i . ' FAX lEX" MOTERVA 1 ; ; HI AO ii ii x ( ? I I '"! j 'HELL. BY JOHN CAMP BEL 1 ITThf Minerva will b? p- ted i.rr cvfrv Thursday riioniinjr at -f4 pr annum, in advanp. or $ if -jay- j merit if noi rnan; w nnm .J mn Ilr- . If o paper to he Gicorit-nit d ' i a until all arrearage are paid, nr. it th" option of the Editor: an) failure to notify a discontinuaki will be considered as a-nw engrlgo mont. '' T7 Advertisement!, making t-w en- les-. inserted trir ee times foT One Dlar, and t wenK- cents for every Miti.'f.-f'ipm i..seri Longer ones in proportion. Ah on. i 3d- J 'vcrtisements wil ' he eontin;-en ion- i less otherwise oruereu-, and oarfi ! eontin iance charged. T.ottprs to the Editor muc' r -sotf .-w. orthev will not be attcjnd- I ed to I NE IV GOODS. 1 1 ST UITKIVKP.'RY At the firi'ck Store, A vnrieJ v of Fashionable and S sonable Str.plr"snd Fnhrv DRY GOODS: Amontr which :tre m.inv CUV. iind ELEO ANTtArticics. a-general assort mmt of arton?:Rirs A! o. u RH-W ARE, CROCK RY. G ASS-WARE, flats, Shoes, Lrathci IROfr, NAILS, &ic.'-.kc and i 1 1 1 r.j.v:c;v in all this re. 700 ?; ; h. '.- -dpern.r TURKS ISLAND SAIi The above together with tt' former stock makes my assojt meni as general and complete as 13 llv found in a country, stdrte Tkn hUvp o-nod-; will be sold on i no .iv- - . . i term. i niv usual iiti.'Mimi'"1!" , ! I therefore solicit all that wish o tU.. in mv line, io purc-uase call at the Brick Store and cxati- ino before they purchase cls wherc; as my goods having oef n all purchased with Cash, I th;n.i 1 :im justified in saying I am nine .jo Ws: and am determined not to be w - - f undersold by any erne. Hnlifnx. Tth April. 1820. ii kf williamTh. REDyooi, COMMISSION -U'-'JJlJ ' Warehouse on Vqodidtl;hrl recently occupied h A's?s. J. 4- IF. Southgatc, . r in tlie SAhb oi i ivu.m.v. ... T TIMBER-' f cverr. description. A X , PU11CII ASE of FiOOD rr which his commisxicr.3 vyi.r, C all cases, be very motierate. lhs attention being c- r.f.ned i- rvwnijA-.vii ?. in an t ft i ....lrr. of ner-ions and oT tjl nf tran.-actmg:.biisi!iesf--in t! Borough, toother whh his tboro;:5h 1 knowb'dge of the Cfivxlry p,tinrs j will, he hopes be tcu:u: a(.,uugr ou5 to those w,oar c! :y his I- ppf to MrF$rs CdUS-Shcltlor., ) Vi f rJt'sL.M'ineld-. S licmso'urz Robert Souter. Shields $-Ahbiirn Eds. Beacon Mav. 1K-29- Yorfolk. pr- i3 i:st rrceived a prime lot Hi iip.RRINGS which II 'offer, as usual, at the markefprice riu nf mv friends who have her totbre supplied themselves trom rnfcr V are-houses,: I earnei., , Twill not fail to srive me a cad rt n Yy this Klf lWAKI U T 1111 Til' .11 nji w. 1 - tnAket will afford i JOS. L- SIMMONS. tav ?S?t, P7 C ACTIOS. rrnHF raoacv fur the purchase cfja 2k Tract of Land cahVd Mush ll- la.nd, which was sold by the late W lLani Amis, deceased, to Lerau lion'", remains unpaid- and the equi table right to the same being now jr. the children of the said Long, and! I k".-t their viuaruian a.i persoffis r. hereby notified that I shall pr ceed to make said tract of land liable for the purchase money- JOHN D. AMIS, (iuardian. the children cfL-Long. SEW SPRING Goods Hit received, a :upV ojjuzni Uc tpring Goods among -uhicfi arc: -20 pieces Calicoes, all new st Piain and Figured Orps de N; tvle ap IJiack. Wliit- and i'mk cdims, Yellow Bancianna II kf. Grs de nap Hkfs, tome very spK-ndid. T Mn. r.d Womb's Linncn Hose: Ilrov.