L ,, LIBERTy..THE CONSTITUTioN....UNlON. ' ' ' " ' i.Vrf t'JX VOL. XVI. NEBERN, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1833. NO. 836 BY TH03IAS WATSON, TERMS,' Three dollars per annum payable in advance. No paper will le discontinued (but at the dis cretion of the Editor) until - all arrearages have been paid. 1 . AUTHORITY X.WVS OF THE UNITED STATES, PASSED AT THE SKCOND SESSION OF THE TWENTY-SECOND r ON OR ESS. A ACT making appropriations to carry into ef fect certain Indian Treaties, and for other purpo se?, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. lie it enacted by the Senate ami louse of Re j,rrsentatives of the -United Slates of A'nencu in Congress assembled, That the following sums he, an! the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out )C ;my money in the Treasury not otherwise appro priated, for the objects hereinafter mentioned, that is 10 say: To carry into ejl'eet the stipulations of the Treaty ' with the Winnebagoes of the fifteenth of September, one thousand eight hundred and.thirty iwo, to wit : For payment of the annuity provided for by the t.iri article, ten thousand dollars ror payment of the annuity for one year, per third article, eighteen thousand dollars. For erecting a mill and church, per sixth article, three thousand sven hundred dollars. For8upport of a blacksmith and assistant, and for iron, steel and tools, per fifth article, one thousand dollars. For the supoort of a School, and purchase of books, per seventh article, five hundred dollars. For the purchase of farming utensils, per eighth artird?, three thousand dollars. For expense of agricultural labor and improve ments, per ninth article, four thousand dollars. For payment in 'merchandize and cash, per ele venth article, six thousand dollars. For expense of transportation and subsistence, and one years supply of provisions per eleventh article, twenty seven thousand nine hundred dollar?. For expense of running and making boundaries, per tvvellth article, eight hundred dollars. For the expenses of a deputation to view the lands . . r- ' . .-I I 1 1 J, II cede,!, per lourteentM aiicie, uve uuuureu uoiuns For furnishing cattle, bog?, and other stock, per tenth article, four thousand dollars. To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Potawatfarnies of the Wabash of twenty sixth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. For payment of the limited annuity, per third ar ticle, twenty thousand dollars. For the payment of goods and horses purchased and delivered, per same article, the sum of one hun dred thousand dollars. For purchase of goods to be delivered per came article, thirty thousand dollars. For the payment of claims, per schedule attached to the treaty, per fourth article, the sum of sixty-two thousand, three hundred and eighty-two dollars. For fulfilling the stipulations of the fifth article, to wit : For rifles and ammunitions, two thousand three hundred and thirty-lour dollars. For blankets, two thousand nine hundred and six teen dollars. For expenses of transportation and subsistence, For the purposes of education, provided for by the ; thirty-three thousand three hundred and twenty dol lars. f For one years supply of provisions, sixty thousand eight hundred and nine dollars. For expense of erecting a saw mill, per sixth ar ticle, two thousand dollars. To carry into effect the stipulations of the. treaty with the Potrtwattamies of Indiana, of twenty seventh October, one thousand f ight hundred and thirty-two. For the payment of the limited annuity, per fourth .article, fifteen thousand dollars. For the payment of goods and horses purchased and delivered, per same article, the sum of thirty-two thousand dollars. For the purchase ol goods to be delivered, per same article, ten thousand dollars For the payment of claims, er schedule attached to the treaty, per same article, the sum of twenty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one dollars. For the purchase of the section ol land granted Trirth article, three thousand dollars i F'V support of agriculturists, for oxen and ploughs, and other agricultural implements per filth article, tV;-.) thousand live hundred dollars. Fo.