' . A V- -i I j - . i r r - . .T ,W 'is, - .v . '.- J Wf . - f "I - A . pGrimeuts,-! should bo dis to ;lyjheefiect -ofr Confining ,t le . Chief .Ifagistrat e it o a single tern," A Farmer residing eight or ten miles from this place, lately killed ; three hpgsj aid to be 18 months f ojWwaich weighed as follows:' - !The.first; weighed' - ThA second - 500. lbs. 1348 And the third ; :3p4;W 'VV: , , Total, 1152 v' 'A- hog '.raised in. this town, J T onejof the, citizens,' when killed, weighed-525 lbs. .-' V? . Aspehdul Ball, in honor of Gen J ackson s vicctory at u e w r- leans, was held at the Hotel of Mr. ItI'Lamore, in this town on the fith hist; The company, was unusually numerous and fashionable, and tne iitmost order "and hilarity JrevJ ed. After having " trip d it fcm the ligiit fantastic te'J, until mld- u ' nfgbt, the company partook of an elegant collation: after which they resumed their dancing, whi ch ; continued until ' near morning whentfie company returned home; ' l all of. them. apparently delighted , , i""- - :',:- 1,: at the enjoyment they had passed. .' . '.. Commwnicated." ' ' -'Sv ; ' ". :'- H ' 'The Judges of the Sd peri or " .Courts hare made the followin ji il Jotment " of the Circuits among themselves for the year 1 829, v z: Spring. Autumri . ' BdcntoB, J'ge Donnell J'ge Danic l Newbern, , , Norwood,! Donn ?U V." Kalcigh, Strange Mangi m , Wilmington,: Daniel Strange . - Hillsborongh, Martin Norwo d ilorgiin, Mangum - Martin . ' Raleigh Star, i Honors to the Governor. The y -"Citizens of this ipwn, the personal and political frierids of our esteem' pd . Governor, Joh Owen, Esjq. " this day engaged in paying htm the most distinguished marks bf ' attention . and -reepect. At - a meeting held, i few days' ago, was determined to address a let- : .ter to Gor. Owen, at Raleigh, ;o pass through this town ph his way .-; to . his seat in Bladen: and , tht t, . -should he do so, a committi ;e would meet and conduct him o -5 town, where his feliow-citize is ; proposed to pay their respects 6 him at a Collation tohe served - at the Mansion Hotel, and a Bdll in the evening at the Layfayet e Hotel. The Governor ; having replied that he would arrive he e . this day, the Committee; consist ing of Jas. Se'awelU Esq. Alagfe- . trate of Police, Louis IV Hen! y and John MacRae, Esqrs. pr ceeded yesterday, afternoon o J , Sirs. Campbell's, eight miles fro n town, where 'they met his Exccl-j- leticy.' The Corps of Flying A r tillery, attached to the Fayett 5- - vine Battalion, also lelt this morn ing,f to . meet and escort ' him ifm ; to w, jas , mo- townj ana the whole are now our paper .is going to press xnently. expected to arrive. The s - remainder of the Battalion, and the I Independent Company, are .also under arms, to be presently Reviewed by the Governor. - . - Fayette. Obs. Ja.tx. 15 - It is stated in a Boston paper, thata letter has been lately wn r tehto John Q. Adams, signed b : . Jtlarnson ixray uns, ,w iiJiara i're 'cott,' Thomas H. Berkins, a ; . William Sullivan.xand other di . tinguished federal gentlemen, d ,. manding of him his proofs, in sup . port :of his charge against the fed- r craL party, that tney conspired tc dissolve, the Union, and to estab 0 lrsh aiseperate Cpntederatioa. ::.,. ,t i 'JST.y. Morning Courier. PEATH OF MRS. JACKSON Nashville; Dtc. 23. " We;are called on this morning Ti6 announce an event, of the most -awful and melancholy nature. Iti the midst of preparations for fea- '- -tivity and?mirth, the. knell ofdeatl i f?sheard and on the very da; i theh it was arranged and expect - t f ed -thatfemr town should be a 4- ,1 scene of general rejoicing, , we' an 5 -suddenly cbepKed in our career, and are,. called on to. array 'our 6elves;'in garments of solemnit; . and woe. " Mrs: R'achael Jackson, . ' wife of General "Andrew Jackson , V V President 'elect" of the U. .States died last night at -tlie Ilermitag ''in thisvicinity; -v'-v-a ' X ? The 'i intelUgelQce- of . this awful and