,ai5 A ; il . i - BIG THOMAS nVAXSON. I: TERMS. Tkree'doUara 'per'ahni r ! A PERSIAN STORY I ttn Sit John flfalcojm's most agree jible and Jnatrtietive Ske tches of Persia we nieet the i following highly amusing story, which, Sir John says,' was related to him by his frenJ Ha jee Hoosein at a dreary spot in. Persia, named the Valley of the Anger of Death.1 rA f j" ! The Ilajee informed his' 'companion that this ' was one of the most favonrite terrestrial abodes or'Azcael, (the; Angel of Death,) and that'Jiere he was surrounded by Ghodls; who aire a species of monsters that feed on! the car cases of 'all the beings which he deprives of life. "The Ghbols,1 he added, "are;of a hid ebus form, but 4hey can assume any, shape they please, in order to lure men to their des truction : they can alter theiroices j for - the same Jaudable -purpose:" TheHfrightful screams and yells' said the Hajee, f wnicn ravines. are olten nearU amid tnese ureaaea aire changed for the softest and most melodious notes : unwary travellers, deluded, by tne ap ,pearance of friends, or captivated by the forms and charmed by the music of their demons, are allured from their path, and after feasting for a few hours on every luxury, are consigned to. . .destruction." rjy s ' -i; i i-i 1 ) In conclusion, said the Hajee, 4 These crea rtures are the very lowest of the super-natural ' world; and besides, being timid, are extremely stupid, and consequently often imposed upon . by artful men.' I will recount you a story that -is well authenticated, to prove that what I say j - AMEEN OF ISFAHAN AND THE GIIOOL. , : You know," said he, that the natives of the Isfahan, though not: brave, are the most i crafty - and acute people upon the earthy and often supply the want of courage by their ad ' dress. An inhabitant of that city was once compelled to travel alone and at night through this dreadful valley, He was a man of ready wit and fond of adventures, and though no lion, had great confidence jn his cunning, which had brought ' him through a hundred scrapes and . perils, that would have embarrassed 1 or des ' trowed your simple man of Valour iij-f ; " This, man, whose name was Ameen: Beg, had heard many stories of Ghools of the Val ley of the Angel of Death, and thought it likely he might meet one : he prepared, accor dingly, by putting an egg and a lump pi salt in his pocket. He had not gone far -amid the rocks we; have just passed, when he heard a voice crying, Holloa, Ameen. Beg Isfahanee ! you are going the wrong road ; you Jwill lose yourself : come this way : I am your friend Iteirem Beg : I know your father, old, Kerbela Betr. and the. street in ; which you were born.' Ameen knew well the power the Ghools had of assuming ihf shape tf any person they choose ; an4 .he. aU knew their skill ks gen? alb'gists,' and their khoivledgC of towns as well as fami lies ;. he hadittherefore, little doubt that.this was one of thesel creatures alluring him to1 destruc tion. He, however determined to encounter him, and trtist'tb his art for his escape i Stop' my friend; till I come near you, was his reply. When Ameen came cloose to the Ghool, he said,jV You are not my , friend Kerrem, you area lying demon ; hut you are just the beinjr I desire td meet. I have tried my strength against all men and all the beasts which exist. in the natural world, and l can nna nothing that is a match for me...' I came there fore to this valley, in -the hope of encountering a Ghool that I might proe my prowess upon him. , The Ghool astonished ! at being a idcffesled in this manner, looked keenly at him, and said Son of Adam, vou