4 LIB5RTY:;.THECONSTITtTl6N.:.IWlbN:. H-j I; ;a v At 3 Per; Atinuip,- iii- advajjee; . J ', : I I , I ; I . . - i s v . r?-- - - L- v .. .-- ..-,. .--.;..- .f-; ' . -.: ... j: . - - .'. ,-.. v . t . " M '" -i .1 . -I .. ... - . . . : ...... ....... . ' j. .... i .. .i I ' - .' L "5 . . ...... 73 Seilner if published ekPJ mivable in advance, ' lXrti;ty the rear, $15. 00 for sauare, ,iPss'aad five dollars for tacbudditional sduare: By the Camber, 55 eta. . for: the first inaertioa;.37.i lor each rontinuaoce.. ;" 7,p'''v ?V; "i-f Xo subscription received for less than six months, and hn naper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, ex- ce nt at tne oiscrfiwa m uiKuyi . - r ; w , in On aft' letters addressed io ine M wr,ioe fwstbepaid. u. i, THE OONSTltUTlOK CNION BY AUTHORITY. 1 r r iwa OP THE EXITED STATES, PASSED AT TjaE SECyXu .SESSION 6? TI1S,TWENTY-F0UBTH COKGBES3r j ; : ' 1 " '" . . . , . ' ";;-" J Officers in the navy, ; ' zMQ-Tt Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate? tmd House of Representatives of the United JStates of America in Congress assembled, Thai from ' QjafierthepassageofthlsactaHymaslerssominandant" ?.,!,,. sbaii be taken to be and sball be. .called .'rnmrnanders, and all "mastefs but such change of title shall not imjiair-or lit any way": affect nhe rank; pay. or privileges, of any. chaster cammaadant or - sailingmas, ter aow in the service ; and should they receive hew c jmnlssions or warrants they shall respectively take rank 1 Ooni the date of their present commijsious. - ; Amoved, March 3d, 1837. - ' l- PuBuaNo. 22., , . , . u j 3 - AN ACT making, appropriations for thtr civil " and'p'omac -xpeuses of Government, jor the vear eighteen hdndred and thirty-seven. Sec. I- Be it enacted - by he ' Sehat: and House cf Representatives of Ihe U. Stated of America in Congress assembled. That the fol inii fn sums be. and the same are hereby, appropriated, i la be paid out of any unappropriated money in the U eas- j I.- For jwy and mileage oi me memoirs oi congress ana delegates, three hundred and forty-eight thousand and forty dollars; . v. i-.ta paf For pay of officers and clerks of the Senate and House of Represeutativeabthirty three thousand seven'faundred ddiari; -.'rr.jKu:yf.yQ::z For stationery, fuel, printing, and alt other contiogent expenses of the Senate, forty nine thousand five hundred and fifty dollars? '; V::.- 1 ; V- For stationary feel, printing", and all other contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, one hundred and fifty ifcousand dollars; " ' ' ,V. t:VV'' Tuetwosums last mentioned to be applied to the pay nieutof the ordinary expenditures of Senate and House of Ri-pi ,;entalives, severally, and to no other purpce; Forct jnpensation to the President and Vice PresitVpt - of the Uiiijed States, the Secretary of State, the Secre tary of theTieasury, the Secretary -of War,)he Secre taiy of ihe Navy, and the Postmaster General, sixty thou-. r For salary of the secetary lo'sign patents for public land .ntr fet of March second, eighteen hundred and tliirty-ttire4, e thousand five hundred dollars ; - ; il r For clerks and messengers in the office of the. Secre tary Ot Stilte twenty thousand three hundred dollars: -,y .-t'riSlhe contingent expenses of th:Department pf State, including publishing and distributing the laws, ' tweiity:five thousand dollars;, .. . uA ? . For compiling and printing the Biennial Register, one 'thousand eight hundred dollars; V",. tyfir 1 lti For ilia superiiiiteiident )ind watchman of the north 1 east executive building, one thousand five hundred dol - - ' V j - J. i-su -rf,:t ' s For contingent, expenses, of. said building, including ;fuel,.labor, oil, and repairs) two thousand five hundred dollars: . . : , . '" For compensation to the-clerks. and messengers in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury . .sixteea thousand four hundred and fiftv dollars: , ... " . . ; '. '.For compensation to the clerks in said 'office, per act ot tweuty.-thi'd ot JuneLeignteen nunarea ana luiny-six, three thousand six hundred dollars ; V 1'.; LA- '.f; Vi For compensation , to the First . Comptroller of the Treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars ;.r! ?u , For compensation to the clerks and ."lessengers in the office of the First Comptroller,Siinete' n thousand three hundred dollars; - " .' ''s ;.: : For compensation to' the Second C )mptro!'ert three thousand dollars; ' 'V. . ' For compensation i to the clerjcs'aa . . messenger io the office of the Second CpmplrolleV, incloding two clerk ships transferred fromtbe office of I ha Fourth Auditor, ' twelve thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;, 5.;. l't , For compensation to the First Auditor of the Treasu re, three thousand dollars ; . " . . ,For compensation' to tbe clerks and messenger in the omce ot the t irst Auditor, fiaetn thousand nine nnndred .dollars;.,,; . . -V' . ( . s For compensation to' the Second Auditor! the Treas tirv. three thousand dollars : sir a:; ?? . For compensation to the clerks ancf messenger in the office of the Second Auditor, seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars '; . For compensation to the Third Auditor, three thousand -dollars; . ...j ' , ' For compensation to' the clerks and messengers in the office of the Third Auditor,' twenty-nine thousand: six hundred and fifty dollars, including two thonsaad.fruie hundred collars lor cleric hire, to carryjinto effect an act of the seventeenth of January last, entitled "An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed iu the military' service of the United .