n r, sT? jTh v NOBTHCABOL IN A S M H T t'. 'JK JL. ..... -M. ... .i , T-.t .... Hftrlcji the Convent Bell's arc ringing. Portuguese Air. Hark, the convent bells are ringing, And the nun's are sweetly singing, " Holy Virgin, hear our prayer See, the novice comes to sever v'ry worldly tie for ever ; "Take, O take her to your care." Still radiant gems are shining, Her jet black locks entwining ; f And her robes around her flown ig With sunny tints are glowing, But all earthly rays are dim ; ,; Splendours brighter "Now invite her, Yhilc we chauHt our vesper hymn." Now the lovely maid is kneeling, Vith uplifted eyes appealing ; ; Holy Virgin, hear her prayer; See, the Abbess benuing o'er her, U'reathes the sacred vow before her, " Take, O take her to your care." Her form no more possesses fL'hose dark luxuriant tresses; The solemn words are spoken, Each earthly link is broken, ; And all earthly joys arc dim: " Splendours brighter Now invite her, l- While we chaunt our vesper hymn." WOMAN'S LOVE. A woman's love, deep in the heart, Is like the violet flower, That lifts its modest head apart In some sequester'd bower; .ndblest is he who finds that bloom, Who sips its gentle sweets ; He needs not life's oppressive gloom, SVor all the care he meets! A woman's love i like the spring Amid the wild alone? A burning wild, o'er which the wing Of cloud is seldom thrown; And blest is he who meets that fount Ueneath the sultry day; How gladly should his spirits mount! How pleasant be his way . ' J wArvoman's love is like the rock- That every tempest braves, And stands secure amid the shock OFocean's wildest waves ; Aud blest is he to whom repose Within its shade is given; The world, with all its cares and woes, Seems les3 like earth than heaven. A Hoax. At the court of sessions which ;losed a few days since at Hackensack, N. J., a hoax was played ofT, which for its singular audacity and success, deserves to be recorded. The perpetrator had been a l ng time in pris on at Hackensack, awaiting his trial upon a charge of perjury. The evident e against him establishing the offence was known to be of so c onclusive a character, that i obody doubted ior a moment that the proceedings against him would terminate by his imprisonment in the tate prison. A living dog, however, is better than adcadlion, as was shown by the issue of this, mail's case. It appears that a few years' East-India Company were united together for rior to the time appointed for trial, when eve-' the purpose of collecting authentic information inexpedient whichhis fruitful mind wascapabh j on the subject, with a view to bring it fairly oi devising seemed to be exhausted, in the vain and fully to the notice of the Supreme Govern ilOpe of an escape from his perilous situation, he j ment, and if possible obtain its abolition. Jiadasevere paralytic stroke, by whichoneentire I ' ' 77. ; .sidewasrcnderedpowerlcss.Inthishelplessand1 e suspect that the following anecdote con jeeble condition, insisting upon his trial, he t.a,ns more of humor than of truth, but it is per was conveyed upon a bed iroirfthe prison to 1 e l'v n character. the. court room. The spectacle of an infirm"! wf,ile Col. Crockett was at Washington, and afflicted fellow being, on the verge of the Wlth his daughter, a young gentleman who had grave, being on trial for perjury, had a power- ,,etn paying ms addresses to her, wrote to him, nil influence on the sympathies of the jury, requeuing his permission that they might be They, nevertheless, felt themselves 'bound un- carried. The reply (-1 the Col. was in the Jler the weight o ev deuce, reluctantly to re- mm against him a-verdict of guilty. While ihe trial was in progress, the prioner become so faint that the court was under the necessity of granting a recess, to enable him to be re- .