t . !' h : - -:"T . r l .j v; ;v;';' ; -; -v. : I j -i- .v. ":A 'Y.-:'y"l: jv : I ' V": -.'Tv; : - . ...J.i-i: ' --T--v-. - -VUv - : ." 1 '-j-l ' 1 ' ;r - ".- A;' i ' ''. G IB T Jnl (B A;B 1L W ,A"i SE BITH 'i ?3 Xfi-'jL . "" ' ' ' ' - ' la 'V.- -.- -1 I sj liberty, the covstithStion uinon TTMIB SISXTIiNlElL . NEWBERX: i ! i. - FRIDAY". APRI?- 1 1, On account of the failure of the mails, we have not been lUi to present our readers with much infbrma- ticri ii the shape of news. We hope however j that ilaneous rnatter will be found interesting, . t i :t t , -,, . . .- , -1 tTh Hank contest is at last se ' j Washington, April 5. THE CONSUMMATION. i After four months spent in a struggle by the Train- ! STOTIGE. IIorTnble.catastropfefWeAttmfiom Gloucester.! that about 10 or 12 davn aim. a lahnnrln j man nf tfin ' " aame of Walker, a widower with four children, liv-A T the February Term of Onslow Court : 'i-.i t . i . bands op the Bak, to establish its stronghold upon 1 ,u ;"c ,owf r .J?1.1 rDiy m eDt 10 sPend i--uLiL-. .v. . ' . -iAheerening. at a nehbors a few miles off, preyis Moru true preuutHves ,to wnicn he putthe children to be4 and locked up tie and testament of JAMES CHADWICK; de of the People, were compelled again, but with great huse. Before his return, the house took fire, (In ceased. He according requires all nmon. tied after full and iur atitc raiionj i ne main resolution tnat " i ne Bank ?f tne United States, ought npt to he recharter- ! overwl tliiing niajo'rity of 53 ! By a vote" of 119 to 101 it , deemed improper to restore the depositee and I biit .41 in the whole houfe voted against a strict scru- .' tny; in o tlie si tixatian a nd transactions of the inst itu- l ion. i ins is decisive. 1 he direct Iippresentatives of the ieoale have spoken the real sentiments oi their corfitj enjs and have effectually plt down the iast '& Btrongc $t otispring of unconstitu'tioAalism. , We now jhope thit the . ountry will be sufferfed to rest and that ; the -tre iuous advocates of panic- and ;6pare oi r patience a! and their own Iun?s. J distress i a win t He if vye k nratulatet all who are blessJed with . . weekly fierpsal of the Sentinel. that thff eternal din ! about tfi ; Bank is at last drawing to a close." Thou f nlvvbys teady to mark and announce the least infiac f f-tioii.upo the coriytitbtion and liberties of the country, ue do h t deem It by any means the most pleasant occupation that falls wjthin the province of either editor or eader. Our; reluctance, to enforce the Previous Question. It was resisted . by all the artifices which the able corps )t lfgai aa voeaies eni.siea Dy ine corporation, knew m wrjll how to employbut in vain. The roused spirft of jthe Patriotic Democracy pressed on yesterday, to thej complete rout of the body politic of scheming politicians and speculating stockholders. It will be seen by our Congressional columns, that all theTe- solutiont supporting the President and Secretary of the Ireasury, and against the Bank, reported b the Committee of Ways and Means, have been carried by riuraphant majorities. ! ! ' The vote against a recharter passed by a mijority of 53; the vote against the restoration by 119sol04; the jrote in favor of continuing the State Bankj as he depjsites of the public moneys, was 117 to 104 the votf for the investigating Committee stood 1T1 to 41. Thus the Senator?, who have disobeyed the express i uniuuoui men uii.c;Liciauiiures, anaiinpeacneu condemned the conduct of the President, stand themselves condemned and rebuked by the very body, which, under t he? constitution, has he rightful power: what manner is Unknown and HidCn! t i0'. ".uu67 ' persons fbrofth hildrench in tSCZT indebted to the estate ot said deceased to make against it, are notified that unless they are pre- r . I. . aciiicu iur pajruicat wiuiiu iue uuie prescriped ins i and to impeach and bring pub ic functionaries to judgment.' Globd principal reason tor this opi ion arise from the! knowledge f that the fair nort ion of our.retder8 take hut little concern in the political vwrangjin; ff the "fords of creation," whoso politely -exclude tie ladies from any part or lot in tnattersof high -im wrt to I he state."' 