:NrBi!3mN:S-S:XI-T2'n Eli. . . ... - : . ...... Fortius purchase ofi fire enjiue, apparatus, add engine lalion which nas gone beiore us ana guiaeu epparatasand eegina Aooje forthe War Derrtments, our stCpS taTO an 8ge of revolution and refor even thousand two bundred "f" JS. rnation. The wisdomd our Sages, and the house, five thousand five hundred and twenty five dohars; their attainment ; they should be the creed of, . -For paying Wiliiani P. Elliott,? for drawings of the poiif icAi. faith the text of civicjnstrtlction Treasury building aatS:ratent UOce, twee, aunarea -lhe tottckstone by whicn t0 try the services "ionstructiftg r dlrf wall -'aoo fence: from' ihel of tnowjve trust nd should wewandef frtfrn oatnwest corner of tfie President' boose to intersect them in moments of error or of alarm, Ietds the new fence near the north corner of tbe Navy De-; hasten to BET&ACB OUR STEPS, and to regain For the eupport of the penitentiary for the Disirictof ; , , . v,. v u a .t ? , Columbia, for the year eighteen, hundred and thirty SArU. 1 X . , . ? - seven: for Day of oOcerr ana agems, tor puuajngs, ior , purchase ot raw materials, ior raiwm, ciuming, ucus, end bedding of prisoners; for purchase of fuel; for pur r hnamuf Stores and medicines, for purchase of books and stationary; for purchase of a ors feed; forf llawance to discbarge convicw, nu ier oioer con ungeui SESSZ the sum ofVetve thousand five hundred and five doUars and thirty mine cents, to be paid put of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to be expended under the direction the Board of la. (pftCtOrS - - " --lain nHfflnfiat fanra mnrtrl It is from mentioning politics to the banker. a settled point with the American, that Mr. VanBuren oughT portunity i&f lallm iianofiferti true thatMj. Btfdle said not a word introduc "The Virginia. elections for members.of the Legislature arid' Congress," are . resulting in a I decided sain to the. friends of the Administra- tionr ' ' . ' ' . ; ; j- The aspect eihibited.bjr the opposition jeur WtlDNE SD A Y, M AY 10, 183 7.: the burying ground at Fort Gibson in the State of Ar kansas, five hundred dollars ; For sarveys of the public lands in the district com posed of the States ot Illinois Jand Missouri, in ad dition to the appropriation herein Tefore made for the surveys of the pdblic loods, thirty six thousand dollars: ; - , ..'i "...' . For tie compensation of additional clerks to be mnTnved in the office of the Auditor ol the-Treasury for the Post Office Department; six thousond dollars j TPor law books for the library ot Congress, five thou sand dollars, to be expended in the purchase of such books, a catalogue of which shad be furnished by the Chip? Justice of the United States. , K Sec- 2. And be it further, enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby. authorized to pay to the collectors, deputy collectorsj naval officers, snryeyorjsand their respective clerks,; -together with the weighers, gaugers, measurers, and m..ml the fieverarDorts of the United States, out 1UUI.U1- . -- - of any money in the 1 reasury not otherwise appro- pnatea, suca bqow a ,u k T uu ma cere, respectively, the same compensation in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, according to the importations of that year,, as they ; would have , been entitled to receive if the act of : the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, had not gone into eftcet: Provided That qj officer ehnll receive undr this acCa greater annual salary or compensation tan was paid to such officer for Uie war one thousand eight ' hundred ; and thirty twos and that in no case shall the compensation of, any o- ther officers than collectors, , naval officerai surveyors. end clerks, whether1y salaries, fees, or otherwise, ' exceed the sum of fifteen ; hundred dollars each per annum; nar shall the union of any two or more of those offices in one person entitle him to receive m ore than that sum per annum j Provided farther, " That the said collectors, naval officers, and surveyors shall render an account quarterly to the Treasury; and the other officers herein named or referred to shall render an account quarterly to the; respective collectors of the customs where they are employed, to be forwarded to the Treasury, of the fees; and emoluments w hat ever paid til