....... ... T7T .i rhvTVTi lit' VOL. XX. PUBLISHED. J . BY THOMAS WATSOV. : Three dollarsper annum, payable in advance. -r" rvfKtT Bcshels coarse . Turks Hi 4l VUVll Island SALT (fo sale low by the quantity,) - ' " ' V ," l y 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee, -' 1 ; ' - ; 10 do Laguira do t. . , , j . - -10 do Java - do a handsome article, - - 2 hhds Muscovado Sugar, I . . 2 boxes & 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, J "20 bbls. Baltimore Howard street Flour, ,10 do ' do . do ! . -f -do i ! 3 bbls. Philadelphia Rye Flour " , '10 kegs Goshen, Butter, first quality, r ' IQdo do do-1 a common article, v TiO drums fresh Smyrna Figs, j i r 10 small boxes Bordeaux Prunes, ' & kegs Dupont's Brandy wine jGunpow- der,-' : :'; ;' j'" "I "''.-i ' :j 5000 Spanish Cigars, in , i and i.boxes : 1)0 lbs. 3lrs. Miller's fine cut! Spanish smp- ; 10 boxes yejiowsoap, kingjlobacco, . 2 bbls. butter Crackers, . ; 10 do Cider Brandy, j 1 j 4doz. cast! steel Boxing Axes, . 0 do Beers' long bit do., ! ; Just receiretf from New! York and Balti more, and for sale cheap by 1 j 1 DAVID M. VANBOLKELEN ? Newbern, Jan. 26, 1S3G.; ? JOSEPH M. GKANADE fin AS this day received from New! York, by JJ.JJL the schr. Topaz, the following! articles : 1400 bushels Irish Potatoes, 50. do Mercer do 10 boxes Prunes : 2 1-4 casks Tcnerifie Wine, - -2 bbW Linseed, Oil,; 1 do "Winter strained Sperm Oil- 1 do Fall strained 1 do do 10 bars Buck Shot' i ' 20 bbls New York Canal Flour! J . 10 1-2 bbls do . do i 20 bbls n-ess and prime Beef 1 basket Salad Oil ! T,'' 1 box Olives :t: -"; - " '" , 1 keg Currants ,1 1 T)ox prepared Cocoa M do Bologna Sausages : Newbern, 12th, Nov. 1835. 12 bafts St. Domingo Coffee, t 2Q i f -:' Java . - do. 6 small boxes fresh Chocolate, ' 5 bblsj Lamp Sugar, V J 5 hhds Pi. E. Kum. 5 bbls. Curtis' Rye Gin- s 5 kecs chewing Torcct,t f 10 sacks fine Salt. i ! 'J i 20 bblei Mess id Prime Pork. Receive this day by SchV. Melissa from New York, and for ale? JOSEPH M. GRANADE. i ...I j JlUo Wt hand in Store, 1 Sd'bWtrtjsh Navy and Pilot Bread, j . :i 29 Jftess and Prime Beef, , L. . 'A' I 500 bushels Irish Potatoes. ' M- G i ECONOMY IS WEALTHv" iTvLD India Rubber Shoes, and , Scraps of Mi India Rubber,will be bought, and : a lib ral price paid by : ; I ,i r , D. M VAN BOKKELEN. I Newbern, Jan. 20, 1836. New Goods, j wrm H F nbscriber has iust received per schrs i LL ! Bounty and Melissa, from New York, ml Linn from Baltimore, '1 2 boxes and 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, ' 1 box and bbls. wnue uavana - uu. j hhds & 5 bbls. Porto Rico & SU Croix do. i O bbls Scotch Snuff, in bottles and bladders, 1 I.orrilards Moccaboy huff, 1 . 120 boxes manufactured Tobacco, a. variety of f - qualilie8 from common, to very good, ! : Natural Sweet James River Tobacco. Hitefoot smoking dQ I-' Fine cut chewing ' dd. I; ,5 boxes Alexandria Segars, 3000jeach, ' 4UUII iiaiuniore nan k?ai3ii wvivc ui uuc tSOOO Spanish do. do. do. 2000 Principe do. do. a very superoir " aim uium ouuiuvu .....y, , ... 