1 Tq t hem, the fwind of ch'ryiial.ftreanipthe rustling of the leaves of spring, the blue wnintatns and the gorgeous clouds, wilrl .vhicH jtht eyeof jfancy is so conversant, afford inore SnterUinrjtni tlan tjie hoarse threats of nullification c Ihecri'S of j panic frrfm the dark vaults of 'he luikf AVe sympathize so far 'witjh them in this ie ; sj;ct,jtbat they may rest assured ve shall not devote , rare Itteciioii tb poiitics, than truj safety of the re- pQlicldeniands from those who "prodegs to watch 6ver iu.itresi- . i XT. - r & t ho -last n Ihe coast 'evs ral i ays week, 'considerable damage was i y.a vipleni;;y We inn. !er f 3UBk the Georcre Poliok stranded. :n timnff wflalK.; ' I. Ti ? l- ' ' Mi: ! p lighter load i i other vessel hi umber destroye are repoT ed to be on shore. LATES Belvidera, c ind which contin- tand that the Bal- d by fire. id a Several 'From the Baltimore Republican Mr. CLAV.-4 We called the attention of our rea ders yesterday to the remarks of Mr. Clay in neference to the Union Bank of ou city, containins a violent - I and very unjustifiable assault upon th.pt institution, and Calculated q impair the credit not only of that bank, but all the other Banks of our cit v, jnd to ope rate to the- injury of our. business. Had there been any truth in the statements made by him. it would have been highly improper for him fokAe them in the nanner he did, at least until he jfte himself thoi-Oughly acquainted with the facts ; h .t it will be seen from the statement pf the directors of the bank, which will be seen in another part of our paper, that his charges and insinuations a re entirely unfounded.' It should be-recollected that Mr. Tiernan. one of the directors who has signed the statement of the Bank, was one of the candidates lor elector in favor of Mr. Adams, and a candidate of Mr. Clay's friends for :he Liegislature at the time of the last election of Pre 5ident, when Air. Clay was a candidate for that sta tion, find that he has flatly. contradicted every part ind parcel of Mr. Clay's " whole statement. Wliat must !ll rational arid iritelUgent men thiuk of a man, who jseo utterly regardless of consequences who 'ati in such a reckless and unfeeling manner strike at ihe: credit of our Batiks, and produce so much injury io oui whole community as Mr Clay Jij attempted odo ' Occupying,1 as he did, a statiointf the Senate, lisremarki) ro'ust necessarily--spread through eveirv prtioh 6f,j he country ; and if ally confidence is placed ifl his statement, the evil which mierht result from it fsT calculable. I The poison lias been put afloat, and ! wnoip to arrest us progress i i ne r-.iteniont of the direcjors wiiliii a' measure, counteract the effect; dui ii is. not to tie supposed that it can he as exten sive in is operations and its ehects as the attack has I r1i-.i m m . neen anj is likely to he .... i , sistance could reach the spoti A family livintr nhnnt a m;le distant, seeing the blaze, hastened to it. arid i cacticu me u.uruiDg pue jusi in ume to eaten la glimpse, through one of the windows, of the eldest boyj (about 12 years of age) in -th act of bearing his nttie sister tvards tne window, and in the sanie moment to wit'nessthe horrifying spectacle of the fal ling in of the roof, and the overwhelming of all the dear little innocents in ihe common mass of blazing ruins ! Bnttbe tale of 'wo ends not here : the father onahearing oi the fate of his little onea, become; frantic and! in a delirium of grief, rushed forth through tHe gloom of night in the wjld accents of despair exclaini ing mil my