u. jail, and tolpay fines to the amount of 83,050. The Court did not order hirn icTstand commit ted until the fines were paid, leaving the Uni ted States to the civil process of writ and exe cution o recover the amount. Writs of exe cution against the goods of the defendant, fa.) where issued and returned without success ( nulla bona;) and then in February 1830, writs t . .lnf Avomiiinn a not fVin Wniltr VT, ft(L. WCTC IS- etiatt-arty.-. Among J XtU. f he wriu lru: w ' i nrpfp. nPTAr rtnmpH. and the defendant re- Nothing appeared on the Frrim the Bampr'Ajpicay Cobbett whateverjmay behisdelinquencies Jn other respects has since his election td Parliament, done some service by bold speak inff tnus'tar ire nas geneany ec the rigKUide, that of popular rights against ..A;Vandh- sirrnnliTfid himself by telling ugh " . . r uA r.H-.. I mainprt in nrison edge of the pom recordsuntS January lOthT when the papers Trirt Jard Pol tol history of A. last Medhy the late Marsha., enaorsea " the legislative aim F f ,ipi;Vprd nrsr to anv successor in omce. r-i rr and tne rcauiuess w i . n wnicn ne - . :: . , ArA On the llth ot January iaai, nic uticuuam, ran quote day and dale, chapter, and verse, for past actionand speeches, m?.ny of which the right owners have occasion, to wish forgotten. One of his speeches on the Irish Bill was re markable for sundry home thrusts at Earl . il f siiPfl nut a writ of habeas corpus in me ou preme Court of the U. States, as heretofore nnWished. The Court granted the rule, and on argument made it absolute, and granted the o . - j; i j; 1 . . , , t ma' writ. I I1C ucicuuuu. v. - u.uw.ui- Grey,--againstwhom he produced quotations w was immediately arrested upon new from his own recorjed sentiments when m op- 8 ; without nnrnnrtino- to Hp 7,v, wilts vl v j - - j- r t " writs (writs reciting the issuing oi the lormer to . a,, place ..where they .may be, kept in safety, without being closely confinedthe sum of two thousand five hundred dollars." . r NEWBERN PRICES CURRENT. position, which 50 the whole length in stigma tising such a power as he now asks for, as ex- treme, lawless, and unconstitutional tyranny. So, in another speech, a part of which we quote below, he takes Loid Plunkett to task, in a . tone of sarcasm and invective which is certain ly well merited by the apostate hrd, who now form's one of an administration which are la imnrinir tn outlaw ' his countrymen in mass. vwfi. - 1 f writs unsuccessfully,) and without having re vised -the judgment by scire facias, although several years have elapsed. Upon the return ot these new writs, the mo tion was made to commit, which was resisted by the Counsel for Watkins, upon the following technical grounds. 1st. That the defendant could not lawfully ? Whig., have 1 be ftpciicd and held in custody upon the for- their time in taking care ot themselves ana thpiVrRlations. Earl Grey set them the first ex ample, in providing out of the public purse for "every man of his name and kindred, who could i-nt t1fo rare o f himself; and Lord Plunkett has but followed the example in pensioning his own children. TheTe was a keen satire in the remark of one of the staunchest opponents of mer writs. 2dly. That these writs' ought not to have been issued without previous scire facias, more than a year and a day having elapsed be tween the issuing of them and of the next pre ceding: writs. 3dly. The fines were excessive, and amount ant it- u n;n t-; ict tK rrnVahlp to a sentence ofperpetual imprisonment, t re Irish Bill, m arguing against the prooaoie . r r r.uArA . irri . 1 a: 1 ne uoun aeciuea in wvour di inc ucicuu abuse 01 its provisions oy u.e dgi u uu.- int hich made the discussion rers of government, eventhough the adminis- on ine "rSsl Poini' J"";" ' . 