do not appear so strong ' Appearances are deceitful replied Ameen :' but I will give you prootof my jstrengtr.. There, sakl he, picking up a stone from a rivu let this1 contains a: fluid ; try if you can so squeeze it that it will flow ont,VThe Ghool, took the stone, but after a short attempt return ed C it, sa'ing, ' The thing -is impossible. Quite easy, said the Isfanhee, taking the stone arid placing it in the hand in which he had be fore put the egg 1 4 Jobk there ! : and the aston ished Ghool, while he heard what he took for the breaking of the stone, saw. the liquid run frojin between Ameens fingers, and thb, appa rently without any efforUVj V ; i f j " Ameen, aided by; the darkness, placed the tone tipoa the ground while-he picked up nother of a darker hue. 4 This,' said, he, I i cari see, contains salt, as you will find if you 1 can : crumble it between your'fingefs.?' Bot the Ghool, looking at it, confessed he had nei- i it . .. ' . , a '. .i . ; iner Knowieuge 10 uiscover inejquauues. nor strength to" ; break it. Give if me; saiq his companion impatiently ; and, having put it in to tne same band, with the piece of salt, he in stantly gave the latter,- all .crushed to-the Crhool, who, seeing it reduced to powder tab led it, and remained in stupid . astonishment at the skill and strength of this wonderful . man. Neither was he without alarm lest his strength should be' exerted against himself : and he saw bo Bafety in resorting to the shape of a beast, fnr Ameen had warned him thai if he commen ced any such unfair dealing he would instantly alav him : for Ghools, ttrouffh long-irrea, are not immortal, I '- ' " '.'i t ' !Mosi wonderful man 1 said he; ' will you honour my abode jvith your presencem is quite; &! ' hand : there you will find every re freshment; and, after a comfortable night s rest you can resume your journey. 'z .1 ? I & V " I have no objectien, friend Ghool, to ac cept ybur bffer: but mark me-1 amr in ,the first pUce; very, passionate, and must' not be provKea oy any expressions wnicn are in ine least; disrespectful ; and, in the second, T ata full : of penetration;-and can: see thjmugh.yoiuf designs as clearly; as I saw into thai' hard stone; in which I discovered salt: sotake! care you entertain hone that are wicked Or ybti shall suf- " The jGhool declared that the : ear ofJ hU guest' should be pained by no expression 4 to which it; did not befit hit dignity to listen : and ae swore py tne head of his liege lord, the An gel of Death, that he would faitfuliy.rcspeci the right of hospitality and fneshipl Thus jatisfiedi Ameen followed the Ghool through a number of crooked paths, rugged cliffs, and deep ravines, till they came to ajarge cave, which was dimly lighted. Here,' taid the Ghool, I dwB;' and here . Imy friend will find all he can want for refreshment tnil re pose.' So saying, he led him to various apart ments, in which was hoarded every species of grain, and all kind of merchandise, plundered from travellers who hid been deluded to this den, of whose fate'Ameen was too well .'irifor rried by the bones over which he how ind then stumbled, and by the putrid smell produced by some half-consumed carcases. S - . - . ; If1 This will be sufficient for your Supper; I hope, said the Ghoblr taking up a great bag"of ricei a man'ot your prowess must hive a tol? erab le appetitef. , True.' said Am een bu 1 1 ale a sheep, and as much rice as you have therei before I proceeded on my journey. I am, con sequently not hungry ; . but I will take a little lest I offend your hospitality. I must boil it tor you, said the demon j you do