n NOBTICA EO t, 1 H A SIS MTI N H2 1. THE CHOICE. From Ackerman's Forget Me Not. Now take thy choice, thou maiden fair, Of the gifts thy lovers bring; The one has brought thee jewels fair, The other flowers of spring. The maiden watched the rubies glow, And wreathed them in her hair; Tut heavy they pressed upon her brow, Like the weight of secret care. The gems that bound her forehead high, Might have lighted a diadem ; Yet pale grew her check, and dim her eye Her heart was not with them. 1 And ever an inward pulse would stir, When she saw a'spring flower wave ; TJut never again did they bloom tor her, Till they bloomed upon her grave ! She's borne ta her -grave with purple pall, And scaitcl.eon, and waving plume; . One followed-r-thc. saddest one of al l ' And threw flowers oyer her tomb. L. E. L. : MATRIMONIAL LAV. The editor of the Hosion l ranscripws a tie man lorying Jn his bachelorship,.-: He, gdesrSrUi from " fair to iairV well received and well ehtefuined, because he has hot yet passed 1,-nr. Af hnnn: andwhile he continues on the fence vhh regard to matrimony, he occasion allv drops a crumb on either side, so that wheu hc'shali jump, he "may be decently received. ThC, following is Extracted from a recent num ber of his paper. We beg leave to add that there is no law in Pennsylvania prohibiting a man from beating a wife. For the'same rea son, we imagine, that, a legislator of olfl refused to add to his code a penalty for parricide. "Touching the marriage contract, we have a word of consolation for the feminine moiety of the conjugated, worthy their remembrance. A large portion of -the sex have.been "frighted from their propriety" by a nonsensical belief founded on the excathedral assertion oi a mar velously learned, ancient and fish-like Judge of the British Realm, that a man has by nature, a riht perfect and indisputable, to annoint his woman with a rod, provided always it be no biager than his thumb. The whole story is ridiculous, and not worth one moment's consideration. It may be Com mon Law in Old England, but it is positively against the Statute Law of New England and so conscientious were our gallant and chival rous forefathers in this respect, that the very first section of the chapter of recorded acts re-snectin"- marriages and married persons pro vides that no man shall strike his wife, nor any woman her husband, (mark that latter clause 'ire damsels) on penalty of such fine not exceed ng ten pounds, (currency of those times, say about $33 33) or such coporal punishment as ihe court shall determine. This law was passed in 1G50 has never been repealed, and is'worthy of all rehiembranee." From the Boston Atlas. l ft was an old saying, I remember, when I play ed pawpayi for marbles in State street and a boy was very lucky the others would cry out hang him how he nicks, 'em'. But this is noth jn,f to the Brown nick that has taken place lately. How imperceptibly does age steal on us and ve are considered old and advanced even before we know it. About two years since, in a neigh bouring town, I met an old lady and her daugh ter who had, as we often see, stockings and socks for sale. I asked the price and was ex amining them, when the daughter spoke up and said, mother, perhaps the old gentleman will take the two pair, if you will put them so and so. I shall never forget the sensation I felt at) this first sound of old gentleman. I strongly reprimanded the young lady tor calling me old, and tellingherl believed it was customary with; the French to consider nobody old but the Old Harry 1 passed it oflf as well as I could. A iew days after, il being winter, there came by mo one afternoon a large party of young men, one of whom I overheard to say, 'why there is old Mr. " 'Gone,' says I to myself, 'hook and line: 1 must give up the ship and consider myself an old man.' Singular.