5, m s J?.L r c of the other two unnecessary. tration snouiu De oeemeu wuruiy L ... r t,ii0 aencc-whenhe said, that the personal super, op " - vision of the mtn.ster was mposs,ble over so Yehat no rnan Should be arrested twice for rainy people. " were tariurey m as many - inc havintr lippn arres- . 1 ? r :!.. :AUa. kA .n.lrl Tiotro I tne Viaces as nisown lamuy , Muuic, nciuuiu.m. no effectual power to restrain abuses under threat. The following are Cobbetl's bitter quota tions and comments upon Lord Plunkett's course. fr. Cobbett said "In agitatinc and dis- ussingthe subject of the repeal, they had a riht to go back to the opinions wnicn were expressed by public men at the time when the union was first brought forward, notwithstand ing those men might be in power now. The unblfc carl at the head of the Government was justly cited as an evidence; and their was) said he honorable member, slapping the table with huge force) another man whom I shall now cite, and if there ever was a thing known which , would make a man hate his name, the evidence whic$.hc would now bring forward out of that man's own mouth, ought to have that effect. After using every argument that ingenuity, same cause. naiRins iiavmg ucc anca ted on a ca sa and discharged upon the return of the habeas corpus was legally out of ar rest; the only exception to the general rule being a case of escape, in which, by legal con struction, the prisoner is still under lawful arrest. The United States might have the full benefit of their judgment and execution if the raarshall had duly returned the first writ of ca sa, and the counsel had appeared for the United States, and moved the committment. But having neglected their rights on that oc casion, they are estoped from pleasing the negligence of their agents, and the retension of the prisoner beyond the return day of that writ was illegal. An obiection was made in behalf of the U. States that this rule applies to civil cases, and that the present being a criminal ca?e was not within the rule. The Court ruled, that the process which the United States sued out to recover the fine, is truth, reason, or justice, could inspire him with adopted in the distric such writs for the re that "such proceedin ne as in cases when sirr 4ht. Uc.ft ,Cr nf mv Pvistpnrn. and uagmenvs uuwu.c. . F.w ll'Wllir. Lll L1IL V I . 1 against the tm.on, after dcc.annS tne aw oy -r ' " fhat in craling which it was encctea,iO De one wn.cn wuum, ---r recovery of fines, requires 1,onor.nJju.Ucc combined to repud.ate and "3,",ceedin h(fnld be had theron. .i;.i.i9;m ibn nnrson to whom he referredsaid, inal suui puiuceuu . . . ui3viiu., .-r ' ... . . . - Ucin mps whpn simi ar writs are issuea -ttr-tt . A. M , - t IA 1 1 rt TrYC? I 11 I ' fUv For HIV OWn pari 1 win resist. im iuuhuuo 7 , , . 7 ti,. x ui my i -1 , ,jmnu nbtainpd in versonal suits. 1 he Z h nr.inA f mv Hifinliitinn annroaches UniteO States, mereiore, rucccuutmyiu c when the neriotl ot mv aissoiution approacnes, rp, e : ... 1 h:i,ua recovery 01 nnes, dv exurtas yiai.o. m. J.WU1, uwano aerwrnu-i, . . mo r.rt Hpri led on the anolication for 0 famnriswear them, as iiannioai, 10 F"-r . , . , . if - ul. i l Mt tup 1 nirpd m.nr.p.q am ceed civilitcr. For these techical reasons the motion to com mit was overruled, the writs ordered to be quashed, and the defendant Watkins dischar- 5 . 