-n Lov. HUts, Hrown Cainbiics; Bn.vn French Drilling, Buckram; Mil cloth. Denmark Satteen; 'Belt RibbMis, fancy Vetoing &c Ladies dressing cases, and an ad . d.tional su pply of CIROCEItl ES. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, and MEDICINES; All of which will oe sold low for JC"-h' b J. HEMPSTEAD, Jr. I Halifax, N. C March V.M. 7 tf. Commercial and CommibsiOQ IVJREIJOUSE. ;TIIF. 'S'-'lcribers Have opened - in the town of Portsmouth, in the town f : t v rr !ifiii- 'III I.I . a ;OlIlMl. I'-l'H ' c:,r'ihe reception and sale of I reign and Domestic Merchandize and Produce of all kinds. Th following aro the terms on which thev will, as Commission Farmers and Merchants who . i I y toni-'S P"iUl I them, 'Will ne ciiarg.;u .t ion of fo xr n 7r cert, and NO CHARrffcs FOR STO RAGE, if.old within thirty days. An advance in. money wilfbe made on consignments of country prod-ice, upon which the usual inte rest will be charged. U the ad- vap.ee bc wished in merchandize, . ... ...... i : U l rlo ni it tvn te maie m -! 1 - - . - -it i may bo wanted, of PH out interesi. i i-" , ladelphia, Bait-more arc; iurn mond nrices. deducting theretrom the necessary expenses of-ship-. i ping, wharfage, drayage and com-j missi:)P. as charged in those cil!e!, respectively,' may always he cal-j culated oh in this and the adjoin-j in-r market, Norfolk. But the j subscribers will hold themselves bound, in roruUing the interest of their friends, to avail them selves of either of the above nam ed markets and when prices will iitifv a shipment, it shall be made ' 4...1 .,nn (Kn fcrOHSI- I bility. a'.ul at the riue: of con signees. ; ' The -correspondence ot t5C. fud- scrihers with The northern rities, will enaim able them at an limes io r.nivK rr.rrect repo rfs of the ac- 'tual sales of country and other nroduce. which they propose lrr,vn vri h tne prici-- , vrfrilL- market, to this anri me '.wi.iv.1" - those who mayconsi-ntothcm. .ri r..,ivrmnm remark, tor the informatipn of farmers and o; .4 .i .- Kp fli-ro-pcto avaii 1 ney mi inv.i i. - tncrsiii'" "; ; , ;vcs nf thnr ag hm. K ency, tnai . I . ituatcd. a 5 i r - - to 'receive ccr.- in rnanie iu-- uMthnnt tlie .'".): ense oi signmem -i drayage. wharfage, or expo sure to the weather. , Thcv will keep cn hand aid will always sell at the lowest pnecs Groceries of all kinds j IRON, NAItS, 6iC. AND 1)11 Y GOOD. k. - (mont Ot TO. ) .. th' la' L, ,a U now cooler:: rThpir asMTlii" ... be o coined 5 to m.-ci...e clands cl the apprua..- iet V son. icfcr,ir.S,to.Ufoo;n!r;! .. .tlica for k""'V Ibefrch.r-cter.n.r.y.ncv incu - ,i . oi.-.t rons-etiments. & Co. . rw -' v fir -i- f 12 ' Slarch 20. 1823. "itEFtRCNCC TO Rev. Dank Murfrec's John IV Senthcl Josepn G:Rca.F.r;. Dr Thos. Bornind, S. ' ef-' 12b 4i KAliriii;, . C. fit j. 1UTIW fie CO., 2NFORM their friends and the , public, generally, that they have cow on hand their supply of ; j SPHiSG (JQODSj whicii cmbracea compItte an VC" ry extensive assortment ot every Dcfirable'artirl of ; .' '. Staple and Fancy A polendtd assdrtment of Silks, i . c-; I rv;i ntrrn Roveraipiec-;-it. rednrosacmiuii,-"- . a new article, Fine A; -.beautiful, essortment 1 inc Thrcad Encer and.J- gsn b A most tplendul assortment oi r n , CV Calicoes ; A large block oi urw; A general as-ortment;ot - Urug?, wiis. ' Hate. Shoes