LO Il.'iP :. A 12 OJLHTIA SB IJ 'J! rl-J3 "I . i - - JOSEPH M: GRANADE fin A& this day received from Newi York, by the schr. -ToDaz, the following articles : MOO bushels Irish Potatoes, - - . : , 50 do' Mercer- do ; - li 10 boxes Prunes . -, , , 2 1-4 casks Teneriffe Wine, ! 2 bbls. Linseed Oil, - 1 1 do Winter strained Sperm Oil ' : il do Fall strained do- -do' 10 bags Buck Shot ' - . SO bbls New York Canal Flour , , -10 1-2 bbls . do . do , . 2j bbls mess and prime Beef , 1 : basket Salad Oil 1 box Olives . . 1 ' " 1 keg Currants . - 1 box prepared Cocoa - 1 do Bologna Sausages Hewbern, 12th, Nor. 1835. h , New Goods. Tn HE subscriber has just received per schrs I J Bounty and Melissa, from New -York, and; Lion from Baltimore, . V: 2 boxes and 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, 1 box. and 2 bbls. white Havana do. 2hhds & 5 bbls. Porto Rico & St. Croix do. 6, bbls Scotch Snuff, in bottles and bladders Lorrilard's Moccaboy Snuff, , . 20 boxes nunufactured.Tobaccp, a variety ,of ' qualities, from common, to very good, Natural Sweet James River Tobacco. Ritefodt smoking J do. Fine cut chewing r " do ; 5 boxes Alexandria Segars, 3000 each, ' 4000 Baltimore half Spanish.do. a choice article, 5000 Spanish . do. do. do. 2000 Principe do. , do. a very superoir I and much admired article,,. 43 bags Shot, assorted sizes, from No10 to B, 4 bbls. water and butter Crackers, r Fresh Gunpowdei, Imperial, Hyson and i ff Pouch ong Teas of the very "best quality. 10 boxes yellow Soap, - . " 10 " Portland Starch ' - 10 bbls. Rye Whiskey, , - 1 4 ; 20 boxes Winsor Glass, 8 x10 and 10 x 12,; 1 bbl. Copperas, : - 10 sacks Salt, , 1 v" - - - 50 bushels Shorts," - I . 12 bbls. Mess Beef (put up in Fulton Market,) j ; of choice pieces for family use. v i 24 Freeborn & Hitchcock's cast iron Ploughs, j each No! 10, Hi, and 12, 50 Shares, each No. lOf, 1H, 12, 6000 pound English Tire Iron, assorted, from i 1 to 2 inch, - 4,500 do. do. Bolt Rod, assorted from ' 1 f to 1 inch, , ' - 12,500 do. "flat Swedes Iron, assorted from lto 10 inch, . ' . 3000 " do., .square do. . ' do. , . do. from -f;; to 2 inch, -; : ,-," -: ..;,: ."; - -2,500 .do. I Spike and Nail Rods, - . . I 2 bundles Hoop Iron, assorted from 2to lj- - i inch, j " ' :, v - - 20 do. ' :Band Iron do. r do , l to 3 'j' j Inch, ;1 ' : vj; . f " A -1 : ; " ''" ' ; j ' American German, and. CastStcfcV ; L -, - -' -.f ""Also on hand, '- . A quantity of Nash County Apple and v . Peach Brandy, of very superior quality," All of which he offers For sale at his old stand, corner of Pbllok and Middle Streets. ! D. M: VAN BOKKELEN. Newbern April 15th, 1S36. ' NEW ENGLAND RUjL yfl W BBLS.end 4 half pipes' Pure' Boston Ratu,' tJ: just received per Schr. Nile from Boston, and for sale low, in lots to suit purchasers, by ' '-! - J D. M. VAN BOICKELEN, jMarco30lli?1836. r - : " i.ifca of -wi 1 m m i j .1 - ' 1 1 j " . - , " m" m ' " 11 j j NEW GOODS, Q hhds. prime retailing St. Croix Sugar, j : : Am 6 bbls. loaf and lum;i - . do. , ' 1 10 bags St. Domingo Coffee, . ;25 ' ava, do. - , j 6 quart, chests Hyson, Gunpower and Imperial Teas, j 29 bbls. mad half bbls. sun. N Y. wester? Canal Ftuurr mavy and mot tsread 10 " - Soda, Water, aod Butter Crackers," i " , 25 half and quart, boxes Spanish Segars, of the very oesi quaiuy ana most ceteuraieu oraDus, JO bait botes bunco raisins, -6 cases Napoleon Champagne Wine, 1-2 pipe superior Madeira ' - : ' do. i 10 bbls. N. E. Rum, - " j ' 10 do Rye Gin, Received this day, per Scbr. Melissa, from New York , uAIsd on hand, at retail, old APPLE & PEACH j UKAHiUl, distilled m Wash and Gate Counties in mis otate. iter sale oy - ' t m, -4- i ' JOSEPH MGRANADE. J ewbrn; April 12,1836. . :, , FTTIHE subscriber, has returned from the 4 "4; ;0th, aP5i?,,1w 0Penig at the old and on Pollok and Middle streets, a geneihl asjior ment of j ' . LIQUORS, WINES feCORDIAlS, I Hardware, Crockery, Glass, China, ij.l ' "Earthenwares. i-- - - . . . Wood.WilloV