H PpHHE subscriber bjas this day received by JJj the schr, 'Fulford, Capt. Guthrie, from Baltimore, the following articles, vizij ' , 50 bbls fresh ground Howard-street Flour 5 do Water, Butter and Soda Crackers 10 do fresh Pilot Bread 6 do do Navy Fao 100 bushels Shorts, or Wheat Brand 500 i do . Course Turks Island Salt , .10 sacks Liverpool blown i , V do 10 rbbls cider "RranHlw I i a 5 3 innas ISaiiimore iRve Whiskey bbls old Monongahela Whiskey 4th proof I J e i - j lL. t- . . i.i i i uu iresa cornea ocei, pui up in me nai-. timore market expressly for family use. do Loaf & Lump Sugar from 15 to 20 " . cts. per pound. . , I 20 casks Stone Lime. i 60j kegs cut Nails assorted sizes tlATfio Wi-Anrn 6l...J. - 1 -t-1 WW, ,wvs HWIIU OUdjJj f ' I 12 do patent mould Candles i 6 do Poland Starch.' I i ! JOS. M. GRANADE Newbern, Nov. 16th 1835 I THE SUBSCRIBER AS just received a flesh supply of sundry articles j suitable for Christmas Holydays, among which be found the following: may Almonds, Filberts and Brazil Nuts, Muscatel Raisins,! in whole, half and quar : ter boxes, : :" , '.. -" Bordeaux Prune , in small boxes, j 1 Madeira, and Marseilles Citron, Preserved Ginger, j i f Olives, Capers, and Pepper Sauce, Walnut and Tomato Catsup, I Madeira, Port, Shery, Canary, renenffe, Mucatel, Malaga and Wines Ghampaigne, ! 1 J. ! lAunisette and Noyau Cordials. Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin& Jam. Rum, London Brown Stout, in barrels - each, ,u ;j I'K , 3$ dozen Fresh Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, and roucnong, Teas, ALSO, 12 boxes," patent',' mould CandlesL 4s &- 6s, 6 do. Sperm do. 4s and 6s, 5 hhdsf and 10 barrels Baltimore live . ; J i f i ...... Whiskey, i 10 bbls. Apple Brandy, 6 do. Custis Rve Gin. do superior old Monongahela Whiskey 5 do. Pilot Uread, 20 kegs No. 1 pure White Lead, 10 do: Black Lead, 50 Corn Baskets, Which he offers, together with his general as sortment, for sale, at i the old stand on Pollok and. Middle Streets. DAVID M. rANBOKKELEN. Newbern, 15th Dec. 1835. ..' l- a ECONOMY; I WEALTH" LD India Rubber hoes, and Scraps of India Kubber,will be bought, and a lib ra) price paid by ; t l M i! ) , D. M. VAN BOKKELEN. . I Newbern Jan. 20, 1836. , JVash County Brandy Flour, frc. 6fT Barrels Nash County, first quality, JVAV Apple Brandy, 20 bis. N. Y. Canal Flour Beach's red i I! - Brahd," 10 half bis. do. do. do. .20 boxes' Hull & Son's . patent mould Candles, i - j 5 boxes sweet Sicily Oranges, 750 grasf fed Tallow, 6 doz. Windsorl Chairs, assorted colours, iust received and forvsale by ; j DAVID M. VAN BOKKELEN. ' rfewbern, Jan. 20, 1836. ern, fos JOSEPH M. GRANADE JHI- AS this day received from New York, by I the senr. lopaz, ine loiiowing arucies : 1400 bushels Irish Potatoes, 50 do Mercer :h do 10 boxes Prunes : i ' 2 lf4 casks Teneriffe Wine, ! i 2 bbls. Linseed Oil, : 1 do Winter strained Sperm, Oil 1 do Fall strained do do 10 bags Buck Shot j 20 bbls New York Canal Flour 10 1-2 bbls j do do 20 bbls mess and prime Beef, 1 basket Salad Oil I box Olives J 1 keg Currants ; 1 box prepared Cocoa . 1 do Bologna Sausages Kewbirn', 12th, oy. 1835. THIS DAY RECEIVED, TTJ)ER the Schrs. I Trent and Friendship 4X7 from New; York and Baltimore,' 50 casks Stone Lime, 4 doz. each 1 and 2 quart Oyster Pots, 50 bushels superior Nova Scotia Potatoes KJkilcasijr jiv lawny use, j 50 pbls. and 25 half bbls. Baltimore su pernne i lour, , j ' V llo tJ Bread, small Biscuits, for family use, j i i I 10 23 60 6,000 100 May tt Butt j i;racK.ers, hhds. Whiskey, - do. ::.!.!