Subscriber, residing eight and a half miles from l arborough, on the Kaleigh. road, near Co key bridge; or, if taken out of the county, Twenty Dollars will be given for his dhvery to me,. r it secured in any jail so that I get him again Vll persons are hereby forbid harboring, em ploying, or carrying off said boy, under penal- v wi me law. ; r , SAMUEL P. JENKINS. gec. 17th, 1832. NOTICE, formed that unless their Wade' are in" hand, ar 1t" ? now in his . they frvill oH that av L"4 :f J.aary next, ' i J I" ill Suit. . TMruTArn- nofomka. 04 ' 'ADE. . . ' bushels WALT. 400 do. Irish POTATOPo iust ictcircu uuu iur aaie uy &fc4.mX .r AM.OS WADR. new and cheap dry goods. sortment of AMONG WHICH WILL BEWOHMD Blue, black, and mix'd Cloths, Cassimere and Sattinets, ' Red, white, green, and yellow Flannels, i ui.. Ktob fJro de Naps, i .ui nr1 watered, do. uO. JL'inui u, tiiauscauK' - . o . r o ax n T.ovntinft. Black Sarsnets, Levantine paii - Ut0,1 Morinn. liaUZe, CSL . . Lace & Muslin Capes & Chemizettes, Ladies' Cravats & Tippets, Bobinet Laces, Insertings & Footings, Thread Laces, Edgings & Insertings, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 & 12-4 plain Bobinets, T.inVn Cambric, and Cambric Hhkfs. Irish Linen, Lawns & Diapers, English fc French Merino Cloths, Merino Circasians, Bombazettes, Very superior black Italian Silks, Cambric, Jaconet & Mull Muslin, Plain and figured Swiss and Book do. French Calico & Merino Ginghams, Calicbea, Ginghams, Vestings, &c. Colord Cambrics, Uamblet flaia, . . . . w. . Bleached and brown Shirtings, Checks, Bedticking, And a variety of other artic es all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at his Store nearly opposite the Bank ofNewbern J. VABJ SHJllHi. Newbern, Oct. 10, 183 ... F. WOODS MAS just received from New York, in ad lition to his former supply, Studs for Gentlemen's shirt bosoms, . Fashionable steel Watch Chains and'Keys, Silk do. Silver table, tea, salt, and mustard Spoons, Silver Spectacles, to suit from 20 years up to 80. Plated and steel do. Silver Pencil Cases a few of them very beautiful, Shields, fcc.&c. Very fine Beads for Ladies' fancy work, &c. Newbern, 24th December, 1832. , TOJV TIMBER. THE highest Cash prices will be given at the EAGLE STEAM MILL for 500,000 feet of Ton Timber of ood quality, of the following lengths : say from 1 H to 50 feet long. Also, wanted, one tliousand cords of long leal PINE WOOD. THOMAS B. WALLACE & Co. Newbern, January .i4, 18-3. N. B. The Ions:? rand larger the Timber, the higher the price. Oil IN TRUPANT Has receive' i pe Schooner Trent, fro ework a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOKS VIZ Ladies' Gaiter Boots, India Rubber Shoes, undressed Morroco Slippers, glen's and youths Boots and Shoes, &c. fX3-Boots and Shoes of every description, made to order, at the shortest notice and in th's neatest manner. Newbern, Oct. 26. 1832. JOHN PITT TTTTAS just received from N i gen LI U eral assortment of dry GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSISTING IN PART OF Rum, Gin, Brandy, WJdskey, Wine, Imperia and Hyson Teas, best Goshen Butter, 'Cheese, Crackers, Bale Rope and Dundee Bagging, A good assortment of Hats and Shoes. ALSO Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Smoked B ef, Herrings in boxes, Raisins, Cider and Apples, 1 Mid. prime Sugar, Coffee &, Molasses, Cabbage, Onions, fcc. &c. Which he will sell at the very lowest prices Newbern, Dec 10, 1832. GE0RGE7mX0N7 iiiuiWUAll 1 1 AILjUIV, ESPECTFULLY informs his custom,. MAX and the public in general, that he has iust received from Nw York. Der sch'r Sarahs a choice awfcberBsplen&trj assortment ttftA.nvAm . . Muiiuv.iAuuu VTvvi7r. U , , . .' T nv cAjjenencea mercnant in lew ork, from the latest importations. Having now ill employ a number of the very best work men. fsomp of wJ-imn In uo inci ow nved from New York,) and his assortment be ing complete, he ilatters himself that he