. TRISTKD AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN CAMPBELL. CONDITIONS. f!7"The Minerva will be printed cvpry Thursday morning at $2 50 per annum, in advance, or 3 if pay ment is not made within 3 months. O" No paper, to be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the . Editor; and a failure to notify a discontinuance will be considered as la new engage taetxt. ' S3" Advertisements, making twen ty ' lines or less, inserted three tames for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. Longer ones in proportion. All ad vertisements will be continued un less otherwise ordered, and each continuance charged, i Letters to the Editor must be pott paid, or they will not be attend ed to . NE W GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BY nzsTGsnirziir, At the Brick Sttre. A variety of Fashionable and Sea- sonable Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS: Amoug which are many CHEAF and ELEGANT Articles, Also a general assortment of ' GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, CROCKE4 RY, GLASS-WARE, Hats, Shoes, Leather IRON, NAILS, &c. fee fecj. and shall reeceiye in all this week 700 Bushels Superior TURKS ISLAND SALT. J he above together with my . . fe, former stock, makes my I assort-1 ment as general and complete as usually found in a country stof The ifbove goods will be sold my usual accommodating terms. I therefore solicit all that wish to purchase' any thing in my line, to call at the Brick Store and exam ine before they purchase else where; as my goods having been all purchased with Cash, 1 think! I am lustihedm saving 1 am able to j sell 6a as good terms as my neigh- bora: and am determined net to be undersold bv any one. Halifax. I7tk April, 1 829. 1 1 Itf 7 NOTICE 'Raitavvay from the subscriber, near Sandersville, in Washington cou n- ty, Georgia, on the 22nd March lajst, iny neero fellow about 40 years old; dark -complex- ... ;l i i- ton. tnicK lips, wun cr. pu en per lip, I believe orer the binary size of negroes,'and vfery likely- when intoxicated he is very ooisterous. oaia negru um reA awav with him a youth 16 or 18 veara of age, by name Frede rich Dixon, he has changed bis name since he Jell I hare under- etood frequentlysaid youth ii ofjosepn q. Rea, Esq. respectable parentage, he his a fond mother, brothers, sisters, (and irfher relations to bewail his unfortunate condition. Any information relative to said youth fould be thankfully receivedf it is impossible to tell where they will go asthey went off without the least provocation, l ne negro was raised in nemo coumy, Windsor, in North-Carolina 1 beard of two persons answering to the above description on 28th March last, near Cambr in SouthCarolina, who stated i were going to Virginia. I the dge hey pre sume the fellow has acquaintances ia me rower pan oi Virginia, dui i think he will first go to where he was brouchtuu: his ultimate obiect " is to get his freedom, in pursuance of this "object they mayfgo in to Ohio immediately. I will . liberal reward for tbe abov med negro, or to have him cd so that I get him.- i rive a 4 el na- secur- trdey W.:C uuens. 7 Commercial and Commission WAREHOUSE, gRIIE Subscribers have opened in the town of Portsmouth, Virginia, a CoramercialWarehouse ifor the reception and sale of Fo reign and Domestic Merchandize and Produce of all kind. The following are the terms on which they will, as Commission Merchants, transact business: " Farmers and Merchants who may consign goods or produce to them, will be charged a commis sion of two and a half per cent, and NO CHARGES FOR STO RAGE, if sold within thirty days. An advance in money will be made on consignments of country pro duce, upon which the usual inte rest will be charged. If the ad vance be wished in merchandize, it will be made in such articles as may be wanted, a cost prices, with out interest. . I he New York, Phi ladelphin, Baltimore and Rich mond prices, deducting therefrom the