,.vr ' ii- U i hi : 1 V i I!- 5 't 5'r 1,1 'J -. - 4 " '! v; r , ,..v T If .1 4 i fro 7i tA MATHER IbrA Commercial Advertiser. BYLES AND. HIS DAUGH , TERS. Mm. Calherinel Bvles, whose qeath was their lands or not, in his administration, it was not effected until after he retired from the may oralty. They were inexorable in their opposi - tion to the wish of the public : no eloquence or ! blandishments ! had the least effect on them. mentioned in the Bos'ton papers of last week J Thgy resisted to the.last, and the house was cut was the youngest oaugmer oi me ceieoraiea ! - uwuwicu t Mather Byles, D p., a wit, a scholar, a poet, j They braved the ruthless hand of reform, nor and a pulpit orator. Dr. Byles was considered feared the winds of heaven, retreating to the a torv in revolutionary limes, but he was too nook of lheir caslle ontil all repairs were fi- careful to commit himself by an open act , ol ""1CU, NOTICE. TOMC MIXTUKKS. BOOTH &tPORTKR have taken into TT DP not question the lal right 4ich .-vtrry person CopartnershiD with them Mr. SALMON "(r0T to'ormi suMances, opposition to the Recluse as they were, ther ate no idle bread. They were constantly laboring in preparing necessaries for the indigent, about them, and distributed their bounty with a discriminating hand. They lived would astonish with an economy unacquainted aracter : with that with their their they sons of liberty, tie was, however, so much annoyed by the questions put him by his parishioners, and others, that he retired from th sacred desk, being in his seventieth year when the war broke out. By . residing in the country during the revolution, j would astomsrr any one j nrRrred his nronertv. and left it to his tneir Mbits and their ch two maiden daughters, ! who lived until they j virtues, their deep devotion, and were about eighty-five years old each, and died ; Psophical control over themselves, in the house in which they were born, con- : cou, ineY did, eflect wonders daily, tinuing in single blessedness through life, j II 18 sa,1 lhat women-are like vines that can Though these vestals, who swam down the not grow alone ; they must have some rock to current of time together, probably never se- j est on some tree to climb. These women parated for a single day, from the birth of the! proved that if it were unnatural, it was not Vn.mr until the death of the elder, could impossible, for their sex to live alone. They never have been beauties, yet their counte- n,ad sufficient energy, dignity, and purity of nanrea were marked with the lineaments of ; cnaracter to have- been distinguished in al mind. They had a high forehead, . a quick most any station. They would have guarded eye, and prominent; Roman seldom seen, except Hi goi it rU lillUlblJI - HM m mm - w - ' - : , that but few enjoyed, to be admitted within the fl.n,e f araclete to bring their hearts " to quit r . it ,i . i J mi 11 1 ami to gend tbem iorib to the world s ture lur Feter nd Aiue ; this right, however it may nave bem almserf. as been exercised at alt times every.'couiitry wher this complaint has revHiled ; and w e can now enumerate thousands of remedies that have been gotten up. sported their tiriet while, and sunk again into the oblivion v hence they sprung. .:. ' Bui, I do most earnestly protest gainst the coarse which continues to be pursued by one p. rson or set of persons after another, towards Rowand's Tonic ftlitture If a better, safer or more efficient medicine can b afford-: 1 ed by any of our qi inuncs or wiseacres, it is due to their ; feliow-citizens that it should be suboiitted for their adop i tion. : -' : i' TTUST receiveduet Schr. Bounty, two Ba- ! But we pray all who have anv regard for the lives and : Ols rouches, four Wagons, one Jersey Wag- ! health of the members of community, to desist from their on, ana a goodHorse,' which are for sale by. S. BACKUS, and the. business will hereafter, be conducted at the old stand, by BOOTH. PORTERS & CO. All those who have not ' settled J their ac counts with Booth & Piirter, are respectfully requested to