. : r 1 i r ?T"j TT cninff all U ft - e leit jtoro vhthc ?ca? iirf yisi$hs of-the .tarive.inainheir allied! jndi:lrlhtai juendhed mij ,tct ye arekej ', fra , For still an irtsi And seem to t 1 in ' I OAKS. ' led and still ; In ruddy eheen, rfcat greatnc I nc idil And vc surVitf . JSeach aged sten And not a pilgrim f ; But seeks benea 1 Arul if oar leaves? .Fall toat'duttft Yet every falling Its vernal tribute at will, umbrageous screen ; , rUi ,. C-.ni.ir fill ' this ui j onyjr " when fresh and green, n lime, ip subline. i. " . : t--. V , . 1 1 L.a. mmmm.T y to the tomb; .ading ray, I . -3 twilight gloom : ill decay, ' ' fresh ye bloom, I Ispering breath, 1 Wives, in death ! J change severe, -jt 'stronger grows, fcea here, , ?our shade, repose, ten, dry and sere, a wintry close, shall bring, . . Selling off at Cost! kVW; wd, Cheap Goodsl The subscriber ha viner determined to bring TTOSEPH ftl. GRANADE, &. Co. inform his business to a'close, offefs for sale, AT NEW YORK PRICES. An extensive and fashionable assortment of 'Superfine Blue. Black; Brown, Invisible Green, Rifle Green, Russell Brown, Olive Brown, Dahlia,, Mulberry, Plum, & Steel mixed s OOli cmxu qJ their customers and the. public generally that in addition to a large and general assort ment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS; WINES, Trr ?Zl A ndhpl; J BaUinetStateof Maryland. CU LERY, &c, ,&c. always on hand, they) . - , T- .n . nESTOItATTVES , FOR THE HEARING, And Remedies for tlit r Diseases - ' PREPARED BY DAVID BROWN, Corner of Exeter aud Salisbury Streets 1 ht O. T. have just received . by ithe racket fecnooners Trent. Convov and Georsre Pollok, from New CLOTHS. York, the following articles, viz- Hhds. N. K. Kum ! !, U)l 5 bis. "CurtissRye Gin i 5 hhds. PortO Rico and Nv Orleans Sugars Thou nat'ivexitc. i! Fit emhlem too.H Type of a nation I w And worthy ot ? Ah ! What avails m -Or6n the timeafv. Thou German raci, T hine oaka still stall Benefits EEStd1 ved. One day thfl veying tlie ocean, inrlthe shore, in. cq 1 spring. German tree, German worlh t . i i e and free, i i j native earth ! m nkon thee,: , :h sn thou hadst birth 7 I ip. nnhlest a ve of all. I while thou, alas! must fall. D AND BENEFITS RECEI-, kliph Afmonsor, was sur-j ts wave broke hollowly any with the philosopher AZZr- rJu rl CASiMl.K. I5 baffs Java I Tiffured Velvet, Tinsel and,"l Plain :Htto; Tamboured,, Silk I VOTINGS C" Buff, White Cassirhere and Nan- f : "u , T TV. ," Superfine Hats, Gam-elastic Suspenders, V , w I ffl v i ocksV Fashionable GlOTes, &c. &c ackerel ,J. .n ibbls. and ha U , .u rr:i;- v.i I Codfish. 2 atuintals. lieconiinuesiocuuuupiiuc lowuiiiig , , - 0,i.ot ,vuiprl Katrino- n ntimW nf first rate WOrkr nrvi, UCBl ruuuu PTTHE aboverestoratives have improved the U ; Hearing in more than one hundred cases ; itftd'm one instance, after forty years deafness. ,n.floori norort niiTpa in nptsons near yeofei ! utilitv is fully esub- -' oz. lishttl by Certihcaies irom persons oiuieyrr Earlv rnbhae GARDEN SEEDS. Ji ot FKCSZI GAILDEN SEEDS, a mong w hi( are the lollowing:- i Long Blood Beet, Early -Turnip, do. , Orange Carrot, Scarlet Radisn, j Salmon, . do. I Spinach, -';v :- i" arlyDutch Turnip,in oz . anrf 1 or. papers. I N. Y. Cankl Flour fresh Buckwheat Meal f do. ness i . - . . i r m.v.:- 12 Rnxps niirMvs Hernnffs mm. a - m nwArn irfc avopnia nrnire liir .iiiliiiiiu i i - n j r - ,a in thernost expeditious and satisfactory manH ?"