-States;".. , . - -. ' , i rrJi -l-? For compensation 19 the Fourth Auditor, three thou sand dollars: V,-"- -'a- ; , For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the olUceol toe jf ourtn Auauor, ntteen thousand nine bun . iW andTiftv dollars: " " 1 1 ' ' J For compensation to tbe Fifth Auditor; three thousand . dolIars;5-,f -.- f . ' ' - 1. '''.' A For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fifth; Auditor, nine thousand eight hundred dollars j 5 iici-H- vsti .htii: T-f;3"jc;-,f ifftA For compensation '6 the Treasurer" of the United States three thousand dollars ; r." " -c ' . 7 - For compensation to the clerks and messenger in tbe office of the Treasurer of the United States, Including a ". deficiency of appropriation of two hundred and sixty four dollars and sixty four cents, for the year eighteep and thirty-seven, eleven thousand and fourteen dollars and sixty-four cents r v-:---"'-'-- : " f i Fori compensation. to the: Register of the Treasdry, three tliousand dollars : . ' 1 : . : " : ' For compensation to the clerks and messengers iri the' office-ot tne ttegister 01 the Treasury, twenty-tour taou- ; sana two nunarea aouars ... t ..-.i'..-rj 1 For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, pe act" of fonrlh, of July, eighteen ban- ; dred and thirty-six, three inous&nd dollars; ? ; r-K i ' . .r.For compensation of the recorder, solicitor. draafehtSi man, and assistant dranghtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in the office of tbe Commissioner of the General Land pffice, one hundred and fifty "dollars; and the an nual salary of the Recorder - of 4he General Land office shaltbe two thbusand.dollars;rahd tb sum of nine hun- dred dollars shall be. paid Charles Gordon for services ' rendered undef the! resolution of the Senate of second i Juleighteen hundred and thirty-six mi .irij io, ! ' For deficiency to be appropriated on account of. salar -M, iw lus jtar eiguieen nunarea huu iuirijr-5ii, iu ipe t'ominissioncr and other officers ia the General Land 6fficW twenty-seven thousand eigbt hundred and eighty 8ii dollars and ted eents ..i, h t f. For compensation to the Solicitor of the TreasUrr, three thousand fiye bundred I dollars ; ' t '- For compensation to the clerks and messenger iri the office of,ih5:Solicit6r of thjanTreasury, three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars ; .. , - - For expenses of sta't ionery . prin tine, and all other con-' tingent expenses of .lbe-Treairy Department, sxrrpX& tor ine omce ox ine secretary .of, the Treasury, in cluding copying and expenses incurred in consequence of the burning of the Treasury biilding, twelve thousand Dve nunarea aonars; . - . j rFbr translatinjg foreign languages,' and for receiving and transmitting passports and sea-letters, in the office of the Secretary of the Txeasuryrtbree hundred dollars; " For stating and printing public accounts, tone thousand (bur hundred, dollars ; n ; i "h s rfm 'a:-js?--? For the ffice of the First Comptrbller, two thousand dollars; " f , For the 2 office of the , Second Comptroller, one thou sand five hundred dollars; ; ; . .X:'; : FeTrthe office of the First Audjtor, eight nun drtd doN irs fx For the office of th e oecond Auditor, one luousand AnUnr I si ii. '- Fortheofficeof the Third dollars: . , ,, 1 i" ' .Auditor, thirteen hundred s For tte office of the Fourth1 AudItor?dne thousand F6r the.of5ce of the Fifttr 'Auditor, ooaf thousand dol- For the office of the Treasurer of jtbe United States, one thousand three1 hundred dollars; ' . : ?;To the office of the Register of. the Treasury;' three' thousand dollars;.- : ; '.-?- :. For die office of the Solicitor of theVTreasury, one thousand dollars; 1 ' f 'l- s ' ' t. ' .For the office of Commissioner, of ihe GeoeraLLand Office, for one hundred and fifty thousand pieces oT parch ment for patents; printing the same ;-and, also, the cost of books for patent records, tvveufy-nine thousand and. fifty dollars ;u ; - ; , i.'. f v - . .. For tract books; other books, and stationary furniture; expense of adfertising land sates,:and otor g:ohtingenl expenses, including office irent (or an addititional build ing, ten thousand dollars; lfi'VfC.Mr'i'.'-S (!fl - For sotapensalipa of superintendent and two watch men for the additional building for the use of the Genera) Lantr umce, one tnoasand and fitty dollars i A '. f or salary ot tne secretary to tne Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, from eigbth February to eleventh April, eigbteeii hundred' and thirty-six, forty-three dollars and ninety-five cents;, . ' . ., --. c or compensation ot tne superintendent and watch man of the southeast executive building, two thousand one hundred dollars; : v , - i - . , For contingent expenses of the building occupied bv the Treasury, including fuel, oil, labor, repairs; furniture, iid tor rent, amounting to tour thousand four hundred and fitly dollars per annum, twelve thousand dollars; "For comnensation to the clerks and messenirei in the I office pi the Secretary pt VVar,incuding sixty-five dotlars I ..... . . . . ... I and seventy one cents, arrearaees due Samuel J. Potts. 