call and settle them immediately. N. B. Mr. Salmon S. Backus is author i ted to settle the accounts of BOOTH & PORTERS. newoern, juiy loot. 30tf. forehead,! a quick mos any station, l hey would have guarded nose. They were tne temple of Minerva with as little fear of ing, deeply veiled, lve as the Joveborn maid herself, nark of distinction I Nor would they have) found it difficult in threshold of their doors. They were well eda caled, and were acjquainted with the ancient 'history of this country, and strange as it may seem, knew every passing event in England, and in this country they thought worth re membering; no domestic occurence in Bos ton escaped them, particularly if it was in any way connected with! some ancient family. I They were true haters of modern reform. and spoke of mushroom families with all the bitterness of mortified satirists At times they could be as caustic and biting as Billy Gif fortljiimself, and they wrote as much good sense in a much better hand. Their loyalty gained strength with years. They had lived so "long with kings in their imagination, that the youngest it is said, wrote to Willatn the Fourth a familiar epistle, and it was proba bly as wise and sincere a letter as that good fellow ever rjeceived. The eccleniastical chair of their revered fa ther was su 'mounted with a crown. Every visiter was desirous of sitting in it, for its great antiquity, and for the sake of its former occupant. The standing oke then was an inquiry "if it was ap easy chair!' the reply "of course was in the affirmative. When this was obtained, a smile lighted up the counte nances of these priestesses of loyalty, and the crown under which the republican had , sat was pointed out to him. He, of course, re flected the good natured smile and they were happy. : ' : , Every trifling relic of their father's property had acquired a priceless and holy value in their minds. The doctor , was of a philosophi cal turn, and had some few instruments to as sist him in his experiments ; no money would buy thf m ; even the Alma Mateb of the doc tor itself had not influence or cash enough to possess them, although it is said that its : offers for them were very liberal. -The spectacles ? through which the great wit peered when he was perpetrating a pun, rested for ten years in the same place he had left them in, when he took them off for the last time. The wind of heaven shook their man sion, time ploughed furrows in their cheeks, they saw generations expire around them, but not a jot of their royally was destroyed, not a particle of their adoration for their fa ther's memory escaped the principles were as indestructible as their immortal souls. These ancient vestals were in themselves a court of heraldry. While they lived, nei ther GarJer, Clarencieux, nor Norroy, king at arms, was wanted in the literary emporium. The writer of this once made a deep impres sion on their minds, by showing them that one of his ancestors came out in the same ship(al! vessels are ships in heraldry,) with Richard Mather, father of Increase and grand-father of the Cotton Mather ; but breath ed short, and copiously. aDnreh ensive that thev would make inquiries concerning his raater nal ancestor, who happened to be lhat noto rious 'John Bradshaw, president of that court of commissioners which condemned Kine vnanes isi 10 me DiocK. fortunately, they brought up some other subiect. and the writer escaped. Three times only does he boast of I ? i - . ! - - - navmg visitea inese antiquated maidens. On iue lasi ui wiese visits me name ol a mnst Abelard for God." Thev lived to a good old age. Their departure we will not call such an exit, 1eath, but use the good, old, soothing, puritanical phrase in speaking of the easy death of the aged" they fell asleep" or, "were gathered to their fathers," &,c., was as serene as the setting of the evening star. They wrote, particularly the younger, with spirit and eloquence; and those best - cquaint ed with them say, that their letters, if collect ed, would make a volume of excellent advice and instruction