??e2? J, ner. EDWARD C O. TINKER. I BOOTH & POHTKRS, j M WjE just received, per schr. Trent, fron. New: York, an extensive and general assortment of ;. r !;. ' . . HOLLOW WARE, j HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ,000 Sweet t. Augustine Oranges 1,000 Fresh Sciciljr Lemons if small drums, Smyrna figs HickorylNuts1, Fiibferts, and Raisins, fresh en half and qr. Boxes Prunes, and dried Apples f Pineapple anil Old; English Cheese Pineapple and Ginger Preserves Wives, capers, aim oaiiau.uu i Fresh London Mustard and Cayenne repper .magnincent lmracn $ t"fc1wi''"'Vi rt Waters, land their 0 nal motion, they beheld Among their assortment may be found the Chocolate and prepared Cocoa Chicoru, for produced by inflammatory disease of any kmc i , following articles, viz: .1 . ' - I settling Coffee i ' i J causing a gathering in, and discharge from, tn IPots, Bake-Pans, Spiders, with and without Champaign Winejin qt. and pt. bottles ... Ear. .1 I , , Chon WatidAl! for were admiring the If !y of the ' - I 'in vast expanse 'of 3 If F f T 1 s r i 1 two men, oneof wlc over which the tidJ' .wpon a rocR, i i" You can pend tell me what can the . call ph. 7 I " Commander ct doubtless recording while the other isU ble adamant the Others jfr&.'v I' ' 'I ' . !..' 1 ' l,, EplTAPH8.C eloquent passage 6avs he. "I .cast taphs, f amtrr.T. vouheret Lhi;iomD inuicsit was writing: on the sai fas about to roll, the o ihe actions of mor SC IUCU VtUlltg . e Faithful," replied Ebon writing on the sands is e favors he has received, covers, position Mortars' ing-Pan fle-Irons Tea-Kettles, " Dish-Kettles, and com- Sauce-Pans, Trivets and Cast-iron Andirons. Shovels and Tongs, Fry 's, Griddles, Gridirons, Sad-Irons, Waf- Arirf Cast-iron Furnaces; also "Bell- Sfifrars. Soanish. in quarter boxes j , American i ChewingTobacco ) Snuff in bottles and bladders sj i . Also on hand, 3.000 bushels coarse T. Island, St. Vround allum Salt do. do. p ,r- ! n ". .. rl are stuctly adhered to;) and tne rroprieior is rnnfidintJ that many who have always t)een deaf, ipd (consequently) dumb, may, through this milium, obtain thepower ot Hearing, ana then learn to speak. j r j . IJireCllOS for using me ujtn trmtrmwiicu, jrct"-'.-. The Columbian Restorative for the Hearng in cases-here it mav arise from taking "cold thereby producing a variety oi souuus, yu buzzins: ofinsects, rushing of air through a ere- vice, and jat times a the sound ot neiis, aiso like a waterfall this islabelled with the let ter A. Letter B.is aDDlicable where there is a sen sation of fulness in the Ear, and an insensibil tv of the nerves. Letter C, vhepe a loss of hearing has been kind, le Large Green Head, do. Early York Cabbage, Early Sugar Loaf, do. Low Dutch, do., Large Late, do. Imperial, do. Large Drumhead, do. Larue cwt. i ., lo. Green Globe Savoy,do. Rhubarhjf lor tartsJI I o cenis eacnper paper , Mohawk! I B e an Dun Color,' 1 "! RnK MrkXT r til -l. .: China, j l v Refugee, or 1000 to 1 j ; Early 6 weeks, " L'arge Lima, ' White Case Knifed - Ea rly Bishop P $ a Prolific,' ... 