1 form clerk hire; and for 1 messenger in the Bounty Land I Bureau. thirteen thousand onerbondred and fifteen dol-l lars and serenty-bne, cents; : " ; 3 i "for contingent expenses ot tne office ot the Secretary t at.War,tn!e.thoasand.dollarsi".:.i.,;T:;f--W' r or hooks, mans, nuu uiiius, ior me v ar uepanmem, 1 one thousand dollars : For compensation of extra clerks, when employed in said office; two thousand dollars?: ' "1 " " r For compensation of the Commissioner of. Indian .Af fairs, three thousand dollars; , . ' ' - I ' - ? '-1 i or compensation- of the clerks and messenger ra -the office of the Commissioner of Indian, Aflfairs, sixteen thonsand four hundred dollars -. , . - ', . .. ..; jli: , for contingent expenses ot said omce, two thousand dollars ;,. :s -AA-ik.t f.AvM - KA For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, two thousand five hnndrad dollars'!. iv:, For rnmnftnsaiion of clerks transferred from the offif p 1 of the Secretary of War to the office bitbe Commissioner of Pensions, fourthousand eight hundred dollars; For compensation-to clerks and messengers for 'the office of the Commissioners of Pensions, authorized by act ot ninth of Alty eighteen nundred and thtrty-six, thirteen thousand four hundred and fitty dollars; For compensation to clerks and messenger in tbe office of the" Paymaster General, four thousand Six hundred dollars;, ;'-,ii;frj ra .-rH iU:rKy&itiii& For contingent expenses of satd offiQe, three hundred' dollars;'- - '--i''; -'-lf .y:' For compensation of clerk and messenger in tbe office of the Commanding General, one thousdiid five hundred For contingent exj enses of said office, three hundred ! dollars-, vrt .-is . n,'ki For compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of the Adjutant General, seven thousand six hundred and j fifty dollars ; ,:.,, ;C' 'W' -V ; For contingent expenses 01 saia ornce, one tnousana six hundrea aouars: 1 - n,, . -. For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dollars': k'y . ' r 1 For contingent expenses, of said .office,:. Six eundred dollars ;" ;: ' ' '": :-a::- - J-AV? :-' A-A For comnensation of clerks and messenger in tbe office of the Cdiamissary General of Purchases, four thousand j two hundred dollars: : v ; t T:t I For contingent expenses of said office; eight hundred dollar -N'f.j Jfri-i-p.fAi Ijts-'r&T' For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, four thousand three hnndredTloIlars;: s"f : rl C f 5 r i For contingent expenses of said omce, two thousand six hundred dollars: , .-! . ,fi'JrSS"r-' " For comoensatiou of clerks arid messenger in the office ofthe Chief Engineer,, five tottsand, six hundred and K(ti vMia.-- ; . v-,:- t i Fat continkent expenses of said office? one' thousand itf-illnrs . " For comnensation to clerk and messeneerinihe' office 1 of the Sureeon General, one thousand six hundred and J fifty dollars ; , ; . . r -. t - ! ? - , , r . .. j " For contineent .expenses of said office, five hundred I and'fifty doUawr"','rs.T"-rt'r'.r u i .xor compensation)!, ciems ana- messeager in iye ura-j nance Office, eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;! . v or conunzem exoeuaoa ui aaiu utuv-c, - cituv- uuuuicu dollars: :.UvirV' urM-iif . For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the Tonoraphical JJurean, two mousana nve nunareaaoi' ' For contingent expenses of said bureau, one thousand two hundred and thirty five dollars .'jv ':. ' '- '-. " ' X OI suuifs"""' v o - .-. 01 w Rnnon npf iftt f July fouilb:.' eishteen hundred andl. 1?. .Animn nt ine mpufiiicfir in ine t;irTnin?i thirty six, five hundred dollars; , 4c., . f tor General five hundred dollars;- - . I . Wftr m iirvoi inn missenzer 10 lue omve 01 iuc lusuct- For compensation of Superintendent and watchmen ot ih hnrtharMi .prntv bnildinc: two thonsand two tinnn. nnfliiv dollars : nT.s'. ' "j '-i 1 For contingent expenses .ot.saia DnHding, inciaamg, hnndred and eighty-three dollars ; -- - - t r- PnrrnmnrnMiinn nfthn.lfrkj and messengers' in the office of the Secretary .of the Navy, twelve thousand ttit -nt fift tr ilnllN . - " "t 1 -O" ". i. . .. - . '. 1 For, contingent expenses of said omce, tnreeinousana dollars; - j .1 . rnrftftmnensatinn nf th rfnmmiasinners of thfrNavvJ RutrH fen thousand fivn hnnrirad dollars: " ' i.nnitniitinn nfih orrorw nf the Navv Roftrd. mnnund rinitni- r -- . . . i. ; . , - . For compensation to the clerk and messenger ol the Navt Board, eight thousand foar hundred and altji dol 'n.i .i.i;nArtf Avnattaafl .PZ rtna fhrnaanrl iht hundred dollars: toivr -c- 'For salary of. superintendent and watchmen of -the southwest executive building one thousand two hundred and fifty -dollars;: j :limV:4Jmibrv3 For contingent expenses of said building, three, thou sand three hundred and fifty dollars; f For compensation to three Awisslaat Postmaster Gen. erals, per act Ihlrd July; eishteen hnrfdreanii thiki.i- seven thousand five hundred dollars f - '!t ; ; ' For compensation Jo clerks