- expense of removing blacksmith's shops, per sixth article, two hundred and fifty dollars. For expense of rations per seventh article, six thousand dollars. For payment of claims to certain individuals, per eighth article, one thousand and eighty -two dollars ;;ud fiity cents. ; Fur the purchase of tobacco, and for services of wo phvsicians, per fifth article, five hundred and I'i't v dollars. To carry into effect the stipulations of the Treaty v;ith the Sacs and Foxes, of the twenty-first Sep tember, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, :o wit : For payment ol" the limited annuity, pro vided lor by t he third article, twenty thousand dollars. gunsmith, establishing a shop, and for purchase of tobacco an salt, per fourth article, one thousand se. ven hundred and fifty dollars. For payment, of Farnham and Davenport's claim For I'ulfilliugrthe stipulations for a blacksmith and, by the treaty of Saint Joseph's, to To-pe- naw-koung. wife of Peter Langlois, per same article, the sum of eight hundred dollars. For the education of Indian youths of the Pota wattamie tribes, during the pleasure of Congress, treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, of twenty-first Sep tember, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two embracing the cost of provisions andV clothing com pensation to an interpreter, and cost "of removing them to a place where they may be kept in safety without being closely confined, the sum of two thou sand five hundred dollars. For the expense of appraising the improvements abandoned by the Chippewas, under the. sixth arti cle of the treaty of Saginaw, of twenty-fourth Sep tember, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, tne sum ot six Hundred dollars. For payment for two negroes, the property of George Fields, illegally taken from the Broom, a Cherokee Chief, in the fail of the vear one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, by a white citizen, seven hundred dollars. For expenses of removing and subsisting Choc taws, Creeks, Cherokees. and Ohio Indians, as esti mated for by the Commissary General of Subsistence, four hundred and seventy-lour thousand and thirteen dollars.'' And the sum of ten thousand dollars for holding a treaty with the Potawattamies, for the ex tinguishment of their title to the remainder of their lands in Illinois. ? For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Menominees of the eight February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, hlty eight thousand six hundred dollars. For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Chickasaws of twenty-eighth October,- one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to be refunded out of the sabs of their lands as provided for by said treaty, one hundred thousand dollars. tor carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Senecas West, of twenty-ninth De cember, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-t wo, to be refunded out of the sales of their lands as pro vided (or by said treaty, four thousand dollars. For payment to the Senecas for lost horses and other property as stipulated for by the fourth article of same treaty, one thousand dollars. For carrying into eifect the stipulations of the treaty with the Ottawas, of eighteenth February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, forty seven thousand four hundred and forty dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Se cretary of War shall cause a valuation to he made of the buildings, improvements and other property, belonging to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, lying within the limits of the purchase made of the Choctaw tribe of Indians at the treaty of the Dancing Rabbit Creek, and after deducting from the estimated value the amount here- burgh, Pennsylvania, belonging to the United States, To make good a deficiency of a former appropria- f f 1 . I - L" 1 . wnicn may ue uisposeo or, unoer tne provisions of the act of Congress of the second of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Approved. March 2, 1833. tion for the building of a wharf at Fort McHenry,4 ninety dollars and forty cent For repairing and extending the levees, securing the works af Fort Jackson Mississippi, and for im proving the store rooms and magazine, four thou - AS ACT making appropriations for the support of jsand dollars. rr i the Army for the year one thousand eight hundred I Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Se and thirty three. retary of War be authorized, at his discretion, out of Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of hp moneys appropriated by this, or any former act. Representatives of the United States of America i m,1,tia ercd nt0 , J . . - . I VICP Ot thft linitPi KtafAo in f fair fnrinrr the last year, to allow and pay to the district pay masters of the army of the United States employed in making such payments, a commission on the sums respectively paid by them, not exceeding one p.er centum upon the amounts. Approved, March 2, 1833. - i e in Congress assembled. That the following sums he. and the srmp avp hpi-ehv n nnronriated. out fr goo Is, acknowledged to be due, per fifth article, ) per same article, two thousand dollars forty thousand -dollars. 