1 .1 Ml In this abstract wc nave, as vne rcauer win not rief- eUnal htUi y 7-ain the invaders of my the habeas corpus that the united States oSwSon,V (Cheers.) Such was fconnd. by the Maryland pract.ee, to pro the declaration of the man to whom he allu Washington, April 1833. . Black Hawk and his son the Prophet and his son, and the other Indian hostages sur rendered under the late treaty, waited on the President yesterday, to receive his orders. The President met them kindly. He directed the articles of dress provided for them to be exhibited to them, and told the principal chief that the whole would be delivered to him to be distributed with a view to their common com fort that they must repair immediately to Fort Monroe, and remain there contented, until he gave them permission to return to their homes that the term of their detention depen ded upon the conduct of their respective tribes and that they would not be restored to their families until it was ascertained mat me situ ation of the treaty had been complied with by their people, and all the bad feeling which had - . .1 f 1 ed to the bloody scenes on tne ironuers Dan- ished. i' The Prophet replied to the President, and said, that thev expected to be permitted to re- , " . .1 1 - . il a. L turn immediately to meir people ; uiai we war in which thev had been involved, grew out of their attempt to raise provisions, where they . . , t j .1.-1 .1 supposed they naa a ngnt to ao so; mai uicy Li . 1 1 II 4.1 had lost many 01 tneir people, as wen as mu whites; that their tribes and iamihes were now exposed to the attacks of their enemies, thp Sioux and Menominees, and that they hoped to be permitted to return to take care of them. Black Hawk added to the remarks of the Prophet, that they considered, that, like Keo kuck, they had come to visit the President, and, like him, would be permitted to return to their homes. He entered into some brief ex planation of the cause of the aggressions on the frontier. j The President told them in conclusion that he was well apprized of the circumstances which led to the disasters alluded to that it was unnecessary to look back to them it was his purpose now to secure the observance of ' . . w . f f peace to prevent the ironuers irom neing a gain stained with the blood of its inhabitants, the peaceful and helpless: That they need feel no uneasiness about their own women and children they should not suffer from their en emies, the Sioux and Menominees. He meant to compel the red men to be at peace with each other, as well as with their white neighbors. That he had taken measures with this view, and when it was ascertained that they were ptTptunl when the tribes had learned that Vllvwuu w the power they attempted to contend with, was equally able and disposed to protect the peace ful, and to punish the violence ot aggressors when his information assured him that thsir people in particular, were convinced of this, and were disposed quietly and in good faith to observe the terms of peace granted to them, then they would be restored to their families.--He, then, gave his hand to the Chief and dis missed them. Rlark Hawk is not an ill-looking man. His countenance is intelligent and not savage. The Prophet, wc thinkrhas more the look of the mischief-maker, and? indeed, he assumed to be the principal in the interview with the President. He was, we suppose, the instiga tor of the massacres perpetrated on the frontier. His utterence and manner, as well as his coun tenance, indicated a dark and ferocious char acter. ! NEW GOODS. J W. Latimer Co. MAVE lately received per Schooners Jn bilee, Convoy, and Select, an extensive and general assortment of . .. ' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING, Viz 300 pieces light fancy Chintz Calicoes from 6- to 35 cents per yard 70 pc8 French and English fancy Gingham 30 do Furniture Calicoes 10to25cis prVd SO dp French Printed Muslins some of which are of a superior quality 10 Pongee for Ladies dresses Black and blue black Gros De Swiss sup'r qlv Black and coloured Gros De Naples 4o to 95cf Thread and Bobbinet Lace fedgings