them respectively, and of all expense in cidental to their, wspective offices; which accounts shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, . and shall be in such form, and supported by such, proofs, to. be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as will . in his judgment, beat enlbrce the provisions of this sec tion and show its operation and effect Provided, also That in the event of any act beiug "passed by Congress at the present session to regulate and fix salaries or compensation of the respective officers ol the at4mo, thftn this section shall oDerate and extend to the time such act goes into effect, and no longer: Provided hotoiver, That the Secretary of the Trea sury be authorized to extend to the collectors at such other Dort. where a surplus of emoluments have been accounted tor ana paiu uiu ui suijr m mo jco eighteen hondred and thirty two, the privilege grad ied to the collector ofNew YorKjto take effectlrom the first day of January last; ' , ' ;: Sec. 3. . And be it further, enacted That the clerks in the Departments of "Sutej Treasury, Nay and War, and of the two Houses oi Congress, ' and the Librarians of Congress, whose salaries are less than two thousand dollars, shall, m addition there to be allowed the folio wing increase of anual'compea ation, from the first day of January, last, to the end ofthe next'sessionof Congrress, viz : -such of said clerks whose annual . compensation does npt exceed 1 thousand dollarsjan addition to the salaries ol messen i?era and aistant messengers , employed in the res- Dective offices, and the library of Congress : the amount of increase of , compensation provided lor inthia section, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otnerwisq - appropnaieaj .rrovioeu, That nothins in this section shall be so construed as to effect Uie salaries of any clerk whose salaries have beett fixed by ahy Iawofthe last or present session of Congress Provided, mat no lutner extra allow- The present situation of "commercial affairs in this country, is but another crisis , added to the many which have previously occaried,and we are 'sorrv - to express the "belief that it is but the forerunner of others which will certain ly occur every fifteen or twenty Tears. ;, Such a- conrse of high.-wrought . speculation as has been and will continue to be carried on, is no thing more or less thah 'ambliag IS1 the1 most comprehensive sense of the i" word," and evefv Douy,, Knows mat. in a.; game oi cnance, ing the subject, and it is equally .truethaj he w's PBUBUU uf..h .. . K;n k?P;M mortification and regret to .j Wrtmn,mt,!ciW who entertaift anjr rCgtrd for , the repu- nou feather in alleviition of our coontry, . of course, do not :u.a wMS;,mM !.lniiAVM speaa mem a an enure Doay.ouv mm one and assistance fromitheheid of the -largest "T!. 7. : . ; ntrtn incfltntinn in tfiA onitrtr." ' If Mr in raan ine,w,"8 journaw, spreaa a.ieuu Ridr?li went there bri rjnrrjose to broach thel W'C1 """ . - ( I .-. m- w. i e: 1 : v: . iw. -r nt i s.icaijy sane. ; is o easy in mis iree country 4 pay the visit With such an intentionwhy J any boj to get possession of or obtain a hlame the nnsnsoectinff President! and more- f vi-;r'M,c 'aJ t1 , . ,-- ' linen stark iurw w iiiuiiiiuavc iuc wuuui tuai over how did this enormous outrage leak ont, j "c" - s ' .v., - :r r nsluii jm ... Jjr :Jthe press is necessarily liable to monstrous a- ll iur ; OIUU1C UIU uui gu uuiuc auu icjiuiv ut : r ! t. .. himailff Tk 1nnr mid short nf It nimbly is. 1 Duse ana aeeraaa""n 1,18 nowever, is an -v - - -j '1 ., . i.n. ' . 1. 1 that WrRiddlB like a crenmnc whir. conde- evu 01 DO inswroouawum magnuuue, so .ong scended far enough in his opinion, when he "the great body of our, people are animated irave th& President one chance to receiVe as- with the spirit of intelligent and rational free- stanre from Wi miihty hand. lose the men. Happy is it for the community, when den oppertunity forevetv He ought to hare men lotty souis ana mgmy cuittvatea un- entered the White House saying : f siuerstandings ana cnaracters aoove serious re- proacn, devote tneir time to tne laborious ana thankless task of the journalist, when their talents Would insure them a quintuple remu neration both of honor and profit in any other congenial 1 literary pursuit. But ' who can re frain from sighing over the painful truth, that lnjmany instances the public press of our coun Coipe take me whilst I'm in the humor, And that's now! ed in Cincin- k A great excitement has prevai nati, on account of an outrage committed by some wretch, on the person of a young female. Returning from school, she was accosted by a V. . ...1.3 t... ikul Liii k.1i.. ia ft.nt . . , , , "-"L ... - . 