arid Hollow-Wares, I SaddlesMBridles and Martingales " i ' uig uarness,- 7. , Coach & Harness Trimming &. Mountings, Windsor and fancy Chairs, ' -i Cotton Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c. &c, ' - I A l.Sb ;r-" .V V' j ' A full assortment of Carpenter's,' Cooper' t 'and Blacksmith's Tools. - American, English and S wedes Tire, Bind, and Hoop Iron, of all sizes, . - ' i German and Blistered Steel. : :- ' a!? Cbr0r FlSt I.ron,P,0ghs, &c. &c. I Ail of which havxng been carefully selectpd ikon he hi9 f"dsan5 theub. I MdrI ' modaUng terms, for cash or country ! P Sk ? D' VAN BOKKELEN it iXewberOct. Q. . i.PJETtT, GULP COTTON SHED. GBlfCottoa Seed. TTnxvv - " K. iA. -I V -C mm W . NEW GOODS. fTTVIE subscriber bas just received from New York! by JJL tbe Schooner Select and other late arrivals, the fol lowing articles, viz : .- . , " ; KUK bbls. New York Canat Flour, PUy2a baIf doa ; ; do. J0.bbls. Navy aod Pilot Bread . ' 10 do. live Gin, ' "" V .45 da 4th proof old Mohongahela Whiskey, 2 quarttr caski Malaga Wine,; 1 -'fv -f bbls. Unsced.Winter-strained SbeTm d&Trala Oil 10 baskets Chaoipagne. Wtoevi- ;t-w-- chests IlysoD-Gonpowder &.fapej?atYea " 3 6 10 25 oaies cassia - - - r.:.- bbls- New York Mess Pork, 1 fi -4 nieces heavy 43 inch Dundee Baine, - 25 coils Bale Rope, ?,f H r;; 1-2 pipe very sunerior Champagne Brandy, - j iuuu busbela Turks iswnasairr f ' 4- kegsDuponfaPowderV v - iuuu Dusbels Irish roiaioes, -t . 6 whole tierces Charleston Rice, 6 1 half '. do.- ',do. do. " " - : x JOSV M. GRANADE FORTY I)OL,L AUS REWARD.; TTT)"AN AV A Y frora the subscriber on the XJX 5th of May last, a Negro Woman named CAREH, formerly the property, of of George A Thorhpson. It is likely she isln Carteret county, White Oak, or the iiefgtit'orhood of Swansborough, in Onslow couniy.:. , I will give the abo v e re ward farther cp pfi neihent in , any jail withia this State, or for jfiej deli very J U me at my residenc,;Hichlands, Onllow conoty. john; cook. February 8th, 1836 A -NOT1CK. ffjiHE Subscriber being v about -to.reroove JLL-irom the ntate, has given to lir.JVViiliara Sanders a general Power of Attorney, authori sing him to adjukt all bis unsettled businessJA - ' - , , - . JOSEPH BULL. Newborn, Sept. 22d, 1835 1 TAKEN UP, A ND ' committed to the; jat ! ' of Craveh XlA.Counlr, a Negro man who calls his name CHARLES" RIGBY, arid says ihjat he belongs to ThomasWilson, residing in Bailtimpre. Thf' owner is requested to come forward, prove prueriv, pay cnarges ana ia&e nim away. DAVID LEVI 18, Jailor. Newbern; October 26th, 183o. FOR SALE, riTiHE BLACKSMITHS SHOP AND JLL WORKING TOOLS lately the property of Air. Andrew Dolman! The establishment is one of the bestforoished in tlie Southern States and is well worthy the attention of any person desirous'of carrying on the business iextensive The' whole -will be soldj on reasonable terms.. Apply to the subscriber at the Shop of 3Iessrs. Green ScSuvdam. ' ? JOSEPH SOMMER. Newbern. April 6, 1836. , ; MiAJYCIS J. PJtJZJVriSS, m MERCHANT TAILOR, " A FEW, DOORS WEST OF THE STATE".BANk; Has just returned from New yprk- with a ii choice selection of goods in his line, -I AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING : 1 . CLOTHS. -Super Blue,3 .IragonHirT'H-i Black, Drab, ; Fancy vV- Ribbed, .iiV?x Polish green Dahlia,. .. Brown, v ; OHve r . (I " it 4t t Black iVIpleskih,4'i Dark-mixed ;:f Corded- M Steel-mixed, VEST1NGS. Black' silk Velvet, Figured Velvet, Black Satin,. " . Black Florentine, ' Embroidd Quilting : Buff arid White, I'rinted 1 otienettes, Faricv patterns. . , ' ' . -ALSO Hats: Stocks, , Suspenders, Cravats: Cravat Stiffnersj Bosoms,1 Linen Collars, Silk Hhkfs. Braces, &c. 6cc. all of which will be sold low for-'CAsiiJ. .r. - .' . . ' I ' - : Having first-rate workmen-, he is.: enabled to execute all orders for Clothikg in thexbeg t style-on -short notice. , . 'Jv;.:- - . Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. ' f Newbern, October 10,1834. mESPECTFULL informs the citizens ot Newbern and its viciniiy, that he has commenced , the Jbusiness formerly! carried on by Wgx Charlotte," Esq. that of painting houses Painting of all kinds, will be executed in .the neatest manner; and at a moderate price. He uuntio ijiuracii iuai an unrerumea aiientton to his bosiness will ensure him ja portion of that patronage which was bestowed upon the gen tleman above referred "to ; and those who favor him- with.: their support may rest assured that iu pains win oe spkreu io render his services acceptable to them. , :..k,:. .r. il. ; Newbern, December 8lb, 1835. - " JOHN MDONALD mESPECTFULLYinforms the public that lie has -purchased of Booth & Porters iucii enure -- ., ! t, : .. 't!- . ...... STOCK OF FURNITURE, and removed t the .Store formerly Occupied fr -f Prentissi where he will keep constant Iy and now has on hand an elegant assortment of Furniture; among which are -Sideboards, Sofas, Bookcases, " . t v Wardrobes, Cra41es, Bureaus, -r- I.--Portable Desks, Stands, , . . Bedsteads, Cribs, ice; ' j ' ? I'.5' . Elegant Fancy and Windsor Chairs and ' - Looking Glasses will be kept constantly on handt ami every other article in: his lino of bu siness lie hopes that the rnstnm cni.kaviin bestowed upon his predecessors, will ho or. f aii1ai1 4 a li m v A 11 a.J ' tbuueu is unit, ..'.au uruers irom triA . rnnrit r m ill V A J t TT f A nMJJ M.. A ' 11 ' f ' ... tcctTuuouM puuciiiaiiy attended te lle will also do all kinds of H(Rtiairftijr A as to convert old Furniture into new. He will endeavor to give entiresatisfaction as it regards .; B. He has an elegant Hearse for tbe pur pose of attending to the burial of the dead, and will make Mi kinds of Coffin i:nu ony, Cherry. Poplar and Pin P. At tho chnrtae nneeihla ha4i.a .. . -; ' " "i. - .."'i.- ." . -.i. .- e wbern;, January. ! 136. ; v ' An Indian Rem edjtforJOpTlItAOIIE,'""" mi HE established; XL demand for thi servati ve of the Teetk it to the American Wbeo apniied accord! tie,; it, bas never failed to iifurd itn mediate and iermr.-ijl reHef. It also arrest s t he decay' io Defective 'i'eetl. an d relieves that soreness which safreqoently renders a strong 1 ootli useless. . The application and remedy are simple, innocent, and not unokascmt, and the large number of bc r- aons in different sections qf the country, that have already experienced such delightful ana saiuiary-eUecu from .lit use of the Balm, are ready to bear, (forjhe public goodA mcir (C3iiuiuny( io IIS unriv bhcu ijuauucak . 11 is mi idiuoo Remedy, obtained singularly and uncinecfedly.and wav b regarded by the Civilited World as the most valuable Discovery of the fied Man of the Woods. Price 75 cents each. - - - 1., .-v;U. B; MONTAGUE. - . Petertbure,Va.VEebjl836. v v , .i i . . - t&'A supply Lf the above article, just received and. for saloby - . ; .: ." , WltiLIAM SANDERS iDrugglst. sDYSJREFJslA : : -IilVER CCOMKivINTS.: The Patent M edicis eH to.machmcjetHepaticjg formed by chy mical anily sis au d sy uthesis of se vera! pro zimate vegetable priiici)ifs, are universally acknowtedged to have totdliy eclipsed the pretensions of every other rem edy, and superceded tie necessity pf every otiier oiode of treatment, wneieve the abo e diseases are found to exist, as welf as iu eniarjenieiil of the Spten andln Jaun dice. ' ;!-r- : JI ; ' . Among the symptO.Tis of Dyspepsia-and Liver" Com plaints, are flatulency, sourness r burning 4n the stom ach, melancholy,' irrifability, disagreeable taste i the nout h j great inegulai ity of appetite, which "is sometimes voracious, and at othertimes greatly deficient thirst; te tid breath, nausea, weakness of the stomach acid eruc tations, Jtalpitftt ion, drowsiness, irregularity of the bow" eU, pressure on the stoiiHch after meals, pain in the bead dizziness or vertigo tonfu? on" of mind, attended uilh loss of memory, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, chillness, affection ofaght and