BT O M TP M C A M O li I K A S JE N T ISi JM 1j . til Silt days later from London ' oncea nation, which died of singular and sig- is usually given after the floor is laid. Sea rv 7- a. r- r i nal blessedness. If that should be said, of us soned logs are also cut equally well, but not ujp ,j,u Mverpuui. , may it be said, that this world isa rale of quite so rapidly. New York, April 9, 1833. tears and that man is prone to wickedness, as Third The teeth of the saw are made much vrhc news schooner Journal of Commerce the Sparks fly upwards. after tne fessjn of a chissel, by which a rip- came up this morning: from the ship Mary j What are those acts, of the neneral govern- ping opperation is given to the whole machine, Howland, Capt. Aikin, bringing Liverpool ad-1 ment, which would be most likelv to engender accounting for the rapidity of its movements, vices to March 7th, and London to the tnt ) sectional strife, and oppugnation." It may be as well as for the facility with which one man answered ; that they are precisely the least , only can drive it. important of all its functions, legal, or dispu- j Fourth In lumber districts, where labor is ted. The very acts, (certainly the most of j generally high, each saw of Ustick's patent is them) which it was the intention ol tne siaies, equal to two ot the present kind, thus enabling to reserve to themselves : for if we admit that i the owners of saw mills to get out as many logs government have the right toreguiaie locai in- both inclusive. The Irish Enforcing Bill had been read a lirst time in the House of Commons, and pas sed to a second reading by an overwhelming majority. The Russian Ambassador to Egypt has suc ceeding in inducing Ali Pacha to suspend the further march of his army towards Constanti nople. There is nothing later from Portugal. Irish Enforcing Bill.- This important bill was read a first time in the House of Commons, on the evening of March 5th, after a division f 466 against 89. Friday, March 8, was ap pointed for its second reading. In the debate on the 4th, Mr. Emerson Tenant, a supporter of the bill, held the following language: . These additional powers were not all that was necessary to put down disturbance. No; the ground work of disturbance in Ireland was poverty; (hear hear!) and predial agitation paved the way for political agitation. The tiercest agitation would fajl of success, if they would only direct their attention to this point. As it was, he found the people reckless from want, and too ready to join in any scheme, how over desperate. -Let them alleviate the condition of the Irish peasantry afford them opportuni- ties of obtaining remunerative employment snatch them from starvation and give a legal aintenance for the helpless jBtnu the infirm. (General cheering.) Let them do this, and agitation will cease. But if they did not do this, the reignof agitation would be perennial. (Hear, hear, hear !) He regarded this measure as precautionary, and not final." Slavery in fAe West Indies. In the House of Commons, 'March 4th, Mr. Heathcote pre sented a petition form Denington, in the coun ty of Lincoln, praying for the total abolition jyf Negro Slavery. The Marquess of Chandos asked the noble lord opposite, (Lord Althorp,) whether it was the intention of Government to come forward with any specific plan this session, for the abo lition of Colonial Slavery? He (Lord Chandos) and the country were entirely in the dark as to 1 the course which the Government intended to pursue on this momentous subject: and he took i leave to repeat again the question he had ask ed before What were the intentions of his Majesty's Ministers on the subject of Colonial "Slavery? r Lord Althorp, in reply, observed, that he had stated some time ago it was the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to introduce a mea sure which, he trusted, would bring this sub ject to a satisfactory conclusion; hear! but further than that he did not feel himself justi fied in stating, hear. OUR POLITICAL PROSPECTS. Mr. Editor. I am for peace; I have seen loo much of war, and its dire effects, for many years, in Europe. I have suffered personally ; and l have, in spite of myself caused others to .suffer by it also. Direful as civil war is in any country, I can foresee, and now predict, that civil war if it over come, will be more terrible, in this coun ' uy, than it has ever been known elsewhere. Our very intelligence and independence of con dition, our energy will add to its terrors ; and be the means of refining on them. Our un bounded space, and all our localities, will be the means of extending its duration : we have neither their limits oi production, nor the inter vention of powerful neighbors to check its rava ge. It is in fine a picture too terrific to anti- cipate ; and the impenetrable darkness which now hides the details of its hideous features, is not the least of its