- -A late London paper contains a JMter from Hungary, under the date of 8th August, which states that the country had been deluged, by an almost incessant rain from July 2d. On August 4, atdaybreak, the weath- er appeared to oe cteanng up, uui at miu-uay the sun became completely obscured, as if by an eclipse, and five minutes afterwards a globe uf fire as large as a carriage-wheel appeared in the west, and moving in a serpentine course, broke against the mountains, with a tremen dous explosion. It was immediately followed j,y a torrent of rain that inundated the whole country. The atmosphere became extremely :old, and on the 16th, the Alps were covered with snow. Poisonous Beads. Those heautiful red seeds - with a black spot, brought fronlndia, which are some si nies worn as ornaments of dress, are said by the na tives to be so dangerous, that the half of one of them ia sufficiently poisonous to destroy a man. .This ac ount, however, seems to exceed probability ; but that they h?.ve a very prejudicial -quality, 1 have no doubt, ;or within my own knowledge I have seen an extra ordinary effect of t he poison of one of these peas. A -o;r woman who had some ollhem given to her, and a ho d'ul not choose to be at the expense of having uuMTi drilled to make a necklace, put the seeds into Uot Water till they were .sufficiently soft to be per forated with a large needle; in performing this operation, she accidentally wounded her hnger, which scon swelled and became very painful, to the Whole hand t and it. wna ;i rrm.lorcKIa ;rQ kofXro .no recoverr.1 the use d it. The botanical name of the plant that produces this pea is Abrusd prccalari s Elements of Science of Botonv. as estnhlishpd irj fjinJicr.es. TREMENDOts EXPLOSION . All explosion! Of a, powder magazine tonic rt i l .U k fe luutv place at Puebla, South America, onthe22d of 'A ii trust bv which 120 of the workmen were AllgUSl, uy ,4t,:K, t"l r" ffe killed. The Catastrophe IS attributed to five . i: rrlim irnrp taken and are to be executed i-nranst.'.WMfl rrp ,ul c lultcw' uiet1 Tin and Sheet-Iron A. m W A''0; g) o Jfc BOOTH & POHTEB.S TTD ESPECTFULLY inform their customers 1BX and friends generally, that they conti nue to keep at their old stand, near the Court House, a full and complete assortment of Till W are both plain and Japan'd; also r-w- ter ware. Tin nlate. CooDer and Sheet Iron, and Brass and Iron wire, where they continue ' i . . i to manufacture all the various articles in their line of business. Orders thankfully received and nn nr.tunllv trended to. Job work done r.. as usual. N. B. Gilbert Tuller, is appointed and will art as arent in the absence of the parties, and is dulv authorised and empowered to transact all necessary business. BOOTH & PORTERS. Newbern, Sept. 13. 1833. New Goods. nn AS just returned from New York, with JJ.JLL a general assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, & & lasswa ANONG which are Handsome printed Muslins, Light fancy Prints, Pink striped and coloured Ginghams, Plain -and figured Book Muslins, Plain and figured Swiss do. Jaconets, Cambric, and Mull do. Embroidered Crape Handkerchiefs, Figured" Gauze do. Fancy Silk do. Ladies bordered do, White Lace Veils, worked Muslin Capes ; PAMCY GOODS. Just received, per Schooner Convoy, Umbrellas, Parasols, Dunstable Bonnets, Muslins, Belts and Gloves, Rich figured Gros de Naples, for bonnets, Crape de Chine Shawls, Gauze Handkerchiefs, Coloured. Gros de Naples, Ponges, &,c. 6lc. All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices by J. VAN SICKLE. NOTICE. A T a Meeting- of the Commissioners AA of the Town of Newbern, on Wednes day the 23rd October, 1833, the following Ordinances wrere passed : First. Be it Ordained by the Commis sioners oi newDern, inai me owner or owners of a front lot or front lots, or of a part or parts of a front lot or front lots, in the Town of f TVT 1 , 1 . , 1. Newbern, and which is or are, in whole or part, overflowed with water, shall erect or build on said lot or lots, or on said part or parts of said l . Im 1?J I i 1 n l ioi or iois, a souu wuari or wnarves oi sucn extent as by the Commissioners shall be di reeled. Second. Be it further ordained, That any owner or owners of any front lot or lots, or of anv nart nr narts of anv front lot. or lots whiVi is or are, in whole or in part, overflowed with j j , r j water, and woo shall refuse or neglect, for the space of ten days after notice received from the Commissioners of Newbern, to commence and continue to build, until finished, such