hearing, pain and weak ness in the back, languorfndistui bed sleep, cold feet and hands, tremor, uneasiuessio tht throat, cougli, pain in thi side or breast, &c. ' .. . ' --.v ' ,. . " 'These Medicines have been found ao effectual in re mo ving the ComplamtsTor vvhich they are recommended, that Physicians fieqtiHfitly' have recourse to them',' "after having exhausted all their skill to little or no purpose. " DR. PETERS' ' v; VegetabUAntipili(wsJlils:j.1'. Are tbe cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDI- Cmh everoffpred to the Public. They me extremely mild in tbeir oeration,'rieither causing sickness of t lie stomach, nor any unpleasant sensation in' theLiystem;-'as ia too frequently ihe resuft from medicine given vo act upoo the bowels. ' I tiey act specifically upon the Liver ben in s torpid condition, carrying off a large quantity, of bile through the influence off the excernenl fiinriiAn which, if inffered to remain in the system, would iiro-J jjuuo eiiimr auuuice, i.iver complaint, twitous Fever r ever ana Ague, or some other grievous bodily afflict! jn ,!HSClrJiErJ2Llli I?wtnE7cntKea charm. in-Tem-cases "oj uyaj rpsia, hy nfrrrrT'TTrri-1 Many persons who were subject tdviolenl attacks Of sc neai acue, uaye ueen mocii reneoitetf, and several perfectly eured in a few weeks by their use ' Thev - are highly recommended as a pre ventive and cure of CiUous complaints. Persons teho are subject to'hat distresainir complaint, sea-sickness, by taking a portion or two of 1 1 r j. i i ' . ... uciu a it;w. uajro pnuuj io t-'iuuarKing on ooard tbe ves seL will be almost'' certain to escaoo it; Femlf. .nn use thfem at all period without incurriiig any risk. ; . Per sons going losea, or io a southern climate, should bv all i - i i. r ii ' . . . . t . n . liuuui mu wiubui mtsc ruin wuu inem. lueir, vir 1 No family should : be without tliese Pills'; a portion of i mes win rumaiii unimpaired ior years in. anv - rlimat. mem, uiKeu occasionally , wou.'Q De Uie means of preven ting much suffering from sickness. r .Il is from neglect of Keeping up. a regular pensiaiuc action ot the slomacb and odwfcls", thus suffering to be absorbed and mingled with; the blood, uhassimilated flgid, that most diseases are produced. Dr. P feels confident thatW person who gives these Pills a fair trial, will ever after feel willing to be, without.theui. The lestiioony of thousands speaking in the highest tertiw of their efficacy, might be added, but me very mgn repuinuon yr. r. nas acquired as the in ven lor of the "Patent VegettMe Medicinae StomachL-a A tlL palicae,"ior the c ure of Dyspepia and Liver complaints is thouhta sufficient guarantee to those wisLing io make' a irioiiueir virtues. -1 ney contarn not aparticlo of jicrcury, ur niiy ifigreuiein lai OOes DOt act 10 Uai mo ny w ith health and oppose disease, -" Pr .P, wishes it dislinctly understood, that these Pills jiosseas oeneuciui tjuaiiiie loaepeiident ol their pur gative effects they are bom onic and' deobslruent acting upon th; secreting and ekhalent functions: thus jiipujiuri.uif; ;ioc iiciu, tvuiieiucy remove obsiruc lions. Medicines which possess no other. Vpmin .. lhartic qualities, debilitate the patient, and their repeated use lays the foundation of a long catalogue of Chronic disi- i)r. P.. having been educated under the most Am;n.n American and European Medical professors, andpraclV ced h3Trfes3ion many years in the Soutji, where Jis eases -of the most 'obstinate character prevail, considers ninoseu wen quaiioea io judge ol tlie uaturtof diseases incident to warm climnfes. - t Prepared by JOSEPH PRIESTLEY PETERS, IVfcD. P. B. C P.M., at his institution for the cure of obstinate Diseases, by means of vegetabferemedies.No. 129 Liberty strcer New Jork, ihventor and sole proprietor. -Each bo contains forty Pills. Pri;e 50 Cents." . ETThesft Invaluable Medicine! are for sale in New bern at the. Drag Store of. " ' v. r GARISON; jfTTlHlS celebrated; Horse (from - Virginia) JLL. will stand at hiy stable the present sea son," which commenced on the 15th inst. and will end on the 15th of July. He is now at my stable, in fine healthy order, and appears to bespeak better limes jn the Horse Depart ment., Particulars Of this fine animal um'H U seen by reference to hand bills which will a p Pe?r,n a few daysV In the mean time, a look at him will be pleasing to those that may wish to improve the breed nfthmr iL- ; is likely to be the order oHhe day, let us now lay the ground, work, and hereafter put in our claim to the honors of the Turf. - f - AVILLIAM R. kSTOEEIV ir.'.' v . St for James J. Harrison: March 16, 1830. ' repitxtioti aod c iita..tlyjncrtasicgt it,.- - rt 'i I ... ... , -r i'-..t. . - . J 4 . I I- s effeituat Remedy w Puis, and Pre- ' -r . 4linVfaTiS, -:;.. ,u,; v,ew placing- this Worko confp"..Ji.. I ,MUduced the Subscriber to offer -U' A - - . ! yt -oi an -imponaj.1 thamcter-withiii the reach of v-'f Publiiv. hli "PlhVA'DV", " lasso u1ecommon.ty,,jWyil,e; pushed at the CJA iStodirecUoiiseiyeiiontbebot 1'"'r iv.vAwin x - possime raietiuecBUSHER having feade arraiikem: -t :iJvtiiu-iyH-j.iJujijv;iii ikjii, . - r ht in.. - . .. '.i .v . . i . OF THE e n g X rS'ir Lang v A g e . BY CHARLES RICHARDSON. ' ' . It was in the year 1747, that. Dr. Johnson annonced his intention of undertaking a Dictionary of the English Language. ; In a letter addressed to the arl of Chester field, he unfolded the flam upon which he designed to proceed j and he very justly assumed, that a -work upon bis plan was then wanting to our-literature. The Dic tionary itself was published In the year 1755, strange as ii may seem, unaccompanied hy ms plan. ! itut the offence which Johnson had taken atlhe neglect of the wit among lxrds, bur the Lord among wits' will fully account for the omission. The execution w ould not, howeyer, have sustained a comparison w ttb the. design, had the nieans of cooiparison leeii giyens-.. j ; V. Tbe ieadiug priilciples of it were. that, in his expla- nations, he should exjiibi. first the d at ura I and primi tiv signification of .words, then give the consentientiAl' and then the metaphorical, meaning; and the quotations w ej-ctobe arranged according to the 'ages of tbp authors. A mere inspection" hitony page of his boobwill mani fest ihar he tad proceeded in the composiiio'n f it bol- y rgarvieiss, ana m uttr-r du-jeuctron, o tiiiuwn ttvoed principles ot iexicograjjby ti li t . .' r- . - w-v v r j t jvv u, u iciiUTinrj lis ur. J oil n son -psJPCttrJ v, a.s w auuogiea. may .wmjusUiie IwO'ffi td that il a so now, and tor this p! uii and conclusive reason, ltt.i'etue; uiu mc uiuiacn m uiai unie au-inpi, nor ias any oiuer perswn since atteuioted.toexinstriict a" work utton I hp '.tan prescribed.,, That dtficiency.thereforej, which Dr. John son had felt, ami whicbiie had declared it ufbe bis purpose to.relieve, tothis moment reniaius,".iof nierefy its full ei teht unabated, bui w ith all the ?gravtiOns thai lifne and clijange may be fairly supposed to hive effttt d. J Donug tbewbofepenod of eighty years; M lucfiiliave passed since the first publication of th Dictionary, ho effori has been wade upon the professed, but unpractised, principles of its Author to compile a new. ork, nor i any one known to have engaged even! in the less glorious, but still ardu Oifs enterprise, of sysytematically' reforming and remould ing the old.. Supplemeiftsnnd additions to the increase of its bulk, have been collected and published; servicea ble, it is true, even perhaps for all intended purposes, but leaving the demand for a new book as inip.-rative as before. ' Qmnes patnarumformas hie labor uuus habet,' says Scali ger ; and the home-felt truth ol this dreadful note of warn ing has hitherto, perhaps, deterred all aspirants to the honors of lexicography, who may; have ventured (if any such there have been) to make a commencement of their labors, from toiling On with patient perseverance to their final close. -.: j; j'; v:. . -. ;: K;;?