will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may think proper to patronise him. Among the articles are the following : : Superfine olive, green, mulberry, and Ade- laide cloths. Reform and rifle green, do. Blue, -black, RUSSel Brown, and mix'd do. 1 piece elegant black Cassimere, superior to .any heretofore imported, 2 pieces buff super silken Kerseys, a splenl A choice selection of super silk velvet Vest ings, various colours, figured & nlain Super black silkJWntine vesting P Fancy coloured 8' Valencia and Toilanet do A handsome assortment of Stocks best Hty, qua- Gum elastic Suspenders, Gentlemen's superior Horseskin Gloves, Together with a variety of other articles GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHIft iwillbe made up in the neatest and mostfash onable manner, and at the shortest notice. A complete suit of clothes can be made. in the pest manner, at 12 hours notice- Aii i a ' in i xi i i w,uers irom tne country win oe inanK "ly received and ponctually attended to. New and Cheap Goods. ' TTNFORM their mends and customers thas u tney" nave receivea dv sunary late arrivair, m N.Vork, Philadelphia and r.ll .n,l winter siinnliw. rnnsi.tin.rnf Li they have received by sundry late arrivalr, A large assortment of Foreign and Domestic WMlt ' GROCERIES. LiaUORS AND WINES, u r i b - ' i CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE, - Hardware p Cuttlery, 11 its, y t ) ', ill'!, (m-3 T ' i inl Sir a, w Bonnets $c. $c. M All of which were purchased upon the most advantageous terms and selected with great care, and are offered for sale at a very small profit Als ), the following articles, viz : 20 dozen common Windsor Chairs 6 Fancy Cane and Rush bottom'd do- 2 Fancy do. Rocking and Sewiug Chairs for Ladies. 2 Childrens' Chairs 20 reams Foolscap writing Paper 40 Letter do. 5 bales Cassia 2 bags black pepper, 1 doz. Cayenne do. 2 Pimento I box 6 doz. fresh London Mustard 4 cases preserved Ginger and Pine Apple 2 boxes Soda Lemon Syrup soft shell'd Almonds, Filberts, Currants, Prunes, fresh bunch Raisins, in whole and half boxes. Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, Cloves, Race and ground Ginger. 6 small boxes Chocolate 1 box prepared Cocoa. 5 bags Manilla Coffee 10 St. Domingo do. Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, and Black Teas in quarter and half chests, 6 hhds. prime retailing St. Croix Sugar 5 bbls. very superior do. do. Loaf and Lump Sugar 5 hhds, prime retailing Molasses 2 baskets fresh Sallad Oil 100 hettys do. do. AO barrel- and 10 half bbls. Beaches red brand Family Flour, 5 half barrels Buckwheat Meal, 20 firkins Goshen Butter fm. choice dairies 10 casks Goshen Cheese, 10 bbls. Pilot and 0 half bbls. Navy Bread 10 New Ark Cider 20 pples, New Town Pippins hall bbls. family mess Beef 200 lb Smoked do. i-i boxes Scotch Herrings 12 casks sweet Malaga Wine 4 Muscatel 4o Canary do. do. baskets Chamoaiffne in at. anil pt. uotues 2 half Pipes verv supr Seignetl's Brandy 1 pipe superior Holland Gin 10 h"hds..N. E. Rum 5 do. f 0 bbls. Rye Whiskey 10 bbls. New Orleans Whiskey" hhds. do. do. Rum 5 bbls. Oi l Monongahela Whiskey ; d CurtrsV-Rye Gin 10 6 20 100 12 Bbls, Cider Brandy ' Vinegar Dos.Amigos Spanish Segars qr. boxes half Spanish do small 44 American do boxes Poland Starch .5 whole and 50 half boxes yellow Soap 10 boxes patent mould Candles 20 boxes and Kegs of Tobacco 100 bottles Lorillards best Snuff 100 bladders High Toast and com. Snuff 30 doz'n Lee & Thompson's Blacking 1 . cansVirdigris 250 kegs white and black Lead 2 bbls. Linseed Oil 5 winter Sperm do. 40 Porpoise or Train do 30 ps. 43 in. heavy Dundee Hemp bagging 00 42 Common do 10 42 Heavy Tow do 4 2 '. coils Bale Rope 3 bale 501b Bagging Twine 100 lb coarse Shoe thread 50 fine do do 6 bales Cotton Yarn ass'd No's. 6 doz. Spades and Shovels 100 setts Wagon and Cart boxes 10 doz. long Bitt adz 4 setts Blacksmith's tools complete 6 patent Fanning Mills for clearing Grain toil VirillUSioiiea asa u. aiics 3 Iron do 250 kegs cut Nails and Brads assd. sizes of onft .iro5 If m 200 lb. Putty from 4d to Ud. r ,n in Rrt r ri O DOXeS 1U. I. U viuuun uid&S 10 8. 