f BY THOMAS WATSON THI5 HIGHEST CAH PRICES njrriLL heaven for Ncoea from; tb LIQ,UORSf WINES CORDIAI VV oge of 18 t0.?a!f;TT;i;T,T, I adre,- Crocery,Glass, .China, ird fcarlh en wares, -I -:-J:;7-i::-, Wood, Willow and Hollo w Wares, K rTHHE subscriber hasreturned frirrt -Li-- North, and is now opening at the old on Pollok and Middle streets, a general assort - .jTr A :.--r"N .tt- :::-- mis mxjsw&ffm ;NcwernMarch0, U&dDOD GroceriSjjci Bushels, Saddles, Bridles and Martingales-, vjig-Harness, Island SALT, (for sale low 'f 10 bacs St. Dorflngo Coffee I iu cio jjazuira - uu - , i s ; do Java tlo a handsome article, 2 hhds Muscovado Sugar, ? ' 2 boxes &. 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, 20 bbls. Baltimore Howard street Flour, 10do do K--do' ;:do,-v - 3 bbls. PhlUdelphiiltyeTJo-V-'. ,10 kegVGoshen, Butter, first qtwHly, f 10 do . do . do a coramoa article, ... r SO drums fresh Smyrna Pigs,; " 10 small boxes Bordeaux Prunes, ' 4- -'! 5 keg Dupont's J Brandy wine1; Gunpow- '.' f ;." i: der, --.i; ; ? M Mv-vf-f j tSOOO Spanish Cigars, ip and f boxes,? i 50 lbs. Mrs. Miller's fine cut Spanish smo- X- 10 boxes yellow Soap LMg 1 obaceo r' 2 bbls. butter Crackers, 1 10 do Cider Brandv, L )-:. v4doz. cast steel Boxing Axes, . ' I "Qtlo Beers long bit do., - j ,, Jnst 'received from New York! and Baltr 'more, and for sale cheap by I ; J i DAVID M. VANBOLKELEN T coarse Turks . Couch & Harness. Trimming & Mountings, luusor ana ianry linairs, v , ;-; ? ; Cotton Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c. &c. . F .--'::;:-also, .. : imm,- A lull assortment of Carpenter's, . Cooper H' and "Blacksmith's Tools, '- A - 1 AmeHcan; English and Swedes Tirei Band, r and Hobp Iron, of all si;es, ' German: and Blistered Steel, - - V 1 1 Freeborn's Cast Irpn Ploughs, &.C.&.C f lT-injelft lie tTer his friends aoxrlil& Pps iick on accomodating terms, lor cash or country produce, r D. M. VAN BOKKELEN. IVewbern, UxwViAtAl:. Newbern, Jan. 26, 1836.: i I NOTICE TO MARINERS. ' . . Collector's Office, Ocracoke, dy. :A s -. February 17, 1836. S BN consquenceof the Long Shoal Light Boat baring been very much injured by the ice-, j( has become necessary to remove her to un-" JeTfra reDairs : the light will therefore be d for several weeks. Notice will , be iiven when she returns to her station. f " : S. I5ROWN, Supl of Lights. ' By To be inserted tUree times ia thc .Edenton and Elizabeth City vPrs,; : - : j )VENTY130I.LAi& -Tm AN AWAY from the subscriber onUhe lilU 20th instJ, without any proVojeatron, toy u"uu xjaeffinff anu iLwinci ?iri s 2Q baskets Livernool fin Salt i ;uctober25, 1835. iiW-i 'fi I: THIS DAY : RKCEIVEIX JpnpER; the; Schrs Treilt aad: ietidship iLp'from -New 'york'n-BaUiitiore.v.? f50 casks Sione Lime, ; ' M'ffi'A do.; each t and2 ?aart Oystfr Pola, 60 bushels superioNova Scotia Potatoes expressly fVr family use, , -.1 '. .h 50 bbls. and half bbls. Baltimore su- perfine lour, . . :; ' Pilot Bread, small Biscuits, for' . Butter Crackers, hhds. RyeWhiskey, Dbls. do.. dp. , Sri Viwu j a i uraore nau,jipaQi8ft ae r arsrtv lUu pounds Flax, BOIvKELEN. JOHN M'DONALI) TU ESPECTFULLY informs the public that JiAJt he has purchased . of Booth &- Porters" j! Negro Man ANTHONY. lie Is about thirty ) years ef age, stout and well built s 5 fcef B vz ! iaehes Wgharkvcbmplexion; f arid stutters known about Newbern, hi ing boated , wood there for the last two or three years. I will th above reward for h'is confiaement in , any jail, so thatlget hini ftgainV or len ollars for Uis .sale delivery to me at. my plantation on i&att Crek, Craven county; N. C. x K ; JOSEPH PHYSIOC. ; Febrnary29th,1836. . 