terrors invisible dangers are most to be feared. In old countries, its shape, dimentions, and probable duration, may be matters of calculation. But here, all is dark and mysterious ; and nothing certain but incal culable misery. On the other hand, the prospect which is opened to us, through union and peace, is not only bright and cheering, but it is plain and in telligible, to the meanest capacity ; it presents no difficulties, no uncertainties. In fact, we have every thing for peace, and nothing for war. Now how shall we preserve the invaluable blessing of peace? I answer, confidently; only "by avoiding the well known causes of war. History is full of them ; but how fortunate are we, to be exempt from the influence of the greater part of them, in consequence of our aemotensess from the contagion; and our phy sical, moral,, political and religious condition. If we have war, with o little reason for it, when Old Spain used to consider ninety-nine reasons necessary to justify it; what shall we offer to the world as our excuse? Surely, we can no longer reproach the, Kings of the old world for the levity with which they involve their subjucts in its horrors. The only causes for acivH war, among these states, which can yet be foreseen, may be con fined to the action ofithe general government, on sectional interests. Collisions between the bordering states, for territory, or jurisdiction, are provided for, and the provision has been practised on; and is acquiesed in : therefore, I think we may safely say, that peace-among the states, will depend on the action of the general government. ,., Now we know what acts will endanger that Tod?0 ,Hlstory Points to them all. We may of tW mlhemati1 certainty, the value of thcalue o Tl ?nnot form a conjecture l or not) wh eh "-cts (constitution Will, then, wise and ! nger our Peftce' between t,vo 0 J"- suits? ""equal 111 their re- We all acknowledged that the count X iremely prosperous ; shall we, then, for 18 CX certain increase of prosperity nazarthe oarallellcd ffood, which We nOW Pnir,.. increase neeessary, atiu unreasonable, in the ipinion of all who know what it now is. Shall . t be said that mankind may be tired of everv :!i;ino. f-rrn of happiness; and. that there was dustrv,bv the acknowledged intent of its acts in one case, it has the same ngnt m cases under the same broad plea of public good. Now I ask; what country or town, would be willing to permit the capricious, and ever chan ging policy, of an ever changing government, to regulate all its concerns? The character of this government, has not been well understood by Europeans; perhnps it is not sufficiently, known, and appreciated by Americans; like many good things, whose value is learned, af ter, they are lost. We must believe that its framers were not blind to the beauty of their own work; or unmindful of its principle merit. That merit is a novelty in government; it is a modern invention, for I cannot assemilate it, in all its parts, to the Grecian confederacy. The framers of oui constitution, must have been conscious of the immense importance of separ ating as much as possible local from general agency. Yet this barrier is entirely broken down, if a majority in congress canregulat1 all the industryof the states at pleasure. Congress has the well expressed power, to regulate trade among the states. JNow sup pose that one manufacturing state should com plain to congress, against the unequal efects of its laws, between that state, and a neighboring state, also a manufacturer ; and require the ex ercise of its powers, to equalize those effects ? Certainly the power is there; and it is not im nrobable that some such demand will be made on congress, if this system continues. The states south of the Hudson have recently dis covered, that the effects of the protective sys tem are not so favorable to them, by far, as to the states north of that river. They may anti cipate too, a rapid and unfavorable increase of that inequality. The middle states will soon begin to talk about the balance of trade be tween the states. If such be the case bet ween these states, how can the southern states inclu ding Maryland and Virginia; and the western states also, expect to compete with the states north and east of the Hudson ? Because hurope has extended tier inquisi torial powers over all the most minute avoca tions ot society ; shall we too, with no possi ble excuse for the same iutrusion, commit the same folly? Europe has some well defined and cosrent resons for taking all the actions and thoughts of her subjects, into the special care of rulers. But those reasons are not such as any politician, in America, dare avow, or make public. Yet every one must admit, that the same causes, must produce the same effects. If the people of England should ever be fairly represented in parliament, they will as certain ly break up those system of regulation