1 try is partially or entirely tinder the control o ,.,,:jrMVr,iM ?"yr: - V v corrupt foreigners,; without a spsrkof.talent, f ikW nn : . inU tWr t integrity, or character, who, having been com weeU alone in a dark room, where her brutal Pf?0 thcir own Messing nrntor visited her. and by threats of vio. of their room, come oyer here and set up with lenee, partially deprived her of her senses, be- l who frned UP ,theif nea Tat "filthy fore she could effect her escape. Several vil- mechanics," although they may have frequent- lains were suspected and taken up, ancLso 7 officiated at home in the music of the anvil great was the' excitement; thai1 a or performed the" graceful gennflections of the course' of people could scarcely be prevented shop-board, and who pretend to instruct the from lynching the supposed perpetrators. By public mind with their weekly effusions, when i&e last accounts, it appears, that two men) their intellect is nought but a rayless ignis fa named Morfit and Lazarus, had been commit- tuus, the offspring, of the treacherous bog o ted for trial. : - ' , 1 their unfathomable malice. where one gains ten must lose. . The only difference between v. this 1 and; the ' actual deposite of a bet. upon a i roulette lajble :, is, that the fate 'of . the mercantile, speculator is more elowly ; decided" than that of the per son : who wagers iipon a throw..-The shad ow of credit is in many eases .f the . unsubstantial support of the hugest speculations like the intertwined roots of trees, the transactions of large houses ramify and become . indissoluble connected with each other, and, when by some unforeseen accident, one of theni' is suddenly uptorn from its shallow foundation, others toU 1 oV as a matter o f co urse until th e firmest es tablishments are finally overthrown or power fully: shocked. When confidence; is thus once shaken, a panic is created which-never -stops until it completely Sifts the chaff from the sound grain. It is a searching though uaweV eome operation which willhave its course us til all the rnaterials for destruction are com pletely removed. Then and, not until then, will confidence revive, - and prosperity will again flow in sound. channels. , Fortunes will again be made, the rage for speedy accumula tion will again be excited; Cine old plan of "neck or nothing" will become the ruling sen-timent-rcredit will again be recklessly strain ed to its ; topmost j bent, until another crash comes with a repetition of all the 'evils which i v Every man must deplore the pecorrehee, of spch unfortunate events, no matter from ; what causes fhey may.originate, but when ' we see some of the leading organs of the Whig party endeavoring to excite revolution; refusal to pay duties and the employment of force against the government, it reminds us of the folly of the man who endeavored to plough up the parish common because his cow gave nd milk. ? Tbicn Commissioners for the ensuing y ear. - r headed in genUemanly styje, George S.'Allmore, Thomas j; Pasteur, Fran- Swindling. , I ' , cis Lamotle, Stephen B. Forbes, Hardy Whit- J llaj. Noah, with all his tact, j gets but a Jittle ford. T " J" .'.v-'.." r some-limes In a late attack -opon specie cuf- iWardens for thepovr. Hardy Whitford,rency, he says, " Gold and silver may: be en- John I; Pasteur, Thomas J. Pasteur, Freder- tlctng very rauchto be admired very hand le P. Latham, John T. Lane, Norman Willis, some to the sight;-6a can youheep itr It Samuel Hyman. " " ; - j wouia :oc worm, opining u Kept .always; hut the great secret of its preference is, that vou The distresreommitte of fiftv. aDDointed hv know vou have it when it is inyour oockeL Vtidtr a law passed at the; last session of Congress, it was resolved, that commissioners be appointed to examine the relative advanta- ges of the harbors of Beaufort and Wilmin j. ton for the; establishment pt a naty yard. "We hope that when the