'sii AN AV At: rnmi we suDscrioer uu u . Rih nf Jiine last. a NeffrO Bov named JfRRRY. about 19 years; pl Jot rk com plexion, spare m?de-has5 a small scar across his nose, and is 5 feet 4 or -6 inches litgh He has connexions in Newbern and at the plana lioh of J. C.. Stanly, near that place, at one of vbich places he is; no. doubt coticealed.;; The 'penally of 4he law wilL be' rigidly; enforced against- any person -who maylbe found to har bour or secret said negro, and a reward of fifty deBars may be bad by the person arresting and securing him in jail, or for his delivery at iny residence ten miles from Newbern. , - , HARDY OJ NEWTON. Janes County. February 2-2a, 1836. , ' itI have understood that Jerry: has en deavored to obtain free forged papers; and it is probable that he will exhibit a free pass and call Mmselt JEER Y BRA DICK ; Masters of vessels are therefore cautioned against carry in&r off said negro under the. penalty of the law I J XI. J. 11. tl;"ir pntirp. STOCK OF FURNITURE, and removed (o the Store formerly occupied by F. J-Prentiss, where he: will keep constant ly, and now has on hand an elegant assortment of Furniture; among which are ; l J I ' I Sideboards, Sofas, Bookcases, - .;' , V ' Wardrobes, Cradles, Bureaus h. : ; r Portable Desks, Stands, V -- . Bedsteads, Cribs',' &c. . . ;. r . Elegant Fancy and WindforChairs. and '' ; Looking Glasses will be' kP1 constantly oil hand, and every other article in his line of bu siness He hope that the custom so liberally bestowed upon his predecessors will: be ex tended to hi mv All orders from' the country will be received and punctually attended to. He will also do all inds of Repairing, so as to convert old Furniture into new; He will endeavor to give entire satisfaction as it regards workmanship and price. ' 5 ; cv; r; " ;" -:;J. N. B.'IIe has an elegant Hearse for tbe pur pose of attending to the burial of the dead, and will 'make &J1 kinds of Coffin s such as Mahog onv. Cherry, Poplar and Pine, at the shortest possible notice. lY- ;:f?v: Newbern, January 1st, 1836. ' FSPECTFULLY informs the ciuiens ol rNeoprn and its vicinity, that he- has commenced he bii5tness formerly carried on by Wm. Chali E-il of .baintinjr houses Painting of all kinds will be executed in th neatest manner, and at a moderate pfif-e. ,11? flatters himself that an unremitted attention-- ' his business will ensure him a portion of that patronage which was bestowed upon the gen tleman alrove referred to. ; and those who favor him f; with' their support may rest assured -that no pains will be spared to Tender hU services acceptable to thein.': . ' . , . ? -.'t 4iifi& . Newbern. December 8lh. 1835: ; - I; It was in the year' 1747. that Dri Johnson ahnoBced his intehlioB of undertaking a piclwnary of the English Language.. In a letter addressed to the Earl of Chester.' field; he unfolded the plas upon which he designed to proceed; and be yery justly Kssdined, that a work upott his platr was then waotingto our literature. -VTha LlPic ijoaaryuseii was publube in the yeas 1755, strange.as it may seera. unaecomoaniedbv his rilan. But the offence which J ohnson had talten at the neglect or the wit among Lords, bat the Lord .among wits will fully account for the omission: "-.The execution would not, however, have sustained a comparison wtth the design, had the means of comparison oeeu given. V , -" i v .VJ ''J?'