4thftir Shot.tissorted sizes, froni No. 10 to B, I 4 bbls. water and butter Crackers, ' - f Freshr Gunpowdei, imperial, ,nysun uu P.OUChong Teas ol tna very oesi numiy Ifl boxes vellow oap, 10 Portland Starch? Un KM: Rve Whiskey ; 1 SO boxes Winsor Glass, 8 x "10 and 10 h 12, 1 bbl. Copperas, j 10 sacks Salt, , i 1 bbls. Mess Beef (put up in Fulton Market,) oiciiuao pnio uu , , . J4 f rccoorn oi. nutututii s tosniuu iuu6i, each No. 10K Hi. and 12, 50 Shares, each No. 10t Hit 12t, 6000 pound English Tire Iron, assorted from 11 tr 2 Inch. t ' i '- " A- raa An: do. Bolt Rod, assorted from . a VIA inr.h. nKv flat ftwedes Iron, assorted from IUW -v. " 1 to 10 inch, - 3000 do. square do. do. do. from f 9,509 i do. Spike and Nail Rods li Koas, 25 bundles Hoop iron, ass ortea irom w xn do. Band Iron do,; ,do UtoJ3 American, German, and Cast Steel, ' A1-90 ON HAND, A- qoantity of Nash County - Apple -Peach Uranay, oi very superior qmmy , : All of which he offers focaale at his old stand, corner of Pollok and Middle Streets. , t? D. Mi VAN BOKKELEN. Newbern, April l&tb, 1836. w v M4 MJ Ml JJ vlo f j jiniv subscriber has returned from the J-L North, and is now oneninfiratthe old unH on Pollok arid Middle streets, a general assort ment oi i. rr..r;i . j ' - - - j- j j Groi&Biries ;';!-; LIQJJORS, WINES cfe GORDI AIS, , Hardware, f Crockery,: Glass, 1 Cbihai-and v i. Earthenwares, ' ; : : Wood, Willow and Hollow Wares, ' Saddles, BridlesandIartingales,' -1 " Gig Harness, 1 , -- 1 Coach & Harness Trimming 6c Mountings, Vindsor and fancy Chairs, : Cotton Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c. &c. -" 4 '-H :V -- ' ALSO , j ' "''-f ' A tfull j assortment of Carpenter's, Cooper! -and Blacksmith's Tools, American, English and Swedes-Tire, Band, :l and Hoop Iron, of all sizes, German and Blistered Steel, , ' Freeborn's Cast Iron Ploughs &c. &c. All of which having been carefully selected by himself, he offers to his friends and the pub lick on accomodating terms, for cash or country produce,, . i ijj. ivi. v aim nujvj.t.L.iiri. ..Newbern. Oct. 9, 1835. ' : !f ; :ir-; . FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT! 4T fN BBLS. prime Porto Rico Sugar, Ol W 50 j pure N. E. Rum, ; i - 6 hhd, pure ( ido. " , I .Cotton Bagging and Twine, i r " I 20 baskets Liverpool fine Salf. j ; Apply to ; J. BURGWYN,. IOctoher26!l835. , -'!.' t THIS! DAY RECEIVED, TTDER thei Schrs. Trent and Friendship JJL T trom JNew York and Baltimore, I 50 casks Stone Lime, ; i I 4 doz. each I and 2 quart Oyster Pots, ; .,50 bushels superior Nova Scotia Potatoes I ! expressly for family use, ! J 50 bbls. and 25 half bbls. Baltimore su- j I perfine Flour, ; -.-l- ;lv ' .: i 5 V , Pilot Bfead, small Biscuits, for -;,'! v j' K. 'family lisej j1;'; ; ; il ' M : 1 ;. ' i 1 " Butter Crackers, i 10 hhds. Rve Whiskey, 123 bbls. ! do. do. I . i ! 50 Kens! Baltimore NoJ 1 Lard, 6,000 Baltimore half Spanish Segars, . 1UU pounds Flax, - - D. M. VAN BOKKELEN. May 5th, 1835. , Jl Fresh ilrrival ! rriHE subscribers, grateful for former fa ll -vors, respeclllv irin weir nomer- win5tuiners and the public generally, that they have just' opened a large and; complete assortment of Goods in their line, embracing . ; !:;;(.: :i Hard ware, j j ; SILVER, BLOCK TIN. I AND PEWTER WARES, Tin arid Hollow Wares, BOOTH & PORTERS. I Newbetn, Oct. 20th, 1835. i N. B. Job-work in both branches of their business will be executed faithfully and with despatch. : i ; 7 NEW ENGLAND RUM. 4T BBLS. ajnd 4 half pipes " Pure Boston Rum," just received per Schr. Nile from Boston, and for sale