O ii T M CAROLINA SENT 1 1 JH t, . NJEW GOODS. TTUST received, per schr. Trent, a large! QlS ana complete assortment ot rsv vvy rr- VF t'onslstins in part of the following Article"Vix J Blue, black and mixed Cloths Claret, green, brown and Drab do. Blue, drab and striped Cassimeres Blue, grey and Cadet mixed Satinetts . Redrwhite, green, and yellow Flannels Drab Kerseys, Petershams, Negro Cloths Super black Italian Lutestrings Black and colored Gros dcNaples Pink, white, green and blue Florence Black and colored Italian Crapes Plain and figured Bobbinets Do. do. Swiss Muslin Jaconct,ambric and Mull do. Plain, figured, Book and Cross-bar do. 6-4 colored English Merinoes, very superb o-o and J-4 Circassians . Black Serge do. Bombazettes, Thibet Wool, Cashmere & Marino Shawls Prussian and English Marino do. Gauze, Silk and Crape Hhdkfs. Thread and Bobbinet Laces and Footings Do. do. ' do. . Edgings Linerrt, Lawns and Cambric Linen Cambrics, Silk and Cotton Hhdkfs. also A very large and splendid assortment of CALICOKS. BJue and brown Domestics and Shirtings 4-4 & 6-4 Bcdticks, Padding, and Canvass Apron and furniture Checks, Russia Diaper Tlose, duffle and point Blankets Blk and col'rd Cambricks, Super Valencia Vesting Marseilles and Swansdown Vesting, and Wadding Corded Skirts, Cotton and Worsted Hosing Gloves, bonnet, belt and cap Ribbons Carved and plain, shell tuck and side Combs Brazilian, tuck, side and dressing Combs Spool cotton, cotton Balls Tapes, Pins Hooks and eyes, Coat, Vest and Suspen der Buttons, &c &c. j . All of which will be sold at tlnfe lowest cash prices bv JOHN VAN SICKLE. Newbern. Oct. 11, 1833. . CHEAP STORE. BOOTH & POTERS, TOT AVE just received, per schr. Trent, from XQ-L New York, an extensive and general 1 ) assortment of HOLLOW WARE, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Among their assortment may be found the following articles, viz : Pots, Bake-Pans, Spiders, with and without covers. Tea-Kettlcs, Dish-Kettles, and com position Sauce-Pans, Triyets and Cast-iron Mortars, Andirons, Shovels and l ongs, rry-ing-Pans, Griddles, Gridirons, Sad-irons, Waf-fte-Irons and Cast-iron Furnaces, also Bell Metal Kettles, Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives, Shears and Scissors, plated Tea and Table Spoons Britania do., iron tin'd Tea and Table do., common and Cast-Iron Coffee-Mills, fancy and common vBellows, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Knitting, pack and pound Pins, R. Hemings &, Sons's Needles, fancy Fruit Dishes, Bread Pans, Knife Trays and Waiters, of superior quality, Razors and Razor Straps, Snuff Boxes, Shaving Boxes and Brushes, Brass and Iron Pad Lojcks, brass, iron and tin Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Dressing Boxes, Nurse and Stand Lamps, Signal, tage, Sulky and Pocket Lanterns, Lead Pencils and Steel Pens, gilt, pearl, ivory, horn, wood and bone But tons, Britania Coffee Urns, do. Coffee and SEW AHffl 6SBSo ! HAS just received a new sup ply of Gentlemen's fine Calf-skin Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Pumps, Ladies Gaiter Boots, Ladies Prunella, Morocco, and Seal-skin Bootees, Shoetees, Shoes and Slippers, Children's Prunella, Morocco and Leather Bootees and Shoes, Coarse Boots, Bootees and Shoes, India Rubber Shoes, Men's, Boys and Children's Caps and Hats. Nov. 1st. 1833. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have entered into copart nership for the purpose of transacting mercantile business, under the firm of HATCH and SEARS. JAMES HATCH, WILLIAM . SEARS. Newbern, October 23d. '8-3. NEW GOODS. HATCH 4- SEARS nn AVE just returned from New York, and 11 LI are now opening at their Store on Pol 1 lok-street, formerly occupied by Alonzo T. J Oil ft A. C AS just returned from New York with a general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY," CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c. The following articles comprise apart of his Stock Teas. Wines. Tea Pots, do. Slop Bowls, Milk Cups and champaigne, in qt. and Tumblers, do. Soup Ladles, also pewter Dish- pt. bottles, es, Basins and Plates, brass and pewter Fau- qjj Madeira, cets aud Molasses Gates, patent Balances, pjC0) do. Scales and Scale Beams, Steel Yards, Weights TapieS) and Measures, steel and plated Spurs, Brazilian LjSDOni Tuck and Side Combs, Dressing, Pocket and reneriffe, fine Ivory do., Opadeldoc, Bateman's Drops, Drv Malaga, British Oil, Lee's Pills, Essence of Pepper- sherry, mint, do. Cinnamon and Lemon. Country. also, Licmors. Patent Reflecting Lamps, a very superior Coffniac Brandy (supe- article for lighting Ufiurcnes Lasi ann nneei rior qUality) -Iron Stoves and Stove Pipes, Foot Stoves, pparv, ,i0. Wrapping Paper, and a fresh supply of ground old jamaica Rum, Pepper, 6cc. 6lc. &c. The above Goods will be sold at.a small advance from cost. Newbern, i3th Sept., 1833. TIN AND SHEET-IRON IMg 4k V 15? M. 0) TO CT T w, BOOTH & POUTERS Tm ESP1 -CTFULLY inform their customers LTV, and friends generally, that they conti- Tf fT ft 'It . H nue to keep at their old stand, near the lourt A VSJT JLJ & V House, a full and complete assortment of Tin Gunpowder Imperial, Hyson, Souchong, Pouchong Sugars. Loaf & Lump, White Havana, Brown, various qual. Nuts. Filberts, Madeira Nuts, Almonds. Spices. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs Pepper, Spice. " Fruits. slCiti EMANUEL CERTAIN, At his Store on Craven-street, Jive doors below the Bank of Newbern, and adjoining the Pump, IIns just returned from New York with a general assortment ot R EA DYMADECLO TH AG, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUT LERY, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, IRON, SALT, &c. &c. All of which he will sell low for cash. FIRST QUALITY Spanish smoking .Tobacco For sale as above. Newbern, Nov. 8, 1833. J M. GRANADE, & CO. MAVE just received per schr. Trent, from New York, thefollowing articles, viz 7 ps. splendid Painted Muslins, 4 " embossed colored Furniture Dimity, a new and elegant article, 4 " plain white do. do. 1 " pink Florence, 50 " Moscheto Netting, 3 hhds. light brown Muscovado Sugar, 10 bbls. " " do. do. 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee, 5 44 prime Cuba do. 5 44 Laguira do. iO boxes Patent Mould Candles, 30 bbls. New York Canal Flour, (Beach's red brand,) They have also on hand, - Jbbls. Mess Pork, 83 "-- Prime do. 2,000 bushels Turks Island Salt, All of which, in addition to their extensive assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &C &C. they offer at a moderate advance on the cost. . MERCHANT TAILOR, MAS returned from New York with a handsome addition to his Stock. He has the pleasure of informing his customers that the large and fashionable assortment of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, which he has just imported is; superior to any which he ever before offered td the public, and has never been surpassed jn this market. Among his New Goods, are the following articles: CLOTHS. Imperial Blue, 4 Black, Supf. Woaded, 44 Invisible Green, 44 Rifle