not eat grain fand meat raw as we do. Here is a ket tle, "said he taking tip one lying amongst the plundered property : i I i will go itnd get wood j for a fire while1 you fetch water with that,' pointing to a bag. made of the side of six OXeni' -,V . i j '4: -X;- : ' Ameen waited till he saw his host leave the cave for the wood; and then, with great dif ficulty, he dragged the enormous bag to the b4nk of a dark stream which isued from the rocks at the other end of the cavern, and after being visible for a few yards, disappeared un der ground. J i'r-; 1 i , . . - How shall.I, thought Ameen, prevent my weakness being discovered ; Tins bag I could hardly manage when empty ;' when iull it would require twenty strong men to carry it i lyhat shall 1 do? I shall be eateii op by this Cannibal Ghool, who is ribw only kept in carder by the impression of ray great strength.' After some minutes reflection, the Isfanhee thought of a scheme, and began digging a small chan nel from the stream towards the place where the supper was preparing. j : j i v - - , : What are y bu doing V vociferated "the Ghool, as he advanced towards him; 1 sent you for water to boil a little rice, and ybuhave been an hour about it. Cannot you fill the bag and bring it away ? Certainly I can. said Ameen : if I were content to show my gra titude merely by feats of. brute strength, I could lift your stream, if you; had a bag large enough to hold it ; but here,; said he,-pointing tb the channel he had begun, 'here is the com mencement of a work in which the mind of man i$ empioyea to lessen tne jaoour oi tne Doay. This canal, small as it inay appear, will carry a stream to the other end of the cave,in( which I; will construct a dam that you cart bperi a'nid shfit al tour pleasure and thereby save your self infinite trouble in fetching water ; but pray lei me alone till it is ; .fihisbed-rand he bejfan to dig: fNohserise !' said the GhoolJ seizing the bag and filhngitj I will carry the water myself; and I advise you to leave off your ca-. nal, as you call it, and follow me, that you may eat your supper and go to sleep ; you may finishihis Work,- if toitlike it; to-morrow mbr- ning. .:- . 1 1. ., - -. . - . I ! Ameen congraulated himself on' this ' es cape, and was not slow in tikihg the advice of his hiostJ After fiaviflfg taten heartily of the supper that was. prepared, he went to repose n a' bed ift.ade of the richest coverlets and pil lows. whtcii were taken, from - the' store rooms Af blundered oods. The Ghool. whose" bed was also in the'eave, had no sooner, laid down than he fell into a sound sleep'i anxiety of Ahireen's mind prevented him from' follow in'tr his example f he rose gently, and after hav- lnir stuffed a Ions lbngpillb'w into the middle of his bed to rmtke it appear as if he were still there," ue reiirea xo. a cojict;aieu macts rimc taiciu to watch the ftroceedinffs of the Ghool.: . The latter awoke a short time before daylight, and rising went,wiinoui matting ouj iiuisc,vuToiua AiTeens bed, where not observing the - least stir, he was satified his truest was in a deep sleep; so he took up one of his walking-sticks,' which was in size like the trunk ot a tree, and struck' a terrible blow at what he supposed to be Ameens head. He sniiled, not to hear a roan, thinking he had ' deprived him of life ; ut to make sure of his" work, he repeated the blow seven times. He then returned to rest, but had hardly settled himself to sleep, when Ameen, who had crept into bed, raised his head above, the t; clothes and $ exclaimed, Friend GhooIr what insect could it be that has disturbed me