I W W AJ LJ VI L VI IV I J T t'M A - V C " EBB MB E7'. .1' ... I V m-m WK SI I If 1 j if I mm V M-f ML . 4 , l W7 n V ll W wa.. . a1 iL ! : 1 hisamval,Heth Inhabttatits-bfthe Tova of ; Newborn and ita vicinity : and w(rald resDertfuVin .form them that he has just opened a. Medical and Chemical Store, in Craven Street next door t Mr. .., Pcrand's Clothing Store, where he intemla ke ing ..constantly r6h hand, ah" assortment of DR GS, PATENT and of Bin MEDICINES, CHfVII- KiALto, ' rciKr u jIK R Y BPICES.'&c.i&cJrom vthe first 'etbrishmente inHh -United''Stat4 and Europe, and he pledges himself to attend, "J wid the ; nicest puauality,vall.oxters jn that line. , , Stjpltea will be regularly imported and the moat efiTtual r means adopted to bteserve thosa on hand wi all nitn ungiiiai iru)t;riit:ts .; Alia jjuii;iiaer - ma uo- pend upon having as food ah article, and iai low 4 price ns,;it;car be obtained in, 'the: Tows ' At present the; 3tock consists of the following artjles. Antimony, Antimoniah Wine, Aqaa Ammonia, Betauda I Arrow-Root, Alcohol, iEthef, Adhesive Faster, ; Assafoetida, Aloes, Arsenic, Anise.- Seed, llnm, Aloes with Caneila ; Acids, Sulphuric,' fitric; Acetic, lartaric, lienzuic, &c. - '. linmstone, Bluestone, Barley, Barks, Blisters, Bo) Ar- , meniac. Bismuth; Bureandv Pitch. Borax. .Balam VOChmeal, .Camphor, Castor, . Caustic, Canthiides, Charcoal, Copperas, Corrosive sublimate Calme1 , Castile Soap, Castor Oil, Caraway Seeds, Cirda I ,B(tu Seeds,; Chalks, Cloves, Cream of Tartar, Cala- k mi : Columbo Root, Cubeb.Cayenne PepperfcsK -- i.-ATEs . uarKJelion. . , . , . psuui aai s. wucMO lariar, dixiror V IINOI r.SSECES of Ci urnon, Mmoit, Lavender, Peppermint.Vfcc I EXTitCTS,HofBelladonna,Cieuta, Gentian' i oigiove. : ! fiinger, 'Gentian, Galls, Glue. GUMS, Arabic, ! moniacuonzoin, copal, Uampbor, GuUcum, - LAc, aenegai, lragacanth, Myrrhv ,IIira Picraj Hartshorn. - ; ; ludieo, Iceland Mpss, Iodine, Ipecacuanha, Jala Laudanum, Liquorice. Sugar of Lead-Litharge. magnesia, caieinea ana common ; Mercury, . Manna, Madder, Mercanal Ointment, Mezereon Root. i MIXTURES in variety. , ; t i Nitre; Nux Voinicai. ihs - : .. ' s- OILS ESSENTIAL, of Lemon, of Cinnamdh, of Anise, . ot. Kosemary, of Cloves, of Carawiy, of Pepperminf, of Orange of Lavender, of worm aeed, of Turpentine. Oil of Olives, ICastJr Oil, Oxide of Bismuth. Fine Paregoric Eluir, Vhite and Red Precipitate, PJijspho rus, Long Pepper, Prussian Blue, Carbonate bf Pot-I- " assa: PILL'S. In ereat war!fv. Oimasin . V ! ' : Rosin, Rhubarb, Rdchelle Salt, Rose Water. Re San- aers, ;tai :t,ra(u, Hal Ammonia, i Spanish) Flies, Snake .Ropt, - j Squills ; SYRUPS, in variety ; SALVES i Senna, Soda, Salt of! Tartar," Salphur, Saffron, Sweefj Spirits of Nitre, Spirts Turpentine, Snphates t of ; Pottassa. I and Zinc, Sienne Earth. SPIRITS, in variety, r t : t i ; T .U T1J?CTURES-Mf Aloes, of Assafoetida,of CaBtbfc-ides of Camphor; of Cinchona, of DieftalUj of Gtfacnm. ; of Kino of Lavender - Compound, pf Mtrh, of wpium, 01 reppermint, i ot Kuu barb, lot Vderien, i &c. &c- Tapioca.