V M V r't IBEBTT, THE CONSTITUTION UNIOV. XHEfSENTINBLi, NEWBERN : FRIDAY, JUNK 21. 133. Ktr th finvflrnnr :md manvrps- Itia iK'i'ct; 5'Kl"-""J -.cable citizen?, it is proposed that a meeting of dele- ( 'e to consult upon some plan of Internal Improve r nis beheld in Raleigh on the fourth of July. This The Seventh annual Convention of the Pro testant Episcopal Church, in this Diocess, closed its settings at Warrentou, on the 3d inst. i his self-possession and act in eomrespect. thi;tv:si; LanX P' lurderer, he must be possessed ol a heart of lh?tl?Je8 were. Present . . m. hi. .uauuci yji vuugre gaiions now witnin this Diocess are above; twenty : in 1818. the Church numbered but; three Clergymen, now ; chosen because the laying of the corner-stone of the State House will attract many visiters. We Cc-Jially concur in this. U will at least cost nothing, "Bj tiiflt is the great consideration of the day. Nc t ce is iven in tn'3 PaPer tnAt a Town Meeting for te purpose of appointing delegates from Newbern, be held on Saturday evening next. The very eloquent charge of the Judge in the case rfClourh, the murderer of Mrs. Hamilton, is given into day's paper. The guilty man plead insanity produced by love. The act would seem prima facie evidence cf madness; but how could love exist in such a boom ? pers and piercing looks of those who surround him that they believe him guilty, and let him read in the public prints the same horrid charge repeated in a thousand forms, and let him hear the ministers of justice treading close upon his footsteps and if he do not lose nis sen- like a murderer, he must be nossessed iron, instances are on record of death actually en suing from the assurance of various persons meeting an inaiviuuai successively at short intervals, tnai ne 1 I 1-1 . 1 loosea iiKe a corpse, that he was pale as a winaing sheet, &c. Human nature is not capable of bearing such a torrent ot suspicion, reproach and untecung scorn, as it is in the power of a whole community to set in motion, without withering under its influence. Thi3 will account for the appearance and conduct ot Mr. Avery when arrested in New Hampshire by Col. Harnden ; and it will also suggest the inquiry to men of common humanity, whether,,having been acquit ted of the crime with which-hefwas charged, he has not suffered enough even for a Methodist minister to suffer, and whether there is any propriety in keeping open his wounds by still branding him in the public prints with the foul name of MURDERER ! f For the information of our country friends, we are gratified to state that Turpentine is in brisk demand at two dollars. j The SnHncrfipld. Illinois Journal, states that a f n x t , recently sprung. Many of its best mechanics contemplate leaving it, and becoming citizens of the United States; whilst hundreds more would follow their example, if they could pro cure a3 much money as wduld remove them and their families. We are aware that many in this community who think it their interest to do so, will contradict this statement be it so that will not alter the true state of things ; " i i .t. IV 1 viv . w kUluVS she has nineteen emcient Clerevmen with aU Bishop all zealously jdevoted to the "great Lerhahirs Rnnk Debts, to the amount of som. i mm wont. Raleigh has again been ravaged by " devouring flames."- The "seven-hilled city" was not afflicted by nreater cvi'3 in proportion to its size. We sincere ly sympathize with the sufferers. There seems little .j.iKt thnt tliinwnn the work of an incendiary. Can ItlUU' V ww w w - - f there be a stronger warning to those towns which are destitute of nn efficient watch? great number of strangers have been passing through that town for several weeks past, who appear to be exammiugthecountry with the view of settling in some part of it. The editor augurs from this circumstance that there will be an unusual emigration to Illinois the ensuing fall for he holds it to be a truth, that no well informed man can examine the natural ad vantages of Illinois without becoming