-,- bbls. Kegs Baltimore No. 1 Lard, Baltimore1 half Spanish Segars, I pounds Flax, D. M. VAN BOKKELEN 5th, 18351 1 January Ath, 1836, A 1 A DIVIDEND of Capital of seven per -nJL cent, is thiajday declared by the Bank;! uayaDie o siocKnpiuers or meir legal repre J it . n. ill.' 1.1 1 I : cniauves, alter me uin insianc. JOHN W. GUION, Cashier. FOR SAIiE, ALIRELY NEGRO GIRL Wei acquainted with household and kitchen work For further particulars enquire at the OfliQf oftkejjtJUtJ BTTHL Wit 1 - n-IT-l-l'-Tt ' n n AS justteturned from New YorkJ with a i ' - - ' r. ' - , - - - - ,11,; . U U fresh iscitment of j GROCERIES, u Tl A T JTV A J? I? rTTWT T?TW CROCKEflY, I AND GLASSWARE. ; i JL w Ats Groceries are, ' Best s perfine family; Flnur, -r . Butter Cheese, Crackers r Applei Bologna Sausages , Smokd Beef, Onions 1 1 if: Cogna Brandy - St. Cnix Rura ! Comrr n do.- - n j i J Old Mbnongahela Whiskey, f . Comnpn ; do. ! ! Madera, j Teneiffe, f Malai, I ! Musclf, ! i And aher WlNES. i Which hd will sell very low for ;Cas or Country Proiuce. ! . Newbern, 23d Oct. 1835. f T g i j m i ril T7" TJH TV CJ f IV X 111. X : JQ Xjiil fM-lo Have just received and are now opening, their ..' h1 ; ASSORTMENT' OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY G ODS, Among wblcb arc the following article I T TT rieces ffro de nap Silks, light shades, JJ. Vi black Lustrings, from 4s 6d to lis i ,. per yard, :L,.:. i'-J-lL:- i;i l 30 different varieties Fancy Hhkfs & Shawls Painted Muslins, one piece! very! rich, at 81 40 per yard. I t: i : Elegant assortmeut of Belt Ribbands. Gauze, Bonnet and CapKibbands Ladies! light and dark Gloves, i : Black silk lac Vails " , M White and irrfUn hlnrif tram.Pt Vailsi I White & fancy do. do. Hhkfs & Capei Linen Cambric llhkfs. j 5-4 Irish and Russia Sheeting's, Irish T.inpna.. ' j- . ; ... ft Parasols and Umbrellas, ' K Light Prints, from Is 3d to 3s 6d per yard, inlaid MusJins, " Musquito Netting, Shelf side Combs Belt Buckles, Gilt Chairs, Dolls, Spool Cushions, Black, blue, green 6c brown Crape Camblets xjiacn ootuuazines ac Circassians oi supenp ' QUaJltV, ;:(: v p t j j ."'1 Worsted goods a variety for Spring wed uottontjassimeres & lied Ticks, .-j ; 3-4 dc 4-4 blue plaid Domestics, f j 3-3 &4-4bleached& brown cotton Shirtings, 5-4 & 6-4 Brown cotton Shirtings! i ij 3 cases Fashionable Silk i & Fui HATS Palm-leaf Hats. ! Newbern, I4tk April, 1835. FOItiALE ON CONSIGNMENT. tf7 rff BBLS. prime Porto Rico WW 50 "I pure N. E. Rum, Sugar, 6 hhd, pure do. Cotton Bagging and Twine, 20 baskets Liverpool fine Salt. Apply to J. BURGVVYN, Dcvereux's Building', October 26, 1835. SHINGLES WANTED. ! j aaD :-ipon nch les wanted ia mediately by JOS. M. GRANADE. Oct. 27th, 1835. TUST RECEIVEDj j Per'Schooner Ellen Doug-lass, from New Yorkt i Apples, Cabbages, t j Mercer Potatoes, Fresh Butter,' &c. For sale by ,1 i i I i li D. M. VAN BOKKELEN. Oct. 20, 835. ; ) Molasses and Sugar. T tihds, prime retailing Molasses, Ti uu. : uu. u u. ouifar, Just reteived per Erig Mary, and for sale by J. C. ifc Mj STEVENSON. June 8ii, 1835. i -V FR1NCIS J. PRENTISS, I V MERCHANT TAIL.6R, A FEW 100R8 WEST OF THE STA.TE TtAir. I Has jujt returned from New Y3rk with a choicfe selection of goods in hi s line, - AMINO WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING : CLOrHS.' - Super Hue, CASSIMERES. Diagonal, Drab, Fancy-Ribbed,- Black, , Polish green allia, 1 j . Irown, live, . 