to the young of both sexes. The friends they had were! warm ones, and many spoke of them with feeling and grati tnde. ' . - i. ' . JYe'ie Hoarding House ffijUbA subscriber has opened a house for XL the reception and: accomodation of boarders at his residence at the west end , of Broad Street, in a commodious, healthy and agreeable situation. Every J attention will be paid to the convenience of tnose who visit.his estabhshmei.t either as pcrmanrnt BOAR DERS or TRAVELLERS. He has also e rected, a large and excellent set of STABLES for the reception of horses which will be well treated under his supervision. The subscri ber believes that he will be able to render en tire satisfaction to all visiters who may call upon him, and hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. ' i WILLIAM V. BARROW. August 5th 1837. 1 31-G. FOR SALE. TJN Bank payments, the improvements on Mi part lot, one door west from the Court House. For further terms apply to ; ; A. BACKHOUSE. March 15th, 1837 llif ToPriniers and Publishers, j fl 1-1 HE Subscribers have just completed JX. their new Specimen Book of Hghk fa cebbook and job PRINTING TYPES, FLOWERS and OUNA31ENTS, the contents of which are herewith partially given: Diamond, pearl, no. 1 and 2 ; agate nos.ll, 2 and 3; agate on nonpareil, body ; nonpareil, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 ; minionelte, nos. 1, 2; min ion, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 ; minion on brevier bo dy; brevier on ' minion body ; brevier, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 ; brevier on bureeois body ; I bre vier on long primer body ; burgeois on brevier oody; burgeois nos, I, 2, 3 and 4j burgeois on long primer body; long primer nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 ; long primer on small pica bodv ; small pica nos. land 2; pica on small pica body; pica, nos. 1, 2 and 3; pica on english body ; english nos. 1, and 2; great! primer ; paragon, uouoie engusn ; aouoie paragon ; cannon; five lines pica to twenty eight lines pica gothic con; aensea, to iwenty : nve, seven line and ten j lines pica ornamental ; 6, 7i 9, 12 and 15 lines pica shaded; 8, 10, 12 and enlightened and charitable lady was mention-! p.lca.sIiaded ; 8 10, 12 and ! 16 lines antique, ed. She had, it was well knownoften visited them, apprehensive that' in some cold storm; they might suffer forj want of some one to look after them. The' recluses were eloquent in her praise i they dwelt upon her virtues to her delight of the listener, who naturally pass- iiiiuciuiueruisiiaguisnea nusoand. In this they joined, but it could easilv h Pn. less cordially. While the listener was some what surprised at this, lit came to his mind that the subject was a descendant of a hero Of Bunker Hill, and that the good woman, his wue, was oi tne more recent English blood as mu Becona mavor of Rntnn k their domain, with reform and, improvement wnneu uuiuis orowf meir sagacity soon told i them that he was casting a wistful eye upon a . portion uj uieir lanus, lor tne widening of the street, and the Improvement of the neighbor hood. At length came some mild propositions (or bargain and sale to their advantage, but to all offers they were deaf as adders. j Even the gallant mayor," a haildsome Ban ana" old maids' look on personal beauty with moredelight than reigning belles in the morn inffof their power Was absolutely hateful to their sigh t He once stood primus inter pares with them, if parifs cool d be iouhd, for fie couhrtrace his ancestors, all sweeping onward Vith baronial honors, for six centuries ; but -now he had turnedVeformer, and panted for lheir hereditary lands, for public benefit, they lo l s ghl of his own virtues and ancestral honors, and . muttered the deepest slander their pure minds were capable of conceiv iaj "His father was a raightyleader of the Also, a large and beautiful collection . : oj t lowers, . . ! from pearl lo seven lines, pica, many of which are not to be found in any other specimen : a new assortment of ornamental dashes, a varie ty of card