Ji.- 'istrar. 3r''JNr- " ;lr ff c ?U i -.lA'.-irT'tf.. "ir v.-rsr .5 he?r hd : a his !! BCt- . i in irty oot tebi- j and , got . . ived. tra- vry fiatt ;h in- i ravel noP 1 .... Ijl , ana WWftir slave : pahtohd ug bis wHMngneBB ; I. j .i with men noccasionaUdiceto bis companion ienibled thorn to r- Jim tyaw a , wdmflr Llenovar and j told them Hatch.! Tha Indian who killed L.lovar av v"r'. J e jBuiaii . nv , : . ; trail i had rooked1eV,'but does not know his I.. tine who kUIed-M4Woodruff. Spring y -, near Picolata name. -1 he .rdeo, was 7 "7;ua,",ritntrftWthev ft ha f breed oi the same nam., i f-3 dthat Ben Wiggins naci suw rT .i - 7 - V . ti. m. Isri expressed a defct- h nnT' They alsd-eiprsed Son to shooacr lVrrest who was soenga, in that ibattle, because JJ. joined XU whilei! They -SndVnld had been killed at Wiihlacppcheej :andAbJndunda had 11 " ,k-s. "A bl and .chotoped the wood work to pieces with an aier and burneq,Ui,,They e? manv oeoole were at St; Aajrustine; t and S many VuPicotata. They had seen a gun boat go ,tt the St Johns rivers and had fttett aererai guna jnio "ri - - , -j:.. k,,.lii,Kpri thflv were. ihd swamp some oiatauw - " i . " : .. '' ..... .tk -.m rlifniltv that they could be prevent , r f!rJW - ihev id diacoverd him when Srod kn express to Camming, and ?bey iijtempted lolciit Mm off; bat feoutd not succeed. i; . .Vv' H..ht tht troth 6f these, statements, tnd think r these are.mere embellishment; to his dventure but Li are inclined' to, believe them ; tbey are too parcicBUr i ,"!h false: 7 -.Wo: have; 'heard. the tale irom. Jp's own : l0li t . J ii -L::.u Kttl noriatinri und none lipa jrepeaieuij, iuu .iui .crjr -.- r .ci- , r in the mote tmporiam aeiaus. ; . - i - . f -naniea of 80 men" eah wero immediately or-s diredto irnDt .Elmore's company oi js.,v. yoiunccro i T'leiit lrvingTs company of TJ.St Vtulety, acompamea i . V. l. r.nM 17." H. T PL'T.lmit. Ktamby.saiiea on i l . . . - r ; - . , , . -. j by Capt. uanneia, o. o. i. weu..D(u,,M iiL atth February, in the steam boat Santee, : to esllb-4 ?ll Tnot at Volusia. On the" return 'of the Steam deootat voiusia, un me reiurp i.iup:uw.iu 'f"L : ' J ' , ' ' J k. nj.t.rjbiT InHnim about fiVeifoilel SoveiFalatka.u-Oap of the, balls lodging m ttie csotaia's berthi . The fire was returned by those on iuit without eflfcet nTbis. no doubt is the same I part, ho took me two negroes pnao? Vnment jMtl at .it was butfew' miles' from their encampment, Sforily two days afterwards. " . jf " tGeneralBufl, bftheS.C. MiRtia, arrived in town on Sunday iot, aridiatcjyassumedlhe command of W bri8 . , . ; .'I? .-'i , ,V'Vt!..t.V".:.. I We Vegrer to learn that the measles naa orosen uui irj Capt : Parker's ompany orS. C. Volunteers, Station- e4 at St. Joseph's. , Twenty-sis cases had occurred : but corfipanfesof U. S. Troops, under tbe command of Maj. J table connection between; Van Burenism and jn liirby, sailed on Tuesday last to take post at Villiamsf J cendiaryiain," GarriMniisin and Tappanisra."; . Like Plantation, on .the.Hamax uiver. ior wie PwYr - tibUahins a depot there. i ? i 1 . tCapt. Fripp's.ompany of mUUia, have justj returned from a scouting expedition, having travelled