and protection, whereby the great majority have been reduced to the lowest grade of misery No one can doubt that this iniquitous, and ridic ulous system will be abandoned ; because, no government, which our people will bear, can execute it, constitutional, or not; and moreo ver, because the favored States themselves, will not be able to divide, equally, th? plunder. Even now some of the least favored among them, are kept quiet, only by the dust which is thrown into the eyes of Farmers, the work ing classesand traders, by a few leading men in those states, whose interest are promoted ; although the state, generally, suffers byr the inequality of the system. If the states hold together, the remedy will be found, I have no doubt; but in the mean time, we are exposed to all the dangers of a revolution, to support, for a little while longer, a system, which all thinking men know, has within itself, the seeds of its own destruction. Bait. Republican. A LATE INVENTION. Mr. Stephen Ustick, of Philadelphia, has recently obtained a patent for a Saw which he has invented, and which froni the evidence we have seen of its capabilities vVe are inclined to believe a most important labor saving machine. This invention consists of pairs of knives, or side cutters, which project a very short distance below the points of the common teeth in the saw, so that as the saw is moved to and fro, either through a log or across it. the knives or cutlers penetrate the wood with great facili ty, and are followed immediately by the com mon teeth, which rip out the wood left between the knives with a degree of despatch and quickness which is truly surprising. We be lieve a cross-cut saw can never be used by one man only in cutting a log for a saw mill, but that two are necessary, and even then the labor is slowly and painfully performed. But with Mr. Ustick's improvement, one man will, with the utmost ease, cut through a two foot butt in about half the time required for two men with the common cross cut saw. We have seen this done, and of course speak from per sonal knowledge. The fact of itself proves that instead of two men being needeed, one on ly will do double quantity of work, making, in fact, the labor of one man with this saw equal to the labor of two men with the ordinary tool. Besides this, its other advantages are so numer ous, that we shall endeavor to arrange them under proper heads. First. Common saws may be readily altered to the patent saw, thus enabling persons who desire the improvement, to procure it without sacrificing a good saw already on hand. The cost of altering a common saw would be very small, while its capacity to turn out work would be increased two-fold. Second. The knives, or side cutters, when used in cutting up green timber, cut with so much keenness and regularity as to leave no furze on the boani, which furze all lumber know to be a ereat disadvantage. The ice 01 the boards are delivered irom me as they can possibly want, at the same time saving large sums weekly in the hire of hands, while their mills are rendered far more produc tive. Fifth Lumber having the smooth surface given to it by this saw, will sell more rt-adily, and will also command a higher price in the market. The advance thus realized one fourth of a common raft will repay all cost of introducing the improvement. Sixth The cost of this saw is so little as to be within every body's reach it gets out of repair no sooner than ordinary saws, nor is it more liable to injury from accidents, while it is kept in order with very little additional trou ble. These are the most important advantages of Mr. Ustick's invention. The patent was taken out only in August last; and within but a few weeks have any efforts been made to bring it before the notice of the public. Mechanics interested in the improvement, have seen its operation in this city, and pronounce it a most valuable discovery. Saturday Bulletin. From the Baltimore Republican. Post Office Department. For some time pasl tbe most desper ite efforts have been made by certain editors to represent the Post Master General aa defi cient in the performance of his duty. Censure and ridicule have been both resorted to, in order to produce the impression that sufficient efforts were not employ ed to expedite the transmission of the mails. Know ing that they were now conveyed with much greater expedition than lormerly, when there were not only n complaints, but the highest eulogiums pronounced upon the then Post Master General, ibr his industry an i attention, we considered those efforts as not only ungenerous but unjust; and accordingly endeavore to lift up our voice in defence of the present Head of the Department, by stating the facts within ow own knowledge, and thereby place the matter in its true and proer light. But instead of thereby restraining the censures of Mr. Barry, the consequence was that we came in for a portion of their censure. 