satisfied, that a few years ran only elapse before it will rank among the first states in the Union, for population and wealth. a student with " sweet Tjome." Wrf mention of it brings up dreams wherein the yotmg New-' bernese is welcomed by every spectator io the laurel bowers of Athens rediviva,tlm youth from the Roanoke, hears the chorus ot his chiming hounds in the forest, or miuglev in the dance at Shocco,- the robust eon of the. highlands, breathes again the free air of his beautiful hills and the youth from Albemarle rejoices in the fair eyes that beam round the garden of Eden. Each one anticipates soma peculiar pleasure ; even he who intends to pass vacation on the Hill, for he may then disport - third of thpir nMual - i I KA IA4 1 WU LVUUUt W v --w wMM h mciuamg a nurcn consecrated on last Sun- U tk;, mAlnrho1v stmfe f i n:. i u ii I J ' I ay, at x ittsouruugu, Miere are now m a state things, and must be followed by ruin ! Me- ui Fzcaa tu.ut uU, uu,u.c5 wunin chanics do their work, wait patiently one, two, UllS UlOCeSS. I nn1 c,.: .l ry a coHlpmpnt. . . - - u.au W lilt Ll ill t-71 I.1IICCJ ICai9 ljv, ... -w I he most important measure adopted by the and arft tftM nf iht nH nftilflt nm-iod there (as mv Lord HnU .,,0 tj,.flmfr convention, was the resolution to establish a ;s nn mnMO tn K- ori ho rnlt is that tfce r .. ' , . . , ' School to be located in Ralpiah and called the u J r . , ' " , j " drS norary, and lie aDed as long was placed under the management of a Com mittee, consisting of the Bishop of the D10 to increase iht iffitultir toit mnw ihnn thevL are worth." ' commenceaitnti and surely they will be tiasieu wiui inunue zesi hv vn..n,t mAr. . i-ilrT I . J J aiin Huy; fca DC I Hur TTI tl fnllr fMai-mrmon arifl CI irh I 1JR. rRAWTTM r xr fntFnnn a ntur P hn I, . ft. tt t , . oJ ...ir. 1. rn,: . .. .1 1. t 1-. I nave neen connnea 10 one unvarying routine ol .nvmpn. wnn ptp PTnppron rn itidpt in nnipitrn juijuiviuv was wrinpn qt Km onAinnia iniv i . w the present month, and it is thought that the 4, 1786: fixed stud from Jan?ary to JuV- But then Forei&n Abstract. England. The ministerial plan for the abolition of slavery in tle West Indies has at last appeared in regular shape The conduct of British Ministries with regard to the Colonies', seems founded on heriditary madness and folly 1 seems that the negro is to remain three- . I . . f 1 1 a 4 1 Mn n r. iln .(A rkrl-1 1 a4-Vi I. C t4 V i . i 4 r lOUrinS Ul lilt nine niavt" aim 111c uuici-iuui ui iu be free. He is to be called an "apprentice-labourer." From the commencement of the apprenticeship the master is to value him, and if the m ister retain him m service for the free one fourth ol hi? time, it shall be at the rate pel annum of one-twelfth of his value, tttiat in twelve years he will be in a fit state to be lot loose in vagabondage. He is at liberty, however, (o spend onefmrthas he pleases though we presume lie will be compelled hy the magistrates to beat work. The power of -corporal punishment is transferred to certain Magistrates appointed by the King. To compensate the owners, a loan of fifteen millions is to be granted to the proprietors of slaves and estates, and certain half yearly payments which the negro is compelled to make from the wages of his free time to the magistrate, arc to go to the part payment of it. This loan is to be distributed among the colonies in a ratio compounded of the number of slaves and the amount of exports. All under six years of age are absolutely free. The act winds up with provisions for the prevention of vagrancy, the due administration cf justice and an efficient police establishment, which will he most especially needed. PORTUGAL. The cause of Don Pedro seems to be brightening r.otwithstandin? certain bickerings and intrigues among his principalofficers, Which are now put to rest Desertion was fast increasing from the Miguelite ranks; the men were coming in, in bodies ol 30 with ;heir arms and accoutrements. Sartorius was at the mouth orthe Douro matters