-' ; .''.-; "It is not necessary to raise a question whether the po werful and comprehensive mind of Johnson could; in his day in the theii state, of philological learning, have wielded to'effectual purpose the , force of his ov n rules. Ceriain it Is that, wiih only Janius and Skinner for his guides in Ety moloiy, (the latter of w horn, on various, oc casions, be has most unaccountably neglected,) and with no remoter search into our language than the age of Eliiia beth, it is utterly iinpossibie that he should kae luboie to.apply those rules wilb success. . i . , - j j . i 'The Author of the New Dictionarv, when he embark ed in thi undertaking, was well assured that the undoubt ed chief of philosophical rainmarians had not spoken ei ther idly or untruly .when he asserted that h - new' Die Jionary.ought to be vvritten, and of a very different kind indeed from any thing yet attempted any where; he felt satisfied that this was hot the solitary dictum of one man ' that the opiuion had penetrated into oiir 'schoots' and colleges and that it prevailed -very generally among tbe raiiuus iiiienigeiii ana enquiring classes -ol ins country men. i He further fel'.tbat the volumes of H I bad dayeloped a new theory of language ; that the princi ' r ' ' j , t n . ' j that (hey had settled deeply in ihe minds of literary men uuiu nwuau ana ai nome; ana mat upon those priiicfnles be must compose his work inereaiiirst pnncmJe nnon n lir.-h l.n r ed id that department of the Dictiona'ry . which ifjcludes the eiplanatioii of words, is that so clearly evolved; and so inconvertibly demonstrated in the Diversions of Pur ley, naraely-r-That a.word has one meaning,' and One ouly ; and that all; usages must spring, and be derives fini - this single meaning. IV discover; this, meaning etymological research was mdispensable; and the results ol such research has been stated, wUli conciseness it di tcueyet with a fullness that will enable the more learned reader to lorra a judgment for himself, and the path of deeper investigation is' disclosed to! the pursuit of the curious inquiier. .The. explanations ly by themselves,: unmixed with Ely purposes of hasty consullation. " are placed di?tinct- knology, to suit the r' 'As needful aids to trace ?h varmna nci,... 't from the intriusic meaning, he has enjoyed and availed himself cot only of the large store of materials collected by Johnson and bis Editors, tbe various supplements and provincial vocabularies, the notes of.editor and commen tators upon our older poets, but of the abundant treasures w hich hare been amassed for his own peculiar use. The quotations selected from the latter portion of this almost unmanaeeble coacervtftion, ( to use . a' Paco- riian teroi,have ben arranged under periods of cbrono. loieaf succession." - From our ekriiest writers, tViclif " uuaucer, am urower, to those who, within the memories of ourselves, had ceased to shed their living lustre noon tjlie annals, of Aherr country, contributions have been ievi ed to add grace and strength thft columns j)f the Dic tionarv. F rom flits r.fl rnnnlntrinal u rra n .-o ri nnf ika"iaal er will be adtoitTd -to an insifflit into 'some verv Snt,. resting aud mstructive. portious of a history of- his native tongne. . " : j f ' j . ' "-',; Oncdisadvantage will apparently be the cbnseq'uence Of this precession in time, that a ine'laphorical will some limes stand 'prior to a literary exam pie V but the mao ler of explanation ivill- rwidcr this a matter of slender mi6rtaiice when compared -.with jthe advantages that f" 'je"ecured by an uniform adherence to cf roiioipgy ' The necessary bi-evlly of a Prospectus will-not per jQjit the Author' toxtonch farther upon, (hose topics, or vea tonaiua soaie minor point of omission or obser vance, for which he thinks the New, ni-.twin f iiVo English Language deserves to be dklin'uished. - " But the Afftb'orls tbpfsciouslia lihmlf.t Ktlfa iable wit h grea w&fir of courfesy if he passed mntfeed the American Dictionrv at Dr.lv.iaUr . ti, .;.... however.tnust be short. D.C; WebsJer disarmed ad airmpea nimseu ig ?ae Held, rpnd advanced unaided and unshielded to fhe 0mhatr lie affiirtd th ance of Skinner -mid TVWnis, fBnrf; U4 Earned eiders -Of lexicoEranhvandnf Tnnir h made no. use of. bis Writings." ' Thr .