necessary expenses of ship ping, wharfage, drayage and com mission, as charged in those cities respectively, may always be cal culated on in this and the adjoin ing market, Norfolk. . But the subscribers will hold themselves bound, in consulting the interest of their friends, to avail them selves of cither of the above nam ed markets -and when prices will justify a shipment, it shall be made (if requested) upon the responsi bility! And at the risque ol con signees. " i The correspondence of the sub scribers with the northern cities, will enable them at all times to furnish correct reports of the ac tual sales of country and other , , iu 'a produce, which they propose to r , , : - make known, with the prices of this and the Norfolk market, to those wh6 may consign to them They furthermore remark, for the information of farmers and o- thers that may b,e disposed to avai themselves of their agency, tha their warehouse is so situated, as to enable them to receive con sienments without the expense of drayage, wharfage, of exposure to the weather. They will keep on hand and will always sell at the lowest prices Groceries of all kinds, iffiloii, xxniss. etc. ' AND j DRY GOODS. ' Their assortment" of the last, named is now considerable, and will be so enlarged as to meet the demands of'tho approaching sea son. Referring to the following nam ed Gentlemen for a knowledge of 1 their character and integrity; tbey respectfully solicit consignments. W. M'KENNEY &, Co. Portsmouth Virginia, i2JJm March 20, 1820. f REFERENCE TO Rea . Daniel Southall, Mv rf recsbo- rouzh. A". C. John V. Southall, Esq. do do do do pr Thos. Borland, James Scott, Esq. NEW SPRING Goods. received, a supply offashiona je spring Goods among zchicn are 20 pieces'Calicoee, all new style Plain and Figured Groa de Nap; BUck, White and Pink Satins; Yellow Bandanna Hkfs. Gros de nap llkfc,soine very nlondtd. Men and Women's Lirmen Hose; Brown Love Hkfs, Brown Canibiice; . Brown French Drilling, Buckrunj Oil cloth, Denmark Satteen; Belt Ribbons, fancy Vestinga &e t Amtsintr cases, and an ad 1 supply ofOROCERIES, CROCKERY, HAKUWAin., .i xfRniCINESi All of which will be sold low for cash, by 'n1(DrprAn 'Jr. mm r. mr m. slm ' - & J. DUXJTJ &. CO., Tf NFORM their friends and the public, that they are receiving their SPRING SUPPLY OF GOODS which comprises a handsome and ve ry extensive assortment of nearly every article, New, r asmonable or Desirable in the DRY GOODS LINE. ' A very large supply of Groceries of all descriptions, of every qual ity. China, iiass ant Earthenware. BOOTS AND SHOES. and an assortment of TIN WARE. Together with an assort mont of Sole, Upper, Harness, ikirtinjr and Bri dle LEATHER. Calf, Kip, Mo rocco and Sheep Skins. Soaps; Perfumery. Ladies' Leghorn Hats and Sjraw Bonnets. Work Baskets, Brushes of all kinds. Books, Stationary, Tortoise-shell, Ivory, and Horn COMBS. Paints. Oils" and Drugs; Pocket Books; Fur, Sealskin, and Morocco Caps, &.c. Slc All of which will be offered at ve- moderate prices many of the goods MUCH lower than they have beeu heretofore toId in this market. They have on hand a consignment of HERRINGS AND SHAD, of the best quality, which they will sell at reduced prices. Being confident that they can give satisfaction to those who call on them as regards the quality, style & prices of their goods, they respect fully invite all who want to purchase . . to examine ineir assonuieui. N. B. We will continue to buy COTTOft and CORN for cash, and to take them in trade or payment. Thiwr- w nvr'omcw trho wish to send their Cotton to Dunns &. RPIl wairie of Petersburg, to be Storpd or Sold, will nd us accommodating in our arrangements and anxious to promote their interept. R. & J. D. &, Co Halifax. N. C. Jan. 1029. 2 Saddle and Harness Ma king Business. 