- ' - ;r -j : - 1 , Verdigris, - Vitriol, ! Valerieri, Ven Mixture : VAR NISHES, vremred to order. - :t ' ! . ? s 1 j WINES Medicated : WAX. bee's and MvrtleV White Mustard Seed,! &c. &c &c. j j 1 ' t Lime Juice ; Compound' Syrup f s 5e'a Compound,' for cleaning coat collars Soda Powders r, Seidlitz Powders; Dr. Steer's Chemical Opodeldoc ; Syrup of l.iverwort, for chronic cuigiis, asthmas, and colds; Church's Drops, for cpnghs, &Ids, asthmas and consumptions ; .Godfrey's Cordial, foi the cure of chbiic gripings, hic-cougb, catarrh, &c. &c. Oil of Wormseeo, an innocent, yet rowerfulf renw (J igi ; Dr. Thompson' - celebrated - Eye Water Dr. Hen ry's valuable calcined "Megiesia; Butler's invaliable Effervescent Magnesfa Aperient, for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, nervous debility, giddiness, headache, acidly ot the stomach, eruptions, &c. ; Bateman's Drops, for cblds. pitting of blood, and a variety of other diseases; Green's Vegetable Tonic Mixture, or Fever and Ague Conquer or ; British Oil, for lameness, swellings, St. Anthony's Fire, and all scorbutic and rheumatic disorders i Beck- wuu s An;i-isyspecuc nils ; trencn Jujube faste, or &c. ; Court Plaster, Adhesive Plaster, Blisterine Plaster, iAiiii-oyiiuiiiiiv uiiiure , .nceittie 01 murpome, cuipiaie quinine, iiyanoaaie oi f oias3a. TOOTH-ACHE DROPS!! ' -"-Ti Saporaceous compound Shaving -Soap; Punrent Smelling Salts; Otto of Roses ; Ditto Wash Balls ; Cas tile Soap; Toilette and Nursing Powder, and powder puns; Hairbrushes, J ootb Itrusnes; onuti t0es; Lip Salve ;! Hair Oil ;f Rose,- Vegetable, and Violet Tooth Powder , Flesh Brashes ; Lancets ; . Nursing Botles ; Sable Hair' Pencils i; ' Red 'Wafers Tapere, or Night Watcners, Ubinese uraeks. acc. i . (A supply of RFTTVIERY expected shortly ftly. "A supply of NutSraegs, Cinnamon, CJoves, Macej All suice, auU Pepper! always on hand : Also, of Ris'mi Figs, Almonds, &.C., and a " Good Article" of T0BAC CO and SEGARS. V,r-;.-j 1'- - ''t'M; Malmslep, 35 years old, an article , of the 'very first de scription, in Bottler Old Port, in ditto, and by the case of one j dozen ; Old Sherry, in bottle superior Clard, in bottle, and by the case of .one dozen ; Madeira T a supe rior article, which has had the benefit of a voyage to the Cioh j iiama, hi uuuic, xuiunaco mautztra. in uilio: JXOyea ana nnisene uoraiais, oi arst quality, in bottle. Newbern, N. C., February 9. 183G. - ; -. ; ( - ' Highest Cash Prices : f ITHE publick are hereby j. notified that he Li.; undersigned has purchased Mr. John Gildersleeve'a Jails, in the town of Newbern.f ana tnavine same facilities . that were hereto, fore offered by Mr. Gildersleeve, will be con tinuedby himi yv. ,v.: i-V,.,f.:';.. -The subscriber continues to pay the highest Cash prices lor Slaves, of both sexes, and his Agent may always be found at tbe Washing ton Hotel, or -at Mr. Grahberry's iTanyard.' ; Newbern, 2d May, 1835, - I , ffllllE Subscriber being about to remove irom me e?iave, nas given to Ur. VViJIam fjanuers a general rower ot Attorney, authbri sing him to adjust all his unsettled businesj. ,1 JOSEPH BELt. Tewbern, Sept..22d, 1835 5 ' ' ' ,:r tv ,d ;c- ;new;bakery-- - y 1 1 mii. BuDscriDer respectlully inform the nuWic mat ne conducts tne baking BUSIlyESS in 'the ' hpoW'IbrtoeriyJfusedior. that purpose by the endeavorlbrffive BaUsfaction, he tr.0sta thai families and others will ffiye him a share of their custnii He has constantly on hand the first quality ol Loaf uicaii, iivsMi , w i ivu. i o puu vsanc vi every KlnQ, )Ter pared iq'a superior manner, which will be servei to famiies'a( the shortest notice. ----" ' " : '1 ?j; ' ' , He he has just received and will constantly ' keep on hand a Supply of Howard street FLOUR of a eu periofquality. j.j . , ,''- -r .;r I .i;rt : , i FRANCIS BANGARD. Newbern, 1st Dec 1635. i .',01? EVERVDESCRlPTlojf, ifn e4tfi at TBia erFics .oifi htr Ji. heschrllfbrdCapU Guthrie, from oauiraore, lue.iouowmg jaruciea, viz 1 ,; ,,.h pu Jdis iresq ground Howard-street, f lour 6'f do' Water, Batter and Soda Crackers' 10 f do fresh Pilot 'Bread 5 ' do d o f ; 1 Naw oo - ,1 i MOO bushels Shortsor Wheat Brand V 500 1 do f -3 Course Turka Island al 10 sacks Liverpool blown' " FJdo f J) i 10 bbls cider Brandy-. r; fr .1 r 2 hhds Baltimore Rye Whiskey :1 V ' f bhla old Monnno-atipl Whiolor 4lK rtrnnf ' 2do (resh ebrned beef; put afriotbe - ... i .. timore market expressly for family, use. . 5 ! do Loat& Lump Susar from 16 to iaO . . I T 1 llllllllll 20 .casks Stone Lime w 50 kegs cut Nails, assarted sizes ! ooxes wown.poap? n j JV! ; 1 2 ,d o ' j pate ni irnould Candles t 0 do Polahji Starch., . l' ;s:r:;;i';T,!iJos.;M.;GRANAjO , Wewbern, Nov, ltoth IbUo THE SUBSCUIBKR LIAS just received a fresh supply, of sundry articles , suitable for Christmas Holy days, amcjng yhich roay; be found the following: V , i ' ' i f.; Almonds, Filberts and Brazil Nutsv ,"' j Muscatel Raisins, in whole, half and quar- I I.C1 . ....... , ! Bordeaux Prunes, in small boxes! Madeira and Marseilles Citron, Preserved Ginger,! V j , I Oliyes, Capers, and Pepper Sauce, walnut arm l omato Uatsup, Madeira; Port, Sherv, Canary, Teneriffel Mucatel. Malaga1 and I Champaigne, " ' t'j, Annisette and No vau Cordials.! Cognac Brandy, Holland liinfc Jam. Hum,-! London Brown Stout, in barrels! 3 dozen each,' I Fresh'GuhDowder, Imperial, Hvson, and it.: " .-f. T T Fouchong, leas, ' . . ALSO, 12 boxes "patent" mould Candles, 4s&6s, 6 do. Sperm 'do. 4s and 6s, 5 hhtls and 10 barrels Baltimore Rvel Whiskey, . i , 10 bblsi Apple Brandy, ' 6 do. Custis Rye Gin, '. do superior old Monongahela Whiskey I i 5 do. f not Bread, ; 20 kegs No. 1 pure White; Lead, 4 ;.; 10 ,do. Black Lead, ! 50 Corn Baskets, Which he offers, together with his general as- sortment, for sale, at the old stand on Pollok '.:.... . i . . O , and Middle Streets. . DAVID M. VANBOK KELEN. iNewbern, J&th Uec. 835. 1 : ECONOMY IS WEALTH.? TTVLD India Rubber Shoes,! and VXJJ India; Rubber, will be bought, ral price paid by j'- i Scraps of and a lib J j D. M VAN BOKKELEN. , Newbern, Jan. 20, 1836. ' ;1 jv;;. . ,11 A Wash, County Brandy Flour ffic. Y)ffT Barrels NasK County, first quality, AiliViJ Apple Brandy, - ( - , I i 20 bis. N. Y. .Canal Flour " Beach's red Brand,' ; , . j 10 half bls-i do. do. do. 20 boxes Hull & Son's Candles, patent ; mou 5 boxes sweet Sicily Oranges, 750 grass fed. Tallow, . jr. I 0 doz. Windsor . Chairs, assorted qolours, just received and for sale by DAVID M. VAN BOKKELEN. Newbern, Jan. 20, 1836. : i JOSEPH A1. GRANADE fTTTAS this day receive ' from New York, by XJLJJ. the achr. lopaz, the lollowing articles : iwu Dusneis irisn roiaioes, ' 50 do Mercer ' do '.tr 10 boxes Prunes r ;; 2 1-4 casks Teneriffe Wine, c . ;2 bbls. Linseed Oil, ' 4 ; 1 do ; Winter strained Sperm Oil do; 1 do Fall strained do 5 10 bags Buck Shot : . j ? . -20 bbls New York Canal Flour ;u 10 1-2 bbls do I dd ' . 20 bbls rress and prime Beef, . I basket Salad Oil d ;.: ; 1 box Olives ... r r: 1 keg Currants 1 box prepared Cocoa VI .do Bologna Sausages Newbern; 12tliNov. 