boards ; near tfcJO ttUntSaifll tltetSl crtlalllflTlS ; brass rule ; j leads of various thickness'; astronomical, mathematical, ! and physical signs ; metal braces and dashes, from 3 to 30 ems long ; great primer and double pica scripls-on : inclined body; diamond-'and nonpareil music of various : kinds ; antiques; light and heavy face two line letter i full fa ced Roman and Italic nonpareil, minion, bre vier, long primer, small pica ; minion, brevier, long primer and other blacks; rionp ireil.aiin ion and brevier Greek, Hebrew and Saxon. A largB variety of ornaments, calculated parcularly for the Spanish and South Amer icanmarkets; Spanish, French and Portuguese accents furnished to order, together with every other article made use of in the Printing busi ness, all of which can be furnished at : short notice,- of as good a quality and on as reasona ble terms as at any other establishment. CONNER & COOKE. Corner of Nassau and Annst. New York; FOR SALE, 7 Baggy, a good articles also a Barouche jSA. fitted for one or two horses and a num ber of first rate Wagons, all of which,' will be sold cheap for cash, at the store of BOOTH, PORTERS & CO. NtTfritTD July 23tb 1837 T ; 30- JOHN, MCDONALD, FOR RENT: A COMMODIOUS Dwelling House ated in the west end of the town between Broad and Pollok Streets, oue door north of Mrs. Henrietta Sparrow's. Apply to ALLEN BACKHOUSE. March 15, 1S37. -- 1 1 tf CUffe FOR THE AGUE 4- FEVtilt. DR. DUFFY'S - sj9 ss? w s Ss - FTT! HERE is no disease to which ihe jhuman -LL body is liable, so universal, so dreaded, or so generally fatal, as fever; it appears in different countries, and climates, under diffe rent types and characters In this country, where its annual return is looked for with anxiety and apprehension, it usually assumes the bilious type. Another, species of fever prevalent here, and which it may be said never leaves, or sub sides altogether, is the autumnal intermittent, or ague and fever," which, if n tsp fatal, yrt is very distressing. Its characters, effects and consequences, ar peculiar, to a diminish ed energy of the nervous system, are to be as cribed the languor, lassitude, and general pros tration which characterise its invasion, to which might be added the derangement of the mixed functions of the liver, stomach and intes tinal canal. It is therefore quite manifest, in fact it is well known, that ague and fever lav io uasis oi cunsuinpiion oi tne lungs, chronic affection of the liver and spleen, dyspepsia , and not unfrequently dropsy, and when once this state of the viscera becomes established, there is a constant tendency to relapse, even from slight causes, 4nd when thus complicated with those constitutional diseases, their treatment and cure become more difficult. common sense teacnes,, that the cure of ague and fever consists in shortening the du ration of the paroxysm, and preventing its re turn. The first isto be accomplished by de pleting the bowel, relaxing the skin, tee the second, by the prompt application of such medicines as are Calculated to restore the func tions, and give a. healthy tone to the nervous system. ' - . . ; . The Tonic Mixture now. offered, possesses all the qualities requisite to effect the second indication. The first dosec generally checks the disease, and onebottle never fails to effect a.cure, a healthy reaction takes place, the appetite is restored, the system becomes in vigorated, and the patient begins to feel sur-1 priseu ai me rapia: transition lrom a state of moroia suaenng.to that of progressive reco very. These effects have been experienced by all who have used it, which could be shown by numerous testimonials, but the subjoined, from persons of known veracity, character and respectability, are considered sufficient. , t T , CHAS. DUFFY. 