and messengers in the Gen eral Post Office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dot lars j ... :. j , : .j .j, ; .s . ;-t .v , . ; ; Porxs'pntwgent expenses of said dSce, inctuduig ex pense of new offices aud fuel for tha'Anditorj nffi n j ..1, , For if 1 - repairs; oooks, and stationary, already Inr.nppi tm crver and above the appropriations of former 'years in consequence of the , re-qrganization 'of the T Post .Office Department, six thousand seven hundred dollars; i F or compensation to two 'watchmen, six hundred "doi- lar ; . . '. ... ." ' . .. v. ... -, - . .. For compensation to1 extra clerks, prior to third July eighteen hundred aadthirty six, when the act re-orcani- ztng the department went into opera! ion, ;twentv-twd thousand tour hundred and nineteen dollars and eieht v- ...For compensation to the Auditor iif the sPi three thousand dollars; .JlV U.i-'; , s For compensation to clerks' and messenle'rs in said of fice, including books, stationary.priating.and expenses in cidental to new offices, eight thousand two hundred dol lars, ...v--.---"'fW!. .... . i-jJ For-compensation of the Surveyor fJen'ejal nnrihwi toft bis Ohio, two thousand dollars .-Wi v4 ? ; iorcompensation tD clerk in his -office, ',4pcr-acts of mnlh oTay eighteen bdhdred and thirty six, lixtlmii sand three hundred dollars; , ( ., ...).' . - For compensation to the Surveyor General for Illinois and Missouri, two thousand dollars ; ,. : u - For compensation to clerks in the office Vf sai3 Sur veyor General, per acts of May, eighteen hundred and thirty six, three thousand eight hundred and twenty dol lars; ': ' .--" h i" i ..',i(0 t-irO-fiii - .7i..Lt,t-.'S- .-a For fcompepsaliou to the Snrveycr General of Arkan sas, two thousand dollars :4 U ." t ' t V , . . - - ;. .w For compensation to clerks in the-6 ffice of 'said Sur veyor General, three thousand dollars; an dtof office-rent and fael, threehandred dollars;' ' . ,! -..; ,f For compensation of the Surveyor General of Louisi-" anatwd thousand dollars 5 l't.yi- .jni.'Xi j For compensation to clef ks in the office pf said Survey or General, per actsof ninth May. eighteen hundred and thirty-six, twenty-fire hundred dollars r ' 1 ' ' ? . F compensation to the Surveyor General of Mississ ippi, )wo thousand dollars; , - . " For compensation of clerks in 'the olEce of said Sur veyor General, per acts of ninth May. ei?ttep.n h nnArnA and thirty-six, five thousand dollars ; . t i .:: ; . , a, 'For compensation to the Surveyor General of Florida two thousand dollars; . ?" ?i hU v' : i-vloa,:"?;- rjp' ; . For compensation of clerks in the office ; of. said, Sur? veyor General, per acts of ninth May, eighteen hundred ana thirty-six, two thousand dollars; - - For compensation of the Surveyor General of Florida two thousand dollars: ' - . For compensation of clerks in the office' of said' Sur- veyorGe'ueral, three thousaad dollars ; or.expenses of completing the copies of confirmations aQd orders of survey, eud procuring from the offices of luc ;e5,3iers copies oipiars anasneicnes necessary 10 a u -.:... . . . 1 . 1 ' . . . , correct location oi private claims, explained- in the re P'rt from the General Laud .Office? two thousand dol ars5 ; - ' -u "f 11 ' ;:; - For; compensation "to -'the CommissionerJtof Public u"uigsni ir asinsion,iwoiuousaua ioui; nunarea ana :-'T- "T"..," " fii..uu wicu hmuiomuh vumuiwiuuci, as superintendent at Potomac bridge,;tvvQ thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars and seventy-five cents: For repairs of said bridge; wood for the' draw-keepers. and oil for lamps, two hundred and seventyrseven' dol- rs; . , r iv . .,; -;". ; For compensation to the officers and clerks 'of the Mint, nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars ; For romoensalioo to assistants and .laborer'ia th w rious department of the Mint, twenty four thousand dol lars ;.-.-.--:.-.-: , ' . , . ' For wastage of gold and silver, and co nt i n zent e x pe n- ses of the Mint, including improv-emeuts in . machinery, thirty-eiffht thousand one hundred- dollars : 7 For expenses incident to the introduction of new ma- cumery ana apparatus, twenty luousana dollars; -ri- ji! For compensation of the Goternbr, Judges, and Secre tary ef Wisconsin Territory, nine thousand one hundred dollars ; - r ' : " For, contingent expenses and compensation of the members of the Legislative i9seably of said Territory, and printing the laws, nine thousand seven hundred and fitly dollars;;? yi'xy -';- :fA,'i (t ''- --fhtf .r " tor compensation of the Governor, Judges, and Sec retary of the Territory of Florida, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars ; . ; - r:u For contingent expenses, pay, and mileage of the mem bers. of the Legislative ' Council of said Territory;. sta tionary, fuel, printing, pay of the officers of the council, and copying laws, ten thousand three hnndred and thirty-five, dollars ;' :. - " j.'f'k. " " for compensation tothe UnieiJustice.and tbe Associ ate Judges of the 'District Jndgss of the United States, eighty four thousand nine hundred dollars ; , "fyy For compensation to the Chief Justice and Associate Judges of the District of Columbia, and of tbe Judges of the Grphans Courts of skid District, nine thousand five hundred dollars ; . : '. r. -.; .. - . . ' - For compensation to the Attorney Generai of the U, States lour thoasand dollars; , ' ; ,0 1 ?r ... .? For compensation of clerk and messenger in tbe office of the Attorney General, one. thousand three .hundred dollars; . , ,. i,y. :-'i .'