by its tapping t I counted the flap of its little wing seven times on the coverlet. These vermin are very annoying, for though 'they cannot hurt a man -they disturb his rest ! .t The GhopPs dismay, on hearing Ameen speak at all. was great ; but that was increased to penect mgm wnen ne uearu mm uescnDe seven blows, any one ot wnicn woum nave fel led an elephant, as seven flaps of ah insect's Wtng. :,i nere wasno saieiy, we luuuguvere so wonderful "V man ( ' and he soon. aAerwards arose and fled from thecave ; leaving Isfanhee tts sole master. ' ri :A-- -f - When Ameen found his host gone, he . was at no loss' to conjecture the cabse and imme-1 P'y Regantp survey the treasure wun wnicn he was surrounded," and tb ebntme. means fbr removing urem to bis own home; nreededib siirvev tHe roarh i Ha hA. hoW everiohlygone a short distance, when he Mw anu aruuug muiseu witn a matcu iock, wnicn v , naa oeiouccu w snm? victim 01. tne unooi, ne . the GhopJ returning with a large club inhishahd j; b 1TUST received from New Orleans, and for ahd 'accornpanied byV a foxV : Ameen's knowl-1 cl sale I by the subscribert primerA Petit edee of the cunning: animal instantly lea him finlf Cotton Seerli - - ' " J"BURGWYN. : a It I.. J k.J -j , '"1 io rsuypcci ;iaai i iwvuuucceaeuflis enemy j but ii,presenee nf inddjd not foriake - JSnC him -ronr his match lock; and shbblinghirii throghhpf Performing my ordeMibrutegaaiie promised to bring; me isevfinGhopJ thatt might chain them and bring ihehitbIsfahJUi i "FreadyVniy slavb.f ( Mo safitigf he I advh'eed towards the Ghool ; but theJatter had already taken -to) flight, nd, by the id of his clubV bounded io rapidly "over rocks and precipices, thate wassbon out. bf sigh i. . j ,. . . Ameen having marked well the pathrom e aTern road, went to the ? nearest town; "and" hired camels And mules to fremo ve 'Pbperty Be had acquired; - After making restilhtion to all whov regained alive (o ptbve their, goods, he became-,? from what was un claimed, a man; of wealth ; all of which was ojwtifig;!o hai Vitlanld art which ever otercfirae brute slrength and courage.!; 8 . ' ;E;NEW;:f..GOOnSi " 1 TfOSEPli MjbBANADB reipectfiy Informi his V friends and fhf public generally, that be hairetaroed irm me npno wn ajarge and. well assorted stock' of Goods, whkh be jviU sell oh reasonable terms. .Amotig them are to be found the followiag articles, viz i " . il n -uu. riiue retailing ounr, 'JUL P 3gs Isle of France do., ii :i l9 size packages' b , ; . suit families, , ) I ( bbls. Loaf and .omp Sugar; mi uags tiava v;ouee. 30 13tr Domingo do'. - - 1Q bhds pnme retailing AJoIasses, v N. Y. canal Flour, '. do. j do. do., ; - Baltimore Howard street do. Pilot and Navy Bread. Soda. Butter and Water trackers. . ' 18 bbls. 10 half 20 bbls. 40 " in ' '4 nrkins tresb Butter, r; t bbl. dried Beef, ' . ' L 1 ' y:l :k ! do; j do. Tongues, ' 50 lbs. Bologna Sausages, ' f 10 kegs small twist Tobacco, ' 2 " . Cavendish do. ' ! 100 lbs. Kitefoot Tobacco for smoking, r - 50 " " paper chewine Tobacco. 20,000 Spanish Segars, in whole, half and quarter botes, V.UUU. fnncipe do., most approved brandy : : 10,000 Baltimore half Spanish Segars, - jo. uuui.i paiumore ivve ifuisaey,1 10 " N. , ffcaoir, t ' ' 10 bbls. do. do. 10 " Apple Brandr, 10 " Rye Gin, ,. 6 - ' Monongahela' Whiskey, ' ' 2 pipei.HoUand Gin, 2 French Brandy, 1 1 " Champagne Brandy,- i hhd.l Jamaica Rum, ' 1 . " St. CroT do-,. ;: '- ... . 