VOL. XVI. PUBLISHED JIY THOMAS WATSON. T-hTce dollars per anndm payable in .advance. "o paper will be discontinued (but at the d is olation of the Eilitor) until all arrearages havebeen paid up.' PROSPECTUS OF .1 Daily and Tri-weeky Evening Newspaper ; TO BC 1'UBLISHBD IN THE CITY OP IMIfL..lClPIlIA. 151 J I AT idolatry j? to the CJiurch, man ' rorship is to the The fatal rock . ,ii h the liberties of the American Peo- i b lashed to pieces, is the aban.ion- Tip fii'' M Wi i! . be1;) -u:i W t.' Tne :'.'.!' in a blind devotion to men. 1 uie iasi.1 vemv years, alJ names hv. the i . it . . wih v of tins political, sin; an 1, ttnless its I '. ui se he arr'ste i at this awful crisis :-.. l dry's fate, all will be lost. li - o uinuance on the last day of De- ceiiner, of "the Banner of the Constitution," piiblis'icl weekly for three years, under the .j.jiL i charge of the subscriber, ha-; left the cause of .State Riohts without a paper at the North, through wffich t -e .great political ques tions which now agitate the land, can be dis cm - l l.ii ailut'iiced by personal or party con M i r;;!! -us Phc unexampled u lanimity w hich Ins reoutly been pr xdaimed throughout the Ii I He and North rn Stales furor of a ron- :;ri lied "-over anient, h; is cast a ucei SJTiooill or t tiie nifi Is of the r isit.'nt tew who i re- ra.ii.i true to the ilrpudican faith m'OS; and i ty litfaijtL to etl'. cl, in that reionj such a re v !uti :i ;i vas aceoinidishe-d l)V bringing into piw r Vir. Ji'Vrson and his principles, would e u ; be as ijopeless as despair itself. Des perate, however, as it may appear, the attempt ouu t be ma le, and if a liberal support be ex;e i ie 1 to this overture it shall be madk. Tiie friea of Liberty aad the Union, as saar- . - . ... o an'--:' : y Loiisti union, i k' L'n.ititution, in this quarter, are ' Ji p .-ed I) a!)andon, without a further .-ftnijjir. the ilori e.s inlieritance transmitted i v ;i ;v incir i ai 1 . L i' . I ts; but ix'inir f?w in num- i 1 -urr 'ii a led !y a population wholly ad- i their views, thev can only inaintain v tne o-operaiioti ot mose wno are more niterested than themselves in the jre- a of the RESERVED IlIGilTS OF THE vrv.n S i ).l!a a hiction of , the li take place tiu;iaj l!ic ')!,ee.-t session of i;aii.r(,ss 1 - hi-hlv probable that an effort will be made at 1 iiw N irth. dnrin.fr the next few vears. to restore it. n.-i h n , j Widi this view, all the calamities which , result from over trading, over manufac-. ,, . . liver sre cul itiiig, over barn-Ling, and all t t III . her manses united, will be ascribed to the o - .()va!iil ot the American system; and tne tritMiils of Free. Trade will find it no easy, task vt stand up against this probable reaction, in ik'inrtiislrating to their fellow citizens the true oausp of their suffering. With the view of inviting the co-operation ihov referred to, it has been resolved to pro pose the -establishment' of a Daily and Tri uv'i y p iper, in the -itv of Philadelphia to be enml'- l "The Examiner," upon the following plait; 1. n: Examiner v l! be a regular newspaper aa vi!! he printed m newspaper form, ot tli- dl ;-u -.va,s:ze ot the .x.vtmn d Ciazette. . It will coma u the- usu d supply of lor ign and do:n stic news, com mcrcwl iiitelligeiife, and literary and miscellaneous .'lt'ctftis expect d ,n a daily newspaper. It will :v copious extr icts from the Proceedings of Con-g- an ! will c irel ully preserve all the State Papere an Pu!lic I).)..-u nents of an important nature that m w appear. Pulitical Economy, in all its branches, including Pt lM-r Systems, Poor Laws, Civil and Criminal Ju- i u i.Mire, Baniuug, Currency, and all other matr l-2r oi'ii ".lie cuueern, s!;all be freely discussed. Toe iif u.-s of South America will be frequcutly bmuijht into vjew; and in reference to Brazil, there will he copious extracts from a manuscript journal kept 'n- Mi E iitor, durinir a resi.l- nee. of near five v.ira in that eoniry. 