'J;' June, kr . '' . Large June, V j Ea rly ; W ash i ngton. Early Charlton, : j Golden: Hotspur, j Blue Imperial, ; White Marrowfat d In pi. and qt. bags at cts. per qti j f Small Onions for tra Parsnip,' Early Cucumber, Long Green, do. I planting, 1 i Cintalore, ; j J Onion Seed, &c &cj Also, an assortment of, FLOWER SEED, some of which are rare and splendid. All ate w4 HATCH A? SEARS ! iTfl AVE just returned from New York, a i- JlLLL Letter D, where the Ear has experienced a Metal Kettles, Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, Pocket, Pen and Dirk Knives, Shears and Scissors, plated Tea and 1 able spoons iq sacks Liverpool, Britania do., iron tin'd Tea and Table do., I 100 boxes refined table salt common and Cast-Iron Coffee-Mills, fancy and 1500 bushels, Irish Potatoes common Bellows, Silver and Steel Spectacles, 100 Cast Iron Pjoughs, rids Khittirig,1 pack arid pound Pins," R. Hemings 500 Extra shares - ciJ' UTorllAa fannxr TiVni 'Hrhps. Rrpad 1 (( naif Trnrf rh?iins VUlleiil uuuLussnpu yj cannon or otherwise) become paralyzed Letter E, where a tJbes and had ceased, and produced an unpleasant dryness therein CERTIFICATES air, (as by discharge 'of! whereby the nerves have healthy secretion of wax This is to certify & Sons's Needles, fancy Fruit Dishes, Bread ioO pair Trace irans, jivniie t rays anu waiters, oi superiyr duality, Razors and Razor Straps; SnuffBoxes, . : .u :.-:aW Shaviritr Boxes and Brushes, Brass and Iron befits he has bestowed pn Pad Locks, brass, iron and tin Candlesticks, Snuffers and 1 rays, messing uoxes, nurse and Stand Lamps, Signal, tage, Sulky arid Pocket Lanterns, Lead Pencils and Steel Pens, gilt, pearl, ivorv, horn, wood and bone But tons, Britania Coffee. Urns, do. Coffee and .i ' H !;- .- - J pentier Has the lollowing bihissubiect. ' Whenever," eyes on osieniauous, U ' bAto Un SU Milk Hnns and HI - v i I 1 . . I 111.. lllli . y H ft I m mm J mm m mJ . JblJK ... h . ' . 'II 1 Ti 4 1.. mm t --- -- --"7 - -I ' - tceilLWUn o wriie unucr mciu, x.o , i a t ji. j picture is tlvis ofjhtj j person when alits t 0i pride ana mnrmiues, pas- V Wd them full v exemplified. i the TeeWenca. and ihis l onUnnh me oriatici nis nature. now; usi & Tumblers, do.-Soup Ladles, also pewter Hish sJ Rasins and Plates, brass and! pewter Fau cets . 1 5 10 & It QOZ. ouaues auu 20 do. Carolina Hoes, assorted V. nnltpnt ICnrnl Paris in inns RiissiaJ Sweed'esl Endish and Ameri- can Iron, till sizes i 3 sets Blacksmith's tools, complete, consisting of bellows, anvils, vices,, screw j plates, hammers and files M 1 superior, (carriage makers) Stock find Dye tons castin that a daughter of mine about six years of age, being afflicte'd with deaf ness for nearly a year past, 1 purchased lhe i n uniDian ivesioraiivc i,,r me Aicaiinu, hic pared and sold by David Brown; which having been applied tor a tew weeks, naa tne aeireu effect in restoring her hearing. j j JOSEPH 1. utiutirs. August 10, 1832. ' 1,1 the Subscriber,' do hereby certify that ow- inor to a.severe cold in my head, ! lost my hear ing to that degree,!) that When spoken, to in the loudest tone ot voice, 1 Was unaoie to compre are now opening at their Store on P lok-street, formerly occupied by Alohzo Jerkins, one door blow Jacob Gooding's sto A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF W' V W I & ft J & f G R 6 CEt lES, II A R D W A R E, C ROCKERY, G L ASSW AR HATS, SHOES, &c. &c. J 1 The fcllowinsr articles embrace a part of their stot! Blue and mix'd Broad Cloths, ! j j Sattinets, red and white flannels, L h Col icoes, apron and furniture Checks, j VI Brown and bleached Shirtings &l Sheetiifij t i ...ii.'