8teel-mixed, Black Moleskin, Uark-mixed Corded, .1 VESTINGS Black ;s3k Vtel vet, Figured Velfet, Black Sitin, Black Foreitine, Embroid'di Quilting Buffand White, Printed Toilenettes, Fancy patterns, j I -also- Ltv-; A?, 1 Hats, Siicki Suspendersj I Cravats;" CraVat Stiffners,Booms, Linen Collars, Silk Hhkfs. liraces, dc. c. all of which, will be I sold Inw for Casi VT V.V:, 'S- ktii'r f! -".f! Havinnril-rate workmen, he is enabled to execute al oidcrs for. Clothing in the best stvle. ortshott noiiro. attentionl TVpmh-n uautwiruu a uisiance will receive prompt October 10, 1834.. TAKEN UP, -A.Cc cdnmitted ' to the i; of Craven Cojmlyl a Negro man whornllahia name CHARLfeS felGBY, and says thlt he belongs to rhorrts VSlson. resldinirin rru owner l reqiesied to come forward, i nrnve propertjpat varges ana take nihi away. 1 : . . ir DAVID t LP W S,' Jailor Newbjrp, dcteber 26thi 1835V NO U A It O trl If A, S Fifty Dollars Reward. Tm AN AWAY from the subscriber on the jJXX 5th of June last a Negro Boy : named JERRY, about 19 years old, of dark com B ( 4, " I'll.' 11 j nlexion; sDare made, has a small scar across- nis nose, ana is o leei - unu iuvuco mgu. He has connexions in Newbern and at the plana- tion of J. C. Stanly, near that place, at one of which places he is no doubt concealed. The penalty of the law will be rigidly enforced against any 'person who may be found to har bour or secret said negro, and a re ward of fifty dollars may be had by the person arresting and securing him in jail, or for his delivery at my residence, ten miles lrom r e wDern. i I HARDY O. NEWTON. Jones County, February 22d, 1836. '4ll3,I have understood that Jerry has en deavored to obtain free forged papers, and it is Drobable that he will exhibit a free pass and call himself JEEKY liKAUlUJV ; Masters oi vessels are therefore cautibned against carry ing off said negro under the penalty of the law. .? ' i. (). IX. FOR SALE, ONE of the most valuable -Planla tations in Edgecomb county, lying on Toisnot Swamp aboutfoui miles north of Stantonsburg, and two miles from Contentnea Creek, wherbj boats pass to and from Newbern during the: winter . arid spring. The tract contains about! Fourteen Hundred Acres, about Eight Hundred, are in a high slate of cultivation. The greater part is prime Lpuon land. v -:- - i There are on the pre mikes a good two is ory and Dwelling House, Gin House and Screw, all necessary out houses, -entirely new. A great bargain will- be given and terms made easy, by the subscriber. '' - WRIGHT EUMOJNDSOW. Dec. 21 st, 1835. :' ;. ' ':; -'-:-';. Bacon Hams. .i PRIMES Bacon Hams, cured with Saltpetre, for family use, for sale by f J. C. & M. STEVENSON. I. Mi VANBOKKliLEN Has this day receivedl and is now opening MEN'S SPANISH SADD LES, with cloth housings compfete,:a superior article, Men s Spanish Saddles, plain, do. plain, do. various qualities, - Ladies Side do. . do. do. Weymouth Bridles and Martingales, with covered and plated buckles, j A general assortment of common Bridles V and Martingales, At the old stand corner of Pollok and Middle streets. : ;.. . : I ' December 