'i- In its ;liii-d lenartm nt the Examiner vvill a lv v.i :e the Republican Docktrines of 08, as set fi)rtii in-: tlv? Vi x Lles .Id; .oils and Legislative ll.irt airain-'t the Aliem and Sedition Laws; and iis maintained in " the tunes that tried men's souls," hyJetfe -on, Ma lison, and M'Kean, and the other ortholox and distinguished champions of the Repub lican party.- 3 It will consequently advocate,, to use the tan Sut" of Jetlerson, "A wise .and frugal Government, .which shall re straiu aicw from injuring one another, shall leave them rthericise free to, regulate their own pursuits of m wistry mid improvement, and shall not take from fhe mouth of labor the bread it has earned " "Liberty of the Tongu Liberty of the Press "ty of the Conscience Liberty of the Hand " t reedotii of Industry, as sacred as freedom of the -peeehorofthe pess." "Economy m the public expense, that labor may Muly burdened." The support of the State Governments in all their Hats as the most competent ad ministrations of our 0 'Ms tic concerns." " The preservation of the General Government in 's whole const! ttttional vigor, as t he sheet anchor of pr? ace at home, and satety abroad." ' Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations.'5 j 1 " Taxeb as many as are necessary, and no more; a long as necessary, and no longer," and lastly, Equality of rights and duties, of benefits and bur- a, aitne oasis pi tne union." i. It will oppose monopolies, special privileges l sinecures, of every Ascription, as interfering '"iththe equality of rights upon which our institu te are founded, and vvill oppose, npon the ground 0J unconstitutionality, as well as of inexpediency, the 'blisihnient, by the Federal Government of any ? .National or Treasury Bank. - It wilt also oppose all wasteful expenditures, by '&e re-fend Government, of the public money for In nal Improvements, upon the principle, that to the ate Governments belongs the sole power to con fr met roada and canals by their own means, or by the 'Jl- rRoration of companies. It will oppose all appro auons for objects not clearly within the delegated V on? u onKress, and all usurpations of authority '1 -ny brsach cf tha Federal GovcmracRt. -9. It will also be oppogedand in an especial man-ne-n' to ma;? worship, th- bane of Republics; and it vvijl expose corruption and dereliction of principle in public servants, to whatever party they may profess to belong-. This, however, it will do, in a mode whi. h shall not degrade the press, and upon no occa sion will the colunmsof the Examiner be the vehicle ot scurrility or vulgar personal abuse. 7. The paper will be commenced ns soon as a suf ficient number of subscribers shall have been obtained to secure Us permanent establish went, of which due notice will Ik; given; an 1 should this not take place before the first of Maylnext it will be abandoned. 'f ERMS. Price of the daily papei per annum, $S " -;of the tri-weekly papr-r (which will com prise the whole of the contents of the daily, except advert senients, each of which will appear at least once, i) Payahle on the receipt of the 1st ,o. without. defalca tion, an annually thereafter, in advance. The postage efall letters must be paid, except of lett- rs enclosing Jive dollars and upwards, or the names of five responsible subscribers. ill'1 trans mission of money by mad to l.e at the risk of the pub lisher. CONDY RAGUET. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1833. N E W ATLA S. TIOPOSALS for publishing by Subscrip- tL Uon, a INew and elegant Universal Atlas, to contain distinct Maps cf all the Principal Kingdoms and 8tates in the known World, and sepaiate Maps of each of the United States, by II. S. TANNER, Auth or of a New American Atla'a, Mnn-of the United States, &c, &c. Although numerous collections of Maps have been published in this country, but few have yet been complet d on a scale and plan calcu lated to convey an adequate idea of the whole subject, or to do justice to the improved state of Geographical science in the United States. M st of those herelofere offered for public ap probation have been only the first essay s of