. -Ji.f ,1.a r.i rr;!, C? y esutigs, iiaiiuivtficuR-i&rjiMaijcv ki ' ir -m-mi 'l T ... J it'.1: .. i Kose Jbiankeis, iroini uo.i r Ticklenburg, Oznaburgs, j1 4-4 Irish Linen, brown Linen, f Lambs Wool half Hose, 1 ! Men and " Women's ,Unt Kiac caid until I haf ncpH ffT SOtTIP i . I. - -n . I- I I1C1JU Wliat tic liuiiii UI.X.. m. ..v... - " -" - ngs, consisting oi rois ana pane- wp,. . Wjolumbian Restorative for. the : . , . r. . . vnidoro nrim tn. wuiimii i i ... n, , pails, vuiiuws silcb, y " I covers, tea 21 tons shot assorted sizes aud Molasses Gates, patent Balances, Scales and Scale Beams, Steel Yards, Weights 500 to. bar lead character of the deceased asures, steei ana piaiea ?Purs, orazinai 1- Kegs uupo 11 s Vorau ' r , I Urn A. n . J I n.' I rfl - 1 . ' IA Under robes of silk 'and ucttUU ouc vonms pressing, ru: auu -mbroidery.he cncfealed from the eves of the tL1" i v" "---f .ijiuiuiMA jrt , r t . llnticli Oil. .f.pp'a .Hills, kssp.nr.fi of tVnnpr. Tb.rld the weakn 4 diseases ot his decay- V-X 1 .T-- - 1 h T is sizes, spiders wiin vvunoui Hearinfr pad and sold by David Brown, kettles, skillets and fire dogs whiciulth,ollgh f am seventy-eight 'years of age, has periectlyj restored iny hearing, and lit my full permission to make it public tor tce etit of others My residence1 is in Prk W JSI A. ,- L r-'-'V v;iU w ng (body. unilof and sorrows, ry I i:i-:. t ! . ct. a 1 ota tranquil coutu nance a steady and pene-lw "T 6 ,b. . v . ! iratimreyei i! it I ' f I r iron totoves and fttove npes, root; toves, conscience, 'af teepie eternal toil of solicitude hidden beneath the mask Patent Cinnamon and Lemon ALSO, Reflecting Lamps, . a "very superior WraPpinir,Papvand a fresh eupply'of ground L 1 1 ' . .. - - i .-tV'..-r . t-1 mV tsn rAV AT r :. JT g JSrr A MifW rffua has reenrdpd a trnnH v,v. ( wine) Powder r 20 casks stone Lime 10 ps. heavy 43 inch Dundee hemp Bagging -1 bale bagging twine 60 coils bale rope 20 doz. (Windsor Chairs An assortment ofLadies j Chairs Fancy willow Cradles and Carriages .. ,.-,w..r. - . w.w ft uuu I , m, vl -" -- !- 1 : ". 5." J V! CimisfiANiTv; sold at a . small Rocking and Sew ing The above produce. j . articles are cither offered vet in cash or ,coun,try has bene street, No. 88, a street. BaltimoreJ ew doors North of SaralMga ALiiX. Mcdonald COZ.Z.VRI To remove Films , Specks,' or ' injlammatii from ' 1 . " I :ll the Eves. t Price, 81 per Vial, or 89 per doen, MRECTlnNS Tlrort in the rnrnr of the . Eve. fio" one te three drops tacb, fVir ihR jg ' iilbeC.re rtswig- in the morninp. as u la w""1, p. T c 'ULion w. i vnere n rnlT : fn'TB IP H tr t Wp- ha tra fiort " wiqiilc 11 vu VVlBl : i - i M . ovvc lio l alnnll hi Cllh PTtrnrHinoiir trii. I U'n rm I7 ,I)miT 1 11 1 1 TTVT A I i ' 1 n-V ir'W8;??1 I I . Jeaufort County. r , j U&Q ; .W .e r-U.ttVttill.iW4f. ; .uT,BM7oi r Tauw i r.'- - I . tj0urt of .. JPieas,: and Quarter Sessions, i Have fust receive, per Sdhr. '..' i V . I ' 'A , H f !!: ; : I 1! .