5TRHE subscribers embi ace this op portunity of informing thejr cus tomers, as well as the public gene- 11 .. ilinu kr nn hnnH. find I nil , mail imk.j m v" . intend keeping, I A General Assortment of Arti cles in their Line, which will be sold on very moderate terms, foi Cash; or on a short credit to punctual customers, i nose- in debted to us, would do ua a fconside- rsblc favor bv cominer forward and settling their accounts as it would be much to oar advantage ac mis time' CLARK & LITCIIFORD. N. B. Old Work repaired with npntiiPM and desDatch. C. &J L- o January 30V. 50 DOLLARS REWARD. I WILL pay fif ty Dollars reward for apprehending and delivering to John Shaw, at Wel don, negroes Craw ford and Daniel, belonging to the.- Roanoke Nav. Company, or for cither of them. The former i believed to be in the upper part of the county of Northampton, . , i . .. ;r i tU latter where he has a .fe & the Utter. id the neighDornoa or A. JOY?EK. March 1. 1829.3w-9 Halifax Academy: MM 11 St BSCBIBER TAKCS THIS method to inform the cifizens of Ilalifax and vicinity, that she -hath copimenccd her school, and will teach the following bcancnes of education, for the moderate nm rf one doMar ter month, mi. - - r KtT C otrraohv Writing, grammar, u -r;. Arithmetic and History also teach Needle Work:, lor one Dollar per month; and will be thankful for public patronage. v Tt V.l. wnrk. oo Lace &l iK Muslins, will be executed in neatest terms manner, on uivu a w ELLEN VASSEUR. March 26,- 3ffC FOR SALE, AT THB POST OPSfit CH, IN THIS PLACE. The folUttivfr Articles, to xeit: BACON, LIME, fmAir. Stained Curtain BedIeads, LEATHER, WAGGON COLLARS, IOBACXO, JlMJ 77ie JoUouing articles: Jiottle Corks, Fly h'tone, Terroehck Liquid BUckin, iinger. Spice Venetian lteti, Hd Lead White Lead, Verdigris ..nit man's Drops, Opodeldoc Nutmegy, Allum, Lethefidge Ink Powder, Pearl Ash "' Groctid Paint Brushes ' Assorted Shaving Boxes aud Soap Spanish Whiting, Turkey Umber Croni. Yellow, Prussian Blue ; Durable Ink, Stauchton's Bitters Tooth Brushes, Mace, Snuff Boxes Spanish Annatfo do Bldeing do Indigo Shaving Brushes, Razors Blank Warrants Almanacs JUST RECEIVED, in addition to the above articlcs,some Drab and Blue Cloths end Cassaroeres, Vio lins. Bridge and Strings for ditto. Flutes, FiicSvJRrior Scythes, Spirits Turpentine, country made Russet and Black Shoes, Fur Hats, a Com plete assortment of Garden Seeds, Candles, Wafe, Gentlemen's and Ladies' Plaid Cloaks. Also- a few bushels Ewepon Tea, an article which is but seldom offered in our market, and one that never fail to insure one thing that in sought for by all, viz: HE ALTH, where it is regularly used. I speak not without experience. , All of the above articles will be sold very low, for Cash only. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifajx, Feb. 5th, 1S29. 3 DISSOLUTION HE CoriRTrRsnir of Lemu el Long and A. A. B. Stith, has . been dissolved by mutual con tent &the books &. accounts beloniy incr to the Firm of A-A. B. Stith &. Co. have been assigned to George R. Reese, tor the purpose of settling the business of said concern. , All debtors and creditors, therefore, i will apply to him for a settlement of ineir respective claims, oom in ia vour of and against the Firm. LEMUEL LONG, A. A. B. STITH, April 23, 1029. 13 tf. Will stand the ensuing peaon at the follow ing places, viz.-one day in crv we c at David Dy Esq. s. ; n Ilalirax rouniy, one caj -TJ k Uiam Leigh,, in j Greensville, Va. and t th Uallance e his time at the stable of the eubscri ber. in Northampton county, N. G and will be let to tnarcs ai e re duced price of Twilte Dollars I the season, and Twistt Dollars to insure a mare to be in fsl the insurace money to be demanded as MKn as the mare is discovered to be ia foal or the property chahed ; FRANTIC U a beautiful Sorrel, of fine Action, seven years oW. now tn the prime of life, and nearly r"- .a a " a. The subscriber will use great exer. tion. to prevent accidenU or escape bot not be liable for ehber u&ng af either stand will have 'every attention paid thm, and grain fed at tbe neighborhood price, if re- qtel. i iie season