Tinfff itviW ! ' - r - i..-- ; a , -77- i -"tgrnm . m2SSZZ!T--rrr-trrr:? :i 'T .-1 J.- . ' .. :' 1 m ...... -i 7 i 4 1 , . ; . , . . ,. 1. . , .- .' it : :, ::17T ... rrri rT- 7i 'T"T SIX TIlP4SirAW;' ! .-; i TER3IS, -,?.iT ,1.-, 'Three tdonaw iftjl jnpayaVhiriyian . V pmawee or the provivBS l .Tre.ty 'ictwew the 1 V'"v!i imi nl the Gh rkasa ladiass.1 mnjJe and fl6r 1833,'and of the supplr-nnntary nntf eiplnnatory . ' 1 ij. -a J MMylyitMl hn ihttttctttH second ' Saali, and aU?, pf the Treaty Ml een 4he Iited Stages anl the Cfalelcasaw Indians made.nd con- a 1 a mt i he Cifif of H'askintoa, ml the Uventy-fourlh c ,ldej ? ?: AKDTb&Jicwa. President i,f: ttie Sea Sta.es. dbheUy declare- andnjanownMhM , , -ifc-WcinV -nir sales for the disjiosfl &I 8tich of the lands cedd . ' . " "'o. r" ,c r5 "1 h said iMdiansas areMiereiii. & WSes. Alexandria Sir described, shall be held at the Land Office at PON- n'lTfif; hi iMississiPi". i uc,vuw ivuui'vi rtiwyj; hp lands ia the fotl.mlng tytt-nships, vizr j ; . J ! ..enshin lV of ranees I, 2 '3, 4 and 6 east. 1 Townships 3, 4. 5, and 6. of range 4'easr. ' fp...iins 23. 4, &nd 6J'f J-aotA eaitj vn: Townships 3,4, 5, 6it ama,f rapge,7fS and ' I 9 east. ., : , "'tPt IT'ownsVinsS. 3. 4. "5. G and 7, of range iff east. , , 0n ,i,c fourth Monday in September next, for tot eale of ' te lands, in the foUoivingtoiTusHf au'd fractional tovp- L $T TF Tf IE h HICKAS AWMEItrblAN tllM Townships 14 and 15, of Ranges 3 anrf4. - Townships 14;i5nnd f nwg 5. .d h iTownships 1U.11 ,12, 13 14. 1 andjl(?, .apdrap. V-ti6nal township-H; ofraee6: . -..it;-, -,lfi- ! Townships 9. 10 'and 11, and fractional 'townships Io. jv 36.andI7, ofrange7. : -l: y U Jtj ; i fTowrnshins 9. 10 and 11. of pnnges.8 and 9. . - t i Also, at the same timffj for the sae of Uie pnder men tioned townships and fractionnf ..'townships, west of the inVridian; of the Huntsville district, "heinjr lhaf portion of the Cui.ckasaw . cessipp situate; in, the Siatjejof ; Aiaba- rraniional township 4. of range 12. . , 1 Fractional townships Bf3, 4, &.b. 7, and.l rane 14. Fractional tOwnsnipsKfJ, 1,0.0, anctJ.joi ran?p 14. , if innal towhsbin 2 : f tovrnsbins 3. -4 5. 4 and 7 ;anli I frictionul townships $. 9,!.and 10. range 14 t ; ... 'Fractional townships 22, 4, 5, 6", .7 and 8,' township 9 and fractional lownsnips ju anu 11, m rBne-io. - Fractional townships S.,910 and 11, of range 1C. 'On the liiri Monday injOctober next ,for (he. sale of the onder mentioned tuwoshiffe, xz : . , i .... WEST OF TIIE CirCKASAWsMElllDWNXiNE Township 1, of range 1. ; , ; Townships 1 and 6, of ranges 2 3 and 4, ;TViumttifia 1.4. 5-and fe of range 5. 5 ':lriu Townsliips 1,23. 4.5 and ;C, of range 6. ; iS'jj Townships 1, ianu u, ut r"K MU V- ;1! jTownships 1,2, 3 and 5, of range 9. j, j , ,f ; jOi the irst Monday la November next, for thesale' of the under mentioned townships, viz: s WEST OF THE CHICKASAW MERIDIAN LIKE. Townsbiifl 7.8.9. ID. Ii. 1J ano.ii,(oi range xi.. it'iie landa reserved f.ir nlhnr niirtioses. as well as the lands selected as reser-: valions, under the provisions 01 me saiu ireaues, ure iu uc . . . . . i 1 .' . ... f . - 1 - . . . ! -.. 