low. in lots to suit purchasers, by j , i! D. M.IVAN BOKKELEN, March 30th, 1836. v ! JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Ellen Douglass, from iVeto York, Apples, Cabbages, i . . : . Mercer Potatoes, Fresh Battel, &c. For sale by. r ",' '.. i. - V. JM. VAN EOfcKHLEN. Oct. 20, 1835J T FRANCIS J. PRENTISS, MERCHANT TAILOR, A FEW DOORS WEST OF THE STATE 'BANK," Has iust returned from New Yorkvwith a Choice 5? leCllOU oi guuus ill ins nue, -AMONG WBTCS TtiE MLWWIRO. !CASSIM'RES, . CLOTHS. Super Blue, Diagonal, Drab, . Fancy : Ribbpd. Black Moleskin, Dark-mixed Black, Polish green Dahlia. . ; . Brown, ; Olive, ' 4 Steel-mixed, Corded, j VESTINGS. Black silk Velvet, Embroid'd Quiltho I Figured Velvet; Buff and White, I. Printed Toilenet.es, Fancy patterns. . i Black Satin, I Black Florentine, ALSO i Hats . Stocks,! Suspenders, Cravats Cravat i stittner? .uosoms, juiueu v n i his. fold low nraces Ct &c. all oi wntcn win oe fnr ra. fnr Cash. ' ' i . - - i n.vinrt firs urate workmen, ne is e tabled to ornrntR all orders for Cl6thino m the best stv1. on short notice. i I Orders from a aistance wiM rcY yrumpi attention. -I ' 1 Newbern, October 10, 1834. Tm ESPECTFITLLY informs the iizensot i lib Newbern arid its vicinity, thd he has s icominenCed the business formerly cgried" on hv Wm. Charlotte. Eao. that of Daintiri houses Paintinff of all kinds will be executdin the neatest manner, and at a moderate pee. O v 7 g flatters himself that an unremittea autuon niS UUS1UCSB nui CU3UIC : uiui lvi v. and patronage which was bestowed uporlie gen- : uvu -JZr: La ell. r no- pains will he spared to render his acceptable to them. . ; : " ' i Newbern, December 8tb, 1835 ! him t Wlia lueir uwwu uiav res aaacu hjo. imces NEWBERN; WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, THR STTRSfJRTRRR i JJAS just received a fresh supply of sundry articled suitable for Christmas Holy days, amoncr which rnay be found the rollowici ; - 1 Almonds; Filberts and Brazil Nuts, f . J j Muscatel Raisins, in whole, half and quar f 5 ter boxes, f. Crthnmr. f4 Bordeaux Prunes, in small boxes, ."j ; . Madeira, and Marseilles Citron, . . , Preserved Gingerr t -I Olives, Capers, . and Pepper feaucc, r i v i Walnut and Tomato Catsup, . 1 ; Madeira! Port, Shery, Canary; . ..--. uv? v i Teneriffe, Mucatel, Malaga and Wines ' Champaigne, . 1 j - ) j Anniselte and Noyau Cordials. . - 4 -! Cognac Brandy; Holland Gin&, Jam.Rum, London Brown Stout, in barrels 3-dozen ;j edch, i;4 ?'5 I lfrJt tMi--& 5 :j Fresh Gunpowder; Irnperial, Hyson, and 1 i , Pouchong, Teas, y k 12 boxes " patent" mould Candles, 4s & 6s, ! 6, do. Sperm I do.. 4s and 6s. 5 hhds I and 10 barrels Baltimore Rye Whiskey, f , j -' - i - " 10 bbls. Apple Brandy, " . 6 do. CustisRye Gia, ' ' do superior oldi Monongahela Whiskey 5 do. iPilot Breads- i . 20 kegs No. 1 pure White Lead, ! 10 -do. iBlack Lead. . ! ': 50 Corn: Baskets, ! Which he offers, togelher wiih his general as sortment, for sale, ati the old stand on Pollok and Middle Streets;! .J - j ! DAVID M. VANBOKKELEN. Newbern,! i 15th Dec. 1835. Molasses 5 and Sugar, tfT hhdst prime; retailing Molasses, Ql: do. do. i . do. Suerar, Just received per Brig Mary, and for sale by Y-.l-rJ- j J.Ci'kM;SVEVENSOIS; June 6th, 1835. P 1," -J, .