wharf or wharves, of such extent as may be directed by said Commissioners, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for each and every day which he, she or they may continue to neglect 01 refuse to comply with this ordinance, to be re, covered by warrant, in the name of the Com missioners of Newbern, before the Intendant of Police of said Town. By Order of the Commissars. T. G. S. ELLIS, Clerk. WILL BE S O L I) AT ihe Court House in Kinston, Lenoir County, on' the 5th day of December next, p. negro man who calls himself BROWN, and declares himself to be the property of Alexander Soloman, a resident in the West India Islands. He lias been confined twelve months in the Jail of Lenoir County, and no tice is hereby given to the owner, that unless he comes forward, proves his property, and pays charges, he will be sold on the day above mentioned, according to the law in that case made and provided, JOHN DAVIS, Sh'ff. Kinst s u 5 1S33 --- F.OIII.Y STEAMERS. Ti subscriber has obtained- the right ,f rend ing' in the Counties of Craven, Jones, Carteret &Hyde, CELEBRATED FAMILLY STEAMEH, For Steaming Bedsteads, Rooms, &c. This article is admirably adapted to the uses for which it is intended, and families will find it to their advantage to avail themselves of its benefits. Persons disposed to purchase, are invited to call and examine the machine, at the Washington Hotel, where it may be seen in succeisful operation. JOSEPH BELL.- From the Nashville Banner. FAMILY STEAMER. Scarcely hav we ev r seen a little appa ratus so aitmir.ttny adptetl lor its sinp icitv, its easy app iration, ami its various and important usts, U the' c: venience and cimfort of the neat and industrious bouse-wife, as ibat wh-rh ha recently lallen under our notice with ihe alMve Appropriate title. It is a portable stetin generator, who e principal olject is to assist in crea ting and preserving cleanliness, tooestroy nia us instvis and ver min, and to prevet t thei increase. It is used without Iruuli e or inconvenience, and supercedes the annoyinc applicatio of waier in many cases That vexatious but imli pensa'.le ceremony, which is aflT all too often infffec ual. the cleania f edsieads, may le performe1 most tborujhl by ihe Hid i l' this apparatus, without taking them a art or removing litem, ;i d with ut the slightest in jury to Ibe floor or cirp-t Uj-on wht. b they stand N t a bug or other insect c -impossibly escape the -enrcbinjr and destructive power of this instrument. For clea.in In nitui e, reniovi-gr spots from ! Daint, purifying varnish, cleaning windows ;ind lookina-glasses, i . - jtm it ia nnsl r.omnletelv Rdauted. I tc nom. .icture irames. mnKs, ..',--:- t tuaily removed, It may le useiul, too, to destroy worm-, which so often infest fruit trees, without injurirg tbe tre.s themsem s .- and . K'.n VK-Sihrkiit i.npfltnor th mp.it. In I Penlial faiuiiv opernt ions" bich, while h-y contribute to neatness, bea lib, and corolo: I are so otte tull of tru,,,e and vexation to the matron, aud to all about ber it is an in ost invaS introduced in;o -.1 use, w. have no doubt it wiiirkan. .n themlr,"l-J indispensable articles of housewifery It cap ble l.kewise ofbeing employed in manv cookine operatl - i- preatadvan.agee 11 W,U' for xamP' boileVgs or potatoes win. -rent ease, and m a. most exccUent manner. The price is wi!y firedplir. M Ell CHAM" TAILOR, . AS returned from New "otk With a handsome addition to his Stock. He nn has the pleasure of informing his customers that the large and fashionable assortment of FALL AND WINTER which he has just imported is superior to any wrncn ne ever betore ottered to the public, and W i i i . - . . ... , i has never been surpassed in this market, Among his New' Goods, are the following-arti CLOTHS. Imperial Blue, Supf. Olive Brown, Black, Olive, Dahlia, Mulberry, Plum, Steel-Mixed, Supf. Woaded," Invisible Green, Rifle do, Russell Brown, . it CASSIMERES. Black-Ribbed, Polish-Mixed, Diagonal striped, Grey do. Blue do. Drab do. Do. plain, Black do. StriPed' TESTINGS. Tinsel Velvet, Silk, various cols. Satin, do- do. Silken Kersey, BufTCassimere, White do. Plain Black, Nankin colored. Figured do. Plain do. Woollendo. Fig'd