f " '"" " ' I LIBERTY... .THE CONSTITUTION.. ..UNION. VOL. XVI. NEW BERN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1833. NO. 837- PUBLISHED BY THOMAS WATSON. Three dollars per annuni-WabI advance. No paper will be discontinued (but at the dis cretion of the Editor) until arrearages have been aid. -. BY AUTHORITY. iavstf the united states, passed at the slcosd session of the twenty-second CON OR ESS A C T toexpl tin and amend the act to alter and aii'i i the several acts-imposing duties on imports oiSS . Julv fourteenth, one thousand eight hun-dre-t and thirtv-t vo, so far as relates to Hardware, ascertain manufactures of Copper and Brass, an i other articles. ' ne, it enacted bv the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America n Congress assembled, That, the provisions ofthe tenth and twelttn clauses 01 mt- srium, mnuu ot the. act to alter and amend the several acU impo miit iuties on imports, parsed July fourteenth eigh teen hundred an i thirtv two, be, aud the same are hereby, suspended until the first day- ol June, eigh teen hundred and thirty fou Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That c Pi irhof the act to alter an I amend the several acts .... : .-...a T..1., r ini iiisilio' ones oil i!ujuii, jmNscu -iuiy iuc iuui- .1.. .. I..... nn I tI- , . j . .lit i the i!uaes heretofore levied on copper bottoms cut n)()11 j;lnd copper bottoms raised to the edge, and , t:i 'iui!in cut round an ! turned upon the edge, and M.irrs thereof, and on copper plates or sheets, weigh in..' more than thirty-four ounces per square foot, coinif.oiily "sdled hraziers copper, and on tobacco leaves, or unmanufactured, be, and the same is here bv, repeale.l. 'Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That -Nothing contained in the act, ofthe fourteenth of July, eighteen hun ired and thirty-two, to alter and 'umeiid til several acts imposing duties on imports, plullbe construed as' to authorize the exemption iroin the payment of duty on sheet and rolled brass, but the same shsll he charged w.itlnhe payment of a d-itv of twenty-fiye per centum ad valorem. y A. STEVENSON, , Speaker of the House of Representatives. y HU : L. WHITE, President of the Senate pro tempore. prowd, March 2, 1833. ANDREW JACKSON. A.N ACT m iking appropriations for the erection of . .-ertain fortifications. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re prcscRtativcs of the United States of America in, Congress assembled, That the following turns he, and the same, are hereby, appropriated, out of atiy money in the T i easury not otherwise appro priat".! ; namely For a fort on Throg's Neck, East River, New Yrrk, twent". 'five thousadd dollars. For p'-buikhng Fort Delaware, Delaware river, -fifty thousand dollars. For a (ort on Foster's Bank, Pensacola Harbor, Florida, p.ventv-iive tliousand dollars. ForaF rton Granule Terre, Barataria, Louisi ana, twenty-five thousand dollars. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT for improving the navigation of certain rivers in the 1 erritones of Florida and Michigan and for surveys, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f Amer ca in Consrrcss assembled. That for the pur pose-of removing obstructions, and improving the navigation of certain rivers in the Territories of Florida and Michigan, the following sums be, and tney are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out ot any csoiioy in the Treasury ; to be expended under the airertiou of the President ofthe United State. r or removing obstructions in, and improving the ? navigation of, the Escamiua river, five thousand do! lars, 1- ror improving the navigation of Ochlochney river, uc liiuusonu dollars. For improving the navigation of Choctwhachie ri yer, as recommended by the Postmaster General for ,"r fruition ot the. mail from Pensacola to Tal Jahassee, five thousand dollars. ....proving ttw harbor at Chicago on Lake -unigan, twenty-hve thousand dollars. or a survey of White and Saint Francis rivers in cut- . erraory o, Arkansa,, five hundred dollars. Approved. Mnrrh ist'o 'roved, March 2. AN AC f in relation to the Potomac Bridge. w it enacted bv the Senate and Ffnusp. nf It IlPTITVo, l tt . . J j r:Wu.t uj me united States of Amer i- .g,4-flWmWe(i. That so soon ai J n r m 0t the Unite s Spates shall decide on i ver ,,u-he,erectl0ft -bridge over the Potomac ri ol hri !1U?n,onor adjoining the site of th etl SyvortneT.Wy is here SZtt C" -giving, Sec ' A.nd he if A.wl i.j nni. . t . . wards the mn, utn enuaea, i nai io- two hundred thoS' , u, he b the sum of to be paid out of ,;u J ? a 18 hereby appropriated, mv.se annmnri,: f T' "l tae 1 rurV not oth a may be agree,) Z ZT g' ilUd ch times, urv, ail I the contr Jt.1 1 Sretary ot the Treas- the said Secretary satiT?Ct0rs' whosha,11 faithful performance of ff the Approved, March 2, 1833. A ACTtoimpr Riv.rK... , : .aii."" oi the Potomac forottuT purposes. . f l. ,W-.t m 1 II IIHIIMI'll ... 