-vv -;4:'';ti ! SHINGLES WANTED. I r 71 TT ThlTTrTGOODbriffht22inch JJ. Mi VlVVVVlV Cypress " Phiuj Cypress Shingles wanted immediately by : . i , i - r j, JOS. M. GKANADE. Oct. 27th, 1835ii - ', : y ' subscriber has this day received by M the schr, Fulford, Capt. Guthrie, from ua l ti more, me iouowing arucies, viz t ; L 50 bbls fresh ground Howard-street Flour j 5 dp Water, Butter, and Soda Crackers - 10 do fresh Pitot Broad- " r . . 5 dp Ado Navy ao.' J- - . . too-v.X ?uur s, or , Wheat Brand i 500, do ii Course Turks Island Salt ; 10 sacks Liverpool blown do v 10 bbls cider Brandy 12 hhJds Baltimore Kye Whiskey ' 5 bbls old Mohongahela Whiskey 4th proof 1 2 do fresh corned beef, put up in the Bal-- timore market expressly for family use. i 5 do Loaf & Lump Sugar from 15 to 20 7 cts perpounu. 20 casks Stonej Lime i JOS. MGRANADE I M AD El KA WINE! p A CONSTANT supply of " Goidon's" old AV superior Wines, direct froin that house1 in qr. and eighth cas"ksr for family use, for sale at low prices, by I i , - " ' i - Ji & T, S. WINSLOW, i 27 Broad street, New (York. Apply to J. BURGWYN, ' : ; . ! r Derereux's Buildings. ' I GARDiENlSEMDS, A gen general assortment oi r tt.sa uak- jftA. DEN SEEDS received and for sale by WILLIAM SANDERS. Newbern,! 10th Feb: 1836: i Nash I County Brandy, Flour , frc. Trv Barrels; Wash County, first quality, Vil Apple Brandy, " r 20 bis. N. Y. Canal, Flour Beach's red ; I Brand,'i do. 10 half bis. 20 boxes Hull i I Candles, do. I do. & Son's patent mou id 5 b( 6xessnf?t' Sicily Oranges, fpA Tallow. 1 6 doz. Windsori Chairs, assorted colours, iust received and for sale by j i I f DAVID M. VAN BOKKELEN. Newbern j Jan. 20, 1836. j NEW STORE. .THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Newbern and itsj vicinity, that he has recently returned from the North, jwith a large and general retailing assortnent Oft GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKER Y and GLASS If ARE Liquors Wtnes, Fruit?,; Confectipnary", Perumery, , Lc. Nuts, , Shos, 6cc. which h e is now offering for sale sit the Store formerly occupied by Geo. A. Hall, Esq. and more recently by" Johnj A. Crispin one door east of Dunn's corner and nearly opposite the Episcopal Church!,"' - -' J x f. -ALSO ;y r At the brick store belonging to Mrs. McKinlay, New Countv Wharf, a huge supply of such ar j tides as are usually found in a lroj ticles as are usually found in a Grocery . j Store, ' together" with a good assortment oi ; f SHIP CHANDLERY, READ Y MADE CLOTHING, &c. o;unon the cost. I 1 ' -J i .... .!: . -t ... JOS. M. GRANADE. Nov. 1st 1835. PF EVERY DESCRIPTION, j V FOR ftMJE AT TP"? V.V? j: . - : ' I836. NEW GOODS. fTTlriE iubscfiber has jast received from New York, by JLL the Schooner elr.t nni nth.r is,a Bi;oat thm fnti lowine articles, via : i PiV20 half do., dn Hrt ' . - 10 bbh. Navy and Pilot Bread, f " ' I 'i ,45 dor 4th proof old Mono.ngahela Whiskeyi I ! ijuourr uiaiaga nine, 1 16 - bbls. Linseed, WinteMtrained Sperm &Traih Oil 1Q basket? .Champagne Wine, - u 3 . chests Hyson. Go bales Cassia 10 bbls. New York Mess Pork, Pieces lieiVV 43inr.h Tlnn1aa P.lrnnir .25 coils Bale Rope, : .- I31?6 veT 'openof Champagne Brandy i 1000 bushels Turks Island Salti . ' - 4 kees DuDont Pnwrfpr : ' rW-f.