and Plain and figured Bobbinet Lace f t and 3 Henani Shawls, Silk Muslin do Ladies Parasols, some of a superior qualitr Gauze and Lustring Bonnet Ribbons Belt Ribbon, Guard do, Linen and Cotton FW White Blond Gauze Veils Cut, all sizes above 4d. lh.G-a 6 cents Ladie9 Silk. and Cotton !ancy Hose 4d. and 3d. 00. v cenw Lad es and Gentlemen's Hoskin GWe BEESWAX,lb."16 trlSittma -BUTTER, do. 20 a 25 CANDLES, do. 12 a 15 COFFEE, do. m a 13f CORDAGE, cwt. $ 15 a $ 1G COTTON, do. 9 a 9 60 COTTON BAGGING Hemp, per yd 15a20cts Flax do. 10 a 15 FLAX, per lb. 10 a 15 cts. FLOUR, bbl. $ 7 . Corn Meal, bushel, 65 70 cents GRAIN Corn, bbl. $ 3 . Wheat, bushel, $1 IRON Bar, American, lb. 5 a 6 cents Russia and Sweedes, do. 6 a 7 LARD, lb. 8 cents LEATHER Sole, lb, 15 a 25 cents Hides do. 10 a 12 cents LUMBER Flooring, M. $12 Inch boards, 00. o a y Sinntlini7. do. 8 a 9 Snnare Timber do. 20 a 30 Shingles, Cypress, do. Staves, W. O.hhd. do. Do. R. O. do. Do. W. O. barrel do. Heading, hhd. do. Do. barrel, do. MOLASSES, gallon, 2 7a 30 cents NAILS 150 a 2 16 a 20 8 a 10 8 18 a 22 81 a 10 a Atm .-yv ay Wrought, do. 10 a zu cents NAVAL STORES Tar, bbl. $1 10 Turpentine do. $ 1 50 Pitch do. 1 40 Rosin do:1 Spirits Surpentinc, gallon, 25 cents Varnish, gal. 25 cents OILS Sperm. gal. $ I a 1 20 Whle & Porpoise do. 35 a 40 cents Linseed. do. $1 20 a 1 30 PAINTS Red Lead, lb. 15 a 18 .'ents White Lead, ground in oil, cwt. $ 10 PEASE Black eyed, bushel, 60 a 65 cents Grey eyed, do. 45 a 60 FROVISIONS Bacon, lb. 7 a 8 cents Beef, lb. 3f a 4 cent3 Pork, mess, bbl. $ 14 Do. prime, do. 11 50 Do. cargo, do. 9 SALT Turks Island, bushel, 45 a 50 cents Liverpool, fine do. 60 a 70 cents SHOT cwt. $8 a 10 SPIRITS Brandy, French, gallon, $ I 50 a 2 Apple do. 50 a 60 Peach do. 80 a 100 cents Rum, Jamaica, 120 a 150cents Do. Windward Island, 80 a 90 cents Do. New England, 35 a 40 cents GIN Holland, gallon, f50 a 160 cents Do. Country, 40 a 50 cents Whiskey, 35 a 40 cents STRRL German, lb. 16 a 20 cents it Do. English. 10 a 12 cents SUGARS Loat; lb. 16a 18, Lump, 14 a 15 cents fr0:n New York cost. Plain and Bordered Mn. Cambrick H'd'k's (cheap) 2 cases Leghorn Hats (cheap) f $ and f damask Table diapers if covers f and 1-4- " " cloths Gothic Window Shades, a new article Artificial Flowers, Bead Bags, blk Nankin Crape Blue, Black, and Mulberry Broad Cloths Blue, Blk, Green and Brown Crape Camblefc Brown, Blue, Black, and Green Groghans? Light and dark Rouen Casimeres Light and dark Erminetts Russia Sheeting, Cotton Cassimere Bird's Eye and Russia Diapers Silk, Cotton and Gum Elastic Suspender Irish Linens, some are very fine, (cheap) & 5 brown anil bleached Cotton Sheetins a f and Bed Ticking brown and bleached Shirtings 60 dozen Palmeto Hats, 3 bales Cotton Yarn, (some very fine) 5 cases Gent's, black, white and drab Hats Gent's. Valesses, Seal &. Leather Trunks General assortment of Ladies & Gent's Shoes And many other Fancy and Staple Articles all of which will be sold at a small advance Do. Brown,- do. 7 a 9 cents TEAS Imperial, do. 160 a 180 cents Gunpowder, do. 180 a 200 do. Ni'wbern, April 19, 1833. Was he alive? ded. And where was that man? Was ! he an exile from his injured, his deplor ed country ? Had. he fled the scenes of her ?. rrUri Po V e "h " K observe noticed only the leading .points m ik Ao nrLcntlord chancellor of Ire- precisely m the order of the .opinion .tat b land! Lanihtcr.) Yes indeed, could it be? My condensed lor me sane o. peru.. iu:ii 'a ,.i bn bnt an court were unanimous in the opinion. Udlll 1 IU1 ' ItulUllUt v X .nl V.r,4r,,i .inctimr iVp. kpp.np.r n.nd c a nirli wprfi tn ho From the Globe of Wednesday. cast the unhappy men who now sought to vin- The disti qguished Indian ir arriors Muk-ka-dicatc