do. Russell Brown, it Black-Ribbed, Drab do. Do. plain, Black do. Striped, Supf. Olive Brown, Olive, Dahlia, Mulberry, Plum, Steel-Mixed, Ware both plain and Japan'd; also Pew ter ware, Tin plate, Copper and Sheet Iron, and Brass and Iron wire, where they continue to manufacture all the various articles in their line of business. Orders, thankfully received and punctually attended to. Job work done as usual. N. B. Gilbert Tuller, is appointed and will act as agent in the absence of the parties, and is duly authorised and empowered to transact all necessary business. BOOTH & PORTERS. Newbern, Sept. 13. 1833.. PALL A1TD WI IT T EH GOODS. JOHft CHARLOTTE MAS just returned from New York and is now opening his FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery Glassware, Groceries, &c. AMONG HIS ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND Rose and Point Blankets, Calicoes, various qualities, Satinetts, Kerseys, Linseys &o Sagathies, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, White, red, scarlet and green Flannels Ticking, Diapers, and Spun Cotton, 2 cases Gentlemens' fashionable Hats, Ladies' Leather, Morocco and Prunella Shoes and Boots, Heavy Brogans, fine ditto. also Loaf, Lump and Brown Sugars, Coffee and Tobarco, Hyson and Gunpowder Teas, Liquors, Iron, Spices, &c. All of which are fresh and will be sold low. TURKS ISLAND SALT. 1 fiflO bushe,s Turks Island SALT, just received per British schooner Fame, and for sale by J. M. GRANADE, & CO. ALSO, In addition to their general assortment of Fall and Winter supply of Goods, 1000 bushels IRISH POTATOES, 100 " Freedom's" PATENT PLOUGHS, 30 casks STONE LIME. Nov 8 Superior Holland Gin, Old Monong. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Porter in q t.&c pt. bottlesCitron, Currants PRESERVED GINGER, Do. PINE APPLES, Do. LIMES. Bucktvheat, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Spanish & American Segars, su perior Chewing Tobacco, &c. Which he offers low for cash or country produce at his Store on Pollok-street. December 3d, 1832. Jerkins, " . A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF G R O (J ER TES; HARDWARE,CROCKERY, GLASSWARE HATS, SHOES, fcc. fcc. The following articles embrace a part of their stock: Blue and mix d Broad Cloths, Sattinets, red and white Flannels, Colicoes, apron and furniture Checks, Brown and bleached Shirtings & Sheetings Vestings, Handkerchiefs, and Bed Tick, Rose Blankets, Point do. Ticklenburg, Oznaburgs, 4-4 Irish Linen, brown Linen, Lambs Wool half Hose, Men and Women's white cotton Hose, Plain aud figured Book Muslins, Swiss and Mull do. Jaconets, Cambricks, Ladies and 'Gentlemen's Gloves, &c. &c. Men's andBov's Leather and Morocco Shoes and Brogans, Women's Leather and Prunella Shoes, Children's ditto, &c, &c. also Madeira, Sicily, Port, Muscat, and Malaga Old Monongahela Whiskey, and W. 1. Rum, Cognac Brandv, Holland Gin, Peach and Apple Brandy, New England Rum; Imperial, Gun Powder, and Hyson TEAS, Trinidad, Cuba, and Rio Coffee, White Havanna and Brown Sugars, Loaf and Lump do Goshen Butter, first quality, Butter and Water Crackers, Smoked Beef and Cheese, Lorillards Scotch Snuffin bottles & bladders All of which they will sell low for cash or Country produce. Newbern, Nov. 1st, 1833. NEW GOODS, CHARLES SLOVEN MAS just opened at his old stand, oh Old County Wharf, an assortment f T JLPMW (UOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS: 1,US& Alss a good assortment of GUNS, very 1 Russia and Ravens Duck, ' 0w' Paterson Cotton