thfe six Mile Greek Road; a far act l;8J twLd'oo turn; tbe advance guard saw five Indians in the road op the ediref a' tbitk swamp.! They were fired.upon by the eoard. which was returned by the Indians, who im - jhediately''rereated into the thicket and eseaped. ,Une I.pdiati was wounded ; , he was; seen to throw! away his pack, and limp off I We are infraed that -seventy Wagons are waiting atUj to plate the name of Mr.;'" yah yfovisions ttGerf. Hlinh '.whose liftaper, lorihe purpose "of i lch diminuhcd by the quantity taken -M .S", Picolata, to convey iinolv had beeu much tiT lied, uaineB,ifWH rt'ii . .- 5 - ,; i ' t ....i;RDI;m.nt .'.IS. C. Militia, may be ex- - fi.' ' r ri . r ; pected to arrive herein all this week. - ' E W BE KJV .PHI CE S 0 U RR E N T. ( Corrected -Weekly.) -:. i ,' 4. . v lb do do do cwt ' do" J1UTTER. - k , CANDLES, . t , ; OFFEli,tbyUieheg.l CORDAGE, Ml-,,, rnTTO!M. ' 65 15 Cotton baging-fibx, yd pi r Hemp, A ; .. .do FEATHERS, Jb. FLAX, FLOUR. Conntry, - :;bh i . Northern, ! do J i , Corn Meal, r bulifci lGttXWWheat-,.;fA-.r,,;r:o. ! ' ; r.nra. . ; ' ' Obl IRON liar, American &: Eng. ' ; ,r .. Russia and gvtedes, J " do '-'! v"' LARD. . :;..dO:-li !l L'ATIIPP SftlA. ' J ; ; , -dO .. - . i Hides, ; . , a 17 00 4 a wv ? i Inch boards, ' i' ' F '; Scantling, v ivi J' ? Square Timber,; ; 1 Shingles,. Cypreis, , do 12 00 12 00 25 00 r i4 uu. do r : do, , do do a 14 00 ir. rvn; ;t It UWS 2 75 -! II 18 00 f a 20 00 S 00a 10 00, Staves, VV. U. nnq, Do R. O. Do; W O barrel, ; lleading,;bhd. - Do. 1 . barrel. -do doM 12 00 15 Otf do, 12 00 15 ua MOLASSES,' by. ib.e hhd J gall . NAILS Cut 4d 3fc al I keg I ! All siaes above 4d do 7 WrouKht, -r ;. ' NAVAL STORESTart j ? Turpentine, - V j i. : pitch, : i-- do --20 ! j bbl :' ?.l :40 s 1 do ' 3 5a u i ; do t; .1-40.1 a. : vdo 1 (K) J a gallon - r ' "60 ; a -. do -i' lr vk25:U do 4 1 OOJA - do '-' 35 4 4 00 1 60 1 75 . 65 Spirits Turpentine, j il Varmtli OILS 8perm, . j '.Whale and Porpoise ?". .Unseed, -"f P.lVTSRed Lead. . 1 SQ t 40 1 50 18 . . do r,.-1 40 -.c i do. 15 f V White Lead, ground in oiUcwt -PEASE Dlack eyed, bushel r-v. Grey eyed, d' PROVISIONS Bacon, Hams, lb . Beef, . do Pork, mess, ' -- hbl l( ; ' .Do. prime, ) - ' do , -.Do.. ,Jv-v d SALT Turk Island, d3 I fc : ,.; Beaufort, . . , ; i. do : S 'Liverpool, fine, do SHOT, - v v , , ' SOAP-YeJlow, by .he;bo,jV lb SPIRITS Brandy, French, gall; 12 00 65 ;40 f r '1 ' r r 10 m-cl- 1800 a 20 a! 16 15 00 45 w None i --'20 a 25 !30 a 12 14 00 U ieTjocto 23 a i '.85 U . 30 - Yia . 15 '8 OU la' & 00 la , ; -rri 80 !a 1 00 80 90 . a 00 V 3 25 w 1 !5 a i li5la- 6 12 ' 1 15 m 25 1 n market. ... 60 vilO.OO a ;:1.50 y 1 A1 Apple, so- ' . 'i".a- il reach 00. ; - - Rum. Jamaica, " ido via.! 25 d' 1 20 Oi Do. Windward Island,- ; do.r- i- ! 40 n V 1 .do . 4- ., ; .Gin, Holland, . . )v. aVDo. Country h: i-.';,;WbiskeyVi-i...' si.; ts-fjldJA Lump,:. U v iDo. Brown, ' , do do .1 50; a U 45 i 38 -a'- do . . ,v.lbr?-( do "i do . V 16 a 15 a 0 . .!dot.itxll,. i do"1! . 1 00 tTEAS Hyson, do ' 1 00 -1 orU . kTTon u ft nniffl ',itK f I S BrAHlOn OSUl "k""!' f "t"'V:;V ,JK OPSk5 Tbii oir ttW-l Vteb.xt Gef m Soerry." .-.