7. mm IT. C. JTJXir-2, 1329. , " . -.. '- ' ,. " ' "- -- - - - ' - - - - - - - - . J I &il - - ..III BY JOHN CAMPBELL t -i Co NO IT ION'S, s (T7The Minerva will be printed every ihursday morning at .2 5 per annum, in advance, or i ii pay dent is not made within 'J months Jjr No paper to be discontinued until all arrearages are pain, ume at. the option of-the hditor; and failure to notify, a ditcoutinuancn will be considered as a new engage ment. IT" "Advertisement:, makinirtwen tv ' linen or less, iiii?erted thred time for One Dollar, and t wenty-fivq cents for every subsequent insertion Longer ons in proportion. All a verti.-"ments will be continued an less otherwise' ordered, and eac continuance charged. Letters to the Editor must b post paid, orthey will not be attend ed to NEW -GOODS. JUST R F:Oi:rVKOTY At the Brick Store. A variety of Fashionable and Sea ionnhlc Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS Among which arc many CHKA . and KLE(iA.T Articles. Also a general assortment of GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, CROCKE RY, QLASS-WARE, Hals, LS'Aoc.s, Leather, IRON, NAILS, &c. kc. fcc . an "l '-h.:' r,"rtivi) in all this wee 70t H 1. , Superior TURKS ISLAND SALT. The "above together with my former stock makes my assort ment as general and complete as it usually found in a country store. The above goods will be sold -on my usual accommodating terms I tjheTeforo'solicit all that wish to purchase any thing in my line, to call at the Brick Store and exam ine before they purchase else where; as my goods having beep all purchased with Cash, I think am justified in saying I am able tb sell on as good terms as my ncighj bors; and am determined not to h undersold bv any one. , Halifax, th April, 1829. 11 WILLIAM IlREDWOOD, .COMMISSION MUM UA.T, Wareho&se on Woodside's ha recently occupied by Missrs. J. & IK. Southzate, CTRi'mders hw services to COUN Jk TRY MERCHANTS, PLAN TERS, and LU MBERDEA LE R! , in the SALE of PRODUCE at d LUMBER of every description, in the PURCHASE of GOOD for which his commissions -will, in all cases, be very moderate. His attention being confined soi e Zu to Commission Business, and 1 is knowledge of: persons and of tliej mode of transacting business in t le Borough, together with his thorou rb knowledge of the Country Iiurinr Will, DC nopet, ue ivjuiiu aiivaniojjc ous to those who may employ nis a- gency. Refer to Messrs 'Caleb Sheldon, Cti'sL. irinieid;s Ilobert Soutcr, , Sh iclds 4' Ash burn, r Eds. Beacon, May, tVilhamsbu rt. m CZ7 -bsITsT rorrivwl a orirue M of d new rut HERRINGS, which I offer, as usual, at the market prides Those of mv friends who have hefre toforc sunuiied themselves from my Ware-houses, I earnestly hfj?e, will riot fail to irive me a call this enncon nc mine are as rood as the niaket will afford - 4 JOS. L. SIMMONS M.iv -2K11K 17f-tf CAUTION. R1RHE money -for the purchnse bf a Tract of Land called Musi iU land, which was ?old by the late Wil ham Amis, deceased, to' Lemuel X.ong, remains unpaid- and the ehni table right to the same being no- in the children: ot the said Lonjr, ah I I being their Guardian all periens are hereoy notineu inarn shall pro ceed to make said tract ofland likble jjr the purchase money JOHN D. AMIS, Gu&rdianL for the, children of L. '.LonffU xorfblk. '17 t Mo NEW SPRING Goods Just received, a supply of fashiona ble rpring Goods among rehich t are: 20 pieces Calicoes, all new ptyle j Plain and'Figiired Gro de Nap;' Black, White and Pink Satin; Yellow Bandanna Hkfs. Gros de nap Hkfs, fcome very " - splendid. ; , Men and Women's Jnnen IIosc; Brown Love Hkbs Brown Gainbiics Brown French Drilling, Buckram: Oil Cloth. Denmark Sattt-en: ' Belt Ribbons, fancy .Vc stings rs &c Ladies dretsiny case. and an ad-J ditior.nl supply of -GROCER I ES,1A lar -trck of'GRi C K O CK K R ,Y , H A R i ) V A R II, j A genortl as-, nuv -tj and M F DI ONES; ; All of which will be eold low for cash, by J. HEMPSTEAD, Jr. Halifax, N. C. March 7 fC Commercial and Commission WAREHOUSE. U? WlIR Subscriber ?k;vc apr ed in the town ot rortrnso ?l 1 V irgin ia , a Com me rcia I Vv a reft u -e for the reception and sa!e of To. reign and Domestic Merchandize and Produce of all kinds. The following are the terms oji , , . , . , .7, . which. they will, ;iv ( omrms.-aon lercnnts, transact iu,rn' s: Farmers and Merchants 'a!io may consign goods or produce to them, will be charter! a cotnrnis-i ! slrm of r.-'n nitil n hiff nrr rein -inA RAGE, if sold within thirty days. An advance in money will be made on consignments of count rv nro- ducc, upon which th.r usual iide- j rest will be charired. It the ad vance be wished in merchandise i it will be"xnale in siicli 'articles-as may be wanted, ft cost price., with out interest. The New York, Phi ladelphia, Baltimore and Rich mond prices, deducting therefrom the necessary expenses of ship ping,, wharfage, drayage and Com mission", as charged in those cit ies respectively, may alw ays he cal-1 culated on in this and the adjoin-1 ing market, Norfolk. Rut the! subscribers will hold themselves j bound, in consulting the interest of their friends, to avail them selves of either of the above nam ed markets ami when prices will justifj" a shipment,. it shall be made (if requested) upon the rrspousi bility, and. at the risque of con signees. The corrospondence of the sub scriber's with tlie northern cities, will enable them at all times to furnish correct reports of the ac tual ?alcs of country and other produce, which thev propose to make known, with thfe prices of this and the Norfolk market, to those who may consign to them They furthermore remark, for the information ot farmers ana o - - thers that may be disposed to avail themselves of their agency, that their warehouse is so situated, as to enable them to receive cop- ?intnents without the expense of ; drayage, wharfage, or exposure to the weather. Thev will Thev will keep on hand and will alwavs sell at the lowe-t prices Groceries of all kinds, IKOrJ, IMATTrS, aC. AND DRY GOODS. Their assortment of tk last son Referring to the ro.iowir?narn ed gentlemen lor a knowledge ol .their character ami integrity, they rcpectfullv solicit cons gnments. v t! "i:V A- Co. Poritmniith. J'irziriia. ) Jlarch JO, ISi j. 12 3ra J nn frence to He- ! SouthaU.Xvrfrcesbo .,h .v. r. John IV.Snuthall, Esj. do do do Jostpn 11. Kea, Esq- ' f r. 1 hos. iguana. ha mod is now considerable, and 1 publication be made in the M ire r. a will he so enlarged as to meet the . a newspaper printed in the town ot demands of the? approaching sea-jllahfax. for six si cc ssiv- week, uemanus oi that th.. Mld xhanud RoCh-lie ap- It. H J. jyUTJTSf c CO., TfNFORM their friends and the y ptihlic, generally. that they have now on hand theic supply of SPRING GOODS, which embrace a complete a.nd ve ry extensive assortment of ercry Desirable article of Staple and Fancy .ltnor'3l zpincn are. A splendid assortment of Silks, Severn! pic-ti 1-4 Satin 'Levanieen . f and Watered Gr.ce do Berlin, fjuiie i ' a nv.