17lh, 183$. Jl Freslii lr rival! v rniHE subscribers,? grateful for former fa JLL vors, respectfully inform their numer- they have just opened a targand complete assortment of Goods in jtheir line, embracing ; Hardware, SILVER, BLOCK TIN, AND PEWTER r:"v K;? WARES, -f Tin and Hollow W ares, BOOTH fc PORTERS. i Newbern, Oct. 20th, 635. I N. B. Job-work in both branches of their business will be executed faithfully and with despatch. MADEIRA WINE A CONSTANT supply of Gordon's" old, jESmm superior. Winesi direct from that house in qr. and eighth casks, jfor family use, for sale at low prices, oy j i i , J. & T. S. WINSLOW, 27 Broad street, New York. Apply to J. BURGWYN, Devereux's Buildings. iiew e-n(iDBB&. f niHE subscriber "has returned from the JUL North, and is now peningat the old ssand on Pollok and Middle streets, a general a ort ment of j ' 1 Groceries LICIUORS, WINES feCORDIALSj 'Hardware, Crockery, Glass, China, and Earthenwares, j ! Wood, Willow and Hollow Wares, Saddles, Bridles and.Martingales, Gig Harness, , ' ' j Coach &. Harness Trimming & Mountings, ::' Windsor and fancy Chairs, Cotton Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c. &c. !; 'ALSO, A full assortment of Carpenter's, Cooper' and Blacksmith's Tools,' American, English find Swedes Tire, Band, and Hoop Iron, of all sizes, .. i German and Blistered Steel, Freeborn's Cast Iron Ploughs, &c. &c. AH of which having been carefully selected by himself, he offers tfy his friends and the pub lick on accomodating terms, for cash 0r country produce,! D.j ML VAN BOKKELEN. Newbern, Oct. 9,j 135, 1 " ; NOTICE. ' r niHE subscribers have removed -their Cab JJL inet Furniture Establishment from Pollok-slreet to their jStOre on Middle-street, near the Court House, where extensive ar rangements have been made to accommodate the several branches 6f their business. . They would be gratified by frequent calls from their old customers, to whom and the public generally, they offer their goods at very low prices, and their thanks for former patro nage, j BOOTH & PORTERS. Newbern,. July 9, 1825. ' , WANTED, A N4 A-Pprentice to the Tailoring business. -ttJu A boy of 12 orjl4yearsof age would be preferred. Apply to ' , . , i ABNER A. PARKER Pollocksyille, Jan., 6, 183& M. ' n T I M L . NEW STORE.' i i - THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Newbern 'and: its vicinity; that he has recently setuued from the North, ; with a Kc AI1U HCUvl ai J iaiUUK ftaSOUft IliJUlf v nunrtDii?a j n a t niv a tj i? rimfPY CROCKER Y and' GLASS WARE Liquor?, Confectionary, r Perfumery, i, Hats, .''( Wnes, Fruits, Nuts, Shoes, &c. &c. which he isi now offerme for sale at the Store formerly occupied by Geo. A. Hall, Esq. and more; recently by : John A. Crispin, one door east of Dunn's corner, and nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. ? 1 : ALSO Vl fv. Wl't V At the brick store belonging to Mrs. McKinlay, New County Wharf, a laige supply of such ar ticles as are usually. found in a Grocery Store, together with a good assortment of , "j- SHIP CHANDLERY, READY MADE ! i CLOTHING, &c. &., all of which he will sell at a moderate advance upon the cost. i n ' JOS. M. GRANADE, Nov, 1st 1835. . : - t , j j ' JOHN M'DONALD MESPEUTFULLY informs the public that j he ha; purchased of Booth & porters their entire . . ' I " f STOCkc OF FURNITURE. and removed to the