1 For fulfilling the stipulations in regard to subsis tence, per tenth article, seven thousand seven hun dred and twenty-four dollars. To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Shawano and Delaware, of the sixth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. For the purchase of cattle, hogs, and other stock for the D da wars, and for assistance 'n agriculture, rwr s -con I article, three thousand dollars. For-expense of a person to attend their mill, and for repairs, per same article, five hundred dollars. For the supKrt of a school, per same article, five hundred dollars. For fulfiilling the stipulations for payment of cer tain debts, and for merchandize and cash, per third anide, eighteen thousand dollars For fulfilling the stipulations to the Shawanoes for cash, clothing and horses, and toward their ex penses, after removal, per. fifth article, one thousand teven hundred dollars. For cost of provisions for one year after removal, per same- article, the sum of eighteen thousand t o hundred and fifty dollars. For annuities to Patterson, Tawhee-lalen and Nitconfng, dluriiig tlieir natural lives, the sum of on-' ha '.id red dollars each, three hundred dollars. To -r-y into effect the stipulations of the treaty With the Kaskaskias and Peorias, of seventh O to ber, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Far payment, of the limited annuity, per fifth arti cle, three thousand dollars. - For-fulfilling the stipulations in the sixth article of said treaty, to wit: For payment to the Peorias in common with the Kaskaskias, sixteen hundred dol lars. To the Kaskaskias, tor lost horses and salt annui tie, three hundred and fifty dollars. To the Peorias, for improvements on their lands, two hundred and fifty dollars. For the purchase of stock for Peorias and Kaskas kias, lour bun dr. d dollars sSime, three hun- hun dred and To carry into effect the stipulation of the treaty Approved tofore advanced by the United States towards the aforesaid buildings and improvements shall cause the residue to be paid to the Trustees of the said Board, out of any money in the Treasury not other wise appropriated. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, should the same be found necessary to defray the expenses of repressing the hostilities of the Indians on the western frontier of the United States, out of any money in the Trea sury not otherwise appropriated. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. HU: L. WHITE, President of the Senate pro tempore. ploughs, for hou ses, five r or carts, oxen an. ca-ii an. i iiiry hilars. For buil :iag lbur log thirty dollars. For assistance in agriculture, thrf hnr,dro,t Hilor 1 or agricultural implements, and for iron and steel, hlty dollars. For the payment for goods delivered at treaty eijjht hundred dollars. - 'For assistance to Kaskaskias in removing, and for cite year's provisions, one thousand dollars. " To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Appalachicola tribe, of eleventh October, wne thousand eight hundred and thirty-two: tor oaymrnt to the Appalachicola tribe of In dians, to be in full compensation for all expenses of treaty, thirteen thousand dollars, io carry nito effect th with the Putnw,..,: l. :;. :-'""-? u4mu UC!uy - - '"umfsoi tue I' vjcioDer, one inousartd v , 4 i i .L: , u,.yj mousana uuumcn auu win iy-tnr6e with the Piankeshaws and eas, of twenty-ninth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. For the purchase of cattle, hogs ami farming utensils as an equivalent for sa't annuities, and lot horses, for the Piankeshaws, per third article, five hundred dollars. ior expense ot agricultural assistance and im provements, per same article, the sum of seven hun dred and fifty dollars, For payment in merchandize and cash, per same art'de, two hundred dollars. For the purchase of cattle, hogs and farming uten sils, as an equivalent for improvements and lost hor ses, for the Weas, per fourth article, five hundred dollars. For payment in merchandize and cash, per same article, two hundred dollars. For assistance to the Weas of Indiana, to enable them to join the rest of their tribe, and for one year's supply of provisions, per same article, the sum of four thousand six hundred ami twelve dollars For the support of a blacksmith's shop, for the be nefit of the Ptank 'skaws, Weas, Peorias, and Kas kaskias, per fifth article, one thousand dollars. For cost of 'transporting the annuities, agricultu ral implements and stock, and lor other incidental expenses in fulfilment of the aforesaid1 treaties, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. To enable the President to extinguish Indian title within the States of Indiana and Illinois, and terri tory ol Michigan, in addition to the sum appropriated ninth July last, three thousand eight hundred and seventy-one dollars. For expenses incurred in one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-two, attending the adjustment of the boundary line and other objects referred to in the first, second, and third articles of the treaty of Butte des Morts, ratified twenty-third h ebruary, one thou sand eight hundred and twenty-nine, in addition to the sum appropriated by the act of twentieth May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, four hundred tiol lars, For expense of removal and subsistence of Creek March 2, 1833. ANDREW JACKSON. AN ACT making appropriations for the Engineer and Ordnance Depaitments. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives ot the united States ot America in Lon- the same are hereby appropriated, outnf any money m the i reasury not. otheru ise appropriated, namely: b or collecting the materials, and making the pre liminary arrangements, for the construction of a fort on George's Island, Boston harbor, Massachusetts, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the erection of a budding for military and oth er exercises, at the United States' Military Academy, V est Point, six thousand dollars. For the erection of a chapel at the United States' lviiutarv Acanemv. west foint, ten tnousano uounrs. tor the erection of two new dwelling-houses at the National Armory at Springfield, Massachusetts, for the use of the Master Armorer and Paymaster, se ven thousand dollars. For building a pay-office and store at the same Armory, for the preservation of models and patterns, two thousand dollars. For building a workshop for grinding and polish ing, at the same Armory, six thousand dollars. For enlarging and repairing the shop, for welding and boring musket barrels, at the same Armory, fif teen hundred dollars. For additional machinery, at the same Armory, three thousand five hundred dollars. For one steam-engine of fifteen horse power, at the same Armoiy, fifteen hundred dollars. For thirtv-six double racks tor placing arms in tne new arsenal, at the same Armory, five thousand one hundred dollars. For the erection of twelve additional dwelling-hou ses for the workmen, at the National Armory at Har- per's Ferry, Virginia, eight thousand six Hundred dollars. . For the repair and extension of the public dam, on ol rtnv mnnpv in tU Tinacnn' nrt thorvrlc nnfm- pnated for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, viz: For pay of the army and suhsistance ofofficers,one million three hundred and thirty-six thousand six hundred an 1 ninety-seven collars" For forage of offi. ers, fifty-four thousand three hun dred and thirty dollars. For clothing for servants of officers, twenty-four thousand collars. For subsistence, exclusive of that of ofiicers in ad dition to an unexpended balance of fifteen thousand dollars, three hundred and eichtv seven thousand 1 1 dollars. " For ckrtning of the army, camp equipage, cooking utensils, and hospital furniture, in addition to mate rial and clothing on hand, amounting io twentv thou sand dollars, two hundred and fixty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-three dollars. For medical and hospital department, thirty-one thousand dollars. For arrearages in the same department during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, three thousand dollars. For various expenses of the quarter masters depart ment, viz: for fuel, forage, straw, stationary, blanks, repairingofficers'quarters, barracks, store-houses, and hospitals; for erecting temporary cantonments and gun-houses; for rent of quarters, store houses, and lands: for postage of letters on public service ; for ex penses of courts martial, including compensation of judge advocates, members, and witnesses; for extra pay to soldiers employed on extra labor, under the act of March seripnd one thousand eight hundred anil nineteen; and for expenses of expresses, escorts to paymasters, and other contingencies to quartermas ter's departments two hundred and forty thousand dollars. For transportation of officers' baggage ; and allow ance for travel in lieu of transportation, and for per diem allowance to officers on topographical duty, fifty three thousand dollars. For transportation of clothing, subsistence, ord nance, and of lead from the mines, and for transpor tation of the army and funds for pay of the army, in cluding the several contingencies and items of expen diture at the several stations and garrisons usually estimated under the head of transportation of the ar my, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars. Ior defraying the expenses ol the board ot visiters at West Point, two thousand dollars. For fuel, forage, stationary, printing, transporta tion, and postage, for the military