- article ; ( A beaiitii!il ?.5ort:nnt ol Fine f 'ri.r..nfl -n.l KiKT.no-j ! A most si.lemu.d iiUortmenL of Fan- rv ruiiroe - cv Calicoes ROCERIFS r of Me.!.rinr nniiTB iil, r.nJPnint . Hats Shoos and Hardware, in groat var?-'t Which, r.i!h evefv of!,or article u siially kt pt in an c vt isi e Hssrted Store, they odr for snl- on th.: most favourable terms.- li ing confileiil t'.nt thev cati rive ffeueral satisfac t'm i to price and f-uality, th'y ri snecttiilJv invite th nr friends in town umi eoMiitry to oail and . examine th ir ns.-;rtiii nt. 1 , . 1 . , ; i tr I'lSil AU ( (HvN. m ' . ... . T I j. I. )ir:v iikI rpri-i vi-il :i full. 4' s-rn:J!ent ol cut iTIilJU-IH. I.I .lit I , ti , ' . .. put ip "tins m'ii.mhi. at one in ilie Uil)fct ,c,ibrat.:'l fisheiies on Koan- ol;e. Hen-tr We 'ha; e also on hnnA a lew ii-T!-i i..t. ii' u i j o!-nr:-d mid lui.n.-d; ail of which v.oj wtu sell l-w lor cnr ' J ivCviN S. CO i . t r ' State-of Sortli Carolina, NonniAMrTON County. Court of Pleustiml (Quarter Sessions, " June Term, U'2'.K Jchn Pctble m'ii! levied on ni'fjnic-, An t honv and Nan- cy, aiul. n!o the l.'iiid- id the de 'Vndant, con: ni- ning acres," in two or more J tracts. John L.-imbertson ) vs- . r . S:V:' r , u"1' "'Ut ( Isain."1. s i;;io. S:t:np. jf'T appealing to-the satisfaction of , the C'ourt, that John Nelsmi. the fofouhxnt ia the. above nnm-d Can es, is rot-an inludntant of this state: Ir is tii . refere ordei ed. that, piihiica- tion be made in the Mmerv;.a nev.- paper p'riilted in the townof Hihfax, for six successive weeks, .that the s.id John Nelson appear at the imm Court ofPlcns ami Qi.arter Ses-' sions to be held for the county of Nort hampton. a he Court Ilou-c in Jackson, on the ir-t Monthly in Sep tember next, then and there to re- j-plivy the property s-o attacb-d and pe nri to issue; otherwise judgment h nnal will, be entered against inai. 1 1 pej. Witness. John W. H irhin, of our said Court, at otlice in j j , . , firt Monday in Jane, A. d. lfU9. and.VJrd year cf our in- ! .uen.lenc-. , John W. Harrison, C. N. C. C. Price adv. v :i w State of North Carolina, No III HAMPTON GoL.NTY. -.Court of' I :ieas,ntd Quarter Sessions, Jit ne Term, 1V.23. :r.imons Karnes Original al tachmcnt le vied n r. tract f" ot land contain ing 1 1 7 acres, more er h.?s. Nathan ! Rochelle KT-Y appea i iha Ctiurt. tliat Nathaniel Ro chelle, the deft-ndant ei this rai''. rs nut an inhabitant of this tai. It -l . " il e...,.l r'.at Uiereiure oiiR-rtu w inr vmi, ! . .;, . l..,rr "!!. an.i' - J s . frtr the . , lv t.f Northampton. at the Court ....... . - j jj cuse in jacson. on n.e nrs .!"- dnv in September next, then and ! there to reidevv the nronertv at- j tached and plead to issue; otherwise ' uidmer.t final w ill be entered a ! rainit Lira. .Witness, Jorn W. Harrisos, Clerk of our said Court, at ot?;ce m Jackson. the rht Monday of June, A-D and 53rd year of our iu- dependence . Johil W. Harrison, C N. C. C. Pn:cadv. fi 50. 21 -v FOR SALE, AT THE POST OinCB, IN THIS place. TlS follo-srinq; Articles, to z:: BACOS. LIME, Stained Curtain Bedsteads, WINDSOR CD A IRS, LEATHER, WAGGON COLLARS, TOBACCO, ALSO The foil vx in: article 1 lt"nU' Ctrk?; Fly Stone, Ternv rick Iwiuid hacking, Girt-vr, Saice enct an Ked, Red Lead ,,,tc erdijrist i a:" uiaii fe Drops', Opocehi:c ' Xulnivt;?. Allnm, Letherio- j . .t - LiK "owdrr, P-arl Ash jGiw-und I'aint Brushes ' Asm ited Si,aing Bo.y-s and Sonp ' Sj-aiiisli Vliltinir, Tur'kev I'mbcr j (Von. V!!u lV:.-ian B'-.;..-j Durablf Ink. Stanchion's lbti r j Tooth Brnsia s. Mace,. Snulf Bc-.C3 i Spiii:h Ai'.ntto j do b;.. !!- : rseavmc; jsrus!j.t ! Blank Warrants Razors i Aitr?