are not completely ac commodated between him and Don Pedro. Money was the stumbling block. TURKEY. Affairs are tending toward a peace between Ibra him and the Sultan. The former has consented to A Northern paper recommends, without reserve, Northern lasses to'all who want wives especially in dustrious wives. The youth of the South are much obliged, but they feel no inclination to roam in foreign climes and seek for other divinities than their own "dark-eyed maids of heaven, angelically Ikind." School will go into immediate operation. The "You need not be concerned, in writing to is another charm which renders commencement vumimuue consist 01 ivev. ureo. . rreeinan, '" uuu" uau apejuug; ior, inmy opinion, a weicumu uay t jsihus copcciauy iair ones Kev. Wm. M. Green Rev. Jarvis B. Buxton, as our aipnaoet now stands, the bad spelling, throng together in a place, where at other ivev. jos. n. oaunuers, non. uqnean aiueroii, - gci.ciai uie uesi, a& t- there are as few strange faces seen xr ti . it: tt t? u.r ennrnrm nr tn thp ennnrt nrt,a iM a times mere are as lew strange laces seen as Thos. P. Devcreux. Eso.. George E. Soruill. the words. To give you an instance. A pen- anv wnere in l"e universe. But to-day, if you Esq., Joseph B. Skinner, Esq.. Dr. Fred'k J. tieman receivea a letter, in wmcft were these enter the Uftapel, Denoid it is crowaea, laos. Hill, and Edward L. Winslow, Esq. words. A ot finding Brown at home, I deliv- handkerchiefs and music are playing ven ine oianamg committee ior tne present n , yj gnu.eman. ffrPM, lr nn iho Rtil(r- nrp sraleH i a IA- J "a I J I - 1 I W w w v w -sm - ' year, is composed of Hev. Wm. M. Green, Kev. nnmng n oau spening, ana inereiore not very Geo. W. Freeman, !Rev. J. H. Saunders, inteiiigioie, catteu ms lady to help him read it. ""p ""'ul ,",9re"' tt"u Messrs. Gavin Hotro-and Dunoan Cameron ItSetween them they picked out the meaning of didates lor baccalaurean wreaths. Ihe ex The next Convention will he holden in the all but they, which they could not understand. Urcises commence, and fifteen or twentx I I mi 11 1 11" 11l.ll ' Town, of Washington, on the first Monday in 1 ne laay proposed calling ner cnam .Dermaid . ,pCechca are delivered to the ladies and gen mm. m i it m t - t w at w m- u r i w a-vv-a i i w . c i i x v i - iimv UTiaa-B 4 r i i ! i i n : r t i reauing oau bpeiiiiig ui uuy uue a kuuw. ggt Itlemen, among which, the Latin (aided per- We have had some terrific claps of thunder, four of which have touched some part of the town, in the space of three weeks. It is not to be wondered, that among barbarous nations, these brilliant flashes in the air, followed by such deafening peals, should have been subjects of fear and superstition. Our ears are now jarring with one which slipt down the Church steeple last Friday. Foreign papers state that our old acquaintance Influenza, is nick named White Cholera in sundry parts of the United Kingdom, in contradistinction to the ''Old Blue," of whom we are in hourly expectation hoping, however that he may not call. The Boston Gazette states that the oldest member ty came, and was surprised that neither Sir nor haps by a Greek or French) suffices to maker ol Congress now living is the Hon. Fame Wmgate, Madam could tell whaty was. 44 Why," says folks stare, a funnv to make them laiih ol btratham, l. ti. He was a member ot the first sne. "f spells wife, what else can it spell?" I nA n ,rii;, ' 4, . W ashmgton's administration. He is the eldest gra- ev,nrtir pthod nf snellina Wfe. than Double- But Iet us enler tho library, yet not witTi -C U n,,77,,., hastv trend as wns the rnatftm Cm- a U duatedin 1758-75 veirs ao. He married a lister W' z' CJ c WIUI-" 1,1 lca11 J ; duate on the record of Harvard College, having gra- nfHnl. Pickprintr. whoni he hnriert a fpW vears since, fev- new carpet is spread on which small feet ar He sf.Il superintends his farm, at 95 years of ageh-is 1 nere is mucn rejoicing in town to-uaj, n twinkling, and liquid voices whisper round the. ; an old