118351 THIS DAY KKCE1VED, I TTDER ; the Schrs. ' Trent! and Friendship JJL ' trora xiew xpr and Baltimore,! 1 f 50 casks Stone Tameq'',f"";,;lp'" :f if 4 doz. each I and 2 quart Oyster Pots, ; 50 bushels superior Nova Sco tia Potatoes "expressly for family" use, ST 1 50 bbls.; and 25 half bbls. Baltimore su ; f perfi'ne Flour, ;v;.;:,j 5 " Pilot Bread, small Biscuits, for-1 V. ' r, family use, ?..-,-7 v' i?1 1 U Butter Crackers, 10 hhds. Rve Whiskeyi . 23 bbls. do. - do. v r 50 Kegs Baltimore No. 1 Lard, 0,000 Baltimore half Spanish Segars, i . iuu pounds f lax, - i ;Ji ; . D. M. VAN BOKKELEN. sMay 5th 1835, B f'HH .: -Hit !"-v ;: SHINGLES WAITED. .'7 1 , ' ; .: wanted immediately by ':- f ' . I J i ! . ; , JUS. AliUrlVA.lAX;. i Oct. 27th,, 1835. ; , just keceived; N I $ - Pen Schooner Ellen Douglass from Hew York Apples, Cabbages, 4 ; ? M - , i fiercer rotatoes, Fresh. Butter, otci'l ; j For sale by ' . - s ' 1 1 D M- VAN" BOKKELEN. Oct. 20. 1835 " ' - - VWmes mi .1 UmTA - "4 w .r- . 1 vr Ail ! nwf W , J 1181 JL CtCI V,- " MU are -now ; n jr -7- c .. mj j... - ii. i- w...; j. 4f .t an.ii Among wlueA axe tne rouowing khcici ifeces 'ro de tjap SilHs, light shades ! GauzeBoL and Cap Rjbb ! Ladies!iglitnd darlt GMry.VT- uiai-n rim late taiioi i ,.. , . r. . White and green blondkuare Vails, ' 7 1 -4 Whiiefc.fafteyfd0- . Linen: Cambric Hhkfsi 1 rBf r- i i : 1 : 54 Irish and Russia Sheetings, 0 -vj J'f; Irish -Linens, i.t ij,-:.''"- ' ;--t.1. r. .Parasois andUmbrpllas, ; f i v e Light Printsi' from Is 3d toSsd per yard, Plaid Muslins, 't .4 ' . I, .. si u ,:'iliit Musquito Netting,"" ; d jr;-' :,.r Shell side Combs Belt Buckles, . :- ; Gilt Chairs, Dolls, Spool Cushions, . Black, blue, green & brown Crape Camblets, Black Bombazines & Circassians of superior ! quality, . kvt ! Worsted goods -a variety for Spring wear Cotton Cassimeres & Bed Ticks, ' .r 3 !& 4-4 blue plaid Domestics, . . 3-3 &. 4-4 bleached & brown cotton Shirtings, ':ttr-AlJb'ti 'A D'i LltilJ CsT,:i-L .,, ,.r. o-t w-t uruwu uunuii oiiii iius, Ti Yin J-L'VU blacLustririgsm4rffla,to lis; i Earthenwares, 4 t ,s v, . j - ' V-p'er 5811 r rWoodrWiUowtand Hollow Warisf! -f ' 30 different vaneife's'FahbyHlikfs Sha wis. 8addles,lBridles and Martingales, - 14 t '40 DeMVanl.1 f 4? 5 f B(M:'r'ms'!i Coach & Harness !rrimminff& MountinW vm -l.: ti J cj:i. j TbT a rrcs Palm-leaf Hats. f i AT(M0&?rn,' 14A Apriii1 1835 ' FpRfA3UE;0N 0ONSIGNMENT. I ry ooij. prime rorto ivico ougar, Vll 50 pure . Rum, . r: 6 hhd, pure ! . . "do. . . ! Cotton Bagging and Twine, 20 baskets liTerp4oI fine Salt. . , . i - Apply to ; I J, BURGWYN, I Devereux's Building. October 26, 1835. 1 I Molasses andlSugar. , hhds, prime retailing Molasses,' ; do. do. ; do. SugarT Just received per Brig Mary, and for sale by !. , J. C. & M STEVEN SON. ! June 8th, 1835. i r. H,;. : fbaNCis Jl pk his rss. MERCHANT TAILOR, A, FEW DOORS WEST OF THE STATE BANK, Has iustrcturnei irom inew i ork with a choice selection .of goods in his line, V AMONG WHICH ABB THE FOLLOWING : CLOTHSv CASSIMERESJ S oper Blue, ; Diagpnal, Drab, ; 'Fancy,'p-s Ribjbed,rrr Black -TVIoleskin, Dark-mixed, Corded,! I .1 ' ' Black,. Pilish green " -pahlia Ni-:: J Brownr ..' Olive, . . iSteel-mixed,; VESTINGS. Black silk Velvet, Embroid'd Quilting Figured Velvet, . black Satin; i i auu auu tine, : ' 4- a' - t t.. rr l n;.. ; f I f rinted l oilenettes, lack riorentine, Fancy patterns. ; ri ., . .