this kind, and principally designed for the use cf schools, or ti illustrate geographical works, while these published in Europe are extremely defective and incorrect as respects the United States, the geography of which is so rnpidlv progressive that no European publication can keej) pace with its advancement. This part of the work must he brought to ..aturity in our country, and such is now the respectable state of theVrts here, that we can assert with confi dence that we possess the materials and skill sufficient to exibit a topographical representa- lion of toe United States, indefinitely superior, ; ns it. reirnrds ('irrcr.t.iipss and dehiil. and rvprvi way equal in style, to any European publica- - n oi Und. The publisher of the proposed work has been j . - - . - , colleclino ioaterlals, prcpaiatory to iv? cution of it, for several years, in which he has beeen assisted by some ot the ablest . 11 11 ge fi to raphers in this country and in Eurfpc addition to this, he will avail himself of all the recent and important disco veiies in both hem ispheres, to enable him to execute the proposed Atlas in a manner every way satisfactory to the public. 'The materials for the maps which relate to the eastern continents, will be selected from the latest and best European authorities, and ex. bit a complete view of the world in connec tion with the United Slates. The State maps will be engraved from drawings compiled, as far as practicable, from original documents, on a scale suiiich miy large lonuiiaioi anarnudu. representation of countries, with t heir subdivi sions, the seas, lakes, rivers, and mountains, the counties, cities, towns aud villages, and all the principal roads, internal improvements, &c. The work will be completed as soon as cir cumstances will permit, consistently with accu , If .1 1 . . 1 . C .. 4 ,. racy and elegance of execution ; and Irom the measures that have been adopted to pro cure the necessary information, no material delay is apprehended. It was originally intended by the publisher, and proposals issued accordingly, to restrict the size of each map to an imperial quarto. It has since, however, been found that the limits of such a sheet were entirely too small to admit the introduction ol all the recent information which the author desired to incorporate with the proposed work ; he has therefore determined to augment greatly the size of the maps, and to publish this work in monthly numbers. The maps as now proposed, will be nearly double the size of those contemplated in the original prospectus. Though the maps be in creased in size, the cost of the entire work will not much exceed the price of the Atlas as first proposed, as the whole may be comprised in about fourteen numbers. In the execution of such an extensive plan, very great expense must be incurred, but the utility of a work of this description being evi dent, the publisher has entered on the task with alacrity, relying with full confidence on the importance and merits of the work to insure the patronage necessary to its completion. Having thus briefly delineated the plan of the work,' the publisher oilers it to the public on the following CONDITIONS : I. The proposed Atlas shall be constructed from the latest and most authentic documents. It will be engraved in the first style of map engraving, and in every branch of its execu tion, accuracy of detail shall be ainied at. Each sheet will be 1 1 by 14 inches. II. The maps will be printed on the first quality vellum paper, and colored in an elegant and appropriate manner. III. The Atlas consists of about fourteen numbers, with an engraved title sheet. It will be delivered to subscribers at $1 for each num ber, containing at least four maps, payable on delivery. To non-subscrih PTC Vl ;u be $1 50 a number, each of which will be com plete in itself. Jan. 1st. 1833. Subscriptions received bv . THOMAS' WATSON. be.:6titijti6n. ...union. NElERN, FU11AY, MARCH 1, I t Ti "rr m , " ' ' - i mm tew- r lm mm m t m m. sr . ww w w v general assortment of Fresh n i