'We were charged with servility to the Head of that Depart ment, and it was broadly hinted by one that we must be under social obligations thereto, and by another it was alleged that in our remarks respecting the men in otfice, we approved of every thing however their conduct might conflict with the convictions of our judgment ; and it was asserted that we were the on ly one who had ventured upon any attempt to defend the Post Master General. Knowing that with regard to the matter we stood upon the broad ground of rea son, truth and justice, we disregarded those represen tations, and felt assured that truth and reason would ultimately prevail; and this expectation is now real ized. The evidence of the correctness of our remarks upon the subject is furnished in the following state ment copied from the United States Gazette, from which it will be seen that the expedition with which the mails have been conveyed has been greatly in creased under the management of the present Post Master General, whib-, at the same time the bulk of the mails have been greatly augmented. Will the grumblers about Mr. Barry's management be now satisfied? This remains to be seen ; but we may, we think, safely conclude that whether they are so or not, the public will br convinced that their complaints are groundless. THE POST OFFICE. Mr. Editor: We have heard for some time past, continual and clamorous complaints about tardiness and irregularity of the mails. Having been actively engaged in the internal trade of the country tor four teen years, lam en bled, hy references to my letters, to furnish the following statement; shewing the im provements made in this department during that time. I have received more than $3,000,000 in bank notes, checks and drafts since 1819, and have never lost a dollar or a letter by miscarriage. From Cincinnati to Philadelphia. In 1819 the mail was carried in from 16 to 20 days. the examination which has been made under the order of the Senate, the result of which is furnished by the report. From one of the ta bles therein contained, it appears the contents of a bushel, according to the standard made use of at Bath, in the State of Maine, are 74 pounds i oz: avordupois weigni, wnueat renchman's Bay, in the same state, the standard measure contains 84 lbs. 7 oz:, 8 dwt and throughout the state there are almost as many different standards as there are ports ; there being but two out of ten ports in which the standard is precisely the same. In Portsmouth, N. H. the standard bushel contains ids. 1:4 oz. in Boston 78 12; Nantucket 76 ; Providence R. L 7S8; Newport 77 14; New London, Conn. TR IO; Fairfield 7y; New lork7P idi; rnna delohia 78 1; Wilmington, Del. 77 4 T4; Bal timore 77 8; Uxtord SU; Washington, u. . io 7 10; Georgetown 77 14 5; Norfolk, Va. 78; Richmond 77 8; Camden, N. J. 7y; Menwn 77 9 :Ocracoke 76; Washington 72 12; Charles ton. S. C.77 12 1": Savanah, Geo. 7bi JNew Orleans 77 1 ? 7. From this statement it will be seen that the inequality is very great in the different ports: and that between the standard at Washington, N. C, which is the smallest, be ino- 7vi lbs. 12 oz: and Frenchman's Bay, which is the largest, being 84 lbs. 7oz: 8dwts: the difference is about 12 lbs. Consequently the standard bushel at the latter port is almost one-sixth more that the former port. The constitution provides that the duties throughout the states shall be equal; yet it is easy to perceive that when the duties are laid upon the custom house measure, and the mea-- sure in the dinerent ports is so exiremeiy un equal, the duties are and must be very unequal ; amounting, in the instance ot the two parts re ferred to, to a difference of nearly one sixth. Thus upon the article of salt, at a duty of -vO cents per bushel, which it formerly paid, sup posing a vessel to have on board 1000 bushels, the duty paid at Frenchman's Bay would be about 33 dollars more than if imported into Washington in North Carolina. The report before us gives an account of the . -a i i i different chansres which nave oeen made in C3 other countries in the standards of weights and measures, and the different inquiries and efforts which have been made with the view of fixing upon some permanent and correct standard; and affords much information on this highly important and deeply interesting subject. Bait. Republican 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 u (C 19 to 20 16 to 20 12 to 20 12 to 20 11 to 17 11 to 14 10 to 12 10 to 12 8 to 13 8 to 10 8 to 10 7 to 10 5 to 9 From From New Orleans to Philadelphia. Ill FilZ thp mail vraa r.nrripri in from lH tr 5fiflvH mill 8o uniform hi emh oo tn h fit for floor- S without any farther plaining, beyond what 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 The above statement, is derived u (C It it fC c u : ( ti 18 to 26 18 to 32 18 to 28 18 t o 28 18 to 30 18 to 