academy, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For repairs, improvements, and expenses of build ings, grounds, roads, wharf, and boat, at West Point, four thousand dollars. For pay of adjutant's and quartermaster's clerk, nine hundred dollars. For increase and expenses of the library, fourteen hundred dollars. For philosophical apparatus, eight hundred and ninety dollars. For philosophical apparatus, eight hundred and ninety dollars. For models of department of engineering, six hun dred dollars. For models for the drawing department, repairs of instruments for the mathematical department, ap paratus and contingencies for the thedepartment of chemistry, nine hundred dollars AN ACT making appropriations for the Indian De partment for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America, in Con fess assembled, That the following sums be, and ! they are hereby appropriated to be paid out ofanv money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Indian Department for the year eight hun dred and thirty-three, viz. - For the salary of the commissioner of Indian affairs, tit re e thousand dollars. For the pay of the superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, and the several Indian agents, as estao- Iished by law, twenty-six thousand dollars. b or the pay of sub-agents, as established by law. seventeen thousand dollars. - For presents to Indians, as authorised by the actof one thousand eight hundred and two, fifteen thousand dollars. For pay of Indian interpreters and translators cm ployed in the several soperintendencies and agencies, twenty thousand dollars. For the pay of gunsmiths, and their assistants, em ployed within the several superintendences and agencies, under treaty provisions, and the orders of the. War Department, sixteen thousand dollars. For iron, steel, coal, and other expenses, attending the gunsmiths' antLblacksmiths' shops, five thousand dollars. For expenses of transportation and distribution of Indian annuities, nine thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of provisions for Indians at the dis tributions of annuities, while on visits of business with the different superintendents and agents, and when assembled on public business, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars. For expense of building houses for Indian agents, blacksmiths' tools, and for repairs ol the same, when required, in the several agencies, two thousand dollars. For contingencies of the Indian Department, twen ty, thousand dollars. For supplying the deficiency in the appropriation for the compensation of Commissioners, and other" expenses attending the adjustment of boundaries un der the Treaty of Butte des Morts, contained in t Re act of twentieth May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, making appropriations to carry into effect the said treaty, five hundred and fourteen dollars and sixty-two cents. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the following sums being unexpended balances of former appropriations, be, and the same are hereby re-ar- j propriated to the several objects of the original appro- pnat on, respectively, to be paid out ol any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, viz. for the exchange of land with the Indians, and for their re moval west of the Mississippi by act of twenty eighth May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, twt hundred and eighty dollars and six cents. For defraying the expenses of an expedition' fittcci out, consisting of the Militia of Georgia and Florida, for the suppression of the aggressions of the Indians, on their frontiers, three thousand eight hundred and thirtyiiine dollars and eighty six cents. For carrvino" into effect the Treaty with the IVin- Miecellaneous items and incidental expenses of the j nebagoes, by act of twenty fifth March, one thous and eight hundred and thirty, the following sums, vva For payment of Claims provided for by fourth ar ticle, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight do? j lars and seventy-two cents. For expense of surveying the boundaries, nflie hundred and forty-five dollars and forty six cents. For carrying into effect the treaty of twenty-ninth July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, with the Chippevvays, Ottoways, and Pottawatamies, by ac of twenty-fifth March, one thousand eigh hundred and t flirty, for the expense of surveying the boundaries, six hundred and seventeen dollars anu ten cents. For carrying into effect a treaty with the Choctaw Indians of eleventh October, one thousand eight hum- nreu and twenty, dv act oi second lYiarcn. one tnou- five dollars. For contingencies of the army, ten thousand dollars. For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollar?. For the armament of fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars. For the current expenses of the ordnance service, sixty-nine thousand three hundred dollars. For arsenals, ninety six thousand five hundred dol lars. ' For the recruiting service, thirty thousand nine hundred and ndttwo dollars, in addition to an unex pended balance of twelve thousand dollars. For the contingent expenses of the recruiting ser vice, sixteen Thousand and fort y-lbur dol lars, including rairie, of twentieth J. l "'t-llUdrV. one thllMnnrl amht r or payment oi lfte limited annuity ner third ar ticle, filteen thousand dollars. Y ' ..red ,,ollT To Aa,,er! Jo.Urs. To Pwrre Leclerc, two hundrVj dollars. For payment ol ClaimC per schedule annexed to he treaty, ,r tourth article, the sUm of MnyAon ind seven hundred and forty-six dollars. fewSy'nel'tf0,'gCOd! a!,d "l5 Pu"se and oS'dopr.rarr,ne 6um r - ido:386 to be deUvered, Uurty ror paymeutto certain named Indians for lost -v .auvre, iuuitceii nuuurca aouars. 0 earrv intn Ko c . l Indians, as stipulated in the eleventh article of the the Potomac river, from which the supply ot water is treaty of twenty-fourth January one thousand eight obtained for the works of said Armory, hve thousand hundred and twenty-six, in addition to former appro-1 dollars. priations, to pay claims allowed, as settled by the ror the enlargement ol the canal, suppling rue Second Auditor, seven thousand two hundred and water power of the public works of the said Armory, sixty-one dollars, forty-four cents. horn the Potomac dam, thirteen thousand lour nun- For payment of improvements on ceded lands, as dred and ninety-five dollars. imitated in the eleventh article of said treaty, as For repairing the walls of four workshops at the settled by the Second Auditor, in addition to former same Armory, fifteen hundred dollars, appropriations, nine thousand three hundred dollars For constructing three new water-wheels, and the and seventy-five cents. inacmnery in tne noruig, iu.111114;, uu For navment of expenses incurred lor provisions, ana sinking numes, ai me am auuuij, ' J . ' .. . i i .1 I i i i i .i-ii.,. transportation, compensation to guarue, anu otner muu iuur uuiiurm uuuait.. expenses attending the arrest of Ioway prisoners in For completing the forgmg-shop tilt-hammer, and one thousand eiht hundred and twenty-nine, or the new work-shop, at the same Armory, thirteen thou- - . i l .llH charge of murder committed by them, and not be- sana tnree nunureu uoiiare. fore provided for, the sum ot one thousand and twen- r or tne purcnase oi oue t.c - , ty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents. the improvements, adjoining the Arsenal near ritts- For expense of locating, surveying and nounaing urgn, x-emisyivauia, tmoc reservations for the Choctaws, under the nineteenth aouars. . tne purcnase oi iony-nve cii-n- e Watervliet Arsenal, New York, nine thou- an unexpended balance of eight thousand five hun-1 sand eight hundred and twenty seven, the balance reappropnated tnirtieth April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, sixteen thousand and three dol lars and forty-three cents. For defraying the expenses of holding a treaty with the Cherokees for the purpose of extinguishing their claim to as much land as will be necessary for a canal to connect the Highvvassee and Canasaga with each other, by act of second March, one jtfout: and eight hundred and twenty-seven, the balances reapproprialed thirtieth April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, two thousand four hundred ami fifty nine dollars and nineteen cents. Approved, March 2, 1833. Tc.tK .ir1 the emulations of the treaty I onlea October, and! - r v ivcui.v-aixin iinrmhr.f article of the treaty of fifteenth September one thousand eight hundred and thirty, not otherwise provided for, fifteen hundred d liars. For expenses of the Chickasaw Agent, with a de putation of Indians, to the seat of government, on business relating to the treaty negotiated with them, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For the expense of a delegation from the New York Indians to visit Green Bay during the summer of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, for the purpose of surveying and dividing their lands with a view of future emigration, the sura of one thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars. For the expense of removing the remaining Shaw anoes, being eighty-two in number, from Ohio, to their lands west, one thousand six hundred and forty dollars. For the expenses of twelve prisoner.', of war of the ti1 UVvr trihpfL now in rnnfinpment nn3 in h StS- m hwtages, under the eevemh article ofthe For ing the sand dollars. For the purchase of the right to the water power on the Shenandoah