10. do 2" sacks Liverpool Blown salt 400 bushels Ground Allum do 2500 bushels coarse Turks Island de 1000 bushels Irish Potatoes. Newbern, Dec. 0. 82. J. M. GRANADE, ifeCo. MAVE just received by the Packet Schoo ner Trent, from New York, the follow ing articles : which they offer low for cash or country Produce, viz. fi VTh ib No. 12 blue Cotton Yarn Dli 10 brls. and 10 half bis. Beach red brand family Flour 12 drums Figs 40 firkins best quality Goshen Butter 10 half bis. No. 1 family Mackerel 2 doz. Champaigne Wine in qt. bottles 1 qr. cask L. P. Teneriffe VVine 10 brls New Ark cider 4: brls Albany Ale 10 boxes smoked Hen-ings 1 brl. smoked Tongues 10 brls. Cider Brandy 2 brls Linseed Oil 1 tierce Winter Strain Sperm Oil 30 bags Shot assorted sizes 3 hds N. O. Sugar 5 " retailing Molasses 40 casks Stone Lime. ? , ALSO, By brig Triverjfrom Bermuda, 5 Puncheons, 3d and 4th proof Granada Hum, of very fine flavour. Newbern, Jan. 23, 83& NEW GOODS. E I WAR 1 C. O. T INK E R, 1A1UVH T - I' TTTN KTUK nis sincere iur me very riT and resDectfullr informs the tninre icivmi ; . . ,i ijUDlick, that he has just returned from New Vork with an extensive andeiy general assort- mpnt of . ' .. ' ' ,.: tt & WIHTER GOODS Selected witli- fireat care from recent Importation j AMOX& TOBM-ARB THE sfOLLO VINl . Superfine black, blue, & Russel brown Cloths Rifle, bottle, and invisible green do. Olive and olive green and steel-mixed do. Fancy CassimereS, of superior quality, Satin, silk, Marseilles Vesting, T.vnns Silk Velvet of very best quality, An elegant assortment of Valencia Vestings, not surpssed by 4y in this market, Shirt bosoms, of the latest style, ruffled and rdnih. Corded and plain Collars, of the best quality onrllatPSt fashion. Utl VI w - Anlfrant assortment of STOCKS, of the latest and most approved patterns, covered with bombazine, velvet, satin, &c. Gentlemen's superior Hosskin Gloves, Silk web and silk net Suspenders, Gum elastic do. 1 case of the best elastic, water proof, patent Silk Hats,- . Together with a variety of other articles in his line of business ; all of which will be sohi nt the lowest prices. Having a number of superior workmen, he is prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favoured in the neatest and most fashionaMe style, and at the shortest notice and he assures the public that no exertions shall be spared to merit a continuance of their favouis. Newbern, 1st Nov. 183i LIVE OAK TIMBER. Navy Commissioners Office, ) lth January, sb3 i. $ PROPOSALS will be received at this of fice, sealed and endorsed till the 3lst of March next, for the LIVE OAK TIMBER, required to complete the frames of one frigate, and of one sloop ot war, to be delivered at Portsmouth, N H., and for one entire frame for a ship of the line, to be delivered at the Na vy Yard. New ork ; t'ere will be required to. complete the two frames to be delivered ai Portsmouth about ib,0u0 cubic leet. Moulds by which the timber is to be cut, will be furnished to the Contractors ; persons wish- ing to oner, can ootain, oy appiving to tne immandautof the irearest Navy Yard asclied- ... I - 111 I f ?! I u eo? tnt pieces wnicii iiiv: ncn luriiisiieti. Tile offer inu'i state separately the piies !er cuoic loot y eacn irame, me wnoie to oe object to the usual inspection and measure ment and to be delivered on or before the 1st day of June, 1835. Ten per cent, will' be reserved from eac! payment to be made, as collateral security, i:. addition to the bond which will be require '. and will not be paid until the whole, quantity is delivered, inspected and approved, unless specially authorized by the Board of Navy Commissioners. To be published twice a week in the