investigation is made, it will result in report favorable to the claims of Beaufortr It is without doubt one of the very best locations for such an object on the Southern Atlantic coast' - - The Whig presses are abusing the Secretary of the Treasury because he took out a witness ticket for attending at conrt under a subpsna. Who can refrain from laughing it seeing how these whigs begrudge every shilling that does not go into their pockets. -' :o: The Whig Senators are preparing for a dead set t the Administration on the opening of Congress. All 6ortr of calculations about exchanges, bankruptcies &e. are at their finger ends. Let them shoot their gun -we will an swer for it that the Missouri roarer will give them more than they can digest. V The New York papers mention, that a pla card was pasted round the Park on the 59ih ult. ealling upon ih pnpf, tn put . Anwn jh abolitionists by force of 9rms. 1 The Union win uc iuu uui w uuiu mo lucenuianes in a 1 short time. 1 m , - It is stated in a late number of the Medical Journal, that, the early use of coffee, prevents the full grtwth of the human form. " -r-:o: ; The Mexican, Government has made a for mal protest against the recognition of the in dependence pf Texas by the United States. , It is found that fish oif poured around the roots of fruit trees, will prevent the ravages 0 ' Severe Sroax. Two 'negroes were lately caught placing obstructions on the New Jersey rail road. They said they only wanted to jiee Khe cars bounce. .... Tftx action to the wonv.WhU&ihe ceU - lhefM. ic.&tar,atier remarking that a meef- A numerous meeting of the citizens of.Mo "'S,wu c"ir-luIUi,"1imicH8 bile assembled on the2d nit. forthe nnrnn r rcaiurut tu auuviuiK as luiuieivr tu Austin. I j - .... I : snrhe-neKon identified 'witfc.th tobaein tntir. I ' ;1 "'.: .--- ebrated entnusiast, rar. Uwen of Lanark, was est, asks if Mrmbreleng can inform President if there is much tobacco raised in cau me x.egisiaioTe logemer imrrre, tnc flooring suddenly eave way,, and down 7ir6ordff&. Hejhen adds'our fr men and women all in a luW But be- co Jones- pCrha ps. can, as he is so conversant emergency. The Mercantile. Advertiser pro- ing determined not to keep fell by their own with that notorious lover of the Virginia weed, poses an issue of state bonds to the afnoont of consent, they have instituted suits for damages Sir Walter Raleigh, deceased ' Perhaps the! eight miirions, bearing interest at the rate of j fnrt lno owners of the footos. . j- , Free Press can shed some liht on this imnor-i civ no an n.M. 2r;l.m. J'-U 'ljt " ' r v . vv-. ' 1 .. : , '. - . . . : " 0 u,r ; 4---4.iu,.jr.. ouu Tk. f3r.hr? Htilie of Florence. ? not the gr: deemable annual instalnients of twenty per mott affab!c potentate in Europe. He ws not . Bewahe or Deceptiow !-When recruiting cent :-ana that these bonfls be apportioned iongince,told by his servant, that the Ameri- officers are going about the country publishing mong iue owic mbumo orancnes at an in- can minigtei; had sent up his card, and waited' advertisements on their own responsibility, lrBHly 'g per ceni, , oe reuucea iweniyi tn udience. The Duke immediately weit the conductors of papers must take care to getjTC per cent annually. their pay before . the said officers leave the ance be given for any extra services performed by 1 the New, York Whig meeting to go and demand tnem unuer any u; ' S'r of-'the PrenMent the reneal of flneei C.i. : Approved JtarcA, va, Ltszi. ' . " r I ji i j . , r 7 . ' Speaker of the House.of Representatives.iot starting came, and even thej had .to screw W. v. rvixxix. I their courage un to the distress Doint. hvnhe and cham- . , ?rrc5j?' of the Senate, pro tern. prenlifni use of Delmdnico's oysters Approved, March 3d. 1 . . ; pagbc, before tney " attempted to J DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES. " A WISE A.ND, FRUGAL Go VERJJMENT, which' The Richmond Whig has a loag article filled with, the ordinary abuse of Mr. Van Bur en, and after lamenting that ixe cannot be .injured or deposed by his opponents, : concludes witl? sayings" it is come consolation to know that - . ... I his fears are ronsed. and that fie mnerirl lrnnuioi go forth. j Liu rl rZV" Just think of itreader ! "A starvation commit- u. fu , ramer tnina iee. stuffing themselves jip. to the craw.prepar- lDal ot coaeon is a gratujtous tory to tuning their pipes for a miserere., -y . 