1 . -.;L . I... excluded troin lue saics. j j v . , - j ; . f Each sale is to continue open far two we'eks, and no longer. The lands will be olf-red irrqnarter sections and: fractional quarter sections where such -Vist. T r i 1 ivrn nnder mv hand, ai the Cy. ot NV as&mgtoo, tins twentieth day ol May, A. U. t-W. f . 7 V i f ! ; AN DREW JACKSON. By tbo President tv " ' : ; '' '.. -.i ' -j ' . Ctuaatissianer 0! tfo GemfS LAM QJic8. Purl irti-afna nf acrin isatllid from the Treasury Dei fiartinent, in satisfaction of bounty land warrants gramcq by the Slate of Virgin'a.and the United Statei.for eeryicC! the rovolntioiiury .army , as 'well as certificates, 01 had stocit, iss.ul at the district land offices, for the ' nmniiht nf mnnpvi furfeitcd ibv individuals. uode.r the Credit system of land salesJare-not receivable for lands within the limits ot the i;iHcKasaweession. ! Ornbrt.'Lavd OfVcr.; May 20 1838. : ' (U'iae li till 1st Nov;,l'.,-.ii;ti-i'iti'-k NEW GOODS. fjn U E sobscrifief has juftTrecehcd from ev YorkVby M. the Schooner B elect ana o'ner iaie arrivals, ioe iyi- lairing articles, tiz: . S ? , WikJibls-New York Canal Flour, ; f if 20 i half do. do. do. ' IjlO bbls. Wavy and Pilot Bread, W '. ' - 10 doi live Gin. v r . ''ir-i? ', 45 do. 4tb prohf. old Monongahcla Whiskey, ' I; 2 quarter casks Malaga Wine, ,1 ' i, ' lb jbbls. Linsced.Winter-sf rained Sperm & Train Oil 10 baskets Champagne Wine, ' S; -' ' ' ; 9 chests Ifvsnn. (unnowder & Imnerial Tea. ih " . t bates-. cassia : ir i , 10 bbls. New Vrk Mess Pork, .. ; I. 3 pieces heavy 43 inch Dundee Bagging, Z. x. 7 . ,4 1 -1 : J ' ! j ; '. coils liale Uor.e. ' ' ' : r'..- '"1-2 pipe very superior Chmnagn Brandy i 10M bushels Turks Island Salt, i :.i-.J ' j 4 1: iiegs liupont s Pwder, , . f - ALSO IN STOttfc, i, .1001) bushels Irish Potatoes;' , - : ' w hole tierces Charleston Bice, V i i';U half do do r-V do. v. i '- . . . . " . JQS; W. OKANADE THE SUBSCRIBER . . .. :.. ie.l4s: f1 suitable for Christmas Hoiydayumotig which may na louna tne iQiiowinjf.: -o ..) ?3 'i!fei ij Almonds, Filberts and Brazil fjjuts, !k ;3luscatel Raisins,: in whole, half and quar-.'.-. iV'tef boxes, ..t, v-i;?.,-;-.';Ai-i. '; ;,U',., j 'Bordeaux Prunes, in.mall boxes, ; j . . 3ladeira, and Marseilles .Citron, , 1 .Tftreservcd Ginger, A r :- f , " ' - .: ;y j Olives, Capers, and Pepper 'baiic-fv " !!; Walnut and ,Tqmato Catsup,: 1.,, . - is .Tenerifle, MucateL Malasa and V Wines i ChampiigiteH .t.,..f-,, ,) ,t; i- Aaftisette and Noj-au-CoTdiats, ( j . .j ,T , ; Cognac Brandy, Holland Gii& Jam Jlum,' London Browii Stout, )n barrels 3V dozen j -v-Fresh Gonpowder Imperial,; Hyson, -andt j L ;;i;-:"PoaQliottgiTa8f -It ri : -ttl 1" 12 boxes "patent" mould CandlestjStj&Os, - - - 6 -dou...Spcrm... do4a and 6s, 3 hhdsraacIJO-.barrelsi Baltimore Rve -. Whlsfoy'V "V- . : .40' bbls: AppleRfahd)3 1 ! ilJ 1 fiOVds. cSsiis Rye &w &J ' ; "t .5 ' dor Pilot Biearf.! i -f OkegrNoVl pure White tekd;r r40rd9.iBlapkLeaoc,'',vV 'aw - r.H r.Z 1. x- Which' he offers jogethcr;whnr l.il general as st)lment, fbsaleatthe old' stand on Pollok' and Middle Stfeef.',:,ii ,4'.4 Township, 7. 