- - - - - convcyed to his apartment in the prison for j revival. On this occasion he was acrain re- moved upon his bed, and so stroig an appeal parish parson is rcwTineed as a "right down eras made by this distressing exhibition of the steady man," the following salutation and re iielpless prisoner, that the piosecuting Attor-'ply i quite common: "Good morning, neih- iey, Mr. Campbell, and his associate, Mr. jborA howd've do to-day?" " Well, I'm Todd, benevolently lent a hand in his removal much at one, 1 thank you how i-'t with you ?" thence and back. Why, I'm pretty much artcr the old sort The -Court, upon this conviction, felt no lit-! iween three and one how's your woman this tie embarrassment in coming toaresult,aj to the ; morning ?" ' Well, he's pretty much what for degree" ami character of punishment theyer, consid'rin how's ourn?'' "bo's to be should award against him, for the serious and I brawling 1 thank you good morning." infamous crime of which he had been iound guilty. . Believing, however, as they said, that Jio Icould not lire long tnat tns capaouity to fommit harm even if his inclination to do so ' continued, was in a great measure destroyed by the afflicting paralysis under wlncli lie men la bored that if sent to prison he must remain there a public charge without rendering any ad equate service in return for his support but above all, that he was likely according to every reasonable probability of shortly answering for his transgressions before another and high er tribunal, they came to a conclusion that all the ends of public justice would be answered in his case, by imposing upon him a fine. They, therefore, more out of a regard to the forms of law, than from any desire to exact its roHection, imposed upon him a fine of Jive fiQllars. f The brother of the prisoner, who manifested for him during all this while the most fraternal ohcilude, advanced the fine, and with a one iiorse wagon in winch he had placed a Led, t drove off with him from the prison. One of the prosecuting counsel bavin busi ness in this city on the following day, crossed ihe ferry at the foot of Courtland street, but the extent of his surprise and astonishment mav h better conceived than described, when almost immediately on lauding he ran plump against thodving man, who was hastening towards the ferrtvith the eagerness and speed of a flying Mercury. The counsel of course expressed his amazement at this singularly unexpected rt"'jonlre, to which the culprit replied, chuck ling at the success of his ingenious expedient, and proud of the deception he had practised by the inimitable manner in which he had ac ted out the character of a cripple Gh ! I am a great deal better to day than I was yesterday. Then, with a knowing wink and a hearty laugh, he dropped his arm and contracted his leg, to prove the identity of the paraltic cheat, and re covering 4iimself immediately, turned hastily on his heel, and made the best of his way to the ferry, leaving the counsel to gaze with wonder at ; the miraculous recovery of his locomotive powers, of which but the day before he had been seemingly deprived, and also to reflect upon the credulity of those who had been so success fully duped by an arch impostor. Courier $ Enq. Burying Alive. The late Capt. Ebenezer Chapman Ken p, who, in 18:6, commenced the Moira, in which I sailed to India, related to me a painful instance of self-immolation which occurred in his own family. A young woman in his service lost her husband, and resolved, without hesitation to bur herself alive with the body. Both Captain and Mrs. K. were shock ed to hear of her determination, and , represent ed to her both the dreadful character of the crime she was about to commit, and the utter inutility of the sacrifice to the departed spirit of her husband. But all the arguments and entreaties which Christian principle and the feelings of humanity could suggest were urged in vain. She had been taught to believe that, by voluntarily dying with her husband, she would expedite his transit to some unknown region of bliss, and herself bear him company. Every attempt to persuade the infatuated crea ture to live, wheth' r for the sake 61 her family, or her own soul, appeared only to cause her the more to exult in her resolution to die. Capt. K. continued his humane exertions to