school gentleman and wears his revolutionary being the auniversary of the declaration of w,nmr . ,h n n.u nnt intn 1 u. 1 -.n i tj : A .v.: j uv unU .u.i, From the Somerville N. J. Messenger of June 12 Three young men j were committed to the county prison in this) place, on Tuesday of last week, who with four other accomplices, ate charged with a crime, if any but a step short of MURDER! We learn that the circum T n A ,nr n 1 nrfrk Wirlti1- lira C 1 tm A title A rt 17 tO(l ttj lUUCUCIlUClltC, HlllV-l V C aigULU vino i m 111 i .i i i i i ir fnr it must he nnnorernns tn those wnn nnre. years, ana tnereDV nazaraeu lives anu ior- - tunes. God was pleased to put a favorable end neiu mtie.or no iemaje converse ior nana to the contest much sooner than we had reason year, to have a pack of ruby Hps let loose be- to expect. His name be praised. f th Yet. some there were not Adieu, B. tranklin." . . . many cais uu, wiiu nveu upun - iiiui xxiii. Raleigh, June 18. ANOTHER EXTENSIVE FIRE. Our devoted City has again been visited by a most destructive conflagration. About half past 12 o'clock on Sunday morning last, our citizens were aroused from their beds by the too familiar and appalling cry of " Fire!" The flames were observed bursting out from the second story windows of Mr.Cobbs coach manufactory, located in Morgan street, adjoin ing Messrs. Turner & Hughes book store. Such was the combustible nature of the build ing, that, before the citizens had time to repair to the scene of conflagration, it presented one solid mass of flames, and in a few moments the large and elegant establishment of Messrs. Turner &. Hughes caught fire and shared the same fate. Strong exertions were made to ar rest the progress of the devouring element, but to no purpose, until it had destroyed in its ra vages the entire range of buildings on rayette- ville street, from the corner of Morgan street to Mr. Stewatr's dwelling house The latter was saved with the greatest difficulty. The4 fact of this being the third extensive fire on that side of the street, which has terminated at this house, is one of the most remarkable coincidences we have ever seen recorded. The Newbern Bank, a three-story brick build- at the corner on the opposite side of the mg, evacuate Asia Minor upon obtaining the grant of Sy- street, which narrowly escaped being burnetl ria, Damascus, and Aleppo. The remaining grounds at the last fire, was in imminent danger of of quarrel are small and will most probably be spee- catching on this occasion, and was only saved dilv settled. The Russian troops have entered Con- by the most strenuous exertions of the firemen ftantinople, which diplomatists call an accomplished nd citizens. No satisfactory knowledge of fact, unfait accompli) &e ori"!nlof th fire has ?et been obtained. v 1 We much hope that it may prove to have been The commencement at the University of Nortlhe result of accident, though) very little doubt CarSw nffnni. rw.w tf vkitnr 15 entertained at presentof its being the act of . ' . ' , . , 7 some vile incendiary. We would feign hope, Messrs. Badger, Nash, Hill, Johnson and Walker for lhe credit of human naturCf that M . Anderson, will deliver their sentiments on important not an individual in our community so de- bubjects and doubtless with characteristic talent. It praved as to perpetrate a ueed of j such enor- is devoutly to be wished that commencements were mity. The following is an accurate statement well attended by citizens, especially ladies from all of the buildings destroyed, with an estimate of parts of the State. the loss sustained individually : Capt. Cobbs 4 houses: two occupied by The sentiments of the following article are int himself as workshop and office; all his stock and must meet the concurrence of the moderate and con,5umed : thir(1 occupied by Messrs, Turnei unprejudiced. & Hughes as a book store ; fourth occupied . . , . , , by Mr. Benjamin S. King, merchant loss From the New tor k Journal of Commerce. $4 000 It is to be regretted that after the