8, 9, 1 0 and 1 L f ranges 2t 3, 4 an d0.. . Townships 7, 8 and 9. of ranges6,7 and WW -i? Township 7, efrange 9 i; '1 .' 'ft!?.:,W51 hv law for the use of Schools, .or; rmnicSftbscribMiU 1 - h ri.f tiori from" Baltimore; ? 7,'? - J -VJ 4 '" j 2 boxes and G bbls.' Loaf "and Lump Sugar?, 1 Ux and21)l:vlltfe Havana ' ' Uq , 2hhds.& 5 Ubls. Porlo IUto & SCrojaO LofrilartrsVMoccdbov Sh'tifK'T " ill f1 '! U t . i 20 toxeVVna;nulacturbJ'liDbafte5V a variety ?of Natural S weet James Ui er Tobaedy'i 4-c-. t i w w, 2000 rrincipe uo. - ' go. a very suneroir and much admired article,--- 4 . .V 43 haffs Shoiiassorted sizel, from Not 10 to B. ' 4 tit)ls.ater dnd butter Crackers'l W Fresh rGqnp6WdeV;r!mpetfaI, lm ' : Tu bchWiC ens fof the 'tferi! Iiijstaaality; 10"t - V lVtUan'6 tarcln " 10 hbl llye WhTske;y; i ; '.i j? 20 h6xes Winsor Glass, 8 18 and 10 x12," 10 sacks Salt,' ' : ' 50 lushels SHorisf i M ,2 hbls. Mess Bee (put up in Fulton Market,) 6f choice pieces for fa roily 'use. oOODi DOund Enfrlish Tire Irbri. assorted .from f to 2 iech. "W--W- ."' 4.500, :ilo." d6V, 5BoIt uou, assortcu lrom K, 5 ..--. S ' si b . rU' '( . -rlnc" , , : rl2,500, do. flat Swedes 12,500. do. flat S if !f 11 to 10 Inch, Iron, assorted froth do. " , do. from' ;l .j . to 2 inch, .; '..-'". : ': 2,5001 "iJtVor; Spjke and ailRod;4; L 2 bundles lloop trbh, assorted frpmf t? 1 120. do. Band Iron i-'T lch,::V'l'L' i;;J'J J6 ' . do lfto3i American, German, and v ALSO ON . HAND, 'A fouaniity "of t Na'slV County 'Apple '-and I . f j l'cacn uranuv. oi rerv superior quauiv. All of which he offers for sale af his bid stand, corner of Pollok'and Middle Streeisl, j; ' d. ax; van bokkelen New be r n, A p ril 1 5lh, '1. -s lEP(Il)i " 1 ." j fiTirfE subscriber -has returned from f tho Lf 'rfurni.anffis tiow opening-at the ol d - and on PollbU and Middle street, a ffenerul assort- r i - i . . t i- s - . 3 .z.;,K?''iW LlduORS WINE tft CORDIALS, Hardarei Crockery,! Glass, China, i.nd TVood, Willow and Hollow Wares, Saddles, Bridles and Martingales, m , ' Glff Harness.'". T '1' bi'V ...V.-i C!)-eh k Harness Trimming & Mouatiogs, , r inusor ana iancy ytiairs, c j 1 1 Cotton Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c &c. . ; ' ;.'r A L'S'O , ;. j: ; vj '. full assortment of Carpeoter-?, eooptSr' and Blacksmillrs Tools, American, English and Swedes Tire, Band, and Hoop Iron, of nil sizes, h i' German and Blistered Steel, ' l' Flreeborn's Cast Irbn Ploughs, &e. &c. A 1 of which having been carefully selected by 1 itnself, he offers to his friends and the pub lick bn accomodating termsv fof ca.sn or country produce, u. m. va iwivn.c.r.c.n. ' REMOVAL. U C. WRIGHT 1& Co. have removed to the Store lately occupied by Mr. Oliver W; Lund, corner of. PoHdk and aiiddle-Slreets. aTa!rch 30th, 1838. 