river, for the use of the United States' rifle factory which is established on that river, four thousand six hundred dollars. For the repairs of the Spanish fort Marion, at St. Augustine, 3nd for reconstructing the Sea Wall, to prevent the encroachment of the sea, at and near the same, twenty thousand dollars. For the purchase of a site, and for erecting quar ters and barracks for the United States' troops at Sa vannah, Georgia, thirty-five thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the. Secretary of War be, and he is hereby authori zed to apply to the purchase of the square acre of land above meniioneo, a sum not exceeding three thousand five hundred dollars, but of the proceeds arising from the eale of certain Jofpofland at Pitts- dred dollars on hand. For the purchase of accoutrements and swords, sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the purchase of cannon, fourteen thousand se-! ven hundred and fifty dollars. For payment of arms for mounted rangers, two thousand five hundred and ninety eight dollars. For the purchase of arms for South Carolina, six thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars. For arrearages prior to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, payable ihrough the Third Auditor's office, five thousand dollars. To enable the Second Auditor to close the accounts, under the act of third March, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty one, allowing three months' gratui tous pay to disbanded ofiicers and soldiers, five hun dred dollars. For arrearages of pay of certain militia of the State of Missouri, called out iirone thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the pay of the militia of Illinois, Indiana, Mis souri, and Michigan, ordered into the service of the United States during the last year, six hundred and thirty thousand dollars i'n-addition to the amount, heretofore appropriated for the same purpose. For completing barracks, quarters, and store houses at Fort Crawford, eight thousand dollars. For completing barracks. Quarters, and store houses, at Fort Howard, ten thousand dollars. For completing barracks and erecting hospital at Baton Rogue, twenty-five thousand dollars. For making good a deficiency of appropriation for me ereuti n oi oarracks at Fort Severn, Annapons, three hundred dollars. For the construction of a wharf at Fort Preble, Portland, inculding the purchase of a site, three thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars. For the repairing the wharf at Fort independence, Boston, one thousand five hundred dollars. i For repairing the wharf at Fort Washington, on j five, hundred dollars. , r ton, RESOLUTION in relation to the execution ot llu act supplementary to the "Act for the' rebel ok certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revo lution." Resolved by the Senate and House oj Re presentatives of the United States of America r in Congress assembled, That, in the execution 1 of the act supplementary to the " Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolu tion " approved June seventh, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, wherever it shall be made to appear that any applicant for a pension under'. sa:d act entered the army of the revolution, in pur suance of a contract with the Government, maaV previous to the eleventh day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and continued in service until after that period, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to compute the period of any such applicant's service, from the timehe then enter ed the army, and until the date of the definitive treaty of peace, and to allow him a pension accord ingly. Approves, March 2, 1833. RESOLUTION to place thirty copies of the Dipfo- ... y..futturuvvoi tue American Ke volution For repairing the wharf at Fort Mouhrie.Chartes- j at the disposition of the Secretary of State. a, one thousand five hundred ooiiare. ,soiveat oy ine- Senate and Hnuxp'nf 7?,- presentatives p the United Statls of Ameri ca, in Congress assembled, That thirty co pies of Sparks' Diplomatic. Corresnondence of the fte. volution, tiow in 1 he custody of ttie Clerk' of the House of Representatives, be placed at 'the disposition For the purchase of ground adioming fort Trum bull, New London, four nunoreu For the erection of a store-house ami stable on the public lot at Pittsburgh, five thousand dollars. For the purchase of the ground at Key W est, on , w, , -h the DamicKs nun uuminoun, cicucu, mice e , , . ' i - thousand two hundred dollars. . of the Secretary of State for the use of the diploma FoThe purchaseofland at Fort Gratiot, owthonV tlc foreign trtea sand bis hundred dollars. Approved, March 2, 1833.

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