-tu.iaw a oriental reading in Ins Prelimin&rv V.naava. ihirh n( introductory to a Dictionary of the - English Language, leemsviJannrODriate and iifid rfwrt- : tn the code of fie nlAA . tn English inheritance. - Dr. Webster was entirely nn- acquainted with our old authors; they must, too, be near ly inaccessible, even to the literary classes of our Ame rican; brethren t and it may be fairly? anticipated that a Dictionary, prepared upoii a plan o totally different from that of their own countryman, offerine to their acceDt- ance such numerous specimens of sterling' wealth,' from the great mine of their native English,' will not be consi dered as a superfluous addition of their liorariesi n .v "The 'Neto Dietionarv of 4ht Eneli&,Lan2uage w appear under the Hdvahtage.of, bciic already known In a considerable portion ol th e literary ; publio.. Nearlv two-thirds ofit are'eni bodied in'thfi ifBees"oFthepub1isfied volumes of- the .' ENCYCLOPiCDIAJ WETliOPO LITANA,' a' work which has- been in a course of pub lication for the j last "seventeen years, and which yet roust require an "appropriate number of" years io bring it to a conclusion. i , . There is this further advantae.and a very great one it is, that the Book is completed ; it will undergo Ihe careful ; revision of the .Author t and his exertions will be directed to adapt it to every purpose of utility, whether it.be regarded as a book for instant and occasion- . .. Ihe. individual examples within each period are placed in the order of the words that stand at the head l:-' . . or X.ME. I i uuuuuuiui a oci Ul OTJLKSoTrPE ft.ATri I II I or ia reward the roore curious p.aa i. bled to offer.lt at a inuch lower price than it could othlji wise be issued. . . ; i; 1 "ep 1 1 tvill fnim far. Inrtr. Gnskwfn VlL.u . - l i r . : - -v "IUU1C5 -, eacu page will witn.M uncc viwaw; u-w vuiumujj ana tue whole win Each part will contain Eighty Pages, price 63 cents L" and will appear Monthly, until ihe whoU-iJ J . ted. , i . . ' . vuinii.- Subscribers' names received hw xU WAS WATSON, Ktvberu.' VVJJ.UAM XACKSONi i i'OBLISHER, I 53 Cedar Strut, tieio-Yotk Extracts from the British Critic, the Monthly Review, The fourth Division Enty. Met, is so Loch I ill an ordinary Encyclopaedia . in in scheme and content. 4hut it wouldnol detain us; a single moment, were it J.I for the English Dictionary which is incorporated with ii It is an undertaking? of immense labour! and iiotwiiK 1 standing aif the aid which may be1 derived liom JobnJti ' and other lexicographers, it canodl fail to prove an ifo. cuteair task. If the compiler persevere. m,d finish as U has begun, we have no doubt the English Dictionarv uiil sonnbe called for inaseparateformBrUishAlrictii, Oct lOXO. ' ' !. -f- U ' - ; j ; i , "!'! is is certainly one of the most rnterestihe part. Lf fip volume before ns;-we mean as to lA -.. : ' ip.arenlly execated with care ; possesses a ciiiisideratile degree of noveltp in the arrangement of Hie raditKls anrf derivatives ; and is rendered both j amusing and insthctite by the number of appropriate quotations from the earliest poets, chroniclers, and bistoriaas. down iti ih J. ii most ajproved writers in the English laiiuae. wiiu tue exception of all liviiiE authors. JTli ritftti.kna oft".-. I very pleasing dlustration of tule progressive ihanresiin the Ianrunup anH th almnrf i;n)l.. I . .. W. . --5-' .....i.iii "ctuj piu9iiesiuincatioii 7'";" we u,.w anacn some words, when codwared with the import wLich they were at first inted to convey We make one extraci from an example taken at laiwlom, i maiiifest the nature' of thfe rmn.m.ni nfih:l .