Duck, Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope Ten firkins Goshen Butter, ' Twenty-five bags Coffee, Canal Flour, in whole and half barrels ) from new Wheat, and fresh ground" One, case gentlemens' fashionable Ha'tI With many other articles in hi newbern, Nov, 8th, 1833. , 23 na.ru3 WINES. NEW STORE. c H A il L E S DRUGGIST AND S. WARD, APOTHECARY, J. W. WOILTHI2JG-T02T 13ESPEC 1 FULLY inform l iv 'HK'lic that he is DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CUTLERY, &C. In tlic Town of Newbern, At the stand formerly occupied by Air. Jas. G L uthbert, on ( raven tStreet. Among many other articles, are the following TTJT S for sale at his Shop, next door to Mr. ULJJ Bell's Hotel, a general assortment of Drugs, McdicincSy DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Patnt Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Perfumery and Cosmetics. The above .articles are fresli and of the very- best quality. Newbern, Feb. 1st, 1833. WIL L BE SOLD T the Court House in Kinston, Lenoir County, on the 5th day of December next, a negro man who calls himself BROWN, and declares himself to . be the property ol Alexander Soloman. a resident in the West India Islands. He has been confined twelve months in the Jail of Lenoir County, and no tice is hereby given to the owner, that unless he comes forward, proves his property, and pays charges, he will be sold on the day above mentioned, according to the law in that case made dnd provided, , JOHN DAVIS, Sh Kinston, Sept. 5, 1833. . JKOOT & SHOE STOKE. A' MAS just returned from New York with a n w and fashionable supply of BOOTS & SHOES, FOR THE SPRTNG AND SUMMER AMONG WHICH ARE Ladies' white Prunello and Satin Slippers, Do. Morocco, Sealskin and rrunello do. Do. Double sole Prunello and Sealskin do Do. Prunello Walking Shoes, Do. Sealskin Strap Walking do. CASSIMERES. Poli$h-Mixed, Diagonal striped, Grey do. Blue do. FOR NEW YORK, THE fine, new. and first rate copper fastened Schooner EXCHANGE, built of the best materials, and intended for a regu lar Packet, will commence loading in four or five days. For Freight, apply to L. M. HIGGINS. NOTICE. BOO 7 H & P OUTER FTTAKE this method to inform the public LL generally, that they have taken JAMES PORTER into copartnership, and that their business will in future be conducted under the name and firm of Booth and Porters. SILAS C. BOOTH, EDWIN PORTER, JAMES PORTER. Newbern, Sept. 13, 1833. Tinsel Velvet, Figured do. Plain do. Woollen do. Fig'd. Valencia, Plain do. Tamboured, VESTINGS. Silk, various cols. Satin, do. do. Silken Kersey, BulTCassimere, White do. Plain Black, Nankin colored. r., . CAMLETS, &o. Goat b hair, silk Handkerchiefs, yiuc' I Gum Elastic Suspen- ro' ri 1 ders, &c. Hoskin Gloves, ; Which, together with his former Stock, tender his assortment very, attractive G. W. JJ is regularly advised of the changes of Fashion, and constantly employs first rate workmen. These advantages, with his experience and attention to business6, ena ble him to promise entire satisfaction' to those wno laroffrmm wnn mvir vmi-i!?. NOTICE. AT November Term, A. D. 1833, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven County, the subscribers qualified as Executors to the last Will and Testament of the late SETH CHAPMAN. Notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, or suits for the recovery of such claims will be instituted against them. And those having claims against the estate aforesaidi are required to present them duly authenticated, within the time prescribed .by J. W. WORTHIVGTON Has justreceivedper schooners lVade6c Trent, A few sets of superior IVORY HANDLE KNIVES AND FORKS, Fancy Prints, Ditto Hkfs, Fresh Philberts, Fresh Walnuts, Ditto Raisins, Ditto Prunes, Family Flour, Table Beer, &c. &c. All of which are offered at his usual very reduced prices. Newbern, Nov. 8th, .1833. Notice. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres. Sattinetts, and Russel Cords. Vestings, Flannels, Sagathies, Bombazetts, ' Circassians, Beaverteens, Rose Blankets, Point, do. Prints, (a great variety of new patterns, Bandanno H'k'Is, Cotton, do. Anrolo Shawls, Marino, do. Cotton, do. Russia Sheeting, Osan burgs, Cambric Musi in, Mull, dofc Mull Jaconet do. And Book, do. Ladies Gloves, Gentlemens, do. do. Cloaks, Straw Bonnets, Sewing Silks, Ribbons, Domestics. Groceries, Imperial, -Hyson, . Young Hyson, Chocolate, Coffee, Soap, a Lumpuar, Brown, do. Liquors. Old Cognac Brandy, Apple, do. Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Common j do. Old Rye Whiskey, Common lo. 1 Teas WINES i J Cordials Brimstone, Mustard, Soap, Candles, Almonds, Raisins, Phil beits, Candies, Perfumery, Segars, Chewing Tobacco, Goshen Butter, Cheese, Apples, Fowling Pieces, (a good assortment.) Sportsmen's screw dri vers, do. Dram Flasks, new ecile, DirksJ Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Needles, Pins, Bodkins, Razors, Razor Straps, Wafer Stamps, Augurs, Chizzels, Gimblets, Locke assorted. Ivory and other Combs Cross Cut Saws, Hand do do do Files, , Hooks and Eyes, Tea Kettles, Nails, Hammers, Hatchets, Hollow Ware, B edsteads, Windsor Chairs, Shoe?, Hats, Caps, Staffordshire Ware, China, &c. Dishes, Plates, Bowls, Mugs, Mustards, Pepper, Salt, and Tea Ware, us linc NEW G OO ,v jitl reciicel pe, Sc' r. Phi'rt'lehilti,, FALL A1TD WIITT3? VITHICH th y offer at a small advance from W nurrlia'ain floods in tneir line ot business are rrsnPftCn.. '. o call and examine their stock; amonrr ' be found the following articles, viz: " ' Super black, blue, brown, mulberry, Adclaid steel -mixed, olive brown, and Russell bm J' uuu aiji; iajths. ALSO, Super blue, bhek, and drab Cassimeres Drab and blue Petersham Super green; steel mixed, drab and r?rev tinets al" Plain and figured green B:iize Blue, hlack and brown Camblet, for Ladies an! "Gentlemen's cloaks u Super white, red, green and yellow F.'nnnela Green, brown, black, blue and crimson Merinoe Blue, brown, green and slate Circassians 150p'cs dark and light fancy Calicoes Satin, lustring, and gauze bonnet Ribbons Ladies and Gentlemen's silk and cotton 'fnp Hoseand half Ho . ' Thread and bob'net Lace Edgings, various kinds 3-4 and 4-4 plain and figured hobhinet Lace Silk, cotton and gum-elastic Susppnders h 4, 4-j silk Musfin and twisted Silk Shawls Merino, Thibet, cotton, silk and crape do Blue black, and black Gros de Swiss, sup quality Plain, figured and watered Gros de Naples Ladies and gentlemen's beaver, Wash Leather silk and Hoskin's Gloves Satin, Marseilles, and Valencia Vesting Bandnnna, flag and fancy silk Handkerchiefs White, green and black blond Gauze do Plain & figured, book, swiss & jaconet Muslins Plain, striped, checked and figured Cambricks 4 Cases Ladies and Misses Dunstable Bonnets Gentlemen's fur, cloth and Seal skin Cape Ladies, leather, morocco, prunella Boots & Shoes Ladies and Gentlemen's plain and bordered Linen Cambriek Handkerchiefs Blue, black, brown, and green,. Bombazetts 9000 Spanish Segars 3 cases No. 10 cotton Cards, at 45 cts per pair 1 case t Wool do 6 chests