-' r : . '-i. ' I ' The leading principles of it were, that; in his epJa- d, m; van May 5th, 1 835.;-;:; f . :jC;;jItsHiNGLEswANTED.:;;; Tl (TlS rtTS rtTi fTT G0IbrigU32inch ii. vlV ,:VU Cypress r-hiugles wanted! immediately by . . : - " v r : JOS.iM. GRANADE. Uct. 7tlr, IbO. :ri V. il r J B ST RRCIUVED, Per Schooner Ellen Dougtassfrorn New York, - Apples," Cabbages, v. Mercer Potatoes iresh iButteri &c. For: sale IryVyzniS " -i-J :. 4 D. M. VAN BOKKELEN, Oct. 20, 1835. ' V : M i V i NOTIQE. fTTlIIE subscribers have renored Ihejr Cab LK -1 net Furniture Estailishment from Pollok-street to their Store oi Middle-street, near tne Court . House, where extensive, ar rangements have been made li accommodate the' several branches oltheir basiness i v ! They would be gratified byl frequent calls from' their old customers, to yhom and the public generally, they offer theil goods at very low prices, and. their thanks foi former, pa tro- e: i ' : UUUl ii oi. rvivrtiKS.- rNewbernrJ(uly9,;i825.;;-tsitnH-w FRANCIS m,lIffiNlI$S,:l 1: A FEW, DOORS ..WEST Olf THE STATU; BANK, nas lasi revurueu 'irum ew Jt orn wiin a chbiceselection of goods in his line, '. AMONG WHICH; ABE" THE ;" FOLLOWl sd : ;--- ' CLOTHS : Super Dlue,: T ; - : ' -Black, . :. : . V Polish green "i:'tiiff:Dahlia;-;-,j. -. Jtrown,- , Wl Olive, ; ; Steel-mixCd, CA SSIMlSS. - t - . i - xyiagonai, . Drab, ' Fancy' ... ." Ribbed',- . Darkmixed:;, Corded, "PART OF LOTNo. 83, on Middle St v Newbern, iwith the . improvemcBts thereon,! being two Dwellings and Store Houses, with sumcient out Houses, lately occupied byl the subscriber. . '. 500 acres of Pine Land, lying on Brices Creek, about nine miles from Newbern. Terms made known on application to Win S, Morris, or to9 i . JAMES DAl.f GAR I S O N. f m ibtiici ' tt xr::: tegro wo- I iii stan(t at mv stable the Dresent sea- AAAk7 HIIW TTTi AN awav from- the-Subscriber on the lilv night of the 19th inst. a man named SUKEY, about 55 years low stature, and formerly belonged Jn ' end bn lhe 15th of July Ilandcock. Esa. 1 Whoever will apprehend ,A . . w ' -said Negro, and lodge her m any Jail, or give bispeak-better lime3 fn th such uilqrraauon inai i geiner again, au -( ment Particnlars of this fine animal will be ccive . the above rewaw ana ail necessary j seeft fe reference to handbilfs which . will ap- -charges. Any person louna narDonng.uer, pearina fewd ays. 7 In the mean tinie.'a look! Will be prosecuiea. j . n t at him will be pleasii Black silk Yel vet, f Satin, : Black Florentine, 4 Emtu-oiU'd Quilting Buff and VVhiW, Printed Toilehette Fancy patteriis if ? .r "f f - 5 " una io uc mimyicicxx NEW DICTIONARY ; ; - ' r" . OF THE I : W- K N GLI SH I. A N O II A G.E: A BY CHARLES RICIlAIlbsbN. ,.'