-.f- -- 3 M .... ,,, ta & DM,hl.k incltaed !o lhirt,.ana o . . j-u, (ot iM Uil Roid, W mm 1VJJ. trousings complete, a superior article, respect .' A Men's Bpamshaddle, plain. !f;'?' ., V 'prohibi ;L " - vv'.o'ipialii. JvC:ido;ariwa taUtie,- 'vision v :'c AVevmotith Bridler and Martingales, . . :..J -;il..-l kAlrtA A general assortment of; common COycTcu nvk j'lmiu uunK.ot. nATrtinpales. At the old stand corner of Pollok and T - - - ... - - hhmmhHH .Cy - v3 frZu$' V&Z3t :M v iifvlrtl ion t XEWBERN: ' !" raj RKPUBL1 C AN TICK ET .c .v-:.;..':f:WOjl-. iricE-.paESIDENT,; p , 1 RICplARBMiA JTOHNSON. , 1 ' '4- FnR;OOViRJfpRri ;.;,r " We publish tOKlay. the eecb of the, Hon. Isaac : -0 i i ttiLLin.trie, Senate of tbe r4niidtet(onihe-abi; jeet.Gi the Abolition petitionv It is. one oi tne sound- est anmbsthvincm .; 7--" -""r mm to tne voters ot ortK uaroiinaior re-eiet- ri;ii hvrnf thi- nnaaih !itv of n dnnht. that thekilo.sbs ;". -ri r-i ' ; . ; ?:'''Lfiit f i? J ' t Van BuWiy of New Hry iwuiug ' ! '',;7. ''T ' . i their conventions and meetings, Henounced;it in the strongest terais, and repreeided ;ita advocates wiUi unsrringiseverily.asdcsiroussrtleairoyuigtheUnion rh SAti i .. . n s - W - I : :i '-;Jr- :L'::r4:- -vprv onnortnhltv to ininre tile mosnects of Mr. Van Ruren, tooH ocCasipn a,short tmwnce, to introdoce r . V . . ' ' - j intcv the Senate chamber a paper pnn'ed at Utica, N Y.,bcacing;at itsiiead theflig of Van! Burenand png vigWa of ihr Aboi.tionbts with great .AiOVVJuL'J'aWnatAUViUrTt.'A thought h ..v. v- -----o- had found a mare's-nest. . Like Japhet, he had at last dorereti tc 0hjct nearest his heart, and ixiinting toit with an air of triumph, proclaimed the indi inanv other assertions coming from that gentleman, , - f,. ... . . however, ttys was not taken, upon credit j .inquiries were made,.andkjit,will be perceived by reference to MrHiLL's spt-ech in to-day's paper, that the editor i j . . . , ol he AMition jourrtal at Utica, is as much opposed to yan Buren as the Senator from South Caro- lina. Van Burenisni was in case worn as a mask for one of two causes. Either the editor was yah Buren at the injuring him in the SQUlh, and sent it to Washington to he used, as Mr. Hill: BJiyi?, "exactly as it, was used," or the pre eminent popularity of Mr. Van Buren in the North, riiiiifoa thcp oilitfir? in use his name because thev fear t0 render their cause more desperate than it al- 1 ro.ady ; i-V hy declaring themselves' opposed "to him. It haValwaVs' been ifound tlmt fa mlhction wm chime in with the dominant party, for e purpose of 1J furthering their own selfisll ylews, .without holding any coraniurity of interest or f ..; Kfrh thpnhminallv attach themselves. But .ro I ... " r t u r-:nA. . K. even II some lewyi ivir. van uuiui o b.kuu.i ov .' . . . 1 f .ohiml luiinnw htionists, how does that affecVhim? fj Hphelbepow- er to choose those whom hewill,- and rejci- thow whom he willnot acknowledge his friends? -Is every 1 Vet it' cpptna that the onrionents ot 'Mr. Van Buren would devote Aiwi to a severer ordeal than they would j any other man. , , -; :.