the last, even while the awful ceremony was proceeding, but without the least symptom of a favorable impression being produced on her minrl. When the pit was dug, and the dead body lowered into it, she walked round several times repeating the formularies which the piiest dictated to her, and scattering about as she went along, sweetmeats, parched rice, flow ers and other tribes, for which the spectators scrambled. When these preliminary rites were finished, she descended into the grave, amid the din of barbarous music and deafening shouts of applause. Having taken her seat, and placed the head of the corpse in her lap, she gave the signal to throw in the earth. I forget whether she had a son old enough to take a part in the horrid scene, in which case he would be the principal actoi ; but otherwise, her nearest male relatives, as chief mourners, would take the lead, and throw in the first baskets of eartti. For some time the jrave filled slowly as the deed ofdeath was perpetrated with appalling deliberation & the relations conti nued to throw in garlands, sandal-wood and other ril-es, with the mould that was gradu ally covering the bodies. When it rose to her breast, the woman raised her left arm. and was seeifto turn roun i her fort -finger as long as it was visible, even after her head was covered. That however, was a very short time, as the earth was thrown in hastily as soon as the head disappeared, and her relations jumped in to tread it down, and smoother their wretched victim. At the very time that Captain Kemp was giving me the atTe. ting account just de- j tailed, several gentlemen in the service of the snowing laconic siie: Washington, - 41 Dear Sir- I receivi d your letter. Go ahead. DAVID CROCKETT." Yankee Salutation and Reply. In a neigh boring town, in our county of Essex, where the Salem Observer. Barherous. Common candle snufTclear of srix, spread on a Razor Strop, produces the nest edge, m the shortest tin e, of any thing ever tried so says a New York paper; and they are "up to ' snuff" in the Empire State. The coat should be spread with a knife not too thick am! will last several months. There is no "patcnf for this discovery; any one may avail himself of it without burning his finders provided he use snuffers. Neither Pomeroy nor Emerson, nor iny "hold a candle to it." of the stroppers can Boston Post. Cixcixn-ATIv April 12. Fifty years ago this th day of April, Captain Lytic (the father of the late General LytleV) while descen-ing the Ohio to the Falls with, a number .of emigrants, landed for a few hours at the mouth of Licking. An Indian encau pment was discovered, immediately op posite, on the spot where Cincinnati ' now stan .s. I he Indians, norver, nt-u, as soon as the fleet of boats hove in sight. They were; pursued some distance bv the yoin., men, but could.not be overtaken. Gen. Lvtle. who was' Z 6 , f i:l,i ... Winnnti Hp. ' "icil If 11 V Udl 5 U1U iw come a large and flourishing city contamin . ... . m l tnirty ih ousami inhabitant?, not until after this peri ui that the lirst tree was cvii oy a wluiv man tipon this spot. MJCHClAiXT TAILOR, MAS the pleasure to inform his customers and; the publick, that he has just recei ved from New York, by schooner Convoy. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AA'h SUMMER G O O'D'S, . Among which, are the following: Super Green, Brown, and Black CRAPE CAM B LET, 44 Black BOMBAZINE. A handsome assortment of Marseilles and Silk VESTINGS, With a variety of other articles suitable to the Season. SPANISH TOBACCO. fTTHE subscriber has on hand Spanish To U bacco, Spanish and half Spanish Segars, which he offers by retail upon moderate terms at his Store on Craven Street a fewr doors South of the Bank of Newbern. E. CERTAIN. Vetietahle Universal Medicines. rFnHOMAS . WATSON, Agent for New bern and vicinity, has just received an additional supply of MQRISON'S celebrated Hygeian Pills. : Newbern, March 29, 1833. NEUSE RIVER FREE BRWGft TO BE DRAWN AT Kinston, Lenoir County, North Carolina. 1 Prize of g 2$0 i $. 