-;:!H-cs i JUST KECETVED, in addition ' f f ii'- :-. ri ii.-K-. scree Drah :intl ; "l ' ' -,; " u i hi!. Bwd.-cs- n;.d L-rr j Fiotts! F7f-s, Brier S B! ri- nriicrfi". io- rmcs fr ditto. Scythes. S'tiritM j Turp utme. comit rv made Russet , ;i;u; iiihck rii.. .. ;ir ' i;Ts. a corn ; .r assortment -of Garden Seeds, V aiu'les, v nlers, t.entlem n s anu Ladi.-s' Plnid Cloaks. Also a few h'ishej.s Ewejion Tea. an article which 'is r it sf-hime etTfred in our . i . i i . . . . . : i . marKO,, JUKI one mar never iailS TO injure one thmc tnat is soutjht tor' bv all, viz: HEALTH, where it ;s , r.-oiil tIv "... j I ,.uL- m, ' u ii! -,,ur :, ' A I. oi ii. sold very ., c v. :.i Lf u . tvr ( 'a-'i 1'iiiV. KS. L. SIMMONS. Iiahfax, t en ''111, 111. . i. i : o State o f Xorh Carolina, No RT MAM V TO Co r N T V . u-ic! '" !cl;s u : Quart r.Snsions, ' Jvu Tcc.i 1 fj'20. Saiatlti Not vo.mj "j f ri -j i i id i a" r. ch- cv. I : 7ro n;- iiam- I iT'T 1 , ! ed V' -if v f apnea ri r t o , h- .atistactieu ot' the (Joert. t!iar G''orye II I!; n.y. liie def-ndaut in this eait-e IS not' a;i inhabitant of this state.- It is? t he refj re ordered, that puhliea jio.ii be mad- in the Minerva, a newspaper print in the touu. of Ilatif3X. ior 5I i C C ' ve v. eej4s, tliatth said eore . .Uncy appear at the txVt J .'irt - f Ph-as and Quarter Ses- to-be !:, id -tor the cmmty.ot Northampton, nt t!ie Court Ifouse m Jackron. ! tne hrn Men.jav iu i se r? e rr h e r ncvl thi-n Ti;l fliere to n.nlevv the nronertv m nttaehed n rid pleatl to insiie; otherwise final judg- ment will be entered against hirn. y lui-ss, joiin . u a? uisos . Clerk of our said CirL rt orh.ee 'n lac W. the i5t Monday ot j ar,-. A. 1. -'-J'. und .Jr:i -year ol oi. r ;.- I -niie.ice. " V it riss, Jufis . 11 A ?: His, s . -j t'lerk of our said Court, rt orhc I) 1 JHN W HARRISON, r. s. r. r Price adv. .:J 511 21 V"T, . : fZ 1 Commission UUSUICSS. - JOS. X. S2,VIBIO?JS, jrioNTINCHS Jo transact a r-n- ef.a d COMMISSI IN. !jl SI- .... , "'" - NESS in tile town, of Uilif i c. N.'ja slriiiing resemblariCit of a bah i'arelirja. He Ikis secure and xten-,' u if-houses, nmi fierehv Drum- i -s strict tult 'i?v to the internist oi r thsc -a ii,. may favour him with tfwir bu.me-s. Vox particulars r-f'-r to Jnmrs G'-rrvri, f . I k . Va Henry Maxim, m, ) tr t - rr ( . c: ' and An lrrzc II altfax. N. C. June IS. 21 tf JAMES GORDON, HTCi V A COMMISSION MI.RC iiAXT IN PLYMOCTU - TCT AS removed to NORFOLK. , ....... v irima. aiid win tran.ir? r nv --.s.-J .j. mr uun i t - . .. . intrusted :o n;s care, with trie greal- et attention an Indigence. ork, a. May 1823. 13 J Dr. Charles Cushmun mRSPECTFULLY otTVr hU prolVsi-ional ger ire to the ;n- habitants of Halifax and the neigh-. boring country. He may at all tr.ne be found at Mrs. Fennr H- tel. uaies profesciDrtUy engaged. Jiae I5-'J. in t'rttxk iin ( ' un.'v This curiou- irlurtjoii of na ture was never iirevred till . few davs ego. vihen 1 1. e owner (Mr. Recce, ol iVtt r tonnl,ip. Iivinjr on the basis of lid; North oiouitrjr:) was uboiit t ; ilig Cur water; and there is very large- pring issuing out f the rorks at tho foot of a hill .of conidera- ble height, and a kind of siitik hole i saie U-taDcealove thej spring, he thought ht probablr ckiU1 j comic on the stream, accordingly ( he comiiicnced digging in Ihe sink hfdo, ;nd had proceedeq but a : In t. when he could; plain!? hear the wate r running, seemingly wit h creat rapidit'v; and ' at the listatice of about K' fe t trom tle surface, came to i h; water, at the lo .vc r extremit v of a fissure in the