-ALso-j..; ....j, ,,; . als. Stocks, ouspenders,' Cravats, Grava i Stiffners, Bosoms, Linen Collars Silk Hhkft!. Braces, &c. &c. all of which. Avill be sold low for Cash. ",. . j . , 1 Having first-rate workmen,,he is enabled to execute all orders for Clothing in the best style, on short notice. ? j ' Orders from a distance will receive .prompt attention. "'i.'''t '1; Newbern, Octoher HO,; 1 834. ; ; V i - VTAKKN UP, 'TlV' ND committed to the jail of Craven County, a Negrb man who calls his name CHARLES RIGBYj, and says that he belongs to Thomas Wilson, residing in Baltimore. Th owner is requested to come forward,' prove property, pay charges and take him away, r -DAVID LEVIS, Jailor. Newbern, October 26th 1835. ; f ' M". ''V;;- notice. .jl; .... CTTHE subscribers have removed their Cab- - iNtr r URni i lutt, ii aulishbent irom Pollok-street to their Store on Middle-street, hear the Court House, where extensive ar rangementa have been made to accommodate the several branches ol their business. ! They would be gratified by frequent calls rOm their old customers, to .whom and the ubhc generally, thefy offer their goods at very ow, prices, and their thanks for former patro nage. BOOTH & PORTERS. -- Newbern, July 9, ! 1825.1 1 ! - , : : w aJn t;e d, r: i A N Apprentice to the Tailoring business. -CjA. A boy of 12 or 14 years of age would be j ! 1 ABNER A; PARKER Polldck'sville, Jan. 6, 1836. v ' ; ' JE. R H II J3 BERD, 4 StlRGEON DENTIST TTf ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and iJAi Gentlemen of Newbern and its vicinity. thai he has returned to Newbern for the pur pose of attending to the Variobs branches of DentarSnrgery. He has taken KOoms at Mr. Cutler's Hotel, where he may be found at any uuio wneu.caiicuiiui- va",CB wilt ce wailCa on at their dwellings, if required. 4 For Sale, . C itr PART OF LOTN6. 83,on'Middle St rNewberni with - the improvements thereon, ; being two Dwellings and Store Houses "with "sufiicientout Hbuses.-i lately occupied by the snbsctiber. j v r 1 "-r- :t ,s -; ALSO, 'n-.v r 500 acres of Pine Land, lyinff on Brices Creek, about nine miles from Newhrn. 'jTerms made kfa'dw'riVri' application to "Wm S. Morrlsror tolc' T JAMESAVIS. ' o raises l asiuoiiauie 01111 ui'ur iiAii3in ! . tv ... A 'fit fTHHE subscriber!-has returned trOm 'the vlLlNortttahdi OttPollok arrd Middl streets, a general assprf- LIQLU OKSr WPf C(3RDI At , Hardware Crockbry, Glass, China,-i.rd Windsor and ianey!uaairs,. r il iv V Cotton Bagging, Rppe Twine,. &.ci &c A' full" assortmentof Carpenter's, j Cooper : ,j andi Blacksmith s TooIs,: J Amerieat!, Englisl and S wedes TiyeBand, and Hoop IronJof all sizes,, , uciuiaii auu unsiiicu unci, Freeborns Cast ion Ploughs, &. AU;of which havLig been carefully selected by bimself, be offers to his friends and thepdb- lick on accomodatinr terrns forash of country proaucc, , v ( r jj. v a uuiViViiJL.Ji .. 1 f ' fT r - ' fm aT 4 fIT Tfc.T - w- jt. Tr ff ihw v-t -' WewbernlOct. 9, 1835 , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW. Asenath Turner V I ; ' : vs. Petition for Dirorct. John T Turner. ' H y To tJie Defendant : 1 j miAKE NOTICE, that in pursuance of an I II r a.. ta.. J. . V1T L" r. mm" . . i . . a I fcj 1 ui mr uiiciiui VUUI nil! uaw iui tbraven; Uountv. UeDositions of witnesses, to be :-. used in behiilf )6f the -PlainlifT in the above named case, will be taken at the iCourt House in Beaufort,' Carteret County, in the State aforesaid, on the 18th, 19lhan 240tH days of April n xt. You ?an attend and cross examine illyou think proper. ; : Iff ; H JAMES TAiiLUK, Clerk of Craven Suvcmor Cuurt. JOHN M'DOINAIIJD f MESPECT FULLY informs the public that he has purchased of Booth &. Porters their entire .: .