eeds, warranted good, received and fi,r ! ui lit u sa le bv WIT T T A TIT c . r,.. " -v .T oAmjJ,KS. PREPARED and for sale by Charles S. Ward Druggist and Apothecary, next door to Bell's' Hotel. -jyewOern.J-eb. 15, 1833. DENTAL SURGERY. juruujift tin Li tdies and Uentlemen ofi 'IlI If . . . m m mrtml iNewbern, that he intends to remain short lime at Mr. Bell's Hotel, where he will be happv to wait upon those who may desire his professional services. He humbly 'trusts that bis experience in his profession-will procure him as liberal a patronage in this city as has hitherto attended his exertions in others. Eve ry operation on the teeth, however critical, performed with scientific skill, and the least possible pain. Dr. W. humbly requests, that an intelligent community -will consider the importance of having the tarter removed from their teeth, without which it is impossible to preserve the gums in a healthy state ; and which can only be done by the application of the instruments, the .use of which, does no the least degree wijuiu i:.c ena . ei oi tne teeth: an error, too prevalent in the public mind at the present tin.e. Irregularities of childrens' teeth, obvi.ite-!. Ladies can be w aited on at their ownd vi ellins. Ncwhcrn, Feb. Hth, ;833. Notice. OT BENDER, son of t late JOHN BENDER, of.-Onslow County, North Carolina, is hercb,y informed, that his father, the said John Bender, is dead, having left a last will and testament, and thereby bequeathed to him a considerable amount of property. li the said Lot Bender be in existence, o'having died, has left any children, he, or they arc re quested to address JOHN LLOYD, E.vceutor of said John Bender, at Swansborough,Pnslow County, North Carolina. Onslow County. February ! ". For tSalr: light four wheel PL? .ASCII WAGON, with scats for fo.;r. , On Consignment, 1 1 cases common quality fur H ATS, which will be sold at New York cost. JOHN L. DC RAND. February 15 xrape Vine Cuttings. UOUT six years ago, I planted a vine yard of about five acres, and have suc ceeded" well in raising the vines and grapes. Having understood that persons in this part of the State frequently procure vines from the North, and believing that a preference is due to those cultivated here, I have thought it ad viseable to give notice that I can spare a large quantity of Cuttings at three dollars per bun- fj lb A 4 dred, put up in boxes. Ibev consist of more)!- lb. papers, labelled Sweet scented Oronok;. than twenty different kinds yamong which arc Extra Superior, manufactured only Iby P. the fallowing : ' j LORILLARD, Jr. Catawba, Isabella, Constantia, or Cape ;of j FINE CUT 8MOKIVG TOBACCO. Good' Hope Grape, Bland. Madeira, Schuyl-i gpanish, Kitefoot, Canaster, Common, Stems, kill, Muscadell, Scarlet Perfume, Garden in 1-4, 1-2 and i lb. papers. urape. . wm- . i-i . -I I 1 nther .kinds, both native and foreign. The time of nlantiiur beinff near at hand, or- ders for the quantities and kinds wanted, should be furnished in the course of the ensuing month. Thc process of planting and of culti vation, and the advantages of vineyards, have become so generally known, that 1 deem it un necessary to add anv thing respecting them. WILLIAM P. DIDDLE. Craven County, Feb. 12, 183. N. B. Orders" left with T. Watson will be duly forwarded. . .Yibble. Ill the New York Lottery, extra class No. 2, drawn Jan. 30. Combination 35 37 44, a prize of $ L000, In a whole ticket. Also, in the Grand Consoli dated Lottery, drawn Jan. 28th, whole ticket combination No. 11 18 50, a prize of 8600. Both -sold by the inveterate "Prize-Selling SYLVESTER !!" The above are but mere shadows in compari son with the splendid prizes that Jhave lately been sold by the lucky SYLV- STER. JANUARY 7th, 1833. I AT the late annual meeting of the STOCK-; Others are also in the practice of filling emp HOLDERS of the BANK of NEW BERN ty jars with the subscribers' label on them with on the hrst.Monday of this montn, it was Resolved, That "a Dividend of twenty-five per cent, on each and every Share of the Capi tal