children t . They shall nit be separated from melV Several days had elapsed. and no tidings were heard of him. At the date of our j information it was generally believed that ttie uuiui iuiiuic uiau iiatj tci uiuimeti ois exisience-pro- margin oi whtcn tne tragical scene occurred. . Norfolk Herald. Important Discovery. Vfe are informed by gentieirjen w York that M wh) lately passed through Syracuse, Netv MrJ Avery, the1 proDrietbr of ah 'extensiifn roit foundry iri that plafee, has made k very imbortant oiscovery in relation to castingof iron. 1 he best kinjd bf earth used ill foundaries is brought, we believe from Oailada Mr Avery nalyzed this earth, and found it cootain a certain proportion of blue clav. Follow ing ?this up by) a series jof experiments, he discovered that: if commoii fine sand was mixed with common blue clav in the orooortion of one-tenth nart nfrlnkr to nine-tenths; of sand, it would constitute the best possible composition for casting that he had ever used. Even the mos delicate eastings dame out perfectly free !ofsand,4 and required no sort of cleaning by vijt riol. He ; dismissed ten of his cleaners on the spot Mr.Ayery hasj taken out a patent! for his discovery, and.estimates that his composition will itaake an inh- in the expense of ijron fobnderies in of labor,' the cheapness of ihe sand arid the disuse ot vitriol in the process of cjleansing. tsratueboro Inquirer. mease saving th$ diminution LAL'. The ship WROM PQil ptain Hill, at Baltimore, on theieven Off of the 28th February. The Amef Kan Consul wb.o came oyer trom JLibon on the pre vious day fujuiahed captain HTwith the foilo'.iing m- tclhgence j i j ' . ; ' li Lisbon, February 27j : elitill occupies the stjiong place of -San ... i - r Sheep killed by Cats. The last Lancaster Exarra .ner says: u Incredible as this may sound, we have good authority jlor saying the deed has actually been perpetrated iri this county. . Several cats, of the common speciep, with their progeny j have for three or four years pfist made an old stone quary iivMartc township their hiding place, and in' that time it would senm have relapsed to the wild state and ac- quired tne lerocious aiiq predatory habits natural to of them were seen belorging to trie DoiiMigfl tarem,Dista it 12 leagues from Lisbon, where, having -united his; fi xes from the i provinces, he ' collected iibout ;9000 1 42,000 men, mostly Royalist volunteers TO THE PUBLIC. ii .. nion Bank of Maryland, MarchJ2Iuwj834 f U tbe V- St,t on the 23th from the Uaion BanU ot Maryland, immediate notice. ...-.. . : : I .. ji . . ? . - - . i - : 4f Mr. Clay rose nd said, tbt he had heard,' and he preumt?d that every, member of th Senate had al9o heard,! that yesterday j a Bank, charterejrl ly Mi Slate of JHirylaml, and situated m Baltimore had stoptwd payment. The evlnVr ee of the fact was to be found it the public prints of this morn Ine He had further heard, as be theif tribe. A short time ago some! in pursuit, oi a uiii-srovvn sneepi flock oflMr. MartinlHerr of that vicinity. The v sonh overtook it, dragged it fo the grourid and before the pcrspn jwho vvtnessed the scene coulcl reach the spost, they succeeded in so 'lacerating fhe poor animals thro4t that it bled to death in a short time. It re quired tonsidemble! exertion to drive them off. A dogjeubsequeujlly sent in pursuil of them, caught one, hut would probably have been Worsted in the conflict that ensued, had not the owner come to his by Jaw, they will be barred of recovery. JESSE WARD, tZiecutor. Onslow County, April 10, 1834. BOARDING HOUSE; MRS. RACHEL HILL infbrasWher friends and the public generally j that she still occupies that largs j and commodious building of B. Fuller, deceased; where she is prepared to receive boarders by the day, week, month or year, and that strict attention will he paid to the accommodation of those who may patronize her. , 1 Beaufort, April 1st. 1834., STATE OF N ORTII CAROLINA, . Lenoir County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. i April Term, A. D. 1834. James Dawson, 1 Original Attachment vs. Lievied on a eirl slave. Thomas P. Lassiter. ! :. .