.4 For contingent expenses of said office, five rhundred dolfars ;SiESS5C &:iy33 For compensation to the reporter of the, decisions of the Supreme Courtone thousand dollars ; ; - -i ' l or compensation to the District Attorneys ana Alar glials, as granted by law, including those in .the seversl Territories, thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; - J - . f s - For defraviothe expenses of the Supreme Court and the District Courts of the United . Slates, including the District of Colombia ; also, forjrurors nd witnesses in aid of the funds arising from- fiaes, penalties, and forfeit ures incurred in the year eighteen hundred r and, ;thirty. seven and preceding yearsi and likewise fqr defraying the expenses ot, suits, in wnicn the United, ptates 7nre concerned, and of nro'seedtions for offences committed agiinsl the United. States, and for tiie -lafe-keeping. of prisoners, inree nunarea ana ininy uousaau aouars ;,, For expenses of priotihg the, records' of the Supreme 1 Uioun. vurets muusaiiu uuuarsi v . For the payment of pensions granted by special acts of 'Congress, one thousand and fifty. doThrs ; !. , "( - : For the support and maintenance of fight-bouses, flbat- 1 ini lights, beacons, buovs. and stakieesv includine the f purchase of lamps, oil, keepers salaries, repairs, improve- I menlsand contingent expenses, twobnndred and ninety eitrhr tnousana ana nnv-nve oonars 11 .iU25:r . ' : . . V V For a bell, and fixine the same on the aigbtoouse : at ! Cove point in the Chjssape&ke bay, being th6amountof i m iiuiru inwiuu luriuai uurwac. ii.u w wh.vm 1 to the surplus ,f and, one, thousand two', hundred 4olr j lars ; I For a hsht-boase at the moutn oi ineiuncxe river, i .'Eeine ihejaoibantvf formet approbrialkw 'fori 4bat ob- i jject, wnicn wm pe carneq w ine surpis iuuu, u luuu- 1 For two small beacon-lights on Cackspur island, at tbe 1 mouth of Savannah nver.-ineladine itour tnousana aor lar? already appropriated, which nll be carried to. the 4 uirnlus fund; seven thousand dollars t 4 i Jf I J. - . . tt.:.. J Oi.l-. ! 1.. i-j - f or survey-otjne coast pi lllflvlle pl 'uias arrears ot compensation at tnree inpusapa upuars per bh nnm. end his'elRenses attbesame iate from AususfseC' od ei?rhteett hundred aftd thirty two. and including also, riinh additional payment to the army and ' nayy officers 1 rmilnvd anon thi survey forthairoast services and ex I penses as tbeiresident may decide woe ijimaau proper, - 1 sixty thousand dollars; . ? v a r n I KHtf Ihnnannn HAiIr! .rf -j'v- t-rv t !T For the custom-house at Boston, one Vundred and fifty For refunding dullest ott railroad iron to tne1 Lexington and Ohir' Railroad Cpmpany, imported in eighteen hun aia nd ihirtv two and eighteen hundred and thirty- three, per act of secondJuly .eighteen hundred and thirty six, onenousana nu;s nunureaanu cijuy-twut J?or expense in relation to the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States, three thonsand dollars i For deficiency id the fundforbe relief of the sick add disabled seamen as established by act of Ihird Alay, tEigB teen hundred and two, twenty-five thousand dollars; ' S" For the compensation to two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one. thousand dollars . ? 1 4 si For the dishare. of such miscellaneous claims against tne" United States, nof.otherwise.provided.for. as'shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the Treasury, twelve, tbonsandJdpHars J;-"-. 7- V ; I . For an addition ta the e'listiag tinexp'ended balances of appropriation for the surveys of the public lands, to be duly apportioned to the several; districts, according to the exigencies of the public service, one bundred and fifty thousand dollars; - H iai t? r-if-.y Act "t r. .For completing the surveys of unfinished portions of townships, islands, lakes, fc:t &...'--"' f-.-I"--;V -:iln Ohio, ' Indiana, ftlichigan. and Winconsin, not exceeding .five dollars per mile, three thousand and forty dollarsy .vsri ai-tftjtltiNns-j : In Florida, not exceeding, five dollars per mile, six luousand'dollars .; . "I' i!;V-;'':V?-v la Louisiana not Exceeding ign(!!.dolra'pe:tnU twenty thousand dollars: and,; Hlf In Alabama, not exceeding eight dollars per inile,' one tliousand dollars, in addition tor two thousand five hun dred dollars, already.appropriated ;, ;-. ',,"1? --For ssfartes 6 ministers of the United States, to Great Bfitaiaoc'erSf fff.aJjd Russia at doot fits an J laries of minister to Prus arrd"Aatria jftd foribe outfits and salary of a diplomatic agent to be sent' to the Republic of Texas; whenever the President of Abe! United States may. receive satisfalory. f evidence Jhat Texas is an inde pendent power.and snail deert it-expedient '.to' appoint such minister, in addition to the balance remaining of the appropriation for eighteen bundred and thirty-six, seventy-two thousand dollars -! :i' t -.For an outfit and salary: for an;eoyoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary la Mexico, whene ver, in the Opinion of the Executive, circumstances will permit a re newal of. diplomatic intercourse , honorable with - that power, eighteen thousand dollars;-- . . ' 1 For salaries'-bf -the secretaries of legation : to 'Greatl nfuain, rance fcpain; ltussia, ; Jfrussia, M xco, and Austria, fourteen thousand dollars ; ,' . v For salaries of the charges des affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Turkey, Belgium - .Brazil, Chili. Peru, Mexico, 'Central America,. Jer Grenada, aad Venezuela: fifty-eight thousand five uundred dollar; ; For salary pf the drogoman, and for contingent expen ses of the legation to Turkey, six tnousana nve nunarea dollars: : "K; -jiwiibv; w -a'-Uilit s : r ? zy.: :va s CFor outfit of a minister to Russia, nine thousand dollars; For outfit of a charge d'affaires to Belgium, four Xaoii sand five hundred dollars; upit.i z,trt--Q ' For contingent expenses of all the .missions aboad. in addition to the balance remaining of a former appropria tion, t&irty thousand dollars; - ri il .til.filii i;'Ujv For salaries of the consuls of the Unitedlates, at Lndon and Paris, four thousand dollarst .' . " " : tot etpenseso.f intercourse with the Barbary -Powers seventeen -thousand four bundred dollars; ? .'. . 'Foi the relief and protection of American seamen in foregn countries thirtyjhousand, dollars;t u ftrif ' f U W 7, For tie contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, in additio'n to the balance remaining' of former appropria tions , thirty thousand. dollars; .u .i..-:,;,.;--, :n ' For clerc hire, office rent, stationery and other expen ses, in the office of the American consulatia London, per actof nine-teeuth January eighteen- hundjred, and thirty sx,two thousand eight hundred dollars; ' ' " ' A For interpreters, guards and otherexpenses incidental to the consulates in the Turkish dominions, five thousand five bundred dollars; "jL ' "i1--; - :", For salary - of the 'principal and - assistant iibrariansj compensation of assistant during the, two sessions of ) expenses of the library, lour thousand, two bundred and forty-three dollars; " J For the purchase 'of books' for the : library of ' Con gress, five thousand dollars; ..1 .... . - , For furnishing such members' of the present .House 'bl ; Representatives as have not received the same, Under for-' merjordersof the Hons Diplomatic Correspondence. American State Papers, ' er of Debates, Elliot's Debates, and the first voIanWw the- Land .'Laws forty, four thoasand four hundred and ninety dollars and twenty eight pents, provided, Tnat, if there are any surplus books, copies of which have been distributed to .former mem bers, in the JLibrary of Congress, they shall be distributed ! one copy to each of said members who has not received , the same ;' s ' . '' " ' . , . ' .. ... .For the purchase oTlhe, manuscripts of the ' late Mr. Madison referred to in a Jetterfrom Mrs. Madison to the President of the United 3 tales 'dated fifteenth NoVe nb'er, eighteen hundred and ihrity-six, and communicated in his message of sixth December, eighteen hundred and thirty six, thirty thousand dollars J , '-i-'riyi " For the service of the General Post Office, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty seven, in conformity to the act of the second of July eighteen! hundred and thirty -six; vizr -a - -ut b ':-' "-.n t-i .mat ii'n J For transportation of the mails, compensation of post "masters, ship, steam boat, and way letters, wrapping pa per, office furniture, advertising, mail bags, blanks, mail locks and keys, and stamps mail depredations, and spe cial agents, clerks for offices, and miscellaneous expenses,' four millions fourhundredand ninety four thusaud dollars; v.-- For payment of A. Fuller.iind fie rent of the building, now .occupied as a general Post Office from the sixtee nth December last; and for the year eighteen bundred and thirty sevebyrfive thousand dollars; - , - 1 r: I For guarding th site of ' the old Post Office, and preser ving the public prep irty (wo thousand u-'iars; -: For tbe expense of tne branch axmt, at iMew. Orleans, for the year eighteen bundred and thirty.;seven, viz: ; For salaries of officers and clerks, twefve thousand nine nundreddoiiars; - " ; For compensation to laborers In tbe vanousdepartmeots thirteen thousand dollas ; ... r , . Forcomnletinethe mint edifice; and enclosing the lot, ninety six thousand five hdndred dollars ; ; -. - ... . ... e -1, For tarnishing tae wioiaestaniisnmenr, inclusive 01 an apparatus, tools, and fixtures, not included in t ojtot fitteen thousand five hundred dollars; - ; ' ;' For Wastage of gld and stiver, and tor tne contingent xpenses p the mint, eighteen thousand six; hundred doU 'Forexrienses ofthebrancb mint at Dahlonega, Georgia. for the year eighteen hundred and thirty seven, vijj . -. f or salaries ot officers ana cieras, six laouaauu uuna.f, For compensation to laborers, one thousand five , hun dred dollars; ...- .1 . - , '., ' For famishing to establishment wita an tne apparaius tools and fixtures,"not intladed in the 5 contracts, leyen thousand dollars: zt--' , . ' . - . -- - For wastage of gold, and tor ine conungeni expenses . of the mint, five huodred dollars I 'u ii'th..r i For expenses incurred in eignteen nunarea ana luiny-? fnr ih ffdlfien and machinery, more than the amount appropriated in the act ot eignieen nunareu uu tumjr five, two thousand aouars; - 1 . !