Valencia, kPlain do. . Tamboured, CAMLETS, &. Goat's hair, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gum Elastic Suspen ders,. &c. Blue, Bro wn, Hoskin Gloves, Which, together with' his former Stock, rendefjhis asssortment very attractive. W. D. is -rep-ularlv advised of the changes of Fashion, and constantly employs first rate workmen. These advantages, with his experience and attention to business, ena ble him to promise entire satisfaction to those who favour him with their orders. Newbern, 4th Oct. 1833. Q FRANCIS J. PRENTISS, MERCHANT TAILOR, TT ESPECTFULLY informs the publick JaS that he has commenced business in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Charles Stew art, on Pollok-street, a few doors west of the State Bank. F. J. P. has just returned from New York with a choice sel etion of goods in his line, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING . CliOTH:. Super Blue, " Black, Super Blue, Black, Green, Dahlia, Adelaide, Rifle Green, Invisible do. Olive, Mulberry, Steel-mixed, Petersham, Drab, Mulberry, Plum, Stripped, Corded, Dark-mixed, Light, do. it it tt tt ALSO- Hats, Stocks, Suspenders, Cravats, Cravat Stif feners, Bosoms, Linen Collars, &c. 6lc, all of J which will be sold low for Cash. Clothing of all descriptions made in the I firct tvlf on short, notir.n. I i ' - - Orders from a distance wiTl be thankfully ceived and promptly attended to. Newbern,20th Sept. 1833. Selling off at Cost ! t The subscriber having determined to bring his business to a close, offers for sale, AT NEW YORK PKICES. An extensive and fashionable assortment of CLO THSCA SSTMERES,&c, AMONG WHICH ARB Superfine Blue, Black, Brown own,"! m, I Invisible Green, KihV (jree Russell Brown, Olive Brown, CLOTHS. Dahlia, Mulberry, Plum, & Steel" mixed Superfine Black, Blue, ) CASSIMEIfES. Grey,. Drab and Mixed PI ESTINGS B kin coloured - J Superfine Hats, Gum-elastic Suspenders, Stocks, Fashionable Gloves, &c. fcc, He continues to conduct the Tailoring busi ness ; and having a number of first rate work men, is prepared to execute orders for Clothing in the most expeditious and satisfactory man ner. . EDWARD C. O. TINKER. Newbern, 25th Oct., 1833. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Duplin County, IN E Q, U IT Y . September Term, A. D. 1833. W. Ochletrec vs. Thomas Wright and Alfred Beck. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the LL Court that Alfred Beck, one of the defen dants in this cause, is a resident of another State, and that the process of this Court has riot and can not be served upon him ; it is there fore ordered that the said Alfred Beck be and appear before the next Court of Equity to be held for the County of Duplin, at the Court House in Kenansille, on the fourth Monday of March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint of Wrilliam Ochletree, the complainant, or the same shall be taken pro confesso as to him, and set for hearing. It is further ordered, that advertisement of this order be made for six successive weeks in the North Carolina Sentinel. - WILLIAM MILLER, C. 31. E. D. C. i i i l r i i i i urn in, ' I LL be given for likely young Negroes of both sexes, from one to 6 years of age. JOHN GILD KSLEEVE. tSf OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly executed at this Office. Figured Velvet, linsel and, J ain (littb, Tamboured, Silk I xr uflf, White Cassimereand Nan- TTTTAS just received from New York IjEl tensive supply of STAPLE AND FA1JCY ta-v si m & 'ch he will sell at reduced prices. ALSO ON HAND, Afew bbls. Prime PORK, and LARD in kegs suitable for family use. S.J LI ! SALT!! BUSHELS Salt, just recei ved and for sale by J. C. & M. STEVENSON. Qcjober 4th, 1833. I A rreWfl?Pnef capable oi carry in g 350 barrels. 'ftjsl built of good materials, and can be pucliaiedrbiv reasonable terms, by ann v ncr trt'V . "! New River; Onslow Co. Oct. 10, 8833. 