1 qr. cask old Madeira Wine," ' 1 " . Sherry do. 1 " ff Port i do. 1 " i: 1 Lisbon do. . " - . -5 " V TennerUTe do. 5 " f f Muscatel do. 6 " - " Sweet Malaga 4f. ; - 12 baskets Champagne do. 10 boxes Lemon Syrup, 2 ' ,i8arsapareHa do. ' 2 doz. jars French Pickles, , - , 1 " j" West India Preserves, " bottles Capers) and Olives, box dried Plums, -1 bbl. Cnrratiur. 1 " Braajil Nuts, . 1 ' Bordeaux Soft Shell Almonds ' 2 . " Filberts, : . 1 ' .Madeira Nuts, 2 boxes -Sjbelled Almoudi ' ,i ... l ease. Currant Jelly, ! i I 250 Cocoa Nuts, " K 1 box Jujube Paste - A ' 6 bbW., Apples, -,j. r -., r '.- 4. bores containiig 500 libs-assorted Caridiev -' 50 boxes' rrovro Soap, different qualities, -10 " marbled and white do. - - 10 v; Poland Starch, - 5 Chocolate, . . ' 20 Tallow Candles. 5 Sperm v " do. , " t 4 quarter chests Gunpowder Tea, 4 " " Imperial do. I whole chest Hyson : do. ; . :. 20 catties ;K ; . . do. Co suit families,' 10 kegs F. F. and JFF. Dnpoiu's Podar, 1, ton assorted sije Shot, " 5 "j V Stveed. English and American Iron; 500 libs. German and American Steel, 50 kegs cut Nails;. .i , . . A general assortment of .Crockery and 8tone Ware, - Demijohns, from one-half to five gallons, - . A few staple Dry Goods.-tuone which are articled ' -.- for men and bovs' Summer Clothing, Ready made Clothing; -, t . . Spun Cotton, from No. 5 to 10, . . . ; Canvass and Duck for vessel and boat Sails, 60 coils tar'd and Manilla Rope, 6 boll Rope, SaHTwiae, . ;. , " A' good asaortmeot of Hardware and Cutlety, . 20 tela IVfeatnres. fi Iron bound half bushels, i 6 Willow Carnages, ; o- r -r--- .;vraflies - 6 sets Table Mats, 1 doz. Twine Reels. " 2 " Straw Clpat Brushes ' . - " . 2.. -il .20 3 ? . tsropms, v "5-'... - .... Market Baskets, . " r German Pipes, .'''r' . tooth Brushes of superior quality for Ladies, Straw Hats, all qualities, Leghorn.Hatf for children, v ; , Coral Necklaces, ' Watch C hains and ikevs. " 4 doz. Silk and Leather Purses, 10 Mi Percussion Caps, N 2 doz. plated Candle Snuffers, Shell tack and side Combs, . Ilorn.do. do do..: Dressing do. Comb and hair Brashes; 6 8ilver Watches , "4 doz. Thimbles, J "i 4 Steel Pens,; 1 ' l3'.'. . 2 " -I i tt Beed Bags, , ; Walch Guards ; .' 8ilver Tweezers; ' ' , Tooth Picks, -if " ' - " ; Silver Pencils, , - (Gilt Slides,. A good assortment of Perfumery, c. or c. Newberc, May 9th, 1836. 1 . , ' ; FOR SALE O lV CONSIGNMENT, YUl JlEFRIGERrATOKS, or 1CJ preservers, an excellent article for family nse., . j i'-v, j jt. burg w yn. : lo! ; 8 " Sf PETIT .GULF rCQ.TTQ3N SEED. May 3d, 1836, Devereux's Buildings. -a - 4?.?rMP9ttfeet5i.ejxi;aoor. to Mr. Saml. Simpson; an ritirnewassoHn3enVof G whcrV hcrwm;aMpp of on ierros Mich iie is confideui canoot fail to pleased; V ?iv sfet fEW, CASKS OF ;'bld hoctapr Madeira in , t" Pale Sherfirj - Champagne, Lem6h"Syruk , Engnshj Chees?;!:. iff. IoaC Xunjp ami Browo i Sugars; '-'Oneei-iea. ocCi &c k ,v;.4 U ..May.il; 16. FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT: Tl dt) N-E. Rum. . : JLL-V4J 4 pipes do. do., t ; v t , -40bblsV do", do. J Apply to 4 1 -TV J.' BURGWYN," May 10. - , j. DevereUx's Buildings, v Just : Received TWER chr. Friendship from Baltimore, and li for sale. low, ' ! ; ; V 60 bbls. aild half bbls. sutierfine Ploiir. V 6. 5 " 15 10 10 " 30 Pilot Bread (small; biscuit,) 3 J ; Batter and Water Crackers; -Rye Whiskey, : 4 I CMer Brandi i.-jCi. num. ' -t j . 5 hhds. Muscavado Sugars, 10 bbls. do.; - do. .x 1' hhd. prime P, R Molasses, a superior article for family use, , : , - . 20 bags v St. Domingo, Laguira; and old Java Coffee, Plaster Paris, dried Peaches and Plarasi Corned Beef, .'