1 u, FOR SALE ON COIVSIONMENT, 'qL .REFRIGERATORS, or ICE preservers, Vjjx an excellent article for family use. : w S . , ' . J. BURGWYN, lay 2d, 1836. J5crcrcti's Buildings, L JL , FOR SALE ON. COi S1GNMENT, llirrth N. E.,Rumt l tj ; iXli J:. 4 pipes . dp,, do. , , Vj.JJ ... do. , do. v.; . Apply to, 1 tvi uu.o. . May 10. ' - J. . BURGWYN. J ; Devcrcux' Buildings .. I T, ,, Groceries, &c ' Tl TT1T BusnELs 'coarse .Turks Island SALT, (for sale low by thejquantity,) -,...,. inl'i '-..v 10 bags L, uomingo-voiee, - - . 10 lo La?uira l do : . U . i i' 10do'Jara -'" tvd6 a handsome aHiclb; 2 hhds Museoyado Suorar, 2 boies & 6 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugars - if 'SObbls'. Ballimbre Hqwafd street Floury .3hbls. Philadelphia ityeFjourlV 3 10 kegs Goshen, Butten first quality,! . 10 do i.;t,do.T da.t a common article,-. 50 drums fresh Smyrna' Figs v r; it iv oiuaiL unify n irin:auAi iuuvo. ffl. Kegs, uuponl's - Brandy wine . tier, Jv.fiO lbs. Mrs. MillerVfine cut Spanish smo- It 4 bbls. abutter Craokers.ll . i f ;f-10 do Cider Brandt r "4lldzTteast stfeel .Boxing Axes, - "7 " OdoBeersMenir'bif dbU 1 s lust received persbhrs1! ; :'ihLf V Washington; Julv lstl 183(511 1 : 1 . j'rt ' Seears, 8000 each; ;1 ' 4000 BaUimore fialf Spanish dd. a choice aritcle.l j.- j qtui w vx 11 ut iituun a task it vui iuuiis, Shares; each No; i0f;ilKl2fl"; SEPARATE proposals will e-.rccfUedlat KTTi tins ollice tinul the. first lay.of.jOctober next,' fomhedliverv oXprotision for jbe rfjse ot ifje tronps pot the United uies, to be dehv? ereuin ppUi, npon;inspecli.ohtiaa fwloits zpi 366 barrels of poVf 1 V1 f ?? if bushels of 'hew Mhite field beahsrf f 2400 ; ": 120 f 1350 pdnjtidspf good busnels yirgo''l&aij'dryiaU; J ' t ' gallons of good cider ?inefjar 5 Mvj jValcdhitocHes,:i m E, At Fort barrels of Dork 4 Z'-l'i -4 ' 750 330 barrels of fresih superfine,ll6tir!"'i 1: busjieWttf new wJiite field beans f f)6u;nds of good Hard Soap w pounds of tjobd hard Sal law candles i' 5280 ' 2100 120;hushelfr of srOod cleaiirV salt .t 1350 gallons of good cidar vinegar r4f!i ' ' : ' Ohe-ialF oln theIst May, remainder on' 1st December,7 lt8Tril$M' UntsMknt tint.ukiiii; At tlit ti)Mi&2aMingisw mites ffcmx if240 500 ...220 ' 35Q0 ; ,1000 80 harteU o.f Ipork; ib ' if i;!H' :; bar rels of fre$h Mpea-finc flour, Hk.;; ;, bushels of no-tv, white field beans' j.-r. ;. poqnds of good bard. soap ...l 4 i p ' pounds of good hard lallow.carjdles. . bushelof gofd :'cle9ftd.ry 6aH!tj;;f ;vf ffallonSiPf gopd eider vinegar faf t J f 90Q The whole to be delivered in. all the month of 'April. 1837, and lo .leave Natchitoches! by 30th Eebr naryj 1837! nidH totl..)