- I- rviL . itJO . i .1 ftm-ATf February Term, 1834. John Mvers, I i O. Oriffinal Attachment. f-fThe f eal christian can nex er he unhappy, hi Viff, the pressure i of imnie diate bodily; angii ih, and even through the) Jackson, Lynch, & Co tortures of the wffc.XsteadyJielief in God roust TTT is Ordered by the Court! that public notice Wa powerful axdj: puringsupport. No earth- 11 of this attachment be given in the Nor til ly- prosj?ectt,holf yer klesolateno" danger, Volind,Scfiinel for six-weeks, fof deiendants jiowever iormiuit .fe, can overcome him with to appear before the nex; Court to be held for terror or despa r ;l for! his thoughts are ever! the County of Beaufort, at the Court House in . dwelling ortthe Ac iethfng beyond, in the full j Washington, on the Monday next; before the a peace and bliss cf thich a few brief stniffdes last Mondayi of May next, then arid there to -will place htm. I; pmay tread cheerfully the replevy, or plead tp issue, answer, or demur!, perilous passage, wnen lie 01 WHICH thty offer at , ; York cost. The to. call; and examine their be found the lpllowmg an New. Goods. Ph iladxlph ia, their . A1TD VT1TTEB. 0(0)10)8, fa niall advance fiom New -Thoe desirous oft purchasing goods in their line 01 business are respecttully invited stock; icles, viz: i amons which may ; most repulsive hi lias the pledge It will conduct himjic Mleep, and his s what cares he w . . . . . . winds on ly-waii ii? .--IS joy Whatis till . weep or irembl j . acter springs froifi rnajestic does its heavenly Father, that he against them. bliss. : He embarks on the (Witness William Ellison," Clerk of said jp! may be tempest-tost, yet Cdurt, at office the Monday next, before the last tup-fiiwiDs inai me nowiing jmpnaay 01 reorury loo. is e disciple annear descend ing into thenhadUy abyss of death j He only 1 s is calm andtianr ing in anguish ! I shuddering,bewi d .-10 oner us a auua.i iublimei; jVhat lesslv into -the w so many kinds.o lashed on ta his .'I . '4. , xqisite griei um ' O'er buried ,r :-p 1 aim leet max 1 tie o and is as iflihttf diseases oft life They are rioVthe to purify hinr aid fVhey are tsaheM hen all around are writh hat has the recoiling,! the fed, horrOr-nric&en atheist te. for a spell so potent and Iqlation. has he flung care- I . ul,6 !, Willi lerwise nnai judgment j will be entered grey Sat- March 8lh, 1834. WM. ELLISON, Clerk. homewards to everlasting i tp make him shrink or1 lOS STATE OF NQRTH CAROLINA, ! ' i! ueautort uounty. Court off Pleas and Quarter Sessions, , f February Term 1834. freeman and Houston, ' j. j 1 vs. - Original Attachment; Laurence Vanbuskerk. v -j I : T is ordered by the Court that Dublic notice of this attachment be given in the North guish; and so lashed and I arona Sentinel f for six weeks, for defendant With what e stand,' mound greenly a fu swells arid plnvPfi line naooari nm... I lever been ? To him tl. ?r the aspect of friends.- I Lcssarv kviis wnirn sppm prepare him for heaven. tures of an acciden tal-and E ' .!ihTa.da iWH1?' the jo of which he has mA. "TT T---- t -v.uiusss ojc a ilClUSlOn. 