his opinions. And where, too, are all ta-mish-a-ka-kaik, (BLACK HAWK,) W aw the young Hannibals? Immense shouts of ba-kec-shik, Prophet;) Na-pope; Pama-ho; laughter. Where those youthful martyrs Na-Mn-ew-is-kiick, (Black Hawks eldest son ; u-h m h xvas to swear at the altar aye, Pa-wa-sheet, (adopted son of the Prophet,) THE FALKLAND ISLANNDS. i The Falkland Islands seem destined to be the perpetual cause of dissension, and for aught wc can see, without being of any substantial value to any nation, j The last accounts fiom 1 AJl till. U 'UiiUlll wjA wtiwm . , . r, 1 , 1 sake of perspicuity. The Buenos Ayres, of the English expedition, have 11 " m .. tn 4ha m ntfor orH xtra have the United States, the Argentine Republic, and Great Britain fairly embroiled in a controversy about a barren Island in the Atlantic, with a reasonable probability that another party will shortly be added to the melee. These same islands have once before been a subject for; contention between Spain and England, who , .i i i i r a a i " ' -' i ;..4 nn tnn nrinii ni rr war in shllip inp.ir - ,wcar to eternal hostility against the invaders have arrived at the seat of bovernmenf. from J . and aven.e mutual a..ret. a c i wru i,n,r?L pttpr.snn liarracKS. 1 nev wert; conuucieu r ;r. - . . . , i Ot ntSCOUIlliy a iicvuum . fificic wcii nn-; ' " . X r., He would tell me where they were and what hither by Lieut. Alexander, of the Army, m they were doing. There was Hannibal the coniormuy wuu uici8uh;.. ment. Wc understand that these celebrated Chiefs of the Sac and Fox Tribes are held as "hos NEW SPRING GOODS. JOHN PITTTV2AN I Tf AS just returned from New York, with LI a general assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, & Glassware, ANONO WHICH ARE Handsome printed Muslins, Light fancy Prints, Pink, striped and coloured Ginghams, Plain and figured Book Muslins, Plain and figured Swiss do. Jaconets, Cambric, and Mull do. Embroidered Crape Handkerchiefs, Figured Gauze do. Fanr.vSilk do. I F.orttno Knrrlprffl flo. White Lace Veils, worked Muslin Capes, Nankeens, Superior H. S. Gloves, Palm Leaf Hats, &c. &c. ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP SPRING AND SUMMER THE undersigned begs leave to inform his custohiers and the public generally, that he has just returned from New York, tad is now opening at his Store n Pollok-Streel, one door West of Mr. rumpson s corner. A WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT 07 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS: Together with a general supply of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, AND GLASS WARE, GR O ( SERIES, &c 1 case Gentlemens' fashionable Hats, 1 case Satin And every other Article usually kepi in assorted Stores. All of which will be sold low. JOHN CHARLOTTE. Newbern, 19th April, 1833. first flausrhtcrl the hon. and rev. Thomas Plunkett, dean of Down, in the gift of the crown, including a district of six parishes ' bless his capacious soul !" (a laugh a ben efice of 2,893 per annum. Then comes Han nibal the second the hon. John Plunkett, an n t 1 A t rA i O f V lallnr nC Tuniiicr sions. l ne ceicuivu 1,11 wuwtu, has made the circumstances familiar to most readers. The Islands were in possession of the English who fere dispossessed in June 1770 by an armed Spanish force, under the . . . I . A .wf TIT Knarm- ivhn nantnrpn Fort jb aT I . J mi. . a A. - X I I I I I II I I 11 I II I m W m M. M-M ws m aw m v v w w H v K. w w tacres tor the luturc gooa conuuci 01 me iaie . . , l ,. hoSsrilc bands," in conformity with he 7th Egmont Th.s violent proceed.ng was commu .! Vi.rrT,.;,vnfPnrt Armstrong made nicated to parliament in he King's speech mv-ivi.v M.A j . - - - -aU i.roimn that hf hnrl marift an immpri . the yist pi vitu -"-- ..j,.. , :r ... , ;l , CONSISTING OF Sugar, Coffee, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Beer, Cider, I obacco, &c. &c. Together with numerous other articles, which he offers low for Cash or Country pro duce, at his store on Pollok Street, one door above John Templeton's. Newbern, April 26th, 1833. JUST PUBLISHED. Price 371- Cents, And sold by Thomas Watson. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. MAS just opened a rich and beiutifcl variety of SPKING AND SUMMER Of the most fashionable descriptions he will sell at reduced prices. MERCHANT TAILOR, i:. ..irlnmf'rl MAS the pleasure to inform nis and the publick, that he to Wf TTDRACTICAL PROOFS of the Soundness j ved from New York, by schooner ut j, I- m a 1 . 1 . . harrictnr Ot tno COUniVr OI flrlpat.fi DV IIICSO tuilicuciaicu 300. Crown prosecator-oh! oh! and there Sept. 1833, and by Mb General Scolt and att do himseIf justiceb rus.J will be business 5oon for h.m-800 and anoth- Reynolds on the part of the Un ted btates. Pgg WJ8 terminate(i by a nrgociation in r appointment of 300-mak,ng a total of These Indians ate nowron their way to Fort ybbtained an acknowledge- 1.700 a year for this youthful patriot. Next Monroe, with the v,ew to their greater perso- wwc p y B A . inn 11 fin n ",i pnnuoniuui'M si Till fii.i.uiiiiuuuutiviii Am ' UIUU uiv ituiii lqiu "ui vj u la . liinv came nanniDai Plunk 4-ourt illH U C SI vi I'1 v D I a. - ivcar Arain, a fourth Hannibal starts forth sons and liberty, as would not perhaps, com - - - . 1 . - 1 c ett, protnonotary aim T i.4M -i- 5VuV:- I..: " restoring . l " , i i i t-i nil Ka in nnrvtAw t MAvvt- i Amc no n r UH;ir i. urn iialivci Of Common pleas in ireiauu, wm5m,ucai xju, - aKandnn it III Lll W sA V A V w VVl Ult VV4 MMV. 'WW-- I . render of the matter jin dispute the Spaniards the Fort, and the English agreeing to after the restoration. The controversy has been opened again by ' " r ..I. w y.t . . 1 . WtZ ;S ofPatrirk Plunkett, who as secre- portcxactly with our institutions be agreeable the act ot the l,Ko, n taking possession again. !j.?eS r-il,nw rommikon received to the Presidenthence their removal to the Spain will probablv revive her pretensions, ijiv fcw w.a,.a - . i j , .i i.A Rnonna A vrpan ixovernmpnt will npr. man. ori rnm nthnr sources an income auo-. .nauuc uoraer, wnicn musi greauy meiiuiare auu w. x,w t . - " 9U0 : ana irom omer sources au liiv, r.J . . f ., , , wkvIAr ihpi United Stateii will havi rroflr . n"f 100. The Hon. aud Kev. v. piwcm suuauon oi mese misgmucu auu --; - llavA Pl.in'-ott nnvt nut. in his claim, but ne Ll of the Hygeian System of Phisiology, ffivinsr incontrovertible testimony to the amic- tea, ot tne inesumaDie vaiue oi luuniouw VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES, ncludincr. with other matter, the origin of Life, and cause of all Disease explained, an entirely new view of the Origin ot the smallpox virus, and of its being most certainly eradicable, or rendered harmless, and sundry cases ot iure, with most important information connected with the successful promulgation, ot tne ny- geian System in the United Statesjot America. March, 25 1833. I win nave ra i w nnfnrtnnate mon nf Ko rc oc nnw. at Fort anv nart or lot in the matter is uncertain, it is - w m. KllV T OWUJI 1 .'I .A m . m m i 1 i ammam nA . . " i i a Ia iMttr nkT i i ill i nriiiii 5 1 l 1 1 n i i 1 .nmi hp rnnsulpred an ill used man, lor thougli """'"i ")' -"uparauvey, may De si urge, o r--r flust be consiuerea an 1111 use- m 8 restricted only to the limits of that great colonists left, natives there never were any MlnbersfiWr oT Brav ! work. Here toofthey may see the " bU.ef.ee do not declare themselves independent, and by JHM..Heni o-i.iroi uray. aniftflc be)esscon. estabiishing a government constitute them- - -"ii.v- . f. I . 