-- -"' - : -ALSO ; Hats, - Stocks, Suspenders, - Cravats Cravat Stiffners, Bosoms, Linen Collars, Silk Hhkfs. Braces, &c, &c. all of which will be sold low for Cash. C -- ITavi ii rr first-rate workmen, he is enabled to eTfiffiife air orders for Clothino " in style, on short notice. . : " 7 X : t Orders from a distance wui receive prompt attention. j , - Newbern, October 10, 1834. ' ' ana tnen iae newpnQric4rf, BwiiiBg we ;qo.iaons were to be arranged according io uwageroi taeaataors. A mere inspection into "any page of his bbofc wilf jiianK fe&t thai he had proceeded iivthe composition of it .whol ly regardless, and in -utter direliction, of his own avowed principles oneiicpgrapay, ruXU' If such a Dictionary as sDr.i Johnson protected was wanting lJii, it may with- justice be affirmed that it Jis so note, and for this plain And conclusive reason, that neither did he uimsen ax mai nine aueinpi, nor nas any otner person since'atlerapted, to construct work upon the plan prescrited. That deficiency, therefore, which Dr. John son bad flt, and which he bad declared it to be bis purpose to relievetothis moment remains, not merely its full ex tent unabated, but with all the aggravations that time and change may be fairly supposed to have effected.:' During the whole period of eighty years; which have passed since the first publication of tbi Dictionary , no effort .has been made upon the professed, but unpractised, principles of us Author to compile anew work, nor is any one known to have engageo even in tne less etorious, but still ardu ous enterprise, of sysytematically reformine and remould ing the old. - Supplements and additions to the increase of its bulk, have been collected ami published; servicea ble, it is true, even perhaps for all intended purposes, but leavinethe demand for anej6oot asimp-rative as before. ' Omnes fanhrum farinas hie lab&r vuus habet,' says Scali geT ; and the bone-felt truth of (his dreadful note of warn ing has hitherto, perhaps, deterred all aspjrants to the honors of lexicosranby who may have ventured (if any siicb there have been) to make a commencement oftheir labors, from toihng pa wiia patient perseverance to tueir final close. ' " It is not necessary Io rnise1 aiquestion' whether the pp werfal and cbroprebensrve mind of Johnson could, in j bis day in . tne men iaie jdi puuowgiwi. trtuiti,, ua.o wielded to effectual purpose-the furce"' of his own rules. Certain it is that, with only Juntos and Skinner for his guides in .Etymology, (the latter of whom, on various oc casions, be nas most onaccouniaoiy negiecieo,; ana wun no remoter search into oar language than iheage ot Eliza beth, it is utterly itopossible.lhat be should have labored to apply those ruies,with success.; T;rC -vVio';'.k't--t The Author of the New Dictionary, ivhen l.e embark' ed in: this undertakin,"was well afsured thatihe uhdoubt ed chief of philosophical grammarians had not spoken ei ther, idiy or ufitrolyi when be asserted that a new Dic tionary ought to,be! written, and bf a very different kind indeed from any thing yet- attempted any- where? he felt satisfied that this was Tjotthe sojUary d iet umr of one raaa; colleges, and that it prevaHea- very .generally, among me various Intelligent and enquiring classes of his country men.: v He. farther fell that the volumes of Home Tooke had developed a new theory of language ? tbil the princi ples of lhat theory iiad, in the m4in,ei?n well received; that lbey had settled deeply in the minds of literary men, both abroad and at home; and that upon those principles he" must composers' woTfc.:fc: vr- f.-f. , i . . : -,:' j '-- ' 'jf.