2 - - - 1,000 - - 2,000 4 - - - 500 2,000 6 - - - - 300 - - 1,800 8 250 - - 2,000 10 - - - - 200 - - 2,000 20 - - - 100 2,000 40 - - - 50 - - 2,000 100 - - - i 20 2,000 220 - - - f 10 - - 2,200 411 20000 Whole Tickets $5 Halves $ 50 When the Commissioners named in the Act of Assembly authorizing the above Lottery, shall have disposed of the Tickets, and ap pointed a day for thejdrawing, they will, in order the more effectually to secure public confidence in their proceedings, surrender the entire management of the business to the fol lowing gentlemen, under whose direction the Lottery will be drawn!, viz: John WatkIns, Esq. of Duplin, Hardy Bryan, llsq. of Jones, Honorable Richard Dobbs Spaight, of Cra ven. Bl6unt Coleman, Msq. of Lenoir, Gen eral W y att Move, of Greene, and Hichard Washington, Esq. of Wayne County. And in case either of them! cannot attend, to such gentle en as he or they may designate from their respective counties. As a Board of Managers, it will he their province to choose their Clerks, who shall be sworn to keep faithful records of ihe drawing; they will also select the boys ! to whom shali be as signed the business of; drawing the tickets and numbers from the wheel; for which services the Commissioners will allow the necessary compensation. The drawing will be conducted in the old and popular mode, by placing the Prizes and Blanks in one wheel and the Numbers in ano ther. Fifteen per cent, will be deducted from the prizes, and the fortunate adventurers will receive payment upon presentation of their Tickets, immediately after the drawing, or at any time within twelve months thereafter. The Bridge, when completed, will be free for all persons who may pass it, and the route to Newbern across this Bridge, is as near for persons living above! it, as the present stager route, ana will be tne means oi avoiding nine miles of deep sand It will also be in the di rect route from Wilmington to Tarborough. It is hoped and earnestly requested that the gentlemen to whom tickets may be forwarded for sale, will use early and diligent means to dispose of them- and; that all persons who arc -ii.-.rw.Al ii'jfvnni7p' ihp work, will rlo it at :in earlv day. as the Commissioners design cal- lino- on the Agents: or Venders of Tickets about the first of June next for settlement, so as to enable them to! prepare for Drawing on the 4th of July. Tickets may be had in New - hern. Wilmington, Fayetteville, Raleigh, Tar - borough, North Washington, Edenton, and other places in the Eastern section ofthe State. COUNCIL WOO TEN, GEORGE WHITFIELD, Senr. JESSE LASSITER, ALLEN W; VVOOTEN, JOHN W. S. WEST, WIN DAL DAVIS, NEEDHAM WH1 TFILLD, Kinston, March, 1S33. O o (I 9 COACH AVD (ilG MAKERS, ne ivB E R N, EF!Pr.CTFl7LLV inlorm their friends and the (HiMie, that tliey havp removed to the New Buddinsr npposite to Bell's Hotel, where they have ma.le extensive anatifTPnients for the further prose rution of their bufinesfpn tlie Cnnstrurtion, Repair ing. Trimniinsr. an : Pfintinir f COACHES, BAROUCHES, GIGS CA NEL AVD PLAIN. LIGHT WAGONS, &C. &C. RfintT. as ihev believe, perfecily a-quainted with! the making an ffinism of thee articles, they invite; centlempii wisliinirto nrocure them, to apply in per- i , r7.;i , 1 1 i . . L ; on or hv etter under! the full assurance that their ' oHp will b- executed with the utmost despatch and lot he.irenti.re. ratirfactibn. They will keen h full Un,lv cf all the material, , . Z r . . i I in thrii line ol buines an f he" prepared nt all times 10 make ancl finish in the neatest and mopt approved gJnaMp terms , .. nc-, uaiuucucs, o ; xi wj vt Newbern, March 15, 1833. c- RICH D. B. BERRY i'NFORMS his friends and the publick that) he has resumed business in the house on 1 Middle Street adjoining the residence of Wright C. Stanly, Esq. During his late absence from Newbern, his attention has been devoted to the ; acquisition of such jadditional knowledge oi j Tailoring as was deemed essential to a success- j ful competition with the profession in this place; j and he flatters himself that he is now fully com-) petent -to conduct the business to the satis faction of all who may favor him with their custom. Having acquired the art of cutting in ihe most approved and fashionable style, and being determined to employ first rate workmen, he will at all times be prepared to execute orders for Clothing in the best manner and at the shortest notice. The orders of his j country friends will re ccivc prompt and careful attention. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Craven County. S Superior Court of Law Fall Term, S3Z. Cclia Ryan, i vs. Petition for Divorce. John Ryan,, ! ' TTN this case it being made to appear to the 11 satisfaction of this Couit, that a Subpeona, and Alias Subpeona, had regularly issued, as directed bylaw, to the Defendant, command ing his personal appearance in this Court, to plead or answer, to the Petitioner's petition, and that a copy of the aforesaid Subpeona, had been left, at the place of abode, of the said de fendant, in this State, more than fifteen days, before the day of the return, of each of said Subpeonas, proclamation was therefore made, by the Sheriff at the door of the Court House, for said defendant, to appear and answer, as commanded, by the said Subpeonas, and the said defendant, being so called, made default. It is therefore ordered, that the Clerk cause notice of the pendency of this Petition, to be published in the North Carolina Sentinel for three months, and that at next term, an issue be submitted to a Jury, to ascertain the worth of the material facts, charged in the Petitioner's petition. Attest, EDWARD STANLY, Clerk. Newbern, March lo, 1833, EDWAUDC. O. TINKE It, TAILOR AND DRAPER, fY ETURNS his sincere thank for the very AX liberal encouragement hich he has here tofore received, and respectfully informs the publick, that he has just returned from New York with an extensive and very general assort ment of FALL & "WIHTEE, GOODS Selected with reat care fro n recent importations AMOXG THEM ARE THE FOLLOWING: Superfine black, blue,& Russel brown ClotllS Ili'.ie, bottle, and invisible green do. Olive and olive green and steel-mixed do. Fancy Cassillieres, of superior quality, Satin, silk, Marseilles VrstillgS, Lyons Silk Velvet of very best quality, An elegant assortment of Valencia Vestings, not surpassed by any in this market, Shirt bosoms, of the latest style, ruffled and plain, Corded and plain Collars, of the best quality and latest fashion, An elegant assortment of STOCKS, of the latest and most approved patterns, covered with bombazine, velvet, satin, &c. Gentlemen' superior Hosskin Gloves, Silk web and silk net Suspenders, Gum elastic do. I case of the best elastic, waterproof, patent Silk Hats, Together with a variety of other articles in his line of business ; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Having a number of superior workmen, he is prepared to execute all orders with which he mav be favoured in the neatest ami most fashionable style, and at the shortest notice and he assures the nublic that no exertions i shall be spared to merit a continuance of their favours. Newbern,' 1st Nov. 1833 i I 1 v Vj. . HlHE Copartnership heretofore existing -U- under the firm of Jackson 6l Higgins is I dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in- :",1te(1 to le .c ncern will make payment to ' M Higgins, who is authorised to settle all accounts. DANL. JCKSON, Jr. L. M. HIGGINS. March, 25th 1833. Palm Leaf Hats, PLOL QHS, fcc. 6&&V doz Palm Leaf Hats, assorted quali- ties 20 cast iron Ploughs Nos. 10 & iV 100 extra Shares , 3 hhds N. O. Sugar 5 do prime retailing Molasses 5 bags prime Green Cuba Coffee 15 do St Domingo do 5 lbs Crude Camphor 5 do Turkey Opium 5 boxes Bunch Raisins 10 half do do 20 qr do do 10 cases Fresh Prunes, Landing from Schr. Convoy j ew ork and r sale b J. M. GRAN IDE, & Co. Newbern, April -Ah, 1833. EDLlATION. fTTTHE subscriber will open a School at his. LL residence on Craven Street, on the first of April next, in which will be taught most ol the branches of an English Education. HU tRrms fnr tuition will K tkVAA 11- uv nine uuuai o Ll l viuui 1nr Sll,u nf ihA .j-. : . IT" ? may wimi iu uC iLnZJ T" ' rasning, oc., wyi oe accommodated uppn reasonable terms. In. j struction in the various kinds of plain and drna.