unlooked-for event has creai tied a1 shock in ourcbmmunitv all ; most'unparrallelledJi- It was known t ' '. v a; few days, since, that Mrs. JackM :'f .2 waa violent ly" attacked by rfla- cageS Which hovtc:vcr, Vas sup posed t6havebeeruibi3cked o as to .afford a prospect, of immedi ate restoration to health. , This day being the anniversary of an interesting and important event in the, last war, was appropriately elected to testify the respect and affection of his fellow citizens and neighbors to the man, who was so soon to leave his sweet. domestic retirementto assume the. respon sibilities and discharge the impor tant duties, of Chief Magistrate of the nation."; ,,The , table was well nigh spread, at which all was ex pected to be hilarity and jo'; and our citizens had sallied forth on the happy morning with spirits light and buoyant, and countenan ces glowing with animation and hopfcwhen suddenly the scene is changed congratulations are converted into expressions of con dolence, tears are substituted for smiles, and sincere and H general mourninr pervades a community, where, uut a moment before, uni versal happiness and public re joicing prevailed. -But; we have neither time nor room at present to indulge in further reflections on this melancholy occurrence. Let us submit with resignation and fortitude to the decree, hoverer afflicting, of a just and merciful, tho' mysterious and inscrutable Providence. Banner. 77e death-of Mrs. Jackson, un- der the peculiar circumstances of the case, excited a large, share of the public sympathies. Never has any female in this country beefri assailed with greater injustice, or raore.nccessfuliy defended. She died, it is true, at the very moment when her husband was, -about to ascend to.the highest office in the gift of a free people but she was o fortunate as, to lire to sne the ungenerous slanders against her self and her husband put down by the overwhelming voice of an in dignant people. Rich. Enquirer: From the Troy, (N; Y.) Budget. The Jackson Cheese. This fa mous cheese has now a residence in this city. It was sent to Messrs. Patterson &, Hart, to be forward ed to N ew- York, vand thence to Washington. The cheese weighs one hundred pounds, is deposited in a tub prepared for the purpose, which is finely painted and label ed. The label or, inscription is as follows: ' J "' ' A present front Israel Cole to Gen Andrew Jackson, President elect, U. S. A. to be delivered to the care of Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, Washington City." - AV ho would not be proud to re ceive such a present; the first and best fruit of the dairy. Coming too, from Massachusetts, the na tive state of Mr. Adams, and what is yet more worthy of notice, from a towr called A dams, (jir. Cole lives in South Adams. Whoev er attends a soiree at. the Presi dent's mansion, and tastes of it, cannot help thinking of all the as sociations connected with it. Gen. Jackson will make good use of it, we have no 'doubt r The Elizabeth-City Star notices the arrival at that, port through the Dismal Swamp Canal, of ' a steam-boat built of sheet-iron, 16 feet wide and SO feet long, intend ed to run between Newbern and Beaufort, through the Clubfoot and Harlow's creek canal." - She left Elizabeth-City for Newbern on Sunday last. - ; This boat was built for the Sus quehanna trade, as an experiment, we believe, but not being found to answer for that pnrpose, was sotd ior ine one ior wnicn sne is nwf destined. It was intended to take hr round by sea, to North Carolina, but; her commander be ing' informed that the Dismal SwampFCanal-was navigable for vessels ; of her draft, (two and a half leetj; took her though that route. JYorfolk Herald. . Niagara Falls a crash. The Lockport Journal of the 1st inst. says, that, on the Sqnday evening previously, a surface of the rock, supposed to be the size of half an acre, forming the bed of the river, broke loose; and was precipitated into the immense chasm below. The