1 j wnose nereaiier 'blank. . ! tp appear before the next Court to be held for tne county ot iSeauiort, at the Uourt House in Vashington, on the Monday next before the last Monday of May next,- then and there ! to replevy, or plead to issue, answer or demur, otherwise j final judgment will be entered gamsi nim. ; ?; vyitness William Ellison,. Clerk of said ourt at office, the Monday next, before the last Monday of February, 1834. U j v ; 1 WM. ELLISON, Clerk. March 8th, 1834. 5 ;:j STATE : la Pei-siari;ythorif - Persia, debt d o- - fSaadi the Persian, tells a yf evils, .whicjius;,. tl i h :t said. "Old aje .o a Greek, an Indian,, and ie presence of tfie king of his. question : I j of all the greatest !? The Grecian f essed with nnporfv ." k iridia.-ahsweredjf Pain with, frrTr,ftibft.? w::;01 ?edJt to be, Peathwith- If - i I "re'iueat: Original Attachment. -i re ii. v sf fflT ?an has of othe r things, Vthiei OF NORTH CAROLINA. Beaufort County. ! Court of Pleas and, Quarter Sessions, j j . February Term, 1834. John : Myers, ; Laurence- Vanbuskerk. TTT is ordered by the Court that public notice Lt of this attachment he given in the North Carolina, Sentinel, for six weeks, for defendant to appear before the next. Court to be held for the County of Beaufort, at the Court House in Washington, on the Monday next before the last Monday of May next, then arid there to replevy, or plead to' issue, answer or demur,1 .otherwise final judgment will be entered against Super black, blue,brqwh, mulberry, Adelaide aieei 'mixea, onve orown,ana joiusseii Drown, BROAD:0LOTHS. :! ALSO. : :: I' Super llue, black, arid drab Cassimeres . Drab and blue Peteshara . j Super green, steel rriixedidrab an tineta " - , : ' Plain and figured green Baize I : Blue, black and brown; Camblet, for Ladies and ! Gentlemen's cloaks , . ' ,: . i Su per j white, red, green and yelloV Flannels Green, brown, black, blue and crimyon Merinoes Blue, brown, green; and slate Circassians 150 p'cs' dark and light fancy Cfiljcoes j Satin, lustring, and gauze bonne ; Ribbons Ladies and Gentlemen's silk an 1 cotton, fancy I Hosej and half Hose I - j Threaq and bob'nejt Lace Edgings, various kinds 3-4 and 4-4 plain and figured bobbinet Lace Silk, cotton and gum-elastic Suspenders 4 . ft f j si,k Muslin and twisted ilkShawls Merino, Thibet, cotton, s?ik and crape do ack, and black Gos de Sw(isf, sup quality nsured and watered Groa oe JNanles and gentlemen's beaver, Wash Leather silk and Hoskin's Cloves 1 1 r Satin, Marseilles,aid' Valencia yesjing Bandanna, flag an4 fancy silk Handkerchiefs White-' green and Mack blond tranze' . , do Plain & figured, took, swiss & jaconet Muslins Ladies and GenUemenV plain! and bordered J ' Linen CamhAck Handkeichidfs j Btiie. black, btcwri. and sreenl Bombazetts 9000 Spanish'Segars if ' y .. I ' ! 3 cases No. v cotton Cars, at 45 cts per pair ; . il'case Wod 1 qd j : - j 6 chests gtfh powder an Imperial Teas 3 bis LoafS ugarj 4 lUl each 15- cents. ! Add a grea many ptherarticlesj in their line ol business, toonuraerous to enumerate Blue b Plain, Ladies THfi CELEHCATED T ARAB, nflnMl nnlv. aS tb i . i i iore iaiuve uien. luan wuen covt'red w i t uL 11 . UI , 1 1 : ITiil .V" K lfliie(l witB an equal quantity, of rose, or olber soft water ; eac h tim it is applied, jt will smart less. This ha restored persons from enil'e blindness to perfect sight For sale by