4th July, 1837. CERTIFICATES. ! ; Neh Bern, July 1st, 1837. Der Sir I have used your Tonic Mixture in my fa mily and in my establishment, and I have found it to be the best medicine I ever tried for the cur of sue and fever. E. SA1ALLWOUD. Da. Dcrrr. Spring Hnx, Lenoir Co., June 17, 1837. : Dr. Duffy, Tne little boy, myon, who was sick in April last, at Newbern, with the ague and fever, was entirely re lieved by taking three or four doses of your Tonic Mix tare a medicine which, I think, surpasses in efficacy every thing I have ever used in my family for the cure of Ague and Fever. If this can be of any service, you have my permission to make it public. . GEO. WHITFIELD. Dr. C. Durrr. Eagleoeld, Craven Co., Julv 1st. 1837. . I Certify that I have used Dr. Duffy's Tonic Mixture with success, and find it more efficacious as a enre for Ague and Fever than. anv medicine 1 have heretofore ir J JUHN M. BRYAN. Dr. C. DufTy. i Newber. June 30th 1837. Dir l procured a uotlle ot your Tonic Mixture three or four weeks ago. for a sister who had experienced oc casional attacks of ague and fever for several months, and which had returned daily for a snort time prior to that period. She took the Mixture according to your directions the agues wertf iaimediaiery checked, nor nas sue since paa a return ol tnem, A youuzer person """"ji uw ujbi!u ueun amiciea wuo the ague and fever for two or fhree months, took your Mixture abjiut the same time, pnd I am pleased in being able to inform you that the fchills received an effectual check ana nave noi recurreasince. GEO 1 1I. TAYLOR. )r. DurTy. ; . - t ' Nswbern, June 24, 1837. Doet. Duffy, - Sir I take this method of informing you, that tnv wife and daughter have tried your Tonic Mixture, and it surpassed their most sanguine expectations. My daugh ter) had been afflicted with acue and fever hnnih years, dnring which tine the bad the most severe, sha &ing guei, oui was pwtecuy curea in a tew days by the osejof your mixture. They do, therefore, with the great est confidence, recommend it to all who sn t;atr...a with the same disease, as a sovereign remedy. ' JOHN GILL Chavessville, Craven C6 , Care Creek. Julu 1st. IR37 t Doet. Duffy, , ' - ' air I certify that my daughter war III fnr n twelve months with Ague and Fever, and that she was perfectly cured by takiof pH of a bottle of your Tonic Mixture, and that the remainder of the hnttlA nrA child of a neighbour and Iriendto whom I gave it. - ; WILL. HOLLAND. Sir I have received compete relief fmin m kit... and obstinate attack of Ague and Fever, by taking one bottle of your Tonic Mixture, and the best medicine I ever took for the disease attempts to imitate a remedy so t-xaltd in public esiima tion. or to substitute tor it such trash as ran in ho wise approach it in excellence, however easy it may br even for the nnfledged Tyro in Medicine U resemble it in super ficial app!rance. taste and smelt. " . - In order to protect thoe from imposition wh may be inquiring after ROWAND'S TOXIC MIXTURE, and to assist tbem in distinguishing b-iv ceit the original nd gen line mixture.- and the numerous imitations and sub stitutes which continue t sprout up in fiffer nt points of the country, toe names ami whereabouts ot such as have as yet been discovered are annexed. Rowland's Tome Mixture. b L. S. Comstoek & Co of New York. ' . ,:; -...x ; :. : ' Riishton &. Aspinwall's Tonic Alixture, by Rushien & Aspinvvalt, New York. ' V CiwVTnw Milnre. hy Butler A Oij.yIei..Yi)rk. The Southern Tonic, by Costa & V.a, Alahatna Marshall's Tnic Mixture 'by Charles Marshall, Philad Cave & Schaffer's Tonic Fever and Ane Mixture, by Cave and SchafT r. Plulad. , Tne public may be saved from uncertainty as to the genuineness of ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTURE, by calling upon his authorized ag -nts t iTouihout the country , or upon application to the prop ietor. . JNO. R ROWAN D. M. D. " 240 market Street, Philadelphia The subscriber has for sale the genuine Rowand's Tonic Mixture. Gi'ORGK SENDERS, Druggist. Newbern, April 19th, 18 7. 