1 as"m3?on ; but we notice jhelremark in order - 1 iu ,iev our xeauers ouaerve wnai a cnristlan down to his illustrious visiter, and gave him a loop interview." T What'was his raere. on learn- giti--bkcause it they expect the Government I ltare oi v,s ?aiIy grossing morehng that hfs visiter wai oniy an itinerant Yan- to pay. a charge not authorised by law, they 1 and more attention at the North. A - report 1 kee clergyman, who, by adding the words A- m ay be deceived: The officers of Government I adopted by a Committee of Congress, appoint- merican Minister to his down East cognomen, know their duty -better.., This remark is inten-lent tC investigate the subject, stated that' the I forced himself irheuever he chose on the petty ted to apply to a 'paragraph in the'Iast Specta! Italian Mulberry wmI live in our most northern j Princes and small dokes.of Italy. -: j. ueware oi i a ,ib vn ucing m aiorpiai . , .. , .; '. v j state and covered in its cocoon, will not be in- A new cmo nas rjeniormed in London, that jured bythe cold. An acre of mulberry trees, Cltr clubs, and it is called the Jim Crow will sustain worms enough to spin 128 pounds Clubi The London Mercury says, that' the Jim of silk, worth at present prices about 8640. Crow Club dined together on Tuesday, when A fact of additional importance is, that the bu- they were pfesphted with a picture,, designed, sinesscan be carried on by those whdareinca- by Mr. Rice, consisting of various portraits of able of attending to any lhi.ug else. : j members or the iiub, a:i represented by crows. Jim being in the centra. " The liberty of the Press in France appears ; ' ro: " - r r degenerated into something , nearly akin to the ' The Boston Traveller says, that a Lying roost abject 'slavery. Between 1830 ahd 34, Hospital in that city, has just received a libe- the Paris press was subjected to no less than I ral donation. A ffood refuse for some Mrhiff fiveliunred which, proved successful. , The total amount J . 1 :o: . of penalties awarded to political writers, was t - An Illinois paper objects to a candidate.for aa vatri nf t .,. s vt 1 1 rwv. ri- t cons table, because nis Ieirs are too lonz. tie in the shape of fines. U4U restrain- men -from injuring oneflnotheH The report of the- offer of the - Legation to and neighborly spirit characterizes the opposi shall leave them otherwise free to regulate Belgium; to ourteUowitin, the Hon. Rich- lio J?Jb- f . their own pursuits, of industry and improve-J r R.nnT. nn r 1 -r : r ment, and shall not take from the moulbof la- , . . too mra nntA.A ' . . " . We perceive that Edward Stan l Esq. of . ! , j : Litli:i.j . , ... . v i which we ere not advised. , Any insinuation: 1 w , . ' ; ' , . . . .... . oor tne Drtau u ;w,u , - . r ' .1. s . i wasnineion, ;is oeer.-seiectea as tne wt EatJAi. and exact jusuceio auu men r - - ... -.r-.rv P- candidate for Coriffress in: the third district. nAsili rtrs rtrhnca nhiol lM'MhA;MJrA. 1' . I . , w S The support ot uw.oww uoTernmems in posiuon, waaw .oojwt is, to pieiaaice his mind ii,iW inn - n.n ' tJJ.. . anUieirtighlS,a5jthe.mosl competenMdn.io- .g,in,t ,he .ccepueof WsU. on thiW-iX istralions for our domestic concerns, and the - K A-.j-ii- f.;1tf t- t. lerring 10 inis nominaupn, me last Spectator ran bulwarks, against anti-republican tenden- m" y,f r -8ra,?hl T says, If talea to, integrity and unbounded de- The preservation of the General Govern- them in public life on account of any consider- be recommendations, the choice is eminpntlf preservatio rrtent in Us whole constitutional vigor ; ',. A iealous care of the right of election by I viated from the correct line of remibfWn rnn the People, a wild and safe corrective of abu- duct by any suggestions of political or perspn es, wmcn are ioPPea , uwu,u m wuiu- al advancement. Should he accede or not to tion. where peaceable remedies are unprovi- . ; . V - VZ "ol 10 j f , 1 such an appointment, his past course warrants Aholute acauiescence in the decisions of 1 ine con.vicuoninai ne win be conscientious in ations of private interestpor haVhe'ever de- successiul. Why was not the above illimi table epithet placed before talents and integri ty ! Are those qaalities in the homineeitmtcd? Call you this