and Hard variety . , v Wh. v.ith ev-r-'other article u j L-Pnf m an extensive .t""- Store, thr vor for .le on theynost hie term-. Beie.g confident t'hj.t t; crn neral sotisfac-. tavour? hie i rhev ro- spectf.illy inviteiheir friends in town ,-rid eeiintry io; can - - t'heir assortment. H&IiTax, May;7!n tfi (Tr FISH Ai.U tuu.. "A7E l:ave jilt rrc iv. d a cn y signmrnt'of ci;t .Herrings and Shad, . -.w wl) V rt put :n this season at oil" ! ne f,bt ceVMatcd; fisheries on uoan- hundred iarreis; - j' . - r. rhno and fanned; nil ot ioc:i wc v.iU Kell lflW for cash. R. & .1. HUN -N , & Max .Stee of Sdrth Carolina, Northampton County. Court of V leas avu (uarlcr Sessions. June Term, f John Peclio j ment levied on 2 n ecr roes, i An thony and Nan--v, and al-o the lands ,f the !o fetv.lant, eoiitni- nittg acies, in two or more J tracts. ; Jc'hn Lamberls-on f 1 Same. ; ; Willie Langford: j bame. San vs. I Same- :) . . .. r TiT appearing! Ii. ;,.. i"",!:rt.. th rtd thesatislaction oi "list-John Neb-on. the defendant' in the ibove narn.;d cau ie not-nn inhabitant ot this state. U Vtb r.-tbro orerf.i, that puohca tion brm,!' -in the Minerva, a neWs- For ,ix sMccivf wks. :that tho s;iid John Nel-oi.;apper.r at tne nex. C-urt "f i A. it aim v-t i. hrld 'for th- county of pior.s to b Northampton, a I th Furt House in Jackson.cn th- ti s.t ln Tnn.lnV IT. . :'- temb' r ir :.t. then and there to re S'i attached, and pbwv the property I l.,Hf, kmic: ot !i-rv. iudgjhent I .;n Ko nt.rd .-.o-ainst hirn uuai . - Witness. Inns W . Ii Rfi- Clerk of ou s-ai.hCourt. at office m brksnn. t?ie lir t Mondav in l':re. V P. 1.':2f. ai.d -ilrd year oi,oMr -n- ;e!'t ro'i)'" . John W. Harrison, C N C. C Pr-.ce a-lv . ' -"25 '-' - jVV StaU of Sorth Carolina,n Northampton tfiiM- ,'iUminfr essi tns. ."Or-.giiial at- tachn.. ut bv -ed n. a trrct of Ian -i Contain- IP nj Sin.r.icns Dtrr.cs Nathan 1 Rochedc- j more or b'.-; fa-, t . n ' nT appearing to th hani' ! K h'.l.- the detV-ndant I'iti.":.- cai e. r L.l fl). s I ' i net an mnauuaui y hen tore ordered; by the t-'r" l';a' pubheaticn be ma,ie in t he M.n-r.a. K1'' . .,, ihf town ' ! th i nn . r nnnteii ;n no tow n it wcek.- ix acc . th th.'.re o rcflevv fne prope ity so ithattl -said Nat-ru. i- C.i F , , U.Sr at thon.xt Court C I ku u tftth vrilnablr Meci- Quarter Sossiens; to be heidier i- . Shocco waters, j county ,fNer;thax?tonne: . -- t lthv ?art Hou-, in JacKson, on the fr r ,-unded by .pel; .'-,-r m Sep'-erre, next, uuu ..tr. w-ar an invstiid can otherwise lm jUt3gment nnl will be emer .1 :nes. . . . r. - TI . nil W - ,L f,f,w said Court, at orur., i,cV-..n. the first Monflty - t At in ?e ,r.i -,jrd year of our Juhii W.Harrisoc, c.-v. c Price sct J 5C. AUGUST 27, 1829. State of Xorfh Carolina, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. cntrt 0f puas cn,j Quarter Sessions . JU7ik Tern. 189. Smr.ucl Norwood Original aiiach- ' I nuTt levied on Rpcro boy nani- i G orge II.Rar.ey. j ed Wesley 'T ajjpearir.if. i th satisfaction' of the Co'iK. thaf O II Ra j.cv. ibe iftVi:t4ait ir. t!ii raese. is ii' t an inhabit ::nt of iKiis sfste It l ti.ert foreord'-tf d,tl.al j.ubiicptien be made in llu Mir.f-rva, a m-n-Fpajr r,rint,djn tK- town ot" Hahiux. l r Geor?0 H. Rdn v aj ;r-fr at th- n xt Colirt of Plcas-0n!i Quart, r Ses- cjons, to bo held for the county i ! x j lol t thp Conrt H(;,v ;n fnrUs.in. nn t first Tio.nuav in ptemuer ne.xr. men ....... ' ; th,4 Dror.,,rtv so attached and j nlead To issue, oth !vvse nr.ai juug- infTil xv ill be entered against him. Witne- John V. Habv.im. Clerk of our ?a:u Court, at of-.c- in . . . Jackson, the r.M .Monday oi jnnr,n. D. I w-29, and 63 rd rear ot our met prudence. .TrjHN W. HARRISON, r c . c. 6 w Ii ice adv. 5 ."