16ti j car p. it o f f-i c e, VV G to the 1 1 te removal of one of the Ej tors antl the wish T the other to de vote himself more exclusively to tliv duties ol his profession, the undersigned bffr for sale the Establishment of theXorth arolma Jou rial fotua The t)ffice is well: found iti Job and Newspa per Type, the list of -Subscribcrsiis tolVrHbly large, and they doubt not might be greatly augmented by a little exertion. To any per sqn desirous of embarking in the business, n offers inducements not inferior to any in this state, but to a practical fruiter they know of no investment he could make of his money that would yield him a more profitable return. 1 HYiJAK l & STRANGE. Fayetteville, 30ih May 1837. iH .rlie..l I. sit jii . NEWBEliN. : DOCTOR DUFKY, TNFOKMS ihe p. blic that at his o: ce i li Middle street, one door south of Mr, Van ' BokkeliVs, he has laid in. an assortment of Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, of the niost genuine quality, and also a supply of thoseV patent and domestic medicines which, froth'-' I ' their character aid efficacy, have obtained the public sanction and adoption. The following Medicines from lone use and ample experience ofiheir sup rior efficacy,, he recommends with confidenct to the attention of the public. . ; , pi linffy's Tonic Mixture -a CPr tain and efficacious medicine tor tb. n, lion and cure of Auue and Fever and for4 arrest ine the chil s which almost invariably succeed auai-H i niuous lever. I Dr. I nifty's 'J onic aperieiu I o(itr J a most useful Family Medicine, is a hfild yet tlectual aperient. It counteracts acidi-, tiesih the stomach, removes bilious congestion of the bowels, prevents Dyspepsia, and is equally u-if ful for children and a.'ulls. Dr. uily's Paregoric aperient Pills for chronic coughs and asthma, and all af nccuons oi tr.e chest and lungs. Gout A ML GHOKGE 8AAJJKKS, Druggist and Apot ccary, AV1NU purchased the entire StocH. ol Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Pei- fuuiery, kc. &c recently owned by his late brother Wm. Sanders, intetuls carryiug n the busitiessat the old stand on Pollock 'street, nearly opposite hc .Epispopol Ct.ureh. Il hopes that eleven years experience together with strict attention to the business, will enti tle him to the confidence and patronage of his friends and the public generally. . Newbern, N. C., Nov. 30. 1836. DISSOLUTION . OF COP A RTNERSHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subser bers, under the name and firm of Russell & Scott, "was dissolved by mutual consent, on the bth day of January, 1837.. All. those indebted to the said concern, are hereby requested to come forward and make settlement with A. H. Russell, who is hereby duly authorized to collect and receipt for the same ; and all ' those having demands against the concern, are hereby requested to present them to A. If. Rus-ell for settlement. A. II. RIJS ELL, DAVID SCOTT. L Green County, No. Ca. Feb 18, H37. -tf JOHN- M'DONALD ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has purchased f Booth & Porters tl.eir entire 1- - - SIOCK OP FURMTUKE, and removed to the Store formerly occupied by F. J. Prentiss, where he will keep constant ly, and now has on hand an elegant assortment of Furniture; among which are Sideboards, Sofas, Bookcases, Wardrobes. Cra les, Bureaus, Portable Desks, Stands, Bedsteads, Cribs, &c. " 'Elegant Fancy and Winds-or Chairs and' Looking Glasses will be kept constantly on and,, and every other article in his lin of bu siness He hope-ithat the custom so liberally bestowed upon his7 predecessors, will be ex tended to him. All orders from the country will be received and punctually attended to. He will also do all kinds of i'epairili?, so as to convert old Furniture into new. He uill endeavor to give entiresalisfaction as it regards workmanship and price. . N. B." He has an elegant Hearse for the pur pose of attending to the burial of the dead, and will make hi 1 kinds of Coffin , such as Mahog ony, Cherry, Poplar and Pine, at the shortest possible notice. , ; i ; Newbern, January 1st, l&?6. . MAS just received, per Schooner Perse verance a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES Newbern Oct, iOth. 1836. ' v , tf Constubk's Warrants, for sale htre. A LL person indebted to the office of the r, Nurth Carolina Sentinel, prior to the 1st of January last, and especially those residing beyond the limits of the State, are requested to make 'immediate payment to VV'illiam G. Bryan, Esq. "The account due to the sub scriber for Postage, have also been placed ii the hands of Mr. Bryan for collection. THOS. VY ATsON. Newbern, May 10, lfe37. 