-Tt fnr h ctvnnnapn of the branch mini at Charlotte, N. Carolina, for the jeir eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, For salaries ;0l toiacers anu cieras, ai - : . m . . . . 1 t thousand dollars , ' '-,-'"- . i , For compensation to laborers, One thoasand fire hun droit dollars : . . : . . 1 ... . .... . '. For furnishing the estaoiisbment with an ine apparatus. tools, and nstures, not mciuuea iu vue uavaj;, Ma iuw sand dollars: It - i Fpr, wastage' of gold, andor .the contingent expenses pf the mint, five tneusana nve oanarea aoiiars, ? 1 r-nr PnrJosin the Grounds, repairing a building on the nd for nut honsea. seven thonsand dollars - For furniture of ihe President's house, twenty thousand ; : -' , .VU ,;iFortbe tates oathe krsenal near pbHadelpbiaforthe years eighteen hundred and thirty five, and eighteen boa dred and thirty. six; one thposand four hdndred and fifty ..For the salaries Ot tne registers anp receivers oiibbu offices Where there are no sates; including One thousand seven hundred and six dciUar fcnd thirty tour cents; car ried to the surplus found, two thousand five hundred dol- i . : J i -e ' For the eonstruction of the Treasury building; for Ine t : .."-;.' ': - . ' ...-.'. .. ". year eignteen hundred aid thirty "seveni in VddtlionIfo iur buiuuu iiikijjiuucu iu ciguiveauunorea iuid thirty six, two hundred and fifty seyen thousand dollars y;Fhr jlho ponstrnclion pi the Patent Office, in addition, to fdrmei appropriations, pne hundred thousand dollars; Por surveying unfinished portions of tovrnshinslislnnda and lakes; in Arkansas, at the rate bf six dollars per mile' six "thousand dollars ; s ? . i-.V lu A , ; For compensatipn to George Wait ers?n, for his. scrv w ces in preparinga statement ofthepersons imprisoned for debt in this District, sinceone thousand eight hundred and twenty, under a resolution of the House of Repre sentatives, six hundred dollars : ' .' ITor building a light house at oil near' 3Iichig'an Qity being an amount heretofore appropriated for the samp purpose, sua cerriea io me surplus lund, five thousand dollars; , A'Z'r ?i V-" " '", a For rebuilding the lazaretto and wharf near the city et Baltimore, thirty thousand dollars: ' : - ; For arrearages ibe the expenses of the LerrslatiTA.- . sembly of 4 the Territory of Wisconsin, for (be year one 1 thousand eight bundred thirty swt,; fifteen thousand seven. For the expenses of the same, for the year on ilmrf sand eighthuiidred and thirty seven.lbirty six thousand e. ' I; For an outfit and salary of a charee d'afEkiM fo: Kr-nte"? ,' - nine thousand dollars; .. .. ..'; . ' ... ,",.-'.- v f For alterations. and repairs of tne'canltol.' and niAnJ ' - tat expenses; three thousand six bundred dollars s - J f. jr or iignpog lanjps.aBa sapewuMnaencetef-tBe pubHo ground around the capitol,1 Sye thousand one hundred .and sixty four dollars; Vj t;, zilM .ie-fs- .-' , .T To enable, the President to cauM the southwestern boundary line of the United States to be run, the follow ing su.msryig.-.-; .:'.,, :i-5;ij Kj.j. -AfA'A'A-. ; - - Fortbe salary of a commissioner, tyo thousand jfire bundred 'dollars ; Vr I'u'T-::'; - ".t;'-,r V:"'.Cv "'" ::1 ' For the salary of a surveyor two thousand 'dollars'; and for contingencies, including the purchase of neces sary instraments,wages to attendants, and otherexpenses. -ten thousand dollars '.'Provided, Th&i said commissioner; and surveyor, be appointed with the adv ice and consent of the Senate r M .. r r For exploring and surveying the north and east boun ' dary line of tbe United States, where the same has not ' already been surveyed, and. establishing monuments thereon," agree'ably to the definitive treaty, of peace of , seventeen hundred and eighty three, o be expended, under the direction of the President of the,United Stater twenty thousand dollars; ; ! T ; . -j. ; . a For enlarging the public stable at (he captlol, and the erection of; a shed for the protection of the tools, imple- 1 ments and materials, twelve hundred dollars f ,;;-- ' ;; 3 For completing the j improvements , cominenced, by extending the capitpl square west, forty thousand dollar?; For alterations, and .repairs of the Pjesicjlent's house, and for superintendence of the grounds around the same seven thousand three hundred dollars;' '.' :" : - i ' .For compensation to the gardener employed in soper inteading - the capitol square and other public grounds, one thousand dollars ; : ;A 2 1 ?v. ; -x: - For clerk hire, mileage, "pay of witnesses, serving sub poenas, and other- incidental expenses, under the order of select committees of inquiry appointed by the House of Representatives, twenty five thousand dollars n addition to the contingent fund of said House ; i u- t - . For an outfit of a charge d'affairs to New Grenada, four thousand five hundred dollars; . . , ' ''r-V1;y I" v' For balance due the acting Governor of Michigan, ac cording to an account adjusted bystlie accounting officers, seven hundred and twenty dollars, and fifty one cents ; For completing surveys of unfinished portions of town ships, islapds, lakes, &c. in Missouri not exceeding five dollars per mile, seventeen thousand fivejjhqndred dollars; v For completing the light house at Oswego, STe w Yqrk seven' hundred aud' Meei dollar t t-:-'. iV..