Globe. National Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph, East- ern Argus, iNew Alampshire trazette, Com mercial Gazette, Hartford Times, Rhode Isl and Republican Herald, New York Evening Post, New York Standard, Pennsvlvanian, Baltimore Republican, Norfolk Beacon, New bern Sentinel, Charleston Patriot. Savannah Republican, Pensacola Gazette. Jan. 25 t UstM. " HEALTH. TITTT HILE in the enjoyment of Health, few VY people think of availing themselves of the opportunity 'which may offer of fortifying their systems against the attacks of disease, which they might easily do, by a light course of the Hygeian Medicines; which, though efficacious in restoring health when, lost, pre sents an agreeable and pleasant preventive of contagaion and epidemical complaints. They operate, in cases of Dyspepsia, with the unerring certainty of that most dangerous of all specifics, prussic acid, in removing those coats of dead phlegmatic humors which cover and render inert the digestive organs of the ... uiuviu, auu rnsiuriiii; tne wnoie ooay to a nealtby and h . m - v apny tone of feeling, and enabling the stomach to receive and retain whatever kind of food, either ani mal or vegetable, which usage has sanctioned as fit for nourishing, the human frame. In no case have they ever failed in effecting a cure, when properly persevered in, no matter what may haVe been the nature of the complaint. Gentlemen of tite first respectability of New York, who have used these Medicines, have authorised references to them for testimony corroborative of these assertions. Besides which, the written and published testimony of hundreds can be added to the same pur pose. The system of physiology upon which the efficacy of these Medicines is established, is extremely simple, and may be easily compre hended ; it recognizes in the human frame but one disease which, taken at its origin, is denom inated impurity of the blood, connected with a disordered state of the digestive organs, howev er various may be the, appearances and svmD- toms in wnicn u appears upon tne surface of the body. People afflicted with hypochondri ac, vertigo, weak eyes, nervous debility, sick head ache, sour stomach, or pimples, find im- I a. i j. t. meuiaie anu prrmaiieni reiiei lrom the use of these Medicines. lo ladies m particular, they strongly recommend themselves, and among other things as a cosmetic, as they render the skin clear and smooth, and puree it of all f formities and bad humors. For sale by J. Gales & Son, Raleigh; E. J Hale, Fayetteville ; and T. Watson, Newbern, by appointment of Dr. H. S. Moat, Graduate of the British College of Health. rVTVlLLbe gireri forlikelvyoungNegroeso V V Doth SCies.fromntn94VnQ r - JOHN GttBERSIiEEVEI THREE ABLfe AND POPULAR ENGLISH 6 --Jit seveiciJoll(irs.r 1 . jSefc.. A- - rmHE subscribers 7 prpposenorepublisht ll . It m - pM:(rI; Ona;fo.WD r mencing wun me January numoersot lS3, ,sr. soort -asthevare reifeiWiiahis country continuing tneinnvtiiiyHuinoer8,c as lar as the recelpfwill admit regi&farity, so'aito furnish the entire atter; jof the .three works within the- year. t.t . , of established character for, the ability and in - erest witn wnicn tney are conuueted: Blackwood is. well known as the ablest and most interesting otfethe ioreign Periodic i, Its present cost to subscribers in this countrv is $1J.. . The Metropolitan is a new Period;.! edited by Thomas Campbell, (recetulv editnl oi tne new nionmiy,; ana i nomas Moore se. sisted by Harrison, (author of a Diary of a Phy sician,) Mrs. Hemans, Mrs. Norton,' and other writers of high reputation. The cost of the Metropolitan is 815. I The Foreign Quarterly Review is de voted principally to. Continental Literature, and is conducted with great talent. It treats of the literature and institutions of this couutrv with impartiality, and often in terms of high and tie served commendation., it enjoys at present a higher reputation man either ol the Inghshor Scottish Re