-;;f--'." ' - -i. 1 1--""I-r - 7 f The Vreat first principle"' dpoh which he has prpceed- A in ibt Hptmrtment of the Dictionary which includes the e JilanaUoii of words is that; so clearly evolved, and so inconvertibly demonstrated in the Diversions, of Ppr Ipv. namel v ThaCa word has one meaning, and one itv" and that all usages mastlspring, : and be derived HI ANA worS wkwh d.. : i.r w' licatiott forrthiilasl .seventeen hikh?Zr one a Jsthat tK Book icompfeted it iufSdS JSra1-?!?' thor i and hu ertlonl " Hir-reeledto.dapfft-iovry. purpt of Btility; whether it be rerAnA n. ' l.ftt r:L..iV J? , fMeif "t Wvvard tbe more corioos researches of leBtan SebotaftV-Tlie Purchaser. fcreW also.Trom any riskofdisappoinlmenras to the cbmpletioo: With the VieW of ollla fKi. Ttr2 mMiit'" oi an-impotlant characteiwithiaihe reach of yery classoT theTOmintinityitvUI bo published at the lowest possible rate; the Pcsushxr having made arrangements in London for a set of STisyuTTpiE PtATss, will b ena-' Jrctt,u wueru i jnucu lower price than it eould other wjse pelss,aed,0ri:4-:3?-; -'.-- . it wiH form two lark auarto Vblarnes: eich na wilt contain three closely printed columns; and the whole will ' J" rati ' Jr- '- , i 'i consist oi i nirty pans, .1 , jeu pan win ,coutain t.ighjy fares, price S3 cents and .fty appear 'Monthly; unUl. ;the whole is coinble, ted.- -4.J-i.r sC:m:.. :;f,-h .... stt0scrttcrr names rectttcd by - J ,? j(i PwiutSRERl t ;53 .Cir Street, Nds- iVrA Extracts Jrfim the British Critic the Alonthlg Itaew- e TKe fourth: Divislo FEncy;aiei.iis sa tiiacn like an ordinary Encyclontedia .1 its scheme and contents, that it Would ndl detain lis-a stnde moment, were it not for the English icfwajy which : is incorpoi-s.ted with It, it isan unueriaKing- ot immense labour l add notwjlh standing alljthe.aid which may be derived from Johnson . and other leiicographers; it cannot fail to pro ve an . ier eulean task. ; If tbe compiler itersevere, and fihisbai bo nas oegun, tee iwts no Battf tfte Jngltsn Lficttonary jtmtli soon beUiedforjM separaU form. British Crictic, pet. " "jTbis is certainly .one of the most interesting garti of the volume before us; We mean as io 'Ae lUxon it U apparently executed with care jr possesses a considerable degree 'Of . not?cfty in the arrangement of the, Radicals and derivatives ; and is rendered both amusing and instuctivs, by the number of Appropriate qnptalions from the earliest poets, chroniclers, and bisforjans, down to tbe latest and most approved writers in tbe English language, with the exception of alt liyingjaothbrs. LThe citations afford a very pleasing .illustration pf the progressive changes in tbeUnguageand the almost directly opposite signification which we now attach some words, when compared with tbe import which they Were at first luted to Convey. -Ve make one eitract from an example taken at random,' to manifest the nature of she arrangement of this instructive part of the work. .; Wjb! regret that it has not been kepf uisiinci,;; , moninty ncvieto, june.iBVJ. ( -. a 4 v Ve are Inclined tai consider the Enrlish lan?na?An7 bavins attained that fulness of maturitv which Imivq nn wish for increase , buf only anxiety for preservation. -As1- ueips 10 T-uis, we uave me various acceptations', in which' every- wpra nas oeen used oy approved wrilers,.collected; by Mr. Iticbardson, in a Dictionary, such las, perhaps, not oilier languages could ever boast; and we have a new'suide iur lue mcuiy Hiiuuse-ot languages,-exemplifying bia (Hornetooke's) principles by applying themto our own lonzue.''--Quarterly Review for March. -1827. 