-.J, : ;i . -- The late speech of Mr Mngu.n on Mr- Benton's res- I olulions, is certainly one of the strangest tirtdes' ever de- l livered in a Legislative Assero.wy. Its discoonecrea 01 I gressioii: conrradrcrtons, xjinbbies; and malighanf 8pir, shew very plainly that the reensant oenator Carolina, after having wiuuiiy aoinooneu nt Aitt una (rommon sense, is lost m ine V' J ; error, and I like the stag -i theble. has bang himself - -- the horns . The sfteecn may oe sum iu . ?- ot . '. .. : a 1 P.'iilo'nt.mnlfini'. on I - . - . -i - w u...Mn n, nuieni mnuiiu ui ,.--- I ' I. .Liffr. the iairrant misconduct of naan v B vu m w cor c o QWIf BUvl inv"; i, i bear,toatiger, Mr.a0 Buren n.ABnmini iiir riracujuiniit'v ' rfiny with tne solemn s3viiuii, .-w.r.. ... B I S animates nio'koi to burn for V tho ElOIrl V " . 1 v . sands ot temunes w . XV. mi . . r AAnaiimilllT TI1R tltiitt UI L kJCUniVi 3yvw """"yr: . .? . . extremely stale 0,4 and iinurofitable....- It 90 man bound IO' ne responsioir iur we uua. uuuuu. . T e day cf nelt Superior Uburt. tor the purpose 01 i in re4irioii, fjolitics, or taste, which may oe entextamea 1 fleeting a candidaie. tor tiecior m . .. . , i hv ll who 611 tterrlveahisiends?; Surely is im-1 13 00 to us ha I .... ii iL. DnnU ho fm nn siih metanhv vu I possible to ten wnii wc cv j- 5J I sieal discussions concerning the balance of probabilHies 12 nf a President. wbicn ougn w-vp"" , " ., Yet this seems to be the fashionable species of eloqiufoce prevalent in tbe Senate at the present timeJl It was bat .h. th-r davJ that on the recurrence of Mr Beaton's 00 00 50' resolution concerning the defence of the country, ",75 Preston; (Who; we doubt pot,is a very Uy declaiM t yw.iatlie means hP making rOSC O ; -( ..... . . ;. , .! j .itn. r. . 1 h ii ...v Kiiu in wv w w v. t . 1 .. j ...!. u-UnA tnn wheu Secretary '-ot 00 t;ainou,u7--v ------, , - mach U the edification of the gallera. anu isewoii D. i . 50 i .-.writers: ! This species of rambling discussion, and 90 45 I " ... . . ii. . ..k ti delicate personality, is becomibg quite to .mmsn.tbe or- o-4nfor,Uildprited.her;ofe H'i der of the day in a body ,onc so remarkable or its dig- fttsolted, As the sense of - this Conventioni 1 'i 0bp the Senate lbk marh more like Cde- wai nse all honourable'meana tp promot th 1 60 50 M 40 Wit: and makes the Senate U -i bating society than a ieg5c : 25' 16 ?12 "J. ... , ... I-,.,-.- i iv m-' .;,in nnrreauers is luriwu w i . - : r Pr iv's ; sneech .annexed .extract T T ' 7r 1 1": 1 livered in the Senate a'few days ago. JV .trf ikvnWiy that thS rirtt dUJeXISUinougui j :; 4ll . . . w--t 4SamM. tne Opeuiency uiuic-v rl oth 1 .V. 1-.- -rt.. f.fiinn mv to Coneress, IBH rami. kuc ,uiiim "T"" ;. . w rpect to the District of Columbiaall the power, not Resolve. :i hat our iV nnl hibHid by U, and wa. Erectly contrary to thst pro- Sute, be respectfully solK.terJ c f ftWf f Stheime instrnoJil with" respect to tbe States, gat and important undertaking, and that copies of . i ktktil tfcA'Mnf wiari Mot eranteaana tK,.