1 . 1 .... I . "Mr. Cobbett ye" vicar of Bray, yet genial 10 weir nature man their own green selves .his income was but 470, with house and prairies of the West; ye perhaps they may be which i glebe. The Hon. Robert Plunkett another reminded of the boundless tract on which, m -price i' .1. , . . . i k hano irnnp. ItlPV hnrl Hnn . -1 An " selves into a State competent to do all acts, in Governor! Hayne s phraseologo, any i" a potentate, or power, may ot right of e meAnS; list of deroM d.y that have gone, they had been accustomed U A BtUj. nTHfication of UnsUndmight be ami V." - tnrnsm. nt USB in SeilHIltt M"a""" .v.. .way .ac V understand that this disposition of Rlar.k difficulties and be followed by consequences Case of Tobias nvo-Tj,. r...:l wwL- and the hostages named in the treatv. entirely disoroportioned to its real value, and Intelligencer of vesterdav pW;-.u .n.pi.llv nrovided for by an act of Congress. h tho. means o! saving long embarassmg and of. the Uv States Circuit'Court for the Circuit, from which, as it is at hand, he will give the perhaps some bloodshed. The next best thing in uiexase oruie u. atate vs. Tobias Watkins extract: would perhaps be a general aoauuouroani oi It occupies nearly five of the spacious columns "For the expenses of twelve prisoners of the whole set of islands by common consenL ot -tnat -apcr, uuiiuc parucuiar points of the war of the Sac and b ox turnes, now m connne-i ytwmwMTiy f.w. ; lecision are lew ana easily abstracted for the ment, and to be held as hostages, under the nf bf the general reader. The reasoning I u K trpatv with the Sacs and and authorities cited are for the lawyers alone. Foxes, of twenty-first of September, one thou AVatkins was sentenced, on his conviction in sand eight hundred and thirty-two, embracing V August 1829, to three terms of imprisonment; the cost of provisions fc clothing, compensation of trnre months iV;?,6.?1.0?0. dntexpre!ter,9fi?cosf rprqtinfin EDUCATION. PTnHE subscriber will open a School at hib residence on Craven otreet, on tne hrst of April next, in which will be taught most of the branches ot an ungnsn ruucanon. mi& terms for tuition will be three dollars per quar ter. Such of the students as may wish to be provided with Board, Washing, &,c, will be accommodated upon reasonable terms. In struction in the various kinds of plain and orna mental Needlework will be given by Mrs. Kay to such of the female scholars as may desire it. JAMES KAY. Newbern, March 22d, 1833. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SVMMtti GOODS, Among which are the following. Super Green, Brown, and Black CKA' CAMBLET, Tt, Black BOMBAZINE. A handsome assortment of Marseilles and Silk STINGS, With a variety of other articles suiU the Season. TOBACCO. 1 1. miHE subscriber has on ""IT 1L bacco, Spanish and half Spanish which he offers by retail upon modera Craven streei a at his Store on of the Bank of Newbern. Godwin, the author of "Caleb Williams," who has just sent forth another novel, Delo raine,;is upwards of eighty years of age. He iS:stilrinaUbje.aaa 100 prizes of $1000. NEW YORK LOTTERY. Extra Class No. 15 to be drawn Wednesday, May 29, $20,000 highest prize. 820,000, 10,000,5,000, lOof 3,000, 100 of 1000, 16 of 500, &c. am'e to $366,080. A package of 22 whole tickets, by certificate cost 8124 package of Halves, 862 package of Quarters, 31 Eighths, SIO w. vrpfnhlA Universal THOMAS WATSON, Agent i d 0 bern and vicinity, has J additional supply of MORISON 8 ce ktTntrrinn Pills. Newbern, March 20, 1833. IN THE JVeuse River Free Brtdgc LOTTERY, Newbern, 26tb April, 1833-

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