( 21 Comm ission Business. JOS. xui-Ojs, JTIONTIM'ES to tian.-act a gen Vii eral COMMISSION BUSI NESS in the. town of J1tifar. N Carolina. II- has: secure and exten sive Warehouses, and hereby prom ises strict fidelity to the interest ot those who may favour him with their business. For t articular? refer to Jarnes (iordvii, .Vorot, Va. U c:ri Mason litax 1 ozen, i ;nd C. ' Aiirfrm Il.trm alifax, N. C June 13 21 tf t JAMES GORDON, LATELY A COMMISSI".-?-"MERCHANT IN PLVVOl'TJI, 7r.s removed to NORFOLK. Virn-liue,anl will transact any husinoss m that line vMiich maybe lllH'.i- t ru-teu io ills c;r-. ' jest: . ', N .t'entioe urd diligence, orfolk. Ya. May 1829. IT. tw Dr. Charles Cnshman cr-lTf TFrhLY cfu rs hif s .'f i'.'i ' Vices fn tho in- habitants of Ht.id. v and tne ne: . . , f,tn- Ho may at ,7 h ill ". . I - ... .-.i.HMril 111?, , I lil'- - - ti' unlos professionally engageu. 20 tt ! ic .Ah. s s a Wnrrcn Couiitv. N. Carolina. ' - J w N the t"w.-i .layof J-.ne next, the .hyiis-s- at Sheer.. Springs. Time ,.:'rB South If nrr.-nton, 5ii lH1 ' r miles from th Northern and South- yrp main t r t he reception . .f Visitors;. 1 ne xreat advanacr: f this watering ... i iiiace in rrnst cases (iiwPTi-f PI Ml dehii.tv. have neon ftf. n..rt i it ' thM' hv those who hive att n- cMi i mi v, r rrsr-arv to -1 i k. KiiiHSnfT. r re in excel- , . 1 Tne ac- lent reimr ui.u . !.. - .immodn: lotis. u cvrv rfMjfCt. tw- such as ny best . tt-Tts- can i . . .... -.inri !( nn who mav v.-it the place. T , r(. ho .. r,-,..- k ne e-sirr TO si. um ! buddings. 'are m nir;er.rly numeroj, 1 and r.-nvenientV arrar.d r the I accorr.r.v Nation-of a larr" asrn ' hiar-. T!ePriate arar.tm nts 'Aid f j . '.. te ? lose WHO ... v e r- rrr'er it bor-tHo? r.A ti,. ni b'te flfti! i t -t t- - Maa u;s t-" rrcti.1 a 1 who rnnv t - irecompar.y. and lj'vre mu.-ie and dancing can be "enjoyed br such a delimit in it: An arrar.geii.n! win iiii.c- rfVirmd at Sabbath c&v hd soce ty, wa?re an invstiid at IS be rector i io health, it ao agrcea ; for ic: wiH TUV - T Tit fc&XLIV V -;- - - . . . . .r st it: 1 .rei , . - - f.2 y), ... - - r-- - - rt f nil : ii i tv. - - month, or per frr-ints hilf prxti. Forbore;; ter month, cr i0 cent p-r day- ANN JOHNS0: m- - c. - r.-h-ere such visitors as may cr.oose. ... ,..-iir - A-'nciUi inco.i- From the Saturdaif'HuIUiin. Revolutionary ' Anecdote. Colonel Ulen .WlMne. This venerab'o and. ilitinguis dier of thn Revolution ing rearhei the patriarchal age otjex.Cpt twn Col. M line's (13 rhscif his earthly pilgrinngc t,or5iC , ared by the Grst tround at Wilmington, Delaware, on 1 j he had eer received, aod being day the !inh. ult. . ; a chosen atnmal, kct ahead for (f l M'Lane was i3istinj;uih--j seveTI milS white ' bV .two puf ertl lor djiring personal courage, $ucrs kept on witli " .unwearied ca nnd lor hi unremitted activity a,gernes. , r a partisan -omcrr: lie as long .ce"saniti. I-on i of -horse, hich throughout the t .war, the terror, of the British, An instance- of hi? personal pro- f wess, related to us "by himsell, we . Rrith r.,,n,t l'hit.