1 Alexandria, and Be it enacted by the Senate and louse fB, rjmntatires ofthe United St,'l?e "l iflwaiM, That la orde .7 -a T ? V.' .wviMtSh, by causing thecut alreadT them in V:" .V1C1 rT8 ot ablin ivr a iree lurnDlke roa, tn tho .i;.: i ' "nine V r,iniu c.;.....c.u' . .WM'1 one thenr r:"":iU"ul UMJ "vcr.anu:- to parehase oi of one h n hv T 2x u roloraacV ri vei the 'vaic min ired and fi ti? thrti. .rt i . in l Wy money 3'T,Sf0,,rratcd' j jW out of wit s mo ;ul v i uouars oe. anrt mQ j tod. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the said sum shall be paid, from time to time, by the Sec retary ot the Treasury, to the order ol the Lorpora tion of Georgetown, in such sums as to enable the said Corporation to effect the purposes aforesaid- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That, before the said sum be paid over to the said Coporation, it shall pass an ordinance to make said road and bridge free, and to be kept in repair by said Corporation for ever. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT in addition to the Act lor the gradual im provement ofthe Navy ofthe United States. Re it enacted bv the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con- gress assembled, that tor tne gradual impruve mento: the Navy of the United States, the sum o five hundred thousand dollars, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, annually, for six years, from and after the third day ol March, eignteen nun- dred and thirty three, when the present appropriation . dollars. expires. . For paying the balance due the commissioner for Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the ; surveying and making the road from La Plaisance President of the United States he, and he is here-! hay to intersect the road to Chicago, within the Ter by authorized and empowered to cause the above j ritory of Michigan, six hundred and eight dollars and mentioned appropriation to he applied, as directed j seventy-six cents. and prescribed by the act ofthe third of March, eigh- i For making the said-road, fifteen thousand dollars, teen hundred and twenty seven, to which this is in ! For completing the improvement of the inland addition, the provisions whereof are hereby, continued channel between Saint M try's and Saint John's in in force for the term above mentioned, and to he ap- ; Florida, nine thousand dollars. plied also to the purchase of other necessary ma- i For the completion of the removal of obstructions terials as well as timber suitable for the construction j in the harbor and river Appilachicola, in Florida, ac of vessels of war. cording: to the report and estimate of the engineer, Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted, That, in addi- Lieutenant Long, eight thousand seven hundred dol- tion to the provisions now in force on the subject of , lars, including the unexpended appropriation of last the live oak growing on the public lands, it shall be year. the duty of all collectors of the customs within the j For repairing the Cumberland road east ofthe Territory of Florida, and the States of Alabama, j Ohio, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Mississippi, and Louisiana, before allowing a clear- j For continuing the Cumberland road in Ohio" west ance to any vessel laden in Whole or in part with live of Zanesville, one hundred and thirty thousand dol oak timber, to ascertain satisfactorily that such tim- j lars. her was rut from private lands, or, if from public ones ! For continuing the Cumberland road in the State by consent ofthe Navy Department. And it is of Indiana, one hundred thousand dollars, hereby made the tuty of all officers of the customs, ; For continuing the Cumberland road in Illinois, and of the land officers within said Territory and lj seventy thousand dollars. States, to cause prosecutions to be seasonably institu- i For repairs of the Cumberland road in Vi ginia, ted against all persons known to be guilty of depre- j thirty-four thousand four hundred and forty dollars. dations on, or injuries to, the live oak growing on the , public lands. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT to improve the condition of the non-Com-missioned officers and privates ofthe Army of the United States', and to prevent, desertion. Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representativcs ofthe United States of America i t-four, twenty-five thousand dollars. in Congress assembled, That, from and after For payment of balance due Joseph C. Bi own, for the passage of this act, all enlistments in the army of: running the western boundary ""of the State of Mis thp United States, shall he for three vears: and that souri, one hundred and forty dollars. after the monthly pay of the non-commissioned offi-, cers and soldiers, shall be as follows, viz. to each ser- g.