views. The subscription price is The dxpensiveness of the original publica tions prevents any extensive circulation ot them in this coun;ry the separate cost of the cheap est being 30 per cent, above that of tht whole in the proposed republication ; and the cost of the three not less man nso, hve times the cost of the re-print. No intermixture of the works will be permit ted to occur, but all the articles of each fto. will be printed consecutively as in the original, and in such manner that at the close of the year each work can be separated by the binder, and bound by itself. The work will be handsomely printed with new type, on line paper, in Imperial Octavo, (Quarto Form.) in weekly Nos. of 10 paes each. The irregular receipt of the Periodicals may occasioh some, but, it is hoped, not any serious irregularity, in the publication. Seve ral works being published in weekly numbers, the long intervals in which none are ienived, followed by an over supply, "all in a heap' will be avoided, and a more reasonable and regular allowance of reading ensured. Terms Seven Dollars per annum, payable on delivery of the first No. peck & N s:vim New Haven, January 1st, 133. HJ3 Subscriptions received by x THOM'AS" WATSON. L and Adjoining Town HE subscriber, for EDW ARD G. PA ST BUR, will Sell atPuh.h Auction, on the premises, on Monday the 5th ciay of Fe bruary, (if not previously disposed ol atl'iivale Sale,) all the LAND (except one Lot) belong ing to Edward G. Pasteur, adjoining the town of" Newbern, un its Northern Boundary. The Land will be sold in Whole or Half Acre Lots. There will be left open on the Land two Streets, whicli shall be confirmed to the pur chasers or the public, one of them beginning near the residence of M. C. Stephens, Ksq. and the other near the residence of Jacob Goodinj, Esq. and running from the Town line to the. Northern line of the Land. Also, one hall oi Lo ! No. on Broad Street, near the former re sidence of tjie late Vine Allen, Esq. The sub scriber reserves to himself the privilege of making one bid on'Lot. Terms of Sale. For all sums under 8100; one-third cash,' and the bulaVice payable in two equal instalments, in 6 and 12 months fron. the hsale.s Notes with approved security .will be required. The subscriber will sell the Land, or any part of it, at private sale. JNO. I. PASTKUR. Newbern, 24th Jan. 183. DKUGiJST & APOTHtCAMr, Has for sale, at his Shop, next door to BelTa Tavern, A GENEERL ASSORTMENT OF paiNts vVjpai T ma SUES. Oil, Dyetuffs, Varnislie, andVar nisli Bnislics, Perfumery and Cosine tics. The above articles are fresh, and of the very best quality. Newbern, February 1st, 1833. THE FORM BOOK, PI ONTAINING Three Hundred of the most approved Precedents for Conveyancing, Arbitration, Bills of Exchange, Pronassory Notes, Receipts for Money, Letters of Attor ney, Bonds. Copartnerships, Leases, Petitions, and Wills, besides many other subjects refer red to in the Index. By a Member of the Philadelphia. Bar. For sale by T. WATSON. " The- Form Book'. This valuable puhliVaWB contains near three hundred of the mos approve precedents for the variais kinds of convfni""B which occur in the ordinary w ay of bu.-ine. 1 .i'40 m m an ' man. A worklike this cannot ail t1 T ot ontrid utility. Every man uho ha? it in " I oreession, may prepare for himself various u "J monts, for which he has hitherto been compenw w pay large euros of money to scriveners, ano" by r' sing its contents acquire much useful informationoo various topic? of preneral interest" Daily ChrontC- January 7. . TRUST SMB. WILL BE SOLD, at Public Auction. J the I st of March next, if not previous; disposed of at private sale, t Lot No.7, tf Improvements, on Middle-" . 1-4 of Lots No. 339nJ340, and Imp? mets, on Handcock'Street. . rt Terms of Sale. One-fifth cash, ihea&u in payments at (5 and 12 months. V JACOB GOODING Tnt Newbern; Feb, 8.1833;

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