-v... , -AT. SO IN STflBlf f' -J 1U00 boshels Irish Potatoes, - 6 whole tierces Charleston Rice - balf do do. do. " 50 bbls. fresh Rslti , . JOS : Newbern, Feb. 1836. - fll. GRANADq FOR HIRTC TTTNTIL the 1st of January next, a Negro vL ; Woman ; who has; been accustomed to Cooking,i Washing and Ironing, &c. - Apply at the Office of the Sentinel.- -March 9. i i k 1 NEW GOODS 3 hhds. prime retailing St. Croix Sugar, ; 5 bbls. loaf and lomp i do. - iu oags at. iJomingo UoSee, -25 " Java. do. I 6 quart, chests Hyson, Gunpower and Imperial Teas, 20 bbls. and half bbls. sup, N. Y. western Canal Flour, u " xavy and filot Bread - 10 " Soda Water, and Butter Crackers, t uaii ana quart, boxes Spanish segars, ot the very ucsi quBiiiy ana most ceieoraiea oranas, - 10 half boxes bunch raisins, , ; 6 cases Napoleon Champagne Wine, - 1-2 pipe superior Madeira ' do. . , 10 bbls. N. E. Rum, .. 10 do Rye Gin, ; j T ' - Received this day, per Schr. Melissa, from New j York- Also on hand, at retail, old APPLE & PEACH BRANDY, distilled in Naeh and Gates Counties in this State. For sale by ' t. ; JOSEPH M. GRANADE. i Newbern, April 12, 1836. D. 31. VANBOKKELEN j Has this day received, and is now opening" TTVTTEN'S SPANISH SADDLES, with cloth xYLL housings complete, a superior article, T ' Men's Spanish Saddles, plain, r; f f 1 : do .f plain : c do. various qualities, Ladies' Side do.; . do. do. Weymouth Bridles and Martingales,1: with " covered and plaigxLbimklpc ,. -!,";-, "A akj-' K'ssortmentot common Bridles - nd Martingales, ; f I: - At the old stand corner of Pollok and Middle streets. " ' : j ' JOHN M'DONALD MESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has purchased of Booth 6c Porters their entire - ' I STOCK OF FURNITURE and removed to the Store formerly occupied by F. J. Prentiss, where he will keep constant ly, and now has on hand an elegant assortment oi xurmiure; among wmcnre i Sideboards, Sofas, Bookcases, - Wardrobes, CraiUes, Bureaus, , Portable Desks, Stands, , : Bedsteads, Cribs, &c. - 1 Elegant Fancy and Windsor Chairs and ! Looking Glasses will be kept constantly on hand, and every other article in ,h53 line of bu siness He hopes that the custotn so liberally bestowed upon his predecessors, - will be ex tended to, him. All orders from 'the cotintry will be received and punctually attended to.- lie will also do all kinds of Kepairin, so as to convert old Furniture into new. : He will endeavor to give entire satisfaction asit regards workmanship and price. . ' N. B. He has ah elegant Hearse for tbe pur pose of attending to the bnrial of the dead; and will make all kinds of Coffins, such as Mahog ony, Cherry, Poplar and Pine, at the 1 shortest possible notice. i ! .' Newbern, January 1st, 1836. ! f 23anft of Netohern, ?, January 4th, 1 836, I ! A DIVIDEND of Capital of seven per Ax. cent.. is this day declared by the Bank, dayable to Stockholders or their legal repre- entatives, alter the uth instant. "; I ; JOHN W. GUION, Cashier. For Sale, PART OF LOT No. 83, on Middle St Newbern, with the improvements thereon, being two Dwellings and Store Houses, with sufficient ;out . Houses, lately occupied by the subscriber. ... ' AlaSU, 500 . acres of Pine Land, lying i on Brices'Creek, about nine miles from Newbern. Terms made known on application to Win S. Morris, or to JAMES DAVIS. NOTICE. . JTTHE subscribers have removed their Cab u , inet Furniture Establishment from Pollok-street to their