VViLLIAMiSANDERS, j : j 1 Drug-gist, f Netebern. And amoosr otber certificates, tie following b'ave been received from John Sykes. Sarah Rigby, Michael Wall. Benjamin Duck, John ullum, Wm 'JForsytb, P'-orge D Calh'art, Heniy T Story, Amos West Frederick Baugbman,' in this city. Frrtntiis Sparks, Gunpowder, ajid Amos Reai, Baltimore c'ouutr Benjamin James, Wilminitot. -city, pelewarej and Brown : Baker, Norrhlge wock. Me.' " Ii '':" ' ' ' " .. " ' -jjj- ALSO ., ' THE ANTI-CONSUTIVE COMPO UND, For the cure of Chronic Consumption of Ue Lungs DIRECTION. Put ! a box 0f the above article a wick 10 l.ui n as a lamp, which, pUce at the most remote part -'f the room from tne patient, that the smoke conilti ing- with I be tmosnhere ot toe room, the person may inhale it freely inio ihe lungs, and thereby be enabled to expectorate easily ud be much-relieved from the cause of desease: This smokr diffc.S from common smoke, in thai it excite no cough, it! stengthei s the lungs, and after removing the. cause heals them This has efT cted cures when neither liquids or solids could reach the seat oi di-ea e in the luops, a id consequently Could not effect a cure Price $ per dozen, or i 60 cents per single In addition to the a ents in various parts of the United States, the following Druggists have Ut-en appointed agents in ths city, viz ; Baaley $ Co., Druggist , S- E. corner ot; Howard and Frank lin streets; Atkinson & Co.; I)ruegisls, opposite Rail Road Depot, Pratt street ; Moore, Stabler & Co. wholesale' Druggists; No. 200 Baltimore street, opposite the Indian Queen Hotel ; John M. Laroque, No. 12 Baltimore street, opposite jhe Centre Market; Dr Didief, Centre Market Space, head M'Elderrj's wharf; an.t Wm Iiolloway, Druggist, 260 west Baltimore, near Euiaw street. , . P. S Persons Into whose hamis- these circulars may fall will benefit the afflicted, and much oblige the Proprietor, if 'bey would give as much publicity thereto, in their neighbornood as convenient and those cured, will please forward certificates thereof. To prevent imposition, each vial will be sealed aud stamped with D. B. the initials of bis name. 1 , For sale also, hy WM. SANDERS, i , ; ' Druggist, Newbern. j TIN AND SHEET-IRON ? . BOOTH r& POE.TEHS : L MESPECTFULLY inform their customers and friends generally, that they, conti nue to keep at their bid standi near the Court House, a full arid complete assortment of Tin Ware both plain and JapanM; also Pew ter ware, Tin plate, Copper and Sheet Iron, and Brass and Iron wire, -wheire they continue to mannfactureall,the various articles in their line of business. Orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. tUob work done as usual. -' ' ..ih-.- h , i-.-K ' N. B. Gilbert Tuller, is appointed and wiU act as ageni in the absence of the parties, and is duly authorised and empowered to transact all necessary business. : " ' BOOTH & PORTERS. while cotton Hostf. ri- ,i..A C .m.A Ti.lr Tnbliiio Swiss and Mull do. Jaconets, Cambricks, I . Ladies and Gentlemen's Gloves, &c. &c. Ien!s and Boy 's Leather and Morocco She ! and Brogans, i .Women's Leather and Prunella Shoes, j Children's ditto, &c, &c. 7i r ), . ALSO 1 Madeira, Sicily, Port, Mu&cat, and Malaga , , j Old Monongahela Whiskey, and W. 1. 