-il- i ii i ' -, n . . T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant; Thomas P. Lassiter, is not an inhabitant of this State ; It is Ordered. That publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Sentinel, that said Defendant appear at the next term bf the Court aforesaid, at.the Court House in Caswell, on the first Monday of July A. D. 1834, and replevy oY plead to issue, or judgment against him. LEWIS C. April 11th, 1834: will be rendered DESMOND, Clerk. rescue. It is said they time ago. and followed as is now supposed with a deadly int also pursuetl a small boy sonie min a consiaeraDie aisiance, nt. fall, We understand, that two valuable Negroes, the property of M 4 Thomas Cowles, who absconded last were arrested by the Police of New York,anjd " ;lLjhgir I identity the 'authorities ot" that APf immeiliatelv delivered them up, and thev asfe now! in the possession ojf their master, in this City, ft mo., K( Ko imnmnpr in rcmarlf. that the slaves are ;n' highly pleased with this change of destination and to use their own language, " that I they would ha je pr sui. eo most Mi me senate nac nenra, in 11 in consequence or m i returned belore, it tUey pOSSeSSeq tne means mat nnsinn nmnntMi Ar nctuai . rvetvpen I n hunt ni marviana. wnirni i . . . . - . . . r.-r- had tblus exploded, and the vtiw Bank ot mnrylaDd and militia. On the i i to take 500Cjtneibt attacl? upon nc AvhoIe X at Cartaxo. ) FigiJeil 18th he ordered General Lunos. his best troops and, directed an e of the Constitutionalist lines attacks were mlade upon inost of our positio'jis o prevent assistance being given to oneaiiother,' yhite a strong mass of about 4000 men marched upo ttepositon occupied ' by Count aK danhaj the dshfral in "chief. ' Don M iguel had pre- 'i i ' i ( need to his sohliers that a movement in i a aken place in Lisbon, &c. Thus mis- litesii thinkiiifj they hadf a smaH force -t'l , I - I lit, marched, luh of confidence and h gh Saldanha, who oraered hi troops to liles,:until the Miguelites had crosseid a ie roijiht have de(e!nded with a small -ft- I" ?f j ' L) iject was to secure Ithera. He allowed I X'iously anno ' his fayor had . led. the Migu : to fight agan j Bpirits againsi retreat three I1 bidge Which M farce j but his c them to lbrm, t! ad then gave the word of attack, which vvas no soonergiten han executed by his brave and -iinxioua' soldiek thousrh their force was very isferior. i ThelMigueliUti stood for some time and made vig0-1 rous resistance-but could not finalTy stand against the inpetaosit, of bu1 men, ana retreated in ihe rrreatest confus onV Meanwhile Saldanha had pent tf o companies il sharp' shooters to cut off their retreat - by the bridge, vhich got there before the enemy and rj opened a imost iiurderous fire upon them, and forpd theih to throw viemselves into the stream, which soon was-full of deac bodies. Night prevented acontihu- bf this scene of (laughter, but the Genera) asserts that ho never witnet'ied so fatal an issue m proportion to the numbers of I bo two armies. Onr loss in lied apd wounded amount to 370 : Banks iselectcd by 'he Treasury Leimrtment as a deposHi public i revenue, there wot yetenu n immense run on Bank: The information which fehed him was, that efBaltiniore. in the vicin-ty of thf Bank, were crowded by people pressing to obtaim metallic currency for the paper in Uieir, hands: The connexion between tbe two Bunks wifs so Votimate, that great dangef was af.prehended as to th stability of the Unior Bank j " He had also heard this morning but he would not undertake to viuch for the truth of the rumor, Uat,' in consequwace of the con nexion