-'-.' toi ; j4i t C(yfJve:Ul0' miles abovcEori " Smith Arkansas : ri W'H Jb9Trls, Of ippifk. -urf ' barrels of fresh superfine 1 flour, 2 . ,,;,4 busfiplf pCnew yhite.!6eld JjeaDSj ,4 potlnds oft gobd ihard "soap ir'. "U". J, . pounds of good hard tafi ow-canUjcs ,. gob'd jeleao id ituiz: canons bi good cider iinegar. - sitl2U ; The whole to be 'xlelivcred in all the rnbnth of Mayj 1837. : . ; : ' VI, C 1 V. Aty Saint ti6owi or Jefferson , Bar racks to miles below Stsouisj at the i : p i plidn'qf Govcrnm6?i tX ' 1 sbo barisofpork!; ; ;;? -':'-;-; "'ToO barrels of frcsh'superfinc flour y 3f) busfteTsjof new while field beans; ' ( f-0 pnind4'pf pond hard soap '' ' i 2100, pounds of goad hard fallow candles " '" r ' 1 Ort: Kuali nlc nf irnrtil liiaW rliw e-ill s' i 1350 WllonVof ffood cidef'Vtneffar1! 1 Aztt-X& Chien. I A . d , :j j.: !JfH ississtffin fiver, . : , 4.', 840 ..barrels ot porn.. ic j--. ,vti 500 barrels of fresh euperfine flotir l J i 5WU busnei oi new wnuc new oeansr 7 3500 pounds of good hard soap i ' ? I lGUO pounds ol gooa nara wuow, caoqiesi i bushels of good clean dry satt . ,1 000 ffallo'ns of good eider vinegar - . i a tvercu by the lst j June, 1 At wort- duelling, oatnt rcter$: r.- -' 30d barrels of pork 1 f 7iS0( barrels of fresh superfine flour f fYiti Kithol! npw Iwi.ito field hennfi. , ! ?- ; 5286 poiinds of good hard soap "' I ' ' 1 240C pounds of good hard tallow candles; - 412C -'bnshels1 of good clean dry salt J -flSoC gallons of good cider vinegar I f n The t'hole to be delivered by the 15th June, 1837. I W -V: -y.W AilfWihneba on the Fot rtter, U"M l ic!poriagc of th6 Fox, and Ou- tsconsm rivers :i 246 "harrels o f Pork ' 50CT bafrels of frsl superfine flour j ; t 220 bushels of new, white field, beans' L 3506 pounds of good hard soap ' r . hW.-. lGOO pounds of good hrd lallow eandlcs 1 i 80 bnshels of good clean dry salt ? i't; I 900 gallons ofgobdbider vinegar li ui-, -The whole to he delivered by the 1st Jfin, 1937. i ."t.,. ' t mU. At T?nrt &rn hot ;'. ..iJrwi " 120 carrels of pork' V . " ! J T 240 barrels of rresh" sperGne flour Is "r 110 bushels of new "whitc'field beans ' 1700 pounds ol good hard soap 3 'ij,-" Oliu pyuriu? ui guuu uuiu .-''- 40 bushels of good clcah dry salt 450 ffallons of eOo'd ciderttlncgar . I One-ihalf 1st May, remaindar on 1st October! jfo FartiHoxbard, Green Bay.: i , ' 240 barrels of pork - - . J . 500 barrels of fresh superfine flour i uO J! i220 bnshels of new white field beans nt ' 3500 pbUhds of good hard soapjy. 't;M. i-y, tRfJO nounds of ood hard -tallow candlcsi 'A -' 80 bnshels of good clean dry salt j i vH OOO'callorwof good tider vinegar(i?h itn The! whole to be dclircrcdby iKe first Jimei AVFort Brady-Sdult Ac &telMaricJt f 10A t,n.rr.a f nn'vt, V". " ' ' '. il I 2-lO.barrels"of fresh superfiVd fldbr i - uu uu9iicia vi iicn t ui . '-51760.'pburis -of good hard soap;-: -800 poundf of gtlbd lidrd lallow cahdles; i ' A( kt.tttii r nAit lan rlrV Kiilf -" V ' i j i v uusii&i y ft" " w " r, . . . , " 450:'gallons of good cider tfoegar,1!1 f' r.hB wiiOle to be'deavered uy menirrjurxe, " it ff t ii. . - 4 yr'f t.jau vaieiqui uuim i,;;, . i ' i r Tin hiieTiale nrnnm ir n' he u beans r3C0 : 1 750 v 330 i .5280 2400 1350 M 80 The! 837. V siie.ls of gbpd clean dryslilt : ,y. H1 v- 5.9,.ffa'ns f good efderj vinrgar'j ; ' ITJijvL c le ,lqT ,lpc dcliVered bUio.l'ftyne; lvj .1'40 barreJstof pork. , " -. 