'wi NOTI(JE- B O 01 H L P OR TER fTHAKEi this method to inform the public U -freneiallv, that they have taken JAMES PORTER into copartnership, and that their ; business will in future be conducted under tne mime and firm Booth and Porters, SILAS C. BOOTH, EDWIN PORTER, JAMES PORTER. Newbern, Sept. 13, 1833. BOOTH & P RTERS, M VE just received, per schr. Trent, from New York, an extensive and general assorimeiuoi ; . HULLUW VVAKJii, vi i nw I? 17 A IVT riTTIT ."R WY Among their assortment may be found the following articles, viz : Pots, Bake-Pans, Spiders, with and without covers, Tea-Kettles, Dish-Kettles, and com- positton Sauce-Pans, Trivets and Cast-Iron Mortars, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Fry- :T5r.e rti-Jrtloa r.riirnn ml.Irnnc Wnf. aw ' j t- x? tiii Metal Kettles, Knives and Forks, Carvers and S;eels. Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives, Shears l1 Scissors, plated Tea and Table Spoons Britania do., iron tinM Tea and Table do., common and Cast-Iron Coffee-Mills, fancy and common Bellows, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Knitting, pack and pound Pins, R. Hemings &. Sons's Needles, fancy Fruit Dishes, Bread 11 T.T Ti ,1 ! i uiib, xvuiie a ra unu waneis, ui supejiui quamy, xvazors anu ivazor oiraps, noun ooxes, tt 1 tt 5. O.J..TI1 .jua v mim ijwACS anu uiusiics, ijkisd ciiu nun Pad Licks, brass, iron and tin Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Dressing Boxes, Nurse and Stand Lamps, Signal, rMage, Sulky and Pocket Lanterns, Lead Pencils and Steel Pens, gilt, pearl, ivorv, horn, wood and bone But tons, Britania CoiTee Urns, do. Coffee and Tea Pots, ' do. Slop .Bowls, Milk Cups and Tumblers, do. Soup Ladles, also pewter Dish es, Basins and Plates, brass and pewter Fau cets aud Molasses Gates, patent Balances, Scales and Scale Beams, Steel Yards, Weights and Measures, steel and plated Spurs, Brazilian Tuck and Side Combs, Dressing, Pocket and fine Ivory do., Opadeldoc, JJaleman's Drops, British Oil, Lee's Pills, Essence of Pepper mint, do. Cinnamon and Lemon. ALSO, Patent Reflecting Lamps, a very superior article for lighting Churches -Cast and Sheet Iron Stoves and Stove Pipes, Foot Stoves, Wrapping Paper, and a fresh supply of ground Pepper, &c, ckc. 6lc. The above Goods will be sold at a small advance from cost. x Newbern, 1 3th Sept., 1833. TREASURY DEPAR i ME i April 12th, 1833. . pTN the late conflagration of the Treasury JJ building, nearly all the correspondence the, Secretary of the Treasury, fronrthe estab lishment of.the Department to the 3lst March, 1833, was destroyed including, as well the original letters and communications addressed to tip Secretary af the Treasury, as the records of the letters and communications written bv him. With a view to repair the loss, as as maybe practicable, all officers of the United States, are requested to cause copies to be pre pared, and authenticated by them, of any let ters (excepting those hereinafter alluded to, which they may at any time have written to) or received from, the Secretary of the Treasu ry ; and all those who have been in office, and other individuals throughout the United States, are invited to do the same. That this corres pondence may be arranged into appropriate books, it is Requested that it be copied on fo lio foolscap paper, with a sufficient margin on all sides to admit of binding, and that no more than one letter be contained on a leaf. It is also requested, that the copies be written in a plain and distinct or engrossing hanH. Where the original letter can be spared it would be preferred. The reasonable expense incurred in copying the papers now requested, not ex ceeding the rate of ten cents for every hundred words, will be defrayed by the Department. The correspondence which has been saved, and of which, therefore, no copies are desired, are the records of the letters written by the Secretary of the Treasury to Presidents ami Cashiers of Banks, from tbe 1st October, 1819, to the 20th February, 1833; all the correspon dence relating to Revolutionary claims under the act of 15th May, 1828, and to claims ol Virginia officers to half pay, under the act of 5th July; 1832; and to applications for the be nefits of the acts of ihe 2d March, 1831, ami 14th July, 1832, for the relief of certain insol vent debtors of the United States. Copies of some circular letters and instructions, written by (he Secretary, have also been preserved an I it is requested that, before a copy be ma ie of any circular letter or instruction, written by the Secretary of the Treasury, the date and ob ject of the circular be first slated to the Depart ment, and its wishes on the subject ascertained. LOUIS McLANE, Secretary of the Treasury J M. (iRAVAi t t, , AL just received per schr T w York, the tLl' ! I,s- splendid Painted Musl.n, 4 " embossed colored a new and el Uiriiii,. 