-idpttdiia ; Col M'Lane w as , I - ! . i , :, 1 j conMantly scouring tho adjacent to walk Occasionally, as one cl country, particularly the ui. perl the troc persjpursued on n httleia end of Philadelphw, liurks and! advance oft h companion, tbo Montgomery counties seizing e- j Colonel slackened his pace, ana very opportunity to cut off" the j ions to be attacked by one of thJ scouting parties of the em my. to ! t wo; but t.o soom r . was his wdl intercept their supplies of pro vi-, I irghes 'discovered, lhrin the p sioti, and to take any ' advaitiagc ! ther fell back to his station. k)f every optnmg whicli offered j They at length approached ; so tor striking a sudden blow. ... In j n-arV ibt a conversdlin took this capacity he rendered many J pl.ire between them; the'troopers iniportant services to lhi armv.Jra :it-t out. urreiiuttr, and caused great alarm to the British, and though the y frequent-; ly af tempted to' surprise, and takt him, vet such was his constant watchfulness, that uone of their attempts succeeded Having concerted with Captain Craig, (now. hving, we l-elicve, near Relvidere, N. J.) the plan oi an attack upon a small detachment of the enemy, they agreed to ren dezvous at a house near Shoema- -,,ri,n rMtrbt miles from Phila rvi.- ...-,---, . If II f i : : bra, on the liiow uroye T'cnpike Colonel M'Lane ha- vnig crdereu ins nine ui II t ill. 1 . r 4 r . I troupers to follow at some dis tance, commanoe.i io o. mnii to prrede the main body, but al so to keep in his rear: and if they discovered an enemy to ride up to his side and inform him of it, without speaking aloiid. While homely approaching the place. o" rendezvous, in this order, in tlie early grey of the morning, I he two men directly in 'hi- rear, tor getting their orders, -suddenly cal led out, "Colonel, the British!" faced about, and puiting rpurs to their horses; were soon out . of i i ..... r i stght. 'I' ho colonel looked a round, clscoverd that he was in the centre of a powerful ambus cade, inio which' the enemy had " J . . ' J. altowea mm io pass without his observing . tnem They (ev hncd both sides of the road. and li'ad been ttationed there to pick up- any stragghng party of A Ti.,n-:.n thnt mient rhanre ,io Dts. Imnie'd iatelv on tthpv were discverei. a i iirr- roMS from the side 6.1 the high." ay, and fired at the Co lonel, but without effect and" as bo nut purs to bis hor-e. atid nii-uitttnl ItiP ro.ia s.Ut" new uii; ! iko ntUft iart of. the dc- f ;rtirr.rnt nlso tlfea. ,.i ..jL"..,,,.!, r j nel miraculously ccpjed. b it a , -Uhot striking be hcre on the . . . , i . tk 1 rot striKtnz mi o'." ? ' - ' . . r" . . 1 l. .i.V.4 itirnih Ihe wOfds, a? a,w!. ,oai or- h. Vp: died a p- familiar with tlx; country be fear r die fear- al VhA ' d be ed to turn to the left,; .. . lint rils . . . . .-. i.. ,.hpr m.giu oe inicrtApi wj -mhuscade 1 urnmg IDcreiore a. J to th rights his frightened horse ca mtd him swiftly beyorKi mc i re ach of tboiCi who fired upon h;m. All af'rmce, Mcr. -emerging from a piece of woods, he 'observed several Hnti,h troo- rs stationed near the to pes an and direct h m vgm . Cirtn house. 