-..'. lt , Hr-jjraeiii ;uf sriearages auer. contractors, on .the : Cumberland road in Ohio, beiuc the balance of an an- ropriatibn carried to the surplus fund on the thirty first December eighteen hundred and thirty six, twelve hun dred and twenty five dollars and forty one cents; j V vj . - For compensation ; to Daniel Graham, late Secretary of the State of Tennessee, for his services, performed at the request pf the Commissioner of the. General Land Office, iu order to answer a call of the ilonsa of, Repre sentatives, made, on twentieth of January eighteen hun dred and twenty nine, two bundred and fifty dolfars ; "-For the expense of bringing to the seat of govern ment, the votes for President and. Vice president of the United States, in addition to a former aPDrooriation. two thou. sand two hundred dollars; AnH'Oilivtc:' For compensation of the Senators and Representative elected, by -Michigan, twelye , hundred and forty-eiht for the payment of a balance due for the expense of the Legislative Council. 'of Michigan ,Territoryt ' two : thousand and fiffy seven dollars and seventy two cents; t or tuiniung ine -contracts made with John V anderlyn, Henry Inman, Robert Wier, and John G. Chapman bv the Joint Committee of Congress under the joint reso- lution ot tne iwenty-thirp day ot Juue, one thousand eight hundred and thirty srx for the execution of foar historical paintings for the vacant panels of the rotando of the capitoi, eight, thousand dollars ; ,! ' .; - t . L f.i To enable the .President of the UnMed States to con- I tract tor two groups of statutes, to adorn h'e two'bfock- ' ings on the east front of the capitol.eight thousand dollar:; - - To Mr. Augur for tne bust ol the late Cniel Justice Ellsworth, four hundred do.llars; --' '-'J- ' J To enable the Decretary of (he Treasury to employ for one year,, a competent : person to classify end arrange translate when necessary, and make suitable records ot' the papers and documents connected with the private land claims, which, at 'sundry periods, have been pre- . sented to, and acted on; by'the Commissioner, or the re- K'sters and receivers acting as commissioners, on private nd claims for the district east of the island of New Or- - leans, west of Pearl river, in the State of Louisiana, the sum of t wo thousand dollars ; Tr.. , . - - t. For pay and mileage of the members of the Senate for 1 the extra session to commence on the fourth day of , !' March instant, thirteen thousand eight, hundred and se I yenty five dollars; s ;; , -, " -'--',uS . . Pcrr oiaiiouary, luel, printior, anJ other eontlheent expenses of the Senate for the extra session to commence, on the' fourth day. of March instant, five thousand dol- r f, .u zyxi ' ifr-t3r.--i t shai .t; 4 .(sst ;r-" ; For the extenses of the distribution in boxes.'ahd by the ordinary modes of, transportation,, of the compilation of the State Papers printed by uaies and seaton, as du rArted hv the ioint resolution of the ' tenth day of July. - one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, to the several - States Territories, colleges, , and atbeaaeums of the U. States, 4ne thousand five bundred dollars; v " " " 1-4 For the purchase of" nineteen coptes of the Americati State Papers, printed by Gales and Seaton, pursuant to the resolution of the Seriate,:of the first day of March, instant, our thousaod five hundred and eighty eight dol- l,ars and fifty, cents; - w. aI, - ' ;' '" - For tWQ hundred and; forty four copies of the Debates . of the 1st Congress, and "of the Kegistet Dt Debates to . tbe end of the present '. Cpngressr .as published by Gales and Seaton to be distributed tor tne members ot the prer sent house,-nReen thousand nve nunarea aouars r For compensation to the commissioner, secretary, and clerkundtbe contingent expenses of the commission , onder the convention with Spain eight thousand twa ' hundred dollars;" ' 5" ' - . To authorize the President of the United States to procure tiewV dies to "reuew the' tnedal direct d to be made In honor of Brigadier General Daaiel Morgan; by the act of the second day. of July one thoasarid eight hundred and thirtyeix.' in-case- the original die for the. -said metal cannot be found one thousand dollars t For improving the crypt of the Capitol, by closing the openings on the east front with sash doors," making double doors to the outer entrances, and repairing furnaces, ele ven hundred and fifty dollars; n r . : 1," . i Fprj'making the post office, "documeRtV folding; and ' library rooms f the .House of Representatives fire proofs t three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars l To complete the enclosins the garden and grounds of the'naral magazine and. marine hospital, onehundrtd dollaii.i;'-. $' j'. f,""'?. T; A A ' t r " For conducting wafer along the Pennsylvania ayenha, from the pipes at the Capitol to the Treasury and General Post Office, buildings, with the 'necessary, fire plugs to water the avenxtp, tea thousand dollars ; ' - '' 1 it i I, . .'i r; X: 't t . i. i I, V i - y