1 -Art; glish Sonymus,' by fkytor Sf Crabbe, p. 407 I ' . lAUudiug to the portions published in the ENCYCLO P.E DI A METRO I'PUTANA. the Reviewer of ' Dr: Webster observes ivk, his iinHe meaning. ' To discover this meaning. Ar.rtrhst:arcl ba been jsated,; with eoficjseAeas it is . . . 1 . . "11 1 1 . . 1 ... 1 trae Vet WlUl a Mltness mat win euauie mcmuceicorucu reader to form a judgment for himseir, and the path of deeper investigation is disclosed to tlie. pursuit ot lhe I... -i The exhlanations are placed; distinct- iewei fc " tt thyalnaple contributions to animpfoved Dirtier of the principles of Tooke, be compared with the corres ponding articles in the Dictionary of D. JohnsQn,.ahd it will be 'seen how much i lexicography owes to the Diver sions pf Purley."- Westminister Review, Jan. 1831; 1; -' . 1 1 y. . .:- W A N T.E D, ' A N Apprentice to the Tailoring husiness. JrS. A boy of 12 or 14 years of age would bo preferred.' Applv to - 1 ' - 1 . r ABNER A. PARKER. ' Pollocksville, Jan. 6, 1836. ' ;' ' - THE SUBSCRIBE! ww a S3 s.ut'.oMiffo) a Trpish annnlv nf Bimdrv articles I Uonary. 1-1' .Ma IV.. fkmsfmoo HnliJdvo rrtnniT whlrh I Bf Will be 8 . - . .. -.it . -. .. '- . I restine and may He is now at rdec and appears e Horse Deparl- Jan: 25. WILLIAM BROWER INSPECTION OF NAVAL STORES i frrHE SUBSCRIBER having been appointed, by the '11 Court of Pleas -and Q&attef Sessionsof Cravea Countyi. Inspector of Naval Stores, respectfully tenders f liia nerviees to the public, and assures them that the ifrictest Bttentioa wHl at at tinief be paid to the business ffilffT " - "CALEB c:.BEIX. Febi4iry;19Ui, J836. "t-: ' I. pleasing to those that may wish to improve the breed oftheir stock. - 'As racings is likely to be tlie. order of the day, let us now' lav the ground worK, ana nereatter put in ouxl claim to tne nonors oi me i uru i f WILLIAM R. STREET, " , , -Agent for James S. '.Harrison. ,March;J6, 1836. . t " T . .j . TAKEN t UP, V ' I A ND committed - to the jail of Craven I A County, a Negro man who calls his name Almonds, Filberts and Brazil Nuts, Muscatel Raisins, in whole, half and cjuar- ter boxes, , 1 Bordeaux Prunes, in small boxes, Madeira, and Marseilles Citron, ! Preserved Ginger, " , v ) Olives, Capers, and Pepper Sauce, Walnut and Tomato catsup, ' Madeira; Port, Shery, Canary, j TeneriffeiMucatel, Malaga and V Wines Champaigne, - Jj '-i Anniselte and Noyan Cordials, if Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin& Jam.Rum, - London Brown Stout, in barrels 3i dozen each,. -Fresh Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, and : ! rOQCnORg, eas, li; i . ,l.u unmixed wi n ravmoiosry. io-euii mo ineiDcsi ny oy '"-jfL , - - purposes oi nasij -v"'"u -Cv ' "- t''V-;-':-'- ' u. aleedful aidsto traceihe varioos 0?age$ oi words from the intrinsic, meaning, be' has enjoyed and, availed himself not only of the large store of materials collected by Johnson and bis Editors, the, various supplements and nrovincial vocabulariesVthe notes of editors and commen tators upon our older poets, but ofthe abundant treasures which have been amassed for his own peculiar use. mu ..ni,i',ni plfr.ted from lh&, latter portion of this almost uftmanageble coacervation, (to usej a Eaco hian term,) have been arranged ander periods ofchreno i...i ctinn: From our earliest writers, . ;y lclif. Chaucer and Govver, to those ;whd, within the memories -f-dMi Kad ceased to shed their living lustre upon the annals of their country, contributions have been Jevi- ed to add erace and strengtn 10 tne columns oiritue uic- I'TOmtOlS CnrOHUJOicoi iHtang.ciiicHi. itmitied to an insielit into some veryime instructive portions ot a nistory oi nis native tongue- v-';':-u''l'W'.':' ;-'-r . . I 1.