Store on Middle-street, near the Court House, where extensive ar rangements have been made to accommodate the several branches of their business. " j J They would be gratified by frequent 'calls from their old customers, to -whom and ; the public generally, they offer- their goods at very low prices, and their thanks for former patro nage. - Buum o& ruKTJSKS. - Newbern; July 9, 1825. - THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES TYTTTILL be given for Negroes from the V V age of 18 to a 5 years, by - JAMES FULSHIRE. Newbern, March 9t 1836. - ; 1 . : ! j i'. - - 1 " i". ' ii NO. 994 congressional; EXPTJ RGATION OF THE JOURNAL? SPEECH J OF MR. r1VES4 j -,'Uf Virginia, m Benton's Expunging Resolution, On Mr. In Senate, March 28, 1838. ! ,, MwcLayton moved that the rpsnlntiino. of the Senator fron Missouri should be taken up, iu or der that the discussion joponl them " might proceed.' The motion beins-adoDted.4 Mr. RIVES then rose and'addressed thn Son, ' ate, in substance, a$ follows i I : r . If no other gentleman. Mr. President: huAiei, posed, to, do so, I will avail mvself of the on- portunity afforded by the motion of the Senator irom uejaware, to trouble the Senate with some remarks on the snhiprt tiatv nnoii n sideratiop. In doinsrso I do rot nronose. at this time to go into the wide ield of diversi fied andjinteresting matter opened for discus sion by the resolutions of the Senator from Missouri. My purpose will be tolconfinemy self, at present, strictly to the constitutional question which has been raised as to the pow- er oi mis oody to expunge Irom its journal an entry heretofore made upon ltr. trusting to the indulgence of the Senate, in , a future stage of the discussion, ta be permitted to! present my views of the other highly important questions involved in the general subject. I propose thus to limit my remarks for the present, because the cons litational question is naturally and properly preliminary to all the rest, standing first in the order of discussion, as well as first in importance ; (for however justly Obnoxious' I deem the resolution of March, 1834, j to the various exceptions which have been taken to it, it certainly ought not to be expunged, unles. under the constitution we have a rightful au thority, to do so. It seems proper to confine my remarks, for! the present, to this single view of the subject, for the further reason, that, as yet, the jable and lucid arguments! of the Sena tor from Missouri on the other branches of the discussion have remained' without an answer or even an attempt to answer them. ... . r A fret? pro pie, Mr. Presiden t, ah4 especially the . eiihghtened people of this country, art naturally nnu wisely jealous vt the observance of their fundamental law, -and acutelv sensible to any iiolalibn, actual or meditated tf its provisions. Hence it is that in the warfare of parties, Appeals are so frequently made to 'tl patriotic instinct in theTpublic im-t uvl uiarrx often grpnllca ana artificial, attempted to be ,, : .. i.r.1 n.4 to the security of the consiitn-, tion. . ileiiuo it -was, i presumej mat in tire memorable contest of which this chamber was the theatre two yeara ago, the President was denounced as an usurper of ungranted powen, as a violator of the constitution and laws of his countrys when if all that was alleged by his adversaries xould be sustained, u would hare made but a case of the misapplication or abuse of 'piiwer granted hoth by the constitution aa the laws'. Hence it is, too, I suppose, that oti the present occasion a new panic is attempted to be raised by holding up the image of mutila ted records and a violated constitution, and that i . J i r.