informant of the Journal de scribes the part fallen as having been the Horse Shoet at,that paint representing the Toe Cork. The crash was heard for several miles atound, and the effects in the im mediate vicinity, resembled the shock of an earthquake. " ; Fatal Accident; A : lew . weeks since a man by the name of Sim mons, in Carteret county, while in the act of shooting wild cecse, un- i fortemately lodged the contents of this gun m tile head of a Rfr: Gai- kins, who was withm the range-ct the shot, unperceived by Simmons he immediately expired. We understand that' Simmons, a few years ago, accidentally killed the brother of the deceased. : Freeman's Echo It is stated in the newspapers that there is a girl from Kentucky in exhibition in Nashville Ten nessee, who is entirely destitute of arms. She is 13 years old, and her form is goodexcepting that she has no stump or protuberance about the shoulder. She is beal- thy, cheerful, and intellgent, and can knit with astonishing ease and rapidity, with her toes. For want of arms to ballahce herself she walks with bme difficolty and awkwardness A lircHy Printer. A notice in the New York Observer, states, that if George Posier Southeroni a printer, late" of Quebec, will call at that bIice, he will hear good news; as, for instance, of a great legacy from a rich relation. It is not ofteb the printers meet with such good ; fortune, generally speaking, thicy are a lacklcss set Canine Rolbery.-A dog, say the Pautucket (R. I.) Chronicle, stolea pocket book from the' pan taloons Docket of a! Mr. Peter, a young man of that town, The dog i . . . . took the pocket book to a corner of the room, and fought bravely before hie tvould resign it to the owner. What is almost incredi ble, is the statement that the dog had opened the pocket book, and swallowed seven dollars in paper money. The punishment in that statovforVhe above crime, is whip ping, crophing and branding. In a late Vera Cruz hewppa'per, there is an address, dated Cfiihua hu(t, Nor. 1st, " to the powerful and illustrious' Republic of the United States of North America," in which the most flattering com pliments are paid to the principles and morals of this country, and it is announced that the State of Chi huahua had selected 12 boys" to be educated, at its expense, in our schools, as t he best for the "forma tion of intellect ual and moral cha racter. ,; Illustrious legislators of the fortunate United Mates ot the North," says the address, "'wise and virtuous preceptors;, whom t lie State of Chihuahua has deem ed alone capable of fulfilling its hopes, receive, in the errand of these dear youth, the siiongcst proof which it could give of its cordial confidence jand venera tion." Certainly there is no good cit izen of our Unron jw ho will, not welcome' such a deputation,, and take an interest in Uie accomplish ment of the liberal and enlighten ed aims of the Mexican Legisla ture. Pennsylvania Leg a . r- slat Hi Hre: 7le In s- Members' Occupations, nate, 'nineteen farmers, two doc tors, six lawyers, one printer, one innkeeper, two. storekeepers, otie ironmaster, one carpenter totil 33. And, in the house of Repre sentatives, there are forty-two far mers, eight merchants, thirteen lawyers, one weaver,' two hattcH, two coopers, two blacksmiths, oni wheelwright, four surveyors, tw printers, six tanners1, throe ini keepers, two carpenters one tni lor, one painter, one potter, eight doctors, two manufacturers, on 4 grocer, one private gentleman, one brichlayer. Reporter. A provincial editor says " do, for heaven's sake, divide the state of New York, and call 4he west part, the State of Morgan" " Call it," says the Ithaca Journal, " the State of Sin and Misery." No," said a crusty old bachelor, " call it the State of Matrimony, and that includes sin, misery and Morgan ism." Sucha barbarian as this baelielor ought to be of all society. Noah. driven out A WIFE WANTED. ; A young lady: having ' advertised for a husband in the