- 4l.. I. A lU. AMAmiAnA " Une disaavantage w iii.pprcuwj o wm4--Afiht. nreession in time, thaf a metaphorical will some times stand prior lo a literary example ; but (the mair: ner of explanation will render this a matter, of slender importance, when compared ; with he advantages that .1 A L 3 1:Z O tJ.'a S . AUll, - rnviL great una coneiaiuiy increasing aemano lor. tne 1L novels of Captain Marryatl, has induced the, subscrl berto commence the publication of a new edition of bis entire writings,- in a new form, and at a reduced price. 4 Several oi his works that have '.not yet appeared in this cuuniry ui we cullijtiscu 10 4141s scries, wuicn wuiwnen completed, ; be the only uniform edition ' bf his writings that has yet issued .from the preaSi .iir'i5' I . -jL-'."- .. -1 ' . 1 " N The work will be published in semi-monthly Numbers at 0 & cents per iMumoer. tacn TVumDer complete in it self, and cotaining the whole of bne:of his works, equal il The whole sferies will be complete iaightjNumbcrK and will form a royal octavo volume of Twelve Hundred rages lor Anree vpuars. : . , . rl-i t-- 'List of works to be comprised in this edition : Frank JIiI.dmay,'nr the Naval Officer, j,. j Nevtori.Fostefi or the Merchant Service King's Own. , ri . v . ' t- ; Peter Simple; or the Adyenturesof a Midsiiipmah Jacob Faithful.' ri i i.r A c ' .: r;- i Pacha of Many Tales. ' J , ; Japbet in Search of bis Fatiier Naval and Military . Stelches. The first Number will positively be issued early in Jan uary, and the whole will be completed by the last of April." ! The work will be slereotypedand any ot the Namberr j can be had separate if desired--v , ; ; y 'J - They will be. sent by post to any part of the Union j so iiuiurwuic, n.. ww ,- s : -' i i pacKea as io uei y iao iriciiuo ui iuc mans. oswge - will be secured by an uniiorm auuciei.c lw wh,uuw.u& mmiea Ucen per sheet, overJOO miles 2 cehts. "Thenecessary brevity ot a rtosneews w y.notper- u- osi aseles9 foP the ,ubscri6ef to' remark that .. ror whica he thinks tne.rtew.uinonorjf ui me Qt ine.numoer oi pages ucwg ucti ""'muieu, uu English Language deserves io De aiwioguiaucH. . .. the price only. three dollara, speaks or iteelt. ; The public i( But the Author is conscious that be snouiq ue cnarge.' i may look upon tins as tne commencement ot an enterprise able'with great want 01 councy t. , to jumigj, tnem witn works oi nenon Dy tne most ceieora- the American DicUonary ot Xir. w o er.ce , autbo. nrinted m a beautiful Banner, on fine paW; t - . .- i.A ahrtn . rj . w ruatcr ' uiacu mvu auu -i . - 'i - . - - - . . - i i - rk lira K7 ar , 11 diiv t - i&kii NEW .BAKERY. , THE subscribef respectlaUy informs the public that he conducts the BAKING BUSINESS in the house tormeriy osea ior Fpvwiy t r T 4 HteGeorge Reid ; id bdngdetermined to 0 every (property, pay chw : endeavor to. give aatiaiaction, ne irusw iua 4fti"i and others wui give htm a share ox tneir cusiom.'r Ha has constantly on' hand the first quality W Loai 1 1 Breadi fresh Crackers and Cake of every kindj pre pared ia a superior manner, which wilt beeerved tQ ---families at the shortest notice. -L - - -s - L i He he has just received and will constantly -keep j on hand a supply jor Howard street v luuu ot a su perior quality. - f' . ' 2 ! FRANCIS . BANGARD.. CH ARLES RIGBY. and says that he belongs I to .Thomas Wilson,-residing m Baltimore. The owner is requested to come forward, prove ges ana taK,e mm away : DAVID LEWIS, Jailor. Newbern, October S6th, -1835. ' -V lolasses ; a,nd "Sugar; : hhds, prime retailing Molasses, do. dp. vdo. -bngar, 1 1 ... 