flaming ordeal Dr. Haywood 1 house, occupied by -Wm. through which Mr. Avery has passed, and after his Smith, barber loss $300. acquittal by the verdict ofa Jury selected from a com- Bernard Dupuy 1 house, occupied by him muntt wrought up to the higher prtch of excitement self as a Jewellery store lass $2,000. against him, any newspaper should be so regardless w ,i l t of what propriety demands still to epeak of him as 0 Wm. White1 house, occupied by Mr. John the "murderer of that lone, hapless girl," Sarah Ma- 1 " Stedman, Jeweller loss $600. ria Cornell. If the vilest criminals are in the eye of Polk 1 house, occupied by Mr. John the la w to be accounted innocent until they are ad- G Marshall, grocer loss $400. ! judged guilty, surely when an individual has been John Stewart 1 house, occupied by Mr. adjudged not guilty, under circumstances most unfa- Wm. Taylor tailor loss $300. voraDic to Tiis acquittal, there is no reason why the Turner Ar tik, demon of nersecatwn. ever thirti for hUrl.liM L "er Hughesthe greater portion of follow htm further. It is easy to Slk of the inward lZl their however 15 COn- torments which must harrow up his soul, if after all SiUraDIp000. ' he is tho murderer of that "lone hapless girl;" but "enJ King nearly the whole of his gro what shall be said if all this while he is what the jury ce"es and hardware and many other goods de have declared him to be, not guilty? Have those stroyed loss $1,500. whose bowels of compassion i yearn over an abandon- Mr. John G. Marshall's and Mr. John C. lemaie, wno prooaoiy imea upine measure ot her Siedman's loss was but small mquitiea by an act of eelf-murder, no sympathies for I ' roan against whose previous character 100 witnes- j vumu onnfr irJ BC. ancSnuu, afio.wno ior nve sjl- a man named Lewis was arrested vester raoaths ha been hunted lrom place tdplace, or been davTnorninir nd rnm a ? arr!Slea eSlCr lyinr in a cheerless orison, the obiect of foul sWicion. ?i5'ad conim"ed to prison, on sus- nd almost popular vengeance? No doubt it is hetll F"av"S set the town on fire lb. ler to suffer innocently, than with the guilt of Cain Store Launch. A vessel was Ktelv launched at upon one' head; but whocan comprehend the feelinge Miramichi, which was 22 ho to 7 the kd away tiU K totoS IK th; 7 c " 1.:L,c ,uw 1UL u. V1 unu - r- ne V raotn durimr the whole of the u ,HU"ins- W may Ke w18 Pureal man ne at tne rate ot an nch and an eighth in mat HUa.km.tkJ L. I . I I I I I I . . m. . UUU till ClUUI UI ":,V":1U. TJ?11 m "Ie' aa? 1 mule 5 owners hope she will move faster as wuv.!wCf i mm see me myEsenous wins-1 ane grows older. Cholera in the West. This disease is pre vailing at Lexington, Ky. to a sufficient extent to produce a partial suspension of business. The number of deaths from the 2d to the even ing of the 5th was 27, mostly blacks. The deaths from 6 o'clock on the evening of the 5th to 4 o'clock P. M. on the 6th. amounted to ten, four white persons, among them Mrs. Scott, relict of the late Governor. At Nashville there were five burials on Saturday, 2d June, SUMMER. Who loves not Summer ? It is the tide of joy! The Sun, then, throws Out from his blue pavilion in the sky His richest rays, to feed the gladsome Earth. The Summer-time is Nature's festival, When earth and all its denizens rejoice; The winds are soft, and warm with sunshine: airs, Cozening the lilies ot their ripe perfume, Bear, on their essenced wings, marauding bees In many a swarm, on amorous foray bent Against the honeyed flowerage ! Gentle doves Coo in the Woods, or through the welkin winnow, Catching the sunlight on their painted pinions: And streams each like a beauteous cup-bearer Pour forth ecstatic draughts to quench the thirst Of the proud antler'd deer, and timid hare. The land is bright with flowers, that gladly lift Their fair heads to the day All, except one The modest harebell, in its pensive grace, Whose bells, intoxicated with the dew, Droop down abashed, ashamed to meet the Sun ! New Monthly Mag. rite, and womd accustom