810 barrels f,fcts'tisuperGifc.il4un . .. i : r;. 4 iW bustiels.newiWjutc (kjd bbaua H"J .filiGtl. paund of good harsl oap j:l 800, pounds of good harii.taUow.candles': ! -imS40 j biiseU of goojd cletui dry alt.jjc '. ; 0 ? v45f0igal)ns ofgobd jcidf ri'Tinegari 4irt' h? whole to be delif orcdiby ihe 1st June; 1 837 ?'f:?if' 'H V)t:w;-;.i' i'h I H-'H fe' il;n't"fJ ' u'f ltj At Hancock BarrasHoullori; Maine: lSd-barrels ofpork "1 fl ' - 240 barrets of fresh superfine' flour ' H0 bhshels'of new whi ic" field beans! , ;i !76fJ' pounds of good liaridfsoap 1 ' :t Oi; : bushels of good cleh dry salt 1 I -a 450( gallons of gofjd cidbr vinegar ' 5 ' onie whole ito Be djeli veijed f in DecembeV, i ,. ;l --w v bwvfa 1 tv w u a vwttutvO 1 loob, and January and Fctrruary,1837; 5 ; ; At Boston i.y V 3001-irrels brnoikA' f 4 i v ' 625 1 barrels of fresh sup-finc flour' j ; 273 f'bushels'of new white field beans 4400'pound6,of goodhai-d soap 1 f "j n Kt "? 2000pptfrfdff bfgbld1 hahrl talloaniles tt 100fbushels;6f gobo c - w fj -. i illegal, : s ia'harTsbf pork:f,t;i;f " v-r 2500 barrels of fresh super fine iiotir' ! ' w uuaiicia ui, uew , tvitiie ueiu oeans .t , J17600J pounds of good hard Soap T v H -!n ' 80001 pounds Of good hard tallowcahdles ; 4oUu gallons orgood cider vinegar. , . i h,, -ws parrels porku. ..- :,.J-. , J-: -";u " , . 1000 barrels of fresh.6uperfine flour,, H J' l' w ,440, bushels of new while CpM lirnn, .1 rh-tV.' r7040, p'ounds. of good , hard .Soapu , J ilcnl , rcuu; pouqds of good halrd lalloWsCadUSi l$Q bushels of gopd ci0an;idry,$alt:is r i I;ljip0!;ga , .NoTEv-A-AH bidddrs are Vequesled IP cktend i the amount ol their bids for? 'each 'article and lexliibitlh total of each amdunthid; ' ? The periods ah d qtianti ties oft each deli rory at those posts where - they are not Specified, will be onefourth 1st iJune; 1st September, The lib gs pi which ih e," pork is pack ed.l-tb' lie fattePcndh borp, ahdje lees' thanlwb hundrcdV pmiiuls ; and, except where the .'quality, is otherwise: designated, will consist of one hog tp each barrcl,-excluding the leet, legs; cars, . anllsnoulr 3j-au;(1 .. ,. : Side pieces may be substituted for the hams. The pork is to be carcjrullyj packed with Turk.! ismnu salt, ann m pieces' not exceeding ten pounds each Thej porki lo be contained in seasoned heart of whilo oak or white ash Wrt rels, full hooped. The vinegar ih iron hound css&s ; . tne beans' in i water-tight barrels, and the ;60.ap .and candles in slrpng.boxes; of con venient size, tor iransportauoirnr:' vfJiti'-.