Stock of said Bank be, and the same is here by declared and made payable to the Stockhold ers, or their leeral Representatives, on and - . . .1 after the first day of March next, under the follnwintr rules and regulations, to wit . First all payments shall be made at iheOPrincipali Bank to the Stockholder, or his Attorney, duly j 'k appointed, on production of the original certifi- J cate. SecondPayment of Dividend of Capi- tal shall be evidenced by the receipt of the Stockholder or his Attorney, in a Book prepar- cd for that purpose. Fhird-AIl pavments of Dividend of Capital shall be endorsed on the P.ertifirnte ,if Stock, bv the Cashier at the time of making payment. Fourth The transfer Book shall be closed on tne twentieth day ot February next, and remain closed until the first day of March following, and no Share on which a Dividend of Capital may he -paid, shall thcr'e-afto-r ho transferred on the Books of this Rank- Extract from the Journal of the Stockholders. WQ.AV.GUION, Ca&ter. 1833. GARDEN SEEDS Tllfci a neral assort lie wiH seJ! at rHlim, prices. US, whir II. LOOM Xeicbem, Feb;22. JSrotice. F the Widow or anv of thn rhl.Wn f my of th VTnvir, i- uai,r' u'rmeriy Piaster T XTT r i r livi ;Vh? :WuUt of Bahama Islands, are c e In an" 1 V 1 hPa; thingto their a . ..n I Esq. of Nassau N t. thnanrh d. W. tlA VT x-n Wih mmgton. -N. C. F b .1 "" ' J, V1L V.- J . 18 3. 1 mcl 1 1 tierces nrinio n taiimg Molasses.fur sale by - Feb. 8. P 2.:T E R & G KORGE I.O Rf L I. RD, SSJUFF AND T03ACCO 3lANl'FACiCRfc:S, No. 44 Chatham street, Xi'iv-York, Have constantly for sale the following articles, S FI E BrtOWN SNUFF. Genuine Maccoboy, Imitation do. Sicily do. Maltese . do. Curacoa do. American Rappee, Holland do. Tuberose do. St. Omare do. Strasburgh do. Rose flavored. Strong, not scented. COARSE BROWX SNUFF. Demigros, Pure Virginia, Copenhagen, Bourbuti, t. Domingo, 1 hipcrior flavored. Na hitoch.es, - " F rench, Rappe1, j American Uentleman, Strong, not scented. I ure Spanish, L. Mixture, ' YELLOW SNUFF. ocotcn, do. Half Toast, Fine. do. High Toast, Irish Blackffuard. S or Coarse. Irish High Toast. S SWEET SCENTED FINE - CUT CHEW ING TOBACCO. Small papers, labelled P. A. L. do. do. - do. P. & G. L. do. do. do. P. fc G. 1 lb. papers, labelled P. A. L. 1-2 lb. do. do. P. A. L. 1-4 lb. do. do. P- A. L. All articles sold at the above store can be returned, if not approved, and the money will be refunded. N. B. A liberal discount made for Cash by Wholesale. Brown snuff packed in 1-2 and I lb. bottles, and 3, 0, 12, and 18 lb. Jars. Yellow do. do. in 1-2 and 1 lb. bottles and small and large bladders. Cut tobacco packed in 1-2 barrels, barrels, and tierces. . - M Th e Genuine Maccoboy Snuff, is manufac- only by P &u G. LORILLARD, who tured only 'l .. i . l ,1 J.. t-rv . . . i rv nave aiso uie imiiaiion oo. uo. irom to ou per cent lower, the same as manufactured in many places and sold under various names. A constant supply of the above articles tnaij be had oj the principal deal is in JVEWBERN BEWARE OF DECEPTION, Several persons are in the practice ol using a Label on their smuts in imitation of the sub scribers which they have used upwards of -A) years, and can be for no other purpose than to deceive. Some are also in the practice of mixing in ferior Snuff with their Genuine Maccoboy Snuff 1 It' . s . 1 aiKHseiling n as ni si quality. inferior Snuff, and selling it as their manufac ture. Their motive in making this publication "is to guard tneir customers against the deception pracusea upon tnem. P. &. G. LORILLARD. February 20, 1833 6m. ADVENTURESS ATTEND! G0DDES3 OF FORTUNE, BEAR THIS GOODLY 'EW9 VI AS OCR EXTENDS." Drawing of the VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, ; F , Afnnnfralia Academy, - c I832.