will commence ; oo the 1st day of March and end the R. CRUMP. J- For further particulars . Hand-oUIs. THE HIGH BRKlJt STALLION i Q ' - win cnd at tnv fcti biff in Hal ifax coun ty,' N. C sevctimilev from Enfield.. miles from Halifax and 32 miles from TarboroughV-and will b let to mares at the very moderate price of Twelve dollars the son; EKJIIT DOLLARS the sin gieleap,&. TW 'ENT Y FIVE DOL- Hooeyekina Hatton. Gray Barb--ure pregnancy; pava-, "tton. Royal Colt Bycrly Turk; LiAito to ensure preimaneY; pav ble ; so soon as it is, diacorerable, i or the property transferred. The 1 money for toe leap to be paid as 6oon as the service is rendered. with this proviso, that should the mare not stand, by payment of four dollars more 6he may be permitted LU tUltT II11U lllCSPHSOU. J tVUlf 111 every instance to the groom. The season has commenced, and will end the first day ;6f August next; at which time the money for the eeanon will become due. Mares left with the horse will be ted, if required, plentifully with grain, at the rates of twenty five cents per dav.i-ExtensiVc pastur- age gratis I will take particular try to prevent accidenU of every kind and escapes, but will not be Kritwn. htit unll not be liable for either. ' DESCllPTIOX OF mot beautiful bay hore, 15 bands 1 inch high, of elegant form, figure, syirimetry, and action; pos sessing nrent muscular powers and beauty; he has an elegant head and mhnrt ' hurt. fin lnin. rumn j.rv, " - r I hips and thighs; wide hocks; thin fluted hind and tore legs; excellent oblique shoulders and breast. In a word, he is a horse of fine bone, &. possesses as many running points as t any hrse on the continent and h the vprv hpst of evesso ereat-! ly wanted at thia time PEDIGREE OF He was gotten by Gen. Win. Chamberlain s faniousl thorough fcred horse. Tiptop: his dam by that most beautiful and excellent stallion whose blood is held by racers at his time in the highest i repute and irreatlv soucht after ) old Cititen his grann nam a inoiougn red iranorted barb mare;, sent as a present from the Bev of Tunis, by the hands of hil ambassador,' Melli Melh, in the year I80C, to the late b;s Excellency Thomas JefTer-i son, then Fresident of) the umtea States; and assured, by the said Ambassador, to be of the very mgh-! est bred horEca fin that country; and elected at considerable rxpense and with great care, as a present worthy of the PrcsMJent's acceptance.- ' ! Tio-ton bv the imported horse. Oscar; his dam by tbe imported horse, Spread Eagle; grand dam by that celebrated running boret ld Jjellair: grest granu asm D.y oia .. .- t.ti Wildain- great great granddam by Harris' Eclipse; creat rrreat great grand data by the import fd horse, old Jolly . Roger; his grfat grat great great grand dam by the irn rxrrted Tiorse, Moretons Traveller ! Oscar f sire oi Tip itp wm ten by the imported ho re. olJ iai- tram; his dam. by King Herod; our of miss illddleton, by Regulu; hey dam, CacimiUa, by aj son of Bat rtn1nn.fir!m!v Bartlets ChiideTK k ?.m Sv f rnnvwrMwlfl Arabian: ber dam was the dam I of the t wo True Bluea. Citizen wa got byf Pacolet; bU dam, Princes, by Ttir'k; he by R g ulos, and he by the Gixiolphin, ara bian. hi dam. Fairy! Q?j pco. bj young Cade, and he by oH Cade, and he by the Godolphin Arabun; hU dam was Routbs Black-eyes. Pacolet bred by Lord Grosveoor, and foaldcd in 17C3, and by Blank, (one of tbe tx-st sons of the Godolphui arabian;) bta dam. White neck, by old crab; her dam. by the Godolphin arbiaii--Coney er'a A ra- l,iAn Corwn Bay Barb; Marshall's Spot; TThite Leirged Checnot; Lcrw tber Barb, old Vintneir mare, whose pedigree never was ascertained. The imported horse Salt ram was pot bv that . famous running horse Eclipse: the best racer of hi day in England.