-J... part of the work. We regret that it has null b., pistmct." Monthly Eeview, June,lB19.' "1 ' " We are inclined to consider the English Janituage as having attained that fulnessof maturity which leave no AuXk lor increase, but only anxiety for preservation, j A. helps to this, we have the various acceptations, in which every word has been used by -approved writ ers, collected by - Mr. Richardson, in a Dirtioiiflry, si;A asjvtrhhps, other languages could ever loast; a nd we baveaWw tuHV' ? for the Hheory and usaJof Iwns'iiaoM n.n..!.!'. .-' (Home Tooke's) prinefpfesby ai-plyiriij.theuii to - . -. . c . cy . .,.1, iiik h i ourouij iuuK'i vuarieriv KerntU) lor March ir a.. glish Synonymus,' by Taylor Crulbe. p 407 j Aiiisoing io tne portions putlished in the ENCYPI fi WEPIA METRQPOL1TAN4, the Rcver ol fir" Webster observes jl "-'. j ,.- -. -m '. V LeftTie valuable contributions to an improved DictLn. ary, by Mr. Richardson, in which he has embodied many of tbe principles of Tooke, be compared with the eons pondiiis articles in the Dictionary Dr. J..fii.son. and ,t will be seen how mnch 1 lexicoitraphv owes to h Diver s,ions of Purlev." Westminister Reviu. Jan j : " v - NOTICE. rV' & subscribers: have removed their Cab- Jj. INET FORNITUKE ESTABLISH jENT froiil PoIIokstreet to ihelr Siiire on AliJdi-streer, nea r tli e Court H d use, ( where exi'en si ve a i -rangements hiive beeii made to accounuodaie the several branches iif their' business j 1 Tlit y would be gratified by frequent calls from their old customers, "to whom and the public generally, they offer their goods'at very pjvjmcea and their thanks for former liatrn.- iTEUS. -Newbern. July 9, 1 823. j r : V FOR IIJHk; M ' lhe si of January next, a Kejrro VU Woman who nas been accustomed-to and Iroiiingi&c .Applv ntineK-i March Ql s " Cooking, Washing at theOffire ofthe Se $ 25 Dollars Jleward. AN awav from the Snr.rn,oi. .iA night of the 19th inst. ia NeVro W... man named SUKEY, about 55 years old, of. low stature, and formerly 1-eloiigedjto William Handcock; Esq. Whoever will apprehend i said Negro and lodge her in anv Jail, or givfe such information that I getheraga n,' shall re--ceive the above rewanl and all necessary cnarges, oy person ound Harboring her, wu uc piusecutcu. i , Jan. 25. . wu ILLIAM RROWF.R. " KCOJVOMY IS WEALTH W LD India Rubber .Shoes, and Scraps of India Rubber, will be'boujrhL and a! lib- ral price paid by !" : "f : : V j - ' : D VM STAN' BOKKELEN. '': ' Newbern, Jan. 0, 1836. ! Groceries, fyc. i Tl fTftTiY Bushels coarse Tiurs JLL vi Vii Island SALT, (for sale! low by the quantity,) I L li) bags St. Domingo CoiTee, 10 do Laguira ' tlo , 1 10 do Vava j ; j do a handsome article, 2 hhd&.Muscovado Sugar, j - ) . 2 boxes & 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars, 20 bbls.' Baltimore Howard street Flour, . n. 10 f .dol -S3 do : t tdoi t. r : do' i 3 bbls. Philadelphia Rye Flour, I 10 kegs Goshen, Butter, first quality, 10 do do .do.! a common nrtic e, 50 drums fresh Smyrna Figs, j . i . 10 small boxes Bordeaux Prunes.-. '-' 5 kegs Duponts Brandywiue Gunpon : ;;, ."'der.fb' M-si K'v- H I - 5000 Spanish Cigars, in and i boxes,' ' -: .50 lbs. V1 rs. Miller's fine cut Spanish smo' , L 10. boxes yellow Soap, - , king Tobacco, DDIs, butter vrackers, : 10 do Cider Brand v, t i " ?i I t - 4 doz.'cast Rteel Boxing Axes, I G do Beers long bit do;,(J fyj ; 4 Just ; received from JVewYork and more, and forsale cheaD bv ! 1" DAVID M. ANBOLkELEtf Newberni Jan. 26. 1836." D. . VAWBUKKELEJV! J Hast this day received, and is now opening i:N;S SPANISH SADDLES, with cloth housings complete, a sunerior article Men's Spanish Saddles, plain," . ' I f . do.; plain do. various qualities Ladies' Side ', ' do. i, doC tlo. Weymouth Bridle's; and Martingales; wiw . covered and plated buckles, ! I A general assortmept of common BridJe,s anri Marttnrrnloc ( F . t At the old itand corner of Pollok and . idM t r 01 eacu arucle.. streets. J