-t j? a' r I j me exercise oi a lawiui .uiscreuooary i power over their own journals and proceedings which has been known and admitted since the ongui of legislative bodies-, and is amiliar in parlia mentary! practice, wherever such bodies exist, is represented as something monstrous, iniqui tous, and even felonious. If gentlemen expect, thus, byjthe use of strong language, bold assert r tion, and vehement denunciation, to' carry thtS; public judgment by storm, they ! will, ,in my humble opinion, find themselves wofully de ceived. The public mind is, at this moment, calm, self-balanced, scrutinizing, inquisitive,.; and instead of mere assertion and vasrue de-- nu nciati n it will require r easo n proof. '. . t . argument, ' '.' -j that I shall It is in this sprit,! Mr. President, proceed to the examination of the objection which has been made to the proposition under7 consideration, ion the ground that tit demands an act to be done which is forbidden by thc constitution. What, sir, is the argument of gentlemen on this subject, so far as argument has IvooA aHomnf fifi ? At is. that AS till COnstl- tut ion requires that each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings," an entry made upon that journal can never tnereauer ne, tn any manner,! touched altered, or removed that if we do so, we fail, from tha't moment, in the language of the constitution, to "keep a jour nal of our proceedings." The- connexion be- tween the premises and the conrlusion in tnis1 reasoning, is, I must confess, ?.frj, President, to my mind incomprehensible. ;" ! ( this body f shall by a formal resolution entered on its jour nal, direct a previous entry, im providently, .j wrongfully, or erroneously made, ; to be cor rected or removed, does it follow from thence that we i do not keep a journal ? On the con- trary, this very proceeding, in being entered jt on the journal," and embodying the whole his tory of the, transaction, is itself a fulfilment of the constitutional injunction in its true and well understood sense that of writing down, from day to day, our daily transactions as they tran spire. . j ! ; Bat it is not mv intention, Mr. President, te discuss thh question ; on the. niceties of verbal criticism, f I choose rather to take it np on the broad views of the common sense, and practi cal meaning and "operation of the constitution. Whilethe constitution requires that each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, it doe not direct how that journal is to he kept. , The manner of keeping it, what xs to be put npon it, what not, ?e nature, the lorra, the fullness f the entries, ar an muwn 5 latiftnajd control of the body whose duly it ia to keep me journal in vucac f FFV diversity of usage among legislative TTv Rorrifi tbe entire bill oresented for is great bodies. fa jtrlinn.is Rnrd nn the ionrnal. as wasdonKr r -r;----j - - - during tne two brst uongresses unu u rv' ient constitution by this body. By others, U "t: i .