1 1 12 boxes V palent'Vmould Candles, 4s & bs, -infroaaclorv to Dictionary of lhe If -ft ' An Snorm . -" - doi 4s and 6s. I .am 89 anorooriiite arid j . VP . Wi VT. W W. ( r . X I WWWW. ; 7 5 hhds and 10 barrels Baltimore Rye the code 01 . uemo i..MnnAi-MMaiAf4i. MtiA ur 11 1 tt ti avid si i nnp.A jiu rnmnofit inn Bnn nmco stripped himself or imwio, wuMiwuiuiiu l,t.w.,.w Vv ----,7; r-'-i'r'--- i" - .- ana unshielded to the i combat. . He abjured tne; assist-1 jt jn (he power of every person to possess a library of nov . foi,: A. nJ Vnliii: and the learned elders of I . 1 - 1 ' - - .t t !l2rI .ri.t... , ancs ui 1 v ' . : t eS at an eiireuicij low raic. :. xne butbuujc H"r " :-u:. minarir Kivi unirn. ns i .uriunio in inrrn niij i n nuniisuer imni III 1 IHI licimnumi .a . . uiuwra ... ; - wVww 7 J Whiskey, ! 10 bbls. Apple Brandy,; EngUsh language, nr.snmP. that the nubile will aeree nseiui asj. a reiereucw . iu i; - ..,, .ttw. nf Mrh aikhor. 1 I..:v a M.iMcirxM At. UCIKI ,v a.fvvsw v. m . . uemoo : laws to ucuiuc P ... '.v-',' a -:::.!.-;., .,. DK Webster, was j entirely nn, l stated price, man 10 puoiisn 7"""" with him, that it is Ihor. in series at a . . too.be near- Iper aiinum i for by tbb arrangemebt lbey may subscribe ly (naccessible,, even.tathe literary classes pf ;our Ame: 1 fbe Works of one author andvrejept aiber. f Not te acquainted wkb or old antbore; they miist . --:la tr on r th litA.rarv classes Ji,n brethren: and it may be fairly anticipated, mat at .-. .v hich the f ZZy"A MnnnnwMs WhiiVpv TOctionary prepared upon, apian so totally different from mg ooiigea .---- uu Bup - T ; V 7 r."" - ihat of their own codntryman, offering to their 5 do. Pilot Bread, - ance Buch numerous specimens of sterling weal .Just received per JBrigMary, and for sale by an'u Middle Streets. v J.C.&M STEVJENSQ . DAVID M. Iune 8th, 1635 - - "fl' f Newbern,' 15th Dec. aceept- wealth, from i the treat mine of their native English, will not be cotost- I " ' m 1 -. . r . 1 2 ltL. : tiered as a aupernuous aaamon 01 mcir jiumrtca. . . HThft New Dictionary of the English Language will , Which he offers, together With his general as- appear under the advantage of. being already known to gortm'eht, for Bale, at the old stand ou Follok a consideraDie portion 01. me '71- onir.,. nn rp WhltPr I.Md. I 10Ldo.BIacK.l.eaa, jr 60. Corn Baskets, ;t;. vanbokkelen; 1835. -1 ' : nYYhti si nd at the- head piacwu uw vauvt w ww - OI e?ivu ui iivv -i -i-i'.: ,;- 1. . -.':,-". . not want! ;A remittance of f 10 will command ioir copies p tbe work. Single suasenpu-v- . , ji . -rJ tCTSubscribers to the Lady's Book, or those wishing to be"cwEme subscribers, wilt be furnished with heLadyV Boole one year, and the'set of Novels, for five Dollars iu advance, postage paid, r Single subscriptions' to! either work! Tnree Dollars." A'ddress"- X"X- r - !' 1 -LOtJIS A; GODET. -1 . r i J trxn ttrii-i .i..jim.W-i.lj:v.' , Newbern, 1st Dec lSS