gun powder and Imperial Tens 3 bis Loaf Sugar, 4 lbs each, 15 cents. And a great many other articles in their line of business, too numerous to enumerate. Newbern, Oct. 11, 1833. MS just returned from Philadelphia with a large addition to his stock, which enables him to offer to his customers, on rea sonable terms, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Stone Ware. Madeira, Lisbon, Terreriff, Malaga, Anniseed, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Every variety of Spices Salt-Petre, Allum, Copperass, ALSO- - A few sets of handsome TEA CHINA, New patterns, very low. Do. do. Dinner, elegant Ewers and Basins, Cut Glass, Decanters, Tumblers, and Wines to match, Moro Pitchers, and Creams. All the above, and many other articles in store to complete a good assortment, will be disposed of low for Cash or Country Produce Newbern, Oct. 1. 1833. Extra Blue and Black Cloths, Common Cloths, Casisinets, Flannels, Rose stripe and point Blankets, Irish Linens, assorted, Tickings and Baizes, Gentlemen's Hats, Boy's Caps, Gentlemen's andBov's Shoes, Ladies' shoes & Boots, Do.SealTuscan Hats, Do. Leghorn Bonnets, Do. Bolivar Hats, Misses' Fancy Dunsta bles, Silk Handkerchiefs, Writing Paper. Maderia Wine, first ' quality, Common Wines, French Brandy, Apple do. Holland Gin, Old Jamaica Rum, St. Croii do. N. England do. M o n o n ga hel a W hiskey Rye Imperial Gunpowder Hyson Saint Jaro Coffee, Loaf, Lump, and Brown'Sugars, do. Tea, dp. do. and Ri& ' , . i r l I an act of the General Assemoiy, in sucn cases i FTTHEPartnershiphithertoexisting between made and provided, or tney win uc uancu ui jj the subscribers, 1 recovery. DAVID CHAPMAN, ABNER HARTLEY, S Swift Creek, Craven County, N. C. November 14th, 1833. Executors. having been dissolved. all persons indebted to their late firm are re, quested to make payment without further delay- PATRICK 3VJ. BRYAN, JOHN B$YAN. Sicift Creek, Craven County, Nov. 15, 1833, Notice. TR)ERSONS indebted to JAMES W JJT SMIT-i by Nole or otherwise, an requested to make payment to Oliver S. ! or demur to the Bill of Complaint of WiJ Uewey, who is duly authorised to collect ; Ochletree, the complainant, or the same tb be taken pro confesso as to him, and se Assortment of Gloves, ALSO, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CALICOES AND DOMESTIC GOODS Together with gentlemen's Cloaks and um brellas, Sad dies, Bridles, Htirup Irons, Bits, Whips, (very elegant,) Iron, Steel, Tobacco, Grindstones, &c. Arc wber n, 2th October, 1833. , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Duplin County, IN E Q, U I T Y September Term, A. D. 1833. W. Ochletree vs. Thomas Wright and Alfred Beck. ET appearing to the satisfaction of tne Court that Alfred Beck, one of lheeff dants in this cause, is a resident of anot State, and that the process of this I 'ourt nas not and can not be served upon him ; it is tne fore ordered that the said Alfred Beck be ano' appear before the next Court of Equity . held for the County of Duplin, at the tor HniKP it, Konancn'Mlo rn fhf fniirth Mnfl of March next, then and there to plead, ans and receipt for him. Newbern,Nov. 8, 1833. . : . THE HIGHEST CASH PRICT?.? i i. gA,.n.-.-i a tisement - T K 13 IU1 L1IC1 17IUL1 l 14 UIQk " ILLbe given for likely young Negroes of i this order be made for six su both sexes, from one to 26 years of age. I the North Carolina Sentinel. JOHN GHjDERSLEEVE. successive we of years oi age. tne mortn Carolina enunei. n r AJ II I I ftl I I h'M t . Itl. J " ' H M.JUKl.ill. ITIlUiJXiiV, V