- i-ertolulions be sent to the ,w'n"5v umir.n ihuu"v- - with' reserved them to the Statti and their people :' YtwilV.be recollected that' Gen Dudley de-, Bridles! '0?nec -Van Burin 'upon the ground; Middle j iTrf i. f LENOIR COUNTY r es pec table4' n nfriber: 5b f f ife tterawric c -Resolvedt That it be ; f eco m inendr d to ens oi, lienoiraniy trjei-avmoseipj u jheld in - Keadin, 4enhsylf ania, at wnic" iur -? uy viiiuK j uousEi. v"ir "u 1 ; t;;Ut kA Kill tnrewded : : fepem6crat(tReprjbiiiti9 f tljecotintlca ' composing this Eiectdrat ljistricti; toappoi Mouse in, mewbern.; .on uesoav -offjuraven i HDistrict: who wIlU iri the' eYerU othii elecUoflir ; vote for MARTIN VAN BUREN as President 1 and RICHARD M. JOHNSON isYiceFrcsH dent of the Untied Stated I i i ' vK i r - V V- ikResolvedsTThtX Neeilhamhitfield,JaTjQe3 1 Cox, JesselHuichins, Charles Westbrook . and Geoi ffe Whitfield. -Esqfs,, te appointed'Dela-, gates fryim Lenoir County to said CohVentioni . Kesolve i pat weTlewr.ow;jcf Ie'Jcyi;Lp ine:canai-icwa Kannh iitan Kflfiir inr itnTPrnnr ni i '1 1 f & ne l" " V I M k " TmfnZ? 'the duties devolving oh hini as-ifeenajftMrotq l. ... i- I - r T " 4 ' -.1 k US-. .! 1. .f hid ZeHJ M prOIUUtts UIC; KMVi J'r' 6,7", ally, and his tried abilities,! togeine . . 1 . 'P'1 - . I' ...1.1! 1 sound and unwavering repuoiit tontitlp him td our fullest con therefore nominate and recommend rum o freehpldera of Lenoir and Green as a suitaoie candidate to represent them in theenal? nf the next General Assemniy. Resolved, .Thatwe'iUy pprO of. the course of bur representatives the last Legis- lature,. ana u iierBuj ruuium"i DAVIS as a candidate fori re-election a rnem- ber of the House of Commons. H ; I - Resolved That the proceedingsof this meet- ine be puoiisnea in ine oentmei a ncwueui. the Raleiffh Standard and other papers in this State fnendlv to tne rcepuoucan causes -1 "- ihr- - J. ROUSE; Chairman WIALIAM OR AY, .SVc. : CRAVEN, COUNTY. PUBLIC MEETING. V tne e eruon g Vv PUiht l ' . k,.t on r tPlinHT fm- Omrernor. are re - wa aivunttuw-. - r.-T,ir quested to meet on saiuraay ennB ., . v JJthe Utely used as t Reading Room, adjacent io th pUst OflJce j on - whicoccasion Delegates win be on -, , H 1 i- 'Many Newbern, HarchJJ RAIL ROAD CONVENTIONS Tmstos. March 15th, l3o. by President, a ter returning uianKB -r-- ' r- t- . -.1 , . .. I 'ii. 1. -L.r, ..'-.;:.,' ' ; -..;... he 1 was called;.' - - - - - . .1. . . .... U adopted, our . louowing rwomuon. " lZ::Z , rn . . - .1 . . . ot. awa nnamnvnnKi v mimiLni. mftflf meW. pad -fteen addressed several oi 1 1 ( 1 - .- - . ' f . kretheadvocalfi.ny Whilst we prei ne aovoca- u. I Improvemerft which will Pote,th ffiM& . . .-. -, - interest and welfa we cannot out regrei me wui u. ....u.,.vj - - . -: ritijin, nDoh such a system as win,: ouiia up a rna 4 i -. - 1 -4 . i v J -1 T . . - ... . v . i- ;....--- . - - - within our own State, develop; our own resources, u secareU ourselves soil and seaport towns', are ao well calculated to afibrd. Resolved That we believe that the eonstructionof ThUoein the day for the meeting of the ConVehtiort, pf the Legislature, lest the Convention bill bte iti 'ti.-ir.u-ZZZli, t;Mi,inooearedi8uddetoIv passed at ne ciose i hi rilwlffl I ! , T r,i..j r.- Ti,;ji ai dialelv. or oeiore me peopiv gpn.... lod irom worm 7 r-AZ' become aequaintffd with tne passage u wilderness of ITesioenl, ana nttnaoww.