Store formerly, occupied Dy r. j. r-repuss, where ne will keep constant ly, and nowpason'hand an elegant assortment of Furniture; among which are i. Sideboarc s, Sofas, Bookcases, ; Wardrobi s, Cra iles,' Bureaus, ! ' Portable Desks, Stands, Bedstead!, Cribs, &c. I Elegant ancy and Windsor Chairs and LookingGlasses will be kept constantly on hand, and every other article in his line of bu siness, , Hk hopes that the custom so liberally bestowed upon his predecessors, will be1 ex tended to him. All orders from: the country will be re vived and punctually attended to. He will alsj do all kinds of Repairing, so as to convejt old Furniture into new. He will endeavoi o give entire satisfaction as it regards workmaasbip and price. j j I N..B. He has an elegant Hearse for the pur pose' of attending to the burial of the dead, and will makekll kinds of Coffins such as Mahbg ony, Cheriy, Poplar and Pine, at the shortest j NewbenL January 1st, 1836. t; NOTICE ! j f n 1 HE subscribe r having been appointed Ad lLL mini ttrator ofthe late Edward Downing; at November Term, A. D. 1835, of Craven County Cburt, hereby notifies all persons in debted toijsaid estate" to make immediate pay ment, anil those having claims against said estate to present the same for pavinent;or set- element. wiihin lhaUmfilin uittuc viu uu pieati u oar tnereol. ! JOHN M. ROBERTS. A V Newbern, 25th Nov. 1835. I i TJT ESFECTFULL Y in forms the citizens oj JU.U ,Neivbern and its; vicinity, that he has commenced the business formerly carried on Vrar,olle' sq that of painting houses Painting o all kinds; will be executed iii the! neatest manner, and at a moderate price. He flatters himself that an unremitted attention to his business will ensure him a portion of that patronage which was bestowed upon the gen tleman above referred to ; and those who favor him with their support may rest assured that no Paps will be spared to render his services acceptable to them. - , ") ! ; ; Newbern, December 8lh, 1835. Y f : ! i' jv otice. ;.;'-(;-; f rnHE subscriber has determined to remove JJL fhis Stock of Goods, &c. to Middleton,' in Hyde County, N. C. and takes this method of informing those indebted to him, to call anfl make; payment,' as he will leave in the course of .this week. - I . ! hose failing to settle before his departure; will please call on Mr. John Charlotte ,and make payoent to him, who is authorized jo pass receipts in my name. ! j: I ; STEPHEN D. SPARROWJ Wewbern, Jan. 18, 1836. ; i Highest Cash Prices ..; " H .1 . m-r '.''I- r or leirrofis: ! rjTlHE publick are hereby notified that the, J-LL ; undersigned has purchased Mr. John uuucisicuve a jaus, m ine town ot IMewbern md that the same facilities that were hereto fore offered byr Mr. Gildersleeve, will be cdii jinued by him. - " - s-" , - The subscriber continues to pay the highest Cash prices for Slaves, of both sexes, and his .Agent may always be found at the Washing ton Hotel, or at Mr. Granberry's Tanyard.1 J i - . B. C. EATON. Newbern, 2d May, 1835. ' I - NOTICE. : I " fnHE! j Subscriber being about to remove -i-L from the State, has giyen to Dr. William S.a?e.r? a general Power of Attorney, authori sing him to adjust all his unsettled business. i :. " ; ! Tnccnir DPT r: "V JOSEPH BELL. j Newbern, Sept. 22d, 1835 f NEW BAKERY. fpHE subscriber respectfully informs the public 1 ne connucts tne LJAKIWU