1 i Uognac Ijranay, lioiiana.uin, Peach and Apple Brandy ' j New England Rum, - '! l ! Imperial, Gun Powder, and Hyson X riUUlUU, V llUd, rtllU : jvhx-jv ! Loaf and Lump : lfT , i ; ' UOM1CII JJUUCI, ik- .... .; ter Crackers, ' .1 ef and Cheese, i; Lorillards Scotch Snuff in bottles bladders All of whicly they will sell low Country pfoduce. jl I J i1 1 for cash dr MER CHANT JTAS 'returned from LiJ handsome addition f 9 TAILOR, New York ' with to his j Stock. He has i the pleasure of inforping his custome-r that the large and. fashionable assortment of ' : FALL AN D WIN TRrI OLOTHS & CASSIMEIIES which he has just lrnportfed is superior to atiy which he ever before offered to the public, anil has never been surpassed in this market, j Among his New Goods, are the folloinng ariic CLOTHS. Imperial Blue, Black, Supf. Woaded, Invisible Green, Rifle do. I Russell Brown, Supf. Olive Brown J Olive, Dahlia, -Mulberry, Plum, Sieel-Mixed,7 it tt Black-Ribbed, Drab do. Do. plain, Black, do. Striped, Tinsel Velvet, Figured doy Plain I doC . Woollen do. FigM. Valencia, CASSIMERES. Plain do. Tamboured, Polish-Mixed, Diagonal striped urey ; do. Blue do. VESTINGS. - ! Bilk, various cols. Satin, do do. Silken K jersey, Buff Cassamere, White do. Plain Black, Nankin colored. HORSE or ten dollas for insurance NOW four years olI, will stand the ex suing spring at the Vineyard of E. Small wood, one' n ile. from Newbern, at six dollars the season, i iThe season will Butter, founds and Tongues, : tO firkins best Goshen Butter, . 1 iX 0 kitts Sounds and Tongues, j 1 basketbest sallad Oil, f '' 3 doz. JM. Braces" double tin Coffeepots, assorted sizes, " 1 Reeeivedby schooner Convoy and for sale by j JOS. M. GRANADE, & Co. Dunn's Corner, Newbern, 14th Feb. 1$34. GARDEN SEICDS. TTUT Received, from William Prince & Goat's hair, piue, Brown, 1 Hoskin Gloves, . Which, together render his asssortm CA3ILETS, &c. Silk Handkerchief Gum Elastic Susp '7 ders, fec with his former ent very attractive. . G V D is iregularlv advised changes of Fashion, and constantly empl first rate workmen.!; These advantages, his experience and' attention to business, ble him to promise entire satisfaction to t who favour him with their orders. i- TIOE. f nHE subscriber, residing in Lenoir Cou JJ haying qualified-as Executor to the list and testament of WILLI A MS IST.FR: W.'d.,at the Court of PleasJarid Onatrtpr Sessions i? the County of Jones, in March. 1834. herrff notifies all persons indebted to aid estaief Ita make immediate navmpnt anr) 11 who a (ve claims to present them for payment within time prescribed byllaiv, or this notice wilj plead in bar of their recovery. COUNCIL j VVOOTEN, Executor JUarciui4.l J4 . ... ,, becoming dress a humor; it, adorns U n ess. , Y flliam Ellison. Clerk of said oman 'caif puli rn'fli'l'J -.k f "iw.-c.- i.L' ui Gill tier hniiv j r t.i i Ufirstulyv-ARAB Uja beautiful ;cpal black; heXvas sirddby the famous horse Arab, whosei sire was the celebrated oir of jVirgiflia GAR D qmSEEDS, which aretd befhad only at the Drug Store at the corner of Pollok and Middle-streets, of ! J JUST receivtMi troL the HortiK in i 1! r side at my store, a great variety ol FRESH GARDEN SiEDS. r ' J - CHARLES S. WARI 1 1 - WM. i ELLISON, Clerk. belonging! to Mr. Am s.- ! U LOO.MIS.