-y.; Is . 1 hrrtor-ratict; central I Rail Road from the port of Beaufort, through Tr&tonV Cnrt liss A j 'iiilki'i-Ji-.'-sJ mmrAA n-A onl Dromote.the Dros I bv Aiihtr of John Cot. Esa..4ill of . that county. 1 ..;L f-wi.rt. r.j;.V k..tvin the tidebremififra Sir. Uon and increaai.i the health of her citint in h a rontsnted, united and happy people, aoidf . . . i . m . mmwit. .Mr. nnv im i im r viiiuv War, w.Br goouo to our goea ota oiaie, eHa.rwciY -1 rfj her sister States' whwB berjwaavoi m? nal imorovementa, and sequent dependenceyhava .... . . . " . :.S:5.i.i.?: that se all honourable means tp promow m - icpru tion of 4hiaJRail Road, and in furtherance 0 that object 7, that Committee be appointed by the Cbairto dralt u :.i k. .ti Rvnoni AssemoiT 01 . una det r .w. tk...! BuMaftv. ntilitv ana aa vantages Speakr lof this Rail Road, and praying the General Assemblyk i - " "'L a' - - - - i 7-. , ... . . ' wrth aforesaid - . ..mm thMiMhAnr - i :t: . : . i . . 1' v . I-. Ik. fitalA, Resolved, That xuu copies 01 m i" aud sent to every iaomber eleAofthoftextOeoeral temtrt?.'' - - ' r ... . .' that U f; -- "-:", .i, -rv:." ' - ' R5: If :j?NrAjjl .sf. wfews. ;y.2;i &, fWtihwas-tja "e,1 tob i Gehr. Esqa. ( Vice. '.Pre&dentsj and j f n tJ George jLiil..iiJi:ij.A.'iii -MfcV. . , MA States Baofc hai be;en pasaeJ by: ihfe; Ig sla- AJJ te ;?lJeP5'gA?'WlX ' plated - eipression of the ml of fchfe be-pple, f And, whereas, in riefbrrn and iti introduction J,to. thd' Houac:-reachry;nr4 arc openly ; manifested, the bill having; u?Vn hrrtu(ht in snddenlvand without a single; .uinn in its ifavori and Under' Cloak of title t.e jtepd ihe improvements pf the State, and fAlkn repeat taxes; w men nave expireu .y; limitation and moreQT naiiigeiiiM 4nnAiiiivniiirn ino mhiicp nnrriHiiiv uuu wiwr out debate, by ineans Ql.ioe previous 4ut ; nr Mff aw, before the DeODie. had time to ex- . prevail i opinion on a diu oi such luttguuuuc ai3a so dangero,us ip Aneir noeies j ;- , i , 'j U.1 ' i-" Ut- KJli W'fcor hi favnriie 4xpr&mn 6i public i nation against men - A .x;F rfnrf.tAPitv- foreveW to a hateful "'yv 1" J - - 7 n B ' ' 'i . I . , . ; t .tion; aM must be "" , ' . ... and Toid. if contrarv id its d.cir ueciareu i . . . ... . . i . , t - ; . I .jr r" tt;; sionsr or unless renew eu ny. s upscquenv is latdre"; Mi He m;and DrHeister aMubierimr51au eSfics tV -!i i U Ir4 .termsvIVfrspna wishing lo purchase,; . " And whereas, all laws passed, ana ait, cor- - j ; Sio charterea ini11l?rttioof t ; ; an amenu our oiaic i;ohm.i.um" i ri: pi.ibi- jrAncl whereas that dangerous enemy to OUTlcafeax " r, i liberties, the United States Bank, has been re- c j. V;7 cnanereu jwc iu uiwawv . j I was re3olved on. hnd it has therefore accepted 1 Its charter knowingly,iand!ith its eyes open 0 the fact of its being subject l o the decision i pi .uie coi uuUl, . (. ...... . i has been repeatedly declared against by the proc, as dangerous touiei charter haslbeerr gainea oy open unucrj, knownfriehds.ox, in the language of the Aon-: ita.7.7- .;rtV frrim Cumberland, by terrify- 1 ng the timid, ana- ouymg .vn " fore, -.:':. .-i.4Jf-r.