student s eyes to "fair hands fair cheeks, and many curling locks." But the important day at last close. and what shall we have at night a ball or a prayer-meeting? For my part, I prefer a ball. J. Tfnmtrlcr Yc ikp nf L-nnwIpiiTA la tn mnlfA ns 1 ivhnp ViiifMincr rharms npnmkpfl n mjitnritx r',T;.r t'""vj::z :ztL e r r i wo"M e tf.ihe.beaou,a that might -shake , f mv uu . ... ..u.z.ut, ui : statue 01 Love oy .rraxiieies vvneii us eyes were . loxicaieu, resiuems ;oi ncw-nrunswicK, weni bannaged, tne countenance seemeo grave ana saa, to the house of a respectable lady, where they but the moment you removed the bandage, the most knew a young man by the name of Kelsey, was serene and enchanting smile diffused itself over the in the habit of visiting, and knocking at the j wnoie iace.-CTereMjr. door very rudely, the lady appeard and re proved them, when they departed. They soon, however, came back, and inquired for Kel sey ; he came to the door, and after inquiry res pecting their business with him, approached to ascertain who they were. They held a hois ted umbrella before them, which he endeavour ed to raise, when one. of them gave him a blow upon the left templej He turned about, went into the house, and in fifteen minutes was cra zy. He died the following morning. The physicians unhesitatingly assert that the blow was the cause of his death. Opinions respecting the turpitude of the crime are various, nor can any correct conclu sion be formed, until the details of all the evi dence is brought forth. Three of them are in jail, and two of them were admitted to bail ! two are yet at liberty. DIED, At .his residence in the County of Duplin, in the 71st year of his age, the Rev. SAMUEL STAN FORD, late Faetorot the Presbyterian Church ot the Grove. Mr. Stanford, in early life, was actively engaged in the service of his country. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and appeared in action at the. Eutaw Springs, Not long after the close of the war he devoted himself to the Ministry of the Gospel, in the exercise of which he has continued for 40year$f PORT OF NEWBERN. - - FOR THE SENTINEL. COMMENCEMENT AT CHAPEL HILL. Whoever has been a student at the Univcr- ARRIVED, ' Schr. Mary, Chadwick, Martinico, I Cygnet, Lee, St. Martins. J CLEARED, Schr Convoy, Ludlam, fbr New York-. Pedee, Tolson, for New York, Lion, Hoxie, for New York. TO WJV MEE TIJVG PTUHE Citizens of the Town and County- are sity of our State, may well recollect the time JJ requested to meet at the Conrt House at when his breast throbbed at the approach 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, for the pur of the event at the head of our chapter. To a pose of appointing Delegates to the Converr- and four on Sunday. Francis Porterfield, an student, it was and is a day of grave import, "oa VTi 5? ? 8 r eminent mPfchant; nnH Jnsiah NirhnL Presi- r. : r n ir x v "' V""": -.iVrZ T , uie v wr w" d" y iIurinir wi 1 be ffiven bv the rin?mff of the be . rtcnt ri ho i s. Kranrn nan k. were amnntr i . - . . . . - o o - V . .. Vx r. tt. '., a 'r t.::o twelve months past) were made. Yet, it is to Newbern, Friday, 21st June, 1833. 6th, pronounces that place healthy. e expected that even in the mind of a gra- ; T iir duate, it loses in time, mucn it not all ot its im- juondon, may 10. , . T; . - . iT , i . portance. Other events, different circum It is ecnfidentlv reDorted in the leading cir- ' clcs at the West end of the town, that Mr. Bux- stances, present anxieties, tend to wipe off ton will this evening move as an amendment to the beauty or deformity of the past. And the ministerial plan of slave emancipation,'the sucn js maQj xbe gilded imaginings of youth, immediate aoom on oibiavery. m ; ithe present marvels then wrought by hope I wick, ex-under Secretary for the colonies. It and that breathless anxiety with which we once is also said that Mr. Maryatt will move an expected coming events, are contemplated by amendment to Mr. Buxton's amendment, ha- manhood, with frigid disregard. Schemes