-1 : ;gait WH1 only be received by measurement of thirty-two quarts to! thc bushels i h (a? 1 tf The '-candle's to hve botion 'wicks; The provisions for Praino . do CTucn, and Saint'PcteVsf ihust pss'SaintBouisV. ulti mate! destination, by the 15th', April,1 1837, . laiiure in wus parucuiurtjwiu oe co.nsiu.ereu a'ti'reachlbfebtra.eiraiidiili be authbrizod to pufchaseifd supply these post. ; The provisions will be inspected atlhe time anr pjaee of delivery; and jail expenses pre to beV''taidrby'cbntraetots.':dniil-they.ar&.denosi ted at such stpre.houses as; may .be designated J oy. vnc agenoi ue liepariuionu j :,-:rK riThe VCommissaryli fCieneral reservesf the privilege of inereasinor dTittishing thcjquan tities; or of dispensing with one or more arti cles, at any time before entering into contract and "also of increasing or reducing the quanta ties r of teach deli very ofte-thrrdsubsequeflt to the contract, 6n giiijigj sixtylday s previous L' Bidders tiothcfifeforBrcontractbrsi arercr tiired;t6' accbtnpahvf therr prono'sals' with' e vi UUIICU UI lllcll uunii,,ngtri;Hiiii inc of their sureties, whose respbnsib -V5A.l W ilie nisf'rtet?Aff AnPt: nr W rkann person well kndjwn tb the Government, )ther wisd ihefFpropbsaVVprnotb ! ' A'dvances! cannct' 69 made-in any, case ; am evidence of inspection required'.' at rihis" ofilee, before payment can.be made, which will be4by. Treasury warrants pn banks nearest the points of delivery,'or near est iheplaces bf purchasing the supplies, or nearest 'the', residence' of Jthes contractors, iit Ibeirbplio'tt: V ' V;.1'1 ..V ' :l JEaChV' pTOpusaP will be sealed in' a separate entcfopeV and marked propbsaIs for furnish lag army suusrstCncr.' 'v .: ' i '" V' 'si f 1 . t-nvi- fiEO.! GIBSON, C.TG.; S. "V . i TA TGSt NORTH CAR OMXA ) S ill , sJ Jumps r!ftCVTY. i. , t j iv. -. . ; . . .... rf V-iiit iulNiEQlJITYi,' Cmantiel Jartnan, AdnjV of .1 ; u j - , Lewi Morris, -, kL.n) '5 f P VrirDiwcanWdothers.-J-' '; 'i ' '' "' TvDtfQhdanlfichotUiiki i - ike father' 'z'siddyta? Lewis ''Morris and 'to iTTTOU hrc hereby .pptified jhat. depositions A' OlJ1 oVnesses; tc bb; rad(4n the? hearing qt uieaooyc cause.; wut,svaiieu,iju,ueiiau 01 H iiV-nrtnnlV. niinran. Scblf nnrl Harriot.' afethe f eoWnbusVinNetvheTn;6nthe.2aand I3th L . v . - i . - - , .i.i A a ;.VM 'iitei able-bonlied, HnMnfcoi ween the. giof5il3 aill.p5 years, 'be.flgj'a'bavft feet ;0 m lm.k"&r d&4 cAaracith, nd of rospect blsta.dijimongUwiir r'luljpTfciVcn.V,l6n9r 1 need; apply a enter Uc" scrvice.vhut those vh6 . aroo dejertui f.ed 4o seVjreperiod ofi theur pnv lis t me n t to A ic t so iJiiy . I Arcc f yeari-hon estl y and ftilhfnlly,. -hrW-ris'rpi '-i ' -.,: e.. j . C ' " I ' - O jfj'-! i " . , f ?.i -O- 2' SJCO.C ; JOj.Ce, - ! - ..t-i.O c 'uinunu ; J'd Xej, 5l.vr!aS' ; Hinora s J3d ipj I , ft . ;). - -f ; 4 I i Oil! .Cft LO 00' i an ; "' c vS, r c. ii liwj-sf '.?..... ,-! ' UinuuB 'qtti'ofli f 2 1.! i to vt r-i c ao so c o - .it .. . !. - a t . .' . - t -' 1 .w 10. ..it' ; " " . ;S a 5- . ,- a - 1 ! - l a .1 ; J i-l rv -'.1 C OS S r ... t'rr . w ... - 5 W t0. - S 5 en 3 -a llf r - .