1 1 1 1 1 .... . t . 4 " nlain whilp l 1 t)ink florf -nrp. d,i. 0 ' Moscheto Nettinir. 3 hhds. light brown Muscov 10 bbls. ado 8u it do. gar. 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee r 4 r., 4 do. " liiiiir vuua uo. 5 f -Laguira d0 10 boxes Patent Mould Candles 30 bbls. New York Canal Flour' t f red brand,) r' (Beach'a They- have also on hand 05 bbls. Mess Pork, U' 83 44 Prime do. 2,000 bushels Turks Island Salt All of which, in addition assortment of Dry Goods rvX,fnsive &C. &C. they offer at a md.V?tn. the cost, " ttUVnce0n Newbern. 30th May. NEW GOODS 1115! A. r iJtM.. MAS just returned ' froov? . general assortment f rk tha GROCERIES HARDWARE, CUTLERY. CRockpt. GLASSWARR a . LKERV The fnlln T -. I . ' " wmVrme (t mrf of hi to t Tea, Champaigne, in qt. ami Gunpowder jadei 1 pt. bottles, Impcriaf, Hyson, Souchong-, ra, Naples, Lisbon, rouciiontr reneriffe, Sugars, Loaf& Lump, White Hava'iia, Brown, various qual llts r?raaa, Sherry, Country. pnirM-rr , , Cc B!nY ( Filberts, supe- Madeira nt p , 1 . Jt . a Almonds. J0,J Jamaica Rum. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon. iitm. ?P?lr,or llo,15"d.Gi,lj VVS0"011 Whiskey Pepper, .Spire. Fruits. t,' V ':u,11 "4 l"'"0111 es Citron, Currants PRESERVED GINfiER, PINE APPLES. Do. 7 . 0, LIMES. uunu--nuui, irostim Butter Chcno I .Viiinm. V A . , ' i ii&u JIHCVIC(111 Scr(tri qu I . . J, periar VhMrin.tr T,.Lr,, n iv hip ho AHQi.olA...r ;i VZuL 'n0,T,f r cos'' '''"tryProJc. at his Store on Pollok-street. December 3d, 1832. JUST RKC 'ETTrTT " Per schooner Select, from Xeir York il lbs. SEINE TWINE, s, mi J-L q 1 dozen SCYTHES, 1 do. SICKLES, and 3 do. Long Bitted AXES, For Sale by JOHN PITTMAN. FRESH GOO Ob. Has just received per Schooner select PIECES 3-4 bleached Sheetings, 5 do 7-8 do i Shirtings, 7 do 4-4 do do. 1 piece super black Groide Berlint And a few peices fine Irish Limn, All of which will be sold verv low. Green Sutjdam, of COACH AND GIG MAKERS. H ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and th? public, that they ha ve removed to the V Building opposite to Bell's Hotel, where they have made extensive arrangements far the further prose cution of their business in the Construction, Rep-' nfj Trimming, and Painting of COACHES BAROUCHES, &IGS. PAN N EL AND PLAIN, LIGHT WAGONS, &C. &C. Beini?. as thev believe, perfectly acquainted r far the making and finishing of these articles, they gentlemen wishing to procure them, to applv K i son orhy letter under the full assurance that tne orders will be executed with the utmost despatch a -to their entire satisfaction. y They will keep a full supply of all the maten in their line of business, arid be prepared at alu' ' to make and finish in the neatest and most appl et vie, Coaches, Barouches, Gigs, &c. upon verj rt- osnable terms. Newbern March 15, 1833. , STATE OK iOKTH CAKOLI Jone County In Equity. Sept. Term, Emanuel Jarman, Adm'r. of Len-is 3lorr-- tersvs Susanna Scott, and others. I"N pursuance of an order made if this" 5; . at this Term, notice is hen .1 V g1" . Richard Morris, Durant Hatch, Adnil.m ' ; of John Morris, and James Morris, wnoi reside in tbis State ; and also to the oil , fendants, that depositions to be rea d hearing of the cause on behalf ol de j dants who claim as the uext ol km ' f mother of Lewis Morris, will he .taken Court-House in Trenton, North ( arc' ' the 4th, 5th and 6th days of Novenh t ' WILLIAM DL'MA One of the defendants September 5th, 1833. LOST. ed by Elizab;f A NOTE of Hand smneM t Machen, SaJlv Banks and c Machen, for Twentv-FiTe Dollars, dalc tf. September, 1833, and payahle three .if after date. The public are "u"-.--- trading for said Note, as measure j,, c have taken to prevent its payment to any he rightful owner.

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