Telegraph, a bachelor haB sent ns irlorisr article on the subject, in which he requests the editor to bring abojit an .inter-, view between the lady and himself, lie says that he is naturally of a timid and bashful disposition that he is worth five' thousand dollars thirty-three years old; and has made seventeen fruitless attempts at mat rimony ! He is tall, well proportion-! ed, well-bred, fretful in consequence of his repeated disappointments, re. gular in his habits, and disposed to make a wife happy should he be so lucky as" to get one. J f ; Having thus made an abstract of our correspondent's account of him self, we hand him over ' to the editor of the Telegraph,, with a request Siat he may be irsd lt&xdly. Cotti. MARRIED, In this county: at"; the residence f Mrs. Stephen Eure. oh the lst.anst;. bv M. T. pPonton; Esq. Leartis. Morgan. Esq. to Miss Julia An Tillery. ai me residence or uapt. Jas. Turner, in this county, on the 22d ins t. Mr. HenrvReeves, of North- ampton , county, to Mrs; SjVcy Bell of this" county. On the same day, at the resi dence of Mr. Wm. Higgs, Mr. Zebidee Bailey to Miss Matil da Granberry ; At the residence of Mrs. Abner Gunten2 in Edgecombe v county, a short time since, Mr. E. J Mer- RiT,of DumplinTown, in this corfn ty, to Miss Maroabet Guste.- ' On the; 1st inst. at the residence of his father, in this county,' Mr. James P. Arnot; for merly of the house of Marshall & Arnot, of this town. , For several years,, he was one of the most industrious and enter prising of our citizens active in the pursuit of histbusiness; and a strenuous promoter'of the morali ty nhdrgood "of the community. Modest and unassuming, he seem seemed to command the respect and esteem of all, without appa rently any particular .attention to acquire it hence he may be truly said to be a loss to this place. He has lelt an aged father, one of the fetv revolutionary worthies, and three .sisters, to lament, what "'is' to them an irreparable loss. It may be consolingto his friends, to know, that for the last vcars of his life, he was sincere and ardent in the. pursuit of that religion which seryerf to cheer and shed a comfort in the hours ofsuffering lighted his path in the dark hours of sick ness, and buoyed him up in the awful moment of his depart ure to the ' land of spirits , '. , May we all so . live, as that, when we die, " it may be as the righteous; and may our latter end be like his." Communicated. In this place, oV the . 1,8th inst. Mr. James O. Freear;, aj respect able and worthy young man. ,'; A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Hal ifiuc, JV. C. on t the Slst day oj December; 1828; zrhich if not ta ken out before the 1st day of A' pril next; zaill be sent to lb Gen eral Post Office as dead letters. , B King Geo. B. ' Burrows Stephen Ij Blair Saml D. Litchford Am.A',3 Barnes Wm. 3 Land Willy Bass John Merritt Charity Barker Evv'u t Morris Javid C . " Montfora H. G. Clanton Jno. T. Moore Bath'l. F. Carson Thos.H. 4 at'y at Law Cole Joshua Moore Alfred W Crowell R. II. or Clack Mary P. MooreDavid -f D , ,l ' Douglass Earl 3 Pettway M. H. 7 Daniel J. J. " Perkins Nathon'l Da vis Shugar 2 Pasteur Ann M.2 Edwards Jbo. E. ReesefGeo. R. . Gl' S palt Alexander Sheriff of Halifax Green Wilson county Greeu Jos. J. Stith A. A. B. & H Co. Tawkins W. D' Sykes James B. tlotchkiss &Mer-Selby Jamesi j rian Simmons J. II. Hardie Mary MrsSmith E. B. Cl'k Hempstead J. Jr. Supr. Ct. Harper Jno. D. ' T Harris James fThorn Wm. W. J Tunis Sam'l Jjyner Andrew W K Washington Mrs. Kngsbrry R. Sr. . JOS. L. SIMMONS," , j ' PostMasler I 1 3vv J , NOTICE. T HEREB caution al persons 4 from trading for a note executed bjjme, as principal, to Lemuel Tur ns, for $125, payable on or about tbl 1st July, next, being given for the bujince due for the purchase of a ne gr'woman named Clarissa; the title cojveyed to me for said negro being diputed. . ' . " JOHN SHAW th January, 1829. ' 1 3vr A ad between 12 and 16 vears ofl ge, of. good