-Dravvn at Richmond, 21 st. IfcO. 40 45 65 34 58 7 46 48 61 44 $10,000. Was sold in a Package of Half Tickets, No. 661, " by the ever fortunate i SYLVESTER! BALTIMORE. Md. tfO. 834. BOOIIiS. TJIOMAS WATSOJV for shf . . II AS KAi ASSORTMENT Qf KS, AMON G WHICH ARE THE FOLLO2ffC : Exerc7sers!mi,;0d"Ction'ReIcr' Ke SeJ Uri mh SVelnSbook and Grammar. Gumshaw s United States Adams', Willarrr w , mintr' v i s oodbndge's, Guna- uett s and DabolPs ArithmeticKeytoPike. W ebster s, Cummnrg's, Pickett's, and Jtj v enile Spelhng-Book. Walker's, Johnson's, and Vbster's Dlc- l onary various sizes. Blake's Natural Philosophy. : Trebv's As" . tronomy, Blair's Lectures, Cowper's Task, Thompson's Season's, Jauds Expositor, Tytler's History, Conversations on Chejnis trv? Whelpley's CompentJ, Duncan's Logic. Columbian Orator, American Reader. Goldsmith's England, do. Rome, do: Greece- , Gu nmere's Surveying, Simpson's Euclid, .. Jacob's Laiin Rea'der, Gould's Adams' Latin Grammar, Virgil Delphini. Horace Delphini, Ovid Delphini, ClceTTo Delphini, Works of Sallust. Entick's Latin Dictionary, French Grammar. . Greca Majora, Greca Minora, Greek Deleclu Valpley's Greek Grammar, Greek Testament. Schrevelli's Lexicon. Bonnycastle's Algebra and Key, Simpson" Algebra. Family Bibles, School do. elegantPoelset do. Super Pearl Pocket Testaments, common do. ) MA B O OKS. Watts and Rip- pon's, Methodist, General Assembly's, Village, Olncv, Dover Selection, Alcxander's,Biddlc'f., Ri ppon's, Vatts', Zion's Songfs. Pollock's Course of Time, Henry on Prayer. Christian Lyre, Brown's Concordance. Jay's Closet Exercises, Jay's Discourses, Flavel on Keeping the Heart. Book of Common Prayer, Closet Exercises Alexander's Bible Dictionary, Malcolm's do Smdey's Scripture Geography. History of the Reformation, Law s Call. Pilgrim's Progress, Saint's Rest. History of the Bible. A Cergy man's Letters to a Young Christian. Miller's Evidences of the Christian Religion. Letters on Church Government. Hemy's Religious Life, Help to the Gospels -. Confession bi Faith, Methodist Discipline Dewees on Females, ditto on Diseases i. 09 Children, ditto on Midwifery. Juvenile Spectator, Evenings at Home. Franklin's W orks, Scientific Dialogues." Byron's Works, Moore's Life of Byron. Pocket Gazetteef, Lexicon of Useful Knowledge, Convc "sta tions on Common Things. Peter Parley's Books for Youth. Complete Letter Writer, Western Songster-. of V ashington, Life of Marion, Lite of Bonaparte Life of Nelson. Virginia Housewife, Housekeeper s Manual. ,-i .,.r.i v.ii .-n.ei iiei i, 1'ooke's Pantheon. j J.er and Scourer. ,..e of Alexander the Great, Life of Mohatn- rne . aeon, or Many Things in Few Words. v f .vieiiiiec oh the Chest, Begin's Therapeutics, j o ner's Special Anatomy, Johnson on the Liver. Blount's Coast Pilot, Bowditch's Navigator. Marsh's B mkkeeping, Jackson's" ditto Buck's Theological Dictionary. History of Paris, Humorous Songster. Evening Entertainments, Scenes in Eurogt. Mason's Improved Farrier, Hinde's ditto. Irving's Mythology, Violin Preceptor.j A variety of Entertaining Juvenile Books Coloured Toys. ' 'dii Vnrb PrimPT. Render nnd Table Rooks. T , HiS The followinff DOPII- iV , ' T, . S f V leir Novels will be sold at40 cents per volume Pelham, or Adventnrcs of a Gentleman. The Oxonians, Private Life, Beatrice, a Tale, Rybrent De Cruee, Flirtation, Romances of Real Life, , Adventures of a King's Page; Walter Colyton, Gaston De Blondeville, Reuben Apsley, . Devereux, bv the Author of PcITTaKi Paul Clifford, Waldcgrave, The Country Curate, The Prairie, a Tale, by toopf.r. Goslington Shadow, English at Home, Lionel h'mco)n, The Refugee, The Last of the Mohican. Body and Soul, Redgauntlet, - The Lost Heir, . ,'- Yes and No, Husband Hunting The Barony, Hungarian Tales, Tale of the O'Hara Family, Woodstock, palkland, Fair Maid of Perth, Paper, Quills, Wafers, Sealing NVaxLes, Pencils, Ofhce Tape & Wafers, Ink Powder, Tissue Paper, Slates, Pocket Books, Pocket Maps of tire Southern and Western States, Blank Day Books, Memorandum Books, and A GENERAL ASSOfiTmJtsivi. BLANKS; of Lading. Such as Shipping Papers, Bins diffeTent Vessels' Bills of Sale, Manifests, of the kinds of Blanks used by the Con Supcrior and County Courts, stahles, jJSwtiW. , . d

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