UUS1NESS In the house formerly used for that purpose by the p01"6 Reid; and being determined to use every endeavor to give satisraction, he trusts thaj families and others will ei've him a Bhare, of thiip rnctnm. He has constantly on hand the first quality ot Loaf uieuu, ircHii vrac iters ana uake ol every kind, pre pared in a superior manner, which will be served to families at the shortest notice.' , ' ' ' ' i ! j He he has just received and 'will constantly een on hand a supply of Howard street FLOUR of a su perior quality, i IScwbern. let Dpi ir f , , . China and Mantle! Ornarrrp.nts fTPI HE Subscriber respectfully 'informs the JXJ inhabitants of Newbern, that he has juk arnvcu irum new i orK witn a ' 11 ; ; Splendid assortment of MANTLE p RNA MEN T S. m ; ' .' ! . i - .1" ... 1 ot a superior siyie ot workmanship, which he Willi dispose of low Tor cash, or Ladies and Gehtlemens half worn clolhes, old Gold, old Sil yer , or old -Watches,, i ' 1 -;- . j i JTjhe , above .articles will be shown to any lady or gentleman at their jown houses, should they desire it, but can be seen at any time by calling at the Store .lately occupied by IVr. Stephen D. Sparrow, on jPollockstreet, one door West of Mr. 'John Templeton's r f li::; r .; -'- fj- : . B. SOLOMON . Newbern, Jan. 26, 1836i y' i s NOTICE. -N'-h; - j- rrjlHE subscriber having qualified, at Cra JLL ven County Coufti as ExeCutjrik of ihe late RICHARD RICHARDSON, hereby iriTe notice to all persons indebted to the estate oft saiu ueceasea, re ma&e immeuiaie pajment or their notes and accounts will be put in the hands of an Attorney' for collection, j And all persons naving claims against said estate, are required to present tnesaroe, duly a a then tree j ted, within the time prescribed by law, or this ! notice will be plead inbar f. their recovery February 10 th, 1836. TT AT 37,1-2 CENTS EACIL UIJirOHM 23DITIOZJ-. rniHE great and constantly increasing 'demand for tie LL novels of Captain Ma ryatt, has induced the subjerj; berto commence the publication of new edition of his entire writings, in a new form, and at a reduced prfce. Several of his works that bavej not yet appeared in rhi3 country will be comprised in this series, which will, when completed, be the only uniform edition of his writings that has yet issued from the 'press. . . ' ) f j.j f Ihe vok will be poblished ; in semi-monthly IVumbers at 37 cents per Number. Each Number cotnplete tn rt senr, aiiu cuiniiiuig me wiipie oi. one oi uu works, eqaar to Two Duodecimo volumes; a! Title Page to e&ch Num- Der. - - . - - : . ; . i - r.r . . . . iThe whole series will Lie comolete in Eieht Numbers. and will form a royal octavo volume of Twelve Hoodred Pages tor Three Dollars. ,1 ;; List of works id be comprised in this edition : I Frank Mildma, or the Naval Offieer. -i Newton Foster or the Merchant Service, i King's Own. T I- U '4' i "r Peter Simple, or the Adventures of a Midshipma n. I: ibcuu rauuiuj. j;- ,. - Pacha of Many Tales, r F j - Japbet fn Search of his Father. ' j Naval and Military Ski tchei. 1-. ' i The first Number-will positively be issued early in Jan iary,and the whole will be completed by the last of April. 