28 18 -o 25 17 to 23 14 to 18 14 to 18 " from letters recei- u t; u u n ved in July and January of each yearj A MERCHANT. V ery seMom in less than 24 lays Report on Weights and Measures. We are indebted to Mr. Howard for a copy of the Re port of the Secretary of the Treasury, made n compliance with a resolution ol the Senate, ihowine the result of an examination of ,he sweats and measures used in tne several Custom-hoase! in the United States, printed by an order of the House of Representatives adopted in July last. The establishment by Congress of a uniform standard of weights and measures for the Uni ted States is a subject of much importance to the citizens generally, both as it regards con venience and justice ; and has long engaged the attention of our merchants and our public men ; hut from the difficulty which attends the fixing upon a proper standard, but little has been done more than to discover more clearly the evils which have been suffered from the want of having some regular standard. Al though it was known that there were great ine quality in the weights at d measures made use of in the different ports, and that consequently much injustice was done to the citizens of some portions of the country, it was scarcely imag ined, we presume,-by any one that the inequli ty was 3o great as it has been found to be by The Politician. One of the most danger ous characters in the world is a man who ha bitually sacrifices the eternal, immutable obli gations of truth and justice, and the charities of social life, at the shrine ol an abstract principle, about which one half of mankind differs from the other half. Whether this abstract princi pie is connected with religion or politics is of little consequence, since, after all, morals cor stitute the essence of religion, and social du ties the foundation of goveAnent. Whatever is essentially necessary to the conduct of our lives, the performance of our duties to our families, our neighbors, and our country, is easy of comprehension ; and it requires neither argument nor metaphysics to teach us what is right, or what is wrong. These are great fun damental principles, modified indeed by the state of society and habits of different nations ; but their nature and obligations are every where the same, inflexible and universal in their application. A close examination of the history of the world in eveiy age will go far to convince us that a vast portion of the crime and miseries and oppressions of mankind, has originated in a difference not in morals, but in abstract ideas ; not in fundamental principles, but vague, indefinite abstractions, incompre hensible to the great'mass, and having not the remotest connexion with our moral and social duties. When men come to assume these con tested principles, these metaphysical refine ments, as indispensable to the salvation of the soul or the preservation of the State, and to substitute them in the place of the everlasting pillar of truth and justice, they cast themselves loose from their moorings, to drift at random in the strem, the sport of every eddy, the dupes of every bubble, the victims of every shoal and quicksand. Instead of sailing by the bright star of mariners, which sparkles for ever in the same pure sphere, theyshape their course by the fleeting vapor which is never the same, which rises in the morning a fog, ascends a fantastic cloud, and vanishes in the splendors of the noontide sun Lights end Shawdows of American Life. The Condor. A pair of these noble birds were landed yesterday from the Rebecca, from South America. They are male and female, and by far the largest specimens ever brought to this country, the male measuring very near fourteen feeff across the wings, and upwards of three feet in height. Twenty years ago a sin gle mutulated skin was all that 'could be seen here of this, the largest of all rapacious birds. The specimens just imported would almost tend to induce belief in the miraculous tales re lated of the condor, or the roc, in the "Ara bian Night." These birds were brought from Chili, where they are met with in the regions of perpetual snow, and at an elevation of 15,000 feet above the level of the sea, where they are seen purched on the rocks, and never descend to the plains but when much pressed with hun ger. In company, two of these gigantic birds make attacks on the lama, and small heifers. The tenacity of life evinced by these .birds is extraordinary. At Quito, one was tjaken by some Indians, who placed a lasso round its neck, hung it up a tree, and pulled it forcibly by the feet. On removing the lasso, the bird got up and walked off. Four shots were then lodged in different parts of the body, but it did not die for an half an hour. During the remo val of the birds yesterday from the vessel, the male dropped one of its largest feathers from its wing, and the quill measured an inch and a halt in