between the Union Bank aid the Bank of Maryland, a Treasury draft, or Treasury drafts, to the amount of 156.0' O ilollars, hail, in the c urse of the last few days, been furnished to the Union Bank of Maryland, by the Secretary of the Treasury Be did not know how far this rumor was founo-d in fact. but he fKd know that it! was the5 official duty of tbe Senate to inquire into the fac, whether there was any danger to Ue public interests whit .vas likely to result from the cjreumstaates of tbe public money Wng in. that institution. '' I - I - In ihs i Union Bank, il Appeared, from the returns made by the Treasury Department, that the Secretary of the Treasury was him self a Stockholder: ; T what extent the Secretary was a stockholder did nojt appear. but bis name was to be foond'on the list ( the stockholders of th Union Bank, one .f the Banks selected by .him for the reception and charge of the inlic deiw-ites j He had beard tba we nan witn great saiisuwuuu tins auuvn spuv w codneratiori, oh the part of the authorities of N.York W e look to ltsiiunner exeriions.--:xticiOT07tucw. t- '! icy ant THE NEW-YORKER, Under this title, a new Literary Journal, of the largest imperial size, was issued by the subscribers on Saturday,! the22d of March. Its leading feature are as follows : - . I he New-Yorker" is equal in size and execution to any of the literary weeklies nf this city, and- at the same time afforded at a much.lower rate than the cheapest of theni. If win comoine more completely than any of its immediate rivals the distinguishing characteris tics of a literary journal with those of a regular and systematic chronicle of passing cnts. In short, it is designed commend itself as general newopaper, alike acceptable to the lover of literature, the devotee of business, and the gleaner of intelligence. It will con tain r I. Literature of the Day embracina R- views ' of New Publications, ungmal laies, Essays, Poems, &c. with selections from the . 1 '..I! tj '!: I'..,'.1' '-.?-.-. Wnole range oi ingiian rfnoan. porioiu- cal literature. I 5 II. General Intelligence comprising the current News of the Day, foreign and domes tic, whether civil or political carefully a voi ding, however, the least semblance of partisan bias in politics, and confined strictly to the presentation of a general and impartiai.accoiint of the mo vements of all parties whatever, with out discrimination and without the exhibition of personal preference - crackers: &C 6n flt BLS. and SOiialf bis. Ml i ? r - ft I a l W fir-' Howard Street Flour. : 3 bis. Soda Water and Batter 'it 3 " No! 1, 2 and 3, Loaf Sugs ? m smalt wists.I - lv 5 boxes Pound Ping, S hhHi. Ttf'-'R-1rnm 5 hhds, Baltimore Rve Whistt 1.1 2 bis; verv suDerior old Tin A I J C: 1 qr. Cask old Cognac Binay 2 bis, inter Sperm Oif ! r 20 kegs Cut Nails. ' . -, 600 lbs. Mullet and Herriaff ft 60 lbs. Cotton anFHemptxeli it - fe: Just Teceived "by. the Sehir. B: rv uauuuufc, auu tur saie low Dy 1 : 1 . JUS. ia.rHAl Vi JVEWMND CHEAf i Sellinfir off at Cost' rrnHE Subscriberl intending:! Li i business the easqing Somr sale AT COST, their present slo.VC'opdff. consisting oi ,:. : tfl A GOOD ASSOil TMENTW & GROCERIES, HARDWARi Cutlery;: dcJGlaisstc c. HATCH & Em . Newbern; March 28th, 1834. A f.v'- THIRT Y DOLLARS Rl aVaR mAN AWAY, from tne subscri 7, pn, ilri . 1 5th of February last, a N v man Tin- medliAINlEl.. Said Negrois about thty-flic years old, five feet eight or ten inc4 iihLoi a dark yellqw complexion, vell !t)X3tiiionPif and of a pleasingcountenanee. HeV;obanJv lurking about tlie town of Ne wbernVltttth i thV intention of going on board of a tisel. X iicrcoy lurBwaru aji juasiers ana ptrieja fc vessels from harbouring or i carrvin) "J.iff sui Negro under the penalty ot thelawlfi t vt! I will give the above reward to Is If neisrn. or persons who will apprehend i A) (onCne r said runaway in some Jail, so "'thatliijL'lilrn' again. JiAKNKY rllr TPH ' March 7th, 1834. ! t. $25Hewardi rwwr-r-r. -' .. 