rock, which immediately expand- ed into a lage aral beautiful ca- ve.rn, the tritran. a i,t which is partially obstructed by hoe rook pviiich, aticr 'advanring a little, diappears, and instead of loose rubbish solid rrcks .appear, ena- mclled w t !i fpar of difierent co- Jors. In every direction are to bej een the most beautiful icicles, suspended from its noble. anil in! some places' majestic ceiling Concretions, without number, and ! of .almost every color, sizt and dimension, , are s4 uowiiwanls Ironi the cei inwards trom the sloping some white, some , rc brown some green, and others transparent as glass, and'all solid as marbh They threaten, the curious adventurer with being . i,t. .l..r , ram,v , - - ' I P"l,'ts- 11 ,,c ilt tp.nPts ' V" 5U,V lrthcr into it, and indeed in i . i 1 t . riu places ne is oioiigeu i pro - coed in a stooping posaitpn, in or- der to avoid them. j In proceeding up this kuhterra - neon? passage, you ari cniigen to walk in the run nearly all the w ay. The run is in soU3e pt.-ices drv at this time, owing to tin- the 'the ) ar. let tt is evidi i.i ironi 1m-u ut the run, and lther vivi ible merles of the w'atcr, that som? parts of the )e.ir t.I:e w iter must lbw thr-iUrit .the difi uitit rent rii.iu- rieJs ir: I rr-c- quai.til ies. this Isrii- t:ore is ;i ereat ning -'tiirotigh rhatmels alongside, me ormcipai one as is I'Vi 'uit makes m Irom the great noise it falling over , the crairgv rocks v hich inn ede its - I I P" l hvrc aro m the prhic pal chan- Iroir.'ess. lu. Veveral talis w'hic'ii nnht vo j rv .,r0porjv u. denornmattMl cnta - ' .. ' - f J ciVC l . ' 1 ... . . I ,r.) ...t. .. ... 1.l.- 1. M,n I V. I. l li l Il.J 1 1 , I - II I l.t T ir V II ! but partially explored J he I ffreatest l:-tance anv tersOn lias ) been up it yet. is about! CiMi feet. i ,,t v.lucli distance there wa , no , HpncaraflCC of its tcrniihiition. In ascending' thii caic, the eye is j ;.,.roeablv struck with it, 4 - - . . .1 gr.o:-it.j.r at every Mc-p' new In wonders present ' "'themselves here i t he par formed in! o t ree." the same -R. R. Barren Excuse shrubs, cc. -whieh makis if have my trembling band " The tirt the appearance of a petrified part of the letter was written firm-:" crrovi- m some pWccs the spar t ' 'y, the latter the revcre. An in--formed into the bkeno'sk of men, qu-t wan held nt the King 's A rnts b-n'sj beasts, organs c. and in on the b i Jv, arl tle ..--verdict wis"' i- .: : on" Pj?cf. on- a peuesuii,.ts tuiub'-d flag.. Reside this, t here 1 art iu -is of othe r liki i.ic. I s. which ! smJl not here, attempt a O' - rr i : . i-j;i ol V lien we iirsi s;: thci.i. v. ' ere o'idv surpried at their div. rdr tid beauty, but hamlbui Ii-tnbutor or abuser c: bn a more miii'ute 'eHiiimwn, :tb! Prewdent , w wrj were struck with ainzement. i Some of these life estate ofiQ knfTwing them to tmjre pnluc.- ccrs di; ' Very hHril- ard v4i n. fionk (ofj .iiatorc; -vho jhit bcrto in they CumI they 'must go ot hey solttarv siteoce, ba I irt her play-. t gallantly seize' a qtulland ftm ful moments, oanen arid r:nbeard. mence a paper .