- i v : STOCK OFj FURNITlfRE, j and removed to their Store formerly occupied by F. J. Prentiss, where Ke will keep constant lyr ani rioW has on hand ai elegant hssojrtmerfi of Furniture ; among which are ; .-;deboar is, Sofas,' Bookcases, i Wardrobes, Cra Its,! Bureaus, Portable Desk:, Stands, 1 Bedsteads, Cribs, &c. Elegant Fancy and Winds-or Chairs and -Looking Glasses will be - kept constantly On hand, and every other article in his -line of bu siness r-He hope - that the custom so liberally oestoweu tended to upon his predecessors, will be ex him. - All orders trom the Country will be received and punctually-attended to. He will also flo all kinds of Repairing, so. as to convert old Furniture into new. : He will endeavor to give eniiresali5faction as it regards workmanship and price. ; ; . ; :) Ni B Ilias an elegant Hears rfbr tbe pur pose of attending to the b'-rial of the dead, an will make u kinds of Uofiin s such as;Mahog Mny, Cherry, Poplar and Pine, at t ie shortest rnssiblenotje. :t. '1 '. f NewbeVri, January Isf, 1836. ' I I itpESFEGTFUIiLY: informs thje ciUzensot Newbern and its" vicinity, hai he; Has cbmipenced. jthe business formerly jcarried oi by Wm. Charlotte, Esq. that of painting house Painting jof all kinds Will, be executed in thi neatest manner, andj at a moderalefprlce. .IL flatters hfmself that an unremitted ?ttentioh. u his business will ensnre him a portion of that patronage which was bestowed upon the gen tleman apov referred to ; and those who favor him with .their support may rest assured that no pains: will be spared to render his : services acceptable to them.l.-j. , .. : ; f,, Newbern, December 8th, 1835. j f J Fifty Dollars Reward. awiAwai, rom tne suoscru '& Htf - fTt a 'w-r from the subscriber on the it- ' t . - B -' oin oi June last, a.lpgro Jiov nn in i-1 ' fc.rv x l -Hoout i y years old, o dark com plexion, spare made, has a small scar across his nose and is 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high. " He has connexions in Newborn" and at the plana- lionjof J. C.f Stanly, near that place, at one of wiucii juaces ne is -no ooudi conceaiea. inc penalty of the law will be rigidly enforced against any person who may be foun- to har bourj or secret said negro, and. a rward of fifty dollars may . be had by the person arresting and securing him in 1 jail, or for hs delivery at my residence, tea miles from Newbern. i -, HARDY O. IfEWTON. Jonest County, .February 22J, 1836. ;, J . lE.I have understood that Jerry has en deavored to obtain fre. forged papers, and 'it is probable that he will exhibit alfree Dass and call himself JEERY BRADICJ ; Masters of vcaseis jare mereiore cautioned against carry ing off said negro under the penally of the law. J'--,r v .v, ,.;f- jr. O. N. FORTY ; DOLL A liS REWARD. Tm AN AWAY from the subsrjriljer, ohf the JJAX 5th, of May last, a Neerro Woman namel CARER, formerly the property- oCof George A. Thompson. It is likely she Is in Carteret county White Oak, or the neighborhodd of Swansborou'gh, in Onilow county. I will give' the above reward for her confinement in . any jail within this State.br for ,her , delivery - to me ai my resiaenc, rticnianus, unsiow county. : .v.v;;.. ;a j JQtlPf COOK, ; February 8th,: 183a PVrj --.?