1 '.11 . .2-. f nrut aDpve reward will be eien hvnhti LL; subscriber for the apprehensic 1 ai d erti. finerhent in Jail of his Negro girl 311 wfe was, it is believed enticed ;a'way f tsrfaabtif: Negro on the 8th of Seplemb-r ;f l5Ae k. riilrnt comdei rtf well grbn iiKely. She is probably rJing Ci or about Newbefn, or she may have pne 'jti Hillsborough or Washington, at Half of yhtelV aces she has connexions. ) 1 r; ; rl - Jones County, March Hh, 1834; I: f ite,iaming in meisewbern Pqst QkelApr thaf of the enerr. was 230 prisoners; SOJdeserters, and killed kill id and founded not mentioned, as it enormous."! I Accounts from Santarera make it amcfunUto pearl jr the whole of '4 XX) men as many of the: soUfieri ; av Hod J themselves of the darkness to desert to their himes. . : : "... . I No foreign soJiers were engaged in Saldanha's division. ! Don.) Pedro has received some reinforce ments of men, a ld 400 horses purchased in England. In fthe meart tite 'Miguel still) holds out, and jthe country is ravaged by bands of royalists and robbers, who commit the greatest cruelties and depredations ' upon the poor utjfTanding inhabitants. j r it ne above bittle is, perhaps, the most regular tnat has been .ought, and in which both parities showed ekill-r H f - 1 -. I -V'i Last naonin a j division ol Pedro e array under the command of Saltanha had taken Leira, a considera ble town on the jiigvvay to Cdimbra, after deieat- My the girrison,!and at Torres Novas had defeated two equadronir of icaValry, which are almost entirely cuttto pieces, or aken prisoners. J l i tTrade of cour&p is!mo6tly.at a stand j an admission Uepn allowe.Fofl 1000 move of wheat. 4000'ditto soft doi,1 4000 dio!of Int iian Corn to begin ! 1st March, and stopt(le boment that quantity is fu filled. Al great deal hasj already arrived, and the above auanttty is expect : shortlyto beJconapleted T4w ilaission is only U-. w7.vr"''''1wr" . , A,nful rsi7iflrrfinn An inrpninii anthp.nt valuable statistical work, published a few years since, states hat the number of inhabitants who have lived on the! earth, amount to about 36,627,843,275,075,846. The sum the writer says, when divided by 3,096,000, tbe number of square leagues of land on this surface of the Pltbe. leaves 11.320,698,732 persons to' eath sauare. leeuel . There are 27,864.000 square miles ol larifl, which1 being divided as above, gives -about 1,314.522,076 persons' to each square mile. Let the mile he reduced to square rods, and; the number, pe QO 1 TO fUIT rAH ,4,Woti Kolnir A'ttriAfr .L! . , :.j i l ..r .1 t. i ii. k. 1..0M rave, w 11 i.ot;u.i i,uw,w, wmvii uvme t the strtrk hed bv the Secretary if that Dank constituted a as ahOVe. 12S3 inhabitants to each square rod, WhlCh siderabfe parfof his property, and tbm be had been for some time j bei'ncr reduced to teet and divided as above, it a director in that Dank previous to hb removal to tbis city j l t. , I . .u La.'m-f ,r tkr ' . hI hni ti.-t it wo.,1.1 mm omihHt the Union Bank was in will give about five persons toeach square footpt ter- a safelcon.iitiofl ; and that there was n just grounds for the ap'pre- j pa firm a on tllft ulobei Let the earth be supposed! tO DllglOII WHICH rtrillCU tu fISV, 1 'rijr, lie a. turn oj't that the Secretary of iheTreawry was. not a stockholder' in this Bank to anv" eite.it whicbcould authorize an impression that be has Suffered his 'wn interests to enter into the considerations which led him to select this Bank as one of the depositories for rite public money; w i; . ; - J" - ' j i 'j -: '.!' ,' ! ' :'l J' I' - i ,'"' ' : ' There is no fonndation whatever for the rumor, that any tiier connei ion has ever existed between the Bank of Maryland and Jhe Union Bank of Maryland tba has existed ltetween the Union Dnk . i . j , . -' ' ' ' i of Maryland and ober banks' of the city of Baltimore. It is not a fact that " in consequence of any (supposed J connexion between the Union Bank of Maryland and the; Bank of Maryland' a Treasury draft or Treasury drafts to the amount of $150, 0 '"(or for any other amoujnt,, have in the course of the last few days been famished to the Union Bank of Maryland by the Secretary of tbe Treasury:" No such drafts having, been received since October last. Npr has there been any occasion for such funds;. the means of the Union Bank being amply sufficient to discharge atl the tlaims against It as tbey hiay be demanded. ; j ' - - " Thejlioard feel reluctant thus t. appear before tbe public; but find themselves compelled to do so y a sense of duty to the stock holders, at a time when Unfounded rumors are in circulation, in rejadice of the institution. j fSipnedQ ! ' THOS. ELLICOTT, . Fres't. i . LUSt. 1 1 tit Am, h HENRY PAYSON, f . WM. E. MAYHEW, JAMES CAMPBELL, JOHN H B LATROBE, ; i JOHN Q. HEWLETT, DAVID M. FERINE, , ISAAC TYSON I" THOS A. NORRIS, WM. F. MURDOCH. Should their journa and the support of the nledo-e themselves to ft a . r-r receive the approbation public, the undersinged .spare neiiner exertions be; one vast butying ground, and according to thfe aboye state mem, there will be lae3 persons toiDe buried pn each square rod, capable of being divided info twelve graves it appears that each grave con tained 100 persons, and the whole earth has been one hundred times dug bver to bury ts inhabitants supposing they had been equally distributed. j j What aA awful, cvewbelming jthought! whajt a lessrin to human bride, to human vanity, "ambition ! WhatalessBi to thd iiifatuatedj being who has cen tered all his hones artd &fTections upon the evanescent pleasures oi iois iruiy iransiiory uiei w It : .1 il V t! i ,iU'h-' PORT OF NBWBERN. Schr. Fanny,! Sugar and: Molasses. i Schr. Caroline, Molasses. ii Arrived, Mason, from It. Martins, with Wilson, from Martinico, with I Mr. J. ! A. Pleasants,; Dentist, will leave Newbern on Monday,! but intends to re i . . '. : ti - it. aL i. . i . ? i ! turn nexi year.; xie nK.es pleasure in acKnpw ledging the confidence so generally reposed by the citizens in jhis professional exertions. Mr. Clay ! is rendering nimself conspicuous by his attacks upon the state" institutions andj by insinua tions' to their prejudice on the floor j of the Senate. What shall we think of an individual, who perverts his hiirh trust, and the senatorial dignityj to the daily exhibition of a never-dying personal enmity and dis-! appointed political rancour ? who does not hesitate, in his place, to become the personal assailant of pub lic officers, and even of the presiding officer of the bo dy. of which he is a member ; and who seizes every occasion to excite suspicion and alarm, not only in relation to whole classes of banking! institutions, but to particular banks by name? We ask the reader to note with Candour and impartiality,! the proceedings in the Senate, chamber on the ' 25th and 26thljnjk SALT AFLOAT! BUSHELS Ground AUum SALT, afloat and for bale very low for Cash. Apply to April 10th. I J. M. UKAW ADE, & Co. HdPQPCIP nor exDense to render its literary character and general interest at least equal to those of its cotemporaries ; and, whatever may be the raeas-. ure of their encouragement, they confidently assert that it shall be excelled by few in quanti ty of matter, or in the variety and originality of its contents. f I -. H. GREELY & CO. New-York, March 22, 1834. j The New-Yorker has no connection whatever with an ephemeral affair with the same title, which was published last season ; hut. in order to free 4 bur good name7 from all nnnrobium. we hereby agree to send our pa ri . i ii .l. ru per gratuitously to ail ine pairons ui iui concern for the whole term for which they hve paid the publisher