. . By D. M. VAN BOKKELEN: Newbern,' May 10th, 1836. ' D. M. VAN. BOKKELEN ITITAS returned from New York, Philadelphia and XLJm. Ualtimore trom wnicb markets, be has. jpade a large and general addition to his.fornler Stock of Goods; and is now prepared to iuroisb bis Qastomers and tba fublic in general, with as lull an assortment as bas betore been offered in this market, viz: , ' -.. ---j ocenea- LIQUORS, WINES, AND CORDIALS. Hardware i . CROCKERY, GLASSY EARTHEN; WOOD, WILLOW & HOLLOW WARES. . Carpenter t Cooper and; Blacksmith . Tools. . . IRON. Steel; Nails, & Castings. SADDLERY: Harness & Mount- , ings. . i Coach and Gig Trimmings, i Hats and Shoes, t , . ;' INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING: and Goods ; impervious to air or water. PAINTS,, OILS & MEDICINES FRUITS ANDf NtTTSi Among the Groceries are a variety of articles 1 for im mediate jamlly use, vtz : -uuicn Herrings, ncaiea oaimon, ricaiea longnes, Smoked Beef,, " Fulton JUarket," choice Corned Beef, Mackerel, No. 1; Anchovies, Pickled CucumbeW, Soda, Butter, and.Waer Crackers, Goshen Batter;' Old 'and New Cheese, Alm'oJnd, Filbertf, Madeira Nuts, Fresh Currants, Dates and Kaisins, Canton Ginger, oc. Which he. offers for ale at the lowest market prices, at the old stand, corner of Pol! ok and Middle streets. -, May 4th; 1836. V., . 'NOTICE; f . rrflHE Dartnersbin heretofore existing between MO JL SES W. JARVlfl aud JOHN G. GRANBERRY,' was dissolved on the first dav of April Jast. J. G, Gran- berry having disposed .of his interest in. the Tan Yard lately conductea oy nimseuanaju. jarv4S io jonn GUdersleeve, the business will in fatare be transacted by the subscribers,. - . .- . , - :,. , MOSES W. ARVIS. - JOHN . GILDERSLEEVE.' i Newbern, lOlh May, 1836. -: : :.y i - IRISH POTATOES. 'I1HE Subecriber has just received 100 bushels of - White Mercer POTATOES, for Seed. WILLIAM BROWER. Newbern, 27th April.! .r;hubberd, . surgeon . dentist, TtT) ESPECTPULLV informs the Ladies and JJJS' Gentlemen of N.ewbern and its ricinfty, that he has returned to Newbern for the pur pose of attending? to the various branches of Uentdl oargery. lie nas taaen ftooms ui bit. Cutler's if otel, where be may be foond at any times when called, tor. juaqies win ce waiica on at their, dwellings,' if requiretf. reu. u, ioovf. - NOTICE ; TO MARINERS. ' CoLLtcTORV OfncE District, of OdkAcotB, ) . -..j -i r, :y Aprit zotk 1836. $ fTTHE Long Shoal ight Boat, baring undergone repairs has again been . placed at her Btation, and will snow a ugm as uhuoi. - ; - - - i . v;s , - r &-BR6WN, , . ,..:. I, - . SuperinteJidanl of. 'Lights: A Female "Tcaclier Wanted. . A respectaole . family some fifteen miles A from Newbern, in a pleasant arid healthy neighbourhood, wish" to employ a Tutoress for' their fi'tle -daughters.,. She vwould reside.tn thfe family and be treated with affection anil respecC Applicants will please communicate teir terras, &c at anearly day, to the Editor ot tne ienunei, wuu i iuuiuiiAcv. w. such other information on the subject z fozy bedeed.n76f:lS36.',::-;.; ' TTTTASeturheeJ from theNorth, ond is open- ml HE Subscribers hai i INeck, witancntire new stock of & BW1LEX GQODS,T Which thev offer for sateiow' kitiil c.L- ii tn. brick Jrow, ion Craven street;! ; i i r i ,-Elegant'jiainted Muslins,. w l , ; French Calicoes and Ginghams, r !' rSai!' uTed Pin, col'd arid black Sil Plaid and stribed Muslins. ., v 1 . - i 1 nglUh;Germanand American iPrints t Vs Belt and Bonnet RihKnn.