3r..iind whicn ne o- u-p .Obe rrp.i a whole I . ,(nn daHed by tne irr..T . . mofsted. ther be i,v ior b was on bis way to tbe ran 5D lt,l?to ---: to surrender hioe - ... riviii'i ma The I be Urm noose i titer section ,fT r, TWO rvv. ,ne ---t.r"Ta i w s- - - few .' p - r , , , . a,....fl liv ttj- jr.!- - J 3 tei n uirn. k'" t , uirn. be z-ih4 oiy's .r "...rr.K.2othcfJttl. .;.lU. i r.-ch wucu. Cfi ro-i 1 . r.-.jl lli.'k. ' hesca.ctirebor,c.tcro- HO. 29 , cd 9'nMenIy. to the r-ijjhf, and ?oon xatnj oui oi rratu wi pistols, though as he turned, bo hMrrl them call Iotnll? to urreo fcr of, d-ej A dozen were in- ncu x.'Utantly in porsuit. but m a horx lUr bav.ft- . ii ave up the ehaa j lie pursuit i leuiu ," w - hot, that, as tbc Colonel Rvrsa stepped out of a f mall broolc which crossed the read, hia pur suers entered it at the.cppof itO niargm In aycendirg' a little nui the hordes of the three, were .,t. v n.t.d-o n.urh so that n - dhi r i onld be urired taster ttiao Jamn'd rebel, or we'll cut you in )ieces!" Suddenly, one of t bent rode' up on the right side of tho1 Colonel, oral without dra wirg his sword, laid hold of the CoIoneV collar. The ..Jailer, to use his own words,' "had pistols which Ac knem he could: depend up fn." Drawing one from the hosier, he placed it to I he feca rt of b- antr. gonist, fired' and tumbled hi.a dead on the ground Ir.T:-.rdlyy the ether came, up on bi9'?ci1 with his sword-drawn, and aUo seized the Colonel by h? crUif of bis coat. A fierce d dtdlS struirfile iierc ensu"d-'-iP ih .course of whi-h Colonel Mci-ipO was desperately w6':rde.J n 1oo. back cf his left hmd, the sword ' of his antagonist cuttinj; asunder ihe veins and "tendon of t hit member. Seizing a favourable opportunity, he drew tm other pistol, with a steadiness of pur. , pose which appeared ercn in bi$ recital of the incident, placed it directly letweea the eyes of bin adversary, pulled the trigger, and scattered his brains on every sido of the road! Fearing tbnf others were in pursuit, he aha:doried hiJ horse in thfe highway and appre hensive frorh Ins extreme weak ness, that he might die from loss of blood, he crawled into an adja- t ..ll nhrr v r.keil &m -vm " '"v ' , . "7. .iZL at lengtti cce . the proluse now oi oio'i w.w'iuw ed by this wound.. We have seu j p;nntinx of this desperate eri- ti-.dir.e- counter, very ecuraic.iy.rprccn ti;e tA ting the coid't It u-ed to U C(,n,moh m our auction room, out of l ite vers has become scarce. It shoufd be revived, paiUfd oa f r and b: burn and b: bung up fa. the bui-e t -very nun winrvf ar crate the memory cf tn depart-, r- . Phe Colored patriots ol 111; c'lntrv i FiXial Lnlerpme -Si-c cntcrpn-. ., - . . . . .. tu nti7Pii4 01 -aicm. Si tor r'iX" " 'VS . robna with an out nr. or-1 'l"1" "f , implements .They :Sr rct.d lb. - ' i ground, and Ubod d.bgtlyun. ti all thtr money j , rr.flirnca home a le few days ; . . I(fnt th. Ui 9iDce,hiviu -pent . thn . d k . . (nf t i ir One i n iitl lor debt: : I hey , mo r!,IO,t. s OTjr fellow. crt.zen of Meekh nbiirg, Mr. ar rb. ho. ,th four ImoI?. cltrars ooe hundred dollars ft day froa hi miser rtcl. St jr. Torch L;KU -f ,l t hkb - 'PV' " , m -puf mall band cf Iobns - r w- Kt jit -t n th-if rciirn ir, . ttle erod. not.bmir,. - a w j i i . anT ttins. It . . . , , . wuj. M - - t , & m it - , r r.r-1 til. 'j. . ' .k.ir --'! v itre"tMrf- rb" :ortavr d.o-eT, .1 ...... rr.-'i' - ' 7' ,1" i fv b May 2Sf 18'9.

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