circumference. Thev are destined for a a o-a 9 20 a 30 150a8 lJ a Ba 10 18 a 22 a 10 WBWBEKVPMC;ER CTTRPEXT beesw AxriiTle a is . rr-i BUTTER, do. 20 a 25 CANDLES, do. 12 a 15 COFFEE, do. 124 a 131 CORDAGE, cwt. $ 15 a 8 16 COTTON, do. 9 a 9 25 COTTON BAGGING Hemp, per yd ,5 Flax do. 10 a u FLAX, per lb. 10 a 15 cts. a 15 FLOUR, bll. $ 6 a 6 50 Corn Meal, hushd, 65-v70cpm GRAIN Corn, bhl. $ 2 50 a 9 2 60 T Wheat, bushel, 1 IRON Bar, Americau, lb. 5 a 6 centa Russia and Sweedes, do. ft a ? LARD, lb. 8 cents 7 ' ' EATHER Sole, lb. 15 a 25 cents Hides do. 10 a 12 cpm LUMBER Flooring, M 8?2 I L . I I . " 11u.11 iMjaras, do. Seantling, do. Square Timber do. Shingles, Cypress, do. Staves, W. O. hhd. do. Do. R. O. Hn Do. W. O. barrel do. Heading, hhd. d0. Do. barrel, (0 MOLASSES, eallon 2 7a 30 cent. ft AILbCut, all sizes above 4d. lb. 64-a fti 4d. and ilrl j. 4 t " u. cents NAVAL STORE8To, m nT120 Torpentme ,0. . $ j ,llc.n do. 1 40 Rosin do 1 Spirits Surpentine, ,zallon, 25.cents Varnish, gal. 25 cents OILS Sperm. - gal. $ 1 a 1 20 Whale & Porpoise do. 35 a 40 rents Linseed, do.$120al3Q PAINTS Red Lead,lb. 15 a 18 ,-entT White Lead, ground in oil, cwt in PEASE Black eyed, bushel, 60 a 65 cent, Greyeved, do. 45 a 60 13 FROVISIONS Bacon, lb. ? a 8 cents Beef lb. 34 a 4 cents Pork, mess, bbl. $ 14 Do. prime, do. 11 50 Do. cargo, do. 9 SALT Turks Island, bushel, 50 a 55 cents Liverpool, fine do. 60 a 70 cent SHOT cwt. $8 a 10 SPIRITS Brandy, French, gallon, $ I 50 a 2 Apple do. 50 a 60 Peach-do. 80 a 100 cents Rum, Jamaica, 120 a 150 cents Do. Windward Island, 80 a 90 cents Do. New England, 35 a 40 cents GIN Holland, gallon, 150 a 160 cents Do. Country, 40 a 50 cents Whiskey. 35 a 40 cents STEEL German, lb. 16 a 2j cents Do. English, 10 a 12centa SUGARS Loaf, lb. 16 a 18, Lump, 14 a 15 cots Do. Brown, do. 7a 9 cents TEAS Imperial, do. 160 a 180 cents Gunpowder, do. 180 a 200 do. Printing Office for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale the whole of his PRINTING MATERIALS now in Washington. They consist of upwards of twenty different founts of type, from Breyierte eight line Pica; an excellent press; flowen, rules, leads, cases, chases, &c. &c. withappff tenances complete for carrvinir on thp hininL m s e v"v,",wi" They are all in good order, and some of die type is but little worn. The paper at present issued from the olw has as good a patronage as any ever published in this place. To a person of industrious hv hits, acquainted with the business, and desirouD of locating in this section of country, a desira ble opportunity is now offered. A wish to en gage in other pursuits elsewhere, alone induces the present proprietor to dispose of the estab lishment. The whole, if speedily applied for, may be had a bargain. GEO. HOUSTON, Jr. Editor of the Union. Washington, N. C. March 9. A P R IN G A A D & VMMEl GO OPS. MAS just opened a rich and beautifii variety of SPUING AND SUMMER Of the most fashionable descriptions, which he wijl sell at reduced prices. April 5, 1833 100 prizes of $1000. NEW YORK LOTTERY Extra Class No. 15 to be drawn Wednesdtjr, May 29, $20,000 highest prize. $:0,000, 10,000,5,000, 10of3,000. 100 of 1000, f6 of 500, &c. am'g to $360,080. A package of 22 whole tickets-by certified cost 8124 package of Halves, 6'i package of Quarters, 31 Eighths, 815 50. NEW YORK LOTTERY. Class No. ( to be drawn 011 Wednesday, Miy $25,000, highest prize. Tickets 86 Lowest prize 87. $25,000, 5,000, 4,000, 3,000, 10 of 1,000, A Amounting to 82-8,800. . A package, whole tickets by certificate, w V For capital prizes, orders from the coo' try must be addressed to S. J. SYLVESTER, Baltimore, jjf FOR SALE, Bannockhurn, in Chatham CounJt A very healthy Summer W"'":' There is a comfortable De""J i j n..;i,i;nre. ana 11 . . AtU nf I and rau"- producing Wheat, Corn or Tobacco, un goon iruuc vyuuiuc 1 iuiv -v , - c n pc' within half a mile which can grind at all tuu aoout v acres 01 wneai now kiw""6- . bOTO Ml M , . uotiui.w .w. , 1J U an 1(1 Wll the Surrey Zoological Garde London Pap. a" ,nus' mc" w"UIUf ; , . r Plantation. It is 17 miles from HUl! ujng isiana ttaces. Those on the Union course from Chapel HiJl, ana iu iroront"" , j - 1 1 nr liiuo frotir m Apply H TT "..-. n trtrlTlPr. WtLII C1T - I nenry will run a sinole four mi es sweepstake lor : . , :,r $ iZjULW tnree entries of $ 4U00 each. Besides tnis, there will be numerous other powerful attractions to ljrig isiana naces. t hose on the union course frorn jhapel HUI, commence on Monday, the 27th of next month. AjSOt a Tract of 2 Great sport is anticipated. Col. Johnson's Blue . Count', Bird, Mr. L.vingston's Terror, and a full brother of 9 he lorers of the Turf.- N. N. Cour. f Enq. 5 acres of ex about 3 miles former, with very superior water. Co!. MAURICE MOORE. Brunswi j orto.Dr. WM P. HORT, Wilmington, j March 1833 .;

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