-L; " . RcsoZcccZ, I hat the United btatea uann is ! hereby warned, that i pay ho; moneys to me. State, under its present cnarter, aim mam t does so, it is done at its own peril, and should such payments be demanded or received by tne Governpr, it is done on his own responsibility. anil not as the agent:of the public. ;;-:.-) v s -i Kesoivea, .1 na 111 me ouiniuu 01 una mccr Annulled bv the convention cjf the people to re- - 1 Wip tlin ronstltution. and 11 SOJ It WOU.Iu 06 B; r r . i, " - ' V-?v..J j - n.Ktol-1 ,UJ?jt legal, ana necessary-aw. auu who wi. :wjfl 4ppori at ttH .hVoWdaJU U J CM Resolved,' That should the Convention bill Ltinass the House, or be postponed to a3 late a period as there proposea, u wouui oe ngm and proper to taKe ine tnauer into uur wwu .1 1 1 hands, and proceed to elect delegates in May, o meet and act according to the requirements f the biliV as passed by the Senate. j I " Resolved, That the democratic parly should be cautioned to keep an eye on the movements si .t' - ' -r ' 1 ika rnnnli(in Villi Kte hereby advsed tdrecorri- - nnnr th rail nl .meeting l iu.invc, ,iuvm"- - . a h - for the purpose of choosingeiepies.u Z L n5rtn nrdinr tOHhe ttsaffes of the 1 . . . . ( j - . me ro - y dev W wavs and . I ilamniriiiir nattv: mere . iu. .uc j . . ,,u nansofe p eal of hs charter; and , XmeSof electing delegates thCorlo amendr the4nstitltiop; w J.K-e.- if it should become necessary; so tILlICt UiaiVI - . in nn: , .T. . MARRIED,, a I: .' jJ waTBe Count V, on .Thnrtday the 3d lost., by -i" - i tm-wmmtmwmmmtmimhmmmmm a SHEltlF'F'S I SALE. giving J AVW 1 jirr.-.i.- ifm 1KU. anil 1835i - i " -.--r-. inter - jj - SO 1 v - j -t Wl HO.' T Ui.i i:wl Where ly in.-. Ob lhe election of delegates be goue into imme- lnCQl be tsoiu, Ht tne ooun uouss in uwuion, Vje.llmA-- f 23tb daVibf AnrirBit. trie following. Tracts im4fMr so mncVtherW; as wilt satisfy! the Taies y o nnw 4X &. 0st, - 50 100 16 240 Thomis B - Wallace. Cedar Island - 7 00 ;ii 76 4 90 ll 00 11 95 David II. Wallace. Hiintinjr tAuarter- John Waiiams ! Portsmouth,.; isaiah Davis, sen r. . Thomas T. Davis, arratt's Bay oww 1 640 Do, j ; , 1&0 lElUah Ellis. Straits, . . v Goose Creekj - - KiJ 150 JWailace u. ssiyron, SO IDamel Smitn, . ' , North River, 175 I Daniel Waiis,sen'r.1 Smyrna;. vyu iveniieru z. 1 1 11r.11;. Straits, i. - 150 Benjamin fciiw. Do;- i 150 lEohraim Willis, Ball's Marsh; I 430 llames Borden, h BoHge Sounds ' AZA iThomas tt. Borden, Do.- t?-.- : and to 640 IBtonnt & Biacmeoge, North River, tun wl l am uiaekieqge. Do. ..-i 640 IBenjamio Biacjciepge, DdV thk Old Town, lioi o, o, Beaafort, Richard Koberts, 50 ITbomas Delamarj . BraariV Lenner's Creeks North &iver, .r;; r 1 1VVI1IIBIU llllHW 100 Henry Chew,? 1 i 600 Oauatt Island.' ' r i .-f ... . 90 jElijab Adam. . 1T jBdgue poomr, ... . J -i v i nAMn t.i - - r As- t .:-r tph. KxrVZgZ 4; '' ''Z-ZZzZZ.i, ; - ': ' J .CJ i J ; t 11 tfVMTCntn ircr p. tz : ;, pALS; EtATEiVlt MEDICINES, USr received, per thechooner Johtt Li DuraQdand for gale wholesale and :reiail BEN JAM1N ; ' JENKINS wherV mar " alt e Jad jrg&neral assftftrnent -oT af ticJi stock of IdfttiU. consists; in'part ifM i powdered Columbq 'j 4; t'i-iaric.'r : . i GufcurrJ - Sj Hicorice ; Gum Arabiel' ''jTalap' : " Gum MyrrU. 