-ant major, quartermaster sergeant, and chief musi- j cian, sixteen dollars: tjkthe first sergeant of a com pa-i ny, fifteen dollars: t?T all other sergeants, twelve : dollars each ; to each artificer, ten dollars : to each i eorporal, eight dollars; and to each musician and i private soldier, six dollars; and that all enlistments in ! the Marine Corps, shall be for lour years; and that. the monthly pay ofthe non-commissioned officers and ! soldiers in said corps, shall he as follows, viz : to each I sergeant major and quartermaster sergeant seven- I teen dollars; to the drum major, fife major, the or- derly sergeants of posts, and first seneants of guards at sea, sixteen dollars each ; to all other sergeants, ; thirteen dollars;, to each corporal, nine dollars: to each musician, eight dollars; and to each private, seven dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That one dollar of the monthly pay of every musictun and pri- vate soldier, shall be retained until the expiration of the two first years of their enlistment, when each mall receive the twenty four dollars retained pay, ' which shall have so accrued; Provided, He shall ec. And be it further enacted, I hat the lol have served honestly and faithfully that portion of; lowing sums be, and hereby are appropriated, to be the term of his first enlistment. n Sec. 3. AnU be it further enacted, That every able bodied musician or private soldier, who may re- enlist into his company or regiment, within two months before, or one month after the expiration of his term ot service, shall receive two months extra pay, besides the. pay and other a llowances which may bo due to him on account of thelunexnired neriod of any enlistment. Sec. 4. And be it further ebiacttd, That every able bodied musician or soldieil who shall re-enlist into hiscomnanv or regiment, as snecified in the third section of this act, shall receive his full pav, at the rate of six dollars per month, without any temporary deduction therefrom. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted That no pre- i or alteiations and repairs in the capitol, one thou mium to officers, for enlisting recruits, nor bounties to j sand dollars. recruits tor enlisting, shall be allowed after the pas- 1 For alterations and repairs in the President s House, sage of this act. five hundred dollars. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That no per- For constructing reservoirs and fountains at the ons who has been convicted of anv criminal of- public offices, and President's House, and enclosing fence, shall be enlisted into the army ofthe United States. Sec 7. And be it further enacted, That the sev enth section ofthe act, entitled u An act making fur ther provisions for the army of the United States. 5 passed on sixteenth May, one thousand eight nun dred and twelve, be, and the same is hereby repealed, 11 Kt frnvirtprl hv a .re n pro 1 con rt martial of i hp. rrimp .x . 1 . .rj..,' Ol UfbCIUUU Approved. March 2, 1833, AN ACT making appropriations for carrying on certain works heretofore commenced for the lm - provement of harbors and rivers; and, also, for con- tinuing and repairing the Cumberland road, and certain Territorial roads. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- presentatives ot the unitea states oj America in Congress assembled, That the following sums ot money be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for carrying on or completing certain works and roads heretotore commenced, to be paid out ot any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. H ir r.. !. ! 1 . k.o.inrritiir t lTn hundred and seventy thousand dollars, j G . rWror- nhm i ! " 7 cl . u . , j i T0 nrtf-v inn . . J I a. i U mi Y r- For a pier head at Cunningham creek, Ohio, five President of the United States to cause to be perma hundred dollar j nently constructed, a road in the Territory of Arkan- For completing the removal of obstructions at the S S a P?int t0 P1 t0,!!!.e mn.ithnfAsht.nhnl., u ou;. i Cn. . i . ii ' ' hundred dollars. For completing the improvement ofthe harbor of Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, six thousand dollars. ' For completing the pier at the mouth of Buffalo harbor, New York, thirty-one thousand seven hun dred dollars. For improving the Entrance of Gennessee river, New York, fifteen thousand dollars. For completing the pier and Mole at Oswego, New York, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For the completion ofthe breakwater at the mouth of the Merrimack river, four thousand nine hundred dollars. la S 0 For the breakwater at Hyanis, Massachusetts fiVe thousand dollars. For improving the harbors of New C?aatl Ta. Hook, Chester, and Port Penn, in the Delaware, four us uiuuscmu aouars. For carrying on the improvement of Ocracoke in let, North Carolina, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars. For