-rrfare rfgint the h 1 reused the srene. if for her own amiiienicnt.. C h ris. ldzoCi-ie T:' In V"-- ruJteThmnnt, ne have n icT;tiail4 to make sji,i a blacksmith to hil sou. a ho me from'' 'school at llJ o'clK"k Thonvi tucked in hi4 ruiTie; and tmA offhis coat, and a lUk-itU-reforc M-y -trwr? me or, ;c m:tb till he had cornel hi om-: ni ike a , I ,i ' , U'.ft. a , U,M" Lft frMW Will fC ner. and then ate it with a ty 1 . reIUh-Put c vo.lr rcae.Uo. dbare i- Urr ,f cK reiir rui r- - ,flB' a bottle-of wiw. . do Thorns, it ,11 t.me no .M , Kr,W . aid the father 1 bis is the pir - e Qf cs; i dir. bat it Toaid ai ; -ner jut a well for gtKnl m icy 'others Thorns exacted it; aodl felt as happy at the anvil with hra ; ruffle tucked in, as hi at at t!i i r id.iv. - t , It nould e no bad notion, vq-' these' harl timrs," for mnv a f"mg man lo tuck in his rtjfrle. and sw-ing ah axe, or hold a ptouglr. , or make a nail, for many younjj man. whip expectation cf rich cs from the gams of trade nrrsad ly disappointed, to earn living, to. Mjme calling which the worhl hon ors less ' -but pays better,- -6uo -humble ornipation, huh. while , : it hojds out ik delnsiv t: u u- of j irr i m me use ; e a 1 1 h. I T s ng le " J " c- "1 ation. assure him "of tvu tent focal anl raiment.: Vc would here rrcommnd A- 'griculture, in a special manner - Not such .farming as consists, irj first running in debt for-Ur.ds trod mortgaging them back for. pay ment, I lien borrowing mom y to ;put up find buildings, iind ibrn.ht ring men to carry on the (?rrn. -No! This is not tle way. But lav your onn soulder to the l ttick in your ruffle, and earo your .-bread by .the iwe.it t tur brow It will be the J5v:t left you ever ate. ' Dreadful suiciue.-On Sunday mbriiiiiff th feelings cf th ; ha ; bitants of Wandsworth wert -xci pointing ted by the following drcadnVI oc ing, ami s cuVrence: Between nine at d 10 walls I o clock the servant maid of Mr. - some j Butcher, paw nbrftker, perceivings 1 smoke issuing from the back part i of the warehouse, informed her master of it, who. on going in, dis covered the dead'bodv of one of i hU whrinmon numr.it ll..rrr.i, 'rr. ,- , . - , , ! f e "l -' a , ch W,,al ren.aiaed fol his head resting on the t.ick of j u; me . skuu nciug a mjueiriy . blown ofT nnd strewed, together i with part pi the under j w and I one of the eyes, in all dirt rt en$; : . a i I . . in t . ; near nun iiy a norso jistci. new.- t ly disf l arged, a bloody razor, anrj the tolloivm letter, addressed to rn i, i nis ! uu; isi time tsna.i evxjr guide; a pen to cou ey my :srritimenti to you. " God knows if yo;i will ever see this; but a it . is ouue uncertain wnetner i snail Even atfsee vou r Sunday, I am now de;.l run-j at this moment pldp ing it beyond - a lcuht. I shall never no, n vrr, sco you again! Now the tra' ; gedv begins I know what I am . about I am not Aohsh, not wor3 k ; man vou. Your handkerchief I ; . . . took m my pocket, you will re- ccive. I have met with unkind 1 ness for mv kindnes.-lfrownH for j rnv niiW Little did I cur think - . ; ... it 1.1 nmn f , lil&k tir,f a4if,ft II " UIIIU lll'. l lllll, iUI, I .- . my time i short Idie 'friends ! t IOU2t Vou would not part a such. Recollect the hour, and ' never part w ith any thing that Was i mine: keen them all. Come an1 i nine: keep them all. Come awl i we me once more and t ncc for ! H an I see' how you like mo . J . ; tlien. Adieu forever! Kemain- -'ing I w as. if vou had Only t-en ni, ..i. .. iim;. . . . '. , - -i , Chan : Tb' removaU frora ? oHio; till keep pare with the wishes of the people, and almost putt i:mh e s tn i.ir.jiii n the turning out of um coffin ' . . Admirutrat ion t ha? oust them ' A. , ' Mr Sfade.Mbo w turned ojt by ! the Secretary of State, at- Sah- " - ' l ... a MPglotK fOCICl tut. rry j'"".'" - Ully in tiie papr. od fi. - rg- f ment be eir iinvirf to tin-: I vrsk irj otfke it w la office-.! fired hish. ad M "P notnmg a-o-NX trr. - j ca3- iJaiti ) Af 3Iay 23, 1S29 2l4-3vr Jane? ,.:-.

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