1 Muriatic i- lJ Nitric h Tartaric V - ( rn lVi t - . Distilled 2kerSulpbilj p-; Albhol 80pef cenU- Rhubarb v i ". tiquills ; Ginger .1 :( Aikatto St.' Jim,my Crdde 5 RobtlAnchusiB i - i j-3 - I Colchicum . Cotumbo -ffi t -Curetimaft :,a. !.:Piokv; . Tart. i w:rf A hesive Plaster Afr'wiRbcVri- iiieojicc i t Rhubarb -.- U S-:iSarsttbarill!S M&4uill ri j-tValeriant f Turlington Kass Ginger Guaiac : - : Jjf Quassia . ' ; M tilain Liquid 4 Btui Pill Boll Arm e A Resin ' 'IvJ- BoTvi Ref. Rosc Pink ' Sugar Lead . I Sal Ammon J - ,fl3ratus i'H? !' Salts Giaubof , Epsom ; ' 1 ;. "' Nitre " i-RocheUe V Tartar " , :' Vi- ha"Sl or . CanWla, - White rinnUrides iIlll2j Soaps,' En gllsli " American " Fancy. Creim l,arti l -ol - Stales and WeithU jtV xmrnori ' r Cauilic Lunar ' " box -; .I Sealing Wax 4 1 Seeds, Anise , ; f Chaxoal, prepareu Card Cardamort Boltl Viaj J Caroway; . Fcennel ; v-"'- Mustard jWhite do; 'Black do. Skins, white ' lS,rljpi, Chilk, prepin Crocus AtncK; ..;-;Sp"aifh'' . ' ' Marjlis Snuff Boxes, vane Cotoh Oil Dacalon Soerm Ceti """ SniTitsMiitre uuio . ... . . , 1. Eoery -Ererot ;J Haitsnorn Lavender-1 Nitre Dole: Tutpentino. c it Essences ofl 1 all Kinas Fb We rs'Ch am 6 mile Four sulphur Sponge, fine ; ; . 'f Zinc,; . Soda, oai. . .- 2. .iSp. Carb. - Starch-' ''.,:--:-'-Seidlitz Powders Soda do. Siilph. Quinine i Morphine i Syringes j Tamarinds . ;Tapoca.i 11-'. k3lWNt Ghm Aloes . vAramiori -. Arabac 4 Assafcetid Copal 'sif-.r " . Galbnum - jjamboge, .-1 f Guiae n Kirtni Tapersv in boxes Tart. Emetic . Shellac Mastic " Mvrrh Turpentine, Whild Tooth wrusnea t Tooth Powder, : Tonla Beans Vitriol, Blue VefdigrisV vr -T White .Wax - ? Opium, j Scammony Tragacanth ass Spanish; ti It Mustard, . Soap 1 ine Iceland Moss icac pulvl Wafers Wash Balls, vory Blac Jjabe Fasie; M,iUUaiiuui .; Miscel-Articles. r , Comr.TSyltip;Sajrsap ; firilla . . -v"i.'H", - unce 1 1 Lmon Syr T.:nt I ij-ii Opodel-iocJbr Chenii- to Litharge-. t to orice.Bdil of ; " , - v cal jnorocauui Itch! Ointment . Lncifer Matches Refined k , Stick!; Aromatic Snuff j Mace Madder 4 Knuan vjil .; W findfrev's Cordial; Harlem Oil jM , Henry's Magnesia. ----- ; I' 1 .:' Magnesia ump Calcined the J ahna Lee's Pills : f M:-: Lerrioh Acid I ) J Opodeldoc, Stears : AJercury 1 Musk r MaCSSar Ull -.""..' Preston Salts ci Xmer. Seidlitz I'owuers . iSoda--," ' ';t; Swaim's Tanacea , Ol ! Anise; "Cloves Tooth, llalr,lfFiestii ClothVCarrtel-hair,&c of 3 f innfthlOll y'Crdtofi J?,;-,' -!;:i j' Lavender; ; Peprmirit-.; r . r Worm wttod 1 'L.l ? H Olive W Sweet I l, -u- Roses.: -u,v,J2US I Perfumcry. I Cologne Vater,Asi Lavender " , Antie and Bear' Macassar Oil Zu ' f S Piosphorus w - 8? Pll Boxes. W6od c . ; .5 42 'f 1' ' Paper V ! Otto of Roses ; j.. MilkjOfRiiWS ; Cream of Rosea ; ? Hkir Powder R i?l Plnafeian 'ftlue FaricvSo. f;.; 12 26 1 riwaereuf - v fl--i --. ..It'fi 4 56 1 uantnariaes . 56 A Hnhebs 23 06 ne of this distressing oompiamu ; U rPfi:w; k f.innd ht Pr Bi r Jeti' :4:.54 4 56 2 20 4 00 4 85 - r 1 ven - . - 1,,. - . ir - Clothjng.wipxe: v;,. ; I i ;- I , '. i Eli t V 4 1- Streets.

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