1 j. tie work will be steredtyned, and any ol the Numbers .can be had separate, if delsiredl ' r !' I I i I They will be sent by ppet toi any part of the Union, to packed as to -defy the friction (of ihe mails. Postege un der 100 miles 1 cents pej sheet, over 100 miles 2 cen3. It-is almost useless for the subscriber to. remark khat this is the cheapest work ever offered. Th simnle fart of thjB number of ages being near twelve hundred, and I rrincarsinEmr .ni?iirr)n no !Ktinocisn ,M iue price oniy inree ao liars, speaks lor itseit. The public may look upon this as the commencement of an enterprise . to furnish them with works of fiction by the most celt-bra. ieu auinors, pnniea m a peautilcil manner, on fine paper, at a price which will at obce defy competition, and place it in the power of every person to possess a library of h0v els at an extremely; low rate. The; advantage of trans mission by mail is one thdt wilt aot be overlooked bV non esidents in large cities The publisher thinks, and her presumes that the public will agree with him, that it h better to issue the work of each author, in series, at a stated price, than to publish a continuous work at so much per annum ; for by this arrangemeht tbey mav subscribe to th works of one author and reiect aiioihwr. lki h. ing obliged to pay for Ihijt which ihey do not wantf; A. remittance of $10 Will command four copies bf Che work. Single subscription $3. ,J1. ICTSubscribers to the tAdv's FaOnlr Vr iIiAca w!tliL rm become subscribers, wil be furnished with the Lady'a Book one year, and the set bf Nnrl- fnr nit.-. , advance, postage paid, ( Single subscriptions to kit&sr worn, Tnree JJollars. Address r I LOUIS A. GODEY No. 100 Waluut street, Philadelphia. I Groceries, &c. Ti nnTh IHEl'i coarse Turks Ji. WMl Island SALT, (for sal low by the quantity,) ' 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee, 1U do Lagutra 10 do Java A ' 'do a handsome article, " 2 hhds Muscovado Sugar, I 2 boxes &l 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, 20 bbls. Baltimore Howard street Flour, 10do - do i :do do ! 3 bbls. Philadelphia Kye Flour, -,10 kegs Goshen, Batter, first quality, i 1 .10 do . ' tlo 1 j do; a common article, 50 drums fresh' Smyrna Figs, T 10 small boxes Bordeaux Prunes, ' 5 kegs DuponVs. Brandy wine Gun now .;der;- v VS"t;;j-- ' . f v 5000 Spanish Cigars, o f, $ and i boxes, 50 lbs. Mrs. Millers fine cur Spanishemo- iv Doxesyenuw ouijj, L&1Dg JiODacco, 2 bbls. butter Crackers, 10 do Cider Brandy, , 4 doz. cast steel Boxing Axes, 6 do Beers' long bit do., j , Just received from New York and Baltl more, and for sale cheap by I 11 DAVID M. YANBOLKELEN Newbern, Jan. 26, 136 .. Ho Salef PART OF LOTNo. 83. on Middle Si! ill i i-cwueru, wiiu ine f improvements JilLJ. thereon, ( being two Dwellings 'and piure jiiuuses, wii,n sumcieni put nouses, .1 I....' It f .V 1 . I I Iaieiy uccupiea Dy tne suds en Der. . - i v- I-Ialsoi 00 acres of Pine Land, lying; Brices Creek; about nine miles from Newbern! Terms made, known on application ttd Wrc 8. Morrisj or to. JAMES -DYjlS J Ten Dottavs Reward MAN away from 1 ihe Subscriber in ihe j night of Uie 19th inst. a Negfo Wc man named SUKEYf about 55 year old, of low stature, and formerly belonged to ViIliaai Handcock, Esq. ! Whoever will ' apprehend' said Negro and lodge her in any JaiL br 'girei such information 'that I get her again, shall re ceive the above j reward and all necessary charges. Any r person found j harboring, her. winoe prosecuted. - l-: l-l ! u J 25. , I i "WILLIAM BROWEIf.. "J'