-i. Silk arid Gauze Handkfs, and Scarfs; i i. uia,.mmc auu rca..sauzeveilS -Silk and cotton Hose and half Ho. ' '"' Bobinet Muslin, lace. and thread Edgio?, , Silk,1 lace and! H. S. Gloves; Umbrellas and Parasols; , ' ! s French Bombazine -rs. i't , Crapev lasting and camblet ErmirietJ ' PrinCe.tta, Imen Drillings; j BIue ahd ydlqw Nankeens;. ,, Rouen Cisimeres, Lined Sheetings,, -BoWri, and bl'chd Sheetings 6c Shirtjings, Irish Linens and Damask Table Cloths, ' . Blue; black. Adelaide and i W -. ; Rifle green. ! L -! , . Cloths, . - Silk andPalm Leaf Hals, , j; : While and blue spun Cotton, 4tc. &c. -A-v-:v . . .. ; Atso, ..... i-.;Lu;, ki A good assortment of Ladies and Gen ? -tlemen's fine and coarse Shoes,' -j . : Brown,' Loaf and. Lump Sugars,' Preserved Ginger, Raisins, Almonds, dec' , S. & j: tiATTLE. Newbern; April 26lh, 1836. - t - 'I N EW GOODS. ITTllE subscriber has returnedJ from New JJL Yorki and is now opening at his old stand, situated in the West end oi Jones county; hear the jCross Roadsj on Tuckahoe, , .j A general assortment of, r i SPRING AND SUMMER '; FJJYCY GOODS; groceries; hardware anjDv CROC KERt, WELL ASSORTEbi -T.i A SMALL ASSORTMENT ot ' -I'Y:' DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ) Such as are usually kept in Families ; Assorted kinds of Plough, Tire IRON, anil y; :u: : . , steel r;.::vt4:'i": ' . -- j v- 'g aDli general assdrtmeitU of I Ladies, GentlemensVind Blisses SHOES f IiATS, BONNBTSj c.l-;;;' : AH of which (having been carefully select e$ .by-hjros)f)Ve:offert4 modating terms,1 for Cash' or CouVilry Product Gentlemen and Ladies are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves.- ! V, ! J - : owes b; cox. notice; rrnilE undersigned have re-associateoVthem-' JLL seives.unaertne hrm of 8. &. J. Battle. for the purpose of transacting a enefaf titer cantile business, f - . sam'l'. c. battle; J. A. xM. battle: - Newbern. 1st April, 1836. . I : 1 ,1, NEW GOODS; fTHHE subscriber jias just received from NewVo'r,by IL the ScbQoner elect and other late arrivals, the fo- lowing arucies, viz . -. ., . . , ,- bbls. New YoiK Ctfnal Flour; tJlV20 half do. . do. do. 10 bbls. Navy and Pilot Bread, 10 do. five Gin, , 45 do. '4ih proof old Sfonongahela Whiskey - 2 quarter caski Malaga Wipe, j , v '' - 16 bbls. Linseed, Winter-strained Sperm d&l'rain Oil' 1Q. baskets Champagne Wine, . '. ,, " ., - 3 chests Hyson, Gunpowder &, Imperial Tea, , 6 bales Qassia i j ' . 10 bbla. New York Mess Pork, , C: ,. ' ' 25. pieces heavy 43 inch Dundee Bi&ging, !. 25 coils Bale Bope,.. , . . ... ., ' 1-2 dido verv saDerior CbamDapQc Brndv. 1UU0 bushels Turks island Bait,- r - 4 . kegs. Dupont's Powder, : " V J, ALSO IN STORE, 1000 bushels frish potatoes, ...... 6 whole tierces Charleston Rice. '; half do do; do. ' ' GO bbls. fresh Baltimore Floor. . ", r: :.T, 309: sr. Newbert, Feb. 1836. . . w 9 . W - r GRANADE NOTICE TO DEBTORS. rpBOlSE' who are 1 indebted to the subscriber, by A : note or account, are earnestly requcpted to'make immediate payment. 'As former notice? ol this kind have been tod generally unavailing he assurer those who disregard thiB, that his claims against tbem'shalt be putin a train' of collection forthwith. - J . , : JOHN TEMPLETON. -Newbern, let April, 1836. t; -ti ktiU-.- 5Cf" J.T. offers for sale a first rate iPuao- roarr, made by GrbVe & WohlieUg and just imported. January 4lk, 1630," f . . : cent is this day declared by the Bank, dayable to Stockholders or their legal reprc entatives, after the 30th inslan t , I 4 OHN W. GV10H Cashier. FOR SALE ? WTt' LBS. good live Geese Feathers tovJlvll by the subscribers by the subscribers. - A'nril SBtbr-IWt.' K?"- U"XW?,lt ;THE HIGHEST CASH-ERICEST TTTTTILL be given for Negroes froia ihd" VV age bf 18 to 25 yearly:? itfiit, l ; ; james FULSitmu- "-I - NewbernrMarcb 9,183&' - -i ai ; .'I vg t .ill.! Mil '.- ,1 K. .-