improving Cape Fear river, below Wilming ton, North Carolina, twenty-eight thousand dollars. For improving the navigation of the Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi rivers, fifty thousand dollars. For continuing the road from Detroit to Saganaw bay, fifteen thousand dollars. For completing the improvement of Saint Marks river and harbor in Florida, in addition to the unex pended balance of former appropriations, one thou san five hundred dollars. For the road from Detroit to Grand river of Lake Michigan, twenty-five thousand dollars. For continuing the road from Detroit towards Chi cago, in the Territory of Michiran. eitrht thousand t or payment ol a balance due the commissioner under the act of third March, one thousand eight nun dred and twenty five, for marking out a road to the confines of New Mexico, one thousand fiv nun. ired and four dollars and fifty-four cents. For defraying the expenses incidental to making examinations and surveys under the act of the thir- tieth of Anril. nrR thousand tioht hnn.-irp.t nri twnn- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Sec- retary ot War be, and is hereby, authorized, by and with the approbation of the President jf the United states to change the location ot therouteol the Cum- oenanu roan, near oumnenanu ana v ills' mountain, acc,,r;:,"g lo lIie survey ami report inereon oi oap- tain UelaheH, ol the corps ol Engineers, Approved, March 1, 1833. AN ACT making appropriations for the Public Buildings, and lor other purposes. tie it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United Slates of America in Con- gress assembled, I hat lor the purpose ot completing the buddings ot the Penitentiary, its support, the pur- chase of raw materials to he manufactured by the convicts, arid as compensation to Thomas Carberry, who is hereby allowed one thousand dollars tor his servi es in planning and superintending the erection ol the Penitentiary, the sum of fifteen thousand four miuureu ana anu ininy six uouars is nereoy appro- pnated to be paid out oi any money m the ireasury llot otherwise appropriated. paiu ouioi any money in me i reasury uui omerwise appropriated, lor the following purposes, that is io say: r or dressing and laying the stone, procured lor pa- vin the terrace ot the capitol. sev en thousand dollars. b or enclosing and improving the public ground i oriri i5 capitoi, two mousauu doll ars. For a pedestal wall, coping, railing, and foot Way at the north front of the President's House, ten 'thou sand dollars. For improving the capitol square, including the j gardener's salary, and lighting the lamps, two thou- sam1 seven hundred and hlty dollars. For completing the regulation of the ground and j planting, South ofthe President's House, four thou- I 6and six hundred and sixty dollars. and planting the fountain square, six thousand seven hundred and twentv-three dollars. For keeping in repair the fire engines belonging to the public buildings, two hundred dollars. For furnishing the President's House, to beexpen- pended under the direction of the President, in addi- ! tiou to the proceeds of such decayed furniture, as he ; may direct to he sold, twenty thousand dollars. T7 l t i r or an addiutioiial uavement tor the Statue of vvasnington, nve thousan i uouars. For alterations in the Representatives Hall, to ac comodate, the twenty-third Congress, according to a plan recommended by a Select Committee ot the ! House of Representatives of thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty two, thirteen thousand dollars, For completing the public vault, and railing there ; on, one thousand dollars. Approved, March 2, 1833. z, . luruiew,"s !.7u" " , " V Mississippi river to William Strong s, on the St. ! ancis river in the i einiory o jxrap t " c,w"? Ul4"-, :T 1 7 11 1 - TV natives of me unueu v uM uj C COO lllUVGll m. im.l. iuv " . . I U . . I 1 1 kn i - A thn otii-rlu ii I croVr a tiniw. priated, out of any money in the 1 reasury not other wise aDhronriated, tor the purpose of enabling the 1 1 i . 01 VV Uliam oiro.lg, on uieourraueis iivci, or to i. Ic o,-ith nlhor rwint rTl Inp oiitip Hs wards such other point on the same as the engineer appointed to report thereupon may recommend, lor the purpose of establishing a constant communication from the point above named, towards Little Rock, in the said Territory: Provided, That the said sum be expended under the direction of such military engi neer as the President may appoint: And provided, also, That no part ofthe said sum of money shall be expended until a careful survey and estimate shall have been made ofthe cost ofthe road by a compe tent engineer, and that the said survev and estimate Bhall have been previously submitted to, and appro ved by, the Secretary of War, and the President of i toeAUpeTMarch 1833. AN ACT establishing a Port of Entry and Delive ry at the village of Fall River in Massachusetts, and discontinuing the office at Dighton. ' Be it enacted by the Senate ami House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con gress assevibted, That there shall from and after the first day of April next, be established in the vil lage of Fall River, near the mouth of Taunton Great River, in Massachusetts a port of entry and delivery. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the office ofthe collector ofthe customs in Dighton, Massachu setts, shall, from and after the first day of April next, be discontinued. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT to authorize the President of the United States to exchange certain lands belonging to the Navy Yard at Brooklyn, for other lands contigu ous thereto. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United Stales of America in Con gress assembled. That the President of the United States be, and he is h rehy, authorized to execute a conveyance to the Corporation of the village of Brooklyn, in the State of New York, ofthe interest ofthe United States in certain lands forming a part of the navy yard at said village of Brooklyn, and designated in a petition from sai l Corporation to Con gress, on condition that said Corporation convey a good title to the United States of such other property contiguous to said yard, and obtain releases to the Unite ! States certain parts of said yard now in con troveisy, so that, in his opinion, the conveyances irom said Corporation shall he equally benehcial to the United States as the property granted to said Corporation. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT for the more perfect Defence ofthe Fron- i tiers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe United States of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That in lieu of the battalion of mounted rangers authorized by the act ot the 15th June, one thousand eight hundred an thrity-two there be a -egiment of dragoons, to be com posed and organized as follows, to wit : one cnlonel, one lieutenant colonel, one ma jor, one quartermaster sergeant, an ! two chief buglers, one adjutant, who shall he a lieutenant, one igeant-major, one cji'ei' musician, and leu companies; each company to con sist of one captain, otu- first lieutenant, and one second lieuten nt, exclusive of the lieutenant who is to he the adjutant of the regim nt ; four sergeants, one ofj whom shall actasquarterin .st 'r-sergeant tothe com pany, four corporals, two huglers, one farrier and blacksmith, and sixty privates. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers, con-commissioned officers, musician, and privates, when mounted, be entitled to the same pay and emoluments as was allowed to dragoons during the war, and when on foot, the e;fme pay and emolu ments as was allowed to the officer. non-commission-ed officers, musicians and privates of a regiment of infantry; and that, of the farrier and blacksmith be alia wed the same pay and allowances as are allowed to an artificer of artillev. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sai regiment of dragoons shall be liable to serve on horse or foot, as the President may direct, shall be sub'ject tothe rules and articles of war. he recruited in the same manner, and the same limitations ; that the officers, non-com missioned officers, musicians, farriers, and privates shall he entitled to the same provisions for widows and children, and the same allowances and benefits in every respect, as are allowed the other troops constituting the present military peace establishment. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President ofthe United States te authorized to carry into effect this act, as soon as he may deem it expe dient, and to discharge the present battalion of mounted rangers, on their being relieved by the said regiment of dragoons. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the sum required to carry into effect the provisions of this act, is hereby appropriated, in addition to the ap propriations, for the md'tary establishment for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT to create sundry new land offices, and to alter the boundaries of other land offices of the United States. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the lands ceded to the United States by the treaties made and concluded with the Choctaw tribe of Indians near Doak's Stand, on the eighteenth day of Octo ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, and at Dancing Rabbit creek, on the twenty-seventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, as is situated north of the line dividing townships nineteen and twenty, and west of the line dividing range seven and eight, east, be, and the same is hereby established into a land district, to be designa ted as 'the north-western district. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the land ceded by the Choctaw tribe of In dians to the United States, by said treaty of tiie twenty-seventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred an J thirty, as is situated west of the basis meridian, and south of the dividing line be tween townships nineteen and twenty, north, be, and the same is attached to the Choctaw district, estab lished by an act ofthe seventh of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-two. Sec. 3. And be it f urther enacted, That so much of the lands ceded to the United States, by said treaty of the twenty-seventh of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, as is situated north of the dividing line between townships seven and eight, east of the basis meridian, and south of the north western district, and the southern boundary of the lands ofthe Chickasaw tribe of Indians, shall consti tute a land district to be designated as the north eastern district; and the lands of the United States in the counties of Monroe and Lowndes, now subject to sale in the Choctaw district, shall, from and alter the first day of May next, be subject to sale at the land office in the said north-eastern district; and it shall be the duty of the Register at Mount Salus, under instructions from the Commissioners of the General Land Office, to transfer all such books, maps, records, field notes, and plats, or transcripts thereof relating to the surveys of the public lands in Monroe and Lowndes counties, to the Register of the north eastern district, as may be necessary to enable him to comply with the provision oi mi i That so much Sec. 4. And be it further enacteu, nfihpft,wl(U tnt hP United States, by the said treaty of the twenty-seventh of September, eiRh - dividing line between townships seven and eight be teen hundred and miny, n it .3 attached to, and constitute a pen o., iw .ygusia nitiUAnd be it further enacted, That, for the disposal ofthe public lands in the j northeastern and ifH7Ptrn districts, a land office" shall be estah- lished in each, at euch convenient plaCe as the Presi-' dent of the United States may designate ; and, for each of said offices, a Register and Receiver shall be appointed by the President," by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, who shall severally v give bond and security, according to law, before- en tering on the duties of their respective ofLcet: They shall receive the same compensation, fees, La,P,? emoluments, and shall perform similar duties, and possess the same powers, with all other Registers ' and Receivers of public moneys of the Unitea State and shall, in all respects, be governed by the laws of the United States providing for the sale of public lands. Sec. 6. And be.it further enacted That so mtich ofthe Edwardsville land-district as lies north and northwest ofthe Illinois river, between said river anu the Mississippi, and the same is hereby, attached to the Quincy land district, in the State of Illinois; and that ranges one and two west of the third principal meridian embracing all townships from the base line to the southern boundary ofthe Sangamon land dis trict be and the same is hereby, attached the Van dala land district in said State. The said transfer, to be effected under the directions ofthe Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 7. And be it further enactea, mat aujne lands situated south of the district line, and soutn ofthe dividing line between townships twenty and twenty-one, and north of the line dividing townsnips eleven and twcie, ana wesi oi tine uue uivium ranges nine and ten west, to the west boundary line of the State of Alabama, shall constitute, a laud dis trict, to be known and called the Demopolis dis trict. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted That the lands in the United States, in the counties of Green and Marengo, now subject to sale in the Tuscaloosa, -Cahavvba, and Saint Stephen's land districts, as com prehended in the above described district: Provided. That the land district, hereinafter created by the tenth section of this act, shall he bounded on the south ley the line dividing townships twenty-six and twenty-seven, and on the east by the line dividing ranges six and seven, and-the lands in said district now in market shall be subject to entry at the land offices nr at Crawfor sville and Fort Wayne as heretofore, un til, the fi.st day ol July next, and no longer; shal from and aft er the first day of June next, be subject U sale at the land office in the said Demopolis land dis trict; and it shall he the duty of the Registers, oi Tuscaloosa, Caha wba, and Saint Stephens, under in structions from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to transfer all such books, maps, records, field notes, and plats, or transcripts thereof, relating to the surveys of the public lands hereby added to the said Demopolis land district, to die Register of the Demopolis land district. s;ec. 9. And be it further enacted. That there shall be a Register and Receiver appointed for the said land district, with the same compensation, fees, and emoluments, and who shall perform all the duties usually performed by Registers and Reciver appointed to surperintend the sale ofthe public land ol" the United States. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That all that istrict of country, in the State of Indiana, lying west of the line Dividing ranges seyen and eight ear of the second principal meridian, and north of the line dividing 'townships twenty-four and twenty-five. i shall form a separate land district ; and the office fot the sale and disposal of all the public, lands in said district, shall be, and hereby is established at Laporte: and for said land office, a Register and receiver shall be appointed in like manner, and be subject to like rules atd regulations, aud'receive the same salary, fees and compensation for thehHservices as is designa ted and provided for in other cases by the fifth section of this act ; and it shall be the duty ofthe Secretary ol the 1 reasury, as soon aait can be done, to cause tne ne cessary tract, books, plats, maps, and surveys of the public lands in said district, to be filed in said office : Provided That the President may, whenever, in his judgment, the public interest and the convenience of the people, require it, remove said office to a more central and suitable plaice in said dis rict. Approved, March 2, 1833. AN ACT prolonging the Second Session ofthe Fifth Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Michigan.' Be it enact "d by the Senate arid House of Repre sentatives of tlie United States of America iri Con gress assembled, That the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, now in session, be, and is here by authorized to continue its present session thirf days beyond the time now limited by law. Sec . And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of defraying the incidental expenses, and fbi paying the members ot said Legislative Council loi the additional time employed as aforesaid, the sum o: two thousand dollars be. and is hereby, appropriated. Treasury not otherwise an- out ol any money in tne l reasury propriated.i Approved, March ,2, 1833. AN ACT in addition to, and in alteration of, an ac: enitled " An uct yesting in the Corporation of the City of Washington all the rights ofthe Washing ton Canal Company," and for other purpose. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hous&of Re presentatives of the United States of Amer ice in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to pay, out ., any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise etpproprb. ted, unto the Mayor, Aldermen, arid Common Coun cil, ofthe city of Washington, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to aid them in fulfilling ti.. objects and retirements of an act eDtited " An in vesting in the Corporation ofthe city of VV ashmgtoi; all the rights of the Washington Canal Compan) . andlfor other purposes,- approved May thirtv-first, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two: Provided, That the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Coun cil, relinquish all title to the land vested in them b the eighth section 01 u.c ati aw. uio. reli en ounth the sum herein granted snau ue appiuiu 10 pay ant; extinguish any debt which has been, or may be con tr-Aripd in the purchase either of the Washington Ci ty Canal, or in the Completion ofthe same, and ehal'" not be applicable to any other object or purpose until said debts he extingufshed. ... Sec. 2, And be it further enacted, Thatrtht Commissioner of the Public Buildings is hereby au thorized to cause all the open grounds belonnincr tv the United States which, in the original plan ofthe -city, were reserved for public walks, Iving betweer ' the dryland and Perinsylvania Avenues, to be en closed with a wooden fence, and to lay down the same according to such plan lor the improvement tliereo' as the President of fhe United' States may approve'. in (j.ck, mm iuwiaw,- u oy sunaDie paths and road. tf0r mtercouree and recreation. Provided, Tha- uic uuU uui uc more man mree streets or ioau across the same to connect the, streets on tlie nortl ' and south sides of said public : grounds. . SeP- 3. Ari(f be ii further enacted, That there be paid out of any unappropriated money in the Trea sury, for the purposes of the second section t)fthis ac- tue-samoj nve mousana donars.' rcvcA March 2, 1833. nquish all rights and privileges grauieu uy un . . i o oiwntu tivp itn. miri.eeni.il. aim imir. u'ctioii oi 6aiu aci: xinu, in umuu, luxu. x;m i A. ''Kyi: i I

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