lacking your friends ! the MAJORITY, the vital principle ol Kepub- any plan he may aaopt, and will be entirely lies, from which there is no appeal but to force uninfluenced in his determination,": by either the vital principle and immediate parent of iheinsidious approaches. ' or the onn wf How watchful the Spectator is over the offi ces I "What a pi-rental regard it exten3s over the domestic ani foreign relations of its dear country 1- It nurses the ministry to Belgium wun me most uaDounaea flevoUon. ..While a- mong- the ' party which is so liberally loaded with: oSce : hunting, &c. nobody can be found SS S.fet! ?W "o0,fiu-th. organ o a tta rumrimsnA . .- . , ttnffton laleiy. when he innlc -nrraainn tn wicit I too.'f . . J rvu. .ru ' iiici T 1 . "b-:- t- ; r- ,w ... never-rivinr ration. Wo ,1,1 ' . ' " """ - -"i.fr irresmcu tuoruer as is auegeti, 10 give mm -ep .i, - uaf f jn. -t.. . f, - r . raCntot abuses ateop bl r f eeaom ju cgu , uccuoai oi me press i.:M(..ni ,,1,. .1, -fi. j r.u 1 7 ww vr .uum icjm i,uc ui- - . f '! Vo.n(!i, a. faavice,and take the counsel of the "head of the fei .io n.trfs- ,wn:' . . . .... .- i.t.l u Hardest banking institution in tri. untrvt' 1 j . . . . the nabeas corpus, u, 7 juries impar-i . . : . , . llcu oiaies 10 remain unrepresented at a for uespousm: ' VV .V tf the opposition press. Ecoouv in the public expense, that LA-L , rv -v BOK may be lightly Duraenea ; - . 1 More WhiggeryThe New York AmCTi : "oe "uue ui "ur ttUU 6a can publishes with the most evident wralhan pffm,MMm(nl vf A n-rJnllitrA: nnrl nf fVim-f aCCOUnt Ot-'Mr a . V Capt. Marbyatt, the author of Peter Sim-1 that the leading maxima contained in it, are ple,Jacob Faithful, and several other very po-1 that the evils complained of are notin the least puiai (jiuuui,uuui v ,vnimii'iouvaoie 10 spccuiavionanu ovitM6t from London. ' . ; ;.. ' - lbut the Specie Circular, dec. The epistle calls - , ' , .,- f vv Jhe Preident to repeal the circular, con- These of our readers who f re jegallv inch. ned, may receive entertainment from perusing costom H&nse'bondfc ? After the address bad ihe long law of Pongresspuhlished in to-day's beeQ read t0 him, the. Presidcnt assured them papef, OurAVhig friends will also be edified -r yrapalny ith those who-had sufiered by seeing how well the.officers of Government losses from the panic and pressure, and his de are paid, and may be thereby induced to turn 8jrc to! do every thing in Ma power for their tiemocrats for a; Uoriion of the spoils. 1 To rolipf fXneicipnt with his duty! In the even' 'Jially selected.- . .-.j. - ' - wnen ano wnereleli it not m Oath-Mr.. Van ci court If they -could prevent it by any sa-( ourselves, the puM - 'ar.cAprwpipe wtu u uM6ufc,COnsiei. isuren naa.tne wonaeriui -.audacity to refrain crificeV ; ' - -.. Interest. ' ; 5 - brief and satisfactory answer; . says he always likes to calculate upon a fair chance of outrunning the legalexecutioners. . A large fire occurred on the 27th nit., in De troit, s Fifty stores and - dwellings burnt. Loss estimated at two hundred acid fifty thouean d lol!an 1 1 1 l " " -7-" --r?- . :o: . . -v-- ; It is saicLthat ArthurTappan is broke at last. Quis Inget ? " ' :o: ' - ' Th distressed committee. This lugu brious body, as appears by the latest dates, sue ceeded in arriving at Washinffton minus six of A "petition, for divorce was lately presented the original panel,: who most probably ijrere in Yancy county by, a husband, which .was re- dropped along the tray on account of a surfeit sisted by the wife. Upon the Jury's deciding A lter ceing saieiy lanaea, tney proaucea ai . in favor of the petitioner, she drew a knife r 01 some iengm, .wmcn we wooia.noM' and attempted to till him in the face' of the Uih if e had room, sinco the political ideas Court. A real Amazon. - .t iwnicn u contains, are ot a cnaracter wi.a will be duly; appreewted when it is known A general , convention of. peace, commerce and navigation, has been concluded by Mr. Latrned, the Charge of the United Slates at Lima, with' the newjjovernment and transrnj! cd to the Department of State at Washington. ' A correspondent ot- the N. Y. Evening Post urges warmly upon tho people to meet and pe tition : the -president to convoke Congres j and proposes, the1 repeal of Jhe Deposite! or distribution law. v.: 'A I .