family, and who come, well recommended, will bejtaken as an apprentice to the Fjptmg Business. - Appiy at . ' - TOIS OFFICE. Cheap QASH STORE; of. - : . - The undersigned, has' taken Store in opposite thr Farmer'sHotel, and next door above the; Bank." He in tends supplying the Planters and In habitants on the. most favorable terms, , and repe'ctuJly solicits a 6hare of their pafrohage. In his assortment; which he has just received from , NEW YORK, may be found: ' - Superfine Blue, Aack, Jilixed,' Olive and Drab Cloths j, ; Sattihetts, Bombazetts - -;, White and Red Flannels lnfev Cotton and V), Woollen Socks .and Stockingsf? -?:i;;-'v Furniture Calico "'. 4 . ? Fancy, Calicoes . Plaid do. a new. article f Book, Mull, Jaconet, Cambric - ad 4 Figured Swiss Muslins .. .... Muslin Robes - . .' : Irish Linens, Linen, Cambric Cotton Shirting Vf v Domestic Cottons, whita and col ored .. ' v . ' ; Italian Crape, . A ' Green, Pink, White,, and Blae Flo. rences : " '' Levantines, Sinchews r': : ' :. Silk, Barege and Gauze Shawls . Black and White Silk4 Hoso 8d Gloves , -' ; Blankets - . Plaid Silks ' Fancy Cravats and Stocks " r , Bleached and Brown Sheetings Fuicy and Black Silk Veslings Camblet and Plaid Cloaks Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Beaver Hats, lstv 2d &3d qualities Wool do. -Shoes, Prunella and Leather Negro Shoes - - ;.: An extensive assortment of Hard ' ware : ir'',-,. Saddlery, Crockery aad Looking O lasses . Imperial and Young Hyson Teas French Brandy Holland Gin - Jam. Rum ' . -:, . N. E. Rura ; - ; r Apple BranoJ . Whiskey ' v ; Country Gin Sugars Powdei and Shot ; ' - ' Raisins, Fifrs, &.c"&V Soap and' Candles " .. Glauber and Epsom Salts Copperas, Chalk Allum, Lamp Black ' ? Flor.and Roll Brimetona ? - Madder ; j ': -' .' k White Lead k Spanish Brown, Whiting : ;. -: Ground Nic and Logwood - Castor and Olive Oil ' . Laudanum, Hartshorrie . Paregoric; Alcohol . - Staughton'6 Bitters Ess. Peppermint . Bals. Copavia, Spt. Nitre Copal Varnish . ,; , . Spts. Turpentine, Lipseed Oil . Seidhts aud Soda Powders Lavender, Antique Oil and Cologne " Water vr-c; ' " Aloesi Arrow Root, Opirtm : . Caiitharides; Camphor, Cammomile Flowers .: . " ' '"': Gum Guiac; Arabic and Foatid SennaiiMognesia, Mamia Flake Pulv. Ipecac, Merc. Precip. Itubi : Peruvian Bark, Jalap Calomel, Burgundy Pitch Colunibo Root, Rhubarb Snake Root, Liquorice Ball &Root Sem Anisi, Tartar Emetic Cream Tartar x':. Ref. Borax Sal Nitre, Chrome Yello w Black Ink Powder " Indigo, Annnatto His. Cloves, Cinnamon, Glue Ground Verdigris Pruss. Blie Blue Vitriol, Opodeldoc Harloern Oil . y Sulphate Quinine, Powders & 3tfix-5 tures Lee's Hooper's and Anderson's Bil ious Pjlls . Tooth Brushes, Sealing Wax, &c. An additional supply of GOODS will be received by the -February P. S. COTTON and CORN wanted at the highest market prices. January 18. fl ' WILLIAMSBOROUGIl he Subscriber, grateful to his ..Friends and former Customers, for . their Patronage, begsleave to inform tkem that he has-removedto in the above named place, where he solicits a continuance of their cus tom. " '-"v- j-. His charges ;will .pe regulated by' - J. V. BURTQN. r Jan. 1st, 1829. j- NOTICE;; HOSE indebted tothelatfirtn of MARSHALL & j3JVtT are requested to call and irtake inv mediate payment, as longv indul gence cannot be given r F. S. MARSHALL Surviving partner of MARSHALL & ARNOT. P. S. ' Office at . present kept at Wm. L. Long. & Co.'s ; accompt. room. In my absence Mr. Lowdon will attend to my,bdEiii53. Watches, : JeweUeri dnc silver Ware; 23. ESPECTFULLY jnfoWs tlie : 'public in g-eneral that he has orf hand an elegant assortment of th v above. . articles which ' he 'offers at : . t Very reduced prices', (forCAsn only!) ALSO Cash will be given in ex- chaage for 'r ., I i,;:t?rl ,;fv':- Gold; Stiver and -BrassiCr Watches of aUesCnptions, a well asClocksarefully tirepaired ,'' and warranted U keep good tirae4J J AH kinds o Jewellery 'and SilvS 4 ware repaired in a neat and expeft. ' tious manner . .