-. mental Needlework will be given by Mrs. Kay i ij sum ui me icmaie scnoiars as may a-esirc xi. JAMES KAY. Newbern, March 1833. " U3S I I El 1 VYiT iXA 1 the late annual meetinrof the STf UP HOLDERS of the BANK of NE(pK' on the first Monday of this month, It Resolvcd That a Dividend of twent!; percent, on each and every Share of thcr tal Slock of said Bank be, and the same is h' by declared and made payable to the Stockl ers, or their Wal Renresentnit ,10'd. after the first day of March next, j" d following rules and regulations, to wit P' -all payments shall be made at the'ry Bank to the Stockholder, or his Attorney H1? appointed, on production of the oriri,niV y cate. Second Payment of Dividend nf r tal shall be evidenced by the rccein f f Stockholder or his Attorney, in a Book n ed for that purpose. Third All nJ' Dividend of Capital shall be endoS.l "ftf Certificate of Stock, by the Cashier hcVt of making payment. Fourth Thp Book shall be closed on the twentieth r February next, and remain closed until 0 f day of March folio wing, and no Share on Iv? aDividend of Capital maybe paid, Ll? alter be transferred on the Books ot this RT Extract from the Journal ofthe StorkhnM. JNO. W GtUON, Ca Uv January 18th 1833. - ,Cr DRUGGIST Sl A POTlIJCAJiY Has for sale, at his Shop, next door to BcU Tavern, 4 A GENEERL ASSORTMENT OF PAI NTS X PAI T BRUSHES. Oil, Dyestuffs, Varnishes, aiidV ir nish Brushes, Perfumery and Cosmetics. The above articles are fresh, and of the von best quality. ' Newborn, February 1st, 1833. JOH A. CRISPLY AS just returned from New York with a general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise apart of his Stod Wines, Teas. Champaigne, in qt. and Gunpowder pt. bottles, Imperial, Old Madeira, Pico, do. Naples, Lisbon, reneriffe, Dry Malaga, Sherry, Country. Liquors. Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong. St jars. Loaf Lump, White Havana, Brown, variousqual. Nuts. Filberts, Cogniac Brandy (stipe-. Madeira Nut;;, nor quality) Peach do. Old Jamaica Rum, Superior Holland Gin, Old Menong. Whiskey. N. E. Rum, j Almonds. Swiccs. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Xulmc'is Pepper, Spire. Fill! Is. Portei inqt.& pt. bottle ICitron, Currants, , PRESERVED GINGER, Do. PINE 'APPLES, Do. LIMES. Buclni'heat, Goshcv Butter, Cic., Spanish k America ft Segars, su j)crior Charing Tobacco, tlx. Which he offers low for cashor country produce at his Store on Pollok-street. December 3d, 1832. IN EW STORE. OLITSn S. fTTAS just returned from New York, and 'u U now opening at his Store, East sioc the Old County Whari two doors below the corner, A GKNERAL ASSORTMENT OF DOT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CR0CKEA 1, Shoes, Hats, Saddles, and Brldlw. Heavy Dundee and Tow Baggingi Bal? Rope, Swedes, English, and American Iron, Wagon Boxes, Blacksmiths' Tools, Nails, &,c. &lc. ALSO NOW -LANDING, FROM SCJIR. JAMES MOSROf A few bbls. first quality family FloM Boxes and half boxes Raisins, Sacks of Salt, Goshen Butter, Newark Cider, fyc. Sec. All of which will be sold low for Cash or i duce. November 13th, 1832. DEPARTMENT OF STAl j March 20th, W- ) A Resolution of the Senate has call ' the Secretary of State to obtain U tical information which is comprehen certain circular addresses made son since to the Governor's ofthe dlercnv this and the county and township offirers, .( Department. The queries contain wl jvfiy circulars, being answered hot in conrf .j,jVe few instances, the persons to whom lfl.- fr. been addressetl, are earnestly requestta ward their answers without delay. . ,t3tc, The printers of the laws of the nlsC4rtioD5 are requested to give this notice six m in their respective papers. m " SALT. !buslmls coarse T- Island SALT, receired per,liritisn Newbern, April 6th, J833.

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