thereot. , Office 114 p ulton -street. The New-Yorker I is published every Sat urday morning, on a large imperial sheet, con taining twenty-four widel and closely printed columns, and forwarded to its patrons, wheth er in city or country, at the rate of 1 WUUUL LARS per annum, payable in advance.' When navment is delayed till the end of the second quarter, fatty cents win oeauueu. Any person procuring us six subscribers in the country, and forwarding $ 10 freeof postage, will be entitled to the remainder for his trouble; and in the same proportion for a larger num- ber. companies umung ui a icuiumuvc nm be suppHert on the same terras. Postmasters, JBookseuers, ana ueuerai Agents for the circulation of periodicals are rnpctfullv solicited to interest themselves in our behalf; and are hereby assured that they shall in all cases receive the highest enumera tion which the low price of our paper will ena ble us to give. to day.AlbaytpArgi&. Potatoes j Cheese, OXIONS, fec , iTTUST received from Newport and of fealc, QlS on consignment, a quantity of IRISH POTATOES, CHEESE, ONIONS, CODFISH AND CIDER: J. M. FRIOU. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER! . T . 11,1 s 3L Tl, Tiirlr r.r.t - ' - BANK OF CAPE FEAR rTTHR subscribers being appointed Commis npr will rpsreire subscriptions to .the Stock of the extended Capital of this Bank. Books' will be opened at the Bank of Newbern and branch of the State Bank of Newbern, on the Istof April nexti Terms of jsubsqription, fifth at the time of: subscribing ; one-fifth at ninety days ; oneT6:fth at six raonthos ; one fifth at nine months and one-fifth at twelve, months paymepts to be made in specsie or it equivalent. t s.; c 4- i r i WILLIAM HOLLISTER,! A Alfred At more t Elisha A mold . j Mir-e.Aliu,.'' Charles A Baker 2 Mrs Nancy BrockeU Christopher Brock . Silvester lirown , Dr Moses D Boardman Margaret Boescier Mrs Susan Bell Miss Sarah Banks Morgan Banks 1 Mrs Sarah Beil Raymond Castis F Coatcs" ;; . Capt Jacob ConkTiii RufusW Davis V1 Christopher Darrow $ Miss Sarah A Voway Briant Desson Mrs Keziab Dicltsen Joseph Ellis .; v b '. Mrs' Comfort Fresier ; J J Futrilf; . . . . . Jeremiah Fonville Rev Miles Foy Enoch Foy Sylvanus Foot Major John Fraley John Gooding . Richard Grist. 2 . Mrs Good 1 Capi N Harding 2 H Harvey 2 Dennis Howard Mrs Emily IJall Miss S Hampletort Fra'ncis Hawks M rs Mary HandcocJ Mrs R IJearn X Martin Howard Benjamin Harrison Albert Hoxie ' Joseph N Harkinsv Capt Wm U tiasKeu Thomas Hamilton Wm Herritage Mrs Ann E Harvey . I ' . ' Miss Hancey Jones Mre Abegail Jones . MraSidney W Jennings Charles Jones Wm H Jonea Moses Jarvis ' Wm Jones 3 " ; . Wm H Ives 2 Henry L Jones . Capt Thos u Jones JamesTJone8 2 Moses W Jarvis. John Jonea ?w. , JacohAV Johnson f Charles Kelly . J John Kemp u Mrs Sidney itiipatBicK George Xeeph Thomas Iiiste T3XI S". W T :j.,v r i : If.' 1 Capt H nlM-sa James Martin, Tnhn Miller . Richard McT;. Joseph Mears Francis JMclI; John Merrit Miss Sarah K Wm JMorris i John Nelfeou Zelpha Noun h John nver.cili . :I'P B. Paul ijj-'j ' Lacy Phriirs ' Jhn Patricii Qeorge W Fitt Herman Pratt Samuel Poftes ; , i OHf J- G Rbe Allen Hobi apt Richard Alex L Russell Simon Richari John Roger . , . SIiss Sidney l?ic rn ; IL B . ' IV K Sims " JohnSlye2; Irvin Sampson, H B Spender E Small wood: Thomas K &Qt John W StanJof Stephen Soeed Mrs EhaScamei MisiH Smith Irsliza femith tin Nancv 1W BlrsJaneTayJor WmJ Tibbab 2 M Taylor ; Cen D TtuSw Kluaii TOyror Mxo N Tfiomasr 2Irs Ann Vai. . i tv Levi Wayne . RevSaml Wmle Bryan Whitfbrd W WarricV 3 . James Ward Henry .Weaver .: Henry B Wataon 1 ICV MJu.Ul HWU 'Charles Villifl- James; Warn :i XV 1 S. i A r?i;iofc WiTTfrf All ' Thomas Wnnamsfev BenjamidTi WSCr Mre JanerWalTace F h Jbha Wilseo- . Sidney -Y'' T. VaTSONTT1; F OK SALE, y T ? r;Xewberii,lh ApfiTK y , . J. Ai: ROBERTS, NcwbcTP, March 21st, 1834. '1