19. Khematisni, Lumbago and Sciatica, and pre ehting that constipated stateAil thp..'k which is the usual concomitanVof those com plaints. - ; -I . : Dr. DuiTy's Anti-bilious Pillsan effecUve purgative, promoting the digestive (unctions and removing bilious accumulations. The following miscellaneous articles nre also offered : iseidlitz and Soda Powders. Aromatic smelling Salts. Aromatic Vi'jregar. Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger- an excellent cof!ial stimulant in colic, cohj; and flatuleree of the stomach and'bowels, &c Antiseptic Toothy Powder, whose quali- ties have becii fiund most effective in white- V ning the uetb. preventing decav, correcting the f-tor 'of the breath and giving a healthy constitution to the gums. Antiscorbutic Ointment, d Lotion, an effectual cure for tinea capitis or? scald .ieac( and also for thaf species of cutaneous disease known by the name of tetter or rini wormA April 2t5th 18:i7. i7tf.s J. O. & M. hTi VKA SON, WW AVE recently opemd lheir fall in. porta ilia, lions, which a.'dcd to tin ir lormt r block maKes their assortment very general, to which they invite the further attention of their cus tomers and of the public generally. Among their assortment may be found the A following : Blue, black, gren, browh and cedar 1 mixed . Broad Cloths,' Cassimeres and Saiinets, Whitney, Rose, twilled and Unfile Blankots, A varieiv of Kersii-s for Negro Clothes, French it English MeTtnoes, vai ious colours from 90 cents to a per yard, Figured Merittois, a t ew article, Merino Gros de N,aj. do. do , Black French Bombazine, Plain and fig'd Circassians, Rattiin ts and Salisbury Flannels, R d, white, green and "yellow Flannels, : Gr-een bockinti Baize, Venetian Stair Can. eling & Carpet Binding, Ingrain Crpeting and Hearth Rugs, Ladies white Merino Hose, . P Gentlemen's half Hose, Ladies' and genllemen's Gb ves, T American & English Calicoes, 12l to45 cts. do. do. f. Furniture Calicoes, Furniture Dimity, Cotton Fringes. White and party coloured, Irish Linens, Long Lawns and Linen lldkfs. 10-4 i.inens, "Sheeting, - Bird's eye & Russia Diaper, : ., Ptain, plaid, and figured Muslins, -Bishop's Lawn, 4 4 &, 6.-4 plain Bobbrnct. f Wrought Muslin, Edgi .gs anH Inseitings, do. do. Collars and Capersnels, English Thread and Bobbinet LaVes, Satin, Black Gro de Swiss, Sinchews :& Sas, "White and coloured Florences, white. Black silk Serge, black silk Velvet,' Pongee, Flag and Spittalfield lldkfs. Black silk Crivats, , - i - Silk and cotton Umbrellas, -Ladies and Gentlemen h Cloaks, L Shell and Horn tuck and side Combs, Silk,, fur, and wool IIats.: r ur aps, irom io to ?5S a piece, VVillow BasketsrCradles and Carriages, Z7 cis.' per yard, Oznaburgs, - Cotton Bagging, from lS to Bale Rope, Ticklenburg & Canvassand Cordage, " baddies and Bridles " j Mill and Crosscut Saws Woo. & Hand Saws A general assortment of Capenter's Planes, Blacksmiths and Coopers Tools, Axes, Englishanil Swedes, flat, square& loundlroh Manufactured Tobacco, in boxes and kes, ; Cut atid wrought Nails and spikes, &c. &c. ALSO IN SToRT, 12hhds, Porto Rico and St. Croix Sugar, 30 do. Molasses, 30 bags Cofiee, St. D., P R and Rio Expected, in two or three wee : Turks Island Salt. Newbern, , M ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Ntwbern and its -vicinity, that he has' opened Shop a few doors south of the Court House; where he intends carrying on the Tai loring business in the most- fashionable man ner. He hopes that his experience, togethek with strict attention to business, will entitle him to the confidence and patronage of his friends and the Puolic generally. Newbern, Ftbuary. 1837. : 6ti OF EVERY. DESCRIPTION EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. f,