- Ten Dollars Iteward; 55 vears low stature, and formerly, belonged to William Handcock, Esq Whoever will f apprehend said Negro . and lodge; hyr ii any Jail, or give such information thatl aether aurain, shall TOi eiy the aboye. . rewar'l andj all necessary cuarges. Any person lound. narDonng ner, will be prosecuted ' " I I - piti. ; ;f: TIT) AN" away 'from tl;e Subscriber oh : the 1SS night iof the l&ih ibst.:fa Negro" Wo man named '' SUKEY: about 55 vears "s old. of "IP - ? unber bas just -received toml Vork hv bbls.New Yorkcanal rtour, i rt i. l ikr - . ' uf 'iy-jw' fv JMunongaaei WbiSKey,, 1 iif.k nfVkr vJ rl " , v-w. .. .. no16 ,'b'bs..Unseed,Winter-8trained Sperm &TraiD Oil ... 10.. Baskets Champagne .Wine, , -k j i.. , !. ef esij ysQU uanpowger fltimrjerial Tea, ..or paiesjiassia,. i;--. , ..... ia?ibbls.?New Yorl Me tork, : : ; ' ' " ; ' 25 ' pieces jbe'avy 43 inchDandee Bagging, . , 44 r25 m '.. . r..- fT"- i- pipe very superior Champagne uranoy, ; loon ' hushi. r..Ji.k-'iii.niait:- -4 'kegs Dapont" Powder, ff - : ;' p"-: ALSO IN STORE, UUU bushel Irih IVitAtno .!f i ,; 6.- whole tierces pbarleslon ; ; lnlf do .i ''- do; RfeeV i An -U - 50 bbls. fresh Baltimore' Floor. 1 JOS GRANADEJ Newbern, Feb. 1836. NOTICE TO MARINERS. , ... ! - i , I,' .. Collector's Office, Ocracoke. m . f : rur h-i February 17J 1836. r. j i ii tuiisquenre oi ifie j-ioiig onoai juigni jjoq LL haying been very much injured by the ice u nas oecome necessary to remove her to nn derga. repairs ; the light: will ( therefore be suspended for several weeks, y Notice will be given when she returns td her station. ,: " si brown, SuPu of Lights liX to oe inserted tnree times in tne bdenton and iui izabetb City, papers.. .. .j ( j ,i ... J .. . J:,.t. GAR DEN i SEEDS. general assortment of FRESH GAR-L- DEN SEEDS received and for sale by ; L WILLI AM SAttUfiRS. "Newbern, lOtn Feb. 1836. . , ( liiii resume tier scnooi, at her resi dence, on the 1st of March next. f! NewbefTt, 10 h February, 1836. NOTICE T 'lhe ; February Term, A1. a V. mm, .-7 i i J- : j - rrw - w v w. qualified as Administrator of Alfred T. Jones, t . i e i Hi . l J : . I . I iaie oi saiu county, oeceasea.r All persons indebted to the estate of said dee'd, are hereby requested to make j immediate, payment ; aid niohe navi jig i irtims aauisi u, are re.quireu no present them within the. time prescribed by. law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. I J. L DURAND, Ad Jr.. .Newbern, 15th Feb. 1836. ' i ' ; I - - JLT ocerics, arc Bushels f coarse Tu k IsUhd SALT, (foil sale 1 by the quantity,) 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee, 10 do Laguira Ido ! , 10 do Java - f , do aliandsomc arfulcj 2 hhds Muscovado Sugar, 2 boxes '& 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump4 Sugir u bbls. ualtimore II o ward stTeet Floor 10 -j do . V-.doi r do - ' ; do a bbls. rniiadelpma live Flour, i;v 10 kegs Goshen, Butterj first quality, lOdo do I v do a common arlicld, &U drums fresh Smyrna Figs, 10 small boxi-s Bodeauxl Prunes, 5 kegs Dupont's Brandy wine Gunpbx 5000 Spanish Cigars, in t and i boxes j .bU Ibs. Mrs. Millers fine cut Spanish smo