-S S 2 -S.o J u o c '5 - c c ci-S-- ! . O ' O . a C 3 sm t- E. ? LinriMSefl. j1.. M iesiues tue motnuiy pay, as aupvo staled, ,uno ration, per dy is allowed every soldier, which i amply stmicient tor tus suusi$Tence- aiso, a targo supply jutV coqifortable ; and genteel cjbthing. -. Good quai ters and fuel nre at till times fornisbed and every attention will bo paid to making Jhose nit-n wliio may enlist," and arc determined :jto servo; iheir country in good fa:ht comforiable and Con4r tented ' with 'their situation.'- The best medical attendance is always; provided for tho sick Jsol-, dier; ; and no deduction i of pay lis midp dtlrW V the nertod he is unable lo nerform his tflf thtfibVvo it lis seen that the payna .! Jowances; arc respectable,-nnd that, with prudence ind economy, the" monthly pay ot. tho soldier bay belaid? up as cyoryithing reqnjsi to for bi"j. comfort nod convenience. !" is i furnished by the. Governmehv- including. bis tugar jand; tjofijw. The prtident soldier, iherefurei'may rea'dily jsavc from AOO to r5(J9 doriiiff hi ibprl enlistment j of three, ytsari f. and ntllie cxpiriilioq;.of the ecm ;.' ho ranjif hecUoosej, purcbaseja smjll farm in artybr'tbe-trestern States, imu there settle putn sctf comfort kbtyj bn' his own hmu (ot. ihe"rest of v?n t FRANCIS VINTON, icut.m ArOL yeeUih:Retttvqus9 Tune 10, aSG.', HAS returned' fromKewr9rk,e Philadelphia and ;Dallimere froin ulich cuarkeJs lie lias made a large and general addition to his former Stock of Goodlj find is.' now prepared to'furnish his Custonlers ami the Public in general, with njfull fjc'assortmeat lm$ heforp ueen oBerea in urn raatktVizi- vi! at LIQUORS WINES, AND CORDIALS'. M.JK.I! uyiuiiM irn1--u f--. i f,Ti - rTrT'T5 V in X ICO "P I WILLOW &'IIOLE EARTHEN, WOOD, WILLOW & HOLLOW WARES. Carpcntcf, Cooper and '1 Blachsmitli J091S. u ; . lRONS.te(?!'"f"fafl$;! & Ciislhjigs.. t. - r -1". i a i-'rnLL-iJ f s "H: ' i riirV TKmtriin:-; i l r arid G6bdsimpcrTioust6airorvtitcr b trte neirfcgs. Pickred J Sal ntrui, : Pickted Tongues. Smoked. Beef,; i'-FuHon'Markeyj? choice Corned ; Beef, , Mat-kerel, Nog1, JVnchoyicSj Pictled CacutqWs. Soda, Uutter. and Waier Crackers, Goshen L Butter,' )ld. and, Xew-Oecwsi- Mniojtds.ilbert Madeira Tuts. PVesTi Cirrrants, -Daf es ab A Raisins; Canton fjinget; &c. Ac; r -MaraaVi'-'M- .- - - . y - - ' - - - M ,- . - n - J" . " ' r ."- "L -I, : ON REASONABLE. TERMS, 2'TwbtIbrsd JeddIinganSjn3 ; ? 'One-Hbrse do1i:f Sid? J ?..r:: ' Per sobs who wr'eKtfpofpliase vllf ilfZ-wclf tri-eall lbbni:ri3ai4r;' t.-i . , , .tJOQTH '&TORTERS ' . .B&'Piu tmilTnb :!ff . keep en hand lirt 1 i 1 dtTdsVieceivcd ;froniTejYl)rlCnrrfBal!p- " F JiU-rCHARLE I I i I J mdie,- and for sale heap hp fiarno i 5isityArr bokkelen. I i - ' i 'l.r ". ' - . ! '..'.".-: j . ' ' j P T"'':-.' ' '-. ' '' :i: '. ' ' ' T ; '''i .. .: j.': ' -L -';-

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