- , ;.. -."' . 1 Halifax! 1 4tiTJinTI3t ''. . f - THE A weekly CnkofMhe- Belies lLkL tres, Embellished with EngraeingSfJr ON. the first of January-next, f " work with thi3 title will be comment " ced in Philadelphia.. It wilfbe'hkndi somely printed in the 6upef:royaX ;v ouarto forml: and hA nnhliehoW Wednesday. It will be devoted to ? T . 7 f W H uuuie liLeraturKi criticism tno tiof : i . a . . i ! tm - - arts, general intelligence; poetry, &.C. The original department shall' 4 be occupied bV writers of reKTWft- , . uiiu iuc iCDi . BcrJCTi; LIGHT oi ;ioreicrn i tournais . ana dornestia ? magazines shall be sought after- t Sickly sentiment and' puerile verse fJh shall be excluded its columns. Thia journal will be one of a pure literary ' character. It will be under the su-; "i perihtendance of a private club or literary gentlemen, in i Philadelphia, " of high character some' of Tfhiomraro -well ; and creditably , known to thfe t-" public '-"The .editorial . department ' t will be.' rilled .by a gentleman oC-' ' mucu researcn ana aCKBOwiedgea intelligence. ...The work vfll Cer tainly commence with' the11 : fireft ; week in January. . The terms oZ- of subscription will be two tiollars - V- payabfe in advance. Address Johj 1 K. Buckingham, Philadelphia." " Editors of newspapers will be kind. ' enough to give the : above one or two insertions, and 'forward their papers immediately for exchange- r Dec. 0, 1 ; ..... O" 'Literature, Instruction 'and A' musetAenU ' CONTEXTS OF KO. 6 -FOR DEC '. 1. Fort. Niagara, with an engraving. The Jfoodsman, Henry, or the Cap tive Destructions of Jerusalem " Manners in Venice, A" true ,Fi6b. ' Story, Envy, The Curate of Survid- sjo. Chances of Marriage, . Pclharn. : or the Adventqres, oFa Gentleman. Pnfrirjk TTpnrv nPfivf's Car in . - Virginia. .- i. The Saint's Rest, JfPinter is coming, ' Nothings amount to Something, A v T Farewell, A Drcam,l to TFJ.S: The : yC Village Chtrrch, The' Grave, Useful -Doriiestie Hints, &.S. ' t ? " This work i published at No. 61, , . the principal booksellers and, news: M U1LU1J ft7,A CTTJU. UIIU li I H V 1 1 IT llLll 111 oarriers.' If is published on the 1 s . and 16 th of every month, eachnurt : , , ber containing sixteen large octavci pages with double colums, and em bellished with an elegant engraving. , at 6 1-4 cents ; per number- being , .... unquetionablyT one, of the cheapest Jr" ' works m the UnKed States. Coun- ;. try subscribers will, be required to - pay $1 50 in advance. . ' ii " lyThe Cabinet will be forwarded t regularly to othe editors of newspa pers who advertise the,, Contents ol each numberi' 1 " 'i-vSJ:' New York, Dec. 6. s1 ; " .THEV 0; Washingth 1 C1 ronicle, - v ' ' r "A' WEEKLY NEWSPAEBV;,;r5-V J" Published in the Citvof Washintoft r By ROTHWELL & USTICK, 'r , THIS paperlias been established, at the seat of thei general govern f ment, under auspices t which tho. publishers think favorableto the en-f couragemeut ofal; periodical deva' S ted, as it is, to" te diffusion jof litera ry, scientiffic and useful miscellane- ous information, i Its , object ha -been, as it will cqntin:uetoT be, U promote the' cause of lettergjand to" spread within its range, "a knowlA. edge of aD; that may be;new,"inter estirig and valuable, in science,5! i te -rature and the arts', togetirerwith , the latest foreign arid domestic. in telligence. Mere party disputations are, and shall be seduou'sly avoided" and nothing will, be admitted but? whakmat' tend to enlarge- and inters est the mind, aird improve and bene i fit the heart. , . s - r; : . A ; summary nif the proceedings. 's of, .Congress willduring the . ses-' eions, be regularly-given. - j" O'The Ghr.onicTeVis ; published ' fJ every Saturday; and is printedlb thgt - ,ri best manner, ofi a large sheet (im ' perial size.) vPrice - 3 per acaumV f ox $2 50 if paidJi; advaticti:3 ? - ' 'ST' 4 J 3 ' -4 -it

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