iu boxes yellow &oap, J king Tobacco & bbls. butter Urac&ers, . -10 do Cider Brandy, j fc4 doz. least sieel Boxing Axes, 6 do Beers long bit do., I Just received from New York and Bah? more, and for sale cheap by DAVID M. i V A NB0LKELEN . Newbern, Jan. 26, 1836. wmm imm miim AT 37 1-2 CENTS EACH. UNIFORM EDITIOU. T HE great and constantly increasing demand for thai novels ol Captain Marryatt, fcns tadaced the subsen U r to commence tbe publication' ofa new edition bf his. entire writings J in a new form, and at a rednced price.-H several ot nis works iliat nave not yet appeared in ILr.i country will be comprised in this series 'which will. When - - . . ... 1 . ! completed, be the only oniform edition of his writing) tbat has yet issued from the press. I; i j l The work'will be published in semi-monthly Numbers at 37i cents per Number. jEach Number complete; in it self, and coiaining the whole of one of his works, equal to Two Duodecimo volumes; a Title Pag to each pium-' berl j j, h , ... 1 ." -i.- -I J " The whole series will be complete m Eieht Numberf , and will form a royal octavo volume of Twelve Hundred n . e rm K it I ..Hit I 1:1 fages ior j. nree uoimra. -f . ; t- ; List of works to be comprised in this edition Frank Mildmay, or the Naval UQcer. Newton Foster oftbe Al " King's Own. i ercbanti Service. : : Peter Simple, or the Adventures of a Midshipman . Jncoo faitnrui. : j Pacha of Many Tales. ' Japbet in Search of bis Father. : Naval and Military! Sketches. J , Tbe first Number will positively be issued early n Jan uary, and the whole will be completed by tbe last of April. The work will be stereotyped, and any of the Numbers can be had separate if deired.Li'4 i' f ' J ' ' They will.be sent by post to any part of the UnioD, e patked as to-defy tbe friction of tbe mails. . Postage tin der 100 miles 1 cents per sheet, over 100 miles j cents. I It is almost useless for tbe subscriber to retnrk.ttat this is the cheapest j work ever offered. . The simple fact 6f the nuonft)er of pages being near twelve hundred, nod the price only three dollars, speaks for Use!. The'poblic may look; dpnn this as tbe commencement bf an cnterprctt to furnish them with works c-f fiction by the most celebra ted authors, printed in a beautiful manner, on foe paper, at a price which will at once defy competition, ant) piece it in the power of every person to possess library of ov els at an extremely low fate. Tbe advantage of trans mtssion by mail is one that will not be Overlooked by non- esidents i large; cities. The publisher, thinks, and her nresunSes that tfceptib'ic wilt agrea lHhHlfflV 1bt it fs better to issue the-- works of. each-author, in, series, at a stated price?hthad to'pliblish i continuous wbrtt at s6 much per annum; for bjr ibis1 arrangemebt t)jr may subscribe to the work if one aattoeand riect auother.' Not be ing obliged to iay for Ibai which tbey do- not want: j A remittance of $10 will command four.copiesj oi idb work. Single subscription I ) atPSnbscribenr to the Lady's Booky or those wisbing t bebom subscribers. wiH be furnished with tbe ILaPJT 1 Book one year, aad the set bf Novels, for Five DoJIars h advance, postage paid,, j Siagle subscriptions to ewtt-i Work, Tnree Uollars. Address ' J 1 J,-;;, u LOUIS A. UOtfM No. lOaWafnut streets Phildt'pli' Jan. 25.- WILLIAM BROWHR.

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