which ving for its object; compensation to the slave Lke a wider SCQpe and involve more serious The excitement on the West India question consequences, completely displace the conside has much diminished since yesterday, and the ration of the past, and absorb all the energies belief gains ground that some compromise will Gf the soul. And when the prime of life has! take place between the opposite parties. The fled and mTgea into lhe TOOre sombre period! resu 01 to-mgni s aeuaie, , """" of "silvery age," the hopes and fears of flour- h v nil with mnrh nnvietV. I 4 i - ishing manhood are alternately viewed with! Parliamentary Oratory-" Sir," continued cooi COntemnt. The bold and asnirino-imno-i. 1 Mr. Jones, "I will not waste the incalculably f thful f resume a mellow valnahlp time nf the house (a ceneral cry of . . J ujbiiuw henr-Kv nnV observations of an irrelevant xmc i& ueauiuuny mus- . ' J J ... 1 .L. .1 i . V... flnntkn .-r.V..s i t at once proceeu 10 me sw iraweu uy uucmic hhcu lat auvaucea in years : AUCTION. Will be sold at Anctiou, TNN Saturday the 22d inst. at 11 o'clock. A. M, in frontof the Subscriber's 8tbre. A VARIETY OF E2BDXCSNES, Clothes and Furniture Brushes. Paint, Horse and Hair do. Cinnamon, Indigo, Gold Leaf Ink Powder Glass Inkstands, Macassar Oil, j: Marble and If on Mortars- 1 Dry Virdigris, 6lc. 6ct. ALS0 A collection of valuable MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLET And a few copies of Scotts Life of Constitutionalist. Terms of Sale, Cash. HENRY DEWEY, AwMr Newbern, June 21, 1833. tendency, but will J - ft iect of the debate, ithe diabolical, the irte des- - -i ! lIT troying tendency oi tne slave iraae. v nMr and a lanirhA Can he who turtures his fellow He ucaiurco UC i auniu v.. may wear the form of a man, but his kindness sir. T shnnld verv much question. (A laugh, and nnn ther couffh. The conduct of him who beats his slave beats any thing. (Question, question.) Gentlemen may cry question, but it won't answer. I win neuner uc uutwewum ously taken up, or rudely put down, by any one of you." Englisn paper. The editor of the Colonist, St. John's New Again it comes, a long unwonted feeling, A wish for that calm, solemn phantom land, My song is swelling now, now lowly stealing, Like JEoPs harp by varying breezes fanned, Tears follow tears, my weaknesses revealingj And silent shudders show a heart unmanned, Dull forms of daily life before me flee, The past, the past alone is true to roe. But let us not ramble from our subject. Why, it may be asked, is eommencemem a - such respect and regard to a stuuem In ano i ne euuor oi t,-i; its name; ior inougt Brunswick, after mentioning the prosperity of Pa"y because .t ' conO .. , a k ; 1 ti i monment, it is in iruiu mcluiiliu tne uniteu oia : """5 impjuvc- ments in the different cities, thus sketches the condition of the working classes in St. John's : " Our city crushed and trodden down by a few grasping, yet mistaken monopolists, is sinking into that nothingness from which it so for though called commencement, 7m of a Ion an laborious session ther sense, however, it is a "commencement," since therefrom begin the pleasant hours of a six weeks' vacation. Of course then the word commencement" is- associated in; the mind, of Taxes ! Taxes !! Taxes !!4 rrrtHE Inhabitants of Craven County are J hereby notified, that I have received from the Clerk the List of Taxables for the year 1832, and will attend at my Office, every .flay during the ensuing month of July, (Sundays excepted,) for the purpose of receiving them. f-There are many who are in areats for Taxes listed in 1831 ; they are requested to II - 1 AX. A I 1 can anu suuie wiuun ine aooye-mentionert time, otherwise their property will be adverti sed and sold as the law directs. ' THOMAS J. PASTEUR, Sh June 1, 133. NOTICE. FTHHE Subscriber will attend hi frr JLL on the Old County Wharf, ty working Days in July, iofZ District list of taxable property N"f,oWLER. Juncf Sir 18.

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