- his owner ithe late CoL Dennis Okelly gave six hundred Guineas for on half of him. f2s00. andeleveo huc4red Guineas for the other half i, 133, 33j and notwith atanding this coorxaoos price he cleared by him , upwards of Ci.C0 sterling, equal to 1 1 tOO. He ccr tainrr was the ekeapet borse veT purchased i Englaad ! ! he ws held by the racing ectlesfcia such hirh cctimatu. thai lO. r'hitf ! death cakes .and iale wrt gjvrm TO lilt ruUR at tne funeral of bis nesh; hu bonee were put . to- get her and a few years past were hejd at 60 160 and offered for mIo at that price. He was got by Marak his dam Spelletta, by Regulti: his dam Mothem JFertem, by Smiths on of Snake: her dam was Lord Davev-e old Montague roar?, got by Hautboy: hi dam by Brimmer. PEDIGREE of old Marske, i ho vm emt bv Ksmirt ht dam iBlack-Jeg-Bay Bolton Fax Cubj ""'r Conei ykins wasgot by the Li Rtraddlinir Turl and Yoal Lv- ter or Stradi in l:- The , Lyter. or Straddling Turk was- brought into England, by his Grace the Duke of Berw ick, "from the sciffo of Buda in Hungary, in the Reign of King James the Second; ' in the year 1686. , The Byerly Turk was Capt. By crh a Charger, in King Williarmf wars in Ireland, in tbe year "1 689 Clarion from the above pcdigrep contamsi the purest Arabian Barb . nd American crosses of any horso n the ccntinent. his blcnd gr,es di rrrt1v hrk to. the imported Shakes-' bc'ar fhare, imported mite Silma u,w lB" . 7 V- J V- auu um ' "vr'i crosses more. . JOHN' CROWrEL. March 26, 1029. . ' C-rtf The above pedigree it extracted' from the Genera! Stud Book of Eng land: and confirmed by Gov. H. G. Button, the Hon.. Jo.luv Randolph of Roanoke and GenJ Cliamberlaine. . - :J. c. Ilalifax County Blat'e of N. C. . I do heTebv certify that I bavo - . r dilligentiy extracted the above pedi grce from the Stud Book 6f England and have the certificate of Mr Trent of Washington City in poe- eion, who soiu me wre ana oa of the Citizen marc, for the benefit of the United States, which ero ' presented bv the Tunisian Ambassa dor Me 11 1 Aleut in me name oi xno ! Bey of Tunis to the late Thomas Jrffersorklate president f the tf. S. PATRICK KESULTT. t'UAU. March 16th, 1829. GEN MARION. WilJ 'nd tho at my fable,ia Haufax coun ty, Norih Ca-rf rolirrs, 1 mile from the town of Ilalifax. 1 1 froas Enfield, and 1 ft from PulUck'B Ferr ry; and will be let to mares it FIFTEEN DOLLARS eafch. ho single leap-TIURTV DOLL Tlli the sea?on, payable ajt the exnir'in rf the seasonand FORTY FIVU dollars to ensure a mare lo be in foal, payable as soon as the mare is ascer tained to be in foal with 60 cents to the Groom in every instance.- ; The season has commenced, and wtil end on the 20th day of July. , Ma f es sent to remain with the hofao will be well attended to; and can bo fed with cofn and Todder, if required, at 25 cents per day. Hepaiate Iota are provided, for mares with young cohs. A) nfretBsary pains will bo tak-n ith. mares and colts, to pre vent accident and ecaie of fvcry kind; but I will not be liable for ei ther. . , , ; ; I . NICHOLAS M. LONG, larrh 1R. 1829. a tf . O Tne; Editors of the Warrea ton . Reporter id Tarborough Freo Pre; are requested to give !he,ar 1 hnve lhrprs weekly incrton and ! forward if u'r accounts to 'I.' Pet Master at thU place fftr Colk- ti tKn. SOT ice. : ' rL T F Tunry f ourt the &SnburibVr qtiifi-l s Admin itrator on tbe estate of WiJUam B-... Finney. All those indebffd,?o ad' ; . estate, are requ4ed to ma.it imme diate pajmenti and B person hay ing claims against eaiu estate, are -hereby requeated to preaent tho same, legally aatheMieatcd, withia the time preeribf hy taw, otber- n wise thia' notice will be pld in her of thnr recovery. JOHN T. CLA XTON, Admin Halifax county ti. C. March, 73 NOTICE : rmS HEREBY G1TEX, to ;a'I .whom it roar cooccrn. that the : Uad sold Lrsfroel Lonsr, in joining the Uatl of Job n Purnt: C- Henry Garrett and others, by J. and Wm. II. Gray, i yet vapailv fon and ail aode-rery perm at WrfV, by forwarri ifom irni$ moccy yetrcaoauir "wpJ- . V JOH. J. GftAJ ; April 16, J82&;. 4rt I i:r v n Mureh 1C29. 7 tf. i. I JLiaxuBAj w i. a r

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